C. S. Rao

Indian screenwriter (Pranam Khareedu
Died on Tuesday April 14th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to C. S. Rao:

@INCVinayPandey: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@MukeshForInc: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@DrINCsupporter: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@ravisannappa: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago


@bonvent44: @albert_s_c Jo ho he fet !!!! Però potser tens raó - 5 years ago

@ManojSansare1: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@harisbutt142: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@ShubhamJatal1: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@s_prasant2001: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@Karunanidhan27: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@MutilatedDreams: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@shanmugam_18: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@Viking853: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@Dhananj59118864: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@AShaikhINC: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@dmurugeshan2: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@Patil_Mahesh_S: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@AsifAnsariINC: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@ArkCmdr: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@BhondePushkar: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@loudspeaker_off: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@CongressMykkudy: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@NKaul24: RT @INCMumbai: "The main credit for the formulation of our country’s democratic Constitution and establishing the democratic institutions,… - 5 years ago

@AjitkumarPrabhu: RT @JSANWARBASHA2: JTOs Transmission D.Siva Purna Chandra Rao and C.Chandra Sekhar jointing 96F cable in lockdown time at Auto Nagar Vijaya… - 5 years ago

@JAISRIRAAM1: RT @JSANWARBASHA2: JTOs Transmission D.Siva Purna Chandra Rao and C.Chandra Sekhar jointing 96F cable in lockdown time at Auto Nagar Vijaya… - 5 years ago

@Rao_sahab_D_S7: RT @MilHistoryIndia: The exterior of Chaitya Cave no. 19, drawn by English watercolourist T.C. Dibdin Reveals the illustrious #Hindu-#Buddh… - 5 years ago

@chowkid89603007: RT @JSANWARBASHA2: JTOs Transmission D.Siva Purna Chandra Rao and C.Chandra Sekhar jointing 96F cable in lockdown time at Auto Nagar Vijaya… - 5 years ago

@amandxcztti: Preferências culinárias: Bolo: 🥕🍫 Doce: 🍫 Sorvete: prefiro açaí Chocolate: 5star Suco: 🍍c hortelã Refri: guaraná… - 5 years ago

@VinayLove01: #Likee #HelloLikee Vinay Rao is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@JSANWARBASHA2: JTOs Transmission D.Siva Purna Chandra Rao and C.Chandra Sekhar jointing 96F cable in lockdown time at Auto Nagar V… - 5 years ago

@sreereddy_rao: #Hyderabadescortsservice #Escortsinhyderabad #independentescortsinHyderabad - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @AP: President Trump says in a tweet that he'll sign an executive order “to temporarily suspend immigration" into the U.S. because of th… - 5 years ago

@csrao10: @GummallaSrijana Hearty Congratulations and wish you all all the Best.....Dr.(Smt.) CHALLA MAHALAKSHMI and C S RAO ADVOCATES - 5 years ago

@csrao10: @GummallaSrijana Congratulations n wish you all the best... Dr.(Smt.) CHALLA MAHALAKSHMI and C S RAO ADVOCATES - 5 years ago

@AhmadRaooffici1: #Likee #HelloLikee 👑Ahmad Rao👑 is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@AhmadRaooffici1: #Likee #HelloLikee 👑Ahmad Rao👑 is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@eformigap: @lopezbofill @republicviatger Tens raó. No entenia aquesta virulència q es gasten més pròpia d C’s en la seva millo… - 5 years ago

@BVishalRao: Diagnostic utility of immunohistochemical marker prostein for evaluation of primary and metastatic prostatic carcin… - 5 years ago

@HuguetPere: RT @RicardHuguet: Quanta raó tenies President de voler la candidatura unitària independentista a l’ ajuntament de Barna. Hauríem evitat hav… - 5 years ago

@RicardHuguet: Quanta raó tenies President de voler la candidatura unitària independentista a l’ ajuntament de Barna. Hauríem evit… - 5 years ago

@Govind_Rao_12: RT @HemantP57063386: Amid Lockdown, Andhra Man Walks for 88km with 5-year-old Son's Body to Reach Nearest Crematorium - 5 years ago

@JoMaGalceran: @DFerrerC @CNICatalunya Comuns/PSC/C's/PP/Vox = irredemptisme espanyol. Tots aquests partits tenen la mateixa raó d… - 5 years ago

@Elsa_Punky: RT @AgustiIgnasi: @Apujolmas Malauradament té raó en part, C's, IC V (Podem) són sectes no partits. - 5 years ago

@savitha_rao: @sonalkalra @aaditya1988 @c_aashish @pratapsomvanshi Well..then we have 2 angels :) Kudos to both of you. Without… - 5 years ago

@jordigoula: @loulancho @AntoniGarrell @JosepMVilalta @virginiog @parra1959 @anaisbernal @davidgarrofe @alba_a_c @XavierMarcet… - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @TwitterMoments: With most professional sports suspended, it’s time for people to get creative. Introducing Roomba-Swiffer curling, via… - 5 years ago

@AgustiIgnasi: @Apujolmas Malauradament té raó en part, C's, IC V (Podem) són sectes no partits. - 5 years ago

@ayshaslam999: @GutGirlMD @AnastasiaSMihai @PushpaShivaram @DrJenniferCo_Vu @BoggildLab @fitmslax @CardiacPA1 @jointdocShields… - 5 years ago

@rao_lk: RT @Swamy39: Chidambaram’s cousin A C Muthaiah charge sheeted by CBI for looting Rs.102 crores from Syndicate Bank - 5 years ago

@erguibus: @Totestaagafat @pilarcarracelas Tens molta raó i un cop es desmarxa afegeixen nous "alicients" = potem, pox, c,s...… - 5 years ago

@quatrerodes67: @DavidGR1714 Tens tota la raó , els del pp Vox c’s psoe PSC tot el q roben als catalans també els afecta a ells per… - 5 years ago

@dr_sriniva: Today’s Activity by Association of Alliance Clubs International District-137& VasudevaHospital 😷Distribution of 30… - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @gmaniatis: A GROWING WAVE 👉 NY, NJ, Ontario, Germany, Spain, Buenos Aires, France have made it easier for immigrant health-care workers… - 5 years ago

@GyllenhaalManoj: @ShailajaReddi In both telugu State's one of the most highest amount given by Ramoji Rao garu@20crores @KTRTRS appr… - 5 years ago

@89a_rao: 今PAT入金して先週の振り返りして今週の出馬表眺めてるんだけど、先週中山1200走った千直専用機のライオンボス、当然負けたんだけど、見せ場もあって思ったよりちゃんと走れてた。去年はアイビスSDの後キーンランドCで惨敗したけど、今年… - 5 years ago

@AhmadRaooffici1: #Likee #HelloLikee 👑Ahmad Rao👑 is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@AhmadRaooffici1: #Likee #HelloLikee 👑Ahmad Rao👑 is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@pamelaaax: RT @ElinaKost: S/o to @jamaltrulove @jackwstevenson @ATompiech A.Rao @ClioKorn P. Concepcion C.Altobelli @_hartsick S/o to our faculty an… - 5 years ago

@ElinaKost: S/o to @jamaltrulove @jackwstevenson @ATompiech A.Rao @ClioKorn P. Concepcion C.Altobelli @_hartsick S/o to our f… - 5 years ago

@saivijaym: RT @VjaCityPolice: On 16.04.20 Sri Ch.Dwaraka Tirumala Rao, IPS, CP, Vja City, distributed 51 rice bags to Indian Red Cross Society & S.K.C… - 5 years ago

@tvsreddy5: RT @VjaCityPolice: On 16.04.20 Sri Ch.Dwaraka Tirumala Rao, IPS, CP, Vja City, distributed 51 rice bags to Indian Red Cross Society & S.K.C… - 5 years ago

@VinayLove01: #Likee #HelloLikee Vinay Rao is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@VjaCityPolice: On 16.04.20 Sri Ch.Dwaraka Tirumala Rao, IPS, CP, Vja City, distributed 51 rice bags to Indian Red Cross Society &… - 5 years ago

@CSIRCSMCRI1: Today's lecture is by Prof. C. N. R. Rao ​Titled of the lecture: Exciting story of Chemical Science About Speaker… - 5 years ago

@akshayactivist: RT @SECBADCANTT: #CBsAgainstCOVID19 Heartfelt gratitude to Shri C Narsing Rao and Shri V S Lamba who have contributed to Rs. 1,01,000/- & R… - 5 years ago

@sonamley: RT @SECBADCANTT: #CBsAgainstCOVID19 Heartfelt gratitude to Shri C Narsing Rao and Shri V S Lamba who have contributed to Rs. 1,01,000/- & R… - 5 years ago

@HydWatch: RT @SECBADCANTT: #CBsAgainstCOVID19 Heartfelt gratitude to Shri C Narsing Rao and Shri V S Lamba who have contributed to Rs. 1,01,000/- & R… - 5 years ago

@amritananda_c: RT @DrHarjitBhatti: This is what all it takes to lose your job & career in Today’s India. An orthopaedic surgeon distributed 102 Face Shiel… - 5 years ago

@VinayLove01: #Likee #HelloLikee Vinay Rao is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@HiHyderabad: RT @SECBADCANTT: #CBsAgainstCOVID19 Heartfelt gratitude to Shri C Narsing Rao and Shri V S Lamba who have contributed to Rs. 1,01,000/- & R… - 5 years ago

@SECBADCANTT: #CBsAgainstCOVID19 Heartfelt gratitude to Shri C Narsing Rao and Shri V S Lamba who have contributed to Rs. 1,01,00… - 5 years ago

@AhmadRaooffici1: #Likee #HelloLikee 👑Ahmad Rao👑 is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@AhmadRaooffici1: #Likee #HelloLikee 👑Ahmad Rao👑 is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@pc2453: @oimacat Perque te una "pinya" (els d'Erc en diuen "base") molt extensa. "Atado y bien atado" deia el cabró, ens en… - 5 years ago

@EnfinFermin: RT @iaiopep: @DavidGR1714 Penso que tens una mica de raò. @EnComu_Podem es volen disputar els vots de C' s amb el @socialistes_cat i han d… - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @FAO: #COVID19 pandemic has focused world’s attention on lack of ventilators, respiratory masks & ICU beds. Far less attention has been… - 5 years ago

@cervera_jess: RT @iaiopep: @DavidGR1714 Penso que tens una mica de raò. @EnComu_Podem es volen disputar els vots de C' s amb el @socialistes_cat i han d… - 5 years ago

@dieglobero: @NurietaSW e s p e c t a c u l a r 🤩🤩🤩 Ets l’única raó per la que no vull que acabi el confinament! - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @DavidCornDC: According to this study, Trump’s initial denials of the #coronavirus threat and his lackadaisical and inept response are c… - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @bri_sacks: I don't write personal things often, but running changed my life. It can be hard and frustrating, but there's a "why" behind… - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @Reuters: A day fighting COVID-19: U.S. hospital staff share hardest moments on shift - 5 years ago

@saniya_rao: RT @FenitN: BREAKING: New D.C. mayor's order requires people to wear masks at hotels, during taxi and ride-share trips and workers at food… - 5 years ago

@peoplesvoice_s: RT @INCTelangana: Today Congress party organised an all party meeting of opposition parties to discuss Covid-19 issues. Shri. Uttam Kumar R… - 5 years ago

@wrwre: RT @A76880614: @MrIndia04 @MunCorpGurugram @Dchautala @cmohry @PMOIndia @AmitKhatriIAS @AshishKakran3 @Gurgaonite @MeraGurgaon @wrwre @sudh… - 5 years ago

@namitjain1987: RT @A76880614: @MrIndia04 @MunCorpGurugram @Dchautala @cmohry @PMOIndia @AmitKhatriIAS @AshishKakran3 @Gurgaonite @MeraGurgaon @wrwre @sudh… - 5 years ago

@A76880614: @MrIndia04 @MunCorpGurugram @Dchautala @cmohry @PMOIndia @AmitKhatriIAS @AshishKakran3 @Gurgaonite @MeraGurgaon… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: C. S. Rao (writer) - 5 years ago

@durgaprasadvelp: RT @asianet_telugu: చిరంజీవి ఫస్ట్ మూవీ రైటర్ కన్నుమూత.. సింగపూర్ లో చిక్కుకుపోయిన కొడుకు . #CSRao #Megastarchiranjeevi - 5 years ago

@asianet_telugu: చిరంజీవి ఫస్ట్ మూవీ రైటర్ కన్నుమూత.. సింగపూర్ లో చిక్కుకుపోయిన కొడుకు . #CSRao #Megastarchiranjeevi - 5 years ago

@ntdailyonline: సి.ఎస్‌.రావు కన్నుమూత - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @CGDev: 🚨#BREAKING: Trump announces pause in @WHO funding amid #COVID19 pandemic. Our @JeremyKonyndyk wrote in today's @washingtonpost… - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @LauraHayesDC: Here’s Nick Wiseman from Little Sesame in @washingtonpost making me cry with a short but powerful op-ed. - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @Yamiche: President Trump says U.S. is pulling funding to WHO because the group praised China's "transparency." Below is President Trum… - 5 years ago

@SaraD5597A: @Lorali_luthor @Lillianloathes @LL_LovesYou @Samariaslovesu @DanversPuppy Oh Rao!! I'd like to see your mom's face… - 5 years ago

@Ombudsman___: RT @iaiopep: @DavidGR1714 Penso que tens una mica de raò. @EnComu_Podem es volen disputar els vots de C' s amb el @socialistes_cat i han d… - 5 years ago

@evaxr: @DavidGR1714 Crec que tens raó, ja que c’s se’n va pel pedregar volen les paperetes dels seus votants, queda clar, competiran amb el psc 😄 - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: C. S. Rao, you will be missed - #CSRao #C. #S.Rao #rip - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP C. S. Rao (writer) @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #C.S.Rao(writer) add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@iaiopep: @DavidGR1714 Penso que tens una mica de raò. @EnComu_Podem es volen disputar els vots de C' s amb el… - 5 years ago

@Raman74307307: @KTRTRS Respected KTR Garu need your help. My dad C.S.Rao Garu passed away this evening at Hyd. I need to travel fr… - 5 years ago

@manatelugumovie: Film Writer C S Rao Passed Away: Renowned Telugu writer Sri C.S. Rao(85) breathed his last… - 5 years ago

@industry_hit: సినీ రచయిత సి.ఎస్.రావు కన్నుమూత #CSRao - 5 years ago

@123telugu: సినీ రచయిత సి.ఎస్.రావు కన్నుమూత ! #csrao - 5 years ago

@iqlikmovies: సినీ రచయిత సి.ఎస్.రావు కన్నుమూత. #CSRao #Tollywood #Writer - 5 years ago

@AkashRa06829675: #Likee #HelloLikee akash rao is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@Pratap_Daddikar: ...3 Ambedkar4Sanskrit# in addition to Ambedkar, Pandit Laxmikant Mitra (Bengal), There were T.T. Krishnamachari (… - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @iamjohnoliver: Here's our piece from last night on how Coronavirus is affecting workers... - 5 years ago

@savitha_rao: RT @amishra77: India's timely actions in containing threat of #COVID2019 has had a significant impact. In the graph of rate of growth afte… - 5 years ago

@Nimeshyadav1111: #Likee #HelloLikee DR. RAO SHAHB is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@EesamRakesh1: Mera Bharath Mera pariwar🇮🇳 Distributed Rice & Groceries at Anandbagh X Roads Malkajgiri. Chief guest's Shri.Bandi… - 5 years ago

@rao_ruthwik: @konjak A.I feel like some games should be allowed to exercise as much exploration and extent of challenge as they… - 5 years ago

@c_palazzi: RT @Ingridguardiola: he de reconèixer que miro amb plaer webcams en streaming que donen a llocs (ara) buits (inclosos parcs naturals de nit… - 5 years ago

@anna_c_escobar: Que et diguin: "Les teves propostes per la Ciutat están bé, però d'això q s'encarregui qui ha de fer-ho.Tú et queda… - 5 years ago

@Sidharthkisali: @ruhanika_ @iAnusha_rao @Ishani_6543 @BaBaOnLoop @Namratajha111 @AlinaHassan16 @ippatel @pattanayaks64 @s_shehnaaz… - 5 years ago

@sandhya_c_rao: RT @DrTedros: Great op-ed by @BillGates about the #COVID19 response. I thank him for his support of @WHO’s call for global solidarity, inve… - 5 years ago

@pheliranx: @KeMatumbei @ChengoKE @Gideon_Kitheka @Oloitiko Ruto killed Musando, Yebei, Kenei, Jacob Juma, I.C.C witnesses....l… - 5 years ago

@AhmadRaooffici1: #Likee #HelloLikee 👑Ahmad Rao👑 is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

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