Bobby Joe Long

American convicted serial killer and rapist
Died on Friday May 24th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bobby Joe Long:

@NolanKanne: Florida serial killer Bobby Joe Long executed after 34 years - 6 years ago

@VioletCote45: Florida serial killer Bobby Joe Long executed after 34 years - 6 years ago

@Danie1Br4nd: Florida serial killer Bobby Joe Long executed after 34 years - 6 years ago

@NewWestCity: Florida serial killer Bobby Joe Long executed after 34 years - 6 years ago


@suzukinathie: RT @the_death_watch: @PantsWarrior247 @Better_L1f3 @BernieSanders Uh... what? Bobby Joe Long, Ted Bundy, John Gacy, those people weren't in… - 6 years ago

@the_death_watch: @PantsWarrior247 @Better_L1f3 @BernieSanders Uh... what? Bobby Joe Long, Ted Bundy, John Gacy, those people weren't… - 6 years ago

@Wavey_Joe: Wow it took the UK long to clock all you need is a dance to get a milli views, Bobby Shmurda did that quay back - 6 years ago

@thelilynews: Lisa McVey Noland sat in the front row at the execution, waiting for Bobby Joe Long to look at her. - 6 years ago

@schaaronl: So im a change some things. Im a add bobby joe chamlion. DHS AND COMMISSIONER GLAMPE 2021. IF I LIVE THAT LONG. BAK… - 6 years ago

@4MEDLEN: well one most well known serial killers in #Tampa #Florida history has been executed after 30+ years on death row 😮 - 6 years ago

@KirkpattieCake: @BrownLanta @JosephJMiccolis I believe there are cases when the death penalty is warranted and when enforced, it ca… - 6 years ago

@WFLANews: #AMTampaBay: Tammy Kaspi joined AM Tampa Bay to discuss her experience with the recent execution of Bobby Joe Long. - 6 years ago

@WFLANews: Right now, Tammy Kaspi, is discussing her experience with the recent execution of Bobby Joe Long. Listen: - 6 years ago

@WFLANews: Joining us at 7:20 is, Tammy Kaspi, who will be discussing her experience with the recent execution of Bobby Joe Lo… - 6 years ago

@susyszoo1: RT @killingbeillin: WTF, Florida? Admitted killing 10 young women. Raped a lot more. Then got to live 34 years - one of longest periods ev… - 6 years ago

@theresasaylor73: Serial killer Bobby Joe Long executed after 30 years in prison - 6 years ago

@killerspodcast: Bobby Joe Long is now available on Apple Podcasts - 6 years ago

@FiercelyHuman: Good - 6 years ago

@BrentSiu: RT @CNN: "I wanted to look him in the eye," said Lisa McVey Noland, who was 17 when Long kidnapped her early November 3, 1984, as she was r… - 6 years ago

@timkrieg_tim: Tampa Bay serial killer Bobby Joe Long executed - 6 years ago

@PolskieSluzby: Patrzyła na egzekucję swojego oprawcy Bobby Joe Long (†65 l.) w latach 80. terroryzował Florydę. Gwałcił i zabijał… - 6 years ago

@nikkijordanlife: Justice was finally served here on earth for you this week. Rest in peace, Annie. He won’t be hurting anyone else. - 6 years ago

@CrmnlPrspctv: Happy Memorial day! Check out Criminal Perspective on Our most recent episode, we talk… - 6 years ago

@Lucky5713: RT @CBSNews: Florida executes serial killer who murdered 10 women - 6 years ago

@serialmom2212: Florida executes convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long @CNN - 6 years ago

@AlgileraS22: RT @10NewsWTSP: #BREAKING: Florida has executed Bobby Joe Long, the man who terrorized the Tampa Bay area during the mid-80s. - 6 years ago

@muckrockbot: Submitted: "Bobby Joe Long" by TheEmmaBest - 6 years ago

@HelloTeamTrump: RT @FOXLA: "Long overdue:" Florida serial killer executed after 34 years - 6 years ago

@Atheistbassist: I don't know how I missed this one. They finally executed Bobby Joe Long.....35 years later. - 6 years ago

@the_death_watch: @MicheleGerman45 @jdovejr I am happy Bobby Joe Long is dead. You’re a sick individual for fawning over him. - 6 years ago

@WFLA: RT @EvanDonovan: As I just mentioned on our political show #PoliticsOnYourSide -- here's the minute-by-minute account of Thursday's executi… - 6 years ago

@EvanDonovan: As I just mentioned on our political show #PoliticsOnYourSide -- here's the minute-by-minute account of Thursday's… - 6 years ago

@ElpolloMonter: RT @EP_Mundo: ► Ejecutan a Bobby Joe Long delante de sus víctimas (Videos) - 6 years ago

@sofi_tamr19: Bobby Joe Longأمريكي قتل اكثر من 10نساء !قبضوا علية 1984واتحكم علي بالإعدام! اعدموا امتي؟2019-5-23!اية حكايتهم الأم… - 6 years ago

@Hemantsainiii: Woman who escaped from Bobby Joe Long reveals what happened in execution chamber #trending… - 6 years ago

@bvnni: Bobby Joe Long was one of the inmates my mum occasionally referenced when we discussed her time working in the jail… - 6 years ago

@WTKR3: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@FOX17: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@killingbeillin: WTF, Florida? Admitted killing 10 young women. Raped a lot more. Then got to live 34 years - one of longest period… - 6 years ago

@chrispilz: RT @EvanDonovan: BOBBY JOE LONG EXECUTION: Go inside the prison walls with a minute-by-minute look at the execution of one of Tampa Bay's m… - 6 years ago

@chrispilz: RT @ryanminnaugh: BOBBY JOE LONG EXECUTION: Victims watch as Tampa Bay serial killer is put to death - 6 years ago

@chrispilz: RT @EvanDonovan: 35 years after torturing and murdering 10 women--raping dozens more in the years prior as the "Classified Ad Rapist"--Bobb… - 6 years ago

@thomvilleson: RT @dhiggins63: Liberals in #Florida, are sad today, because a #SerialKiller who preyed on women, was finally executed.. But these same Lib… - 6 years ago

@raphaellaN: RT @dhiggins63: Liberals in #Florida, are sad today, because a #SerialKiller who preyed on women, was finally executed.. But these same Lib… - 6 years ago

@KirbyMcCain: Execution Long overdue. Anybody feeling weepy? @AmPowerBlog @WombatSocho @PatriarchTree @Dana_TFSJ - 6 years ago

@OnettiCarlos: RT @compalobo: VIDAS EJEMPLARES "Los asesinos seriales mueren en Florida" POR José Luis Durán King El estado de Florida ejecutó a uno de… - 6 years ago

@EP_Mundo: ► Ejecutan a Bobby Joe Long delante de sus víctimas (Videos) - 6 years ago

@kellyUKx: Serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long's only survivor watches his execution She watched on as he was given the le… - 6 years ago

@FOX17: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: » Ejecutan a Bobby Joe Long delante de sus víctimas (Videos) - 6 years ago

@soyguu4: RT @EP_Mundo: » Ejecutan a Bobby Joe Long delante de sus víctimas (Videos) - 6 years ago

@Cafecito_News: Ejecutan a Bobby Joe Long delante de sus víctimas (Videos) - 6 years ago

@compalobo: VIDAS EJEMPLARES "Los asesinos seriales mueren en Florida" POR José Luis Durán King El estado de Florida ejecutó… - 6 years ago

@EP_Mundo: » Ejecutan a Bobby Joe Long delante de sus víctimas (Videos) - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Asesino serial Bobby Joe Long es ejecutado y estas son las reacciones (Videos) - 6 years ago

@_nora_k_: TFW you’re still so new to ⁦@MyFavMurder⁩ that you listened to the Bobby Joe Long _and_ FL show special guest bit y… - 6 years ago

@edmecka: Bobby Joe Long execution: Serial killer executed today for murdering 10 women; survivor witnessed execution -… - 6 years ago

@floydsummers: receiving 28 life sentences and one death sentence for the murder of 22-year-old Michelle Simms. - 6 years ago

@floydsummers: Today, she claims that tree as hers, and included it in the design of a T-shirt she made to mark Long’s execution. - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Asesino serial Bobby Joe Long es ejecutado y estas son las reacciones (Videos) - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: » Ejecutan a Bobby Joe Long delante de sus víctimas (Videos) - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Depravado asesino serial Bobby Joe Long es ejecutado frente a sus víctimas (Videos) - 6 years ago

@AmberTriggered: Serial killer who took the lives of 10 women executed by lethal injection in Florida - USA TODAY - 6 years ago

@ElMuertoArias: RT @48hours: A serial killer who terrorized Florida with a murderous spree that claimed 10 women in 1984 was put to death Thursday, his exe… - 6 years ago

@828sunnybunny: RT @crowthornejohn: Florida have executed a serial killer, Bobby Joe Long, by lethal injection. He had been on death row 30 years. In addit… - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Asesino serial Bobby Joe Long es ejecutado y estas son las reacciones (Videos) - 6 years ago

@BillJergins: RT @fox13: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evening in Florida… - 6 years ago

@fox13: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@OxygenCrimeTime: Serial Killer Who Murdered 10 Women And Left Their Bodies In Gruesome Poses Had No Final Words Before Execution… - 6 years ago

@Zulkifli523: Bobby Joe Long, a serial killer who terrorized Florida in 1984, killing 10 women, is executed… - 6 years ago

@myfox8: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Asesino serial Bobby Joe Long es ejecutado y estas son las reacciones (Videos) - 6 years ago

@Omanex: Woman who escaped serial killer watches his execution - 6 years ago

@manolhs: Woman who escaped from Bobby Joe Long reveals what happened in execution chamber - 6 years ago

@BoosMelanie: USA: Serienmörder Bobby Joe Long in Florida hingerichtet Von Discover auf Google - 6 years ago

@parishatzi: Woman who escaped serial killer watches his execution - 6 years ago

@JdMcC2011: RT @69mib: Lisa Noland, who escaped a serial killer & helped bring him to justice, has watched him being executed in Florida. She was 17 wh… - 6 years ago

@69mib: Lisa Noland, who escaped a serial killer & helped bring him to justice, has watched him being executed in Florida.… - 6 years ago

@WGNOtv: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Asesino serial Bobby Joe Long es ejecutado y estas son las reacciones (Videos) - 6 years ago

@nembotavy_0101: RT @luisaxt: En EEUU todavía existe la pena de muerte. Serial killer who took 10 women?s lives executed in Florida - 6 years ago

@myfox8: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@GLFarzad: Bobby Joe Long: Serial killer and rapist who terrorised Florida executed - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Víctimas de Bobby Joe Long se reúnen para ver su ejecución (Videos) - 6 years ago

@Shirley56733062: RT @CNN: "I wanted to look him in the eye," said Lisa McVey Noland, who was 17 when Long kidnapped her early November 3, 1984, as she was r… - 6 years ago

@WGNOtv: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@WJHG_TV: About a dozen anti-death penalty advocates held a memorial service at the state capitol for serial killer Bobby Joe… - 6 years ago

@WECPTV: About a dozen anti-death penalty advocates held a memorial service at the state capitol for serial killer Bobby Joe… - 6 years ago

@WegeSusanne: RT @crowthornejohn: Florida have executed a serial killer, Bobby Joe Long, by lethal injection. He had been on death row 30 years. In addit… - 6 years ago

@chrispilz: Tampa serial killer Bobby Joe Long is executed in silence - 6 years ago

@ABAServes: RT @fox5sandiego: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evening in F… - 6 years ago

@fox5sandiego: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Depravado asesino serial Bobby Joe Long es ejecutado frente a sus víctimas (Videos) - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Asesino serial Bobby Joe Long es ejecutado y estas son las reacciones (Videos) - 6 years ago

@wqad: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@1073TheEagle: Long Time Coming - 6 years ago

@AmandaThigpen4: RT @crowthornejohn: Florida have executed a serial killer, Bobby Joe Long, by lethal injection. He had been on death row 30 years. In addit… - 6 years ago

@andie0312: RT @CNN: "I wanted to look him in the eye," said Lisa McVey Noland, who was 17 when Long kidnapped her early November 3, 1984, as she was r… - 6 years ago

@MssGault: RT @48hours: A serial killer who terrorized Florida with a murderous spree that claimed 10 women in 1984 was put to death Thursday, his exe… - 6 years ago

@popular_crime: Woman who escaped serial killer Bobby Joe Long watches his execution - 6 years ago

@cnfocus: 这名臭名昭著罪犯今被处死 用这种手段奸杀女性 Woman who helped put away serial killer Bobby Joe Long awaits his exec - 6 years ago

@jgionova: RT @cahulaan: 'I wanted to look him in the eye': serial killer's survivor witnesses execution: Lisa Noland, who helped police capture Bobby… - 6 years ago

@cahulaan: 'I wanted to look him in the eye': serial killer's survivor witnesses execution: Lisa Noland, who helped police cap… - 6 years ago

@TallyAnnaE: Tampa serial killer Bobby Joe Long is executed in silence - 6 years ago

@fox13: It took more than three decades, but convicted serial killer and rapist Bobby Joe Long was executed Thursday evenin… - 6 years ago

@SpacewomanR: Serial killer Bobby Joe Long requests special final meal ahead of execution - 6 years ago

@periodicovzlano: Víctimas de Bobby Joe Long se reúnen para ver su ejecución (Videos) - 6 years ago

@HITLERnoIV: RT @tbocom: Bobby Joe Long may be gone, but there are still 46 killers who’ve been sent to death row by Tampa Bay courts. - 6 years ago

@EugeneHoward_: RT @TB_Times: Bobby Joe Long may be gone, but there are still 46 killers who’ve been sent to death row by Tampa Bay courts. - 6 years ago

@BenAtki92229184: Serial killer Bobby Joe Long executed after 30 years in prison - 6 years ago

@TB_Times: Bobby Joe Long may be gone, but there are still 46 killers who’ve been sent to death row by Tampa Bay courts. - 6 years ago

@PeterWilisch: Amazing. The news story on t.v. about this monster spent it's time with a bleeding heart liberal protesting the de… - 6 years ago

@IndyUSA: Serial killer and rapist Booby Joe Long executed - 6 years ago

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