Brendan Byrne

American politician
Died on Friday January 5th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Brendan Byrne:

@RevWarBuff23: The Weigh-In: Governor Brendan Byrne vs. Muhammad Ali - 7 years ago

@mslauren2930: Giants Stadium was also a shithole. I have not been to Met Life Stadium, so can't compare it. but the Brendan Byr… - 7 years ago

@ausjesuits: Sunday scripture reflections from Fr Brendan Byrne SJ. - 7 years ago

@jennaportnoy: RT @pkcapitol: Last political tweet before kickoff: This @jennaportnoy obit of NJ Gov Brendan Byrne reads like Ralph Northam: Won in '73 "a… - 7 years ago


@DomeAdvisors: >When critics accused him of misusing public funds by riding in a state helicopter and by allowing his daughter to… - 7 years ago

@ChairmanBuckley: RT @pkcapitol: Last political tweet before kickoff: This @jennaportnoy obit of NJ Gov Brendan Byrne reads like Ralph Northam: Won in '73 "a… - 7 years ago

@pkcapitol: Last political tweet before kickoff: This @jennaportnoy obit of NJ Gov Brendan Byrne reads like Ralph Northam: Won… - 7 years ago

@RobertMCSLJ: RT @GroverNorquist: WP obituary for former NJ governor Brendan Byrne retells sorry of how he lied his way into office promising not to imp… - 7 years ago

@constan63686548: @Donal_OKeeffe @dubhghaill2 Liam Neeson is successful because he never got too exorcised by Politics&Art unlike Gab… - 7 years ago

@Billbo_j_byrne: Class from @brendan_macken to leave Jamie Roberts - no less - grasping #Exile #AmbassadorToCoventry #Alumni - 7 years ago

@Griffith2020: More than an arena name. A state income tax, gambling in AC, the Meadowlands, and the Pine Barrens - I didn't know… - 7 years ago

@gina_goldberg: RT @wildstein: Capturing the essence of media relations: Brendan Byrne pardoned a reporter and the @nytimes on his last day in office. htt… - 7 years ago

@bballdad44745: @SInow Great voice of my youth: “Good afternoon everybody this is Keith Jack-sun. Coming to you LIVE from the Brend… - 7 years ago

@wildstein: Capturing the essence of media relations: Brendan Byrne pardoned a reporter and the @nytimes on his last day in off… - 7 years ago

@DarkStarBot: Grateful Dead Live at Brendan Byrne Arena on 1988-03-31. Listen at the Internet Archive: - 7 years ago

@gerrykrovatin: @NJ_Politics Good insights from both, again. I hadn’t heard that Brendan Byrne story. @NJ_Politics - 7 years ago

@eamonn1236: @brendan_morley2 @john_mcguirk To think Gay Byrne started the #latelateshow and now he has to each Tubs it must be galling for him - 7 years ago

@BluesmanMikeF: RT @StonesSessions: #RSSOTD GOING TO A GO-GO (Robinson, Moore, Johnson, Rogers) *LIVE* 3.23 6 November 1981: Place: Brendan Byrne... https… - 7 years ago

@StonesSessions: #RSSOTD GOING TO A GO-GO (Robinson, Moore, Johnson, Rogers) *LIVE* 3.23 6 November 1981: Place: Brendan Byrne... - 7 years ago

@Sativa888: RT @kcrawDC: My type of politician. RIP - 7 years ago

@kcrawDC: My type of politician. RIP - 7 years ago

@stormradioguy: Kingston Lineup: Robertson-Pu-Neumann Jones-Vilardi-Nyman Hotchkiss-Nichol-Cranford Larabie-Laureigh Paquette-Bra… - 7 years ago

@ACahMak: RT @jay_lass: @WolfeNotes - 7 years ago

@JillPopko: RT @jay_lass: @WolfeNotes - 7 years ago

@gBaldor: RT @GroverNorquist: WP obituary for former NJ governor Brendan Byrne retells sorry of how he lied his way into office promising not to imp… - 7 years ago

@ChipBott: @mikecommito @NJDevils was a regular at the Brendan Byrne and watched these guys play 30 games a year. SF was the best passer I’ve ever seen - 7 years ago

@michaelgewirtz: RT @GroverNorquist: WP obituary for former NJ governor Brendan Byrne retells sorry of how he lied his way into office promising not to imp… - 7 years ago

@SuperBowl2018US: Bruce Springsteen, Full Live Concert, Brendan Byrne Arena, East Rutherford, NJ, 1993-06-24 - 7 years ago

@cutucuplacupla: RT @GroverNorquist: WP obituary for former NJ governor Brendan Byrne retells sorry of how he lied his way into office promising not to imp… - 7 years ago

@GroverNorquist: WP obituary for former NJ governor Brendan Byrne retells sorry of how he lied his way into office promising not to… - 7 years ago

@SBHendrix: NJ Gov Brandan Byrne saved the Pine Barrens after reading about that beautiful land in the great John McPhee book.… - 7 years ago

@CatchMaullaria: RT @GRDodgeEnviro: Former Gov. Brendan Byrne wanted to be remembered for saving the Pine Barrens - 7 years ago

@mauro_amy: Awesome obit. - 7 years ago

@CemeteryJohn: R.I.P. Brendan T. Byrne, former governor of New Jersey. Governor Byrne became a good friend of Robert Zorn and... - 7 years ago

@princetonian: NEWS | On Jan. 4, 2017, former New Jersey Governor Brendan Byrne ’49 died at his home in Livingston, N.J. - 7 years ago

@RevWarBuff23: The Weigh-In: Governor Brendan Byrne vs. Muhammad Ali - 7 years ago

@nerdniteorlando: Brendan Byrne is about to answer the question.... “Are We There Yet?” #nerdnite #nerdniteorlando #spacenite - 7 years ago


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