Bruce Dawe

Australian poet.
Died on Thursday April 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bruce Dawe:

@PhilCallil: “I have to be careful with my boy”(s)... What we lose in not reading, listening to or studying the great poets of t… - 5 years ago

@TheBillSherlock: with only the usual women caring anywhere and a blind man in tears. BRUCE DAWE 1963 - 5 years ago

@JamesBr27042355: RT @PaulDuffy4: @InsidersABC @CroweDM They should also know that having it marauding in the background for years on end, will cause even mo… - 5 years ago

@PaulDuffy4: @InsidersABC @CroweDM They should also know that having it marauding in the background for years on end, will cause… - 5 years ago


@thereadinglife: RT @buriedinprint: Vale Bruce Dawe (1930-2020) - 5 years ago

@buriedinprint: Vale Bruce Dawe (1930-2020) - 5 years ago

@neve_oneill: A favourite. Vale, Bruce Dawe. ✍🏼 - 5 years ago

@HusseyImogen: RT @LyleShelton: ‘As absolute as blood Now down in the bucket thrust Anonymous as mud’ Vale Bruce Dawe. - 5 years ago

@kmacbris: RT @usqedu: ‘Bruce Dawe’s legacy will live on in the prize that bears his name...' @usqedu's Professor Laurie Johnson says submissions are… - 5 years ago

@usqedu: ‘Bruce Dawe’s legacy will live on in the prize that bears his name...' @usqedu's Professor Laurie Johnson says sub… - 5 years ago

@David48411761: RT @LyleShelton: ‘As absolute as blood Now down in the bucket thrust Anonymous as mud’ Vale Bruce Dawe. - 5 years ago

@WeAreHumComUSQ: RT @BickleSharon: “... offering up instead/Not much but as much as any man can offer/- time, pain, love, hate, age, war, death, laughter, f… - 5 years ago

@LyleShelton: RT @LyleShelton: ‘As absolute as blood Now down in the bucket thrust Anonymous as mud’ Vale Bruce Dawe. - 5 years ago

@LyleShelton: ‘As absolute as blood Now down in the bucket thrust Anonymous as mud’ Vale Bruce Dawe. - 5 years ago

@zmkc: Such is the nature of time & tide that I no longer remember what I thought distinctively wild about 2011 - but the… - 5 years ago

@grahambradbeer: Thanks KW for introducing me to this poem. Want to include it in the Blackburn Presbyterian Service this Good Frida… - 5 years ago

@Cazoperadag: @slamup That was the only reason I read it. The only other time I actively sort out poetry to read in large amounts… - 5 years ago

@TonyC1963: RT @smokiedawson: Vale, Bruce Dawe. One of our greatest. Every word meant something - 5 years ago

@mercatornet: "His #poetry is a delight to teach because it is very #funny much of the time, immediate to every reader, and lends… - 5 years ago

@NatashaReedy7: RT @usqedu: "... Dawe’s passing is a great loss, but his poetry 'of the suburbs' and further afield will continue to be relevant for a long… - 5 years ago

@usqedu: "... Dawe’s passing is a great loss, but his poetry 'of the suburbs' and further afield will continue to be relevan… - 5 years ago

@adamatsya: also: BRUCE DAWE ON CASSETTE! Possibly daggy even for 1986, but ❤️❤️♥️ want - 5 years ago

@adamatsya: Reading the first 11 poems in my old Year 12 copy of Bruce Dawe’s Sometimes Gladness and wooh there’s some dark shi… - 5 years ago

@vidaparatodosbr: Vale, Bruce Dawe, Australia’s best loved poet - 5 years ago

@SophieSocialist: Vale to my old Lecturer+Tutor back in Toowoomba DDIAE All those years ago when as an "old" student (33 of age) I ha… - 5 years ago

@carriehayter: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@S3GIT9: RT @Kenkyusha_PR: 【訃報】オーストラリアの詩人ブルース・ドウ(Donald Bruce Dawe)氏が、2020年4月1日、逝去。90歳。 Tributes for Australia's 'protest poet' Bruce Dawe | The Syd… - 5 years ago

@Kenkyusha_PR: 【訃報】オーストラリアの詩人ブルース・ドウ(Donald Bruce Dawe)氏が、2020年4月1日、逝去。90歳。 Tributes for Australia's 'protest poet' Bruce Dawe | T… - 5 years ago

@CHASS_Aus: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia’s ‘Poet of Suburbia’ April 3, 2020 10.30am AEDT - 5 years ago

@opeyemioab: “Katrina, I had in mind a prayer, but only this came,” Bruce Dawe wrote to his infant daughter, new-born, in intens… - 5 years ago

@mascarareview: RT @MilduraWriters: Vale Bruce Dawe (1930 - 2020). The first recipient of the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medial in 1997 chosen by Les Murray.… - 5 years ago

@Davidy1945: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@VIRGILKAY5: RT @Primal_Digest: @jenbenka @VIRGILKAY5 Vale #BruceDawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@Primal_Digest: @jenbenka @VIRGILKAY5 Vale #BruceDawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@togamau: 'Our protest poet': Tributes flow for Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@MarkSipps: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@DrKarenLonsdale: I missed this news recently. Vale Bruce Dawe. We read his poetry at school. 😢 - 5 years ago

@byronbiblio: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@Beebee10855176: Can’t believe I missed this. R.I.P. Bruce Dawe. We grew up with your poetry. - 5 years ago

@SpottyBalfour: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@TKYC: RT @Coodabeens: The late, great Aussie actor, Annie Phelan, was in fact the daughter of the Big Jim Phelan from the dedication to Bruce Daw… - 5 years ago

@somuchbullsh: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@Coodabeens: The late, great Aussie actor, Annie Phelan, was in fact the daughter of the Big Jim Phelan from the dedication to B… - 5 years ago

@Neversaurus: RT @j4gypsy: Bruce Dawe's passing... - 5 years ago

@judyfree10: RT @j4gypsy: Bruce Dawe's passing... - 5 years ago

@ausgrrl: RT @wendy_harmer: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. "When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, lai… - 5 years ago

@2muchcarbon: Bruce Dawe had a gift of telling ordinary people's lives that was extraordinary. - 5 years ago

@Wersula: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@sean7878: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@wild68223259: RT @janice_martin5: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant | Books | The Guard… - 5 years ago

@YaThinkN: RT @j4gypsy: Bruce Dawe's passing... - 5 years ago

@j4gypsy: Bruce Dawe's passing... - 5 years ago

@j4gypsy: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@cscviews: RT @janice_martin5: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant | Books | The Guard… - 5 years ago

@beyond_estuary: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@JenveySusan: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@northway_debbie: RT @janice_martin5: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant | Books | The Guard… - 5 years ago

@Ingot54: RT @janice_martin5: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant | Books | The Guard… - 5 years ago

@JillJackz: @janice_martin5 RIP Bruce Dawe🌹 - 5 years ago

@OlivepinkPink: RT @janice_martin5: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant | Books | The Guard… - 5 years ago

@janice_martin5: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant | Books | The G… - 5 years ago

@SteveCarey17: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@whartonag: 'Our protest poet': Tributes flow for #BruceDawe - 5 years ago

@ANVAM_Director: RT @ANVAM310: Vale Bruce Dawe #veteranartist #veteranpoet @RAAF_ACAUST @CAF_Australia @AusAirForce - 5 years ago

@Katebfitz: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@Chris_Bounds: In memorial Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@SueTW5: I haven't heard anything about Bruce Dawe's passing on the TV news. Very sad. Maybe I missed it. The Guardian: Bru… - 5 years ago

@EsmeBanks: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@Lindycleeland: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@bansealgair: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@rgibson103: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@JacintaArnold1: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@varun18vijay: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@gratstab: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@FollowSamir: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@davidroxdad: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@kessinclair: A song for Aussie poet Bruce Dawe "whose eyes sparkled like jellyfish on the beach at dawn". (To quote my favourite… - 5 years ago

@nellesmi1920: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@neric16: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@AlanJMitchell_: RT @ctmitrow: A Great Poet -a very Sad loss! Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@ctmitrow: A Great Poet -a very Sad loss! Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@drng: RT @zmkc: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@zmkc: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@Marvell_Law: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@ac_brite: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@CulpeperThom: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia'..& a mind in lines..! Vale poet, Vale...! - 5 years ago

@shaunellispop: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@Rose87011015: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@joyful_aroha: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@Kate_Nancarrow: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@whiteswine: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@KALHolman: @GlenelgFC @AndrewFaulkner9 @Cornesy12 Great stuff! I never thought I could miss football this much. How amazing to… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeManka: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@LDMelb: RT @MichaelPascoe01: Vale Bruce Dawe This has stayed with me for half a century, reached into my soul then, still does. There were children… - 5 years ago

@jenburton_jenny: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@ConsueloPoet: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@MarieCo92176893: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@Lila33: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@23Sroo: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@m_g_bauer: Vale Bruce Dawe - a giant of Australian Literature. - 5 years ago

@HebraicView: The Australian poet Bruce Dawe who died very recently, wrote an incredibly moving poem “The Wholly Innocent”: I n… - 5 years ago

@MimTea: @GuardianAus What a loss! Vale Bruce! "telegrams tremble like leaves from a wintery tree and the spider grief swing… - 5 years ago

@jamesmhogan: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@Ian84622118: To no one in particular. Bruce Dawe was a wonderful poet and Australian. I read him often. - 5 years ago

@WillowA2: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@percyvale21: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@tlightly1: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@MimTea: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@TonkeyD: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@lenoretaylor: RT @GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@GuardianAus: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@MargaretHollin1: RT @SDHamiltonVIC: 'Not much but as much as any man can offer - time, pain, love, hate, age, ware, death, laughter, fever.' Donald Bruce D… - 5 years ago

@SueTW5: Very sad - the passing of Bruce Dawe, a great Aussie poet. The Guardian: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but h… - 5 years ago

@johblogs: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@hayleysunflower: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@sagago2043: @ShaggerH I studied his poetry in school. Vale Bruce Dawe. - 5 years ago

@ShaggerH: Vale Bruce Dawe - a favourite. - 5 years ago

@potcalling: RT @SDHamiltonVIC: 'Not much but as much as any man can offer - time, pain, love, hate, age, ware, death, laughter, fever.' Donald Bruce D… - 5 years ago

@u_hardy: RT @SDHamiltonVIC: 'Not much but as much as any man can offer - time, pain, love, hate, age, ware, death, laughter, fever.' Donald Bruce D… - 5 years ago

@MothershipJLH: RT @SDHamiltonVIC: 'Not much but as much as any man can offer - time, pain, love, hate, age, ware, death, laughter, fever.' Donald Bruce D… - 5 years ago

@Maripos42680224: RT @datsunland: I had a Year 12 English teacher who went all Australian - Harp in the South/Poor Man's Orange for the novels, The Doll for… - 5 years ago

@Maripos42680224: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@Maripos42680224: RT @chrispapps2: Vale Bruce Dawe My hearts breaks you brought poetry to me - 5 years ago

@Maripos42680224: Bruce Dawe has died. This one hurts....thank you for your voice and inspiration Bruce - 5 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@Maripos42680224: RT @SDHamiltonVIC: 'Not much but as much as any man can offer - time, pain, love, hate, age, ware, death, laughter, fever.' Donald Bruce D… - 5 years ago

@taleshaker: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@camahkin: RT @miriamcosic: Bruce Dawe, a wonderful Australian poet, has died. Vale ... Another Australian poet, John Kinsella, wrote this illuminati… - 5 years ago

@miriamcosic: And this by Kevin Brophy: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' #literature #poetry #words #books… - 5 years ago

@miriamcosic: Bruce Dawe, a wonderful Australian poet, has died. Vale ... Another Australian poet, John Kinsella, wrote this ill… - 5 years ago

@QueenslandInve1: RT @SDHamiltonVIC: 'Not much but as much as any man can offer - time, pain, love, hate, age, ware, death, laughter, fever.' Donald Bruce D… - 5 years ago

@lynlinking: RT @SDHamiltonVIC: 'Not much but as much as any man can offer - time, pain, love, hate, age, ware, death, laughter, fever.' Donald Bruce D… - 5 years ago

@SDHamiltonVIC: 'Not much but as much as any man can offer - time, pain, love, hate, age, ware, death, laughter, fever.' Donald Br… - 5 years ago

@filanjon: RT @bhoopz: @the_shb @GrogsGamut A staple of my English classes for the past 30 years. Australian culture and history critiqued through bit… - 5 years ago

@clublecturaCCSS: In memoriam Bruce Dawe, poeta australiano 15 feb. 1930 - 1 abr. 2020 - 5 years ago

@theonly_phil_j: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@DarwinorthOZ: RT @kateauty: Bruce Dawe - an #obituary - sometimes #sadness. - 5 years ago

@Wombat389: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@LeighVaughanV1: RT @Gcampbell6: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@PaulMattDonovan: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@antheap: RT @peterrenshaw: VALE Bruce Dawe / Homecoming All day, day after day, they’re bringing them home, they’re picking them up, those they c… - 5 years ago

@PsPaulONeill: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@ConorCo: Vale, Bruce Dawe 😢 - 5 years ago

@Frank_McGuire: Vale to the poet for the little blokes, Bruce Dawe. Life-Cycle featured a sentiment also missed: “When children are… - 5 years ago

@Georgia45711447: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@SaraCro25792681: RT @LyleShelton: Sad news. I had the privilege of studying first year literature under Bruce Dawe at the University of Southern Queensland.… - 5 years ago

@Helena_Sindelar: RT @cigarssh: @Helena_Sindelar Bruce Dawe AND Ellis Marsalis in one week? Hell! - 5 years ago

@SethB28325843: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@SaraCro25792681: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@CorriganAbigail: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@MollyGladys1: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@BenDeMole1: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@GraceH37540534: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@sidney_zara: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@Bankscee: RT @GuardianBooks: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@darwinb0y: RT @helentrinca: The saddest news ⁦@PairRaggedClaws⁩ a completely different life from Clive James for example but somehow equally remarkabl… - 5 years ago

@warrick_w: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@PeterLewisEMC: RT @helentrinca: The saddest news ⁦@PairRaggedClaws⁩ a completely different life from Clive James for example but somehow equally remarkabl… - 5 years ago

@AnneMarieJeffe2: Bruce Dawe, an Australian icon. I hope his life and work is celebrated in full when this is all over. - 5 years ago

@bigfootynews: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@Hunter27806695: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@JakeHayter2: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@I_am_the_id_egg: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@LyleShelton: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@Jeffrey_Addison: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@louiskasatkin: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@leeannewalker: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@MelbournePEN: RT @MilduraWriters: Vale Bruce Dawe (1930 - 2020). The first recipient of the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medial in 1997 chosen by Les Murray.… - 5 years ago

@MettaBhavana1: For decades when you went into a second-hand bookshop in Australia, if you found only one book of poetry there it w… - 5 years ago

@TedMcdonnell: RT @Gcampbell6: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@ArchbishopMark: @Cultureboy After Les Murray’s going, now Bruce Dawe departs, bequeathing to us (in his own words) “not much but as… - 5 years ago

@plalor: RT @ratherbeatlunch: Vale #brucedawe . Around Christmas 2016, at the time of @PickenLiam 's great mark, @JimPavlidis great painting and #Th… - 5 years ago

@quietfundraiser: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@thefootyalmanac: RT @ratherbeatlunch: Vale #brucedawe . Around Christmas 2016, at the time of @PickenLiam 's great mark, @JimPavlidis great painting and #Th… - 5 years ago

@AnthCasanova2: Task for the weekend is to locate and read through my Bruce Dawe anthology. - 5 years ago

@KayeESullivan: RT @kateauty: Bruce Dawe - an #obituary - sometimes #sadness. - 5 years ago

@Cazoperadag: RT @kateauty: Bruce Dawe - an #obituary - sometimes #sadness. - 5 years ago

@SpookyLib: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@UQCom_Arts: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@GonzalezPrue: I can still remember reading Sometimes Gladness when I was 15 years old. It opened my eyes to the beauty on our ver… - 5 years ago

@kateauty: Bruce Dawe - an #obituary - sometimes #sadness. - 5 years ago

@DomCatholic: RT @CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost in ab… - 5 years ago

@kateauty: RT @peterrenshaw: VALE Bruce Dawe / Homecoming All day, day after day, they’re bringing them home, they’re picking them up, those they c… - 5 years ago

@L_DeWeaver: RT @peterrenshaw: VALE Bruce Dawe / Homecoming All day, day after day, they’re bringing them home, they’re picking them up, those they c… - 5 years ago

@djp1974: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@GCobber99: RT @Gcampbell6: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@ReginaldThales: RT @Gcampbell6: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Bruce Dawe Death-Dead: Bruce Dawe Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown - 5 years ago

@CherishLifeQLD: Remembering one of Australia’s greatest poets Bruce Dawe AO. He wrote a beautiful & tragic poem about babies lost i… - 5 years ago

@mangotree_books: RT @GuardianBooks: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@jhaue: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@skiourophile: RT @GuardianBooks: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@AmeliaBee7: VALE one of Australia’s greatest ever poets. Thank you, Bruce Dawe🙏❤️ - 5 years ago

@CaptSlapstick: RT @lenoretaylor: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@kipstergull: RT @Ashrides: Sad sad news, I loved studying his work for my HSC Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware… - 5 years ago

@BarbaraHFlowers: @guardian I'm reading her poems today as a nod to another wonderful Australian poet Bruce Dawe because he has just died, and poets matter. - 5 years ago

@Ashrides: Sad sad news, I loved studying his work for my HSC Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, soci… - 5 years ago

@AdeleChynoweth: Vale Australian poet Bruce Dawe ‘Blink. Blink. CEMETERY. Silence.’ (From ‘Enter Without So Much as Knocking’) - 5 years ago

@Gcampbell6: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@jg_rat: RT @AileenGrey: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@eneferri: How apt - these lines from Bruce Dawe’s “A public hangman tells his love” - 5 years ago

@eneferri: Vale Bruce Dawe.😢 - 5 years ago

@Cazoperadag: @GingerGorman Not exactly randomly, but hearing of Bruce Dawe’s death set me iff. Two days now. - 5 years ago

@Moxie404: Australia is the poorer for the loss of Bruce Dawe. He changed my life when we studied “Sometimes Gladness” in high… - 5 years ago

@peterrenshaw: VALE Bruce Dawe / Homecoming All day, day after day, they’re bringing them home, they’re picking them up, those… - 5 years ago

@mmbrenn: Bruce Dawe 1930-2020. Quintessential Aussie poet, with a great sense of humour. Would have been amused if he'd kn… - 5 years ago

@tonywalker1: The Conversation farewells Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' @TC_Africa - 5 years ago

@cigarssh: @Helena_Sindelar Bruce Dawe AND Ellis Marsalis in one week? Hell! - 5 years ago

@northway_debbie: RT @smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost writers of verse. https… - 5 years ago

@TByrne75: @lenoretaylor 'Drifters' by Bruce Dawe has haunted me since 1992. - 5 years ago

@rpollard: Beautiful obit for Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@Forthleft2: RT @lenoretaylor: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@sbthatsme123: RT @lenoretaylor: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@AileenGrey: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@MarieCo92176893: RT @smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost writers of verse. https… - 5 years ago

@taniatorikova: RIP Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@GayleNewshound: RT @lenoretaylor: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@lenoretaylor: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@DrAndrewConnor: Not being Australian, I didn't read Bruce Dawe's poetry in school, so I've had to encounter it here and there since… - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Bruce Dawe Death-Dead: Bruce Dawe Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown - 5 years ago

@banister02: RT @ratherbeatlunch: Vale #brucedawe . Around Christmas 2016, at the time of @PickenLiam 's great mark, @JimPavlidis great painting and #Th… - 5 years ago

@somuchbullsh: RT @monocag1: Like many, Bruce Dawe was my first exposure to poetry in my vernacular ‘....their shadows are tracing the blue curve of the P… - 5 years ago

@ghostwhowrites: RT @the_shb: Beautiful obituary for Bruce Dawe by Kevin Brophy #ozlit - 5 years ago

@CraigMunroEdits: RT @the_shb: Beautiful obituary for Bruce Dawe by Kevin Brophy #ozlit - 5 years ago

@csrlagos: RT @smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost writers of verse. https… - 5 years ago

@stephenaxlscott: RIP Bruce Dawe. Literary legend. A wonderful man, I was lucky enough to learn from him for a short time in the late… - 5 years ago

@LawrieWoodman: Poetry: 'Life Cycle', by Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@DouginCanberra: “Though he was a social commentator on the secular, his religious sensibility often underlay his moral positioning… - 5 years ago

@BellzWebster: RT @smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost writers of verse. https… - 5 years ago

@DouginCanberra: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@BGriffenFoley: RT @the_shb: Beautiful obituary for Bruce Dawe by Kevin Brophy #ozlit - 5 years ago

@edumak8: Vale #brucedawe amazing poet and brilliant human being. He was an inspirational lecturer and magic with words. - 5 years ago

@FlashmanSky: RT @smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost writers of verse. https… - 5 years ago

@somuchbullsh: RT @smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost writers of verse. https… - 5 years ago

@LShusuke: RT @smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost writers of verse. https… - 5 years ago

@CathFrost4: RT @smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost writers of verse. https… - 5 years ago

@MerSicra: RT @smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost… - 5 years ago

@smh: Australian poet Bruce Dawe has been remembered as a remarkable educator and one of the country's foremost writers o… - 5 years ago

@wozzak: Bruce Dawe, the Australian poet laureate, has died aged 90. He had the magic touch. - 5 years ago

@FrederiqueJack3: RT @the_shb: Beautiful obituary for Bruce Dawe by Kevin Brophy #ozlit - 5 years ago

@InnessDaniel: RT @wendy_harmer: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. "When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, lai… - 5 years ago

@DavidJohnson_27: RT @GuardianBooks: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@SusannaFreymark: Vale Bruce Dawe. You changed the way I saw Australian suburbia. - 5 years ago

@newcastleboyy: 'Our protest poet': Tributes flow for Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@julie_shinners: RT @usqedu: ' ... a bloke who put poetry on the map for millions of Australians.' Phil Brown's @couriermail article is a touching tribute… - 5 years ago

@thefootyalmanac: Read these wonderful stories Vin Maskell wrote over the years about the late poet Bruce Dawe.… - 5 years ago

@joeldeane: RT @the_shb: Beautiful obituary for Bruce Dawe by Kevin Brophy #ozlit - 5 years ago

@cosmocat42: RT @usqedu: ' ... a bloke who put poetry on the map for millions of Australians.' Phil Brown's @couriermail article is a touching tribute… - 5 years ago

@the_shb: Beautiful obituary for Bruce Dawe by Kevin Brophy #ozlit - 5 years ago

@datsunland: I had a Year 12 English teacher who went all Australian - Harp in the South/Poor Man's Orange for the novels, The D… - 5 years ago

@rosalindjh: RT @GuardianBooks: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@Anncaro11: RT @BreeseTracey: “One day soon he'll tell her it's time to start. packing, And the kids will yell “Truly?” Vale Bruce Dawe. An honourable… - 5 years ago

@meniscusAU: Bruce Dawe, one of Australia's truly great poets, here eulogised by Kevin Brophy, another of Australia's great poet… - 5 years ago

@usqedu: ' ... a bloke who put poetry on the map for millions of Australians.' Phil Brown's @couriermail article is a touc… - 5 years ago

@ByrneWenona: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@jhtt2156: RT @GuardianBooks: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@ScoopliveUpdate: Tributes for Australia’s ‘protest poet’ Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@djp1974: Vale #BruceDawe, Australia's '#Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@floydthek: RT @patstokes: ...on to small towns where dogs in the frozen sunset raise muzzles in mute salute, and on to cities in whose wide web of s… - 5 years ago

@ninglun: RT @wendy_harmer: "Life Cycle" the best poem about footy, ever. "But the dance forever the same — the elderly still loyally crying Carn… C… - 5 years ago

@BronwenLevy: Gladness, always: thank you Bruce for all your words: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, soc… - 5 years ago

@PaulMorrissey18: After Clive James & Les Murray, another loss to Australian letters. RIP. Poet Bruce Dawe dies, aged 90 "Dawe was kn… - 5 years ago

@DivaBehan: Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant - 5 years ago

@john_cronin48: RT @RonniSalt: "I know that, even if reincarnation were a fact, given the inherent cruelty of the world where beautiful things and people… - 5 years ago

@SpookyLib: RT @wendy_harmer: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. "When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, lai… - 5 years ago

@AnnabellBrayley: RT @ClearySimon: Vale Bruce Dawe, one of the first poets I read. He’d settled in my hometown -so influential. Light, serious, everyday poem… - 5 years ago

@the_shb: RT @ClearySimon: Vale Bruce Dawe, one of the first poets I read. He’d settled in my hometown -so influential. Light, serious, everyday poem… - 5 years ago

@jonocoleman: RT @SuzyYates: Thank you @wendy_harmer for the tribute to poet Bruce Dawe. ‘Homecoming’ was compulsory study at school and listening to you… - 5 years ago

@aletaV: R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@JillJackz: @goodie4peta Have enjoyed his work for a long, long time💜RIP Bruce Dawe. - 5 years ago

@FrederiqueJack3: RT @ClearySimon: Vale Bruce Dawe, one of the first poets I read. He’d settled in my hometown -so influential. Light, serious, everyday poem… - 5 years ago

@Rdonair: RT @abcalumni: ABC Alumni mourns the passing of Bruce Dawe. A great talent who celebrated & enhanced Australian life. - 5 years ago

@abcalumni: ABC Alumni mourns the passing of Bruce Dawe. A great talent who celebrated & enhanced Australian life. - 5 years ago

@AmyAndrewsbooks: RT @wendy_harmer: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. "When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, lai… - 5 years ago

@bradhooperarch: @tmgedu Sad about Bruce Dawe. I still have the text from high school. - 5 years ago

@Rdonair: My favourite Bruce Dawe poem. Life-Cycle. There is poetry everywhere - 5 years ago

@Rdonair: RT @OzPentimenti: Vale Bruce Dawe (1 Feb 1930 - 1 Apr 2020). 'He was uncannily capable of making poetry that talked plainly but still myst… - 5 years ago

@maha__abed: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@e_regnans: RT @PTNoo: @thefootyalmanac @PBauldy @e_regnans @MichaelRandall5 Thanks @thefootyalmanac and @ratherbeatlunch. @PBauldy tribute to Bruce Da… - 5 years ago

@zenfrost: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@Schmowman: RT @ANVAM310: Vale Bruce Dawe #veteranartist #veteranpoet @RAAF_ACAUST @CAF_Australia @AusAirForce - 5 years ago

@JillJackz: "..... the loved one spans that dizzy distance by the act of being, and we lovers turn our faces steadily thou-ward… - 5 years ago

@ClearySimon: Vale Bruce Dawe, one of the first poets I read. He’d settled in my hometown -so influential. Light, serious, everyd… - 5 years ago

@JillJackz: RT @MilduraWriters: Vale Bruce Dawe (1930 - 2020). The first recipient of the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medial in 1997 chosen by Les Murray.… - 5 years ago

@truffle57: RT @Lucy_TheConvo: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@RoseGWhite: RT @Lucy_TheConvo: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@Lucy_TheConvo: Vale Bruce Dawe, Australia's 'Poet of Suburbia' - 5 years ago

@hornseyj: RT @NikkiGemmell: Was there ever a more tender poet of Australian masculinity than Bruce Dawe? "...we know there is no conditioning process… - 5 years ago

@darwinb0y: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@Billandbecks: RT @SuzyYates: Thank you @wendy_harmer for the tribute to poet Bruce Dawe. ‘Homecoming’ was compulsory study at school and listening to you… - 5 years ago

@matthewwestwood: RT @helentrinca: The saddest news ⁦@PairRaggedClaws⁩ a completely different life from Clive James for example but somehow equally remarkabl… - 5 years ago

@MilduraWriters: Vale Bruce Dawe (1930 - 2020). The first recipient of the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medial in 1997 chosen by Les Murr… - 5 years ago

@AdelaideBook: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@marygarden: RT @wendy_harmer: "Life Cycle" the best poem about footy, ever. "But the dance forever the same — the elderly still loyally crying Carn… C… - 5 years ago

@marygarden: RT @wendy_harmer: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. "When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, lai… - 5 years ago

@MarkSkulley: RT @GerardMay5: Vale Bruce Dawe. His anti Vietnam war poem Homecoming. - 5 years ago

@Longreach66: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@NikkiGemmell: Was there ever a more tender poet of Australian masculinity than Bruce Dawe? "...we know there is no conditioning p… - 5 years ago

@beestydi: RT @GerardMay5: Vale Bruce Dawe. His anti Vietnam war poem Homecoming. - 5 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@mtngry: All Australians should be eating cornflakes in this man's honour! - 5 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @SuzyYates: Thank you @wendy_harmer for the tribute to poet Bruce Dawe. ‘Homecoming’ was compulsory study at school and listening to you… - 5 years ago

@GerardMay5: Vale Bruce Dawe. His anti Vietnam war poem Homecoming. - 5 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @RadioNational: Originally broadcast in 2010, this program features a selection of poems by well-loved Australian poet Bruce Dawe, drawn… - 5 years ago

@neildoody: RT @thefootyalmanac: Bruce Dawe has been a favourite at the Footy Almanac over the years, and we are greatly saddened by his death. From ou… - 5 years ago

@csrlagos: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@BickleSharon: “... offering up instead/Not much but as much as any man can offer/- time, pain, love, hate, age, war, death, laugh… - 5 years ago

@thefootyalmanac: RT @PTNoo: @thefootyalmanac @PBauldy @e_regnans @MichaelRandall5 Thanks @thefootyalmanac and @ratherbeatlunch. @PBauldy tribute to Bruce Da… - 5 years ago

@ECamaldulensis: RT @RadioNational: Originally broadcast in 2010, this program features a selection of poems by well-loved Australian poet Bruce Dawe, drawn… - 5 years ago

@janey64: RT @helentrinca: The saddest news ⁦@PairRaggedClaws⁩ a completely different life from Clive James for example but somehow equally remarkabl… - 5 years ago

@GCobber99: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@annauthentic: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@warrick_w: Sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe, My favourite poem of his is ‘Drifters’, a poem I’ve used in class often,… - 5 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Jazz greats Ellis Marsalis Jr., Bucky Pizzarelli; Adam Schlesinger of Fountains of Wayne; poet Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@ratherbeatlunch: RT @thefootyalmanac: Bruce Dawe has been a favourite at the Footy Almanac over the years, and we are greatly saddened by his death. From ou… - 5 years ago

@miriamhobson: RT @wendy_harmer: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. "When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, lai… - 5 years ago

@obrijo: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@CamSalton: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. An amazing writer and poet. Sometimes Gladness is still my favourite c… - 5 years ago

@aquamajic: RT @helentrinca: The saddest news ⁦@PairRaggedClaws⁩ a completely different life from Clive James for example but somehow equally remarkabl… - 5 years ago

@DeepSmoke2: RT @helentrinca: The saddest news ⁦@PairRaggedClaws⁩ a completely different life from Clive James for example but somehow equally remarkabl… - 5 years ago

@TRAVLIC: RT @asunderland: Farewell to one of Australia's greatest poets. "They will not grow old as those from the more northern States grow old, fo… - 5 years ago

@thefootyalmanac: Bruce Dawe has been a favourite at the Footy Almanac over the years, and we are greatly saddened by his death. From… - 5 years ago

@Conspiracy50: @helentrinca @PairRaggedClaws @australian Les Murray, Clive James, now Bruce Dawe. All three genuinely popular, cle… - 5 years ago

@australian: RT @helentrinca: The saddest news ⁦@PairRaggedClaws⁩ a completely different life from Clive James for example but somehow equally remarkabl… - 5 years ago

@PeterBotsman: RT @wendy_harmer: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. "When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, lai… - 5 years ago

@helentrinca: The saddest news ⁦@PairRaggedClaws⁩ a completely different life from Clive James for example but somehow equally re… - 5 years ago

@DagLoves: RT @SuzyYates: Thank you @wendy_harmer for the tribute to poet Bruce Dawe. ‘Homecoming’ was compulsory study at school and listening to you… - 5 years ago

@MonashPub: RT @terriannwhite: Vale Bruce Dawe. A privilege to have published your last volume of poetry, Border Crossings, in 2016. A remarkable body… - 5 years ago

@debi_howarth: RT @LostPlayhouse: Devastated to have heard the news of the passing of an Australian literary giant, under whom I had the great pleasure of… - 5 years ago

@melissaclaireb: RT @terriannwhite: Vale Bruce Dawe. A privilege to have published your last volume of poetry, Border Crossings, in 2016. A remarkable body… - 5 years ago

@wendy_harmer: RT @SuzyYates: Thank you @wendy_harmer for the tribute to poet Bruce Dawe. ‘Homecoming’ was compulsory study at school and listening to you… - 5 years ago

@SuzyYates: Thank you @wendy_harmer for the tribute to poet Bruce Dawe. ‘Homecoming’ was compulsory study at school and listeni… - 5 years ago

@mascarareview: RT @terriannwhite: Vale Bruce Dawe. A privilege to have published your last volume of poetry, Border Crossings, in 2016. A remarkable body… - 5 years ago

@emmace85: RT @RedRoomPoetry: Vale Bruce Dawe, who transformed the world anew for so many. #BruceDawe #Poet #AustralianPoetry - 5 years ago

@catri: RT @terriannwhite: Vale Bruce Dawe. A privilege to have published your last volume of poetry, Border Crossings, in 2016. A remarkable body… - 5 years ago

@MalleeNic: RT @RonniSalt: "I know that, even if reincarnation were a fact, given the inherent cruelty of the world where beautiful things and people… - 5 years ago

@JakartaHawks: RT @Asian_Football: Vale poet Bruce Dawe (1930-2020) writer of "Life Cycle", the most famous ode to those who play, or barrack for, Austral… - 5 years ago

@AM_Gill: @wendy_harmer I taught this poem many times in Wagga Wagga and Corowa schools and the kids absolutely loved it. Daw… - 5 years ago

@AM_Gill: RT @wendy_harmer: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. "When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, lai… - 5 years ago

@maureen1905: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@ConcertMusicSup: RT @bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Jazz greats Ellis Marsalis Jr., Bucky Pizzarelli; Adam Schlesinger of Fountains of Wayne; poet Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@edmanson: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@OpenEyedSneeze: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@missyerem: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@tadepen: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@mizkatelebo: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@JanetBartier: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@TaraSkurtu: RT @danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 90--a… - 5 years ago

@danalevinpoet: My friend Tim sent this to me this morning--by an Australian poet I don't know: Bruce Dawe, who died yesterday at 9… - 5 years ago

@008moonside: RT @wendy_harmer: So sad to hear of the passing of Bruce Dawe. "When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, lai… - 5 years ago

@bondi_izzy: RT @RadioNational: Originally broadcast in 2010, this program features a selection of poems by well-loved Australian poet Bruce Dawe, drawn… - 5 years ago

@bondi_izzy: RT @terriannwhite: Vale Bruce Dawe. A privilege to have published your last volume of poetry, Border Crossings, in 2016. A remarkable body… - 5 years ago

@bondi_izzy: RT @MarinaSofia8: Vale Bruce Dawe (1930-2020) - 5 years ago

@bondi_izzy: RT @georgefwoods: Grateful for the humanity and eloquence of Bruce Dawe. Vale. This is “Betrayers,” courtesy Puncher & Wattman’s 2009 antho… - 5 years ago

@bondi_izzy: RT @bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Jazz greats Ellis Marsalis Jr., Bucky Pizzarelli; Adam Schlesinger of Fountains of Wayne; poet Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@lisabrockwell: RT @joeldeane: Back in the 1980s, Bruce Dawe was the first poet I ever saw give a poetry reading. It was an unforgettable experience. Vale. - 5 years ago

@Subdo2: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@Subdo2: RT @asunderland: Farewell to one of Australia's greatest poets. "They will not grow old as those from the more northern States grow old, fo… - 5 years ago

@MWhalan: RT @asunderland: Farewell to one of Australia's greatest poets. "They will not grow old as those from the more northern States grow old, fo… - 5 years ago

@nobby15: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@DownUnderCelt: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@obscureReviewer: RT @emmaels: Vale Bruce Dawe. I studied this poem ten years ago and I never forgot it for some reason. The hot, dry melancholia of Australi… - 5 years ago

@valentin10: RT @AkashiSama: Bruce Dawe died 😦 - 5 years ago

@Tess_westaust: RT @LyleShelton: Sad news. I had the privilege of studying first year literature under Bruce Dawe at the University of Southern Queensland.… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Jazz greats Ellis Marsalis Jr., Bucky Pizzarelli; Adam Schlesinger of Fountains of Wayne; poet… - 5 years ago

@redjasperjulie: Poet Bruce Dawe dies, aged 90 - 5 years ago

@RudiKing8: Bruce Dawe - VALE - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Bruce Dawe @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #BruceDawe add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@Michael99908062: RT @patstokes: ...on to small towns where dogs in the frozen sunset raise muzzles in mute salute, and on to cities in whose wide web of s… - 5 years ago

@mangotree_books: RT @RonniSalt: "I know that, even if reincarnation were a fact, given the inherent cruelty of the world where beautiful things and people… - 5 years ago

@mangotree_books: RT @the_shb: Vale Bruce Dawe, 1930-2020. ‘and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry — they’re bringing them home, now, too late,… - 5 years ago

@Michael99908062: Bruce Dawe, dead at 90. - 5 years ago

@RudiKing8: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@drspacejunk: RT @GavinCoote: Vale. The poet of suburbia. Thank you for making English class in high school a deeply enriching experience - 5 years ago

@rachclugston: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale Bruce Dawe - 5 years ago

@GavinCoote: Vale. The poet of suburbia. Thank you for making English class in high school a deeply enriching experience - 5 years ago

@MarinaSofia8: Vale Bruce Dawe (1930-2020) - 5 years ago

@cutnphil: @tannock_mark Homecoming (1968) and Life Cycle (1967) were my two favourites. Rest In Peace Bruce Dawe. - 5 years ago

@RenPettittS: RT @terriannwhite: Vale Bruce Dawe. A privilege to have published your last volume of poetry, Border Crossings, in 2016. A remarkable body… - 5 years ago

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