Brian Roberts

Australian footballer (Richmond).
Died on Saturday August 6th 2016

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Brian Roberts:

@trudyg007: RT @GCobber99: Q&A smackdown: Brian Cox brings graphs to grapple with Malcolm Roberts - 9 years ago

@NTWFox: Malcolm Roberts on Q&A - what can one say? Idiot senator and climate skeptic outgunned and outsmarted by British scientist Brian Cox. - 9 years ago

@GCobber99: Q&A smackdown: Brian Cox brings graphs to grapple with Malcolm Roberts - 9 years ago

@hmlgreener: RT @Orringa: #QandA’s contribution to Science Wk was to have a fruit cake like Roberts debate the science of climate change with Brian Cox.… - 9 years ago


@NannanBay: RT @krONik: Has #QandA no shame? Exposing a renowned scientist like Cox to #rwnj fruitcake Roberts simply embarrassing - 9 years ago

@MischelleCamill: RT @abcnews: British physicist @ProfBrianCox takes on One Nation senator-elect Malcolm Roberts in climate change stoush #auspol - 9 years ago

@ejb27a: Q&A showdown: Brian Cox takes on Malcolm Roberts - 9 years ago

@tallandtrue: #Science vs #ignorance on #ClimateChange! HT #qanda showdown: #BrianCox takes on #MalcolmRoberts - 9 years ago

@amymcquire: What was the point of putting Prof Brian Cox up against an idiot like Malcolm Roberts - you can't argue with stupid people - 9 years ago

@VinceRugari: @oz_f look at the way they pump it up the next day too. it's all about conflict, not conversation - 9 years ago

@lai_cat_lai: RT @guardian: Q&A smackdown: Brian Cox brings graphs to grapple with Malcolm Roberts - 9 years ago

@james_scwk: RT @callapilla: Don't bring a sovereign citizen to a graph fight. - 9 years ago

@james_scwk: RT @elliemail: ““The data has been corrupted,” he said at one point, arguing that Nasa and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology h…” https:/… - 9 years ago

@janetbackstage: RT @Tara_Moss: Q&A smackdown: Brian Cox brings graphs to grapple with Malcolm Roberts: - 9 years ago

@james_scwk: RT @ItsBouquet: "We've elected Norman Gunston to the Senate. How did it come to this? We're not a nation of complete nongs" - 9 years ago

@pepeMcGee: RT @ItsBouquet: Why is it so?....Lol!...very good! - 9 years ago

@Culldogfarms: RT @abcnews: British physicist @ProfBrianCox takes on One Nation senator-elect Malcolm Roberts in climate change stoush #auspol - 9 years ago

@NannanBay: When shown empirical data " It's been manipulated" Q&A smackdown: Brian Cox brings graphs to grapple with Roberts - 9 years ago

@Triplejay58: RT @ItsBouquet: Why is it so?....Lol!...very good! - 9 years ago

@brisbane_parent: RT @australizer: Q&A showdown: Brian Cox takes on Malcolm Roberts - 9 years ago

@kat_arden: RT @canthavepudding: Brian Cox and One Nation crackpot Malcolm Roberts both appearing on tonight's #qanda #auspol - 9 years ago

@Norton_750: What a contrast, Roberts and Brian Cox. #qanda - 9 years ago

@AstarSt: RT @PPantsdown: Could #QandA seat Brian Cox between Malcolm Roberts & Greg Hunt so he can do simultaneous #FactSlaps ? - 9 years ago

@dahmerlovesong: RT @DanielGulberry: Is anyone running a sweep on how long it takes until Brian Cox headbutts Malcolm Roberts #qanda - 9 years ago

@jamesroywriter: I can't wait for Brian Cox to explain to Malcolm Roberts what "empirical" and "scientific theory". #qanda - 9 years ago

@philip__anthony: Schrodinger's #qanda - simultaneously watchable with Brian Cox and unwatchable with Malcolm Roberts. - 9 years ago

@76ahbf: RT @canthavepudding: Brian Cox and One Nation crackpot Malcolm Roberts both appearing on tonight's #qanda #auspol - 9 years ago

@BillEvertArnott: #QandA looking forward to Professor Brian Cox shredding Malcolm Roberts tonight - 9 years ago

@daria_kill: If Brian Cox & Lily Serna can't slam that fuck Roberts, I'm never watching #qanda again. - 9 years ago

@AngstyRossini: RT @canthavepudding: Brian Cox and One Nation crackpot Malcolm Roberts both appearing on tonight's #qanda #auspol - 9 years ago

@MackayIM: RT @canthavepudding: Brian Cox and One Nation crackpot Malcolm Roberts both appearing on tonight's #qanda #auspol - 9 years ago

@TheDancingSlug: #QandA @QandA Brian's going to be charming and use facts. I want to see Roberts attempt to keep an argument together when facts get used. - 9 years ago

@Justpeachijo: RT @canthavepudding: Brian Cox and One Nation crackpot Malcolm Roberts both appearing on tonight's #qanda #auspol - 9 years ago

@alexisn168: RT @Peshkqe: Interested to see what Brian Cox makes of Malcolm Roberts #qanda - 9 years ago

@GnateFC: RT @EddyJokovich: I have a feeling Brian Cox will make mincemeat of Malcolm Roberts tonight. #qanda - 9 years ago

@solitaryseabird: RT @EddyJokovich: I have a feeling Brian Cox will make mincemeat of Malcolm Roberts tonight. #qanda - 9 years ago

@Kookaburra65: RT @MattHrkac93: Brian Cox will make Malcolm Roberts look like the lightweight that he is. #qanda #auspol - 9 years ago

@Seamgrace: Brian Cox v Malcolm Roberts this should be fascinating #qanda - 9 years ago

@fubbai: RT @DanielGulberry: Is anyone running a sweep on how long it takes until Brian Cox headbutts Malcolm Roberts #qanda - 9 years ago

@poped01: RT @canthavepudding: Brian Cox and One Nation crackpot Malcolm Roberts both appearing on tonight's #qanda #auspol - 9 years ago

@PAC_ArtsCentre: Fantastic first panel with Richard Roberts, Brian Thomson and Hugh Colman #designingforstage @artscentremelb - 9 years ago

@scottyhopper: RT @dr_krystal: I'm kind of embarrassed that Brian Cox has to meet Malcolm Roberts.... let alone explain science to him #qanda - 9 years ago

@AbirchA: RT @rabbitandcoffee: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm: Roberts together for an hour of live television tonight? Oh @QandA, did you know it was my… - 9 years ago

@hmbark: RT @rabbitandcoffee: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm: Roberts together for an hour of live television tonight? Oh @QandA, did you know it was my… - 9 years ago

@yooo_brian: RT @MSGRIDIRON: Former Louisville HS & EMCC Last Chance U QB Wyatt Roberts is now a QB at MSU. Per @BWonStateBeat & @RobbyDonoho - 9 years ago


@cfsmtbation: RT @rabbitandcoffee: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm: Roberts together for an hour of live television tonight? Oh @QandA, did you know it was my… - 9 years ago

@DianeD44: @DanClarkSports @brandonnagy Schoop has had a great year. We can now finally feel like we finally have adequately replaced Brian Roberts - 9 years ago

@rabbitandcoffee: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm: Roberts together for an hour of live television tonight? Oh @QandA, did you know it was my birthday!? - 9 years ago

@elichrusos: RT @MichaelH_PhD: Brian Cox stuck on a panel with Greg Hunt and Malcolm Roberts. It's like we don't want him to ever come back to Oz. https… - 9 years ago

@SEghrari: RT @hohmann_rene: Managing Secondary Cities - 9 years ago

@CoachWilliamsjr: RT @tjpeatross: Don't let the size fool you. Brian Roberts (Copley '18) can play. - 9 years ago

@hotnanna1: RT @helen_hoops: #qanda Malcolm Roberts your day of reckoning is tomorrow. Brian Cox will win with Science. You're not even in contention - 9 years ago

@Nizzzar: Not all heroes wear capes. Sometimes they live in Toledo and have an irrational love for Brian Roberts. - 9 years ago

@CristolKlear: RT @ironsurfer: Brian Roberts The Iron Surfer - 9 years ago

@SkiPoss: RT @helen_hoops: #qanda Malcolm Roberts your day of reckoning is tomorrow. Brian Cox will win with Science. You're not even in contention - 9 years ago

@helen_hoops: #qanda Malcolm Roberts your day of reckoning is tomorrow. Brian Cox will win with Science. You're not even in contention - 9 years ago

@narelleford: RT @John_Hanna: Why I don't watch #QandA anymore: Mal Roberts is "set to appear on Q&A alongside Professor Brian Cox" #FUKT - - 9 years ago

@1306Chomley: RT @John_Hanna: Why I don't watch #QandA anymore: Mal Roberts is "set to appear on Q&A alongside Professor Brian Cox" #FUKT - - 9 years ago

@PyeAlpha: RT @John_Hanna: Why I don't watch #QandA anymore: Mal Roberts is "set to appear on Q&A alongside Professor Brian Cox" #FUKT - - 9 years ago

@bondi_izzy: RT @John_Hanna: Why I don't watch #QandA anymore: Mal Roberts is "set to appear on Q&A alongside Professor Brian Cox" #FUKT - - 9 years ago

@John_Hanna: Why I don't watch #QandA anymore: Mal Roberts is "set to appear on Q&A alongside Professor Brian Cox" #FUKT - - 9 years ago

@KaKe_78: RT @dr_krystal: I'm kind of embarrassed that Brian Cox has to meet Malcolm Roberts.... let alone explain science to him #qanda - 9 years ago

@windjunky: RT @dr_krystal: I'm kind of embarrassed that Brian Cox has to meet Malcolm Roberts.... let alone explain science to him #qanda - 9 years ago

@StuartEdser: Dreading #QandA. Could have a whole show with Lily Serna & Brian Cox, but we've got to wade thru the tripe of Greg Hunt and Malcolm Roberts. - 9 years ago

@TrubbellAtMill: RT @MichaelH_PhD: Brian Cox stuck on a panel with Greg Hunt and Malcolm Roberts. It's like we don't want him to ever come back to Oz. https… - 9 years ago

@ynotfish1: @QandA Malcolm Roberts is fact-resistant - 9 years ago

@ChromeDental: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@MichaelH_PhD: Brian Cox stuck on a panel with Greg Hunt and Malcolm Roberts. It's like we don't want him to ever come back to Oz. - 9 years ago

@ballgameskeith: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@duncanbourne: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@amberlyn17: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@MickKime: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@nikt50: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@spence930: @ProfBrianCox climate change denier malcolm roberts needs someone to discredit him. ..dont go easy on him Brian! - 9 years ago

@AltoCarol: @SarahEHoll @WittaTwitta @ProfBrianCox @tassiedevil Am actually thinking it's a bit insulting to Brian Cox. Roberts is complete idiot. - 9 years ago

@AltoCarol: @DavidJTwomey @ChristineEwing7 @QandA Hope someone is around to clean up after Brian Cox shreds Roberts The Idiot!! - 9 years ago

@jools_vernon: RT @Richmond_FC: We're wearing black arm bands in honour of life member and two-time premiership player Brian Roberts #AFLTigersCats - 9 years ago

@JohnPsaltis: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@watt_shane: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@pandymonium01: .@ChristineEwing7 Brian will probs respond as if Mal isn't certifiable. He is a lecturer & Roberts won't be the 1st demento he's encountered - 9 years ago

@MazMazfit: RT @Richmond_FC: We're wearing black arm bands in honour of life member and two-time premiership player Brian Roberts #AFLTigersCats - 9 years ago

@EthanPadfoot: RT @Richmond_FC: We're wearing black arm bands in honour of life member and two-time premiership player Brian Roberts #AFLTigersCats - 9 years ago

@Richmond_FC: We're wearing black arm bands in honour of life member and two-time premiership player Brian Roberts #AFLTigersCats - 9 years ago

@pandymonium01: I hope there's some desk space btw Roberts & Cox so we get to enjoy Brian's reactions (mainly disbelief) to Mal's lunacy @ChristineEwing7 - 9 years ago

@Ronnie1924: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@2Rhinestone: Prof Brian Cox on #qanda with Malcolm Roberts ( #onenation / climate sceptic) & Greg Hunt. Should be interesting :-( - 9 years ago

@DebCansdell: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@MinhKular: RT @ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@ChristineEwing7: Prof Brian Cox and Malcolm Roberts on #qanda . Embarrassing what? Lotta face-palming gonna happen. @QandA - 9 years ago

@takvera: RT @dr_krystal: I'm kind of embarrassed that Brian Cox has to meet Malcolm Roberts.... let alone explain science to him #qanda - 9 years ago

@j_borders: @NickBest2FL @brian_bartell I don't not trust Roberts. He could do a little bit as the 5 WR. But I'd rather Lee make the team - 9 years ago

@cervantesobed4: 2008 Topps #355 Brian Roberts Gold Border Parallel #/2008 SP Baseball Card - 9 years ago

@NickBest2FL: @brian_bartell i dont trust Roberts or Kerley in a regular season game, Davis and Lee are super long term projects i hope they pan out - 9 years ago

@brian_bartell: @NickBest2FL Disagree. I thought A.Roberts was washed but he did some nice things. Kerley has value. Quinshad & Lee also promising. - 9 years ago

@LastOlga: Those Bloody Women: Three Heroines of the Boer War by Brian Roberts (Hardback) - 9 years ago

@karenagold: RT @AlohaMsLonesome: Central casting set up nicely with Brian Cox vs Malcolm Roberts. What could possibly go wrong? #qanda. - 9 years ago

@Jeannieic: Hmmm I wonder if #Brian Cox will discuss #AGW with the intellectual giant in the shape of #Malcolm Roberts @QandA hahahaha - 9 years ago

@Laudafinem: RT @AlohaMsLonesome: Central casting set up nicely with Brian Cox vs Malcolm Roberts. What could possibly go wrong? #qanda. - 9 years ago

@AlohaMsLonesome: Central casting set up nicely with Brian Cox vs Malcolm Roberts. What could possibly go wrong? #qanda. - 9 years ago

@very_offers: 2010 Topps National Chicle #83 Brian Roberts Baltimore Orioles Baseball Card 0a1 - 9 years ago

@Redruckus81: @hyperboliclogic @brian_bartell he was really really bad against the Steelers while others (Roberts in particular) were much better - 9 years ago

@brian_bartell: @Redruckus81 i admit, thought Roberts was washed. He looked good. - 9 years ago

@brian_bartell: RT @Redruckus81: Andre Roberts has been waaaay better than TJ Jones so far. Nice recognition of the blitz on his TD - 9 years ago

@DavidZavac: RT @J_B3LL: Brian Roberts - 9 years ago

@J_B3LL: Brian Roberts - 9 years ago

@brian_bartell: RT @j_borders: Watched the game in FF. I got a couple things. Washington > Ridley. Kerley, Roberts suck. So 5th WR is probably Lee or Davis. - 9 years ago

@nycajun1: RT @BarryPiatoff: Good to have a professional 2B like Starlin Castro. Makes Yankees much better after Stephen Drew and Brian Roberts. - 9 years ago

@Tnyankeefan35: RT @BarryPiatoff: Good to have a professional 2B like Starlin Castro. Makes Yankees much better after Stephen Drew and Brian Roberts. - 9 years ago

@BarryPiatoff: Good to have a professional 2B like Starlin Castro. Makes Yankees much better after Stephen Drew and Brian Roberts. - 9 years ago

@Donniee_Roberts: RT @Brian_Flack: @Brian_Flack so irritated by every small thing - 9 years ago

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