Bruce Rowland

British rock drummer (Fairport Convention).
Died on Wednesday July 1st 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Bruce Rowland:

@joecocker_fans: Secret superstar past of rock 'n' roll drummer Bruce Rowland from Brixham ... - Torquay Herald Express

@joecocker_fans: Secret superstar past of rock 'n' roll drummer Bruce Rowland from Brixham

@joecocker_fans: Secret superstar past of rock 'n' roll drummer Bruce Rowland from Brixham - Torquay Herald Express

@adachik: Bruce Rowland亡くなったのか…。Fairport脱退後のこの人のキャリアを実は把握してないんだけど、最近まで活動してたのかな


@Brixham: RT @carolineabbott: Secret superstar past of rock 'n' roll drummer Bruce Rowland from @Brixham

@TQHeraldExpress: RT @carolineabbott: Secret superstar past of rock 'n' roll drummer Bruce Rowland from @Brixham

@carolineabbott: Secret superstar past of rock 'n' roll drummer Bruce Rowland from @Brixham

@Vixbrix: RT @TQHeraldExpress: Tributes to Bruce Rowland, the 'quiet man' from Brixham who played at #Woodstock

@BistroWineMan: RT @TQHeraldExpress: Tributes to Bruce Rowland, the 'quiet man' from Brixham who played at #Woodstock

@BrixhamNewscom: RT @TQHeraldExpress: Tributes to Bruce Rowland, the 'quiet man' from Brixham who played at #Woodstock

@TQHeraldExpress: Tributes to Bruce Rowland, the 'quiet man' from Brixham who played at #Woodstock

@RocknRoll_agent: Secret superstar past of rock 'n' roll drummer Bruce Rowland from Brixham - Torquay Herald Express

@mudshark58: Farewell To Fairport, Cocker Drummer Bruce Rowland

@DeeDee_Rowland: RT @SoDamnTrue: Kim's pregnant, Bruce is Caitlyn, Tyga cheated on kylie, Scott & Kourt broke up. idk how much longer I can keep up with the…

@WacDeNordwest: ブルース・ローランドさんの訃報。

@wife009: Farewell To Fairport, Cocker Drummer Bruce Rowland

@cybergramtweets: RT @Goldmine_mag: RIP Bruce Rowland – 1939-2015 #classicrock

@fryattstreet: RT @Goldmine_mag: RIP Bruce Rowland – 1939-2015 #classicrock

@SugarCamp2: RT @DiamondDaibhidJ: RIP to Fairport Convention drummer Bruce Rowland;

@MacnabSean: RT @DiamondDaibhidJ: RIP to Fairport Convention drummer Bruce Rowland;

@DiamondDaibhidJ: RIP to Fairport Convention drummer Bruce Rowland;

@Goldmine_mag: RIP Bruce Rowland – 1939-2015 #classicrock

@News4Edinburgh: Edinburgh. | Bruce Rowland: ... | Few drummers can claim to have played at events as culturally diverse as the...

@Scotland4me: News: Edinburgh. | Bruce Rowland: ... | Few drummers can claim to have played at events as culturally diverse ...

@TimesObits: Bruce Rowland


@illinihog: Joe Cocker - She Came In Through The Bathroom Window - YouTube

@syoryotei_yago: Slim Chance のドラマーでもあった Bruce Rowland が亡くなったそうです・・・。


@SlimChanceMusic: RT @We_Are_Folk: A man who shaped the sound of Fairport Convention and Ronnie Lane- rest in peace Bruce Rowland.

@DABrown98: Bruce Rowland, drummer - obituary | via @Telegraph

@midweekmusic: Bruce Rowland, drummer - obituary | via @Telegraph

@neildrewitt: Bruce Rowland obit: 74, played drums for Joe Cocker’s Grease Band; with whom he performed at 1969 Woodstock festival

@theObituaries: Former Fairport Convention and Joe Cocker Drummer Bruce Rowland Dies at 74 - Ultimate Classic Rock

@rockbarsid: Joe CockerのバックバンドとしてデビューしたThe Grease Bandや、Fairport Conventionへの参加で知られるドラマーのBruce Rowlandが6月30日、癌のため74歳で死去。 Joe...

@NicoFan: Bruce Rowland (Fairport convention) 1941 - 2015

@EnWiki: Bruce Rowland (drummer)

@beequeue32: Bruce Rowland, drummer - obituary - via @Telegraph

@guitarplayerbr: Fairport Convention: morre o baterista Bruce Rowland: Bruce Rowland, ex-baterista do Fairport Convention, teve...

@Johnny_Timewarp: R. I. P. Bruce Rowland (1941-2015), drummer of Joe Cocker's Grease Band and Fairport Convention...

@ukworldnews: Telegraph: #BruceRowland, drummer - obituary

@theObituaries: Former Fairport Convention and Joe Cocker Drummer Bruce Rowland Dies at 74 - Ultimate Classic Rock

@thedeadbeater: RT @UltClassicRock: Fairport Convention drummer Bruce Rowland has died. Details here:

@BassPlayerBr: Bruce Rowland, ex-baterista do Fairport Convention, teve a morte confirmada. Ele tinha 74 anos e lutava contra...

@TricolorOnRock: Fairport Convention: morre o baterista Bruce Rowland: Bruce Rowland, ex-baterista do Fairport Convention, teve...

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