Brent Renaud

American journalist
Died on Sunday March 13th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Brent Renaud:

@teethanadol2201: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@SHaefelin: Good read: Nieman Lab's tribute to Brent Renaud's work and life: "Brent Renaud died telling the stories of people c… - 3 years ago

@bagelnphlox: Brent Renaud passed away a week from yesterday at only 50 years old. His way of telling the story of human sufferin… - 3 years ago

@johnzihaozhang: RT @HunterShen4: 美国记者Brent Renaud在伊尔平乌克兰占领区的checkpoint被射杀。头七过去了,怎么还是没有披露凶手是哪边?不是有同行的目击人吗? - 3 years ago


@specrtre: RT @RichardEngel: Deeply saddened by the deaths of Fox cameraman Pierre Zakrevskiiy and Ukrainian producer Oleksandra Kuvshynova outside Ky… - 3 years ago

@xiobernard: Thank you for your service, Brent Renaud. Rest in Power. 🎥 - 3 years ago

@saeedvaladbaygi: Brent Renaud, Acclaimed Filmmaker and Harvard Former Nieman Fellow Killed in #Ukraine, Remembered as 'Incredibly Ki… - 3 years ago

@desperadocn: RT @HunterShen4: 美国记者Brent Renaud在伊尔平乌克兰占领区的checkpoint被射杀。头七过去了,怎么还是没有披露凶手是哪边?不是有同行的目击人吗? - 3 years ago

@feisha_rain: RT @HunterShen4: 美国记者Brent Renaud在伊尔平乌克兰占领区的checkpoint被射杀。头七过去了,怎么还是没有披露凶手是哪边?不是有同行的目击人吗? - 3 years ago

@yaoshanhou: RT @HunterShen4: 美国记者Brent Renaud在伊尔平乌克兰占领区的checkpoint被射杀。头七过去了,怎么还是没有披露凶手是哪边?不是有同行的目击人吗? - 3 years ago

@Milka89615296: RT @SDyorin: #fakenews A footage of a wounded US #journalist receiving medical help in #Kiev hospital Ohmatdet(his colleague Brent Renaud w… - 3 years ago

@SiudiLeep: RT @IDAorg: Last week, the documentary world lost two greats, Brent Renaud & Michelle Materre. Here are films you can watch to honor their… - 3 years ago

@ch108PhDPolicy: RT @IDAorg: Last week, the documentary world lost two greats, Brent Renaud & Michelle Materre. Here are films you can watch to honor their… - 3 years ago

@missy1275: RT @FindingVeracity: Zelensky sent condolences to the family of Brent Renaud. He thanked the documentary filmmaker for his commitment to do… - 3 years ago

@NachoValle21: RT @NYTimesPR: Response from a New York Times spokesperson in regard to the death of Brent Renaud in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@NachoValle21: RT @descifraguerra: 🇺🇦🇷🇺 Además el New York Times ha informado que el Brent Renaud no trabaja para ellos actualmente y que la insignia de p… - 3 years ago

@XiaozhPhD04: RT @HunterShen4: 美国记者Brent Renaud在伊尔平乌克兰占领区的checkpoint被射杀。头七过去了,怎么还是没有披露凶手是哪边?不是有同行的目击人吗? - 3 years ago

@HunterShen4: 美国记者Brent Renaud在伊尔平乌克兰占领区的checkpoint被射杀。头七过去了,怎么还是没有披露凶手是哪边?不是有同行的目击人吗? - 3 years ago

@roshbon: @ianbremmer Looking for a false flag to start WW3? What better bait than a sacrificial octogenarian /US President i… - 3 years ago

@cmarslett: RT @humanidee: @PeterCronau @abcnews US journalist Brent Renaud was shot point blank in the neck in Ukraine controlled territory, but they… - 3 years ago

@sanjnaselva: RT @sarahdoreenc: My former classmate @arrejuan was shot in Ukraine, along with fellow journalist #BrentRenaud. Tragically, Brent lost his… - 3 years ago

@sarahdoreenc: RT @sarahdoreenc: My former classmate @arrejuan was shot in Ukraine, along with fellow journalist #BrentRenaud. Tragically, Brent lost his… - 3 years ago

@tonib1212: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@inescorreia777: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@sjslick: RT @SimonOstrovsky: If you’re able, please donate to this GoFundMe supporting Brent Renaud’s family and Juan Arrendondo’s medical and perso… - 3 years ago

@4nUjrRJzHTQ5sdb: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Michael13653569: RT @CNN: Award-winning American journalist Brent Renaud was killed by Russian forces in the Ukrainian city of Irpin, police in Kyiv said ht… - 3 years ago

@dawarford: RT @ArkansasPBS: At 10 a.m. on #ARWeek, explore what a new COVID-19 variant's risks with @NYITCOMAR's @DrShaneSpeightsDO, #arwx's impact on… - 3 years ago

@JohnRad15: @HeavenlyPossum @welcomtomachine @RD4Democracy Yes, I didn't check the names and try to cross-reference, but it is… - 3 years ago

@LilyyyySweet: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@TimCole15: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@anas_erindra: RT @TIME: A statement from TIME on the death of journalist Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@fovHco0YJCmiWdu: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@ArkansasPBS: At 10 a.m. on #ARWeek, explore what a new COVID-19 variant's risks with @NYITCOMAR's @DrShaneSpeightsDO, #arwx's im… - 3 years ago

@LilianeBreuning: Empty of Self, Full of the World: A Tribute to Brent Renaud What made Renaud such a powerful journalist also made h… - 3 years ago

@JakeDaviesJ1: RT @wjhenn: “Where’s Brent?" "Had he been wearing his body armor?" Yes. "Had he been shot in the armor or in the face?" No reply...… - 3 years ago

@JuditAlonsoG: RT @dw_espanol: #EE.UU. condena muerte de #periodista Brent Renaud fue abatido por las fuerzas rusas. El excolaborador de @nytimes es el s… - 3 years ago

@linmp1031: RT @SimonOstrovsky: If you’re able, please donate to this GoFundMe supporting Brent Renaud’s family and Juan Arrendondo’s medical and perso… - 3 years ago

@katharine28harr: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@cheguev67457014: RT @SDyorin: Evacuation of the body of US journalist Brent Renaud, who was killed earlier this day by unknown fighters deep inside #Ukraini… - 3 years ago

@slwiede66: RT @SimonOstrovsky: If you’re able, please donate to this GoFundMe supporting Brent Renaud’s family and Juan Arrendondo’s medical and perso… - 3 years ago

@NoVABrit: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@ActivateActivsm: RT @SimonOstrovsky: If you’re able, please donate to this GoFundMe supporting Brent Renaud’s family and Juan Arrendondo’s medical and perso… - 3 years ago

@ayirpelle: RT @pressfreedom: The tragic deaths of journalists Pierre Zakrzewski, Oleksandra Kuvshynova, and Brent Renaud in Ukraine while they were co… - 3 years ago

@JustWhatNowWhy: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@playwrong: RT @realJohnACastro: U.S. journalist and acclaimed filmmaker Brent Renaud shot and killed by Russian forces in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@FotiaCheria: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@bymarsam: RT @PaulRieckhoff: Journalist Brent Renaud was my friend. And a hero to me and countless others worldwide. Hear my salute to him in EP160 o… - 3 years ago

@jennylowdive: RT @PaulRieckhoff: Journalist Brent Renaud was my friend. And a hero to me and countless others worldwide. Hear my salute to him in EP160 o… - 3 years ago

@Romanamattia: RT @PaulRieckhoff: Journalist Brent Renaud was my friend. And a hero to me and countless others worldwide. Hear my salute to him in EP160 o… - 3 years ago

@FactsMatter202: RT @PaulRieckhoff: Journalist Brent Renaud was my friend. And a hero to me and countless others worldwide. Hear my salute to him in EP160 o… - 3 years ago

@MJStarling01: RT @YuntongMan: My documentary partner and @columbiajourn friend @arrejuan was shot when covering the war in #Ukriane, along with journalis… - 3 years ago

@aaronernst: RT @PaulRieckhoff: Journalist Brent Renaud was my friend. And a hero to me and countless others worldwide. Hear my salute to him in EP160 o… - 3 years ago

@TBFawn: RT @PaulRieckhoff: Journalist Brent Renaud was my friend. And a hero to me and countless others worldwide. Hear my salute to him in EP160 o… - 3 years ago

@Beverlyb11: RT @PaulRieckhoff: Journalist Brent Renaud was my friend. And a hero to me and countless others worldwide. Hear my salute to him in EP160 o… - 3 years ago

@AmandaRayLaw: RT @PaulRieckhoff: Journalist Brent Renaud was my friend. And a hero to me and countless others worldwide. Hear my salute to him in EP160 o… - 3 years ago

@chrissmith: RT @CUNY: We mourn the tragic loss of Brent Renaud, a film and photojournalism student at @CityCollegeNY who was killed in Ukraine while at… - 3 years ago

@elmierror: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@PaulRieckhoff: Journalist Brent Renaud was my friend. And a hero to me and countless others worldwide. Hear my salute to him in EP… - 3 years ago

@TracyBaimWCMG: RT @CUNY: We mourn the tragic loss of Brent Renaud, a film and photojournalism student at @CityCollegeNY who was killed in Ukraine while at… - 3 years ago

@sheepadoodle127: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@BackBoris2024UK: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@FreeJustice1983: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@KarinaAmeliaE: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@ZookCha: “Remembering Brent Renaud — Arkansas Week” - 3 years ago

@pleasesaveour: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@areddoc: RT @AsaHutchinson: In this week’s radio address, I share the story of Little Rock native and journalist Brent Renaud, who was killed in Ukr… - 3 years ago

@Vicente25482958: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Brent Renaud, reconocido por su calidez y compromiso con la información sobre los horrores de la guerra, es el primer p… - 3 years ago

@TheLastAtom: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@MasterTherion9: RT @aka_Gb: 🔴#UkraineUnderAttack COLLATERAL MURDERS: Brent Renaud,Yevhen Sakun, Viktor Dudar, Pierre Zakrzewsi,Alexandra Kuvshinova Fiv… - 3 years ago

@rocio946: RT @VPITV: #BuenosDíasVPItv | El periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud fue asesinado en #Ucrania. #14Mar Conéctate a nuestra señal #E… - 3 years ago

@PPT0220: RT @SarahHuckabee: Putin must pay a heavy price for the senseless killing of an American journalist in Ukraine. Brent Renaud bravely gave h… - 3 years ago

@christen_pitts: - 3 years ago

@lnp_38: RT @sebastianjunger: The value of truth, freedom and human life... - 3 years ago

@DemocracyNowEs: Brent Renaud, reconocido por su calidez y compromiso con la información sobre los horrores de la guerra, es el prim… - 3 years ago

@JamesBartolomei: RT @gelderbailey: Link to donate in the story. Family and friends of fallen journalist Brent Renaud set up foundation in his memory https:/… - 3 years ago

@FraseSimple: Lamentable 😔🇺🇸 | Mataron al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud en ataque ruso a Ucrania - 3 years ago

@ademillo: RT @gelderbailey: Link to donate in the story. Family and friends of fallen journalist Brent Renaud set up foundation in his memory https:/… - 3 years ago

@elinabusmane: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@Sulaimanaryan25: RT @pressfreedom: The tragic deaths of journalists Pierre Zakrzewski, Oleksandra Kuvshynova, and Brent Renaud in Ukraine while they were co… - 3 years ago

@ReelSouthDocs: Our hearts mourn with this Arkansas legend who dedicated his life to tell stories from the South and far, far beyon… - 3 years ago

@TinastylistTina: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@JustinxJhu1: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@SharonOdom61: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Sara24626894: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@Firni: RT @Laurieluvsmolly: @UROCKlive1 @BrianKarem I’m so worried about him. President Zelenskyy sent a letter of condolences to the family of fi… - 3 years ago

@Jennifera26: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@HaywardSonya: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@Jaylene_Garcia_: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@BCbrews: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@mollymotoole: RT @meganjanetsky: If you can donate, here's a very important fundraiser to support the family of Brent Renaud, who was killed covering Ukr… - 3 years ago

@acoastwalker: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@n_llopez: RT @meganjanetsky: If you can donate, here's a very important fundraiser to support the family of Brent Renaud, who was killed covering Ukr… - 3 years ago

@MIKEMEDINA66: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@Mergo55: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@jbenton: RT @cliffordlevy: “We’re bombarded these days with judgment and analysis of everything. What we’re trying to do is give the audience a look… - 3 years ago

@FogginSophie: RT @meganjanetsky: If you can donate, here's a very important fundraiser to support the family of Brent Renaud, who was killed covering Ukr… - 3 years ago

@Reporters_Large: Brent Renaud, a United States journalist, was gunned down in Irpin, a frontline northwest suburb of Kyiv,… - 3 years ago

@dr_seminnis: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@jaslow: RT @PaulRieckhoff: Good to see this bi-partisan effort from @RepCheri and @RepAshleyHinson to honor Brent Renaud and other heroic journalis… - 3 years ago

@not_acat: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@DeDeBloem: RT @Laurieluvsmolly: @UROCKlive1 @BrianKarem I’m so worried about him. President Zelenskyy sent a letter of condolences to the family of fi… - 3 years ago

@Fairdos1: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Sadafkhan551: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@pbosque1: RT @WilmaMaldonadoA: Brent Renaud: la mirada humana del documentalista muerto en Ucrania -⁦@LauraPerezS⁩ - 3 years ago

@ITvRKNews: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under f… - 3 years ago

@Penny4It: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@WilmaMaldonadoA: Brent Renaud: la mirada humana del documentalista muerto en Ucrania -⁦@LauraPerezS⁩ - 3 years ago

@Catalyst220224: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@Olena191069: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Persifonia2: @RepMcGovern Russia is killing US citizens! Today American professor Jimmy Hill died in a shelling amid the street!… - 3 years ago

@Persifonia2: @RepAnthonyBrown Russia is killing US citizens! Today American professor Jimmy Hill died in a shelling amid the str… - 3 years ago

@Persifonia2: @SenAngusKing @ZelenskyyUa Russia is killing US citizens! Today American professor Jimmy Hill died in a shelling am… - 3 years ago

@KJPritchard4: RT @harperbulletin: Death of American journalist in Ukraine: "We call for an investigation into the killing of Brent Renaud as a possible… - 3 years ago

@AnneOttley4: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@cheekeemonkee74: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@Martina7_totale: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@MelissaV007: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@Meidas_Steve: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@Caramel_Angel7: RT @AFP: VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire dur… - 3 years ago

@CarolAu95525195: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@lukealb: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@rwolf1492: RT @GOPLeader: Devastating news of American deaths in Ukraine: journalist Brent Renaud and Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski. An entir… - 3 years ago

@MaggieSkendo: RT @amyklobuchar: This week alone, we lost three journalists in Ukraine. Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakrzewski, and Oleksandra Kuvshinova were ki… - 3 years ago

@OpinionLSR: #EnLaMira Brent Renaud murió por un disparo en el cuello, mientras que sus dos compañeros resultaron heridos cuando… - 3 years ago

@killerbeezzz_4: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@tim2Honley: RT @JordanSchachtel: New York Times has now confirmed that it was a *Ukrainian checkpoint*. Understand this in the context of the testimo… - 3 years ago

@notice_com_ng: He travelled to most dangerous war zones - Zelensky reveals how US journalist died - Brent Renaud -… - 3 years ago

@diamondsnsilk: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@GarangiT: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@IsabelleMirocha: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@thevruiz: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@BornaPrincess2: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@SherwinStark: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@shamshad_kne: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@HelgOse: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@amalfull1000: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@BrownEyedKenyan: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@great_alsor27: RT @TIME: "The human costs of pursuing the truth are horrific—scores of journalists killed every year, worldwide—but the costs of living in… - 3 years ago

@sSGv1ZsNg6boWCl: RT @YhO1u7G3cml7oVt: @sofimari21 @Mikuaiuichiro19 So the driver turned around, and they kept shooting. There was two of us, my friend Brent… - 3 years ago

@d3fcr: @rosadelauro Russia is killing US citizens! Today American professor Jimmy Hill died in a shelling amid the street!… - 3 years ago

@msrosati: RT @amyklobuchar: This week alone, we lost three journalists in Ukraine. Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakrzewski, and Oleksandra Kuvshinova were ki… - 3 years ago

@T_inkTheatre: RT @amyklobuchar: This week alone, we lost three journalists in Ukraine. Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakrzewski, and Oleksandra Kuvshinova were ki… - 3 years ago

@givmeagoodreson: RT @realTuckFrumper: Brent Renaud’s Death Reminds Us of the High Costs of Pursuing the Truth - 3 years ago

@noveoyveo: Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@jvasconcelosh: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@infomedia24_: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@rosalin2495: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@drgrinstead: RT @amyklobuchar: This week alone, we lost three journalists in Ukraine. Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakrzewski, and Oleksandra Kuvshinova were ki… - 3 years ago

@PedroTeich: RT @TIME: .@sebastianjunger: Brent Renaud's death reminds us of the high costs of pursuing the truth - 3 years ago

@62Christina: RT @PeterGreste: #Journalists Yevheniy Sakun, Viktor Dudar, Brent Renaud, Olexandra Kuvshinnikova & Pierre Zakrzhevsky have lost their live… - 3 years ago

@sylvain_pharand: RT @Laurieluvsmolly: @UROCKlive1 @BrianKarem I’m so worried about him. President Zelenskyy sent a letter of condolences to the family of fi… - 3 years ago

@theshlyndalynp: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Lgauweiler: RT @realTuckFrumper: My Brother Brent Renaud Died Giving a Voice to Those in Need. His Story Should Be Told Too - 3 years ago

@GpaHess: RT @amyklobuchar: This week alone, we lost three journalists in Ukraine. Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakrzewski, and Oleksandra Kuvshinova were ki… - 3 years ago

@cletushusker: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@RomanNasha: RT @emeriticus: There's a graphic video of man who says in Ukrainian that journalist Brent Anthony Renaud was shot in Romanivka near Irpin,… - 3 years ago

@Christi11967140: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@tomasrabago1: RT @amyklobuchar: This week alone, we lost three journalists in Ukraine. Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakrzewski, and Oleksandra Kuvshinova were ki… - 3 years ago

@csy3867: RT @OlegNikolenko_: Today American journalist and filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by the Russian army near Kyiv. Another journalist was w… - 3 years ago

@judypet2: RT @AMLwhere: Words you never want to type: an obituary for Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud, killed on assignment in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@ChipEagle: RT @FrankScottJr: In honor of Brent Renaud, Little Rock filmmaker and journalist recently killed in Ukraine, we will light our bridges purp… - 3 years ago

@Real_Infinity95: RT @TIME: "A person who had devoted his life to telling the stories of overlooked people was slaughtered trying to reach them," writes Crai… - 3 years ago

@HeatherKatrinaS: RT @RepCheri: Brent Renaud Pierre Zakrzewski Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova Yevhenii Sakun We must remember the sacrifice these brave journ… - 3 years ago

@strujillo075: Brent Renaud Dead: Police Post Graphic Photo, Video - 3 years ago

@adapallai: RT @BetodiModena: @CCKKI @ethrusco Perché, il caso di Brent Renaud ti pare limpido? - 3 years ago

@Manikato76: RT @aperezriverol: En los últimos días las tropas rusas han ASESINADO a Brent Renaud, Pierre Zakrzewski, Oleksandra Kuvshinova, o a los ucr… - 3 years ago

@MekahloNBCLA: US journalist Brent Renaud has been shot dead and another wounded in Irpin, a frontline suburb of Kyiv.… - 3 years ago

@DagoAcevedo: RT @RepCheri: Brent Renaud Pierre Zakrzewski Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova Yevhenii Sakun We must remember the sacrifice these brave journ… - 3 years ago

@RepAshleyHinson: RT @RepCheri: Brent Renaud Pierre Zakrzewski Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova Yevhenii Sakun We must remember the sacrifice these brave journ… - 3 years ago

@potenspuella: RT @RepCheri: Brent Renaud Pierre Zakrzewski Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova Yevhenii Sakun We must remember the sacrifice these brave journ… - 3 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @RepCheri: Brent Renaud Pierre Zakrzewski Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova Yevhenii Sakun We must remember the sacrifice these brave journ… - 3 years ago

@RepCheri: Brent Renaud Pierre Zakrzewski Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova Yevhenii Sakun We must remember the sacrifice these b… - 3 years ago

@mahitagajanan: RT @TIME: "A person who had devoted his life to telling the stories of overlooked people was slaughtered trying to reach them," writes Crai… - 3 years ago

@KimBubello: RT @TIME: "A person who had devoted his life to telling the stories of overlooked people was slaughtered trying to reach them," writes Crai… - 3 years ago

@S200027662066: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@marie_seki: RT @YhO1u7G3cml7oVt: @sofimari21 @Mikuaiuichiro19 So the driver turned around, and they kept shooting. There was two of us, my friend Brent… - 3 years ago

@mihai2323: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@1Samkai: RT @KyivPost: A 51-year-old New York Times correspondent Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen today. Another journalist was injured. Now the… - 3 years ago

@BlueMoonInMyEye: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@ChristofPutzel: - 3 years ago

@Pablo60518387: @Shine_McShine @Gogoetak ¡Pero si en esta guerra hemos visto desde cómo se acribillaba un coche con un equipo de Sk… - 3 years ago

@bmwow001: RT @TarasBerezovets: ⚡️⚡️⚡️Breaking! Russians shot dead correspondent of @nytimes Brent Renaud - police of the Kyiv region. #RussiaUkraineW… - 3 years ago

@bauhaus42: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@LamCK15: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Sibu_co: RT @UA_struggle: Russians killed Brent Renaud, a correspondent, who worked for New York Times. A representative of the international press… - 3 years ago

@Selenka_queen: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@maypariyakorn: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@EvaLeandrez: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@minna_hayman: RT @O_Rob1nson: Russia's envoy to the UN claimed the other day that Brent Renaud, a US journalist who was killed in Ukraine last week, 1) w… - 3 years ago

@JordanElgrably: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@vakilkartlegal: Brent Renaud Dead: U.S. Documentary Filmmaker in Ukraine Was 50 - Variety - 3 years ago

@dannluvbears: RT @MittRomney: Journalists take enormous risk when reporting from war zones. Their courageous and heroic work provides the world with the… - 3 years ago

@michaelyounuss: RT @pauldashworth: RIP YOUNG MAN: US journalist Brent Renaud 'killed in Ukraine'. #UkraineWar #Ukarine #UkraineRussianWar - 3 years ago

@melswope: RT @Franklin_Graham: Over the weekend, American journalist Brent Renaud was killed, & @FoxNews cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski was killed on Mo… - 3 years ago

@rosie_cat: RT @VivifiedGospel: Brent Renaud, (50 years old) American Journalist was killed by Russian forces in Irpin, Ukraine. Ukraine Interior Minis… - 3 years ago

@Marijanadesign: RT @SenekaSpiro: 🌐 Evo je, nova false flag operacija, Kijev. Ubijen je Amerikanac Brent Renaud, a drugi je ranjen. Novinari. Pucnjava je bi… - 3 years ago

@jinminkjh: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@wSEMr39EfuHvfct: RT @YhO1u7G3cml7oVt: @sofimari21 @Mikuaiuichiro19 So the driver turned around, and they kept shooting. There was two of us, my friend Brent… - 3 years ago

@HavelockVet29: RT @O_Rob1nson: Russia's envoy to the UN claimed the other day that Brent Renaud, a US journalist who was killed in Ukraine last week, 1) w… - 3 years ago

@TheiKevin: 烏克蘭軍方稱是俄軍擊斃布倫特。未有人能證實說法,但可以肯定的是,布倫特是為信念而戰死。對於自己何以堅持,他在 2017 年宣傳紀綠片時,如是說:「我們被許多觀點和分析轟炸。我們正嘗試做的,是讓觀眾看到這些他們無法接觸的文化或世界,… - 3 years ago

@TylerGNixon: RT @molmccann: All the MSM stories are reporting that Brent Renaud was killed by the Russians. But lots of alternative commentators have no… - 3 years ago

@eldiario: Mataron al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud en ataque ruso a Ucrania - 3 years ago

@JamesM0069: RT @Aaron_Merry15: Hope this psychopath Putin gets his head taken off!!! This is the point it has go to now #DeathToPutin he deserves deat… - 3 years ago

@foolerrant: RT @O_Rob1nson: Russia's envoy to the UN claimed the other day that Brent Renaud, a US journalist who was killed in Ukraine last week, 1) w… - 3 years ago

@cooperfield89: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Trinacbradlee: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@mikereportero: RT @angulosiete: 😥 #Lamentable Brent Renaud fue el primer periodista que murió mientras cubría el conflicto #UcraniaRusia Tras él otros 4… - 3 years ago

@ExhaleSadness: RT @O_Rob1nson: Russia's envoy to the UN claimed the other day that Brent Renaud, a US journalist who was killed in Ukraine last week, 1) w… - 3 years ago

@AllyJum02819428: RT @mshambuliaji: Mwandishi wa Habari mmoja kutokea Marekani ameuawa na Majeshi ya Urusi leo Jumapili katika mji wa Irpin nchini Ukraine… - 3 years ago

@MARIE__Adrien: RT @libe: ⚫ L’Américain Brent Renaud, premier journaliste étranger tué en #Ukraine Connu pour des documentaires réalisés avec son frère Cr… - 3 years ago

@JebariMaria: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@TheOneAngels: RT @KaoruNemoto: 「ジャーナリストは紛争において情報を伝えるという極めて重要な役割を果たす。決して標的にされてはならない。 国際人道基準を尊重し、報道関係者の保護の徹底を」 ユネスコ事務局長、3月13日にウクライナで報道活動中の米国人ジャーナリストが撃たれ殺… - 3 years ago

@TheOneAngels: RT @UNESCO: The Director-General of UNESCO @AAzoulay condemns the killing of US #journalist Brent Renaud in #Ukraine on 13 March. He was sh… - 3 years ago

@RogueElle: RT @O_Rob1nson: Russia's envoy to the UN claimed the other day that Brent Renaud, a US journalist who was killed in Ukraine last week, 1) w… - 3 years ago

@yogoldsmith: RT @O_Rob1nson: Russia's envoy to the UN claimed the other day that Brent Renaud, a US journalist who was killed in Ukraine last week, 1) w… - 3 years ago

@Siavash_s2016: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@ajoneida: Praying for the recovery of documentary filmmaker, Juan Arredondo, who was injured in the attack, that killed fello… - 3 years ago

@BrendaH45464001: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@CarlosCarl2012: RT @infobaeamerica: El periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud fue asesinado por las fuerzas rusas en Ucrania - 3 years ago

@EduardoJesusAn4: RT @reporterenato: ATENÇÃO: Polícia de Kiev e o The Guardian afirmam que o jornalista Brent Renaud, do The New York Times, foi morto por tr… - 3 years ago

@Die_Primel: RT @CampbellMacD: Seems at least five journalists have been killed in Ukraine since Russia invaded: Ukrainians Oleksandra Kurshinova, Evgen… - 3 years ago

@denveropinion: Opinion: The service, sacrifice and patriotism of American journalists - 3 years ago

@baptiste_regi: ...America, I don't know Brent Renaud, but I knew Pierre Zakrzewski very well - not as a cosy friend, but some of h… - 3 years ago

@gkmss: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@lis_sare: RT @AnarcolibertadT: Rusia acusa a Ucrania de haber asesinado al camarógrafo Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@alvaburke: RT @CampbellMacD: Seems at least five journalists have been killed in Ukraine since Russia invaded: Ukrainians Oleksandra Kurshinova, Evgen… - 3 years ago

@BanditoSjp: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@navysailor0425: RT @ryangrim: @joshtpm Most of the reports describe Russian shelling of the area, and his colleague noted there were Ukrainian checkpoints,… - 3 years ago

@M1am1steve: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@navysailor0425: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@bemagicone: RT @Franklin_Graham: Over the weekend, American journalist Brent Renaud was killed, & @FoxNews cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski was killed on Mo… - 3 years ago

@MikeMcKinnonIII: RT @SMU: We join in mourning the loss of alumnus Brent Renaud, an award-winning journalist and filmmaker, killed while covering the war in… - 3 years ago

@CorinaLozada1: RT @FabiiRosales: El mundo ve con repudio el accionar del régimen ruso contra la prensa libre en la invasión contra el pueblo de Ucrania.… - 3 years ago

@llwil3323: RT @RichardEngel: Deeply saddened by the deaths of Fox cameraman Pierre Zakrevskiiy and Ukrainian producer Oleksandra Kuvshynova outside Ky… - 3 years ago

@melissa_deleen: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@wendyksj: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Welsgirl7: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@AleFilomeni: RT @exp_lib: El periodista y documentalista norteamericano Brent Renaud fue asesinado por militares rusos cuando daba cobertura a la invasi… - 3 years ago

@samipyosi: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@childofeugene: RT @KimCommie: Don’t automatically trust what’s reported by NATO/western media on 🇺🇦..Committee to Protect Journalists said they were “unab… - 3 years ago

@ChrisHernon: RT @O_Rob1nson: Russia's envoy to the UN claimed the other day that Brent Renaud, a US journalist who was killed in Ukraine last week, 1) w… - 3 years ago

@HardHeadRed1: RT @AP: Brent Renaud, an American video journalist, died and another journalist was injured when Russian troops opened fire on their car in… - 3 years ago

@sarahmariecaver: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@dnw_stock: RT @CampbellMacD: Seems at least five journalists have been killed in Ukraine since Russia invaded: Ukrainians Oleksandra Kurshinova, Evgen… - 3 years ago

@Tinycurmudgeon2: RT @GOPLeader: Devastating news of American deaths in Ukraine: journalist Brent Renaud and Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski. An entir… - 3 years ago

@HorseIsRunning: RT @CampbellMacD: Seems at least five journalists have been killed in Ukraine since Russia invaded: Ukrainians Oleksandra Kurshinova, Evgen… - 3 years ago

@ASongAXWires: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@JanuszB49664317: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Ann76498196: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@NoltG: RT @GOPLeader: Devastating news of American deaths in Ukraine: journalist Brent Renaud and Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski. An entir… - 3 years ago

@marketingddc: El periodista Brent Renaud pierde su vida cubriendo Ucrania y The New York Times lo despide de forma inesperada… - 3 years ago

@veroca327: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Artemis17H: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Kiltschko1: RT @BorisJohnson: Putin’s barbaric actions murdering Brent Renaud and other innocent civilians are testing not just Ukraine but all of huma… - 3 years ago

@francis50622725: RT @eldolardiario: ¡LAMENTABLE! Mataron al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud en ataque ruso a Ucrania - 3 years ago

@whoisbenchang: RT @MajorCBS: Death’s pain falls on an axis of proximity. I did not know/work with Pierre Zakrzewski or Brent Renaud, but colleagues I reve… - 3 years ago

@StevenG15689824: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@XiaKatyusha: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@MEDICINAdesigns: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@shDlj8cXwf9GIml: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@undecided_astro: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@mspshed: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@frostbittnkittn: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@DeniseBossert3: RT @ChristopherJM: White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said Brent Renaud's death was "shocking and horrifying" and pledged… - 3 years ago

@berfrois: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@CoffeeGeraldine: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@AngelinaVenezu2: RT @pax_avant: @Hibai_ Y mientras tanto, después de que ayer cientos de miles de noticias sobre el asesinato de Brent Renaud adjudicada a f… - 3 years ago

@4LFh3g0VXL0dd5v: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@johnyard2: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@MoGranat: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@juandeitaliados: RT @juandeitaliados: La guerra es barbarie de crímenes sin castigo, que pena con esta persona #RIP requiescat in pace - 3 years ago

@jrar1978: RT @CaraotaDigital: #Mundo | EEUU aplicará "consecuencias apropiadas" tras asesinato de Brent Renaud por fuerzas rusas 💥 - 3 years ago

@faisalmewati123: RT @aarifkirodi: Brent Renaud, an American filmmaker, photographer and journalist for the New York Times, was shot and killed by Russian fo… - 3 years ago

@ComplaymentdO: RT @CNEWS: Guerre en Ukraine : qui était Brent Renaud, le journaliste américain tué par balles ? - 3 years ago

@kameusagi2525: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@VetrepreneurOne: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@RadicallyPosit1: RT @kylegriffin1: President Zelensky has paid tribute to Brent Renaud. In a letter addressed to Renaud's family, Zelensky offered condolen… - 3 years ago

@onestarinsight: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@MariaMo43307634: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@socialpoli: Ukraine President Zelenskyy offers condolences to the family of killed journalist, Brent Renaud as we all wait for… - 3 years ago

@Chung1T: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@debtopka: RT @nytimes: President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine sent condolences to the family of Brent Renaud, the U.S. journalist who was killed out… - 3 years ago

@mstfyhsnahmd6: RT @nytimes: President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine sent condolences to the family of Brent Renaud, the U.S. journalist who was killed out… - 3 years ago

@FBondegard: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@Gsusluvme: RT @kylegriffin1: President Zelensky has paid tribute to Brent Renaud. In a letter addressed to Renaud's family, Zelensky offered condolen… - 3 years ago

@terrileedee: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@elangroon: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@RomanticBallad: RT @kylegriffin1: President Zelensky has paid tribute to Brent Renaud. In a letter addressed to Renaud's family, Zelensky offered condolen… - 3 years ago

@HorrorPurple: RT @MatthewTeague: My friend Brent Renaud died today, killed while working as a photojournalist in Ukraine. Brent’s work excelled. But hi… - 3 years ago

@HsungTsai: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@DKAXXIV: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@Babygor20220224: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@WTFisHisGoingon: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@AirPowerAsia: RT @AirPowerAsia: Brent Renaud was shot dead by Russian soldiers while reporting on the invasion of Ukraine, according to Ukrainian officia… - 3 years ago

@MikeReeseM: RT @FindingVeracity: Zelensky sent condolences to the family of Brent Renaud. He thanked the documentary filmmaker for his commitment to do… - 3 years ago

@French_apple: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@humanrightslaw: RT @johnsweeneyroar: Good on you @ZelenskyyUa. RIP Brent Renaud. - 3 years ago

@itsmeSBK: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky sends the family of slain US journalist Brent Renaud a letter sending his “hear… - 3 years ago

@matteocacciola: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@CapriMilanRome: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@laura1401: RT @lilianaf523: UCRANIA. Putin apagó la voz del periodista Brent Renaud. Miles hablarán en su nombre… - 3 years ago

@the_maurmaur: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Galvinygirl: RT @AnonOpsSE: Volodymyr Zelensky wrote a letter to the family of the journalist Brent Renaud, who died in the shelling in Irpin, while do… - 3 years ago

@Jangmeister: RT @JordanSchachtel: New York Times has now confirmed that it was a *Ukrainian checkpoint*. Understand this in the context of the testimo… - 3 years ago

@BeggarSoldier: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@marshalchaifetz: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@easyfindasia: Zelensky mourns ‘brave’ US journalist Brent Renaud in touching letter to... - 3 years ago

@bramblejac: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@grandblue420: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Nyckchan2: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@hamid_khosh: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@RudedogTX: RT @JordanSchachtel: New York Times has now confirmed that it was a *Ukrainian checkpoint*. Understand this in the context of the testimo… - 3 years ago

@Tanis42: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@StefanieCampeg2: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@jlmas_vlad: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@SP50024802062: RT @RCR750: #Condolencias ofrece el presidente Zelenskyy, a la familia de Brent Renaud, periodista estadounidense que murió mientras docume… - 3 years ago

@bpostel_barbara: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Samm20691217: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@sheilaloaf: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@Smudgeon: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago

@denverlibertad: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@gloria_corley: RT @FrankScottJr: In honor of Brent Renaud, Little Rock filmmaker and journalist recently killed in Ukraine, we will light our bridges purp… - 3 years ago

@Bonboriman: RT @TelegraphWorld: 🚨BREAKING: An American journalist has been shot dead by Russian forces in Ukraine, according to reports. Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@Rathclav: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@jrzgrlz: RT @CBSNews: Ukrainian President Zelensky condemned the attack on American Journalist Brent Renaud, 50, who was killed Sunday when Russian… - 3 years ago

@BoAD3cRxfNmjSH2: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@mylovelytenten: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@luciocsalazar: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@SandraDC_10: RT @RCR750: #Condolencias ofrece el presidente Zelenskyy, a la familia de Brent Renaud, periodista estadounidense que murió mientras docume… - 3 years ago

@heartgramma: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@vertestrate: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@pastorabharris: Ukrainian President Zelensky condemned the attack on American Journalist Brent Renaud, 50, who was killed Sunday wh… - 3 years ago

@Raz86015793: RT @vikasbha: An American journalist Brent Renaud shot dead in #Ukraine Brent was a talented photographer & filmmaker ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शा… - 3 years ago

@wiggidywill: RT @CBSNews: Ukrainian President Zelensky condemned the attack on American Journalist Brent Renaud, 50, who was killed Sunday when Russian… - 3 years ago

@Fearless211314: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@another_davis: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@ShunFujimi: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@pierre_henon: RT @ZelenskyyUa: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evi… - 3 years ago

@twityouk: @JesselynRadack @SenseOf_OUTRAGE Present Headline: "Brent Renaud, First U.S. Reporter Killed in Ukraine, Praised fo… - 3 years ago

@shamilsh: RT @cliffordlevy: On Brent Renaud, a journalist killed in Ukraine covering the plight of fleeing refugees: "Brent had this ability to go an… - 3 years ago

@insaf_abbas: RT @nytimesworld: When Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed in Ukraine on Sunday, he was there doin… - 3 years ago

@Tweet1234510: RT @BorisJohnson: Putin’s barbaric actions murdering Brent Renaud and other innocent civilians are testing not just Ukraine but all of huma… - 3 years ago

@highroadsaloon: @sarasidnerCNN I was a little shaky on if I should send this or not and then I remember that I filmed it to honor h… - 3 years ago

@_A_S_94_: Photo of journalist Brent Renaud murder in Ukraine after leaving his home is now circulating 🇺🇦 - 3 years ago

@TheTakeaway: LISTEN 🎧 : American journalist and former NYT filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by Russian forces in Ukraine.… - 3 years ago

@exebaquedano: RT @RequenaCNN: Policía de Ucrania confirmó que tropas rusas mataron al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud, además las autoridades anun… - 3 years ago

@IanMCohen: RT @MemphisHoller: Brent Renaud, the award-winning @nytimes correspondent shot to death in Ukraine, was born in MEMPHIS. RIP. 💔 - 3 years ago

@MrWarren_Bell: RT @SMU: We join in mourning the loss of alumnus Brent Renaud, an award-winning journalist and filmmaker, killed while covering the war in… - 3 years ago

@Albertora_: RT @BorisJohnson: Putin’s barbaric actions murdering Brent Renaud and other innocent civilians are testing not just Ukraine but all of huma… - 3 years ago

@abc_columbia: American journalist Brent Renaud has been killed in Ukraine while gathering material for a report about refugees. - 3 years ago

@peacelovingrn: RT @MatthewTeague: My friend Brent Renaud died today, killed while working as a photojournalist in Ukraine. Brent’s work excelled. But hi… - 3 years ago

@cuba_patria: RT @Luz_Cuba: Brent Renaud, an American Journalist, Is Killed in Ukraine - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@Meander72460686: RT @BorisJohnson: Putin’s barbaric actions murdering Brent Renaud and other innocent civilians are testing not just Ukraine but all of huma… - 3 years ago

@Fyre_Wolf666: RT @TheNPCShow: LIVE: NY Times's Brent Renaud Was A US Spy - 3 years ago

@alva1ackley: U.S. journalist killed in Ukraine was known for his ‘innate humanity and empathy’ - 3 years ago

@RobertW98938829: @BorisJohnson @ZelenskyyUa Provide proof it was a Russian soldier who killed Brent Renaud, else you should be senso… - 3 years ago

@icittadini: Giornalista ucciso in Ucraina: chi era Brent Renaud. Il video-reporter americano aveva collaborato anche con il New… - 3 years ago

@juancalvodrac: RT @diegoguelar: La primera victima del cuerpo periodistico cubriendo la guerra…El periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud fue asesinado por… - 3 years ago

@CarlosM04406482: RT @ReporteYa: #13Mar #Guerra #Rusia #Ucrania @ronzheimer: Ejército de #Rusia asesinó al periodista Brent Renaud, que se encontraba cubrien… - 3 years ago

@sherylkayed: RT @dallasnews: Acclaimed filmmaker Brent Renaud shot, killed in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@GibbGift: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@finster_sid: RT @JordanSchachtel: New York Times has now confirmed that it was a *Ukrainian checkpoint*. Understand this in the context of the testimo… - 3 years ago

@Bluegiilllsnfzs: RT @afsinyurdakul: Çok üzgünüm. Kiev’de açılan ateşte gazeteci Brent Renaud öldürüldü, Juan Arredondo yaralandı. @niemanfdn’da onlardan çok… - 3 years ago

@KUKA_TRAP: RT @bcraenllamas: EUROPA Las tropas rusas asesinaron al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud Fue uno de los mejores documentalistas del… - 3 years ago

@ArhinSamuel_A: RT @CBSMornings: Award-winning American journalist, Brent Renaud, was killed by Russian forces outside Kyiv, Ukraine on Sunday. He was wor… - 3 years ago

@karlossgrillo: RT @gfrias: Tristemente con la muerte de un periodista Brent Renaud, en Ucrania. La revista TIME escribió: "Estamos devastados por la pérdi… - 3 years ago

@wwhichh: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@cTA_LaLA00: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@thechalkshark: @nka979 Now Brent Renaud. When does it end? @UNHumanRights report on Vadym Komarov and Oles Buzina When is a jour… - 3 years ago

@Daily_Ref: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@Clonamery13: RT @MatthewTeague: My friend Brent Renaud died today, killed while working as a photojournalist in Ukraine. Brent’s work excelled. But hi… - 3 years ago

@arual812: RT @Barbapapoo: Il pensiero a Brent Renaud, giornalista del NYT ucciso oggi, è un pensiero a tutti i giornalisti sul campo che ci stanno ra… - 3 years ago

@N60597: RT @BorisJohnson: Putin’s barbaric actions murdering Brent Renaud and other innocent civilians are testing not just Ukraine but all of huma… - 3 years ago

@Lacusa77: RT @gfrias: Tristemente con la muerte de un periodista Brent Renaud, en Ucrania. La revista TIME escribió: "Estamos devastados por la pérdi… - 3 years ago

@FritzQuincke: RT @SimonOstrovsky: Gutting to hear of the death Brent Renaud in Irpin, Ukraine today. A filmmaker without parallel who was working on a gl… - 3 years ago

@Jammie1963: @POTUS - The blood of Brent Renaud is on your hands. - 3 years ago

@FritzQuincke: RT @SimonOstrovsky: - 3 years ago

@sourcreammyl: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@little_karrot: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@SoniaSamoggia: RT @fanpage: Chi era Brent Renaud, il primo giornalista ucciso in Ucraina - 3 years ago

@Jimmy_Mathayo1: RT @frediejustine: .. Mwandishi wa Habari wa Marekani Brent Renaud ameuwawa kwa kupigwa Risasi nchini Ukraine. Makosaaaaaaa - 3 years ago

@projour: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed in Ukraine on Sunday. Renaud, who often collabora… - 3 years ago

@corneliamariab2: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago

@wboscoho: R.I.P. Brent Renaud and condolences to his family, friends & colleagues - the world is a darker place RT U.S. jou… - 3 years ago

@JenniStarry: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@lugarencuentro: RT @aprensamalaga: Estamos impactados y tristes por la muerte en Kiev de Brent Renaud. Pedimos a todas y todos los periodistas que extremen… - 3 years ago

@BanglaViral: Russia journalist shooting: Fellow journalist recounts attack that killed Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@mtnidksoo: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@RaiderVdoubleE: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Russian troops open fire at journalists near Kyiv, killing American filmmaker Brent Renaud, local officials say - 3 years ago

@AylaWilder: RT @aletweetsnews: Video journalist Brent Renaud, a U.S. citizen, has been shot and killed near Kyiv. Brent was a Peabody Award-winning doc… - 3 years ago

@porxxx981: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@rainyday_pp: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@SwayFx: RT @JordanSchachtel: New York Times has now confirmed that it was a *Ukrainian checkpoint*. Understand this in the context of the testimo… - 3 years ago

@DmitriyAnderson: RT @TIME: A statement from TIME on the death of journalist Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@pprriimmmmyy: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@MariaPerezMo1: RT @SergiMaranya: ÚLTIMA HORA 14.17 h: Brent Renaud, videoperiodista estatunidenc del diari The New York Times, ha mort en un atac rus a la… - 3 years ago

@KerimAKD4: RT @MardipAvrupa: #BrentRenaud: #US journalist killed in #Ukraine @MardinDiplomasi #USA #BrentRenaud #Ukraine #ru… - 3 years ago

@SariDjohan09: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago

@zar_of_medicine: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: An American journalist was killed by Russian forces outside the Ukrainian capital according to police - 3 years ago

@olivierdubois33: RT @lauhaim: Brent Renaud .American freelancer/ independent video journalist killed in Ukraine. Here a picture of him in Mosul a few years… - 3 years ago

@MalloryOnTravel: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed in Ukraine on Sunday. Renaud, who often collabora… - 3 years ago

@validosius: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@gmail_barrera: RT @diegoguelar: La primera victima del cuerpo periodistico cubriendo la guerra…El periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud fue asesinado por… - 3 years ago

@CarolKi34229365: RT @CBSNews: Brent Renaud, a 50-year-old filmmaker, was killed when Russian troops opened fire, according to the head of Kyiv's regional po… - 3 years ago

@maureenBwhelan: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: An American journalist was killed by Russian forces outside the Ukrainian capital according to police - 3 years ago

@realchipriggs: RT @MaryEllenKlas: The executioners invading Ukraine have killed a dear friend and brilliant documentary reporter, Brent Renaud, and injure… - 3 years ago

@ForsetiBalder: Le New York Times a confirmé qu'il apparaît dans le contexte du témoignage de son collègue, qui a dit qu'ils se fai… - 3 years ago

@JBardellini: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@stnobu60: RT @BBCWorld: US journalist and filmmaker Brent Renaud killed in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@ToniMedvetz: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago


@beatrizarino: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@madovi11957: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@LesVDavis: US journalist Brent Renaud killed when Russian soldiers open fire at checkpoint: Live Ukraine updates - 3 years ago

@Tostiamo: RT @SimonOstrovsky: Gutting to hear of the death Brent Renaud in Irpin, Ukraine today. A filmmaker without parallel who was working on a gl… - 3 years ago

@ericpape: Covering war is particularly dangerous when military leaders don't want journalists covering the fighting. US jour… - 3 years ago

@salimbaipro: RT @EW: Russian fire killed 50-year-old filmmaker Brent Renaud, who was in Ukraine making a documentary about the global refugee crisis. h… - 3 years ago

@aguilerakarlos7: RT @EmmaRincon: El fotógrafo colombiano Juan Arredondo resultó herido cuando las tropas rusas abatieron el coche en el que se encontraba en… - 3 years ago

@huftbosan: @EuromaidanPress @NYTimesPR Statement from @TIME on the death of journalist Brent Renaud: "In recent weeks, Brent… - 3 years ago

@BobMaher20: RT @VoLinxx: NEWS: Kyiv police chief Andriy Nebytov confirms that Russians shot and killed New York Times journalist Brent Renaud, a US cit… - 3 years ago

@CapsulaInforma: Muere asesinado en Ucrania el periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@criticojesus: RT @Nexofin: Las tropas rusas asesinaron al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@emariaabreu: RT @BorisJohnson: Putin’s barbaric actions murdering Brent Renaud and other innocent civilians are testing not just Ukraine but all of huma… - 3 years ago

@desertsongnm: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago

@PrivataServus: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@WiseOldTexan: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Russian occupiers kill the New York Times journalist in Irpin. According to Andriy Nebytov, the head of the Kyiv Ob… - 3 years ago

@StephyShante: RT @EW: Russian fire killed 50-year-old filmmaker Brent Renaud, who was in Ukraine making a documentary about the global refugee crisis. h… - 3 years ago

@annedraya: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@enriquedelrayoc: RT @lilaabed: ⚠️ El periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud fue asesinado por las fuerzas rusas en Ucrania. El reportero y documentalista d… - 3 years ago

@beauhaf: RT @BBCWorld: US journalist and filmmaker Brent Renaud killed in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@DavidRodEngr: RT @BorisJohnson: Putin’s barbaric actions murdering Brent Renaud and other innocent civilians are testing not just Ukraine but all of huma… - 3 years ago

@AnUnabashedNerd: RT @EW: Russian fire killed 50-year-old filmmaker Brent Renaud, who was in Ukraine making a documentary about the global refugee crisis. h… - 3 years ago

@RealtorBonDC: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@StuffMeLikey: Tributes paid to US journalist shot dead by Russians in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@JovanMagarac: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago

@CarynUhuh: "The only thing bigger than his balls is his heart." - 3 years ago

@AlejandroCancho: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@Isolde77453210: RT @Bilancieri: Un laureado periodista estadounidense murió en Irpin, Ucrania, Brent Renaud se transportaba en un vehículo junto a otros co… - 3 years ago

@AllAmericanATT: RT @JordanSchachtel: New York Times has now confirmed that it was a *Ukrainian checkpoint*. Understand this in the context of the testimo… - 3 years ago

@T0H0FUHA1: RT @spreadarms: 報道によると、米国人ジャーナリストのBrent Renaud氏がキエフ近郊イルピンでロシア軍の銃撃を受け亡くなった。国境を越えて避難する難民を取材中だったと。 - 3 years ago

@SILVIAPEDRAZACA: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@dalvajulia: RT @VoLinxx: NEWS: Kyiv police chief Andriy Nebytov confirms that Russians shot and killed New York Times journalist Brent Renaud, a US cit… - 3 years ago

@Arcadodiabo: RT @worldonalert: Brent Renaud, an American writer, photojournalist and Award winning filmmaker, was killed by Russian forces in Irpin west… - 3 years ago

@bluskyejules: RT @AP: Brent Renaud, an acclaimed American filmmaker, died Sunday after Russian forces opened fire on his vehicle in Ukraine. He was gathe… - 3 years ago

@Ric746: RT @JordanSchachtel: New York Times has now confirmed that it was a *Ukrainian checkpoint*. Understand this in the context of the testimo… - 3 years ago

@NaNa45715776: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed in Ukraine on Sunday. Renaud, who often collabora… - 3 years ago

@defcon_5: RT @benpershing: "We crossed a checkpoint, and they started shooting at us. So the driver turned around, and they kept shooting. It was two… - 3 years ago

@GaffRigg: RT @SarahHuckabee: Putin must pay a heavy price for the senseless killing of an American journalist in Ukraine. Brent Renaud bravely gave h… - 3 years ago

@christinaleftw1: RT @drainvillepm: Journaliste Brent Renaud et ⁦@nytimes⁩: «Mr. Renaud had contributed to the Times ⁦in (the past) but was not in Ukraine.… - 3 years ago

@JBisRight: RT @JordanSchachtel: New York Times has now confirmed that it was a *Ukrainian checkpoint*. Understand this in the context of the testimo… - 3 years ago

@jose1721: RT @infobaeamerica: EEUU condenó el asesinato del periodista Brent Renaud y envió una advertencia a Rusia: “Responderemos en consecuencia”… - 3 years ago

@stephanishelton: RT @CPJ_Eurasia: “We are shocked and saddened to learn of the death of U.S. journalist Brent Renaud in Ukraine. This kind of attack is tota… - 3 years ago

@BickVic: RT @n_ivantsiv: The @nytimes filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by Russian occupants in Irpin. His partner was wounded, - the Head of the Ma… - 3 years ago

@carlosvlozano: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Brent Renaud, a past contributor to the New York Times, photographer and filmmaker, has been killed in Ukraine, the news… - 3 years ago

@FloydRoss1225: RT @CNN: Award-winning American journalist Brent Renaud was killed by Russian forces in the Ukrainian city of Irpin, police in Kyiv said ht… - 3 years ago

@Delia85354849: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago

@Cyclorient: RT @_NOALCOMUNISMO: El periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud fue asesinado por las fuerzas rusas en Ucrania El reportero y documentalista… - 3 years ago

@dabie78: RT @libe: ⚫ L’Américain Brent Renaud, premier journaliste étranger tué en #Ukraine Connu pour des documentaires réalisés avec son frère Cr… - 3 years ago

@TKYSK8R: RT @nytimesworld: Brent Renaud, an award-winning documentary filmmaker who drew attention to human suffering, often working with major news… - 3 years ago

@JulianaSayuri11: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed in Ukraine on Sunday. Renaud, who often collabora… - 3 years ago

@andreuqs: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@BetsyBasset: RT @ChristofPutzel: I’m devastated by the loss of my close friend and long time producer, Brent Renaud. The world and our profession has lo… - 3 years ago

@PoliSockPuppet: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago

@armdpm: RT @BorisJohnson: Putin’s barbaric actions murdering Brent Renaud and other innocent civilians are testing not just Ukraine but all of huma… - 3 years ago

@pieri79: RT @lilianaf523: UCRANIA. Putin apagó la voz del periodista Brent Renaud. Miles hablarán en su nombre… - 3 years ago

@NL_FUT_POLITICA: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 GUERRA UCRANIA-RUSIA 🇺🇦🇷🇺 Brent Renaud, corresponsal de guerra, 51 años, fue asesinado a tiros en Irpen hoy. Otro p… - 3 years ago

@csannziv: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed in Ukraine on Sunday. Renaud, who often collabora… - 3 years ago

@RosarioLanetti: RT @lilianaf523: UCRANIA. Putin apagó la voz del periodista Brent Renaud. Miles hablarán en su nombre… - 3 years ago

@SFTravels: RT @VoLinxx: NEWS: Kyiv police chief Andriy Nebytov confirms that Russians shot and killed New York Times journalist Brent Renaud, a US cit… - 3 years ago

@alcinodoliveira: RT @PadreJosePalmar: De foros secretos rusos tienen en sus archivos de guerra estas fotografías donde afirman que el ejército de Rusia masa… - 3 years ago

@Khelthalas: RT @mrsahuquillo: El videoreportero estadounidense Brent Renaud ha muerto hoy tiroteado mientras cubría la evacuación de civiles en Irpin,… - 3 years ago

@ValmarieVal: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@DaemonAAc: RT @AMLwhere: Our Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud was gifted and kind, and his work was infused with humanity. He was killed today outside Kiev,… - 3 years ago

@snoopy6702: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago

@MaryMjj3: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There is no democracy without a free press. Brent Renaud’s death at the hands of Russian forces underscores the indiscr… - 3 years ago

@rebeccasd86: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@adelantus: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@pkoipkoi6: RT @cdeloire: Nous demandons que toute la lumière soit faite sur les circonstances de la mort du documentariste Brent Renaud et des blessur… - 3 years ago

@Fco_Morales_H: RT @todonoticias: Brent Renaud, el experiodista de The New York Times que fue asesinado en el ataque ruso en Ucrania - 3 years ago

@DHCalifornicus: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@araphant: RT @gervasanchez: MUERTE DE UN PERIODISTA Y CONSEJOS PARA PRIMERIZOS El gran periodista @rgarciavilanova se ha encontrado esta mañana co… - 3 years ago

@nCatalogna: RT @EmmaRincon: El ejército ruso asesina a periodista del New York Times en Irpin. Según el jefe de la policía del óblast de Kiev, el peri… - 3 years ago

@mintyrigden: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed in Ukraine on Sunday. Renaud, who often collabora… - 3 years ago

@alcinodoliveira: RT @dw_espanol: #EE.UU. condena muerte de #periodista Brent Renaud fue abatido por las fuerzas rusas. El excolaborador de @nytimes es el s… - 3 years ago

@josepbastardas: RT @josepbastardas: Brent Renaud fou mort en un check-point per ucraïnesos. Recorden l'accident en directe amb el corresponsal de TV3 a Ucr… - 3 years ago

@brownRainbow3: RT @CNN: Award-winning American journalist Brent Renaud was killed by Russian forces in the Ukrainian city of Irpin, police in Kyiv said ht… - 3 years ago

@eefauscan: RT @TIME: A statement from TIME on the death of journalist Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@KentinTozu: RT @article19europe: We are deeply saddened to hear of Brent Renaud's death. Brent was a filmmaker & former contributor to @nytimes He was… - 3 years ago

@LuisMartinezLla: RT @okdiario: Tropas rusas matan a Brent Renaud, periodista estadounidense cerca de Kiev - 3 years ago

@L_Gale517: RT @pressfreedom: U.S. journalist Brent Renaud was shot and killed at a checkpoint in Irpin, Ukraine, and photographer Juan Arredondo was i… - 3 years ago

@pepetex: Las guerras y sus funestas consecuencias arrastran a quienes las divulgan. Nadie ni siquiera sus ojos, están a salv… - 3 years ago

@yurianimeotaku: RT @thedailybeast: "...Of course, the profession of a journalist is a risk, but U.S. citizen Brent Renaud paid his life for trying to highl… - 3 years ago

@Noe90319725: RT @CarlosAJimnez4: El PERIODISTA de EU Brent Renaud fue muerto de un tiro en el cuello en Ucrania,se encontraba en un punto de revisión uc… - 3 years ago

@Battyaboutmusic: RT @TIME: A statement from TIME on the death of journalist Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@Sho76Fo: RT @EscritorCasa: @CBSNews Le dispararon y lo dejaron atrás": el periodista estadounidense Juan Arredondo describe el momento en que él y B… - 3 years ago

@caigueral2: RT @324cat: Mor el periodista nord-americà Brent Renaud en un tiroteig a Ucraïna - 3 years ago

@BayAreaFan219: RT @cliffordlevy: “He was just a filmmaker with tremendous heart. It really sort of pervaded all of his work.” — @vivian Brent Renaud, the… - 3 years ago

@noshinbean: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@Igor47540852: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@DemsForHumanity: TIME Statement on the Death of Journalist Brent Renaud | Time - 3 years ago

@Bhurtadb: RT @notidigitalrd1: Eeuu Condenó El Asesinato Del Periodista Brent Renaud Y Envió Una Advertencia A Rusia: “responderemos En Consecuencia”… - 3 years ago

@Maverickxxxxxxx: RT @joebarton1238: @JaneFerguson5 RIP Brent Renaud Protect Free Speech Free Press is our only source - 3 years ago

@ruatalaia13: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ACTUALIZACIÓN | Brent Renaud, videoperiodista estadounidense y antiguo colaborador de 'The New York Times', ha muerto hoy en… - 3 years ago

@rodolfopinto_ve: RT @Telegraph: 🚨BREAKING: An American journalist has been shot dead by Russian forces in Ukraine, according to reports. Brent Renaud, a v… - 3 years ago

@esgarchitect: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@krpurcell: RT @SethAbramson: (PS) And incredibly, the tweet on the left (above) was responding to a reader who had just asked me, what happens when an… - 3 years ago

@VeronikaSimons: RT @nmsonline: Head of the Kyiv Police Department says that Russian troops opened fire on a car with foreign journalists in and shot dead 5… - 3 years ago

@DmitriyAnderson: RT @SimonOstrovsky: Gutting to hear of the death Brent Renaud in Irpin, Ukraine today. A filmmaker without parallel who was working on a gl… - 3 years ago

@chuckthemuckra1: RT @leahmcelrath: In memory of Brent Renaud: - 3 years ago

@AyalaLarios: RT @AristeguiOnline: Tropas rusas asesinan cerca de Kiev al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud, asegura Ucrania - 3 years ago

@jackie_xo: RT @TerryMohajirAD: Sad News! Brent was the Director of our “Our Time Show”. He did great job and was a super nice person. We wish his coll… - 3 years ago

@smxpdx: RT @walterlekh: Brent Renaud, American journalist from New York Times, was killed by Russian invaders today during evacuation from #Irpin,… - 3 years ago

@karlheinzbergem: RT @ShehuSani: The killing of American Journalist Brent Renaud in Ukraine is tragic and unfortunate.He died in the line of duty doing what… - 3 years ago

@grautoene: RT @Twelectra: Der Kollege Brent Renaud, Fotograf und Filmemacher u.a. für die New York Times, wurde von russischen Einheiten in der Ukrain… - 3 years ago

@fuadmb: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@MedianiSamuel: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: An American journalist was killed by Russian forces outside the Ukrainian capital according to police - 3 years ago

@hertelaa: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@bizcommunityit: Brent Renaud ucciso in Ucraina: l'ex giornalista americano del New York Times era esperto di documentari. Avev - 3 years ago

@AbogadoMercado: RT @DoliaEstevez: Brent Renaud, documentalista estadounidense, muerto hoy en ataque de los invasores rusos en Ucrania, fue premiado por su… - 3 years ago

@NotMyAccount109: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@JerryLStirewalt: RT @AP: Among other assignments, Renaud covered wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and political turmoil in Egypt and Libya. “Nowhere was too da… - 3 years ago

@vlodko62: RT @TIME: A statement from TIME on the death of journalist Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@Nh2Sma: RT @AP: Brent Renaud, an acclaimed American filmmaker, died Sunday after Russian forces opened fire on his vehicle in Ukraine. He was gathe… - 3 years ago

@KevinJoeKelly1: RT @ABC: MORE: American journalist and photographer Brent Renaud was killed in Ukraine, Kyiv's police chief confirmed in a Facebook post.… - 3 years ago

@jonaelrojas: RT @RCR750: #Duelo Brent Renaud, videoperiodista estadounidense del diario The New York Times, falleció en un ataque ruso en la ciudad de I… - 3 years ago

@HannahLopeman: RT @HuffPost: The 51-year-old Peabody Award recipient was fatally shot in Irpin, just outside Kyiv, the head of the region’s police force s… - 3 years ago

@FLastrade: RT @joebarton1238: @JaneFerguson5 RIP Brent Renaud Protect Free Speech Free Press is our only source - 3 years ago

@samkupferman: Little Rock native Brent Renaud and his brother Craig are stalwarts in the Arkansas film industry. Brent’s passion,… - 3 years ago

@GladysteleSUR: RT @telesurenglish: The New York Times spokesperson Danielle Rhoades Ha denied that U.S. journalist Brent Renaud was on assignment for the… - 3 years ago

@AUDITPREVENANCE: RT @cliffordlevy: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Brent, a brilliant filmmaker and wonderful colleague. An awful tragedy. B… - 3 years ago

@oksamv: RT @KyivPost: Today, in Irpin, #Ukraine, Russian occupants fired on the group of American journalists. Three of them are wounded. A journal… - 3 years ago

@mrgenetic1: RT @ElectionWiz: NYT on the death of Brent Renaud: “…he was not on assignment for any desk at The Times in Ukraine…he was wearing a Times p… - 3 years ago

@SaneSceptic: RT @SDyorin: His friend Brent Renaud was less lucky. Ukranian fake-makers are already posting BS, that he was shot by Russians (being in #U… - 3 years ago

@dangisland: RT @AMLwhere: Our Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud was gifted and kind, and his work was infused with humanity. He was killed today outside Kiev,… - 3 years ago

@iamarjanna: RT @CNN: Award-winning American journalist Brent Renaud was killed by Russian forces in the Ukrainian city of Irpin, police in Kyiv said ht… - 3 years ago

@SBTonline: RT @sbtnews: GUERRA NA UCRÂNIA -Jornalista norte-americano, Brent Renaud, de 51 anos, morreu após um ataque russo nas proximidades de Kiev,… - 3 years ago

@onthrsday: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@andrei_kononov: RT @descifraguerra: 🇺🇦🇷🇺 Además el New York Times ha informado que el Brent Renaud no trabaja para ellos actualmente y que la insignia de p… - 3 years ago

@ukiyoesama: RT @zigoraldama: Los rusos han matado a un compañero en Irpin, Ucrania. Mis condolencias a la familia y allegados del fotoperiodista estado… - 3 years ago

@AsiaRonn: RT @brianstelter: Watch: @ChristofPutzel paying tribute to his longtime friend Brent Renaud, who was killed in Ukraine today - 3 years ago

@PiaKoivunen: RT @nytimesworld: Brent Renaud, an award-winning documentary filmmaker who drew attention to human suffering, often working with major news… - 3 years ago

@ArtemMamontov_: @matteosalvinimi Una preghiera per Brent Renaud, ma di tutte le altre morti non ne parliamo? Ah vero è americano… #StopWarInUkraine - 3 years ago

@GCasale: RT @GoncharenkoUa: American journalist paid his life for the truth about war in Ukraine. His car was shot by russian terrorists in Irpin’.… - 3 years ago

@dechampa_: RT @Unrulycat2511: Brent Renaud นักข่าว เดอะนิวยอร์คไทม์ วัย 51 ปี ถูกทหารรัสเซียยิงเสียชีวิต ที่เมือง Irpen วันนี้..นักข่าวอีกคนได้รับบาดเ… - 3 years ago

@faircher: RT @jclarkcni: Filmmaker And Journalist Brent Renaud Killed While Covering War In Ukraine - Deadline - 3 years ago

@GurbeDouwstra: RT @Kysia: De Oekraïense televisie meldt de dood van de 51-jarige New York Times journalist Brent Renaud in Kiev. Doodgeschoten door Russis… - 3 years ago

@KPrice1234: RT @Out5p0ken: Rest in Peace and power, Brent Renaud 😞🇺🇦🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@novak660: RT @SenekaSpiro: 🌐 Evo je, nova false flag operacija, Kijev. Ubijen je Amerikanac Brent Renaud, a drugi je ranjen. Novinari. Pucnjava je bi… - 3 years ago

@Url4Ever: Brent Renaud, Documentary Filmmaker and Journalist, Dies in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@doctor_eon: RT @jsrailton: Brent Renaud was aware & thoughtful about the risks of reporting in conflict. Good read. Brent also highlights the import… - 3 years ago

@CalHN: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@DEBRALOUISELEA: RT @nmsonline: Head of the Kyiv Police Department says that Russian troops opened fire on a car with foreign journalists in and shot dead 5… - 3 years ago

@alealamo: RT @trish_regan: A US journalist was killed by Russian troops who open fired on him outside Kyiv. Brent Renaud paid the ultimate price to… - 3 years ago

@MissKBO: RT @visegrad24: Video showing one of the American journalists shot today by the Russian Army in Irpin. Juan survived while his friend Bren… - 3 years ago

@ajdiva99: RT @GoncharenkoUa: American journalist paid his life for the truth about war in Ukraine. His car was shot by russian terrorists in Irpin’.… - 3 years ago

@rhododendronfan: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@PieceDeReSister: I fully expect the Biden Administration to take action against Russia for the murder of journalist Brent Renaud. U… - 3 years ago

@ross_laguna: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@dautrefois: RT @CBSNews: "He's been shot and left behind": U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by… - 3 years ago

@sgh956: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@2bedaReelThing: RT @NYTimesPR: Response from a New York Times spokesperson in regard to the death of Brent Renaud in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@rufus033: RT @tkatsumi06j: 【速報】🇺🇦ウクライナで🇷🇺ロシア軍に銃撃され亡くなったBrent Renaud記者について🇺🇸米NYタイムズ広報が声明。記者が亡くなったことに哀悼の意を表しつつ彼はNYタイムズの記者でないとのこと。タイムズのバッジをしていたのは昔のものを着用… - 3 years ago

@GeoffBent: US film-maker Brent Renaud killed by Russian forces in Ukraine #Ukraine #BrentRenaud #journalism #USA - 3 years ago

@JMJSparks: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@TracieJ71613200: RT @10TV: Award-winning American journalist killed in Ukraine, authorities say - 3 years ago

@craigwduff: RT @brianstelter: Andriy Nebitov, head of the Kyiv region police, says Russian forces killed Brent Renaud: "The occupants cynically kill ev… - 3 years ago

@thirstyworks: RT @ReformParty: The Reform Party is saddened by the loss of Brent Renaud. He was a casuality in the search for truth and honesty. - 3 years ago

@TeamShakeri: RT @Prodigi0_1: Brent Renaud. Muerto por disparos de soldados rusos. Del New York Times. No son los primeros periodistas atacados por Rusi… - 3 years ago

@Chesterfield159: RT @BebeWrigg: @IAPonomarenko The Russians were not successful in "leaping across the Irpin River" on this attempt, but, they were successf… - 3 years ago

@jesusnicolas: RT @EsteparioTotal: Imágenes que corresponden a la evacuación del cuerpo del periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud asesinado hoy en Irpín.… - 3 years ago

@sherrydole: RT @thedailybeast: NEW: American journalist and documentary filmmaker Brent Renaud, who has made documentaries from some of the worst hot s… - 3 years ago

@joserauda87: RT @IsobelYeung: Gutted to hear about the death of filmmaker Brent Renaud in Irpin, Ukraine today. Can’t stop thinking of his family, who l… - 3 years ago

@taxfreeok: RT @MAGA__Patriot: American journalist, Brent Renaud, 51, is shot dead by Russian troops in Ukraine and his wounded colleague is hospitaliz… - 3 years ago

@Caricuao_CCS_Ve: RT @EmmaRincon: El ejército ruso asesina a periodista del New York Times en Irpin. Según el jefe de la policía del óblast de Kiev, el peri… - 3 years ago

@paradasmichel: RT @EmmaRincon: El ejército ruso asesina a periodista del New York Times en Irpin. Según el jefe de la policía del óblast de Kiev, el peri… - 3 years ago

@Reese51428446: RT @RWApodcast: According to Страна.ua, the mayor of the Ukrainian city of Irpen, in the vicinity of which, according to Ukrainian authorit… - 3 years ago

@RightPa74758807: #PSGFCGB Messi #FCMRCL Bordeaux #RCSAASM #LaGrandeCauserie #SCOSDR Werner Parc Brent Renaud - 3 years ago

@roysie55: American filmmaker Brent Renaud shot dead in Ukraine by Russian troops We need all the world to join together and s… - 3 years ago

@chuckthemuckra1: RT @SimonOstrovsky: Gutting to hear of the death Brent Renaud in Irpin, Ukraine today. A filmmaker without parallel who was working on a gl… - 3 years ago

@SevThPark: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@denisekbarnes: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@LeamW81263595: RT @StopAntisemites: Our thoughts are with the family of Brent Renaud, the American photojournalist murdered today by Russian forces.  To… - 3 years ago

@HoneyAirborne: Kyiv region police say American journalist Brent Renaud killed by Russian forces in Irpin - 3 years ago

@MarcAureImperat: RT @KyivIndependent: Correction: Journalist Brent Renaud killed on March 13 in Irpin was a New York Times contributor. He was not on the pu… - 3 years ago

@Lawyer21: RT @PatriciaRamosTV: Las tropas d #Rusia mataron al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud y otro reportero resultó herido en un tiroteoen… - 3 years ago

@d7gstudio: RT @trish_regan: A US journalist was killed by Russian troops who open fired on him outside Kyiv. Brent Renaud paid the ultimate price to… - 3 years ago

@carolblanco23: RT @CHTVHN: #CHTV #Internacionales | Las tropas rusas dieron muerte al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud y otro reportero resultó heri… - 3 years ago

@AMPM52539071: RT @KyivPost: A 51-year-old New York Times correspondent Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen today. Another journalist was injured. Now the… - 3 years ago

@Royalacresrod: @nofish_nonuts @ibdgirl76 @maiasz @life_is_art___ @CMerandi Try this: - 3 years ago

@BulentSOLMAZ41: RT @SireneOznur: New York Times gazetesi muhabiri Brent Renaud, Kiev'in Irpin bölgesinde yaşanan çatışmada hayatını kaybetti. Erbil'e füz… - 3 years ago

@RealElias_1: RT @nmsonline: Head of the Kyiv Police Department says that Russian troops opened fire on a car with foreign journalists in and shot dead 5… - 3 years ago

@personatalie11: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@jenijenicat: RT @KyivIndependent: Correction: Journalist Brent Renaud killed on March 13 in Irpin was a New York Times contributor. He was not on the pu… - 3 years ago

@bonkerseh: RT @THR: Brent Renaud, Documentary Filmmaker and Journalist, Dies in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@SMfrikkingG: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@ChrisLiberty93: RT @n_ivantsiv: The @nytimes filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by Russian occupants in Irpin. His partner was wounded, - the Head of the Ma… - 3 years ago

@KimCook37158826: RT @RoArquette: Brent Renaud was fatally shot outside Kyiv on Sunday. A second journalist was injured along with him, local authorities sai… - 3 years ago

@jsrailton: Brent Renaud was aware of the risks of reporting in conflict, and thoughtful about them. Good read. Brent also h… - 3 years ago

@free_warsaw: @MarkHertling @anneapplebaum @CNN RIP Brent Renaud Glory to Heros! Mister President @POTUS - You need to act! 🇺🇸 - 3 years ago

@JUANDAVID15: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@NussleHipsey: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Russian troops open fire at journalists near Kyiv, killing American filmmaker Brent Renaud, local officials say - 3 years ago

@etuckerAP: RT @AP: Brent Renaud, an American video journalist, died and another journalist was injured when Russian troops opened fire on their car in… - 3 years ago

@BMoon_bee: Ukraine : un journaliste américain a été tué par un sniper russe de dos par une balle dans le cou et un autre bless… - 3 years ago

@GauravXm: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@emiliapaps: RT @nmsonline: Head of the Kyiv Police Department says that Russian troops opened fire on a car with foreign journalists in and shot dead 5… - 3 years ago

@Izzie78500068: RT @OlegNikolenko_: Today American journalist and filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by the Russian army near Kyiv. Another journalist was w… - 3 years ago

@Joyce31205671: RT @VoLinxx: NEWS: Kyiv police chief Andriy Nebytov confirms that Russians shot and killed New York Times journalist Brent Renaud, a US cit… - 3 years ago

@ERNESTOVICARIO: RT @EuprepioPadula: Es Brent Renaud, el periodista del New York Times muerto a Irpin. Lo han asesinado con un disparo al cuello atacando su… - 3 years ago

@BjorkbackaHannu: RT @channeldraw: The filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by Russian occupants in Irpin. His partner was wounded. @pressfreedom @CPJ_Eurasia… - 3 years ago

@batb0y37: RT @n_ivantsiv: The @nytimes filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by Russian occupants in Irpin. His partner was wounded, - the Head of the Ma… - 3 years ago

@hypenanrijirimi: RT @KyivPost: A 51-year-old New York Times correspondent Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen today. Another journalist was injured. Now the… - 3 years ago

@May23706262: RT @globalnews: Brent Renaud, a U.S. citizen and award-winning filmmaker who has previously contributed to the New York Times, was fatally… - 3 years ago

@buffaloon: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@mhp: RT @Telegraph: 🚨BREAKING: An American journalist has been shot dead by Russian forces in Ukraine, according to reports. Brent Renaud, a v… - 3 years ago

@Magdale22740227: 🇺🇦Ukraina Zginął Brent Renaud amerykański dziennikarz!!! - 3 years ago

@binajv: RT @AMLwhere: Our Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud was gifted and kind, and his work was infused with humanity. He was killed today outside Kiev,… - 3 years ago

@piepot62: RT @KyivPost: Today, in Irpin, #Ukraine, Russian occupants fired on the group of American journalists. Three of them are wounded. A journal… - 3 years ago

@mimi_minz: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Russian occupiers kill the New York Times journalist in Irpin. According to Andriy Nebytov, the head of the Kyiv Ob… - 3 years ago

@pampanocarvajal: RT @Bilancieri: Un laureado periodista estadounidense murió en Irpin, Ucrania, Brent Renaud se transportaba en un vehículo junto a otros co… - 3 years ago

@millman85: RT @WayneDupreeShow: BREAKING: Ukrainian police said Sunday that a U.S. filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed in the Kyiv suburb of Irpin. Alt… - 3 years ago

@carmic14: RT @UncvrngTheTruth: American journalist, Brent Renaud, was shot dead in Ukraine near Kyiv. Targeting US journalists is a major escalation.… - 3 years ago

@b_rad_again: RT @AMLwhere: Our Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud was gifted and kind, and his work was infused with humanity. He was killed today outside Kiev,… - 3 years ago

@SeezBeez: RT @KyivPost: A 51-year-old New York Times correspondent Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen today. Another journalist was injured. Now the… - 3 years ago

@worrad747: RT @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talent… - 3 years ago

@shoathree: RT @chrisrosenbau12: Breaking: Brent Renaud, an American Journalist, Is Killed in Ukraine - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@beand199: RT @AP: Brent Renaud, an American video journalist, died and another journalist was injured when Russian troops opened fire on their car in… - 3 years ago

@emily_habsburg: Rusia asesinó hoy al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud (‘The New York Times’) Recordad que durante la 1ª Guer… - 3 years ago

@LisamonaNet: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@nobuses505: RT @cvazmarques: O jornalista Brent Renaud, ao serviço do The New York Times, foi morto esta manhã em Irpin, na Ucrânia. O carro em que seg… - 3 years ago

@allmaechdRainer: RT @zeitonline: Bei einem Angriff in der #Ukraine soll der US-Journalist Brent Renaud getötet worden sein. Ein weiterer Journalist wurde de… - 3 years ago

@XUNMEXICOUNIDO: RT @AristeguiOnline: Tropas rusas asesinan cerca de Kiev al periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud, asegura Ucrania - 3 years ago

@WCMUAmy: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Russian occupiers kill the New York Times journalist in Irpin. According to Andriy Nebytov, the head of the Kyiv Ob… - 3 years ago

@FRANCESCAGONZ37: RT @mrsahuquillo: El videoreportero estadounidense Brent Renaud ha muerto hoy tiroteado mientras cubría la evacuación de civiles en Irpin,… - 3 years ago

@kamieniec: RT @visegrad24: PBS correspondent @JaneFerguson5 writes “left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay u… - 3 years ago

@TheTrumpReaper: RT @realTuckFrumper: U.S. journalist Brent Renaud killed in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@missb62: RT @KyivPost: A 51-year-old New York Times correspondent Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen today. Another journalist was injured. Now the… - 3 years ago


@jonathas_rodrig: RT @OlegNikolenko_: Today American journalist and filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by the Russian army near Kyiv. Another journalist was w… - 3 years ago

@avrachim: RT @NatasaBozini: Αντίο #Brent Renaud Βραβευμένος Ντοκιμαντερίστας και Πολεμικός ανταποκριτής Έπεσε νεκρός στο Ιρπίν Είχε καλύψει πολέμους… - 3 years ago

@lizzie_antone: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@jewelof_hope: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@rob_connections: RT @ewong: Brent Renaud produced important videos for the @nytimes & worked with his brother Craig. Here’s an interview w/ them after their… - 3 years ago

@f5noticiasok: #GUERRA | UN PERIODISTA MUERTO Y OTRO HERIDO AL SER BALEADOS POR TROPAS RUSAS EN UCRANIA El periodista estadounide… - 3 years ago

@ArmandDAngour: RT @AMLwhere: Our Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud was gifted and kind, and his work was infused with humanity. He was killed today outside Kiev,… - 3 years ago

@daviddesola: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@Net_Haber_: RT @Tr__Ekonomi: 🔥 Ukrayna'da ABD'li gazeteci öldürüldü: Kiev Emniyet Müdürlüğü, ABD'li gazeteci Brent Renaud’un İrpin'de Rus güçleri taraf… - 3 years ago

@Clark408: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@JimMansfieldYWG: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Russian troops open fire at journalists near Kyiv, killing American filmmaker Brent Renaud, local officials say - 3 years ago

@DinDOnbass: RT @mich261213: The New York Times journalist Brent Renaud was killed by Russian soldiers in the besieged city of Irpen in Kyiv region of U… - 3 years ago

@MadeleineMaddis: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@kuantancurls: RT @Liveuamap: Response from a New York Times spokesperson in regard to the death of Brent Renaud in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@theIOpod: RT @MAGA__Patriot: American journalist, Brent Renaud, 51, is shot dead by Russian troops in Ukraine and his wounded colleague is hospitaliz… - 3 years ago

@maccondo29: RT @Podolyak_M: Сьогодні в Ірпені військові РФ застрелили громадянина США, журналіста Brent Anthonу Renaud. До недотримання РФ правил війни… - 3 years ago

@TeachHope4: RT @cliffordlevy: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Brent, a brilliant filmmaker and wonderful colleague. An awful tragedy. B… - 3 years ago

@makaroni759: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@kerpmedya: Ukrayna'daki Rus saldırılarında ABD'li gazeteci Brent Renaud öldü ancak Renaud, New York Times için uzun zamandır ç… - 3 years ago

@authentic_jack: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@david11mch: RT @SkyNews: BREAKING: Brent Renaud, an American photographer and film-maker, has been killed in Ukraine. New York Times deputy managing e… - 3 years ago

@ONITAN_FX: RT @KyivPost: A 51-year-old New York Times correspondent Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen today. Another journalist was injured. Now the… - 3 years ago

@jpena72: RT @GiannaToboni: American journalist and filmmaker, Brent Renaud was reportedly shot and killed by a Russian soldier. Heartbreaking. Infur… - 3 years ago

@__headspaceAI: Hard turn brought to you by the Dept. of Headspace Reclamation Beware the Russian #Propaganda… - 3 years ago

@alex_avoigt: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@Gerdagl: RT @HansJMelissen: Journalist, filmmaker Brent Renaud is gedood bij Irpin. Andere journalist gewond. Sluipschutter. Wordt opgevoerd als NYT… - 3 years ago

@perramatteo: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@nellarose1977: RT @IntelDoge: Award winning U.S. filmmaker Brent Renaud was shot and killed by Russian forces in Irpin, near Kyiv. Another journalist was… - 3 years ago

@bright1950start: RT @BidenSquadron: #BREAKING Kyiv region police chief Andriy Nebytov reports that New York Times journalist Brent Renaud, a US citizen,… - 3 years ago

@CloseUkrainian1: RT @n_ivantsiv: The @nytimes filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by Russian occupants in Irpin. His partner was wounded, - the Head of the Ma… - 3 years ago

@PoliticalPrada: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@sofimoniz: RT @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talent… - 3 years ago

@PensaPaju: RT @AMLwhere: Our Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud was gifted and kind, and his work was infused with humanity. He was killed today outside Kiev,… - 3 years ago

@ozaed: RT @IFJGlobal: IFJ condemns killing of award-winning US journalist and film-maker Brent Renaud by Russian forces in Irpin, outside Kyiv. Ju… - 3 years ago

@trilubiusgrow: RT @CBSMornings: BREAKING: An American journalist was killed by Russian forces outside the Ukrainian capital according to police. - 3 years ago

@julio_moretti: RT @mavica81: El reportero y documentalista de 51 años, ex colaborador de The New York Times, el estadounidense Brent Renaud fue asesinado… - 3 years ago

@TheRealDyl96: RT @aletweetsnews: Video journalist Brent Renaud, a U.S. citizen, has been shot and killed near Kyiv. Brent was a Peabody Award-winning doc… - 3 years ago

@QuorthonVonDoom: RT @Janosikgarciaz: Asesinan a disparos al reportero del New York Times, Brent Renaud, en Irpín. Ocurrió durante la cobertura que realizaba… - 3 years ago

@Mary_Griffin_: RT @AMLwhere: Our Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud was gifted and kind, and his work was infused with humanity. He was killed today outside Kiev,… - 3 years ago

@tibor_barci: Brent Renaud, an American journalist, is killed in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@BspeaksLm: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@JoanEmp6: RT @VoLinxx: NEWS: Kyiv police chief Andriy Nebytov confirms that Russians shot and killed New York Times journalist Brent Renaud, a US cit… - 3 years ago

@FamilyFirstAV: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Russian occupiers kill the New York Times journalist in Irpin. According to Andriy Nebytov, the head of the Kyiv Ob… - 3 years ago

@NeLLi_LK: RT @NYTimesPR: Response from a New York Times spokesperson in regard to the death of Brent Renaud in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@Zentwittee: RT @KyivPost: A 51-year-old New York Times correspondent Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen today. Another journalist was injured. Now the… - 3 years ago

@Tradus: El periodista estadounidense Brent Renaud fue asesinado por las fuerzas rusas en Ucrania - Infobae - 3 years ago

@kaeti: RT @LauraPerezS: My dear @niemanfdn fellow Brent Renaud was killed today in Irpin, Ukraine, while covering the thousands of people displace… - 3 years ago

@MarquesDeCotiza: RT @monitoreamos: “Estamos profundamente entristecidos al enterarnos de la muerte de Brent Renaud. Era un cineasta talentoso que había cola… - 3 years ago

@AidanBailey2: RT @UkraineWarRuss1: #BREAKING: Head of the #Kyiv Police Department says that #Russian troops opened fire on a car with foreign journalists… - 3 years ago

@LaDow: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@constructivite: RT @frenchieinlimbo: Award-winning US filmmaker and reporter Brent Renaud #killed by #Russian forces in Ukraine, authorities say - 3 years ago

@PictorMary: RT @nmsonline: Head of the Kyiv Police Department says that Russian troops opened fire on a car with foreign journalists in and shot dead 5… - 3 years ago

@Mereycat: RT @RYP__: Putin's war on journalism is not new and in Ukraine predictable that media workers would be targeted for death. You saw Sky news… - 3 years ago

@tincho_for_ever: RT @NYTimesPR: Response from a New York Times spokesperson in regard to the death of Brent Renaud in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@Jeanne_Mann: RT @UncvrngTheTruth: American journalist, Brent Renaud, was shot dead in Ukraine near Kyiv. Targeting US journalists is a major escalation.… - 3 years ago

@Sankar1776: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@politicosmex: @RTultimahora's account has been withheld in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Latvia, Czech Republic in response to a legal demand. Learn more. - 3 years ago

@KWWong60449188: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@ChartWord: RT @SDyorin: GRAPHIC:Ukrainian fighter speaks about death of US journalist Brent Renaud in #Irpin near #Kiev 10 minutes (!) after his death… - 3 years ago

@shinchann2008: 田中龍作さんから、ニューヨーク・タイムスの記者Brent Renaud氏が殺害された 「ロシア軍がニューヨークタイムズのジャーナリストを殺害、別のジャーナリストが負傷」 2022年3月13日 Russian troops ki… - 3 years ago

@robvprime: RT @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talent… - 3 years ago

@corrietan2: RT @aletweetsnews: Video journalist Brent Renaud, a U.S. citizen, has been shot and killed near Kyiv. Brent was a Peabody Award-winning doc… - 3 years ago

@kuro_mac: RT @kando_abugen: ニューヨークタイムズのビデオグラファー、Brent Renaud記者がキエフ近郊イルピンでロシア軍に撃たれ死去。 - 3 years ago

@TipuMir5: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@tiffanycampbell: Brent Renaud, an American Journalist, Is Killed in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@HenoHenoMoheji3: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@MJK86: RT @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talent… - 3 years ago

@nealx1: RT @ewong: 2. Here is the statement from @nytimes on Brent Renaud’s death in Ukraine. His killing by Russian soldiers is being felt deeply… - 3 years ago

@AustinBogues: RT @LauraPerezS: My dear @niemanfdn fellow Brent Renaud was killed today in Irpin, Ukraine, while covering the thousands of people displace… - 3 years ago

@7ent1: RT @SerhiiPylypenk2: Russian barbarians murdered The New York Times reporter Brent Renaud in Irpin, Kyiv region. - 3 years ago

@TerhiLintu: Brent Renaud 🇺🇸 - A journalist and Peabody Award-winning documentary filmmaker was killed on Sunday while reporting… - 3 years ago

@IrmaTrujillo7: RT @infobaeamerica: El testimonio del periodista que acompañaba a Brent Renaud cuando fueron atacados por las tropas rusas: “Le dispararon… - 3 years ago

@malzuria: RT @n_ivantsiv: The @nytimes filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by Russian occupants in Irpin. His partner was wounded, - the Head of the Ma… - 3 years ago

@DayangLen: RT @westaustralian: #BREAKING: An American journalist who has previously worked for the New York Times has been killed in Ukraine while rep… - 3 years ago

@Vieskajajaska: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@Ebeneezer22: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@capdesuro: RT @n_ivantsiv: The @nytimes filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by Russian occupants in Irpin. His partner was wounded, - the Head of the Ma… - 3 years ago

@Mak158Marc: RT @thedailybeast: NEW: American journalist and documentary filmmaker Brent Renaud, who has made documentaries from some of the worst hot s… - 3 years ago

@stray_hyrax: RT @NYTimesPR: Response from a New York Times spokesperson in regard to the death of Brent Renaud in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@ozkose_ali: RT @haberanons: New York Times çalışanı ABD vatandaşı gazeteci Brent Renaud, Kiev’de Rus güçleri tarafından öldürüldü. - 3 years ago

@Ponkbutler: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@Srdowntown: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@CarolG593: RT @AIertaMundiaI: 🇺🇦🇷🇺 | URGENTE: Brent Renaud, corresponsal del New York Times de 51 años, fue asesinado a tiros en Irpen hoy por las fue… - 3 years ago

@DrPjenFI: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: An American journalist was killed by Russian forces outside the Ukrainian capital according to police - 3 years ago

@cheshiredoe: RT @NYTimesPR: Response from a New York Times spokesperson in regard to the death of Brent Renaud in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@dallasguy2: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@Diab0l029: RT @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talent… - 3 years ago

@marciak5410: RT @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talent… - 3 years ago

@sardo1951: RT @GiovaQuez: Il filmmaker del New York Times Brent Renaud è stato ucciso da occupanti russi a Irpin. Il suo compagno è stato ferito #Ukra… - 3 years ago

@AndrewR47645930: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Russian occupiers kill the New York Times journalist in Irpin. According to Andriy Nebytov, the head of the Kyiv Ob… - 3 years ago

@newbeats: RT @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talent… - 3 years ago

@Adam_Goe: RT @OnetWiadomosci: Nie żyje Brent Renaud. Amerykański dziennikarz zginął w ukraińskim Irpieniu - 3 years ago

@pialoux3: RT @LeHuffPost: Un journaliste américain tué par balles à Irpin en Ukraine - 3 years ago

@FewWinnifred: RT @WashTimes: U.S. journalist/filmmaker Brent Renaud shot dead by Russian troops in Ukraine: report - 3 years ago

@mountain_rider_: RT @MaryEllenKlas: The executioners invading Ukraine have killed a dear friend and brilliant documentary reporter, Brent Renaud, and injure… - 3 years ago

@dyannleroy: RT @thedailybeast: NEW: American journalist and documentary filmmaker Brent Renaud, who has made documentaries from some of the worst hot s… - 3 years ago

@kinochangny: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@JohnnyReports: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

@Mawunya_: @Independent Tragic video - 3 years ago

@circle_valley: RT @NYTimesPR: Response from a New York Times spokesperson in regard to the death of Brent Renaud in Ukraine. - 3 years ago

@marconious: RT @n_ivantsiv: The @nytimes filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by Russian occupants in Irpin. His partner was wounded, - the Head of the Ma… - 3 years ago

@vesper114514: RT @KyivPost: A 51-year-old New York Times correspondent Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen today. Another journalist was injured. Now the… - 3 years ago

@kz_rshass: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@Smcb1W: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: An American journalist was killed by Russian forces outside the Ukrainian capital according to police - 3 years ago

@EmmaMaldonado12: RT @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talent… - 3 years ago

@gatorgab83: Award-winning US journalist Brent Renaud killed in Ukraine: police - 3 years ago

@sevilak04897070: Brent Renaud Kimdir? Nerelidir? Neden Gündemde? Neden Öldü? #BrentRenaud #Ukrayna… - 3 years ago

@BowieLifeOnMars: RT @IntelDoge: Award winning U.S. filmmaker Brent Renaud was shot and killed by Russian forces in Irpin, near Kyiv. Another journalist was… - 3 years ago

@sassygal56222: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@FelixZeFabCat: RT @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talent… - 3 years ago

@mr_hambal: RT @JaneFerguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics c… - 3 years ago

@FlatDefense: RT @MikiNemoto: 米国人のジャーナリスト、写真家でフィルムメーカーのBrent Renaud氏がウクライナで死亡。報道によると難民の人たちが移動する現場を撮影中にロシア軍から撃たれたと はじめは、NYTの記者と報道されていたが、今回はNYTの仕事ではなかったよう。… - 3 years ago

@sea166_: RT @VoLinxx: NEWS: Kyiv police chief Andriy Nebytov confirms that Russians shot and killed New York Times journalist Brent Renaud, a US cit… - 3 years ago

@TrudyPe42783554: RT @IAPonomarenko: BREAKING: Ukraine’s police says a New York Times video operator Brent Renaud has been killed close to Irpin. Two more jo… - 3 years ago

@asuka_yoneyama_: RT @Independent: BREAKING: Award-winning US filmmaker Brent Renaud killed by Russian forces in Ukraine - 3 years ago

@kirikorneev: RT @Kysia: De Oekraïense televisie meldt de dood van de 51-jarige New York Times journalist Brent Renaud in Kiev. Doodgeschoten door Russis… - 3 years ago

@trustnoonekdp: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: An American journalist was killed by Russian forces outside the Ukrainian capital according to police - 3 years ago

@pacos_gal: RT @UkraineWarRuss1: #BREAKING: Head of the #Kyiv Police Department says that #Russian troops opened fire on a car with foreign journalists… - 3 years ago

@francesc130: RT @__CarmenLopez: El periodista estadounidense del New York Times, Brent Renaud, recibió un disparo en el cuello mientras conducía hacia l… - 3 years ago

@lemuelriospr: RT @nytimes: Brent Renaud, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed on Sunday while reporting in Irpin, a Kyiv suburb… - 3 years ago

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