Brian Hughes

Welsh footballer (Swansea City
Died on Saturday November 3rd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Brian Hughes:

@karenmgrimwade: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@collegeofgolf: Brian Hughes, PGA Master Professional, shares his answer to "Has Driving Distance Changed on the PGA Tour Within th… - 6 years ago

@LynneBlakey: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@MildredMartha2: Loving seeing Rhea Hughes on #NFLTop10 - top safeties, talking about Brian Dawkins. Very cool - 6 years ago


@ochreblue: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@MEwarrior_au: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@causer_deborah: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@MEwarrior_au: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@Solace92109577: RT @LouCorsius: Professor Brian Hughes, hoogleraar psychologie over de ernstige tekortkomingen van wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Als specifie… - 6 years ago

@fspedigreechile: RT @AtTheRaces: Well-regarded at home and a wide-margin winner of two bumpers, Windsor Avenue is off the mark over hurdles for Brian Hughes - 6 years ago

@t_d_hughes: Whilst of course I’m broadly in favour of trans rights, whilst rewatching Life of Brian, this scene struck me as st… - 6 years ago

@mi55br00ke: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@trikileaks: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@Grady_Hudd: Looking like a bit of a shake up in @townofgawler, going on first preferences. Former Mayor Brian Sambell set for h… - 6 years ago

@Huisarts_Vink: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@HuberBowman: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@follo_India: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@carolbinks: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@AndrewBrezz: RT @DalgleishRacing: ONE runner on the Flat today and three over jumps. TOUGH REMEDY is @DoncasterRaces on the last day of the Flat Season,… - 6 years ago

@jardineracing: 3 runners @kelsoracecourse today #coolmix & Brian Hughes for latheron69 #kingleon jacksey89 for top_of_the_hill__ra… - 6 years ago

@jhoe1967: RT @JamesDo77391676: Fuckin Ruby Walsh an Brian Hughes r a pair of them fuckin jokes the both need killing - 6 years ago

@Christo33067824: RT @JamesDo77391676: Fuckin Ruby Walsh an Brian Hughes r a pair of them fuckin jokes the both need killing - 6 years ago

@TBettingS: RT @JamesDo77391676: Fuckin Ruby Walsh an Brian Hughes r a pair of them fuckin jokes the both need killing - 6 years ago

@JamesDo77391676: Fuckin Ruby Walsh an Brian Hughes r a pair of them fuckin jokes the both need killing - 6 years ago

@TitaniumRacing_: RT @DalgleishRacing: ONE runner on the Flat today and three over jumps. TOUGH REMEDY is @DoncasterRaces on the last day of the Flat Season,… - 6 years ago

@arisonsned: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@RBreadon: RT @DalgleishRacing: ONE runner on the Flat today and three over jumps. TOUGH REMEDY is @DoncasterRaces on the last day of the Flat Season,… - 6 years ago

@LouCorsius: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@AnaglogsDaughtr: RT @DalgleishRacing: ONE runner on the Flat today and three over jumps. TOUGH REMEDY is @DoncasterRaces on the last day of the Flat Season,… - 6 years ago

@MariaTia100: RT @hope4mefibroni: Full PACE Trial transcript of lecture by Professor Brian Hughes - 6 years ago

@pernille_: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@IamClarkEllis: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@normanknights: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@ATXCollierBrown: @CariMarshall11 • Brian Birdwell – SD 22 • Dawn Buckingham – SD 24 • Brandon Creighton – SD 4 • Bryan Hughes – SD… - 6 years ago

@carolbinks: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@lvmydachshund: RT @SantaMonicaMtns: Our flags are at half-staff in honor of Captain Brian Hughes of the Arrowhead Hotshots who was struck and killed by a… - 6 years ago

@emmachalky: RT @SedgefieldRace: GROW NASA GROW wins the 14:45 with Brian Hughes riding for trainer @WinksPeter! Congratulations! #SedgefieldRaces 🏇👏 h… - 6 years ago

@emmachalky: RT @SedgefieldRace: Congratulations to the final winners of the day - I'M TO BLAME & Brian Hughes for @DalgleishRacing! #SedgefieldRaces 🏇… - 6 years ago

@DMcCain_RC: RT @donaldmccain: Back to business tomorrow 2 a piece @AintreeRaces and @KelsoRacecourse 1:35 William Of Orange under @lmurtagh10 3:20 Ro… - 6 years ago

@TeachersNeedTea: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@Ann__Lorraine: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@ejaytweets: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@sweettrouty: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@msknits: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@rem_kj: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@babsmcconnell: RT @ProfNRooney: Super talk by Prof Brian Hughes on the crisis in psychological research. Useful advice on how we make our research more ro… - 6 years ago

@InfoSec_Brian: RT @mdichristina: Terry Hughes, ARC Centre of Excellencea for Coral Reef Studies sharing how reefs have been damaged by runoff and developm… - 6 years ago

@InfoSec_Brian: RT @mdichristina: Showing video of 70% of coral reefs bleached in recent event: “This is really a horror movie,” says Hughes. #FallingWalls… - 6 years ago

@Butterworthy: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@kautosam: RT @donaldmccain: Back to business tomorrow 2 a piece @AintreeRaces and @KelsoRacecourse 1:35 William Of Orange under @lmurtagh10 3:20 Ro… - 6 years ago

@Elsbellsblue: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@tomtim15: RT @hope4mefibroni: Full PACE Trial transcript of lecture by Professor Brian Hughes - 6 years ago

@123h0neybee: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@laradenkova: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@IrishMECFSAssoc: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@IrishMECFSAssoc: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@TomKindlon: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@TomKindlon: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@mjarber: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@OficialCMM: RT @AtTheRaces: Well-regarded at home and a wide-margin winner of two bumpers, Windsor Avenue is off the mark over hurdles for Brian Hughes - 6 years ago

@Lena____16: RT @StenHelmfrid: Prof Brian Hughes on the #PACEtrial: “They moved the goalposts, and the problem for them is—and they will never be able t… - 6 years ago

@donaldmccain: Back to business tomorrow 2 a piece @AintreeRaces and @KelsoRacecourse 1:35 William Of Orange under @lmurtagh10 3… - 6 years ago

@nklsaltrmrk: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@HexhamRaces: RT @swracingclub1: Windsor avenue for Brian Hughes and @BERacingLtd at @HexhamRaces - 6 years ago

@HexhamRaces: RT @AtTheRaces: Well-regarded at home and a wide-margin winner of two bumpers, Windsor Avenue is off the mark over hurdles for Brian Hughes - 6 years ago

@crawford_bros: RT @AtTheRaces: Well-regarded at home and a wide-margin winner of two bumpers, Windsor Avenue is off the mark over hurdles for Brian Hughes - 6 years ago

@BetSidshops: Windsor Avenue is off the mark over hurdles for Brian Hughes @HexhamRaces 🐎🤩 - 6 years ago

@Jane_Buchanan: RT @AtTheRaces: Well-regarded at home and a wide-margin winner of two bumpers, Windsor Avenue is off the mark over hurdles for Brian Hughes - 6 years ago

@MyTentOrGeorge: RT @AtTheRaces: Well-regarded at home and a wide-margin winner of two bumpers, Windsor Avenue is off the mark over hurdles for Brian Hughes - 6 years ago

@IamClarkEllis: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@Gmwtiger2_Greg: @Phil_B_Hughes @next4_brian @davidpollack47 @Joey_Galloway @espn Should not be allowed to vote until after the conf… - 6 years ago

@Phil_B_Hughes: @next4_brian @davidpollack47 @Joey_Galloway @espn And deshaun was by far the better player!!! - 6 years ago

@Brian_A_Woolley: RT @HughesDirect: Enter our latest competition to #WIN a @freesat_tv Smart Satellite TV Recorder 1TB! Simply follow us @HughesDirect & RT 🍀… - 6 years ago

@nicdoc72: RT @ProfNRooney: Super talk by Prof Brian Hughes on the crisis in psychological research. Useful advice on how we make our research more ro… - 6 years ago

@annarossKRB: RT @DalgleishRacing: I’M TO BLAME wins the Maiden Hurdle in fine style @SedgefieldRace under Brian Hughes. Three out of three wins now....… - 6 years ago

@senseabilityUK: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@ProfNRooney: Super talk by Prof Brian Hughes on the crisis in psychological research. Useful advice on how we make our research… - 6 years ago

@f1radical: David Bowie no entendía qué hacía un tío tan soul como Glenn Hughes en Deep Purple. Más inexplicable es qué hacía u… - 6 years ago

@genuineworth: @TrisDixon Think Mickey Vann would make a good podcast great story teller and big character And Brian Hughes would… - 6 years ago

@AlanaSheldon11: RT @stonecold2050: This hero was barely mentioned on the major news outlets, but you should know his name. This is Captain Brian Hughes of… - 6 years ago

@ClairME_: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@bobdennis55555: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@catskajsa: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@johnamuir: RT @StenHelmfrid: Quote by Brian Hughes, Professor in psychology at the National University of Ireland Galway, about the infamous #PACEtria… - 6 years ago

@DalgleishRacing: RT @swracingclub1: Brian Hughes with 2 winners at @SedgefieldRace . Grow nasa grow for Peter winks and I'm to blame for @DalgleishRacing ht… - 6 years ago

@hughes_joe: RT @lukeleifeste: Paper Boi opens up - 6 years ago

@quasar9uk: RT @hope4mefibroni: Full PACE Trial transcript of lecture by Professor Brian Hughes - 6 years ago

@KirstyWww: RT @DalgleishRacing: I’M TO BLAME wins the Maiden Hurdle in fine style @SedgefieldRace under Brian Hughes. Three out of three wins now....… - 6 years ago

@Noirin08: @hope4mefibroni @b_m_hughes Well done to you, @hope4mefibroni, @b_m_hughes & @davidtuller1. Fantastic lecture and g… - 6 years ago

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