Buddy Van Horn

American stunt coordinator and film director.
Died on Monday May 31st 2021

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Buddy Van Horn:

@sozee95: 158.) Dirty Harry - The Dead Pool (1988) Country : USA Directed by Buddy Van Horn Genre : Thriller, Action, Crime… - 4 years ago

@drgmcgee28: @neontaster That why I watch Clint Eastwood. His stunt Double is there to hold his coffee. RIP Buddy Van Horn . - 4 years ago

@USAhm5: RT @DavidHunt1966: Buddy Van Horn - Clint Eastwood's stuntman - passes away at age 92 - 4 years ago

@FabuleuxActeurs: RT @comedyflyer: Missing the good old days when the good always won-horses were honoured al-ways-Guy Williams Seen here as Zorro and riding… - 4 years ago


@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : Buddy Van Horn, 92, passed away. He was a director... - 4 years ago

@Elaran_ff14: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : Buddy Van Horn, 92, passed away. He was a director... - 4 years ago

@rjames1928: RT @DavidHunt1966: Buddy Van Horn - Clint Eastwood's stuntman - passes away at age 92 - 4 years ago

@ISIS_Slay3r: Mort de Buddy Van Horn, cascadeur et réalisateur ami de Clint Eastwood - 4 years ago

@schifnimrod: RT @ComicBook: Edgar Wright says Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver character was named after Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@Nadahala: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@EVanHalen: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Buddy Van Horn, 92; he directed Clint Eastwood in three films after serving as his stunt double in lots of movies. "I… - 4 years ago

@StudioSpresso: Mort de Buddy Van Horn, cascadeur et réalisateur ami de Clint Eastwood - 4 years ago

@Grabeelfan: RT @ComicBookNOW: Edgar Wright Shares Some Interesting History Behind Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver Character - 4 years ago

@CameronZiggy: RT @ComicBookNOW: Edgar Wright Shares Some Interesting History Behind Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver Character - 4 years ago

@ComicBookNOW: Edgar Wright Shares Some Interesting History Behind Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver Character - 4 years ago

@ImJayRodriguez6: RT @ComicBookNOW: Edgar Wright Shares Some Interesting History Behind Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver Character - 4 years ago

@TrillFam415: RT @ComicBookNOW: Edgar Wright Shares Some Interesting History Behind Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver Character - 4 years ago

@DynamoCooligan: RT @ComicBook: Edgar Wright says Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver character was named after Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@AlitaBabe: RT @BIONICFANS: Uncredited baddy in #SixMillionDollarMan episode "The E.S.P. Spy" is stuntman-turned-director Wayne “Buddy” Van Horn, longt… - 4 years ago

@Lidia07461636: RT @ComicBook: Edgar Wright says Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver character was named after Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@206geek: #BabyDriver #BabyDriver2 #EdgarWright #JonHamm #LastNightinSoho Edgar Wright Shares Some Interesting History Behind… - 4 years ago

@AlexCardinal21: RT @ComicBook: Edgar Wright says Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver character was named after Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@ErictheRed130: RT @ComicBook: Edgar Wright says Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver character was named after Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@master_charlie: RT @ComicBook: Edgar Wright says Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver character was named after Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@ItzHasashi: RT @ComicBook: Edgar Wright says Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver character was named after Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@ComicBook: Edgar Wright says Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver character was named after Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@ComicBookNOW: Edgar Wright Shares Some Interesting History Behind Jon Hamm’s Baby Driver Character - 4 years ago

@KingMbaChii: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@AngelESantana3: RIP-QEPD 🙏🏼📿💒🇻🇦🇺🇲♥️💖🧔🏻✝️👑✡️🕊️☮️⚕️🛡️⚔️💖🌎 Wayne "Buddy" Van Horn Dead: Clint Eastwood’ Stunt Double, Director Was 92… - 4 years ago

@WritinDave: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@robertocurto64: Quando fai gli auguri a #ClintEastwood e muore la sua controfigura Buddy Van Horn #Salviniportasfiga - 4 years ago

@RaenbowRenegade: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@JosephHucks: Outsider: Clint Eastwood Mourns Death of Longtime Stunt Double and Friend Buddy Van Horn in Moving Tribute.… - 4 years ago

@Vflarsh: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@FilmNewsWeb: RT @FilmNewsWeb: - 4 years ago

@maggie3408: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@ScreeningSoon: Buddy Van Horn Dies, Clint Eastwood's Stunt Double and The Dead Pool Director Was 92 | #movies #entertainment - 4 years ago

@szilviade_: RT @Tico_Romao: RIP Buddy. You elevated the art of stunt coordination: - 4 years ago

@Kgraves2297: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@Grunherzjager: RT @Tico_Romao: RIP Buddy. You elevated the art of stunt coordination: - 4 years ago

@Silviobrittos: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@pisces1235: RT @kazh9: 月末に91歳の誕生日を迎えたイーストウッド御大の影武者バディ・V・ホーンが亡くなったそうだ。92歳。なんつったって「ダーティファイター燃えよ鉄拳」の予告でオランウータンを見た時の驚き。 - 4 years ago

@OnlyTheSupreme7: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@0_U_8_1_2: RT @movieweb: Buddy Van Horn Dies, Clint Eastwood's Stunt Double and 'The Dead Pool' Director Was 92 - 4 years ago

@KarolGriffs: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@Boxopere: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Buddy Van Horn, 92; he directed Clint Eastwood in three films after serving as his stunt double in lots of movies. "I… - 4 years ago

@RevengeOfMyLs: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@maggs3270: Buddy Van Horn, Director of Any Which Way You Can and The Dead Pool , Dead at 92 - 4 years ago

@winston_ramone: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@abcoktas: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@PoetBronx: Buddy Van Horn, 92, passed away. He was a director and a long time stuntman. A very special stuntman; Van Horn was… - 4 years ago

@intrepidojones: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al increíble Wayne 'Buddy' Van Horn, nombre capital entre los especialistas del cine norteamericano y muy ligado a… - 4 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @faustianovich: Peli (Buddy Van Horn) del día: SALVAJE ACORRALADO, todo un hit en los cines de los 80 y toda una declaración de principi… - 4 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al increíble Wayne 'Buddy' Van Horn, nombre capital entre los especialistas del cine norteamericano y muy ligado a… - 4 years ago

@IVIacabrellian: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@kteemac: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Buddy Van Horn, 92; he directed Clint Eastwood in three films after serving as his stunt double in lots of movies. "I… - 4 years ago



@Xfactor_ssb: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@llllutalica: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@Zenderquai: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@TEevee32: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@Zerglinator: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@finalgirrrl: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@AuthenticSamir: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@AlistairDavies9: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@VoltySquirrel: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@lunalovemail: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@melodylastname: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@LillardPenber: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Buddy Van Horn, 92; he directed Clint Eastwood in three films after serving as his stunt double in lots of movies. "I… - 4 years ago

@fedsthethird: RT @edgarwright: In Baby Driver, Jon Hamm's character is nicknamed 'Buddy', but his real name (heard on a police radio) is Jason Van Horn.… - 4 years ago

@ChristaHoelter2: Er war Clint Eastwoods Stuntdouble: Buddy Van Horn ist gestorben - 4 years ago

@StuntCoordinate: RIP Buddy Van Horn. You are missed and it was my honor to know you, my friend. - 4 years ago

@Delcroixx: DISPARITION - Mort de #BuddyVanHorn, l'intrépide doublure de #Zorro et de #ClintEastwood - 4 years ago

@idostuntsinc: Buddy Van Horn Dead: ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director, Clint Eastwood Double; 92 – Deadline - 4 years ago

@David_E_Powell: Rest in Peace, "Buddy" Van Horn. Stunt Double of Clint Eastwood on several films, and director of "Any Which Way Yo… - 4 years ago

@FonzieSaysAyy: RT @SkyTG24: Morto a 92 anni Buddy Van Horn, la celebre controfigura di Clint Eastwood - 4 years ago

@steffymunch: RT @Mikiway: Mort de Buddy Van Horn, l'intrépide doublure de Zorro et de Clint Eastwood - 4 years ago

@Mikiway: Mort de Buddy Van Horn, l'intrépide doublure de Zorro et de Clint Eastwood - 4 years ago

@mamocha1: RT @DailyMailCeleb: Clint Eastwood's longtime stunt double and film director Buddy Van Horn passes away at age 92 - 4 years ago

@bballkansas: RT @DailyMailCeleb: Clint Eastwood's longtime stunt double and film director Buddy Van Horn passes away at age 92 - 4 years ago

@MariaMusto19: RT @SkyTG24: Morto a 92 anni Buddy Van Horn, la celebre controfigura di Clint Eastwood - 4 years ago

@DailyMailCeleb: Clint Eastwood's longtime stunt double and film director Buddy Van Horn passes away at age 92 - 4 years ago

@BreakingItalyNe: RT @SkyTG24: Morto a 92 anni Buddy Van Horn, la celebre controfigura di Clint Eastwood - 4 years ago

@SkyTG24: Morto a 92 anni Buddy Van Horn, la celebre controfigura di Clint Eastwood - 4 years ago

@chapoisat: Buddy Van Horn, 92-year-old stuntman and collaborator of Clint Eastwood, dies, the stuntman and director had worked… - 4 years ago

@chapoisat: Muere Buddy Van Horn, a los 92 años doble de acción y colaborador de Clint Eastwood, el especialista y director hab… - 4 years ago

@VERTIGObe: Clint Eastwoods stunt double en regisseur Buddy Van Horn overleden - 4 years ago

@tabitha1967: Buddy Van Horn, Director of Clint Eastwood's 'Any Which Way You Can' and 'The Dead Pool,' Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@the_60s_at_60: RT @LaurasMiscMovie: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@sociallytpp: Mort de Buddy Van Horn, cascadeur et réalisateur ami de Clint Eastwood #cinema - 4 years ago

@HaraldPaulick: Er wurde 92 Jahre alt Clint-Eastwood-Stuntdouble Buddy Van Horn ist tot Hat Merkel & Baerbock auch ein Stuntdouble… - 4 years ago

@GracadaDas: RT @tomleao: Hj, Clint Eastwood emplacou 91. Hj, tbm, seu duble oficial, buddy van horn, morreu, aos 92 - 4 years ago

@satrian: RT @THR: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@Rozz_Hardy: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Buddy Van Horn, 92; he directed Clint Eastwood in three films after serving as his stunt double in lots of movies. "I… - 4 years ago

@JoanneVerbeek: RT @FernyChien: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood's Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - Buddy gave my one of my first jobs in Hollywood on… - 4 years ago

@tattoojo: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood's stunt double, dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@URBANTIAN: Buddy Van Horn Dies: ‘Any Which Way You Can’, The Dead Pool’ Director, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double Was 92 - Deadl… - 4 years ago

@ClickMSC: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood's Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@Rajbhagwandin01: RT @RufusTSuperfly: RIP Buddy Van Horn Director of The Dead Pool & thus responsible for this - 4 years ago

@Rajbhagwandin01: RT @Variety: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@Rajbhagwandin01: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Buddy Van Horn, 92; he directed Clint Eastwood in three films after serving as his stunt double in lots of movies. "I… - 4 years ago

@AliAdair22: RT @Variety: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@Rajbhagwandin01: RT @Variety_Film: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@AliAdair22: RT @RufusTSuperfly: RIP Buddy Van Horn Director of The Dead Pool & thus responsible for this - 4 years ago

@AliAdair22: RT @PeterAPeel: RIP Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood stunt double, director of ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN, THE DEAD POOL and PINK CADILLAC, worked… - 4 years ago

@AliAdair22: RT @JulienAlday: R.I.P Buddy Van Horn [1929—2021] :'( - 4 years ago

@AliAdair22: RT @Variety_Film: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@AliAdair22: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Buddy Van Horn, 92; he directed Clint Eastwood in three films after serving as his stunt double in lots of movies. "I… - 4 years ago

@DavidCarloSteyn: RT @THR: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@charlestrotter: Buddy Van Horn, the longtime stunt double and stunt coordinator for Clint Eastwood, whom he also directed in the fi… - 4 years ago

@kieranlee1970: - 4 years ago

@TXchilinobeans: RT @GoodBadUglyMule: Wayne 'Buddy' Van Horn Directed Any Which Way You Can (1980), The Dead Pool (1988) and Pink Cadillac (1989). #RIP htt… - 4 years ago

@charlestrotter: R.I.P. Buddy Van Horn August 20, 1928 – May 11, 2021 - 4 years ago

@IlegalPepe: RT @tomleao: Hj, Clint Eastwood emplacou 91. Hj, tbm, seu duble oficial, buddy van horn, morreu, aos 92 - 4 years ago

@tomleao: Hj, Clint Eastwood emplacou 91. Hj, tbm, seu duble oficial, buddy van horn, morreu, aos 92 - 4 years ago

@FernyChien: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood's Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - Buddy gave my one of my first jobs in Holl… - 4 years ago

@pipevicioso: A los 92 años, muriò Buddy Van Horn, un coordinador de dobles, el doble de acción de Eastwood y director de cine. D… - 4 years ago

@Cineaste_Mag: - 4 years ago

@the_jorah: RT @TheWrap: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood's longtime stunt coordinator and director of movies like "The Dead Pool" and "Any Which Way You… - 4 years ago

@MattMiddleman: RT @THR: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@HeroldJh: RT @JohnnyFocal: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@THEWILDSTUD: Buddy Van Horn, Director of Clint Eastwood's 'Any Which Way You Can' and 'The Dead Pool,'… - 4 years ago

@JohnnyFocal: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@PaulBacon30: #BuddyVanHorn, Director of "Any Which Way You Can "and "The Dead Pool", Dead at 92 - 4 years ago

@TheTwinGeeks: RT @Variety_Film: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@BlaBlaHollywood: RT @THR: Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double and Director, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@nightmarealley7: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Buddy Van Horn, 92; he directed Clint Eastwood in three films after serving as his stunt double in lots of movies. "I… - 4 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@netguide: Par BFM TV : Le réalisateur Buddy Van Horn, complice de Clint Eastwood, est mort à 92 ans - 4 years ago

@2003Pati: RT @Gonzalo7movicio: Buddy Van Horn, doble de Clint Eastwood además de director, murió a los 92 años, colaboró con Eastwood en docenas de p… - 4 years ago

@lightsoutHannah: RT @GoodBadUglyMule: A nice piece by Variety on Buddy Van Horn . . . - 4 years ago

@pinkvilla: Clint Eastwood’s stunt double and director ‘Buddy Van Horn’ passes away at 92 - 4 years ago

@BlanktheMedia: RT @scuba2024: - 4 years ago

@askjimmycarter: Buddy Van Horn Dies: ‘Any Which Way You Can’, The Dead Pool’ Director, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double Was 92… - 4 years ago

@eamonngriffin: Buddy Van Horn, ladies and gentlemen. - 4 years ago

@p1a55e: Buddy Van Horn (1928–2021) - 4 years ago

@Pipoca_Moderna: Buddy Van Horn (1928–2021) - 4 years ago

@mymackie: Buddy Van Horn Dead: Stunt Double for Clint Eastwood Was 92 - Variety - 4 years ago

@RufusTSuperfly: RIP Buddy Van Horn Director of The Dead Pool & thus responsible for this - 4 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Buddy Van Horn Dies: ‘Any Which Way You Can’, The Dead Pool’ Director, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double Was 92… - 4 years ago

@Holy_key1: Buddy Van Horn Dies: ‘Any Which Way You Can’, The Dead Pool’ Director, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double Was 92 - 4 years ago

@JulienAlday: R.I.P Buddy Van Horn [1929—2021] :'( - 4 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: RT @DEADLINE: Buddy Van Horn Dies: ‘Any Which Way You Can’, The Dead Pool’ Director, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double Was 92 - 4 years ago

@th_conversation: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@stefbauza: RT @DEADLINE: Buddy Van Horn Dies: ‘Any Which Way You Can’, The Dead Pool’ Director, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double Was 92 - 4 years ago

@wholetruthy: RT @DEADLINE: Buddy Van Horn Dies: ‘Any Which Way You Can’, The Dead Pool’ Director, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double Was 92 - 4 years ago

@lordofnoyze: RT @DEADLINE: Buddy Van Horn Dies: ‘Any Which Way You Can’, The Dead Pool’ Director, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double Was 92 - 4 years ago

@DEADLINE: Buddy Van Horn Dies: ‘Any Which Way You Can’, The Dead Pool’ Director, Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double Was 92 - 4 years ago

@CarlosArranz14: RT @PeterAPeel: RIP Buddy Van Horn, Clint Eastwood stunt double, director of ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN, THE DEAD POOL and PINK CADILLAC, worked… - 4 years ago

@mjk1974: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al increíble Wayne 'Buddy' Van Horn, nombre capital entre los especialistas del cine norteamericano y muy ligado a… - 4 years ago

@OeneK: RT @Variety_Film: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@XaviSanchez: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al increíble Wayne 'Buddy' Van Horn, nombre capital entre los especialistas del cine norteamericano y muy ligado a… - 4 years ago

@Tellersvision: R.I.P. to Clint's Cliff Booth. Also, happy birthday, Clint. - 4 years ago

@BFMTV: RT @BFMTV_People: Le réalisateur Buddy Van Horn, complice de Clint Eastwood, est mort à 92 ans - 4 years ago

@BFMTV_People: Le réalisateur Buddy Van Horn, complice de Clint Eastwood, est mort à 92 ans - 4 years ago

@LazlosGhost: @StealingValerie Clint’s in three movies “directed” by his stunt coordinator, Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@Roverboby: RT @AlbertoAbuin: Buddy Van Horn fue colaborador de Eastwood en multitud de films, dirigiendo a los especialistas, o la propia película. Bu… - 4 years ago

@cqnanaya: Ha muerto Buddy Van Horn. - 4 years ago

@AlbertoAbuin: Buddy Van Horn fue colaborador de Eastwood en multitud de films, dirigiendo a los especialistas, o la propia pelícu… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Peli (Buddy Van Horn) del día: SALVAJE ACORRALADO, todo un hit en los cines de los 80 y toda una declaración de pri… - 4 years ago

@Nexus1O1: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al increíble Wayne 'Buddy' Van Horn, nombre capital entre los especialistas del cine norteamericano y muy ligado a… - 4 years ago

@MomoKnowsBlog: RT @Variety: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@sound_trax: RIP Buddy Van Horn. 1971년부터 2011년까지 40년간 Clint Eastwood의 스턴드 더블을 맡았고, 세 편의 동림옹 영화들을 연출했던 그가 92세로 세상을 떠났다. 그가 감독한 [더… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Buddy Van Horn fue también especialista y jefe de especialistas para Michael Cimino: UN BOTÍN DE 500.000 DÓLARES, E… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Buddy Van Horn doble de Gregory Peck en EL ORO DE MACKENNA, LA NOCHE DE LOS GIGANTES y YO VIGILO EL CAMINO. De Char… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: La trayectoria como especialista de Buddy Van Horn comienza en los años 50 (EL HIJO DE ROSTRO PÁLIDO, EL PRÍNCIPE V… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Buddy Van Horn dio el salto a la dirección de la mano de su amigo Clint Eastwood en LA GRAN PELEA, a la cual seguir… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Adiós al increíble Wayne 'Buddy' Van Horn, nombre capital entre los especialistas del cine norteamericano y muy lig… - 4 years ago

@Alvy_Singer: RT @Variety_Film: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@satrian: RT @Variety: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@CreativeDenise: RT @Variety: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@The_X_Phil: RT @Variety: Buddy Van Horn, ‘Any Which Way You Can’ Director and Clint Eastwood’s Stunt Double, Dies at 92 - 4 years ago

@cineffo: RT @gbelinchon: El día en que Clint cumple 91, muere su doble habitual, Buddy Van Horn, que también dirigió 'La gran pelea' y 'El cadillac… - 4 years ago

@Hansbeerekamp: Nu toch bevestigd in @latimesmovies RIP Buddy Van Horn (91), Clint Eastwoods favoriete stuntman en 2d Unit - 4 years ago

@filmdialogueone: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Buddy Van Horn is no longer with us - #BuddyVanHorn #Buddy #VanHorn #rip - 4 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Buddy Van Horn - 4 years ago

@Dieter117: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@MCNtweets: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@ScottFeinberg: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@_guilhermefmm: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@jroberto_rocha: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@HighSierraMan: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@lizredwing: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@cityofhollywood: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@mharvey816: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@mymackie: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@jpcinema: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@secretgcd: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@HillPlaceBlog: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@JulesPostman: RT @alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE DEAD P… - 4 years ago

@alancinephile: Buddy Van Horn, stuntman and director died on May 11 at 92. Clint Eastwood's double, he helmed PINK CADILLAC, THE D… - 4 years ago

@MaguTeamTC: ◆少年隊と同じくジャニーズ #VS嵐 二宮和也と、#ゴジラ 渡辺謙共演、こらえどころ超え限界状態な兵士の葛藤胸沁みるアカデミー賞受賞映画 #硫黄島からの手紙 スタントコーディネーターを偲んで… - 4 years ago

@Marassi84345421: RT @AnaquelesStitch: "Hay que ser muy hombre para pasear a una chica en un Cadillac rosa..." - 32° aniversario del estreno de "El Cadillac… - 4 years ago

@MaguTeamTC: ◆ #ゴジラ 渡辺謙、#VS嵐 二宮和也共演、こらえどころ超え限界状態な兵士の葛藤胸沁みるアカデミー賞受賞映画 #硫黄島からの手紙 スタントコーディネーターを偲んで Buddy… - 4 years ago

@lalachanka62: RT @MaguTeamTC: ◆#嵐 二宮和也、#Eternals と同じくマーベル作品俳優共演、兵士の葛藤胸に突き刺さるアカデミー賞受賞映画 #硫黄島からの手紙 まとめを スタントコーディネーターを偲んで Buddy Van Horn #RIP 『#TheOA』 渡辺広… - 4 years ago

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