Buzz Clifford

American singer-songwriter
Died on Sunday January 28th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Buzz Clifford:

@tropicalisimany: - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: @HornetsGIFs @StrikaNation24_ No, none of the blame is ever put on Lord Clifford. He is untouchable for some apparent reason. - 7 years ago

@RafaelTorresNBA: @Fullcourt_Buzz I haven’t heard much blame on Clifford to be honest - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: @RafaelTorresNBA Clifford is the reason why - 7 years ago


@FoxOldies989: Playing Baby Sittin' Boogie by Buzz Clifford - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: RT @MMhornets: Kemba is Eli, OBJ is Clifford’s job... - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: Steve Clifford could take a team of D leaguers and probly compete for an 8 seed. Steve Clifford could also take Leb… - 7 years ago

@MaxRadioCanada: Buzz Clifford - Baby Sittin' Boogie now playing on Max Radio! - 7 years ago

@DundeeDiskery: Rest in peace Buzz Clifford who died January 26th aged 75. - 7 years ago

@Otto_Mation: Another UNcommon oldie BUZZ CLIFFORD - UNTIL THEN on the most interesting oldies station ever, TopShelf Oldies… - 7 years ago

@tropicalisimany: - 7 years ago

@oldiesrockmusic: The Life and Music of Buzz Clifford - 7 years ago

@JackMixFM: #NowPlaying Baby Sittin' Boogie by Buzz Clifford - 7 years ago

@British_Buzz: @nickdenning @At_The_Hive I just feel like the franchise is out of ideas, they tried their best but I see no way to… - 7 years ago

@kasanomaa: Fresh on Ghana Buzz: Clifford Owusu Live in Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦 - 7 years ago

@NowOnMKEOldies: Buzz Clifford - Baby Sittin' Boogie - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: @BringBackTheBuz What makes Clifford so special? What makes him untouchable? I’ve really wondered about this whole… - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: Clifford is Garbage - 7 years ago

@FoxOldies989: Playing Baby Sittin' Boogie by Buzz Clifford - 7 years ago

@wismiss3: RT @VVNMusic: ICYMI: Buzz Clifford, who had a top ten hit in 1960 with "Baby Sittin' Boogie", has died at the age of 76. - 7 years ago

@VVNMusic: ICYMI: Buzz Clifford, who had a top ten hit in 1960 with "Baby Sittin' Boogie", has died at the age of 76. - 7 years ago

@PLASTICPIZZA: Buzz Clifford R.I.P. - 7 years ago

@VVNMusic: VVN: Grammy Award Winners; Fleetwood Mac Salute; RIP Buzz Clifford; Andrew Lloyd Webber Career Retrospective; Phil… - 7 years ago

@AlbumdeBlues: Muere Buzz Clifford, cantante, guitarrista y compositor de pop - 7 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Muere Buzz Clifford, cantante, guitarrista y compositor de pop - 7 years ago

@hotburritonl: R.I.P. Buzz Clifford (October 8, 1942 - January 26, 2018) Baby Sittin' Boogie ( Stereo ) - 7 years ago

@alta_fidelidad: El viernes pasado fallecía Buzz Clifford (76). Su mayor éxito fue este Baby Sittin' Boogie (#6 EEUU, 1961) 👶 - 7 years ago

@FrankBeacham123: Buzz Clifford, 'Baby Sittin' Boogie' Singer, Dead at 76 - Best Classic Bands - 7 years ago

@tomyamaguchi: I never watch awards shows, but I'm curious. Any tributes to Buzz Clifford tonight at the #GRAMMYs ? Booga Booga Booga Allllll Gone. 😊 - 7 years ago

@BestClassicBnds: We join those mourning the passing of singer Buzz Clifford: - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Buzz Clifford (75) American musician - 7 years ago


@NeufeldMusic: While we’re mourning Buzz Clifford, here’s an often overlooked cut from his catalogue. Beck sampled it in his... - 7 years ago

@NeufeldMusic: R.I.P. Buzz Clifford... 😢 - 7 years ago

@SteveLuffRadio: Buzz Clifford, ‘Baby Sittin’ Boogie’ Singer, Dead at 76 | Best Classic Bands - 7 years ago

@DanaKarel: #RIP #RIP2018 #BuzzClifford (October 8, 1942 – January 26, 2018) pop singer, songwriter Buzz Clifford - Baby Sittin… - 7 years ago

@KCsixtyseven: A major plus for Kerry today is that there's a buzz about a few players, and none of them are David Clifford. - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad; Ed Sullivan music coordinator Robert Arthur; singer and songwriter… - 7 years ago

@disquiet: RIP, Buzz Clifford (b. 1941), singer and songwriter ("Baby Sittin’ Boogie") - 7 years ago

@disquiet: RIP, British music critic Cliff White (72) - 7 years ago

@Pauseandplay: R.I.P. Singer-songwriter Buzz Clifford ("Baby Sittin' Boogie") - 7 years ago

@tomyamaguchi: Singer and songwriter Buzz Clifford dies at 76 of complications from the flu. His big hit was "Baby Sittin' Boogie"… - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Buzz Clifford - 7 years ago

@Nekrologium: Buzz Clifford, US-amerikanischer Sänger, am 26.01.2018 im Alter von 75 Jahren - - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Buzz Clifford - #BuzzClifford #Buzz #Clifford #rip - 7 years ago

@roepoeronnepon: - 7 years ago

@MarianneCramer: RT @VVNMusic: Buzz Clifford, who had a top ten hit with "Baby Sittin' Boogie" and wrote the Keith Barbour song "Echo Park", has died from c… - 7 years ago

@poeetweet: RT @VVNMusic: Buzz Clifford, who had a top ten hit with "Baby Sittin' Boogie" and wrote the Keith Barbour song "Echo Park", has died from c… - 7 years ago

@nusakanradio: Now Playing On Nusakan Radio: Buzz Clifford - Baby Sittin' Boogie #NowPlaying Tune in at - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: @hornets That’s the face we all make when Clifford makes substitutions or when we know that we draft rookies to giv… - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: @hornets @Sprite Clifford can’t Coach. - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: @SwarmnSting Clifford is a crap Coach. There has been enough excuses made for that man. - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: Bring back Silas... I don’t understand the hype around the NBA about Clifford. His lineup are a joke. - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: Clifford and Batum are a duo made in heaven... what an absolute joke. - 7 years ago

@hugothehornetig: @British_Buzz Clifford loves WE - 7 years ago

@British_Buzz: RT @HornetsPR: Clifford tells media that Malik Monk will be the @hornets backup PG tonight with Carter-Williams out. #BuzzCity - 7 years ago

@VVNMusic: Buzz Clifford, who had a top ten hit with "Baby Sittin' Boogie" and wrote the Keith Barbour song "Echo Park", has d… - 7 years ago

@infectious60s: Now playing@ - 7 years ago

@BlitzMagazine: Sorry to report the passing of composer and Berwyn, Illinois native REESE "BUZZ" CLIFFORD, whose early 1961 Baby Si… - 7 years ago

@Buzz_Battenberg: @ed_son @EmmaKennedy Louis Theroux interviewed Max Clifford and Jimmy Savile...should I hate him?.🤔 - 7 years ago

@oldiesmusic: Buzz Clifford ("Baby Sittin' Boogie") passes... - 7 years ago

@Fullcourt_Buzz: Hey Clifford how about we defend the 3. - 7 years ago

@kasanomaa: Popular on Ghana Buzz: Clifford Owusu Live in Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦 - 7 years ago

@buylegalmusic: buzz clifford : I’ll Never Forget | #buzzclifford - 7 years ago

@FoxOldies989: Playing Baby Sittin' Boogie by Buzz Clifford - 7 years ago

@PatrickConnor7: @British_Buzz Clifford, is a great guy, but this old school brand of basketball is not working.! - 7 years ago

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