Bootsie Barnes

American jazz saxophonist.
Died on Friday April 24th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bootsie Barnes:

@All_Music_TV: RT @All_Music_TV: A touching story about our Philly friends Orrin Evans aka @Peeano88 and the late Wallace Roney and Bootsie Barnes from @n… - 5 years ago

@All_Music_TV: A touching story about our Philly friends Orrin Evans aka @Peeano88 and the late Wallace Roney and Bootsie Barnes f… - 5 years ago

@chilljazzlounge: RT @ChrisJazzCafe2: We lost a giant of Philly jazz to COVID-19 yesterday — tenor saxophonist Bootsie Barnes. Our thoughts reside with his l… - 5 years ago

@dejavu1958: RT @TaliaSchlanger: Philly friends! @madaleangauze put together a wonderful lineup of local artists for an album to support essential worke… - 5 years ago


@TaliaSchlanger: Philly friends! @madaleangauze put together a wonderful lineup of local artists for an album to support essential w… - 5 years ago

@JazzcastTO: On Condition Blue at 4pm w/ Cory Weeds of @cellarlive an hour & a bit about the great Bootsie Barnes who passed awa… - 5 years ago

@DJpeterDE: Just a few hours away from #AvenueCjazz featuring the music of John Tchicai and Bootsie Barnes plus a cameo from Bl… - 5 years ago

@barcodefreeM: - 5 years ago

@Tacumasong: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@Tacumasong: RT @jazyjef: ‘Barnes readily owned up to his tough reputation. “I have a folder of music that I pull out with about 50 tunes written by gre… - 5 years ago

@dosageMAGAZINE: dosage MAGAZINE: Finger Licking Dutch Stroopwafels, Sax Legend Bootsie Barnes, Online Auction for WOAR, Lil Dicky's… - 5 years ago

@covid19rip1: RIP Robert "Bootsie" Barnes - 5 years ago

@DonnaTeresa5: RT @pamelagreyson: Sad to report that Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, dies of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@PaulinoVR13: RT @multiforoalicio: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes nació en 1938 y falleció el 22 de abril de 2020 en el Centro Médico Lankenau en Wynnewood, Pen… - 5 years ago

@rojosratos: RT @multiforoalicio: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes nació en 1938 y falleció el 22 de abril de 2020 en el Centro Médico Lankenau en Wynnewood, Pen… - 5 years ago

@rodriguezcheri: RT @multiforoalicio: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes nació en 1938 y falleció el 22 de abril de 2020 en el Centro Médico Lankenau en Wynnewood, Pen… - 5 years ago

@multiforoalicio: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes nació en 1938 y falleció el 22 de abril de 2020 en el Centro Médico Lankenau en Wynnewood,… - 5 years ago

@marqjer: RT @WMSE: @DrSushiWMSE pays tribute to jazz saxophonist Bootsie Barnes on today's show. Tune in at 9AM. #lovemusi #lovewmse - 5 years ago

@marqjer: RT @DrSushiWMSE: In addition to my tribute to the late saxophonist Bootsie Barnes, I have a few other tricks up my sleeve today. Tune in no… - 5 years ago

@DrSushiWMSE: In addition to my tribute to the late saxophonist Bootsie Barnes, I have a few other tricks up my sleeve today. Tun… - 5 years ago

@WMSE: @DrSushiWMSE pays tribute to jazz saxophonist Bootsie Barnes on today's show. Tune in at 9AM. #lovemusi #lovewmse - 5 years ago

@egg03_hk: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Muere “Bootsie” Barnes, saxofonista de jazz - 5 years ago

@chordialtweets: RT @StevenHarp_: "Robert "Bootsie" Barnes, a tenor saxophonist who left an indelible mark on the Philadelphia and wider jazz communities, d… - 5 years ago

@EmmaSegasture: RT @StevenHarp_: "Robert "Bootsie" Barnes, a tenor saxophonist who left an indelible mark on the Philadelphia and wider jazz communities, d… - 5 years ago

@StevenHarp_: "Robert "Bootsie" Barnes, a tenor saxophonist who left an indelible mark on the Philadelphia and wider jazz communi… - 5 years ago

@pamelagreyson: Sad to report that Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, dies of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@MsPattyJackson: RT @Jmadden98John: @TheJazzSoul @MsPattyJackson R.I.P Bootsie Barnes Peace & Love to the #family & Friends . - 5 years ago

@Jmadden98John: @TheJazzSoul @MsPattyJackson R.I.P Bootsie Barnes Peace & Love to the #family & Friends .… - 5 years ago

@Jmadden98John: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@ESBJazzRadio: Philadelphia has been home to some outstanding #jazz musicians, starting with John Coltrane and Dizzy Gillespie | B… - 5 years ago

@Why_Vet38: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@PureKimminess: RT @rezeski: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82. (RIP. We are losing too many artists to SARS-CoV-… - 5 years ago

@rezeski: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82. (RIP. We are losing too many artists t… - 5 years ago

@MEHOWARDSR1: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@dosageMAGAZINE: dosage MAGAZINE: Finger Licking Dutch Stroopwafels, Sax Legend Bootsie Barnes, Online Auction for WOAR, Lil Dicky's… - 5 years ago

@2faceDon: Would like to take a moment to acknowledge and recognize the passing of my great Uncle....Philly Jazz legend Bootsi… - 5 years ago

@rudireppert: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@koromante: RT @Black_Action: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@NoMoreJazzz: RT @JazzOnTheTube: Remembering Bootsie Barnes (1937-2020) Video: - 5 years ago

@JhwilsH: RT @KelliSmith15: 😰🦠 Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@DrZouaghi: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@PhillyNewsFYI: Philadelphia jazz legend Bootsie Barnes dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@veterans_i: RT @KelliSmith15: 😰🦠 Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@jacklittman: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@DaOGTriple: RT @KelliSmith15: 😰🦠 Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@KelliSmith15: 😰🦠 Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@motelonfire: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@SirWesleyThe1st: RT @SenHughesOffice: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 @Senat… - 5 years ago

@flolindy1: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@BluesJazz6: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@ejwesq: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@ejwesq: RT @Black_Action: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@RobesonHousePHL: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@charles97564117: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@princss6: RT @Black_Action: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@Black_Action: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@on_bender: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@smishychat: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@Doyouhave1drop: RT @nprmusic: Bootsie Barnes, a modern Philadelphia jazz icon, was a master of the genre and a mentor in his hometown. He died on Wednesday… - 5 years ago

@Doyouhave1drop: RT @PhillyJazzApp: Bootsie Barnes' career began during Philadelphia's golden age of jazz. His composition, "Boppin’ Round the Center," memo… - 5 years ago

@Doyouhave1drop: RT @WBGO: Bootsie Barnes, a tenor saxophonist and bandleader who set a rigorous standard for hard bop, presiding as a master and mentor in… - 5 years ago

@Doyouhave1drop: RT @jaleelshaw: Another one of my heroes & mentors, the great Bootsie Barnes, passed today. Mr. Barnes was an extremely important part of t… - 5 years ago

@Doyouhave1drop: RT @PhillyTrib: Breaking: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@everettbutler3: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@JazzOnTheTube: Remembering Bootsie Barnes (1937-2020) Video: - 5 years ago

@Sysoon: Bootsie Barnes (unknown - 2020) - 5 years ago

@varvaz: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@Patrick32819774: Remembering Bootsie Barnes - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Death-Dead: Obituary, Cause of Death :Bootsie Barnes, a tenor saxophonist and “modern Philadelphia jazz icon” has d… - 5 years ago

@mecozzi_alfredo: RT @globaljazzqueen: We salute a Philly royalty today @wbgo and remember Tenor Titan Bootsie Barnes. Gone too soon and always in our hearts… - 5 years ago

@Enghumbhini: RT @Almostconvinced: #JazzTwitter Tot ziens, Bootsie Barnes RIP - 5 years ago

@KagiyaIzumi: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@kkbakkbakk: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@tripst3r: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@ifachomusic: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@penttivuorinen: RT @animate_jazz: Another tragic COVID-19 loss... via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@donaldscollins: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@chnealjr: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@varvaz: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@pukka_white14: おはようございまブーツィー・バーンズ。 Bootsie Barnes and his Organ Trio - Wednesday Night at Ortlieb's Jazz Haus… - 5 years ago

@jasonhainsworth: RT @globaljazzqueen: We salute a Philly royalty today @wbgo and remember Tenor Titan Bootsie Barnes. Gone too soon and always in our hearts… - 5 years ago

@BrendaMcCullou5: R.I.P. Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@blueshamilton: Tenor sax great, Bootsie Barnes passes: - 5 years ago

@RichardScheinin: RT @globaljazzqueen: We salute a Philly royalty today @wbgo and remember Tenor Titan Bootsie Barnes. Gone too soon and always in our hearts… - 5 years ago

@SheilaStansbury: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@AlexCobbos: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@JCharlesLeonard: RT @Almostconvinced: #JazzTwitter Tot ziens, Bootsie Barnes RIP - 5 years ago

@capemanchris: RT @Almostconvinced: #JazzTwitter Tot ziens, Bootsie Barnes RIP - 5 years ago

@tlwhite: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@LiviaLove: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@PragObots: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@Jazz88: RT @mctony: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - WBGO.... - 5 years ago

@mctony: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - WBGO.... - 5 years ago

@CopticDisco: RT @globaljazzqueen: We salute a Philly royalty today @wbgo and remember Tenor Titan Bootsie Barnes. Gone too soon and always in our hearts… - 5 years ago

@AuraDeb: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@vibesmoothmusic: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@REITCanada: RIP : Bootsie Barnes - Sax Virtuoso #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@LouisMooreJr: OBITUARY | 'BOOTSIE' BARNES Creative spirit of Philly jazz - - 5 years ago

@ElainaDariah: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@MrBroFo: RT @globaljazzqueen: We salute a Philly royalty today @wbgo and remember Tenor Titan Bootsie Barnes. Gone too soon and always in our hearts… - 5 years ago

@globaljazzqueen: We salute a Philly royalty today @wbgo and remember Tenor Titan Bootsie Barnes. Gone too soon and always in our hea… - 5 years ago

@HailCaesar_: RT @kzshabazz: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@willtchak: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@karma1244: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@CrownPrinceMac: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@Audrey_E_Ander: RT @WBGO: Bootsie Barnes, a tenor saxophonist and bandleader who set a rigorous standard for hard bop, presiding as a master and mentor in… - 5 years ago

@Fer2758: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@JaM99percent: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@Mimiwilliams1: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@jpharwood1956: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@CassiaL: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@afronola: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@JusGraceee: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@nomadics: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@KeishaBlain: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@micheles60: RT @alliemarie777: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes - widely respected tenor sax player who was synonymous with Philadelphia jazz for 60 years - die… - 5 years ago

@historianspeaks: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@JohnGle17681538: RT @alliemarie777: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes - widely respected tenor sax player who was synonymous with Philadelphia jazz for 60 years - die… - 5 years ago

@seri_tomo: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@Sum_es_est_: RT @alliemarie777: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes - widely respected tenor sax player who was synonymous with Philadelphia jazz for 60 years - die… - 5 years ago

@alliemarie777: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes - widely respected tenor sax player who was synonymous with Philadelphia jazz for 60 years… - 5 years ago

@TenshiAkari12: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@DyanaWilliams: RT @delucadan: “Bootsie Barnes was the consummate Philadelphia musician. Globally, he could play with anybody. His musicianship was impecca… - 5 years ago

@Lookelyloo1: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@fukudatakahiro2: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@DrJLMooreIII: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@Eimi1123: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@ecodaren: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@JapanNeverland: #NowPlaying コロナウイルスで亡くなった ジャズミュージシャンBootsie Barnesを追悼 Bootsie Barnes - The More I See You - 5 years ago

@comeherefloyd: RT nprmusic: Bootsie Barnes, a modern Philadelphia jazz icon, was a master of the genre and a mentor in his hometow… - 5 years ago

@sukiru_ql: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@shoreline_gold: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@SoulbarStone: R.I.P. Bootsie Barnes フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者ブートシー・バーンズが新型コロナウイルスの為、死去。 - 5 years ago

@bluecheers: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@Shimo_T: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@sugaring: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@Spikeoga: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@blkpasz: RT @NewBlackMan: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@WilkinsImmanuel: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@SarahJoubertSax: RT @PhillyJazzApp: Tenor saxophonist Robert “Bootsie” Barnes was the Assistant Secretary of Union Local 274, the black musicians union whos… - 5 years ago

@10coisunyanta: RT @amass_jp: フィラデルフィアのテナーサックス奏者、ブートシー・バーンズ(Bootsie Barnes)が死去。彼の妻は死因は新型コロナウイルスであると言っています。バーンズは82歳でした。フィラデルフィアのモダン・ジャズ・アイコン  - 5 years ago

@SarahJoubertSax: RT @ChrisJazzCafe2: We lost a giant of Philly jazz to COVID-19 yesterday — tenor saxophonist Bootsie Barnes. Our thoughts reside with his l… - 5 years ago

@SarahJoubertSax: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Robert "Bootsie" BARNES (1938-2020), American jazz tenor saxophonist. In the 1950s, Barnes played with vari… - 5 years ago

@apeville: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@esmithphila: 💔 A Philadelphia legend. Playing some Bootsie tonight. - 5 years ago

@MunsingLaw: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia #Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@MrUnique74: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@EricSwedlund: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@EricSwedlund: RT @PhillyTrib: Breaking: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@fotogem: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@TryingNot2Panic: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@All_Music_TV: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@JointzOfTheDay: RT @Feldie: Heartbroken by this news. COVID-19 has taken the life of a true Philly legend. If you know, you know. If you don't, well... fi… - 5 years ago

@JointzOfTheDay: RT @PhillyJazzApp: Bootsie Barnes' career began during Philadelphia's golden age of jazz. His composition, "Boppin’ Round the Center," memo… - 5 years ago

@ottawatts: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@Wisco: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@JointzOfTheDay: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@stencilf74: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@jazzyjoedixon: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@Scorpiomindz: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@gmarie55: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@BruceBourgoine: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@JazzNews: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@LouisRoberto3: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@corfac2: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@restructures: RIP, Robert "Bootsie" Barnes 💐 - 5 years ago

@anthonyramey5: Losing another hero Thanks for the music RIP - 5 years ago

@vjetorix: RT @ArcaMax: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@PhillyJazzApp: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@ArcaMax: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@mecozzi_alfredo: RT @RichardScheinin: RIP. My fave part of Philly in '80s: seeing the great Bootsie Barnes at TnT Monroe's; throwback club, crackling! Boots… - 5 years ago

@jamesmceldowney: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@PhillyJazzApp: Bootsie Barnes grew up in North Philly's Richard Allen Homes, a public housing project. His composition, “Boppin’ R… - 5 years ago

@MJC37303592: RT @GematriaHub: Robert "Bootsie" Barnes, saxophonist, dead at 82, from coronavirus, April 22, 2020 news This man i… - 5 years ago

@zootswings: RT @animate_jazz: Another tragic COVID-19 loss... via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@PhillyJazzApp: Tenor saxophonist Robert “Bootsie” Barnes was the Assistant Secretary of Union Local 274, the black musicians union… - 5 years ago

@BostonHeraldENT: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@ronozer: RT @delucadan: “Bootsie Barnes was the consummate Philadelphia musician. Globally, he could play with anybody. His musicianship was impecca… - 5 years ago

@mecozzi_alfredo: RT @animate_jazz: Another tragic COVID-19 loss... via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@PhillyJazzApp: @RichardScheinin Bootsie Barnes was in the house band at TnT Monroe's. I think the jazz club was located here. Does… - 5 years ago

@JoyMitc12712055: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@DavidSchmid1: RT @animate_jazz: Another tragic COVID-19 loss... via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@animate_jazz: Another tragic COVID-19 loss... via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@WalshieDavid: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@NickCristiano: RT @delucadan: “Bootsie Barnes was the consummate Philadelphia musician. Globally, he could play with anybody. His musicianship was impecca… - 5 years ago

@JimmySmithStan: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@LauraFusion: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@delucadan: “Bootsie Barnes was the consummate Philadelphia musician. Globally, he could play with anybody. His musicianship wa… - 5 years ago

@afinelyne: RT @PhillyJazzApp: Bootsie Barnes' career began during Philadelphia's golden age of jazz. His composition, "Boppin’ Round the Center," memo… - 5 years ago

@PhillyJazzApp: RT @RichardScheinin: RIP. My fave part of Philly in '80s: seeing the great Bootsie Barnes at TnT Monroe's; throwback club, crackling! Boots… - 5 years ago

@PhillyJazzApp: RT @PhillyTrib: Breaking: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@PhillyJazzApp: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@PhillyJazzApp: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@DigitalCrates: RT @All_Music_TV: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@andersonatlarge: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@barcodefreeM: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@igallupd: WOE: "Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies of COVID-19 at 82" - 5 years ago

@GuitarsBass: @mcbridesworld I don't know if it's just me, but are we not seeing a disproportionate number of our elder statesmen… - 5 years ago

@mrgreg: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@chrisvick3: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@DannyJanklow: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@JordiGonzalezC: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@adlermusic: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@inderpratap111: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@mecozzi_alfredo: RT @mcbridesworld: If you didn’t grow up in Philadelphia, you may not be aware of just how important this man was to every single musician… - 5 years ago

@opedwriter: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@BruceBourgoine: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@jimwalsh_cp: RT @By_Phaedra: #Philadelphia #jazz great Bootsie Barnes died Wednesday from #COVID19 #coronavirus. @WRTImusic hosts J Michael Harrison and… - 5 years ago

@Dadocerra: Jazz Profiles: Bootsie Barnes and Larry McKenna - The More I See ... - 5 years ago

@GematriaHub: Robert "Bootsie" Barnes, saxophonist, dead at 82, from coronavirus, April 22, 2020 news Thi… - 5 years ago

@davidsherr: RT @RichardScheinin: RIP. My fave part of Philly in '80s: seeing the great Bootsie Barnes at TnT Monroe's; throwback club, crackling! Boots… - 5 years ago

@JCharlesLeonard: RT @Almostconvinced: RIP Bootsie Barnes - 5 years ago

@Fake_Nietzsche: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@jazziz2: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@SeanVamos: Thanks for everything Bootise. #philajazz #ortliebs #jazzlegend - 5 years ago

@SpencerLeffel: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@Sunking278: Another great Jazz musician succumbs to COVID-19 complications. Just very tragic, this is doing a number of the Jaz… - 5 years ago

@Almostconvinced: RIP Bootsie Barnes - 5 years ago

@Almostconvinced: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@RichardScheinin: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@RichardScheinin: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@RichardScheinin: RIP. My fave part of Philly in '80s: seeing the great Bootsie Barnes at TnT Monroe's; throwback club, crackling! Bo… - 5 years ago

@giannisievers: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@jazyjef: RT @mikeallemana: Musicians like Bootsie Barnes are the cats that make sure jazz lives—the local master who cultivates, teaches, and leads.… - 5 years ago

@chordialtweets: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@TuiterBemba: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@mctony: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - WBGO.. - 5 years ago

@TheShowWontGoOn: BOOTSIE BARNES was a widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative spirit… - 5 years ago

@PhillyJazzApp: Bootsie Barnes' career began during Philadelphia's golden age of jazz. His composition, "Boppin’ Round the Center,"… - 5 years ago

@mrwedo: RT @JTakiff: An immense loss. Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@mikeallemana: Musicians like Bootsie Barnes are the cats that make sure jazz lives—the local master who cultivates, teaches, and… - 5 years ago

@JTakiff: An immense loss. Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@Feldie: Heartbroken by this news. COVID-19 has taken the life of a true Philly legend. If you know, you know. If you don't,… - 5 years ago

@profmdwhite: RT @jazyjef: ‘Barnes readily owned up to his tough reputation. “I have a folder of music that I pull out with about 50 tunes written by gre… - 5 years ago

@TuiterBemba: RT @WBGO: Bootsie Barnes, a tenor saxophonist and bandleader who set a rigorous standard for hard bop, presiding as a master and mentor in… - 5 years ago

@howardmegdal: RT @jazyjef: ‘Barnes readily owned up to his tough reputation. “I have a folder of music that I pull out with about 50 tunes written by gre… - 5 years ago

@natechinen: RT @jazyjef: ‘Barnes readily owned up to his tough reputation. “I have a folder of music that I pull out with about 50 tunes written by gre… - 5 years ago

@JAPollard1: R.I.P., Bootsie Barnes. What a fabulous musician he was. - 5 years ago

@PBoothMedia: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@MyronUncle: RT @WBGO: Bootsie Barnes, a tenor saxophonist and bandleader who set a rigorous standard for hard bop, presiding as a master and mentor in… - 5 years ago

@TheBlueTrane: RT @WBGO: Bootsie Barnes, a tenor saxophonist and bandleader who set a rigorous standard for hard bop, presiding as a master and mentor in… - 5 years ago

@JoeWrig: RT @WBGO: Bootsie Barnes, a tenor saxophonist and bandleader who set a rigorous standard for hard bop, presiding as a master and mentor in… - 5 years ago

@profmdwhite: RT @WBGO: Bootsie Barnes, a tenor saxophonist and bandleader who set a rigorous standard for hard bop, presiding as a master and mentor in… - 5 years ago

@WBGO: Bootsie Barnes, a tenor saxophonist and bandleader who set a rigorous standard for hard bop, presiding as a master… - 5 years ago

@cawallacemusic: RT @TheVelvetVoyce: R.I.P. Bootsie Barnes Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 https:/… - 5 years ago

@TheVelvetVoyce: R.I.P. Bootsie Barnes Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@TeddySerious: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@TRDaggett: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@KenWarnock: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@RobDiRienzo: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@chordialtweets: RT @warrenleightTV: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@onlycatrine: RT @warrenleightTV: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@HeidiHafeken: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@thepainterflynn: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@litenvitbjorn: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@lifeisgoodform: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@SheilaHaas6: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@EricdeMarylebon: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@BrogdonRalph: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@katan500: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@rufuspolk: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@DanPoyourow: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@Multijo1: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@silicavolcanosi: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@enuminous: RT @BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless creative… - 5 years ago

@BruceBourgoine: Robert “Bootsie” Barnes, 82, the widely respected tenor saxophone player whose hard-driving sound and restless crea… - 5 years ago

@JACKCSPR: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@SPSalisbury: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@artedmaiston: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@PaulMick: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@ArsNovaWorkshop: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Bootsie Barnes  (27 November 1937 - 22 April 2020) - 5 years ago

@ThePhilipBaron: - 5 years ago

@chordialtweets: RT @BGCSinc: R.I.P. Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@ChristelleKEDI: RT @BGCSinc: R.I.P. Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@regretblues: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Bootsie Barnes - 5 years ago

@hotburritonl: R.I.P. Bootsie Barnes (November 27, 1937 - April 22, 2020) You Leave Me Breathless - 5 years ago

@jmlopes2: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@davepowersNYC: RT @warrenleightTV: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@mctony: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - WBGO - 5 years ago

@brentgibbons: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@curvedandbubbly: RT @kzshabazz: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@LegendaRae: RT @RosyShepherdess: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@Frostbite___: RT @kzshabazz: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@zootswings: RT @jazyjef: ‘Barnes readily owned up to his tough reputation. “I have a folder of music that I pull out with about 50 tunes written by gre… - 5 years ago

@patsyc_: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@TheBlackCyde: RT @kzshabazz: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@DauterOfTsiyown: RT @kzshabazz: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@ArmyofWomack: RT @warrenleightTV: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@ye_sano: RT @kzshabazz: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@AberKed1: Remembering Philly Sax Legend Bootsie Barnes: "The Man With The Tenor Touch" Has Passed At Age 82 - 5 years ago

@Carolyn_nth: RT @kzshabazz: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@kzshabazz: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@bushwickcj: RT @warrenleightTV: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@AberKed1: RT @warrenleightTV: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@jazyjef: ‘Barnes readily owned up to his tough reputation. “I have a folder of music that I pull out with about 50 tunes wri… - 5 years ago

@warrenleightTV: Bootsie Barnes, Saxophonist and Cornerstone of Philadelphia Jazz, Dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@warrenleightTV: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@trooth_: RT @natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to gather an… - 5 years ago

@natechinen: Bootsie Barnes was the realest, and the sound of his tenor at Ortlieb's is a heavy sense memory. I knew I had to ga… - 5 years ago

@bktandem: RT @delucadan: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@somevelvetblog: RT @delucadan: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@Jas_O_Mine13: RT @RosyShepherdess: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@scottygirl2014: RT @RosyShepherdess: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@BlerdMommy: RT @RosyShepherdess: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@coldspot: RT @By_Phaedra: #Philadelphia #jazz great Bootsie Barnes died Wednesday from #COVID19 #coronavirus. @WRTImusic hosts J Michael Harrison and… - 5 years ago

@RosyShepherdess: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@eisuke_takegami: .#RIP Bootsie Barnes #JazzSax #Philadelphia #COVID19 ニューオーリンズのエリス・マルサリスに続き、フィラデルフィアのバーンズ も。地元のジャズシーンを支えた老ジャズメンが新型… - 5 years ago

@seh: RT @SenHughesOffice: Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia Jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 @Senat… - 5 years ago

@cookb: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@poesulalume: Damn I had no idea Elizabeth Warren’s (now late) older brother was tenor saxophonist Bootsie Barnes! Wow! - 5 years ago

@phillyopine: RT @delucadan: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Bootsie Barnes @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #BootsieBarnes add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@PeterBreslow: RT @ChrisJazzCafe2: We lost a giant of Philly jazz to COVID-19 yesterday — tenor saxophonist Bootsie Barnes. Our thoughts reside with his l… - 5 years ago

@jtimpane: R.I.P., Bootsie Barnes! - 5 years ago

@byJenAMiller: RT @By_Phaedra: #Philadelphia #jazz great Bootsie Barnes died Wednesday from #COVID19 #coronavirus. @WRTImusic hosts J Michael Harrison and… - 5 years ago

@By_Phaedra: #Philadelphia #jazz great Bootsie Barnes died Wednesday from #COVID19 #coronavirus. @WRTImusic hosts J Michael Harr… - 5 years ago

@ni_is_she: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@SergiusAugustus: Bootsie Barnes interpretando Mancini. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Bootsie Barnes is no longer with us - #BootsieBarnes #Bootsie #Barnes #rip - 5 years ago

@JoeMatFan: RT @delucadan: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@SergiusAugustus: R.I.P., Bootsie Barnes, 82. Saxofonista de jazz. - 5 years ago

@valkrye131: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@CBW059: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@BetteCasperson: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies of COVID-19 at 82 - 5 years ago

@FullLifeComm: Courier Post: Bootsie Barnes, Philly jazz legend, dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@ArsNovaWorkshop: RT @delucadan: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@MichaelButchin: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@DrKellieJones: West Philadelphia | Bootsie Barnes, legendary Philadelphia jazz saxophonist, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@delucadan: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@iveyjanette_207: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@MichDemers: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@SylviaBiggs6: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@SteveWMcFarland: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@SamuelAAdams: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@PrettyFootWoman: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@TedC: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@kalibur_s: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@marcfs13: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

@Cost03: RT @PhillyInquirer: Bootsie Barnes, Philadelphia tenor sax great, has died of coronavirus at 82 - 5 years ago

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