Brandon Bernard

American convicted murderer
Died on Saturday December 12th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Brandon Bernard:

@hwatrbl__: @minjoysang c qui ca brandon bernard?? - 4 years ago

@minjoysang: @hwatrbl__ euh les raisons sont mêmes pas claires en plus, pour certain c’est pour jonghyun pour d’autre c’est brandon bernard :/// - 4 years ago

@YUTAF0NT: @yunhoestan for respect to brandon bernard and jonghyun is what im seeing - 4 years ago



@hjskirt: @csbteez yeah for respect for brandon bernard - 4 years ago

@utopianfever: @seongsflwrs i think so!! bc of everything that happened lately, especially the brandon bernard case :(( - 4 years ago

@hwaaflrt: @alwaysteez in honor of brandon bernard, youre not supposed to do it ik ppl still are 🤕 - 4 years ago

@i69csan: @wyksuo yeah apparently bc of brandon bernard - 4 years ago

@hwaaflrt: @i69csan yes in honor of brandon bernard - 4 years ago

@hwaaflrt: how does the immortal songs hashtag even relate to this ? i was saying that we shouldnt post atsd this month in hon… - 4 years ago

@KatlynCaladeen: RT @bocxtop: Brandon Bernard is a man who made a terrible mistake and who paid for it, but due to how this country treats ppl of his skin c… - 4 years ago

@hwaaflrt: @hwaphoric tw execution its cancelled because of what happened to brandon bernard this month. - 4 years ago

@droeske2: RT @PepperOceanna: Please join our tweet storm to Help get Brandon Bernard off of death row. He's scheduled to be executed on December 10th… - 4 years ago

@hongiecore: RT @jwyclr: @mingigay tw // death , execution . . . . . the unrightful execution of brandon bernard in america :( i cant find any threads… - 4 years ago

@vampjong: @ams_axx @nostalgicjoong cw // death - - - out of respect for Brandon Bernard who was unrightfully executed - 4 years ago

@callmee_nini: RT @VereenaSayed: Rest In Peace Brandon Bernard 💔 I am so sorry the system has failed you so terribly. His kids literally had to know him b… - 4 years ago

@glitchteez: tw // execution , death ATSD is CANCELLED !! as well as other selca days. please do not post any this month in re… - 4 years ago

@vampjong: @nostalgicjoong @ATEEZofficial Because of Brandon Bernard’s execution it’s been cancelled out of respect - 4 years ago

@Tanzeel21967035: - 4 years ago

@NaughtyGoose86: RT @RepBarbaraLee: Brandon Bernard should be alive today. The Trump admin is scheduled to carry out more executions than the past 67 yea… - 4 years ago

@tealevisipsfrom: RT @GlVENMAFUYU: Calling roleplay accounts once again. I called everyone out about not speaking about Brandon Bernard. Although this time,… - 4 years ago

@sapphicsm: the same people protesting against Brandon Bernard's death just last week are now saying we should bring back death… - 4 years ago



@seongatwinnos: @90skhj someone said it’s to respect Brandon Bernard, but some of atinys have already posted it . So I think it isn’t , idk - 4 years ago


@CFCPeter_: A reminder that no matter what some braindead she/hers spout on twitterdotcom, Brandon Bernard kidnapped, robbed an… - 4 years ago

@CATB0YASH: RT @GlVENMAFUYU: Tw // racism , execution Please report @/Gregory45936959. They qrt tweets about Brandon Bernard and tell him to burn in… - 4 years ago





@LGSBOTTOM: certain ex-oomf really had the audacity to call me “fake woke” for retweeting petitions and calling out those stans… - 4 years ago

@taigaisaka_rawr: RT @cchloee7: please take your time to report this account. they’re tweeting about Brandon Bernard’s death in a childish, disgusting way. D… - 4 years ago


@kings_milk: RT @GlVENMAFUYU: Tw // racism , execution Please report @/Gregory45936959. They qrt tweets about Brandon Bernard and tell him to burn in… - 4 years ago

@kings_milk: RT @GlVENMAFUYU: Calling roleplay accounts once again. I called everyone out about not speaking about Brandon Bernard. Although this time,… - 4 years ago



@C3LEST1A: RT @GlVENMAFUYU: Calling roleplay accounts once again. I called everyone out about not speaking about Brandon Bernard. Although this time,… - 4 years ago

@phantomsrules: RT @B4CKSEATDRIVE: tw // death if you care about brandon bernard, if you wish we could’ve saved him, please do not be silent about #Dustin… - 4 years ago

@maduradascom: ¡SENTIDO! El mensaje de Kim Kardashian por la ejecución de Brandon Bernard: “Descanse en paz. Fue genial conocerlo”… - 4 years ago

@_sistershorty: RT @sarahlugor: the justice system continuously fails us. rest in peace Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@_yayoongi: RT @cheolade: aside from brandon bernard’s case, there have been four other scheduled executions: which are all black men besides Lisa Mont… - 4 years ago

@touchinpov: RT @safetynettin: it doesn’t sit right with me how brandon bernard was put to death but selena quintanilla’s killer is still alive in priso… - 4 years ago

@safetynettin: it doesn’t sit right with me how brandon bernard was put to death but selena quintanilla’s killer is still alive in… - 4 years ago

@GraceBa34508856: RT @ScottHech: Brandon Bernard. Sentenced to death at 18 as an accomplice. Attorneys declined opening statements. 11 of 12 jurors were whit… - 4 years ago

@___Sock___: RT @scarcheri: black lives still matter now and always rest in peace brandon bernard - 4 years ago

@LauraCintas2: RT @jamescharles: I’ve been filming all day & just logged on and am now reading everything about Brandon Bernard - my heart hurts. 💔 Disapp… - 4 years ago

@___Sock___: RT @rauhling_bizzle: Can we refrain from just posting pictures of Brandon Bernard from prison please? He deserves to be seen and loved for… - 4 years ago

@mbjamby: @WaywardWinifred Actually Brandon Bernard was responsible for his own Death. If he was a law abiding citizen then… - 4 years ago

@Payton_Hubbard: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@DDERSS: RT @BernieSanders: Brandon Bernard should be alive today. We must end all federal executions and abolish the death penalty. In a world of i… - 4 years ago

@PepperGii: @nickconfessore @ebruenig I am vehemently against the death penalty and don't understand why ppl do this kind of st… - 4 years ago

@heathervannie: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@KEYLAm19757709: RT @daydreaminspov: - 4 years ago

@KEYLAm19757709: RT @GhostCrocs: we couldn't save brandon bernard, but here's a thread of people we can still help. please sign these /srs - 4 years ago

@ajmendozac: RT @maduradascom: ¡LE CONTAMOS! Ejecutan en EEUU a Brandon Bernard, el condenado a muerte por el que Kim Kardashian pidió clemencia #19Dic… - 4 years ago

@CoxsTench: @phillmv @yardsalesman @Ceeekerrr Now, if you would like, take a look at the article. Look where she refers to Bran… - 4 years ago

@Mediawatcher36: RT @SxmOliver: Brandon Bernard is gone. But you know who’s still here? Dylan Roof, George Zimmerman, Derek Chauvin, Jonathan Mattingly, Bre… - 4 years ago

@HernandezImanii: RT @Blklivesmatter: Abolish the death penalty in the name of Brandon Bernard, who sat on death row for 20 years. In the name of all Black &… - 4 years ago

@MuzikMatrixLive: RT @TalbertSwan: Dylan Roof murdered 9 Black people at a Charleston church. He was taken to Burger King after his arrest. He’s alive. Bra… - 4 years ago

@PlaysNae: RT @twobitmedia1: On December 10th, at 9:27 PM Est, Brandon Bernard was executed. He was failed by our justice system. His life was taken a… - 4 years ago

@laames_ss: he has also said the n word multiple times in his music. benny isn’t black therefore should have never said it. and… - 4 years ago

@MarkCappetta: Bishop Flores on King Herod and America’s sinful acceptance of the death penalty - 4 years ago

@MurderD_Beat: RT @MACoaches: The 2020 Bernard Blackwell North/South All-Star Football Game is scheduled for 1:30 PM TODAY at Bulldog Stadium (Brandon Hig… - 4 years ago

@rhinestonetimez: RT @imnotherewhat: - 4 years ago

@landlordsquad1: @syrusace @JPEGNEGRO @_DuxNet @AustinAForReal Bernard brandon - 4 years ago

@thewrongyear: RT @BEDROCKB0YS: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@OnlyAng33988221: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@HipHopSince1987: Tweets Sent by Kim Kardashian to Trump in asking to stop execution of Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@Water_MelonSeed: RT @twsimpnap: - 4 years ago


@rockwellcoast: @rubyswhorehouse EXACTLYYYY AFTER THAT WEEK THEY CHANGED THE LINKS IN THEIR BIO AND THAT’S IT. a great example is w… - 4 years ago

@mehPolar: Brandon bernard didn’t deserve this, to all the people that didn’t make at least a bit of awareness why? Your telli… - 4 years ago

@eantonyjames: RT @MACoaches: The 2020 Bernard Blackwell North/South All-Star Football Game is scheduled for 1:30 PM TODAY at Bulldog Stadium (Brandon Hig… - 4 years ago

@ChateauClone: RT @B4CKSEATDRIVE: tw // death if you care about brandon bernard, if you wish we could’ve saved him, please do not be silent about #Dustin… - 4 years ago

@ChateauClone: RT @lonasanchez70: His name was BRANDON BERNARD and his life mattered!! SAY HIS NAME and don't let his death be in vain!! #BLACKLIVESMATTER… - 4 years ago

@kvgogy: RT @jiniewlov: you also can sign this one - 4 years ago

@bideoly: RT @B4CKSEATDRIVE: tw // death if you care about brandon bernard, if you wish we could’ve saved him, please do not be silent about #Dustin… - 4 years ago

@nats79295740: President of the United States: Brandon Bernard was given an EXECUTION DATE FOR DECEMBER 10TH IN TERRE HAUTE, INDIA… - 4 years ago

@honey_charli: RT @charlidamelio: after not being on my phone all day i checked twitter to see what is going on with brandon bernard and i’m incredibly di… - 4 years ago

@StephenKeim1: RT @VICENews: Brandon Bernard, whose death row case drew frantic pleas for mercy from activists and celebrities alike, has been executed by… - 4 years ago

@yoontelepathyy: RT @GhostCrocs: we couldn't save brandon bernard, but here's a thread of people we can still help. please sign these /srs - 4 years ago

@tongueofthegods: RT @GhostCrocs: we couldn't save brandon bernard, but here's a thread of people we can still help. please sign these /srs - 4 years ago

@Thatgirltmac: @KimKardashian Wanted to check on you. Sorry for the loss of your friend Brandon Bernard 😞. Hope you are okay and feeling better. - 4 years ago

@mauhamh: RT @sarahlugor: the justice system continuously fails us. rest in peace Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@adlknows: RT @adlknows: #THⵙUSHALLKILL Brandon Bernard #BrandonBernard #AbolishTheDeathPenalty - 4 years ago

@BrianBensimon: RT @jessicajin_: If you are religious please say a prayer for Brandon Bernard and for the soul of this fucking country. - 4 years ago

@adlknows: #THⵙUSHALLKILL Brandon Bernard #BrandonBernard #AbolishTheDeathPenalty - 4 years ago

@REIGNOFSIREN: RT @democracynow: The Trump administration is scheduled to kill Brandon Bernard tomorrow, despite the opposition of some former jurors. “It… - 4 years ago

@padfootxmooney: RT @KARLJACOBZZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@roseliIIian: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@HiAmRujii: RT @charlidamelio: my heart is breaking reading everything going on right now this is not right brandon bernard does not deserve this - 4 years ago

@MxEdgelord: RT @augiesenby: // death - WAYS YOU CAN HELP STOP THE EXECUTION OF BRANDON BERNARD; A THREAD - 4 years ago

@PreAnteDiluvian: RT @georgehale: It took forever, for one thing: about 28 minutes. That's almost twice as long as it took to kill Brandon Bernard one day ea… - 4 years ago

@superdeadame: RT @tarasflame: TW // rape mention elton castee?? the same elton who made a rape joke and shamed a victim?? the same elton that refused… - 4 years ago

@woIfclique: RT @tarasflame: TW // rape mention elton castee?? the same elton who made a rape joke and shamed a victim?? the same elton that refused… - 4 years ago

@xephersdevyn: RT @tarasflame: TW // rape mention elton castee?? the same elton who made a rape joke and shamed a victim?? the same elton that refused… - 4 years ago

@JulianAbagond: RT @TheRoot: Brandon Bernard died by lethal injection at the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind. This makes him the ninth person on fed… - 4 years ago

@xephswebber: RT @tarasflame: TW // rape mention elton castee?? the same elton who made a rape joke and shamed a victim?? the same elton that refused… - 4 years ago

@Mike44477784: @arisgreedylove he’s not innocent if he’s in jail also didn’t brandon bernard kille 2 pepole and lit there car on fire - 4 years ago

@webberscrawf: RT @tarasflame: TW // rape mention elton castee?? the same elton who made a rape joke and shamed a victim?? the same elton that refused… - 4 years ago

@_nolitetimere_: @PiperMarie17 @ArtValley818_ The margin of voter fraud claims are not egregious enough for him to win in the states… - 4 years ago

@tarasflame: TW // rape mention elton castee?? the same elton who made a rape joke and shamed a victim?? the same elton that… - 4 years ago

@joliana_eumesma: @FobiaDe_Kpop3rs Brandon Bernard morreu, a petição que pediram pra assinar é pra salvar a vida do Dustin Higgs - 4 years ago

@ghostologies: RT @therevreads: Calling all writers in the revolution! We want to publish your articles. Articles on Chile protest, the execution of Brand… - 4 years ago

@DivyanshaFalwa1: RT @jamescharles: I’ve been filming all day & just logged on and am now reading everything about Brandon Bernard - my heart hurts. 💔 Disapp… - 4 years ago

@arisgreedylove: pls do this!!!! it will take literally 5 seconds out of your life, help save an innocent man. we cannot let what ha… - 4 years ago

@Frodo60: RT @georgehale: It took forever, for one thing: about 28 minutes. That's almost twice as long as it took to kill Brandon Bernard one day ea… - 4 years ago

@ArtellaBella: RT @billiemelissa_: "We cannot entrust fallible people and the arrogance of human beings to decide that your life is finished and you're in… - 4 years ago

@aubreyfaithj: I don't agree with death penalty at all but I mean the way people are treating brandon bernard is- 😐 - 4 years ago

@mjjacksonmania: Brandon Bernard were killed, please keep that exact same energy for this. Dustin and everyone else on death row who… - 4 years ago

@SheldonLynette: RT @BrianPatrickChe: @thedailybeast @swin24 @arawnsley Brandon Bernard was just executed for his part in a double homicide when he was 18.… - 4 years ago

@_allison_mcm: RT @charlidamelio: my heart is breaking reading everything going on right now this is not right brandon bernard does not deserve this - 4 years ago

@FlNNYPHANTOM: RT @mygtrivias: It's not too late to save Brandon Bernard. Spread the word and use your platform, every voice matters and a single voice wi… - 4 years ago

@summerdasaint: @LibreMonkey @PinkSamchris06 @AngelooRBLX he was forced. brandon bernard was forced to commit that crime he did he… - 4 years ago

@Serpentbrr: @tlouwlw @ATeles0704 o brandon bernard morreu a 6 dias, a vida do homem do vídeo está em risco, mesmo eu achando qu… - 4 years ago

@drsarc: @CoriBush Interesting, I'm currently thinking of Todd and Stacie Bagley, who Brandon Bernard murdered and incinerated. - 4 years ago

@BulgariaDK: Test din US viden #dkmedier 2: Biden kone, vil tituleres som DOKTOR, har taget et ph.D kursus.3: Andrew Cuomo, NY… - 4 years ago

@gvbriela0x: RT @xtoms_titsx: we couldn’t save Brandon Bernard. but we can still save pervis payne. on saturday june 27 1987, pervis payne was waiting f… - 4 years ago

@SherryMister3: - 4 years ago

@g8th1c: We won't fail you, Brandon. May you rest in peace. ✊❤️ Brandon Bernard. Say his name. George Floyd. Say his name… - 4 years ago

@catincomicsans: RT @L00KIT: guys this is so fucking urgent, some else is going to die tomorrow, please for the love god help. Brandon Bernard was sentened… - 4 years ago

@iharv726: @WhiteHouse @PressSec He supports life?? Tell that to the family of Brandon Bernard. The hypocrisy of this administration is ASTONISHING. - 4 years ago

@graham_cas2: I hope everyone takes the time to realise what is happening to Brandon Bernard he is being put to death When He Did… - 4 years ago

@katelyn_aisaka: RT @jiniewlov: you also can sign this one - 4 years ago

@llleavemelonely: RT @ppredictors: The death of Brandon Bernard will not go unnoticed, his name will never be forgotten. - 4 years ago

@OpenlyClassist: RT @Reprieve: "In seeking to execute child abuse victims, the intellectually disabled, and teenagers who made one awful mistake decades ago… - 4 years ago

@ForrestBivens: @Ske2164 @ElizCab @Sifill_LDF You've not even done a basic Google search. "Last I checked"? Pathetic. Try Brando… - 4 years ago

@CarboRaider: #OneTermTrump waited until he was SURE he would lose the 2020 #election before he ... kills a black person. Yes.… - 4 years ago

@brittanybri97: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@Gabilwt: RT @Gabi62599523: Brandon Bernard is dead. (RIP) Don’t let anything like this happen again. - 4 years ago

@Gabilwt: RT @UpdateHLD: Brandon Bernard is currently awaiting execution. Please take a moment to visit this website, sign the petitions and please c… - 4 years ago

@Nora88333625: RT @musicman495: @therecount I bring greetings to the "most pro life president in American history" Donald Trump from Brandon Bernard whom… - 4 years ago

@gracefweber: RT @sywtta: Remember that it’s the very people who defended 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse for murdering 2 people in cold blood & then “he’s… - 4 years ago

@Transfat6: RT @PopCrave: U.S. set to execute Brandon Bernard, who was a teenager at the time of his crime, despite appeals. Help save #BrandonBernard… - 4 years ago

@stateofidahoo: hey guys i took a little break from twt after the brandon bernard incident, it really upset me but i think i am ready to be back online :) - 4 years ago

@xoxoepoh: RT @RepBarbaraLee: Brandon Bernard should be alive today. The Trump admin is scheduled to carry out more executions than the past 67 yea… - 4 years ago

@MovementOfHarco: (3/3) themselves should be abolished. You can send cards/letters to Brandon’s family at: The Bernard Family c/o… - 4 years ago

@ErikAndThoughts: @Rabelaisienne1 @Palle_Hoffstein Did you get excited when they executed Brandon Bernard? Or was that one not applied the right way? - 4 years ago

@ardanielssss: But... Brandon Bernard.... okay. - 4 years ago

@nonbinaryzuko: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@juliettejenn03: RT @Blklivesmatter: Abolish the death penalty in the name of Brandon Bernard, who sat on death row for 20 years. In the name of all Black &… - 4 years ago

@freebilliealle1: RT @freebilliealle1: "I am fighting in Brandon’s memory, I’m fighting for Alfred, Lisa, Cory, Dustin. I am fighting for all those who may s… - 4 years ago

@OrthoOhioan: @FrJohnWhiteford Will they rename it George Floyd High or Brandon Bernard High? - 4 years ago

@DrankyDranks: @JonNJCB Instead they want to lynch my man Brandon Bernard for doing a job with the wrong MFer - 4 years ago

@jamara_b: RT @Essence: Extensive efforts to save Brandon Bernard's life failed leading to his execution. Many are outraged and demand sentencing refo… - 4 years ago

@sxdazzlinglight: RT @whoreslitz: rt pls. —— unfortunately, brandon bernard has been murdered because of sheer racism, it’s crystal clear that’s what it was… - 4 years ago

@LaTonyaBloodsaw: RT @harpersbazaarus: "If you want to see a capricious, arbitrary application of death in the hands of very flawed human beings, here it is,… - 4 years ago

@laf13laf: RT @freebilliealle1: "I am fighting in Brandon’s memory, I’m fighting for Alfred, Lisa, Cory, Dustin. I am fighting for all those who may s… - 4 years ago

@galencwatson: @Franklin_Graham @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump: Whoremonger Rapist Fraudster Tax Dodger Money Launderer Serial Lia… - 4 years ago

@hotstarkiss: RT @bieberscrush: how is it that casey anthony literally murdered her own daughter and walks free today while brandon bernard was executed… - 4 years ago

@lwtruex: RT @tracescierra: Não deixe o que aconteceu com Brandon Bernard acontecer novamente. Por favor, assine essa petição e ajude a libertar est… - 4 years ago

@OwnsSoul: RT @caigeinnit: we didn’t have enough time to save Brandon Bernard. we have time to save Pervis Payne. - 4 years ago

@Scarletbm: Brandon Bernard killed two people and everybody it’s saying that he didn’t deserve the death penalty ???!! wtf - 4 years ago

@Fyrecracker3: RT @KARLJACOBZZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@edgeworthtbh: RT @KARLJACOBZZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@rrroscooo: @edgeworthtbh tw // black death , execution when brandon bernard was executed, a lot of big aa accounts were posti… - 4 years ago

@CostumerDelight: @FalonKenzi thanks for the follow! Stay safe out there. 💖 Black Lives Matter Black Trans Lives Matter Arrest Jonat… - 4 years ago

@IamKatsuki_BKG: RT @wilsonality: hi tl. i just woke up, but let's keep the blm convo going. let's talk about brandon bernard, a man who is going to be ex… - 4 years ago

@GaryDowning3: RT @PeteButtigieg: But the outgoing administration's rush for executions, including Brandon Bernard's last night, is not only beyond cruel—… - 4 years ago

@SaiyanHashira: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@Bama_Gent334: RT @cnnbrk: Brandon Bernard was executed by the federal government on Thursday at the Federal Correctional Center in Indiana, according to… - 4 years ago

@JosiNogueira: RT @bbcbrasil: Em meio ao debate sobre o caso de Brandon Bernard, 5 dos 9 jurados ainda vivos que o condenaram à morte disseram que mudaram… - 4 years ago

@likeabosswitch: @Rev_Jack_Brooks @Ike_Saul I only know about Brandon Bernard, and he did not deserve it, per the federal prosecutor… - 4 years ago

@soulsdamelio: RT @RAREFOLKWRE: Brandon Bernard é a nona pessoa a ser executada pelo novo plano administrativo genocida do Trump. Hoje infelizmente nós p… - 4 years ago

@B3NNYWATTZ: RT @enhypenpc: BRANDON BERNARD , Remember his name . - 4 years ago

@Ra1fq: RT @ACLU: Our government killed Brandon Bernard tonight. Brandon mattered. The death penalty only perpetuates a cycle of trauma. We have t… - 4 years ago

@stuckwpositions: RT @aarchivegrande: his sentence was unjust and it breaks my heart. brandon bernard may you rest in peace. sending prayers to brandon's f… - 4 years ago

@kw7872: @Blklivesmatter “The State should not have the power over life and death”...Neither should have Brandon Bernard. 🤷🏼‍♀️ - 4 years ago

@xoalllii: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@chixmelio: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@joshcevin: RT @jamescharles: I’ve been filming all day & just logged on and am now reading everything about Brandon Bernard - my heart hurts. 💔 Disapp… - 4 years ago

@sunaringiri: RT @dailyrintarou: tw // death hello everyone, i will not post anything about suna today to pay respects to the death of Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@simonee123_: RT @oliviagatwood: remember brandon bernard. - 4 years ago

@elliexmarie_: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@LaurenY10282483: RT @helenprejean: Today will be Brandon Bernard's last. No matter what crime a person has committed, the act of taking a healthy, breathing… - 4 years ago

@gurldujour: RT @elhijodealli7: "Brandon, too, grew up on death row." That sentence. That fucking sentence. - 4 years ago

@dementorwhore: RT @INNITWEEKES: we may not have been able to save brandon bernard, but we tried our best. we can do the same thing with pervis payne and m… - 4 years ago

@ariandtheglam: Brandon Bernard did a horrible thing, I get that but he didn’t deserve to die. He was trying to become a better per… - 4 years ago

@AlexisRanea: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@KarenJewel: RT @chadfelixg: 'What he did was wrong but...' He abducted a young pastor couple who helped him, terrorized them, shot them and set them o… - 4 years ago

@wittig_sarah: RT @kirkacevedo: Dylan Roof was taken to Burger King by police after he massacred 9 people while they were praying in Church. Dylan Roof a… - 4 years ago

@tweet_guy23: white girls googled brandon bernard 3 days after he was executed and now people r campaigning for serial killers WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON - 4 years ago

@twujstary123: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@fieldflex: @AllyGeighter @FreeGirlNowNYC - 4 years ago

@Kimtytyww: RT @scarcheri: black lives still matter now and always rest in peace brandon bernard - 4 years ago

@hannahl121: RT @B4CKSEATDRIVE: tw // death if you care about brandon bernard, if you wish we could’ve saved him, please do not be silent about #Dustin… - 4 years ago

@KILLMYHALO: RT @SWEETOTB_: here's a list of petitions i have found for people in similar situations that brandon bernard was in. we weren't able to sav… - 4 years ago

@manicboyz: RT @boldlybts: pls spread this video, this contains some infos what actually happened with brandon bernard and what was the cause, WE SHOUL… - 4 years ago

@snowflakereact: RT @t0birooo: tw // execution , death do not stop fighting for brandon bernard post his execution, his death was absolutely unjust and was… - 4 years ago

@J68577670: RT @N63538492628: @DukeofDaytona06 @J68577670 @TheOfficerTatum look who's speaking oh it's the brainlet who thinks brandon bernard should h… - 4 years ago

@Shannon_Takla: RT @ANARCHOMICK: Either all of us are free, or none of us are free White people, we need to do better to aid the fight to abolish prisons… - 4 years ago

@waneezaali: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@Antywan5: RT @enderstqr: nikolas cruz killed 17. he took our jaime from us and 16 more. i’ll never forget the pain he caused my friends and i, the pa… - 4 years ago

@KliffSavage: RT @KARLJACOBZZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@fed543829571290: to the people who say brandon bernard was innocent, by using your logic bin laden was innocent as well since he wasnt flying any planes - 4 years ago

@Sarsathius: RT @Blklivesmatter: Abolish the death penalty in the name of Brandon Bernard, who sat on death row for 20 years. In the name of all Black &… - 4 years ago

@_stfuufts_: RT @voldemorht: what went down tonight with brandon bernard was disgusting and downright unjust. i want you all to know that there are stil… - 4 years ago

@DavidLeegarlock: RT @RepBarbaraLee: Brandon Bernard should be alive today. The Trump admin is scheduled to carry out more executions than the past 67 yea… - 4 years ago

@ESNpodcast: ESN #2.282: The Lovers & Friends Episode • Telling your friends you love them. • when are you an adult? • How fri… - 4 years ago

@DTMKR9: RT @KARLJACOBZZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@_stfuufts_: RT @caigeinnit: we didn’t have enough time to save Brandon Bernard. we have time to save Pervis Payne. - 4 years ago

@RdH1SW1: RT @aigkenham: Utter hypocrisy by "Squad members.' This post is not about the death penalty for certain convicted prisoners. This post is… - 4 years ago

@corruptacts: RT @MonitoringGroup: America: Anger over federal executions continued to grow Friday after two Black men died by lethal injection within ne… - 4 years ago

@DragonyMango: RT @KARLJACOBZZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@HJAcivillibs: RT @MonitoringGroup: America: Anger over federal executions continued to grow Friday after two Black men died by lethal injection within ne… - 4 years ago

@MonitoringGroup: America: Anger over federal executions continued to grow Friday after two Black men died by lethal injection within… - 4 years ago

@cocochirped: RT @KARLJACOBZZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@vaniIIabeanss: RT @KARLJACOBZZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@wumbsie: RT @KARLJACOBZZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@joebidenfp: fuck all of you who killed brandon bernard,he didn’t even get to hug his daughters one last time. rest in peace we love you. - 4 years ago

@loonanaut: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@BlueDoggin45: Now we know what's coming next... Trump will be pardoning Bill Cosby but MURDERED Brandon Bernard... - 4 years ago

@p_tanzania: RT @JamiiForums: MAREKANI YATEKELEZA ADHABU NYINGINE YA KIFO, WATATU KUUAWA JANUARI > Brandon Bernard aliuawa Alhamisi na Alfred Bourgeois… - 4 years ago

@SmithDwane: RT @helenprejean: Today will be Brandon Bernard's last. No matter what crime a person has committed, the act of taking a healthy, breathing… - 4 years ago

@freyadutta: RT @DrIbram: "Last night: Brandon Bernard Today: Alfred Bourgeois 1/12: Lisa Montgomery 1/14: Cory Johnson 1/15: Dustin Higgs These are th… - 4 years ago

@NextGamer1981: RT @TalbertSwan: Dylan Roof murdered 9 Black people at a Charleston church. He was taken to Burger King after his arrest. He’s alive. Bra… - 4 years ago

@candyz_sunshine: RT @trulysrem: THREAD OF THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP / PETITIONS FOR BRANDON BERNARD - 4 years ago

@lilygraceatwell: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@ryderofthenight: RT @DrIbram: "Last night: Brandon Bernard Today: Alfred Bourgeois 1/12: Lisa Montgomery 1/14: Cory Johnson 1/15: Dustin Higgs These are th… - 4 years ago

@timbo6213gmail1: RT @MSNBC: WATCH: @TheRevAl discusses Pres. Trump's unprecedented use of the federal death penalty. - 4 years ago

@Aggymuchh: RT @dink_ivy: TW: RAPE, MURDER, CHILD MURDER, RACISM I’m not going to sit back and watch what happened to Brandon Bernard happen to anothe… - 4 years ago

@salonge20: @charlidamelio Brandon Bernard life mattered - 4 years ago

@lavasludge: white privilege is brock turner being alive and brandon bernard being dead - 4 years ago

@KindJaye: RT @KimKardashian: Learn about Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@1stbornpickle: RT @chrisiousity: the last week. - 4 years ago

@cierarybak: RT @BernieSanders: Brandon Bernard should be alive today. We must end all federal executions and abolish the death penalty. In a world of i… - 4 years ago

@TayLong52296730: I feel so bad for for Brandon Bernard. He didn’t deserve his death it’s not fair - 4 years ago

@louscrush: GUYS PLS I NEED YOUR HELP i’m doing a presentation on brandon bernard (rest in peace angel🥺) tomorrow bc no one in… - 4 years ago

@OAD_NC: RT @RDunhamDPIC: Justice Department Executes Man for Murder Committed When He Was 18. Despite a high-profile clemency campaign, the adminis… - 4 years ago

@F4V0RIT3F3MB0Y: RT @_urbbymomma: Christopher Vialva was 1 out of 5 involved in the killing of the couple Todd and Stacie Bagley in Killen, Texas, in 1999.… - 4 years ago

@eviebklyn: Brandon Bernard and Alfred Bourgeois were executed after the SCOTUS deni... - 4 years ago

@felonycommitter: RT @JPEGNEGRO: you're the one that doesn't have the correct info try shutting the fuck up for once and learning how to read. he commit one… - 4 years ago

@2000_mondo: Trump prepares to kill Brandon Bernard even as jurors say his life should be spared - 4 years ago

@smoltinyfoxxx: RT @caigeinnit: we didn’t have enough time to save Brandon Bernard. we have time to save Pervis Payne. - 4 years ago

@DeborahBrophy1: Trump Breaks 140-Year Precedent, Executes Federal Inmate Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@bettyfly26: Brandon Bernard was executed for a crime he did not commit never got to hug his daughter and here we are arguing &… - 4 years ago

@josaphine_xo: RT @BenjiKrol: its horrible to know that injustice is constantly being made against those who dont deserve it. Brandon Bernard didnt deser… - 4 years ago

@jumu72930384: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@An_Aria_Blooms: Y'all saw this and immediately forgot about Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@machimamasita: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@machimamasita: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@miamarkford1: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@piyoco92176492: RT @KimKardashian: 1 hour until Brandon Bernard will be executed. It’s #HumanRightsDay and here in the United States we are executing someo… - 4 years ago

@amnglobal_llc: RT @baltimoresun: Rescinding an action by former Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young, Mayor Brandon Scott will let a West… - 4 years ago

@tvleiatia: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@emma_saucey: RT @nowthisnews: Jurors in this man’s case are changing their minds about sentencing him to death at age 19. But Brandon Bernard, now 40, i… - 4 years ago

@darkf4iry: @mommyl0nglegs ??? BRANDON BERNARD, DEATH PENALTY, OTHER EXECUTIONS. ETC ? - 4 years ago

@ImmortalSkye: RT @licousgrande: THREAD OF PETITIONS FOR BRANDON BERNARD: - 4 years ago

@petpatrolkitty: “It’s just wrong.” Why some of the people who helped land Brandon Bernard on death row are now trying to save his l… - 4 years ago

@xjuliagrace: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@chawkyfrenn: “It’s just wrong.” Why some of the people who helped land Brandon Bernard on death row are now trying to save his l… - 4 years ago

@00_patchouli_00: RT @wilsonality: hi tl. i just woke up, but let's keep the blm convo going. let's talk about brandon bernard, a man who is going to be ex… - 4 years ago


@43veralon32: RT @PUPP1MA1D: Brandon Bernard. Say his name. Breonna Taylor. Say her name. Ahmaud Arbery. Say his name. Rayshard Brooks. Say his name. Dan… - 4 years ago

@JasonEmory7797: RT @LilianaSegura: Less than 24 hours after the execution of Brandon Bernard, I’m back at the FCC Terre Haute Training Center, for the exec… - 4 years ago

@PlatiCafemos: RT @CIDH: #USA 🇺🇸 The @CID/#IACHR is concerned with the series of executions planned for five persons on #DeathRow, which commenced with th… - 4 years ago

@PlatiCafemos: RT @CIDH: #EEUU 🇺🇸 La @CIDH manifiesta su preocupación por la planificación de una serie de ejecuciones de 5 personas que se encuentran en… - 4 years ago

@SadQuot97755519: ...penalty after a 17 year pause. Christopher was executed earlier this year as part of that effort. Rip Brandon B… - 4 years ago

@salinaaik: RT @VereenaSayed: Rest In Peace Brandon Bernard 💔 I am so sorry the system has failed you so terribly. His kids literally had to know him b… - 4 years ago

@oftenveryvile: RT @baltimoresun: Rescinding an action by former Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young, Mayor Brandon Scott will let a West Baltimore nonprofit tha… - 4 years ago

@508happi: RT @KimKardashian: Learn about Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@memewazowski: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@zachuudo: RT @wilsonality: hi tl. i just woke up, but let's keep the blm convo going. let's talk about brandon bernard, a man who is going to be ex… - 4 years ago

@lrfellows: RT @aigkenham: Utter hypocrisy by "Squad members.' This post is not about the death penalty for certain convicted prisoners. This post is… - 4 years ago

@SadQuot97755519: ... Are black . In the trail for Brandon's life , 11 of 12 jurors were white , and ultimately Brandon was sentenced… - 4 years ago

@FreeRatio2: @corpseewhore Thank god Brandon Bernard is dead and that it’s only social rejects who use pronouns that no one takes seriously that care - 4 years ago

@TaylorEcomCoach: RT @dudadandy: The power of the SCOTUS is life altering. Yesterday @USSupremeCourt denied a "writ of certiorari" and "stay of execution" re… - 4 years ago

@tontonlove: RT @baltimoresun: Rescinding an action by former Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young, Mayor Brandon Scott will let a West Baltimore nonprofit tha… - 4 years ago

@TKX44: I agree, the death penalty was too much for Brandon Bernard. A bullet and a ditch would have sufficed. I would have… - 4 years ago

@JanquelDA: RT @DrIbram: "Last night: Brandon Bernard Today: Alfred Bourgeois 1/12: Lisa Montgomery 1/14: Cory Johnson 1/15: Dustin Higgs These are th… - 4 years ago

@KenRoth: "The United States executed 22 people in 2019, behind only China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Egypt. It has been t… - 4 years ago

@tragic_maverick: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@halima_bxbyx: Dylan roof has not yet got the death penalty for a crime he committed, whereas Brandon Bernard did get the death pe… - 4 years ago

@nej_girll: RT @KimKardashian: Learn about Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@kerberospanzer: @chadfelixg @TMZ Here's my nuance: if Brandon Bernard's a better man in death row than prior, it leaves open the qu… - 4 years ago

@calibizeemom1: RT @TalbertSwan: Dylan Roof murdered 9 Black people at a Charleston church. He was taken to Burger King after his arrest. He’s alive. Bra… - 4 years ago

@kendall_5pm: RT @unitedyouthws: Learn more about Brandon Bernard and his wrongful execution carried out by our government! #UnitedYouthWeStand #Brando… - 4 years ago

@unitedyouthws: Learn more about Brandon Bernard and his wrongful execution carried out by our government! #UnitedYouthWeStand… - 4 years ago

@KiiingSha: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@k33pm3lov3ly: RT @chadfelixg: 'What he did was wrong but...' He abducted a young pastor couple who helped him, terrorized them, shot them and set them o… - 4 years ago

@dumbabyb0y: RT @siirenguts: i think it hasn’t set in to some of y’all that brandon bernard is an actual person. not a statistic. or just a name. he was… - 4 years ago

@SwaeLevi: Cruz will likely be sentenced to death. The “minor role” Brandon Bernard played was burning two people (one dead,… - 4 years ago

@somacantsleep: RT @siirenguts: i think it hasn’t set in to some of y’all that brandon bernard is an actual person. not a statistic. or just a name. he was… - 4 years ago

@yesprotest: RT @LilianaSegura: There is a lot wrong in Brandon's case and the various elements have been covered extensively in recent weeks. See @etam… - 4 years ago

@Arielthebadbich: Say it with me tiktokers with huge platforms aint shit! Talking about black lives matter but they stay quiet on the… - 4 years ago

@flawdanative: RT @DavidBegnaud: Sister @helenprejean: “Brandon (Bernard) and everybody on death row is poor. Not a single person sentenced to death in th… - 4 years ago

@astrmnia: @MommaElyse @MLKFish @KyleKashuv But youd be the first to say that Brandon Bernard deserved the dp for lighting bod… - 4 years ago

@zoedickscn: RT @GhostCrocs: we couldn't save brandon bernard, but here's a thread of people we can still help. please sign these /srs - 4 years ago

@concept_chan: RT @wxilliam: @MikeBalsamo1 brandon bernard is a person. not a statistic. not a trend. not a political pawn. but a father. a friend. a son.… - 4 years ago

@amisiRama: - 4 years ago

@pupsiclenight: RT @billiesh0stage: GEORGE FLOYD, BREONNA TAYLOR. QUAWAN CHARLES. BRANDON BERNARD.(just to name a FEW) ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE HASHTAGS! thos… - 4 years ago

@tweet4snowden: RT @ChristianWalk1r: The left claims they care so much about criminals being put to death, but I never hear a peep from them when illegal a… - 4 years ago

@notjessewalker: RT @davidminpdx: You try not to be despairing and then you read that the head of @NAACP_LDF is actively promoting a woman for Attorney Gene… - 4 years ago

@Read_and_Resist: RT @SultanReina: The carceral state is insatiable, always looking for more people to trap in its web. For @WearYourVoice, I wrote about how… - 4 years ago

@Chad1Patriot: If Brandon Bernard was white and killed a black couple, there would be outrage and people saying that he deserves t… - 4 years ago

@daiziesss: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@jooniedimples24: RT @licousgrande: THREAD OF PETITIONS FOR BRANDON BERNARD: - 4 years ago

@khickensticks: RT @ariismemories: - 4 years ago

@FreeKeithLaMar: Keith weighs in just three days after Brandon Bernard's execution, discussing Trump and defund the police, as well… - 4 years ago

@corsetjeongguk: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@cloudxyamy: these are my friends i have met on here 🤪 i am so grateful to have met them soo ibf appreciation 😌😌 🤍⬇️ justice for… - 4 years ago

@minecraftxpro50: @fled_p @heidi3xxxx @WillStory7 "One accompl… - 4 years ago

@theoldsargesays: Who is Brandon Bernard and what did he do? Bernard and his accomplices brutally murdered two youth ministers, Todd… - 4 years ago

@mlpluvr485: RT @mygvrses: brandon bernard is a person. not a statistic. not a trend. not a political pawn. but a father. a friend. a son. they fucking… - 4 years ago

@Bagelandtomato: RT @ScottHech: And yet still, I can't believe they murdered Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@marameo6morto: RT @DabSquad_Slank: “Of the about 2,800 people who are on death rows across the U.S., an estimated forty percent are African-Americans, for… - 4 years ago

@BtBsNYC: RT @davidminpdx: You try not to be despairing and then you read that the head of @NAACP_LDF is actively promoting a woman for Attorney Gene… - 4 years ago

@sibersong: RT @DrIbram: "Last night: Brandon Bernard Today: Alfred Bourgeois 1/12: Lisa Montgomery 1/14: Cory Johnson 1/15: Dustin Higgs These are th… - 4 years ago

@rokudediii: RT @btakemymedicine: His name was BRANDON BERNARD and his life mattered!! SAY HIS NAME and don't let his death be in vain!! #BLACKLIVESMATT… - 4 years ago

@JibMonkey: RT @VoteAshcraft: Brandon Bernard was murdered by our federal government, with federal dollars, for a crime that happened when he was 18.… - 4 years ago

@yumekoismywife: I have not forgotten about the execution of Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@localferalchild: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@CohenLawAtlanta: Brandon Bernard Executed in Indiana, After Kim K's Pleas Fall Short - 4 years ago

@JesusGa05753255: - 4 years ago

@SADSAD1ST: RT @siirenguts: i think it hasn’t set in to some of y’all that brandon bernard is an actual person. not a statistic. or just a name. he was… - 4 years ago

@TR3ND3RS: RT @siirenguts: i think it hasn’t set in to some of y’all that brandon bernard is an actual person. not a statistic. or just a name. he was… - 4 years ago

@eyoungwah: RT @BernieSanders: Brandon Bernard should be alive today. We must end all federal executions and abolish the death penalty. In a world of i… - 4 years ago

@crybabbyhoe: RT @2020predicts: - 4 years ago

@6rugged: RT @hannibollockz: bernard brandon’s daughter came on this app a few weeks ago and told everyone to sign the petition to stop his execution… - 4 years ago

@RenewThem: RT @LlLJEEPZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@elysefilms: RT @imyourbapu: THE SYSTEM FAILED BRANDON BERNARD WE CAN’T FAIL DUSTIN HIGGS. retweet this and signal boost #brandonbenard #HelpSaveBrandon… - 4 years ago

@autumnwind1216: RT @KimKardashian: 1 hour until Brandon Bernard will be executed. It’s #HumanRightsDay and here in the United States we are executing someo… - 4 years ago

@jahndyhall: RT @davidminpdx: You try not to be despairing and then you read that the head of @NAACP_LDF is actively promoting a woman for Attorney Gene… - 4 years ago

@Gold_Ranga: Another Black man. - 4 years ago

@cocalikeshealin: I think it is safe to say that @NewsM101 delivers fake news and spins politcal agendas with his vids right now. How… - 4 years ago

@starbabe789: RT @btakemymedicine: His name was BRANDON BERNARD and his life mattered!! SAY HIS NAME and don't let his death be in vain!! #BLACKLIVESMATT… - 4 years ago

@ha1obaby: RT @btakemymedicine: His name was BRANDON BERNARD and his life mattered!! SAY HIS NAME and don't let his death be in vain!! #BLACKLIVESMATT… - 4 years ago

@ComputaLuv: RT @Thotwench: They’re trying to say he shouldn’t be executed because he didn’t “technically” kill anyone. He was just an accomplice, simil… - 4 years ago

@deadgxrl666: RT @GhostCrocs: we couldn't save brandon bernard, but here's a thread of people we can still help. please sign these /srs - 4 years ago

@deadgxrl666: RT @thembotheater: please educate yourself on what happened to Brandon Bernard please educate yourself on what is going to happen to Pervis… - 4 years ago


@BreeMc2: @KennedyArnold10 The white couple shot in the trunk of a car burned to death by Brandon Bernard were most likely TR… - 4 years ago

@LiveLoveLolLala: RT @sarahlugor: the justice system continuously fails us. rest in peace Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@withthegnomies: RT @inovajon: 3 federal executions in the 50yrs before Trump. Timothy McVeigh Juan Garza Louis Jones Trump executed: Daniel Lee Wesley P… - 4 years ago

@Darnut1: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@maduradascom: ¡LE CONTAMOS! Ejecutan en EEUU a Brandon Bernard, el condenado a muerte por el que Kim Kardashian pidió clemencia… - 4 years ago

@_tpwkcherry: +This innocent man should be spared. But even Willis Hayes has said that this is false. So please help me to free… - 4 years ago

@IrijahMonk: r.i.p BRANDON BERNARD’S ion know you but rest easy you deserve it g - 4 years ago


@TraceableNinja: George Floyd and Brandon Bernard were criminals 😁 - 4 years ago

@MatschOtto: @Sunshine2020k @PeteButtigieg You got your murderers mixed up. Mr. Bourgeois tortured and beat his 2-yr old daughte… - 4 years ago

@HomepataSincero: RT @wokal_distance: 162k RT's for a lie. Dylan roof was sentenced to death. Brandon Bernard participated in a carjacking where they shot… - 4 years ago

@giyuuskatana: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@mariaddominguez: RT @KorematsuCtr: I'm not done mourning Brandon Bernard. But I want @GovInslee, who courageously issued moratorium on death penalty before… - 4 years ago

@katitskovich: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@BarinEmiliano: RT @wokal_distance: 162k RT's for a lie. Dylan roof was sentenced to death. Brandon Bernard participated in a carjacking where they shot… - 4 years ago

@hansoconner1: RT @Independent: US executes second death row inmate in two days - 4 years ago

@DITZYYKITTY: RT @siirenguts: i think it hasn’t set in to some of y’all that brandon bernard is an actual person. not a statistic. or just a name. he was… - 4 years ago

@dria_drizzy: RT @xaralmighty: @jjkvrses so many crackers in the mentions it’s ugly where the fuck was this energy when yt people shoot up schools and f… - 4 years ago

@julieswhimsies: RT @_SJPeace_: JUSTICE FOR BRANDON BERNARD! 😭💔 ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY! 😤😭 - 4 years ago

@dmhg92: RT @CNNEE: Bernard fue la persona más joven en Estados Unidos en recibir una sentencia de muerte en casi 70 años por un crimen cometido cua… - 4 years ago

@SpicyKeo: RT @wokal_distance: 162k RT's for a lie. Dylan roof was sentenced to death. Brandon Bernard participated in a carjacking where they shot… - 4 years ago


@JoseAya17317068: Kim Kardashian Says She Is "So Messed Up" After Brandon Bernard Is Executed - 4 years ago

@jesssicapov: i'm so sorry for not speaking out about brandon bernard earlier ! #RIPBrandon - 4 years ago

@brooksbecky: RT @decolonialatlas: Justice for Brandon Bernard. Justice for all people killed by the state. #AbolishTheDeathPenalty - 4 years ago

@A_D_Goldsmith: RT @dereckapurnell: on @democracynow yesterday, i heard the prosecutor in the Brandon Bernard case say that her advocacy for his innocence… - 4 years ago

@dharmazitooooo: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@ChuchoPerdomo: RT @CNNEE: Bernard fue la persona más joven en Estados Unidos en recibir una sentencia de muerte en casi 70 años por un crimen cometido cua… - 4 years ago

@BlessedAlwayz71: RT @_Breezy_Briii: Unsurprisingly, the all lives matter crowd has been quiet about the execution of Brandon Bernard. Under what exact circu… - 4 years ago

@jesssicapov: RT @_SJPeace_: JUSTICE FOR BRANDON BERNARD! 😭💔 ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY! 😤😭 - 4 years ago

@_plantprince: RT @vampysmirks: If you will be donating to Brandon Bernard’s family please use Gofundme NOT change . org as they keep most of the donation… - 4 years ago

@brad_mcclelland: RT @rr_vvss: @CowboyLoc @brad_mcclelland @Bellisimo_star @ungodlyalexis True, Brandon Bernard should’ve been executed loonnnggg ago - 4 years ago

@MarioBrea3: RT @CNNEE: Bernard fue la persona más joven en Estados Unidos en recibir una sentencia de muerte en casi 70 años por un crimen cometido cua… - 4 years ago

@EGHO231: RT @Blklivesmatter: Abolish the death penalty in the name of Brandon Bernard, who sat on death row for 20 years. In the name of all Black &… - 4 years ago

@dani_yourmom: RT @finneas: Devastated by the execution of Brandon Bernard. Abolish the death penalty. - 4 years ago

@TruthsFind: RT @WHlTEMONSTER: remember brandon bernard as a human being, not just a hashtag. he had a daughter, liked to read, and was learning guitar.… - 4 years ago

@yelgeb: @AEvanxx Not so. Five of the jurors intervened to have the case reviewed. They said they made a mistake in convic… - 4 years ago

@JackBressette: It is refreshing to see a commentator refer to the #DeathPenalty as murder. Because it is. It's a stupid, barbaric… - 4 years ago

@danrisky: RT @JFNYC1: Where's the absolutely sickening when so many people are being shot and killed every single day in NYC? Brandon Bernard locked… - 4 years ago

@melmeldc: RT @OurRevolution: Abolish the death penalty. #CriminalJusticeReform - 4 years ago

@gma_trinidad: RT @PeteButtigieg: But the outgoing administration's rush for executions, including Brandon Bernard's last night, is not only beyond cruel—… - 4 years ago

@Nefertittie_: Reading on Brandon Bernard's story and it saddens me that even after 20 years in jail they still had to kill him. T… - 4 years ago

@Emxly93: RT @KindnessOfRH: Apologies for being late but - Rest in peace, Brandon Bernard. You were loved and your death isn’t right. We love you. I’… - 4 years ago

@Xissor: RT @RailroadUnderg1: WE MUST ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY! Rest in POWER Brandon Bernard! We will NOT let your legacy pass with you. - 4 years ago

@CatherineKrenek: RT @OurRevolution: Abolish the death penalty. #CriminalJusticeReform - 4 years ago

@skepspam: RT @quackberryy: we failed brandon bernard. we still have time to save dustin higgs. he was a man wrongly convicted of a crime he did not c… - 4 years ago

@_TheRealDammy_: RT @wokal_distance: 162k RT's for a lie. Dylan roof was sentenced to death. Brandon Bernard participated in a carjacking where they shot… - 4 years ago

@xxDream_Queenxx: RT @yviexchange: the silence from a lot of people is sickening. how are you not furious that the corrupt system has failed once again. an i… - 4 years ago

@Pixxistick: RT @OurRevolution: Abolish the death penalty. #CriminalJusticeReform - 4 years ago

@sluttypositions: RT @sluttypositions: may brandon bernard rest in paradise :(. his life mattered - 4 years ago

@MissLeftWinger: RT @CoriBush: Let’s call this what it is: state-sanctioned murder. I’m thinking of Brandon Bernard and his family—the system failed them.… - 4 years ago

@_lonelyones_: RT @OurRevolution: Abolish the death penalty. #CriminalJusticeReform - 4 years ago

@HollowsKesley: RT @jamescharles: influencers, we should be directing our anger to our country's fucked up legal system that unjustly took the life of Bran… - 4 years ago

@HollowsKesley: RT @jamescharles: when I woke up & logged off. I didn't hear about Brandon Bernard until tonight when I checked twitter during a few minute… - 4 years ago

@MissLeftWinger: RT @BernieSanders: Brandon Bernard should be alive today. We must end all federal executions and abolish the death penalty. In a world of i… - 4 years ago

@j111155555: RT @DrIbram: "Last night: Brandon Bernard Today: Alfred Bourgeois 1/12: Lisa Montgomery 1/14: Cory Johnson 1/15: Dustin Higgs These are th… - 4 years ago

@HollowsKesley: RT @charlidamelio: after not being on my phone all day i checked twitter to see what is going on with brandon bernard and i’m incredibly di… - 4 years ago

@evans3_w: 'Abolish the death penalty': Brandon Bernard execution prompts wave of anger - 4 years ago


@LilEmoPrince_: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@luke32828635: RT @charlidamelio: after not being on my phone all day i checked twitter to see what is going on with brandon bernard and i’m incredibly di… - 4 years ago


@Kelven25829175: RT @wokal_distance: 162k RT's for a lie. Dylan roof was sentenced to death. Brandon Bernard participated in a carjacking where they shot… - 4 years ago

@byelly__: RT @licousgrande: THREAD OF PETITIONS FOR BRANDON BERNARD: - 4 years ago

@BluPhoenix2018: Brandon Bernard and Alfred Bourgeois: 2 Black men have been executed within two days - CNN - 4 years ago

@dxskinnz3: Brandon Bernard could not be saved. Let's not let it happen again‼ President of the United States: Wrongly convict… - 4 years ago

@jiaelbe: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@T0wn_F00lery: RT @sarahlugor: the justice system continuously fails us. rest in peace Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@glover_el: rest in pieces Brandon Bernard HA! you caught a big ol' L dude - 4 years ago


@C0RDELIASRVD: RT @BLUSHGRANGER: tw / execution of black people - donald trump has rushed the execution of five black people before he has to give up the… - 4 years ago

@flopstalgia: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@nadahshe: RT @licousgrande: THREAD OF PETITIONS FOR BRANDON BERNARD: - 4 years ago

@missweetthang: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@lavisionatl: 🔺 ESTAS SON LAS 5 NOTAS MÁS LEÍDAS DEL DÍA 💻📰 🔺 ➡ 1️⃣ Estados Unidos ejecuta al primero de… - 4 years ago

@gayscreechincat: RT @catboyzuko: People mean no harm when they say that the system “failed” Brandon Bernard, but lets not forget this system was created by… - 4 years ago

@riajosiee: Rest in peace Brandon Bernard ❤️ - 4 years ago

@ivanturmero: #BBC #News #Mundo #Internacional - Quién era #BrandonBernard, el #condenado a #muerte #ejecutado por el #gobierno… - 4 years ago

@hopelessbkwrm: RT @thedailybeast: The United States executed Alfred Bourgeois by lethal injection at a federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana - 4 years ago

@28luciia1: RT @jamescharles: I’ve been filming all day & just logged on and am now reading everything about Brandon Bernard - my heart hurts. 💔 Disapp… - 4 years ago

@quartoispunk: TW // Death- it pisses me off how all these big celebrities were like “omg I didn’t log into social media all day,… - 4 years ago

@Kanbe_Daisuke1: RT @milkstrology: BUT WHITE BOYS CAN SHOOT UP CHURCHES AND GET OFFERED CHEESEBURGERS BY THE POLICE, it's important to remember systematic r… - 4 years ago

@PissShoes: RT @imisspunz: this isnt over. wether or not Brandon Bernard has passed. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS. INNOCENT BLACK MEN AND WOMAN ARE ON DE… - 4 years ago

@lenleyl: RT @DavidBegnaud: Sister @helenprejean: “Brandon (Bernard) and everybody on death row is poor. Not a single person sentenced to death in th… - 4 years ago

@rikakobloomer: RT @B4CKSEATDRIVE: tw // death if you care about brandon bernard, if you wish we could’ve saved him, please do not be silent about #Dustin… - 4 years ago

@singularitycd: RT @BlackLivesNews1: Blklivesmatter: Abolish the death penalty in the name of Brandon Bernard, who sat on death row for 20 years. In the na… - 4 years ago

@maosix_art: RT @LlLJEEPZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@Daisy_baby02: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@xXSuperwaltXx: Brandon Bernard Does NOT Deserve Mercy or Sympathy! - 4 years ago

@Autie14Brown: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@krobinsonn1: RT @charlidamelio: after not being on my phone all day i checked twitter to see what is going on with brandon bernard and i’m incredibly di… - 4 years ago

@AriannaProbz: RT @OurRevolution: Abolish the death penalty. #CriminalJusticeReform - 4 years ago

@blobcore: RT @enderstqr: nikolas cruz killed 17. he took our jaime from us and 16 more. i’ll never forget the pain he caused my friends and i, the pa… - 4 years ago

@No_Swag_Mitch: @ruelsfire @leahhmo I haven't looked up Brandon Bernard enough, but Nikolas Cruz is going to be tried for 17 counts… - 4 years ago

@PrinceRiyami: RT @_Breezy_Briii: Unsurprisingly, the all lives matter crowd has been quiet about the execution of Brandon Bernard. Under what exact circu… - 4 years ago

@frognamoo: RT @LlLJEEPZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@caasseeeyyy_: RT @zachclayton: my heart hurts hearing what happened with brandon bernard and im absolutely disgusted with our legal system and we need a… - 4 years ago

@26neverdie: RT @licousgrande: THREAD OF PETITIONS FOR BRANDON BERNARD: - 4 years ago

@stress_muffin: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@thickmacaroni: RT @charlidamelio: after not being on my phone all day i checked twitter to see what is going on with brandon bernard and i’m incredibly di… - 4 years ago

@SteavenRamirez: RT @_alex_joshua: Tankies with America: Brandon Bernard deserved better! Nobody deserves to be executed by the state! Tankies with North… - 4 years ago

@technomiikou: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@calendulachords: RT @LlLJEEPZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@ZeeCipher: RT @TalbertSwan: Dylan Roof murdered 9 Black people at a Charleston church. He was taken to Burger King after his arrest. He’s alive. Bra… - 4 years ago

@sunflowershigh: RT @thembotheater: please educate yourself on what happened to Brandon Bernard please educate yourself on what is going to happen to Pervis… - 4 years ago

@waitletmeloveu: Brandon Bernard. George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. Say their names. I am so mad, so sad we failed you. SAY THEIR NAMES - 4 years ago

@menance123: @billiemelissa_ @thechriswatt @guardian @freebilliealle1 @KarineOmry @DavidLeegarlock @jettica65 @DeathPenaltyAct… - 4 years ago

@gebarnett1002: RT @eji_org: As a teenager, Brandon Bernard was sentenced to death by a nearly all-white jury for his role in a crime, even though he was n… - 4 years ago

@floresssst15: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@yulissavflores: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@SLT229: RT @harpersbazaarus: "If you want to see a capricious, arbitrary application of death in the hands of very flawed human beings, here it is,… - 4 years ago

@KristaLovesJian: RT @franny: Wow. I had no clue till now what had happened today... my heart goes out to Brandon’s family and friends 😓Changes need to be ma… - 4 years ago

@TeeInnit: more people are going to be executed just like Brandon Bernard was 2 nights ago. it's absolutely heart breaking. pl… - 4 years ago

@_msjad: It's not a coincidence two executions within 24 hours of each other were in Texas. In rush of federal executions,… - 4 years ago

@StanTeaRoom: RT @damelioshackers: brandon bernard. say his name. george floyd. say his name. breonna taylor. say her name. ahmaud arbery. say his name.… - 4 years ago

@bitofawh0r3: RT @PUPP1MA1D: Brandon Bernard. Say his name. Breonna Taylor. Say her name. Ahmaud Arbery. Say his name. Rayshard Brooks. Say his name. Dan… - 4 years ago

@jennwastaken2: RT @quackberryy: we failed brandon bernard. we still have time to save dustin higgs. he was a man wrongly convicted of a crime he did not c… - 4 years ago

@JMGS64338299: RT @KevinARing: If my 15-year-old and her friends are any guide, the execution of Brandon Bernard has created a lot of death penalty abolit… - 4 years ago

@vyylzura: RT @vampysmirks: If you will be donating to Brandon Bernard’s family please use Gofundme NOT change . org as they keep most of the donation… - 4 years ago

@lilaccloudsss: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@MaraNox72: RT @scarcheri: black lives still matter now and always rest in peace brandon bernard - 4 years ago

@fenk82: @22510102b écris dylan roof pour celui à gauche et brandon bernard pour le gars de droite - 4 years ago

@honkseaveys: @HERRONSCTB because of the brandon bernard stuff - 4 years ago

@ECPatriciaEC: RT @PepperOceanna: I want to let everyone know that Brandon Bernard's death is not Just on Trump & Bill Barr, President Obama had an opport… - 4 years ago

@serefinmeleskii: RT @B4CKSEATDRIVE: tw // death if you care about brandon bernard, if you wish we could’ve saved him, please do not be silent about #Dustin… - 4 years ago

@smashbronypeacc: Why was Brandon Bernard executed? From what I’m reading he burned someone alive? - 4 years ago

@qhostwil: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@ripdaflyest: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@slimmmaw: #LisaMontgomery She can go right with Alfred Bourgeois and Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@DaKayla38117196: RT @charlidamelio: after not being on my phone all day i checked twitter to see what is going on with brandon bernard and i’m incredibly di… - 4 years ago

@SAYvetheBEEs: RT @sarahlugor: the justice system continuously fails us. rest in peace Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@nxtxliegreene: RT @sarahlugor: the justice system continuously fails us. rest in peace Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@mellxxoo: RT @dereckapurnell: on @democracynow yesterday, i heard the prosecutor in the Brandon Bernard case say that her advocacy for his innocence… - 4 years ago

@fractis_nota: RT @JamaalBowmanNY: Brandon Bernard. Heartbroken and fatigued from mourning but we cannot stop raising our voices and organizing for justi… - 4 years ago

@SincereC06: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@selsmiletaylena: RT @fetishofsmg: I have over 5.7K followers, i expect all of you to simply retweet this and help spread awareness. BRANDON BERNARD is still… - 4 years ago

@OnealNadia: RT @btakemymedicine: His name was BRANDON BERNARD and his life mattered!! SAY HIS NAME and don't let his death be in vain!! #BLACKLIVESMATT… - 4 years ago

@soufflexbreezy: RT @_SJPeace_: JUSTICE FOR BRANDON BERNARD! 😭💔 ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY! 😤😭 - 4 years ago

@fractis_nota: RT @conureCC: RIP Brandon Bernard. You cannot be pro-life / pro-freedom & be pro-death penalty. A University of Michigan study showed that… - 4 years ago

@Catellier_Era: RT @KevinARing: If my 15-year-old and her friends are any guide, the execution of Brandon Bernard has created a lot of death penalty abolit… - 4 years ago

@BOKUTOSL0VER: RT @katkeigo: Don’t stop talking about Brandon Bernard and the injustice that happened today. Don’t let your timelines go back to normal to… - 4 years ago

@monasvhl: RT @katkeigo: Don’t stop talking about Brandon Bernard and the injustice that happened today. Don’t let your timelines go back to normal to… - 4 years ago

@malveillant: RT @BLUSHGRANGER: tw / execution of black people - donald trump has rushed the execution of five black people before he has to give up the… - 4 years ago

@EVANSPCTTER: breonna taylor - aged 26 trayvon martin - aged 17 philando castile - aged 32 george floyd - aged 46 casey goodson -… - 4 years ago

@Johnyyyv: RT @CNN: Brandon Bernard was executed by the federal government at the Federal Correctional Center in Terre Haute, Indiana. He was the you… - 4 years ago

@KP2060: Brandon Bernard rot in hell son. - 4 years ago

@sakuriia: RT @katkeigo: Don’t stop talking about Brandon Bernard and the injustice that happened today. Don’t let your timelines go back to normal to… - 4 years ago

@K1tty_C0s3tt3: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@DeathPenaltyWW: RT @LauraBurstein1: Brandon Bernard and Alfred Bourgeois: 2 Black men have been executed within two days - CNN - 4 years ago

@susan_raciti: RT @Benoit1184: "The Democratic Party’s progressive flank is calling to “abolish the death penalty” after Brandon Bernard was executed for… - 4 years ago

@ryanjreilly: RT @KevinARing: If my 15-year-old and her friends are any guide, the execution of Brandon Bernard has created a lot of death penalty abolit… - 4 years ago

@KevinARing: If my 15-year-old and her friends are any guide, the execution of Brandon Bernard has created a lot of death penalty abolitionists. - 4 years ago

@INAR1ZAKIS: RT @katkeigo: Don’t stop talking about Brandon Bernard and the injustice that happened today. Don’t let your timelines go back to normal to… - 4 years ago

@jessecons: How is Brandon Bernard sentenced to death but James Holmes get life in prison? - 4 years ago

@AmyMillward5: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@endrmqn: RT @B4CKSEATDRIVE: tw // death if you care about brandon bernard, if you wish we could’ve saved him, please do not be silent about #Dustin… - 4 years ago

@ronan95923786: "he didn't shoot them, he just let them burn alive!" this is how people that are protesting the execution of brandon bernard sound - 4 years ago

@flynnscreations: RT @oecksj: He never needed to be something to someone for his life to matter. He simply mattered because he is human. His name was Brandon… - 4 years ago

@ApgLup: RT @sinnerswall: há poucos minutos o estado genocida dos EUA matou mais uma pessoa preta inocente, a democracia que tem poder sobre a vida,… - 4 years ago

@colemanranahan: RT @swin24: Trump made the conscious decision, following multiple conversations over the past day or so, to have Brandon Bernard be put to… - 4 years ago

@Theflash63: RT @RosinaFrance: Why are people upset that Brandon Bernard, was executed? He tortured and killed 2 innocent people by locking them in a ca… - 4 years ago

@SC4RAM0UCHE: RT @quackberryy: we failed brandon bernard. we still have time to save dustin higgs. he was a man wrongly convicted of a crime he did not c… - 4 years ago

@Scionofsun: RT @ieexplained: Brandon Bernard was the youngest person in the US to receive the death sentence in almost 70 years for a crime he committe… - 4 years ago

@E8Powell: @uclyde_ @mxjareau Brandon Bernard's actions caused the death of Stacie Bagley. That's why he was tried and convict… - 4 years ago

@_GGPlex_: @KazDavidTFLatam - 4 years ago

@FilmBornThatWay: "The United States executed 22 people in 2019, behind only China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Egypt. It has been t… - 4 years ago

@risamwugi: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@robertpattyz: RT @Cinnadun: No, I dont want to talk Jason Derulo or Ryan Murphy. Lets talk about Brandon Bernard and how an innocent man got his life tak… - 4 years ago

@avatar_freckles: RT @WearYourVoice: The government should not have the power to legally murder people... It is utterly barbaric that the death penalty still… - 4 years ago

@imsotired23: RT @ThePattyLeaks: This. Is. Sickening. Brandon Bernard is dead. He was killed on death row for a crime he DIDNT FUCKING COMMIT. He didn’t… - 4 years ago

@MarcRakers: In memoriam Ruhollah Zam, Brandon Bernard, ...... #Iran #vs - 4 years ago

@AxxisonMargaret: RT @LlLJEEPZ: even though we couldn’t save brandon bernard, here’s a thread of people who we can help. please sign these - 4 years ago

@CookerTheCoolio: RT @imyourbapu: THE SYSTEM FAILED BRANDON BERNARD WE CAN’T FAIL DUSTIN HIGGS. retweet this and signal boost #brandonbenard #HelpSaveBrandon… - 4 years ago

@FISHKASE: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@Edwins_Euphoria: RT @ICYYHONORET: Rest in peace Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@TAWASOL_HR: On International Human Rights Day The U S A carried out the death sentence imposed on Brandon Bernard, who was conv… - 4 years ago

@thelatestdave: "If you want to see a capricious, arbitrary application of death in the hands of very flawed human beings, here it… - 4 years ago

@danmaniscalco: EE.UU. ejecuta a un hombre de 40 años en plena transición y a pesar de las peticiones de clemencia. La pena de muer… - 4 years ago

@ChelseyBrejanee: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@bojnovak: RT @TalbertSwan: Dylan Roof murdered 9 Black people at a Charleston church. He was taken to Burger King after his arrest. He’s alive. Bra… - 4 years ago

@evansiegfried: RT @swin24: Shortly before the execution on Thursday night, Angela Moore, a former prosecuto who was involved in ensuring Brandon Bernard’s… - 4 years ago

@zandileee_: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@Pinasalas12: RT @americamag: Bishop Flores ( @bpdflores) on King Herod and America’s sinful acceptance of the death penalty - 4 years ago

@MahimaBones: RT @DaShaunLH: Kid Cudi’s MOTM quite literally saved my life in ‘08. it gave me the room & permission to live in and through my depression… - 4 years ago

@BEMYSELF4WDW: RT @damelioshackers: brandon bernard. say his name. george floyd. say his name. breonna taylor. say her name. ahmaud arbery. say his name.… - 4 years ago

@cornerboycj: RT @ebulence: i wasn’t on twt yesterday and i come back today and... nothing. y’all just gave up. i see little to no blm related posts on t… - 4 years ago

@crockerthoughts: RT @dereckapurnell: on @democracynow yesterday, i heard the prosecutor in the Brandon Bernard case say that her advocacy for his innocence… - 4 years ago

@saikisbitchh: RT @blkgirlsrelate: Rest In Peace Brandon Bernard 🤍 - 4 years ago

@aleshacatyt: RT @TalbertSwan: Dylan Roof murdered 9 Black people at a Charleston church. He was taken to Burger King after his arrest. He’s alive. Bra… - 4 years ago

@BESSONSCLOUT: RT @damelioshackers: brandon bernard. say his name. george floyd. say his name. breonna taylor. say her name. ahmaud arbery. say his name.… - 4 years ago

@EmpathsNow: RT @RDunhamDPIC: After #BrandonBernard and #AlfredBourgeois, Three More Executions Are Scheduled Before Biden's Inauguration. - 4 years ago

@diverdown48: RT @saraecook: -We're hitting all-time highs for new US coronavirus cases, hospitalizations, & deaths -Last night Brandon Bernard became th… - 4 years ago

@Pinasalas12: RT @JamesMartinSJ: Bishop Flores @bpdflores: "To say the death penalty is not an intrinsic evil but rather a matter of prudential judgment… - 4 years ago

@kira_schwarz: RT @aarchivegrande: his sentence was unjust and it breaks my heart. brandon bernard may you rest in peace. sending prayers to brandon's f… - 4 years ago

@CHRLXV: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@area51elvis: @realDonaldTrump You can't teach society that killing wrong by killing someone. Trump is a MURDERER that WILL be he… - 4 years ago

@Ugarte_Lorre: @EleanorRoth8 @ShaneClaiborne Brandon Bernard didn't do anything. He was present when someone else committed a crime when he was 18. - 4 years ago

@NancySa45944060: RT @APH48: DJT PLAYING WANNABE DICKTATOR. DJT has executed Brandon Bernard, who was sentenced to death for acting as an ACCOMPLICE to crime… - 4 years ago

@egalanroa: RT @ashima7: El legado de Trump: haber supervisado la mayor cantidad de penas de muerte por parte de un presidente estadounidense en más de… - 4 years ago

@Xev_the_Savage: RT @TheYoungTurks: Brandon Bernard vs Kyle Rittenhouse: The Horrific Double-Standards - 4 years ago

@sheldon_booty: @needy4minaj @twobitmedia1 No he didn’t kill either of them here’s the article people in the replies making assumpt… - 4 years ago

@EdwardShuttlew4: @lauferlaw @JudgyEsq Brandon Bernard, who was only 18 and only an accomplice, does not fit this model. The man who… - 4 years ago

@ImperialNothing: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@_sugarandspite: RT @GravelInstitute: Brandon Bernard should be alive today. Abolish the death penalty. - 4 years ago

@goofboxes: so NOW all the popular people start posting about brandon bernard? after hes already been murdered? the situation h… - 4 years ago

@tbhmelio: RT @damelioshackers: brandon bernard. say his name. george floyd. say his name. breonna taylor. say her name. ahmaud arbery. say his name.… - 4 years ago

@_Milesleonard: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@ugwunnaezeh: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@astoldby_shy: RT @RDunhamDPIC: After #BrandonBernard's Execution, @helenprejean Calls Out the #DeathPenalty's Cruelty. - 4 years ago

@SAFETYDAYA: RT @xtoms_titsx: we couldn’t save Brandon Bernard. but we can still save pervis payne. on saturday june 27 1987, pervis payne was waiting f… - 4 years ago

@LeckerC: RT @helenprejean: Today will be Brandon Bernard's last. No matter what crime a person has committed, the act of taking a healthy, breathing… - 4 years ago

@dayacephasjones: RT @xtoms_titsx: we couldn’t save Brandon Bernard. but we can still save pervis payne. on saturday june 27 1987, pervis payne was waiting f… - 4 years ago

@Isatou_Nxxx: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@lilpapiamelies: RT @damelioshackers: brandon bernard. say his name. george floyd. say his name. breonna taylor. say her name. ahmaud arbery. say his name.… - 4 years ago

@TopKat04767754: RT @TheYoungTurks: Brandon Bernard vs Kyle Rittenhouse: The Horrific Double-Standards - 4 years ago

@thefactualnews: 2. U.S. executes Brandon Bernard after Supreme Court denies stay. Most credible article by @jaclynmdiaz for @NPR (M… - 4 years ago

@Kamorraa1: RT @treasurefbrooks: Why are non-Black people shaming Black people into posting about Brandon Bernard’s execution? Why do you all discover… - 4 years ago

@Katbeloo: RT @kirkacevedo: Dylan Roof was taken to Burger King by police after he massacred 9 people while they were praying in Church. Dylan Roof a… - 4 years ago

@Enioluwa_: RT @KimKardashian: 1 hour until Brandon Bernard will be executed. It’s #HumanRightsDay and here in the United States we are executing someo… - 4 years ago

@ForOurFutureOH: The death penalty only continues the cycle of trauma, with no room for redemption, change, or new evidence. Brandon… - 4 years ago

@FUCKT0Y_: RT @enderstqr: nikolas cruz killed 17. he took our jaime from us and 16 more. i’ll never forget the pain he caused my friends and i, the pa… - 4 years ago

@JackieActually: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@JigsawTheDon: RT @TalbertSwan: Dylan Roof murdered 9 Black people at a Charleston church. He was taken to Burger King after his arrest. He’s alive. Bra… - 4 years ago

@damelioshackers: brandon bernard. say his name. george floyd. say his name. breonna taylor. say her name. ahmaud arbery. say his name. we won’t forget. - 4 years ago

@touchofpisces: @StationSpears I didn’t even know about the situation with Brandon Bernard. Clearly I do now and it’s a disgusting… - 4 years ago

@uhhshianne: RT @quackberryy: we failed brandon bernard. we still have time to save dustin higgs. he was a man wrongly convicted of a crime he did not c… - 4 years ago

@aririnkos: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@kpopflags: RT @GhostCrocs: we couldn't save brandon bernard, but here's a thread of people we can still help. please sign these /srs - 4 years ago

@sapnaqs: RT @scarcheri: black lives still matter now and always rest in peace brandon bernard - 4 years ago

@BrianStrasert: RT @hannahcrileyy: Like so many other Black men sentenced to death in this country, 11 out of 12 of Brandon Bernard's jurors were white. Im… - 4 years ago

@LauraBurstein1: Brandon Bernard and Alfred Bourgeois: 2 Black men have been executed within two days - CNN - 4 years ago

@kylelucia: RT @cal_beu: I can't stop thinking about how Brandon Bernard was worried about feeling claustrophobic while the government executed him, or… - 4 years ago

@rrasa_: RT @blkgirlsrelate: Rest In Peace Brandon Bernard 🤍 - 4 years ago

@j_guizado: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@wHor3coR3: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@gato_bry: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@AAsh0519: RT @enderstqr: nikolas cruz killed 17. he took our jaime from us and 16 more. i’ll never forget the pain he caused my friends and i, the pa… - 4 years ago

@whoisdariankaaa: RT @charlidamelio: my heart is breaking reading everything going on right now this is not right brandon bernard does not deserve this - 4 years ago

@whoisdariankaaa: RT @charlidamelio: after not being on my phone all day i checked twitter to see what is going on with brandon bernard and i’m incredibly di… - 4 years ago

@YOONQIBB: RT @xtoms_titsx: we couldn’t save Brandon Bernard. but we can still save pervis payne. on saturday june 27 1987, pervis payne was waiting f… - 4 years ago

@Palerid01327727: RT @RosinaFrance: Why are people upset that Brandon Bernard, was executed? He tortured and killed 2 innocent people by locking them in a ca… - 4 years ago

@ThePattyLeaks: RT @ThePattyLeaks: IMPORTANT: NOT GAMING NEWS Dustin John Higgs is another life on death row that is set to be executed on January 15, 202… - 4 years ago

@mariburggraf: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@mircowaveddami: @siyeonsneck to pay our respects to brandon bernard. - 4 years ago

@rvmouredhorror: RT @katkeigo: Don’t stop talking about Brandon Bernard and the injustice that happened today. Don’t let your timelines go back to normal to… - 4 years ago


@honkbee: RT @scarcheri: black lives still matter now and always rest in peace brandon bernard - 4 years ago

@emlewandowski: @sonia23dr Fascistes, égocentriques et je rajouterai même assassins. Je sais c'est peut-être exagéré mais n'oublion… - 4 years ago

@4RKO__: @Le_Coyotz Dylan Roof et Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@axgiesevilla: RT @mygvrses: brandon bernard is a person. not a statistic. not a trend. not a political pawn. but a father. a friend. a son. they fucking… - 4 years ago

@maxzks: @paul_eubanks I’m sorry. Brandon Bernard’s death is filling my mind. - 4 years ago

@itsayim12: RT @enderstqr: nikolas cruz killed 17. he took our jaime from us and 16 more. i’ll never forget the pain he caused my friends and i, the pa… - 4 years ago

@barryjacksonent: RT @tedcruz: 1/x What is sickening is that you are siding with this vicious murderer. Don’t pretend he was a saint. Here are his actual cri… - 4 years ago

@realBillMcKny: Trump Administration Executes Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@vivismultistan: @theeachillean if you want a stand at this moment, Brandon Bernard did not deserve the death penalty, his life matt… - 4 years ago

@nhlbelle: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@namseokz: @joonssarang @httpjinie it was that op had tweeted an insensitive tweet during the time Brandon Bernard’s was set to be kil*ed - 4 years ago

@ViniciusN1kolod: RT @bbcbrasil: Quem foi Brandon Bernard, executado 'às pressas' antes de fim do governo Trump - 4 years ago

@jjemma_: RT @enderstqr: nikolas cruz killed 17. he took our jaime from us and 16 more. i’ll never forget the pain he caused my friends and i, the pa… - 4 years ago

@CharleeLynnara: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@fatbongripper69: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@monocainsheresy: RT @vampysmirks: If you will be donating to Brandon Bernard’s family please use Gofundme NOT change . org as they keep most of the donation… - 4 years ago

@connormfd: Brandon Bernard and his friends killed two people. He stuffed them in a trunk, kidnapped them, shot them, and set t… - 4 years ago

@MolerPaige: RT @sarahlugor: the justice system continuously fails us. rest in peace Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@jasmineisblack: Brandon Bernard was innocent - 4 years ago

@87Noctvrne: RT @JPEGNEGRO: you're the one that doesn't have the correct info try shutting the fuck up for once and learning how to read. he commit one… - 4 years ago

@jan9jun: RT @bruisies: since the system failed brandon bernard, we can still save pervis payne who's facing an execution here the petition - 4 years ago

@adcunidosx: RT @vampysmirks: If you will be donating to Brandon Bernard’s family please use Gofundme NOT change . org as they keep most of the donation… - 4 years ago

@ClarkpDavidson: RT @PeteButtigieg: But the outgoing administration's rush for executions, including Brandon Bernard's last night, is not only beyond cruel—… - 4 years ago

@JoDangford: RT @caigeinnit: we didn’t have enough time to save Brandon Bernard. we have time to save Pervis Payne. - 4 years ago

@Currin_: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@ronaldo_623: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@youcancallmeros: si dai parliamo di pigiami invece che di Brandon Bernard - 4 years ago

@LocalEmo1: RT @treasurefbrooks: Why are non-Black people shaming Black people into posting about Brandon Bernard’s execution? Why do you all discover… - 4 years ago

@barrajimconroe1: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@jordanblackbu: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@AmandaMaisel: RT @dereckapurnell: on @democracynow yesterday, i heard the prosecutor in the Brandon Bernard case say that her advocacy for his innocence… - 4 years ago

@1Derful_katt: RT @psychoetic_: we've already lost brandon bernard , we cant afford to let another man go for something he didn't do . #savedustinjhiggs #… - 4 years ago

@jilliasloved: @alewifepreston they barely posted about brandon bernard and other important issues going in rn, only johnny. laure… - 4 years ago

@cree_stal: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@ElkozRich: The World as I See It! 'Brandon's Execution Is a Stain' - First off, let me start by saying I've come to have issu… - 4 years ago

@devilNstilettos: RT @nowthisnews: Jurors in this man’s case are changing their minds about sentencing him to death at age 19. But Brandon Bernard, now 40, i… - 4 years ago

@hannahbrie03: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@myriamlarif: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@bxseddeath: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@latke_bitch: RT @GridTakers: Comrade @cannafis_ offering a land acknowledgement. We are taking a moment of silence for Bernard Brandon, George Floyd,… - 4 years ago

@hulyanuryy: RT @charlidamelio: after not being on my phone all day i checked twitter to see what is going on with brandon bernard and i’m incredibly di… - 4 years ago

@PinkThrnCosplay: RT @BLUSHGRANGER: tw / execution of black people - donald trump has rushed the execution of five black people before he has to give up the… - 4 years ago

@JVO_stan17: RT @GhostCrocs: we couldn't save brandon bernard, but here's a thread of people we can still help. please sign these /srs - 4 years ago

@seren_dipity_13: RT @jamescharles: I’ve been filming all day & just logged on and am now reading everything about Brandon Bernard - my heart hurts. 💔 Disapp… - 4 years ago

@dukeoftheweald: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@GSbegue: RT @hstbrasil: Brandon Bernard, foi executado essa madrugada por um crime cometido há 21 anos e no qual não participou ativamente, foi coag… - 4 years ago

@wiIburl: RT @caigeinnit: we didn’t have enough time to save Brandon Bernard. we have time to save Pervis Payne. - 4 years ago

@ClaffeyMaddie: We have lost Brandon Bernard,The system has failed him,The President has failed him,We failed him,All lives can’t m… - 4 years ago

@gcfxor: RT @oecksj: He never needed to be something to someone for his life to matter. He simply mattered because he is human. His name was Brandon… - 4 years ago

@Layla78105658: RT @jamescharles: influencers, we should be directing our anger to our country's fucked up legal system that unjustly took the life of Bran… - 4 years ago

@calatarii: RT @PANP4S: it may be too late for brandon bernard but it’s not too late for pervis payne, keith lamar, and rocky myers, 3 wrongfully convi… - 4 years ago

@HelenJones2008: RT @hellovale10: wow 😪💔 Rest In Peace #OrlandoHall - #BrandonBernard - #AlfredBourgeois . The fight for save #DustinHiggs - #CoreyJohnson a… - 4 years ago

@BulbousKing: RT @treasurefbrooks: Why are non-Black people shaming Black people into posting about Brandon Bernard’s execution? Why do you all discover… - 4 years ago

@dinaisoverparty: RT @GhostCrocs: we couldn't save brandon bernard, but here's a thread of people we can still help. please sign these /srs - 4 years ago

@jamaicaponders: RT @dereckapurnell: on @democracynow yesterday, i heard the prosecutor in the Brandon Bernard case say that her advocacy for his innocence… - 4 years ago

@kmiba: RT @DrIbram: "Last night: Brandon Bernard Today: Alfred Bourgeois 1/12: Lisa Montgomery 1/14: Cory Johnson 1/15: Dustin Higgs These are th… - 4 years ago

@supportforallUK: - 4 years ago

@SimmInSEA: As the world executes fewer prisoners, the U.S. government is executing ever more - 4 years ago

@childvoodoo5: RT @dereckapurnell: on @democracynow yesterday, i heard the prosecutor in the Brandon Bernard case say that her advocacy for his innocence… - 4 years ago

@Kay7784: @DavidHMartin7 @kilomikealpha76 @MSNBC “The SCOTUS has denied Brandon Bernard’s petition and this unjust execution… - 4 years ago

@koyie_duft: Which man pictured didn’t kill anyone? Brandon Bernard killed 2 people, and apologized for his actions before his… - 4 years ago

@katejoseen: Where is your viral graphics and black boxes for Brandon Bernard? Why aren’t you spam posting us on that? Complete ignorance. - 4 years ago

@dt_biscuits: RT @_jigsaww: please don’t let brandon bernard become another slogan. another character that you use for your fake activism. this was a rea… - 4 years ago

@Iced_Dawg: RT @charlidamelio: after not being on my phone all day i checked twitter to see what is going on with brandon bernard and i’m incredibly di… - 4 years ago

@andrew_petro13: RT @helenprejean: Today will be Brandon Bernard's last. No matter what crime a person has committed, the act of taking a healthy, breathing… - 4 years ago

@1Derful_katt: RT @imyourbapu: THE SYSTEM FAILED BRANDON BERNARD WE CAN’T FAIL DUSTIN HIGGS. retweet this and signal boost #brandonbenard #HelpSaveBrandon… - 4 years ago

@RonaldMatters: RT @RDunhamDPIC: Two Black men have been executed within two days. Two more are set to die before Biden's inauguration. - 4 years ago

@LeHellCharizard: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@tammykitty: RT @caigeinnit: we didn’t have enough time to save Brandon Bernard. we have time to save Pervis Payne. - 4 years ago


@Shxwna_: RT @treasurefbrooks: Why are non-Black people shaming Black people into posting about Brandon Bernard’s execution? Why do you all discover… - 4 years ago

@colorpoptivist: you know how fucking disheartening it is that more of y’all talk about that hoe than about Brandon Bernard or Brean… - 4 years ago

@fairiesoshi: RT @irlsableye: the system failed brandon bernard. we waited til the last minute. we have much more time to help pervis payne. an innocent… - 4 years ago

@tiah1201: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@JillColtonFree: RT @RealBlackIrish: Somewhere in America, a White liberal woman is reading about the executions of Brandon Bernard & Alfred Bourgeois. Tear… - 4 years ago

@goodvibesariii: RT @sarahlugor: the justice system continuously fails us. rest in peace Brandon Bernard. - 4 years ago

@tazmily_twins: RT @T4RTAGL1AS: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. all names that have trended. all names that people have work… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Brandon Bernard, you will be missed - #BrandonBernard #Brandon #Bernard #rip - 4 years ago

@Giggle_Galaxy_: RT @BLUSHGRANGER: tw / execution of black people - donald trump has rushed the execution of five black people before he has to give up the… - 4 years ago


@yburrettah: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@ihatebabiessm: RT @enderstqr: nikolas cruz killed 17. he took our jaime from us and 16 more. i’ll never forget the pain he caused my friends and i, the pa… - 4 years ago

@goldensklxs: RT @imyourbapu: THE SYSTEM FAILED BRANDON BERNARD WE CAN’T FAIL DUSTIN HIGGS. retweet this and signal boost #brandonbenard #HelpSaveBrandon… - 4 years ago

@RealBlackIrish: Somewhere in America, a White liberal woman is reading about the executions of Brandon Bernard & Alfred Bourgeois.… - 4 years ago

@venopiss: RT @GhostCrocs: we couldn't save brandon bernard, but here's a thread of people we can still help. please sign these /srs - 4 years ago

@vandot50: RT @anthonyzenkus: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris let Brandon Bernard be killed by the state without saying a word in his defense. He didn't k… - 4 years ago

@gokcilasun: RT @TalbertSwan: Dylan Roof murdered 9 Black people at a Charleston church. He was taken to Burger King after his arrest. He’s alive. Bra… - 4 years ago

@natalieisfrzing: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@sarahwatsxn: RT @ZAlNVERSACE: george floyd. breonna taylor. quawan charles. brandon bernard. mariele franco. joão paulo. SAY THEIR NAMES - 4 years ago

@glenda__cx: RT @charlidamelio: my heart is breaking reading everything going on right now this is not right brandon bernard does not deserve this - 4 years ago

@RandiekJanet: RT @fentytannies: rest in power Brandon Bernard, we will not let you pass in silence - 4 years ago

@dayseannna: RT @techncblade: the US prison system has NEVER been about rehabilitation. it’s always been abt profit and dehumanization and racism. US pr… - 4 years ago

@targracha: RT @xtoms_titsx: we couldn’t save Brandon Bernard. but we can still save pervis payne. on saturday june 27 1987, pervis payne was waiting f… - 4 years ago

@JogandHammer: RT @Striker05381540: The Low-IQ Left isn't mad about Dylan Roof getting a hamburger. They're mad that Brandon Bernard murdered a couple be… - 4 years ago

@jancangirl: RT @FCNL: No. More. Executions. Our government is supposed to serve, not kill. - 4 years ago

@Flora34921110: RT @RosinaFrance: Why are people upset that Brandon Bernard, was executed? He tortured and killed 2 innocent people by locking them in a ca… - 4 years ago

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