Bryan Magee

British philosopher and politician
Died on Friday July 26th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Bryan Magee:

@Eddie_Nicholls: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@jclasukla: Bryan Magee brought philosophy to the masses - 6 years ago

@cuksts: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@drangiehobbs: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago


@Bully_25: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@wrafter_colin: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@microphilosophy: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@barneycully: RT @moefitzpatrick: Unreal second half in Cuchulainns v Arva tonight! Some great performances, a credit to both teams. Bryan Magee outstand… - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: RT @Jared_Carrabis: Go Astros. - 6 years ago

@Jake60482398: @Bryan_magee_ @Jared_Carrabis @alyssa_cee 😂😂 - 6 years ago

@MyWifeErnstine: @Bryan_magee_ @Jared_Carrabis - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: @RedSox - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: Get dombrowski the actual fuck out of Boston for throwing this season out the window and get some guys that actuall… - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: RT @redsoxstats: Sale has a 4.61 ERA. FML - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: @Jared_Carrabis I felt the depression in this post - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: @LongSensationYT If you’re good at cod you’d know to stick to the edges of the map that way all the dots on the com… - 6 years ago

@_Fourteen_: Bryan Magee, Who Brought Philosophy to British TV, Dies at 89 - - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: RT @Edelman11: You're too f'n old for birthday cake 😂🍰 #HBDTB12 - 6 years ago

@transparenza01: RT @Chanders: My two favorite writers on Wagner seem to have died within days of each other: Bryan Magee - 6 years ago

@rhalshreef: RT @SustainHistory: Interview with Quine - Bryan Magee (1978) - 6 years ago

@theactofbeing: RT @PalgravePhil: We mourn the loss of Bryan Magee, who "sought to demonstrate that ideas could be as entertaining as images" #peopleofidea… - 6 years ago

@gweezilla: RIP Bryan Magee - 6 years ago

@SmoothGroovz: Bryan Magee brought philosophy to the masses - Spiked - 6 years ago

@kgjmoment: Why is there something instead of nothing? - 6 years ago

@brucearva: RT @moefitzpatrick: Unreal second half in Cuchulainns v Arva tonight! Some great performances, a credit to both teams. Bryan Magee outstand… - 6 years ago

@iodo60: Ainda a morte do meu Bryan Magee. Ah, sei lá... Quero ficar triste? Eu devia ficar triste? Significa algo eu ler ta… - 6 years ago

@moefitzpatrick: Unreal second half in Cuchulainns v Arva tonight! Some great performances, a credit to both teams. Bryan Magee outs… - 6 years ago

@Hullhereabouts: RT @spikedonline: Byran Magee took it as his mission to rescue philosophy from cold logical positivism or the trivialities of linguistic an… - 6 years ago

@REdwards: "It is common for us to make legitimate and meaningful statements about things we do not understand." -- Bryan Magee - 6 years ago

@David4866: Bryan Magee brought philosophy to the masses - 6 years ago

@A_Salgado_Lond: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@Blades1967: RT @spikedonline: Bryan Magee brought philosophy to the masses. His TV shows, watched by millions, explored the big questions without ever… - 6 years ago

@beseldave: RT @umidgurbanov: Siyaset felsefecisi Isaiah Berlin, 1976'da katıldığı bir TV programında çocukların sorduğu soruların felsefi sorular ile… - 6 years ago

@Bwin_Euro: RT @umidgurbanov: Siyaset felsefecisi Isaiah Berlin, 1976'da katıldığı bir TV programında çocukların sorduğu soruların felsefi sorular ile… - 6 years ago

@DeclanBurke2: RT @patrickxwest: My latest @spikedonline column: celebrating the life of Bryan Magee, trans politics, and the awfulness of jazz - 6 years ago

@Blades1967: RT @patrickxwest: My latest @spikedonline column: celebrating the life of Bryan Magee, trans politics, and the awfulness of jazz - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: RT @barstoolsports: AZ Man Furious After Deceased Mother "Strapped In A Chair And Detonated" By U.S. Army - 6 years ago

@DictatorPope: RT @spikedonline: Byran Magee took it as his mission to rescue philosophy from cold logical positivism or the trivialities of linguistic an… - 6 years ago

@JaycelAdkins: RT @timlebon: Bryan Magee: 1930-2019—the champion of philosophical wonderment - 6 years ago

@Castalia1981: RT @timlebon: Bryan Magee: 1930-2019—the champion of philosophical wonderment - 6 years ago

@FreeRange_Duck: RT @spikedonline: Byran Magee took it as his mission to rescue philosophy from cold logical positivism or the trivialities of linguistic an… - 6 years ago

@timlebon: Bryan Magee: 1930-2019—the champion of philosophical wonderment - 6 years ago

@clim8resistance: RT @spikedonline: Bryan Magee brought philosophy to the masses. His TV shows, watched by millions, explored the big questions without ever… - 6 years ago

@patrickxwest: RT @spikedonline: Bryan Magee brought philosophy to the masses. His TV shows, watched by millions, explored the big questions without ever… - 6 years ago

@stevedaley: RT @spikedonline: Byran Magee took it as his mission to rescue philosophy from cold logical positivism or the trivialities of linguistic an… - 6 years ago

@ismurray: RT @spikedonline: Byran Magee took it as his mission to rescue philosophy from cold logical positivism or the trivialities of linguistic an… - 6 years ago

@OProphet1984: RT @spikedonline: Byran Magee took it as his mission to rescue philosophy from cold logical positivism or the trivialities of linguistic an… - 6 years ago

@iain_claxton: RT @spikedonline: Byran Magee took it as his mission to rescue philosophy from cold logical positivism or the trivialities of linguistic an… - 6 years ago

@spikedonline: Byran Magee took it as his mission to rescue philosophy from cold logical positivism or the trivialities of linguis… - 6 years ago

@nanndks: RT @SustainHistory: Interview with Quine - Bryan Magee (1978) - 6 years ago

@austinaldenlam: - 6 years ago

@hardywolfson: offers another appreciation of Bryan Magee, who ended his penultimate book, 'Ultimate Quest… - 6 years ago

@dmvieira95: "Bryan Magee, the man who loved to put big ideas on the small screen" | Kenan Malik - 6 years ago

@hakka3: Rest in Philosophy - 6 years ago

@bklyn_newton: XR are right, "tell the truth". The manipulation problem will not go away, ever. Equally recognize the ethical trap… - 6 years ago

@philosophy_psu: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: AN appreciation of the career of Bryan Magee, the man who loved to put big ideas on the small screen ... it turns out… - 6 years ago

@DJGrothe: RIP Bryan Magee, who hosted a wonderful series interviewing philosophers, which is now on YouTube. Here's a hlghlig… - 6 years ago

@PosenIzzy: RT @spikedonline: Bryan Magee brought philosophy to the masses. His TV shows, watched by millions, explored the big questions without ever… - 6 years ago

@sari_alsrhani: RT @SustainHistory: Interview with Quine - Bryan Magee (1978) - 6 years ago

@iwasid: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@Mixyezpitlek: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@amglarson: RT @prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy https:… - 6 years ago

@prospect_uk: Bryan Magee sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious viewers and readers, writes @microphilosophy - 6 years ago

@emincetin_: Bryan Magee, bu konuşmaları kitaplaştırdı. "Yeni Düşün Adamları" adıyla yayımlanan diyaloglara Mete Tunçay'ın yazdı… - 6 years ago

@sachinblessed95: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: AN appreciation of the career of Bryan Magee, the man who loved to put big ideas on the small screen ... it turns out… - 6 years ago

@JoshuaLambier: Bryan Magee, the man who put big ideas on the small screen | Kenan Malik’s call to revisit Magee’s talks with lum… - 6 years ago

@dipak_gyawali: RIP @PhilosophyMttrs I have learned so much from his books: explaining Schopenhauer's philosophy, Karl Popper, musi… - 6 years ago

@JochenVenus: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: AN appreciation of the career of Bryan Magee, the man who loved to put big ideas on the small screen ... it turns out… - 6 years ago

@cubic_logic: Bryan Magee obituary - 6 years ago

@nicole_kirchler: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: AN appreciation of the career of Bryan Magee, the man who loved to put big ideas on the small screen ... it turns out… - 6 years ago

@arman_dhani: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: AN appreciation of the career of Bryan Magee, the man who loved to put big ideas on the small screen ... it turns out… - 6 years ago

@PHWestern: Bryan Magee, the man who loved to put big ideas on the small screen It sounds unlikely, but watching two people ta… - 6 years ago

@MissMinaW: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: AN appreciation of the career of Bryan Magee, the man who loved to put big ideas on the small screen ... it turns out… - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: @tcsmendess @iiiMKay @TheGamingRevoYT It’s all good cause I love shooting enemies sitting in the open with a launcher, juicy targets - 6 years ago

@danielwaweru: RT @Fictive_Realist: here you'll find near all* Bryan Magee's 1978 interviews without gaps (or theme tune) .. and, for the beige adverse, h… - 6 years ago

@iodo60: Foi ao acaso que digitei o seu nome e descobri que ele falecera no… - 6 years ago

@REdwards: "Any individual who looks at the world around him and tries to master it with his understanding is all the time hav… - 6 years ago

@tcsmendess: @iiiMKay @Bryan_magee_ @TheGamingRevoYT Man, I can garantee that I will shoot down your chopper gunner and your AC1… - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: @tcsmendess @iiiMKay @TheGamingRevoYT I wonder if you can only earn them once per game though if you use it - 6 years ago

@tcsmendess: @iiiMKay @TheGamingRevoYT @Bryan_magee_ There's a perk for that - 6 years ago

@Fictive_Realist: here you'll find near all* Bryan Magee's 1978 interviews without gaps (or theme tune) .. and, for the beige adverse… - 6 years ago

@fialott1: RT @axesspublishing: Den framstående filosofen Bryan Magee gick nyligen ur tiden. Under augusti sänder därför Axess TV BBC-serien "De stor… - 6 years ago

@iiiMKay: @TheGamingRevoYT @Bryan_magee_ They should make it stack like mw2 was this is bullshit - 6 years ago

@TheGamingRevoYT: @Bryan_magee_ It was a 25 gunstreak but they've been testing it at 30. Still subject to change. - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: @TheGamingRevoYT Is it a 30 or 25? Gunstreak only? - 6 years ago

@kat17983941: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: Bryan Magee (RIP) Presents In-Depth, Uncut TV Conversations With Famous Philosophers ... - 6 years ago

@Fyrwzhf2: RT @Parpanchi: براین مگی، فیلسوف، روزنامه نگار و سیاستمدار بریتانیایی، در سن ۸۹ سالگی درگذشت. - 6 years ago

@nilsen_marcus: RT @axesspublishing: Den framstående filosofen Bryan Magee gick nyligen ur tiden. Under augusti sänder därför Axess TV BBC-serien "De stor… - 6 years ago

@C_Nordlund: RT @axesspublishing: Den framstående filosofen Bryan Magee gick nyligen ur tiden. Under augusti sänder därför Axess TV BBC-serien "De stor… - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: RT @GilletteStadium: It’s lit. - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Bryan Magee, Who Brought Philosophy to British TV, Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@MartinDowds1: RT @CBGHeritage: We're proud to remember the brilliant Bryan Magee (1930-2019), philosopher, writer, broadcaster and politician: - 6 years ago

@axesspublishing: RT @axesspublishing: Den framstående filosofen Bryan Magee gick nyligen ur tiden. Under augusti sänder därför Axess TV BBC-serien "De stor… - 6 years ago

@PalgravePhil: We mourn the loss of Bryan Magee, who "sought to demonstrate that ideas could be as entertaining as images"… - 6 years ago

@JimBessman: Late Brit philosopher Bryan Magee: "Each one of us has no choice but to live the whole of his life in his own littl… - 6 years ago

@SamanBanihashem: Marked as to-read: مواجهه با مرگ by Bryan Magee - 6 years ago

@zahirriaz: RIP Bryan Magee-who made the study of philosophy a little less intimidating. - 6 years ago

@OxfordPhilSoc: RT @RoyalInstPhilos: “It is terrible and terrifying to have to die, but even the prospect of eternal annihilation is a price worth paying f… - 6 years ago

@hardywolfson: @BBC_HaveYourSay Have you covered the death of Bryan Magee? If so, I've missed it. I am his executor, and wonder if… - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: RT @RexChapman: Coaches — be specific.💪😏😉 - 6 years ago

@infovoy_v2: Bryan Magee (RIP) Presents In-Depth, Uncut TV Conversations With Famous Philosophers #philosophy - 6 years ago

@olmanrvr: RT @NYTObits: “The Great Philosphers” and “Men of Ideas,” two philosophy programs on the BBC, presented by Bryan Magee in the 1970s, introd… - 6 years ago

@DSlotnik: RT @NYTObits: “The Great Philosphers” and “Men of Ideas,” two philosophy programs on the BBC, presented by Bryan Magee in the 1970s, introd… - 6 years ago

@lenaghanop: The NY Times always informs me, usually irks me, and sometimes entertains me. Today, reading the obituaries of the… - 6 years ago

@tperroteau: Bryan Magee, the man who loved to put big ideas on the small screen | Kenan Malik - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: “The Great Philosphers” and “Men of Ideas,” two philosophy programs on the BBC, presented by Bryan Magee in the 197… - 6 years ago

@DharmaCatholic: - 6 years ago

@rickmuir1: RT @prospect_uk: A tribute to Bryan Magee, the author, broadcaster and MP who sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless curious vi… - 6 years ago

@Zakinus: Bryan Magee, Who Brought Philosophy to British TV, Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@prospect_uk: A tribute to Bryan Magee, the author, broadcaster and MP who sparked a love of academic philosophy in countless cur… - 6 years ago

@tomdrabowicz: RT @PrincetonUPress: We are saddened to learn of the passing of PUP author Bryan Magee. Our thoughts are with his family at this time. ht… - 6 years ago

@xerxes1909: RT @TonySobrado: Bryan Magee: 1930-2019—the champion of philosophical wonderment - - 6 years ago

@Pooksalater: RT @RoyalInstPhilos: “It is terrible and terrifying to have to die, but even the prospect of eternal annihilation is a price worth paying f… - 6 years ago

@tplotm: RT @RoyalInstPhilos: “It is terrible and terrifying to have to die, but even the prospect of eternal annihilation is a price worth paying f… - 6 years ago

@DrJohnLTaylor: RT @RoyalInstPhilos: “It is terrible and terrifying to have to die, but even the prospect of eternal annihilation is a price worth paying f… - 6 years ago

@JoeOHaraDCU: Very sorry to hear of the death of Bryan Magee - he opened up philosophy to the non-expert in a manner that few oth… - 6 years ago

@RoyalInstPhilos: “It is terrible and terrifying to have to die, but even the prospect of eternal annihilation is a price worth payin… - 6 years ago

@pcooney55: Bryan Magee, Who Brought Philosophy to British TV, Dies at 89 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Working with the BBC in the 1970s, he challenged a popular aversion to showing talking heads and sought to rivet vi… - 6 years ago

@sppagano80: RT @LogicalAnalysis: Bryan Magee: 1930-2019—the champion of philosophical wonderment - 6 years ago

@Aydincorleone: RT @RoyalInstPhilos: Sad news. Bryan Magee has passed away. - 6 years ago

@HeidiJohansso12: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: Bryan Magee (RIP) Presents In-Depth, Uncut TV Conversations With Famous Philosophers ... - 6 years ago

@ADCalzetta: RT @LogicalAnalysis: Bryan Magee: 1930-2019—the champion of philosophical wonderment - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: @RedSox @DraftKings Tomorrow’s my birthday so this would be pretty solid - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: RT @RedSox: 🚨 #RedSox Ticket Giveaway 🚨 Enter now for your shot at two tickets to an upcoming home game, courtesy of @DraftKings. Here’s w… - 6 years ago

@S31pearson: RT @prospect_uk: "In the third and final volume of his autobiography, published last year, Magee wrote: 'It is terrible and terrifying to h… - 6 years ago

@a_citak: Bryan Magee birkaç gün önce hayatını kaybetmiş. Programından çok yararlanmıştım. Tekrar paylaşıp size de tavsiye ed… - 6 years ago

@DenisHinds2: RT @guardianobits: Bryan Magee obituary: Writer, philosopher and broadcaster, who became an MP for Labour and the SDP - 6 years ago

@RalphArmstrong1: RT @nytimesarts: Bryan Magee, who explored the philosophy in Wagner's music, has died at age 89 - 6 years ago

@steveTbone: Bryan Magee discussing philosophy with Chomsky - 6 years ago

@MarsdenTherapy: More about the late lamented Bryan Magee - 6 years ago

@SunnyYunHe: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: Bryan Magee (RIP) Presents In-Depth, Uncut TV Conversations With Famous Philosophers ... - 6 years ago

@Bryan_magee_: @OnlyInBOS Vince wilfork is a cheetah I’m not surprised - 6 years ago

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