Brian Clemens

British screenwriter (Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde) and television producer (The Avengers
Died on Saturday January 10th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Brian Clemens:

@brian_clemens: Connie Hansen Botanical Conservatory || Lincoln City, OR #coastal #upperleftcoast #oregon

@KosmicKris: @CaptMikeYates Brian Clemens - the greatest showrunner Dr Who never had!

@CaptMikeYates: @KosmicKris It's got that touch of Brian Clemens magic about it, that's probably why I love it

@brian_clemens: In today's edition of is it Hair or Waves?: @KylieStreed that's my hair!


@brian_clemens: Earlier this morning we rolled up our pant legs and ran into the Pacific Ocean.

@brian_clemens: View from the balcony for my Oregon staycation.

@BlamiresGallery: RT @dzo88: The CB4 jazz trio composed of Stacy Dillard on sax, Brian Berg on bass, and Jeremy Bean Clemens on drums

@brian_clemens: Lincoln City, OR #explore #oregon #oregonexplored

@brian_clemens: Home 💚 || Where's @pdxcarpet #Portland

@brian_clemens: Home 💚 #Portland

@AsanaOps: @brian_clemens We should be up. If you're still having trouble, please DM us your email address and we'll reach out.

@brian_clemens: @AsanaOps Is your site down? I can't seem to login unless it's from a bookmarked page.

@brian_clemens: Cider Week Starts tomorrow. @wweek has your event calendar covered. @GrowlerKourtney @GrowlerBrendan any special cider taps on deck?

@brian_clemens: RT @TimbersFC: FULL TIME! Timbers knock off defending @opencup title holders Seattle 3-1 in extra time! #RCTID #USOC2015

@MuscleSportMag: Roger Clemens & Brian McNamee with author & #MSM columnist Kirk Radomski

@GeorgeW28578312: @unklerupert They both appeared in separate episodes of Brian Clemens' Thriller and the New Twilight Zone, the only people to appear in both

@carriestoutart: RT @dzo88: The CB4 jazz trio composed of Stacy Dillard on sax, Brian Berg on bass, and Jeremy Bean Clemens on drums

@brian_clemens: RT @iSocialFanz: A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention. - Herbert A. Simon #quote

@brian_clemens: Hey @TheTweetOfGod, could we get some rain here in #Portland. It's dry as freaking #Phoenix. #thanksobama

@brian_clemens: RT @ScottFordTVGuy: Sailing in the night. A boat sounds romantic with the chill in the air. #Portland #pdx #pdxnow

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