Burt Reynolds

American actor (Boogie Nights
Died on Thursday September 6th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Burt Reynolds:

@ceddyb_: RT @NYoung_89: Burt Reynolds, Stan Wilcox, and Bailey Hockman saw it coming.. - 6 years ago

@MerlenesMemos: The only perfume for Burt Reynolds. - 6 years ago

@Simon_Tyers: @sebpatrick I was actually thinking the other day that 2018 might challenge it (Hawking, Aretha, Dodd, Grantham, Bo… - 6 years ago

@THESAMUELSTEEL: RT @gettv: Before he became a movie superstar, #BurtReynolds headlined a TV cop show. We have 4 episodes for you today! DAN AUGUST — 12–5p… - 6 years ago


@syaoran_chivas: RT @BartManMX: El actor Burt Reynolds fallece a los 82 años de edad... En los Simpson lo recordaremos por su película 🎬🍿 Bola de Fuego Emp… - 6 years ago

@brucewilkers: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@Underground_edm: Fridays & Saturdays Have $8 Beer Cocktails, $4 Burt Reynolds, and from 5 to 10 our $20 Chef Special meal! Rotates Weekly! Come by and Enjoy! - 6 years ago

@FlexZerba: RT @WorldClassRev: #jointherevolution tonight in El Dorado, AR as we pay tribute to Burt Reynolds with our version of “Smokey and the Bandi… - 6 years ago

@F3_IckeyShuffle: At least Burt Reynolds didn’t live to see this Florida State team. - 6 years ago

@ReaganLodge: @DougTenNapel Showing chest hair every day of the month as mourning custom for the departed Burt Reynolds. - 6 years ago

@BalanceOverBias: @MattPakula @BuddhaKatze @dbaerwald1 @NegusHamitic @andrew_acrasm @MuKaoKai @agador9 @Chas78287697 @RedDragonFly19… - 6 years ago

@Neurosturgeon: @oprman @RollingHillsMT @thomaskaine5 Jack was 92 and a collector. At the time of his death, he was reading multipl… - 6 years ago

@OldSchoolCeleb: Sally Field and Burt Reynolds, 1977 - 6 years ago

@CellarTheatre: RT @PrintFilm: Burt Reynolds as Hooper. Film Review November 1978. - 6 years ago

@Ali_1976_: RT @ForeverPontiac: RIP Burt Reynolds 2/11/36 - 9/6/2018 Share your memories with us in our discussion topic on our forums at: - 6 years ago

@ch0keArtist: RT @IamEveryDayPpl: Has Fox News used a pic of Tom Selleck in it's Burt Reynolds story yet? - 6 years ago

@MsDGrant: RT @therealjoebob: My thoughts on the greatest redneck actor of all time. @takimag - 6 years ago

@Phillipwwise1: RT @blakeshelton: Extremely sad to hear about the passing of Burt Reynolds.. Possibly my favorite personality of all time. Thoughts and pra… - 6 years ago

@smoothjazznmore: Burt Reynolds dies at 82 via @CNN - 6 years ago

@Number1HipFan: RT @coreyburbick: burt reynolds is the only one who prepared himself for this football season - 6 years ago

@andrewh53127720: What a sad couple of weeks. We now add Dudley Sutton to the list of actors who are gone but never forgotten. #RIP D… - 6 years ago

@ReaganLodge: Men, be sure to reveal chest hair daily in prayer for our departed champion Burt Reynolds, that his soul may escape… - 6 years ago

@FranceMondeNews: Mort de Burt Reynolds, acteur et séducteur de "Délivrance" à "Smokey and the Bandit" - 6 years ago

@WYMT: Couple would not have met if not for Burt Reynolds - 6 years ago

@G_CHerndon86: Syracuse beats Florida St. The Seminoles are taking Burt Reynolds death hard. - 6 years ago

@Roman715: #NowWatching Episodes of Dan August starring Burt Reynolds. #RIPBurtReynolds - 6 years ago

@JTrification: Burt Reynolds: What fans are leaving outside his home near Jupiter - 6 years ago

@AdamWoodford: Glad Burt Reynolds wasn’t around to see that #FSUvsCuse - 6 years ago

@MooseMcguires: It’s Saturday Students Night #yyc! Bar highballs $4.00, shots of @jagermeisterusa and Burt Reynolds $4.00, and $14.… - 6 years ago

@Tunel_Terror: RT @VMatellano: Hoy en #Cuenca en #EncuentroDeAutores hablaré de western en España, desde "Oro vil" de Maroto y "La rubia y el sheriff" con… - 6 years ago

@sIyqueen: RT @felipeneto: Setembro de 2018 levou Beatriz Segall, Burt Reynolds, Mac Miller e agora Mr Catra. Além disso o Museu Nacional pegou fogo e… - 6 years ago

@ThatManRay: Burt Reynolds: What fans are leaving outside his home near Jupiter - 6 years ago

@ryanrsutton: RT @JeffKing1970: The original Bandit, Burt Reynolds has just passed away....he was 82 😢 - 6 years ago

@dongillette: @therealjoebob @takimag I watched "Sharky's Machine" the day Burt died. Two weeks prior, I watched "The Last Movie… - 6 years ago

@SellingOutShow: RT @BendYourEarPod: New episode !! I review an old movie, a new movie and discuss Burt Reynolds. Also a promo for @officialssol #podcas… - 6 years ago

@hownowbrowncow: RT @averyharper13: I bet Burt Reynolds is up in heaven tellin everybody that he went to Georgia. #seminoles #FSU #UGA #gonnabealongyear #ga… - 6 years ago

@tjm0072003: RT @CB969onRBR: In honor of Burt Reynolds, the Florida State Seminoles are playing like the 1957 team. - 6 years ago

@averyharper13: I bet Burt Reynolds is up in heaven tellin everybody that he went to Georgia. #seminoles #FSU #UGA… - 6 years ago

@sanalparcaci: RT @sirrogermoore: Saddened to hear both Liz Fraser and Burt Reynolds, two of Roger’s co-stars, have passed on to the great cutting room i… - 6 years ago

@advocacybz: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@beefmaster81: Burt Reynolds didn't die for this Florida State offense. - 6 years ago

@sheila06942158: RT @radar_online: In an upcoming memoir, Sally Field admitted to feeding Burt Reynolds Valium and Percodan. - 6 years ago

@StuMcCallister: Recorded an episode of the @Half_Packed podcast with @nickfrancisco39 & @BradBarnhardSho. We talked Burt Reynolds,… - 6 years ago

@Boondockfinds: Burt Reynolds Nude Centerfold Paperweight Silver Try Ounce - 6 years ago

@CummingPatch: The Burt Reynolds' hit "Smokey and the Bandit" is back in theaters. - 6 years ago

@RoswellPatch: The Burt Reynolds' hit "Smokey and the Bandit" is back in theaters. - 6 years ago

@CvillePatch: The Burt Reynolds' hit "Smokey and the Bandit" is back in theaters. - 6 years ago

@Red_Velvet_Seat: Call Box: #BurtReynolds, the Duval Room and 'No Time for Sergeants' - 6 years ago

@ToddDuenckel: RT @GRITknox: Thank God Burt Reynolds didnt have to see this shit. - 6 years ago

@KL04655767: @kitun @jeffpearlman @realDonaldTrump @McDonalds @WGNRadio @Technori Just heard Jeff on WGN radio too. Burt Reynold… - 6 years ago

@Watup_Haun: RT @GRITknox: Thank God Burt Reynolds didnt have to see this shit. - 6 years ago

@volstorm00: RT @GRITknox: Thank God Burt Reynolds didnt have to see this shit. - 6 years ago

@tenneSevy: RT @GRITknox: Thank God Burt Reynolds didnt have to see this shit. - 6 years ago

@ScottlyPerry: Mitch bought me a birthday Burt Reynolds at our release show, in honor of the man and his immortal 'stache! Thanks… - 6 years ago

@JesseeVicars: RT @GRITknox: Thank God Burt Reynolds didnt have to see this shit. - 6 years ago

@leerhatton1: RT @PrintFilm: Burt Reynolds as Hooper. Film Review November 1978. - 6 years ago

@agirlnamekelsey: RT @MeetJocelynMae: Bye bye Burt Reynolds 💔 - 6 years ago

@KBW_KAGE: RT @WorldClassRev: #jointherevolution tonight in El Dorado, AR as we pay tribute to Burt Reynolds with our version of “Smokey and the Bandi… - 6 years ago

@sum_dude44: RT @JonStivers_1: @DanWolken Burt Reynolds estate should help pay half. He’s already rolling in his grave. - 6 years ago

@CB969onRBR: In honor of Burt Reynolds, the Florida State Seminoles are playing like the 1957 team. - 6 years ago

@FormerUSN: RT @therealjoebob: My thoughts on the greatest redneck actor of all time. @takimag - 6 years ago

@TheSBTC: @Influenstrategy Wondering if my Senator @marcorubio R-FL might like to attend our - 6 years ago

@mejustbeth: RT @blurryfoto: Remember when the Golden Girls all wanted to go on a date with Burt Reynolds. - 6 years ago

@JonStivers_1: @DanWolken Burt Reynolds estate should help pay half. He’s already rolling in his grave. - 6 years ago

@Red_Velvet_Seat: Call Box: #BurtReynolds, the Duval Room and 'No Time for Sergeants' - 6 years ago

@KrysJericho: RT @solomonster: Wrestlemania X has one of the greatest endings of all time. Bret's old mono music blaring, Piper looking genuinely happy… - 6 years ago

@JManuel_Vazquez: @arr1910 Fue debido a que murió Burt Reynolds y nos recordamos la película cannon ball run que era como la caricatu… - 6 years ago

@CoastalPaleo: RT @tetrameryx: So @CoastalPaleo attaches a little sea shell to his bookmark in his notebook. It's irresistible for Burt Reynolds - 6 years ago

@DomBrady15: This @FSUFootball team is so bad it killed Burt Reynolds. @sportsDen_live - 6 years ago

@cambridge83: RT @WorldClassRev: #jointherevolution tonight in El Dorado, AR as we pay tribute to Burt Reynolds with our version of “Smokey and the Bandi… - 6 years ago

@TheJaxDane: RT @WorldClassRev: #jointherevolution tonight in El Dorado, AR as we pay tribute to Burt Reynolds with our version of “Smokey and the Bandi… - 6 years ago

@deitchcsn: Someone rip the Burt Reynolds decals off the back of FSU’s helmet, they are disgracing his memory. - 6 years ago

@AngusKohm: RT @therealjoebob: My thoughts on the greatest redneck actor of all time. @takimag - 6 years ago

@J4Yx2: @jamessmk Whoa no way! Burt Reynolds man that must have been soo wild! - 6 years ago

@kgkiser2015: RT @drummer_bear: "My name is Earl" featuring Burt Reynolds and Norm Macdonald. - 6 years ago

@WWEViciousARMY: RT @WorldClassRev: #jointherevolution tonight in El Dorado, AR as we pay tribute to Burt Reynolds with our version of “Smokey and the Bandi… - 6 years ago

@KyoteJoe: RT @WorldClassRev: #jointherevolution tonight in El Dorado, AR as we pay tribute to Burt Reynolds with our version of “Smokey and the Bandi… - 6 years ago

@TFurstman: RT @ScarceBit: 2018 has a shit ton of deaths now - Aretha Franklin - Stephen Hawking - Mac Miller - Burt Reynolds - John McCain - Stefan K… - 6 years ago

@JenNTX1420: RT @WorldClassRev: #jointherevolution tonight in El Dorado, AR as we pay tribute to Burt Reynolds with our version of “Smokey and the Bandi… - 6 years ago

@DavidDwest450: Dan August Was A Great Show Starring Burt Reynolds - 6 years ago

@OneCent50: @ReelzChannel Burt Reynolds, Michael Clarke Duncan, George Harrison, John Lennon... just to start - 6 years ago

@snarkofthebeast: RT @therealjoebob: My thoughts on the greatest redneck actor of all time. @takimag - 6 years ago

@ObservadorUY: Burt Reynolds hizo más de 100 películas y fue por muchos años el actor número uno - 6 years ago

@Irate_Commander: RT @therealjoebob: My thoughts on the greatest redneck actor of all time. @takimag - 6 years ago

@christerh6: RT @PrintFilm: Burt Reynolds as Hooper. Film Review November 1978. - 6 years ago

@beverly17103: RT @WomenintheWorld: Sally Field recalls sexual abuse by her stepfather, and her ‘complicated’ relationship with Burt Reynolds: - 6 years ago

@mylifewith_cp: Sally Field Talks About Her Life ‘In Pieces’ - 6 years ago

@siminuteman1776: RT @JustGiorge: Rip Burt Reynolds - 6 years ago

@a_subversivo: RT @Brianlovesmovi: Three of my idols in the same picture, Roger Moore, Burt Reynolds and Farrah Fawcett in The Cannonball Run 1981. Heaven… - 6 years ago

@WomenintheWorld: Sally Field recalls sexual abuse by her stepfather, and her ‘complicated’ relationship with Burt Reynolds:… - 6 years ago

@Rccard1999: RT @SwartleyWest: I've been very, very lucky thru ups & downs. When you crash & burn, you have to pick yourself up & hope to make up for it… - 6 years ago

@BetSecure: RT @wopeross: Sé bien quién era Burt Reynolds pero no sé quién era Mac Miller jajajajajajaj - 6 years ago

@JoseHorchata: Check out Semi-Tough (1977) original movie poster - Burt Reynolds - Kris Kristofferson - 6 years ago

@TheOswegonian: RT @GonianLR: At one point the biggest box-office star working in Hollywood, ‘Smokey and the Bandit’ Star Burt Reynolds left behind a thund… - 6 years ago

@irvinglibrary: Like the rest of the nation, we were saddened to hear of the passing of Burt Reynolds. Whether you want to relive y… - 6 years ago

@NiagaraGazette: Lockportian Brock Yates wrote or co-wrote the screenplays for two popular Burt Reynolds movies in the late 1970s an… - 6 years ago

@zugzwang_____: RT @Brianlovesmovi: Three of my idols in the same picture, Roger Moore, Burt Reynolds and Farrah Fawcett in The Cannonball Run 1981. Heaven… - 6 years ago

@FRANKSrealPC: RT @CigarDaveShow: Hosting maneuvers commencing on 150+ radio stations, mobile apps & - 6 years ago

@davideades11n: RT @SwartleyWest: I've been very, very lucky thru ups & downs. When you crash & burn, you have to pick yourself up & hope to make up for it… - 6 years ago

@marshawright: RT @SwartleyWest: I've been very, very lucky thru ups & downs. When you crash & burn, you have to pick yourself up & hope to make up for it… - 6 years ago

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