Bob Wade

American sculptor and artist
Died on Wednesday December 25th 2019

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Bob Wade:

@Allie75837496: Just watched best of Bob and Wade and everytime from now on when I want someone to shut up I will say: “eat a giant… - 5 years ago

@ximechavez: RT @ksatnews: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the artist who created the iconic, giant cowboy boots at North Star Mall, died this week at the age of 76… - 5 years ago

@thegoldenmuzzy: @Emily_Wade I'm watching Bob Ross - 5 years ago

@Wade_Turnbull: RT @PlainOldWoofles: @evoshua @Wade_Turnbull @312Hotcoldtakes @PeteButtigieg Yes, but they host fundraisers with their rich friends, who ho… - 5 years ago


@PlainOldWoofles: @evoshua @Wade_Turnbull @312Hotcoldtakes @PeteButtigieg Yes, but they host fundraisers with their rich friends, who… - 5 years ago

@Bob_Murray: Why wasn’t that targeting on Oregon on their last punt? How was the hit on the Wisconsin punt returner different th… - 5 years ago

@Bob_Murray: @TonyGerdeman What was the difference between that and Wade’s tackle? - 5 years ago

@edgiestfall: @markiplier @Jack_Septic_Eye @LordMinion777 @muyskerm you guys should play gta again! also, bob! wade! get verified! - 5 years ago

@TacosBeerAnd69: @spider_slut Something comes over Wade while he's there watching Peter bob between his thighs, listening to his moa… - 5 years ago

@RuddlyBeThyName: RT @NFLMAVERICK: Remembering #Raiders 🖤🙏🏻 2019 Memoriam: CB Willie Brown WR Cliff Branch RB Clem Daniels MLB Dan Conners LB Duane Benson… - 5 years ago

@TheHenryCheal: @RBrigdale1984 I said around 15th. But 14 others that are better in no particular order (in my opinion): Phil Tayl… - 5 years ago

@xoamirah: RT @ksatnews: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the artist who created the iconic, giant cowboy boots at North Star Mall, died this week at the age of 76… - 5 years ago

@R8DERX075: RT @NFLMAVERICK: Remembering #Raiders 🖤🙏🏻 2019 Memoriam: CB Willie Brown WR Cliff Branch RB Clem Daniels MLB Dan Conners LB Duane Benson… - 5 years ago

@cindi_wade: @thealtboblacey HAPPY NEW YEAR....BOB - 5 years ago

@iReedifer: @GlobeBobRyan Dwyane Wade over the head smdh Bob - 5 years ago

@mr_raida: RT @NFLMAVERICK: Remembering #Raiders 🖤🙏🏻 2019 Memoriam: CB Willie Brown WR Cliff Branch RB Clem Daniels MLB Dan Conners LB Duane Benson… - 5 years ago

@RedTrillixGame: 👍 on @YouTube: Hand Simulator with Tanks and GoKarts and Bob and Wade - 5 years ago

@NotThe2: RT @NFLMAVERICK: Remembering #Raiders 🖤🙏🏻 2019 Memoriam: CB Willie Brown WR Cliff Branch RB Clem Daniels MLB Dan Conners LB Duane Benson… - 5 years ago

@WillWilsonI2: RT @PeaceMaker_Ty: Where’s Mark, Jack, Wade, Bob, Pinkstylist, Man At Arms??? - 5 years ago

@Jesus_is_G_d: @MsTrixter @kmerian @chrisvcsefalvay @erikwilson1975 @upthenua @VeritasEver @weaponizedword1 @carlsmythe… - 5 years ago

@PeaceMaker_Ty: Where’s Mark, Jack, Wade, Bob, Pinkstylist, Man At Arms??? - 5 years ago

@Reithor: @hoopshype Bob Myers or Masai Ujiri as GM of the decade? Some may consider also Riley for putting together Wade's f… - 5 years ago

@king_of_bob: @BariAWilliams @unspokenbond @HoarseWisperer @JohnUmphress So Jon Bel Edwards is good, even though he signed a hear… - 5 years ago

@geo_maps: RT @TexasHighways: Bob ‘Daddy-O’ Wade's enormous artworks embodied Texas in all of its swagger and quirkiness. - 5 years ago

@CorwinSinclair: RT @NFLMAVERICK: Remembering #Raiders 🖤🙏🏻 2019 Memoriam: CB Willie Brown WR Cliff Branch RB Clem Daniels MLB Dan Conners LB Duane Benson… - 5 years ago

@brownrice_78: RT @NFLMAVERICK: Remembering #Raiders 🖤🙏🏻 2019 Memoriam: CB Willie Brown WR Cliff Branch RB Clem Daniels MLB Dan Conners LB Duane Benson… - 5 years ago

@Wade_Turnbull: RT @janeosanders: “I especially want to thank those who led the fight to give Bob & the VA the resources and flexibility they need to make… - 5 years ago

@MMjs101: RT @MMjs101: @WestonMartinez @MMjs101 @SonjaHHarris Rip Bob Wade creator of this San Antonio icon. - 5 years ago

@pvb4311: RT @NFLMAVERICK: Remembering #Raiders 🖤🙏🏻 2019 Memoriam: CB Willie Brown WR Cliff Branch RB Clem Daniels MLB Dan Conners LB Duane Benson… - 5 years ago

@patrick_mclaren: RT @NFLMAVERICK: Remembering #Raiders 🖤🙏🏻 2019 Memoriam: CB Willie Brown WR Cliff Branch RB Clem Daniels MLB Dan Conners LB Duane Benson… - 5 years ago

@alex_bruss: @80sjoaquin @waterlooecholls Peter just kinda goes along with Wade's shinanagins he dosnt nessicarly like wade from… - 5 years ago

@DesiHill13: @Jack_Septic_Eye why do you think you need to do negagic week for a special occasion? Happ wheels I feel anyone wou… - 5 years ago

@Iam__moh: The Death of Artist Bob 'Daddy-O' Wade Leaves a Texas-Size Hole in the Lone Star Art World | Texas Highways - 5 years ago

@BoreDaily: RT @GraceAlexWatch: Bishop Susan Goff: Demand Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Investigate Abusive Priest Bob Malm - Sign the Petition! https:… - 5 years ago

@MadHatt31334264: RT @GraceAlexWatch: Bishop Susan Goff: Demand Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Investigate Abusive Priest Bob Malm - Sign the Petition! https:… - 5 years ago

@umlaufsculpture: The UMLAUF is saddened by the sudden loss of Bob "Daddy-O" Wade. The UMLAUF staff was working with Daddy-O, a stude… - 5 years ago

@BobSimth7: RT @GraceAlexWatch: Bishop Susan Goff: Demand Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Investigate Abusive Priest Bob Malm - Sign the Petition! https:… - 5 years ago

@FloridaSnap: RT @GraceAlexWatch: Bishop Susan Goff: Demand Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Investigate Abusive Priest Bob Malm - Sign the Petition! https:… - 5 years ago

@BillUminski: RT @GraceAlexWatch: Bishop Susan Goff: Demand Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Investigate Abusive Priest Bob Malm - Sign the Petition! https:… - 5 years ago

@king_of_bob: @raising_hill @BugInTheRoom @Kpad3300 Cool story. What does that have to do with Bernie's legislative record on wom… - 5 years ago

@graceashtree: RT @TexasMonthly: Bob "Daddy O" Wade died just past midnight on Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. Bob was an accomplished artist, best k… - 5 years ago

@king_of_bob: @raising_hill @BugInTheRoom @Kpad3300 So why aren't you backing the candidate with the best record on women's issue… - 5 years ago

@ftworthbabe: RT @TexasMonthly: Bob "Daddy O" Wade died just past midnight on Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. Bob was an accomplished artist, best k… - 5 years ago

@TexasMonthly: Bob "Daddy O" Wade died just past midnight on Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. Bob was an accomplished artist,… - 5 years ago

@king_of_bob: @raising_hill @BugInTheRoom @Kpad3300 You: I care about civil rights, women's rights, & human rights... Also you:… - 5 years ago

@Oatcake1967: RT @GraceAlexWatch: Bishop Susan Goff: Demand Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Investigate Abusive Priest Bob Malm - Sign the Petition! https:… - 5 years ago

@michaelhoinski: RT @TexasHighways: Bob ‘Daddy-O’ Wade's enormous artworks embodied Texas in all of its swagger and quirkiness. - 5 years ago

@TexasHighways: Bob ‘Daddy-O’ Wade's enormous artworks embodied Texas in all of its swagger and quirkiness. - 5 years ago

@C_Stroop: RT @GraceAlexWatch: Bishop Susan Goff: Demand Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Investigate Abusive Priest Bob Malm - Sign the Petition! https:… - 5 years ago

@GraceAlexWatch: Bishop Susan Goff: Demand Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Investigate Abusive Priest Bob Malm - Sign the Petition!… - 5 years ago

@rightrThom: RT @TAMUPress: Texas said a reluctant goodbye to one of its favorite large-than-life icons who left an even bigger impression on the people… - 5 years ago

@mdgarciaaustin: RT @TexasMonthly: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the 76-year-old artist died this past Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. - 5 years ago

@TAMUPress: Texas said a reluctant goodbye to one of its favorite large-than-life icons who left an even bigger impression on t… - 5 years ago

@zappymom: RT @TexasMonthly: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the 76-year-old artist died this past Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. - 5 years ago

@bob_clement: @OhioStateFB OSU played a great game and should be congraulated. However, Ryan Day should go to good sportsmanship… - 5 years ago

@LEE_TRU: @Torres58Carlos And Dallas never had an opening for a head coach. It was wade then immediately Jason bob even said… - 5 years ago

@vavra165: @itsNBATalk Wade K. Malone M. Malone Dr. J Oscar Robertson Isiah thomas David Robinson Dirk Nowitzki KG Steph Curr… - 5 years ago

@ManiacalStar: RT @TexasMonthly: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the 76-year-old artist died this past Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. - 5 years ago

@DJQuePaso: RT @TexasMonthly: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the 76-year-old artist died this past Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. - 5 years ago

@Michele_Jacob: RT @ksatnews: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the artist who created the iconic, giant cowboy boots at North Star Mall, died this week at the age of 76… - 5 years ago

@wednesday181: RT @TexasMonthly: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the 76-year-old artist died this past Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. - 5 years ago

@LuzMorenoLozano: RT @TexasMonthly: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the 76-year-old artist died this past Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. - 5 years ago

@TexasMonthly: Bob “Daddy-O” Wade, the 76-year-old artist died this past Christmas Eve at his home in Austin. - 5 years ago

@chasetine24: RT @markiplier: Bob, Wade, and I cram ourselves into a tank and attempt to conquer the world that also just so happens to be made of tanks.… - 5 years ago

@Martell_Media: RT @statesman: Larger-than-life Texas artist Bob “Daddy-O” Wade died of heart failure Monday evening at his Austin home - 5 years ago

@GoodVibesEIi: @XboyAwesome54 More of a Bob and Wade thing - 5 years ago

@statesman: Larger-than-life Texas artist Bob “Daddy-O” Wade died of heart failure Monday evening at his Austin home - 5 years ago

@kekedekes: Watching Mark Bob and Wade play Satisfactory is like Drunk Minecraft all over again. Mark is exploring caves and g… - 5 years ago

@CadenGage2: @InsideAMindYT I actual have an entire group of videos: Markiplier playing Prop Hunt with JackSepticEye, Bob, and W… - 5 years ago

@myoakly: @CrankGameplays Your welcome Ethan but...I’ve been through so much shit for the past 2 years and it caused me to be… - 5 years ago

@wade_raoul: @SacklothV @Bob_cart124 @JonesCitizen History, the bits the school never bothered to teach you. - 5 years ago

@Bob_Lochamy: @MrCFB I concur with Jon. The two targeting calls were two totally different situations, with Oklahoma’s Radley-Hil… - 5 years ago

@serite_bridget: @Wade_Luiz @FNB_Botswana @BWGovernment @OfficialMasisi @SKIKhama @BankGaborone Why osae BOB maybe batla a tsaya - 5 years ago

@Bob_Meisterling: RT @stephenasmith: Now that is just damn ridiculous. Yes, the kid Wade for @OhioStateFB did connect with Lawrence’ helmet. But that was NOT… - 5 years ago

@Mr_Bob_Parr: RT @ColinCowherd: College football has to fix that rule. Shaun Wade should not be kicked out of a game for that hit. Too punitive. - 5 years ago

@MrsOShea8thELA: RT @coachvisser: A special thanks to our awesome AD Wade Haselman and our parents who volunteered their time over the holidays to make the… - 5 years ago

@Mr_Bob_Parr: RT @AriWasserman: Shaun Wade just got ejected for a sack and I'm not sure if this is football or not. - 5 years ago

@swantonsports: RT @coachvisser: A special thanks to our awesome AD Wade Haselman and our parents who volunteered their time over the holidays to make the… - 5 years ago

@coachvisser: A special thanks to our awesome AD Wade Haselman and our parents who volunteered their time over the holidays to ma… - 5 years ago

@GRANADAPOSTERS: RT @dallasnews: ICYMI: Bob ‘Daddy-O’ Wade, artist who sculpted Lower Greenville’s Tango Frogs, dies at 76 - 5 years ago

@charlotte_heinz: RT @dallasnews: ICYMI: Bob ‘Daddy-O’ Wade, artist who sculpted Lower Greenville’s Tango Frogs, dies at 76 - 5 years ago

@dallasnews: ICYMI: Bob ‘Daddy-O’ Wade, artist who sculpted Lower Greenville’s Tango Frogs, dies at 76 - 5 years ago

@sangu_x: @CrankGameplays @Jack_Septic_Eye It was Mark, Jack, Wade and Bob. It's all one big conspiracy - 5 years ago

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