Bob Holiday

American actor (It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman).
Died on Saturday January 28th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Bob Holiday:

@APinchOfFandom: RT @miaschoenhals: voices that make me cry: ben gibbard frank ocean billy holiday bob dylan ryan adams elliott smith justin vernon d… - 8 years ago

@Burtonish_: RT @Retro_Co: Billie Holiday by Bob Willoughby, 1951 - 8 years ago

@sayiea_jp: #英単語 4000→Bob always #disagrees with me on where we go on holiday. ボブはいつも、休日に出掛ける先について私と意見が合わない #英検 #受験 #sayiea #英語 - 8 years ago

@Musikkmagasinet: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago


@CaribeCoffeeNZ: Happy Birthday Bob! Feb 6th is Waitangi Day here in New Zealand. Public Holiday and National Treaty day! It is... - 8 years ago

@SarahWright323: RT @Legends_of_DC: LoDC || Bob Holiday (Live-Action Kal-El V) has passed away. - 8 years ago

@Legends_of_DC: LoDC || Bob Holiday (Live-Action Kal-El V) has passed away. - 8 years ago

@arrentrebooboo: Robert Nesta "Bob" Marley, OM 6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981 TODAY SHOULD BE A PUBLIC HOLIDAY THROUGH OUT THE WORLD - 8 years ago

@Bob_Fred_Rick: On this busy capitalist holiday let's all take a moment to remember. All of the quarterbacks that never got to go to Disney World. - 8 years ago

@drewsterbandana: @bcrubaugh90 ayy thanks bob i'll try not to on this holiday😎 - 8 years ago

@anymouse125: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@ColorMeHick: Let's all drop our electronics & slowly back away. It's a worldwide holiday, Superbowl Sunday! Think of Bob Marley & The Wailers, One Love - 8 years ago

@MichaelLKatz: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@mybrainissmart: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@_megbren: Last night I got a $2 bill from Bob with Groundhog Day stickers on them. He told me it's his fav holiday because it's 2/2. - 8 years ago

@505madu: RT @Tainexistente: E da Janis Joplin* E do Bob Marley* E da Billy Holiday* E do Cazuza* E do Renato Russo* E da Cassia Eller* E do Jimi Hen… - 8 years ago

@Tainexistente: E da Janis Joplin* E do Bob Marley* E da Billy Holiday* E do Cazuza* E do Renato Russo* E da Cassia Eller* E do Jim… - 8 years ago

@bobthe_dolphin: A friend has a holiday house in Puglia, Italy. Mention Bob the Dolphin and get a discount if you book direct. - 8 years ago

@SunsetSunside: Jazz & Goûter spécial Bob DYLAN + SIMON & GARFUNKEL avec @kaybourgine à 16h ! A 20h Hommage à Billie HOLIDAY + Jam Session avec Léa Castro - 8 years ago

@Sharitarcxw: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@Planetoverppl: RT @GainsfordEnviro: @BobBrownFndn tkx to Bob for flagging the #Tarkine @EIANZorg conference. Had fab holiday in Corinna. ❤️seeing TDevil,… - 8 years ago

@JennyowlWeber: RT @GainsfordEnviro: @BobBrownFndn tkx to Bob for flagging the #Tarkine @EIANZorg conference. Had fab holiday in Corinna. ❤️seeing TDevil,… - 8 years ago

@LeafsSpeak: RT @miaschoenhals: voices that make me cry: ben gibbard frank ocean billy holiday bob dylan ryan adams elliott smith justin vernon d… - 8 years ago

@SarahWright323: RT @felixbloodaxe: @JamievdW76 If you run into a guy from Belfast called Bob Jackson grab a beer with him, he's a sound lad. Enjoy your hol… - 8 years ago

@CameronOmo: Kinad sad that I am going to miss out on going to the holiday house. Plus it will be the longest time I have spent away from Bob - 8 years ago

@SarahWright323: RT @Theonlyginga: @OnTheTerraces_ they on holiday, I don't like seeing bob in his speedos on a Spanish beach but the Spaniards put up with… - 8 years ago

@eianznsw: RT @GainsfordEnviro: @BobBrownFndn tkx to Bob for flagging the #Tarkine @EIANZorg conference. Had fab holiday in Corinna. ❤️seeing TDevil,… - 8 years ago

@GainsfordEnviro: @BobBrownFndn tkx to Bob for flagging the #Tarkine @EIANZorg conference. Had fab holiday in Corinna. ❤️seeing TDevi… - 8 years ago

@Theonlyginga: @OnTheTerraces_ they on holiday, I don't like seeing bob in his speedos on a Spanish beach but the Spaniards put up with it.tourists - 8 years ago

@Stockton_CA: Case, J. Holiday, and Netta Brielle come to Bob Hope Theatre for Lovers Night on 2/11! - 8 years ago

@GriffGlazer: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@felixbloodaxe: @JamievdW76 If you run into a guy from Belfast called Bob Jackson grab a beer with him, he's a sound lad. Enjoy your holiday ;) - 8 years ago

@danclarkmusic: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@tekano_bob: RT @consequeency: hotel, motel, Holiday Inn first we're gonna bash this fash then we'll bash his friends - 8 years ago

@RudyRecktenwald: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@pinkobro: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@charlie______x: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@pike_bob: @AlexandraMatts has my chum Dave Watson booked his holiday yet or does he need a shove? - 8 years ago

@bartonbickle: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@MrsSak69: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@TheJackLeahy: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@Western_Writers: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@hawkguy87: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@lisamarie201002: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@HAMMER32: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@LyntonGrace: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@BFomebranch: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@jpenry: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@dustinsmile: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@KateRoseMe: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@tut___: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@gonetotownes: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@teriadams80: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@notjessewalker: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@DanFosterType: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@jkwoodley: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@BriWedge1: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@timspeaker: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@CCCmuzak: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@cartoysch1: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@Ttoys10: RT @valkilmer: Once Bob Dylan came over to hang. So flattered. He kept askin for Doc Holiday quotes. I said "Ok sing some #Blowininthewind… - 8 years ago

@K_Bob: @thehotiron @JonathanHoenig I like it. Can we make it on a Saturday so nobody feels like they are wasting a holiday by not making money? - 8 years ago

@southend__promo: @Bob_init Easter Bank Holiday, FRIDAY 14TH APRIL 2017, 6PM-6AM! Tickets: - 8 years ago

@ArkieLures: Bob Carnes on Table Rock Lake for the October 1970 Holiday Island Fishing Derby. Sports writers… - 8 years ago

@littlebitsofall: RT @KimAtLiah: Enter by 2/4 to win this amazing Bob Vila Signature Series Tool Bag and Apron from @HolidayConSweep here - - 8 years ago

@bob_sarles: Dawn Holiday steps down from SF's Slim's + Great American Music Hall. - 8 years ago

@KimAtLiah: Enter by 2/4 to win this amazing Bob Vila Signature Series Tool Bag and Apron from @HolidayConSweep here -… - 8 years ago

@bob_pettit: RT @GitRDoneLarry: The CEO of Starbucks has pledged to hire 10,000 refugees. --- Well now, that Holiday Cup ought to go smoothly. - 8 years ago

@Bob_Loveridge: RT @ljanstis: Surely something wrong with EU v UK holiday graph at p32 of Brexit White Paper. 14 weeks hol in UK? - 8 years ago

@petikool: Beautiful #sunset at Ngwe Saung #Beach. #holiday #myanmar @ BOB ( Bay Of Bengal Resort ), Ngwe… - 8 years ago

@bob_gemmill42: RT @manny_ottawa: June 2016 @JustinTrudeau looked straight into camera and said this was his file and he will fix it ASAP--- then he went o… - 8 years ago

@WadeWadeywade: RT @HalsteadTownFC: Retweeted Bob Adam (@bobtheboilerman): On Holiday in the Maldives ! @HalsteadTownFC - 8 years ago

@scherer_tyler: Quite possibly Bob's and my favorite holiday. - 8 years ago

@asteroidleaden1: A Very Vintage Christmas: Holiday Collecting, Decorating and Celebrating Bob Richter, Christopher.. - 8 years ago

@HalsteadTownFC: Retweeted Bob Adam (@bobtheboilerman): On Holiday in the Maldives ! @HalsteadTownFC - 8 years ago

@sussex_bob: @theJeremyVine why not take a permanent holiday from Radio2?Only listen to the show when you are not on! So arrogant, full of hot air! - 8 years ago

@lisaroseimogen: Oh thank you Bob for Cafe Nero, Billy Holiday, and chocolate cake. ❤☕️ #coffee #rainyday #jazz #blues #pensive - 8 years ago

@_bethanyhopwood: RT @sarah_benn3tt: Where should me , Bob , Lucy n Bezza go on a lads holiday ? - 8 years ago

@SarahWright323: RT @sarah_benn3tt: Where should me , Bob , Lucy n Bezza go on a lads holiday ? - 8 years ago

@sarah_benn3tt: Where should me , Bob , Lucy n Bezza go on a lads holiday ? - 8 years ago

@893WMKV: Holiday, Billie/Bob Haggart O - What Is This Thing Called Lo #893WMKV - 8 years ago

@isaac_1077: @memorie_holiday tops bob fieldcraft - 8 years ago

@SarahWright323: RT @woo1962: @bob_chambers_ would you go on holiday knowing you have health issues and no travel insurance ? They know ok is a soft touch - 8 years ago

@JohnWissmiller: RT @desiringGod: William Cowper. Hannah More. Billy Holiday. Bob Dylan. Social change often comes first through poetry, not politics. https… - 8 years ago

@Overitalready1: RT @miaschoenhals: voices that make me cry: ben gibbard frank ocean billy holiday bob dylan ryan adams elliott smith justin vernon d… - 8 years ago

@RaRaVibes: RT @miaschoenhals: voices that make me cry: ben gibbard frank ocean billy holiday bob dylan ryan adams elliott smith justin vernon d… - 8 years ago

@kukustylevzla: Bob Holiday - 8 years ago

@MickeyBlowtorch: Getting down with my bad self and watching Sponge Bob at a Holiday Inn Express. I'm gangsta like that. - 8 years ago

@RemediosLiliana: Bob Holiday - 8 years ago

@democracyfloss1: Gemmy Christmas Inflatable Minion Bob, 3.5 Feet by Gemmy Inflateables Holiday - 8 years ago

@BarbieAM1: 売れ筋31位『バービー 2006ホリデーバービー ボブ・マッキー J0949 (ピンクラベル)』 - 8 years ago

@miaschoenhals: voices that make me cry: ben gibbard frank ocean billy holiday bob dylan ryan adams elliott smith justin vernon donald trump - 8 years ago

@woo1962: @bob_chambers_ would you go on holiday knowing you have health issues and no travel insurance ? They know ok is a soft touch - 8 years ago

@MisVentasVzla: Bob Holiday - 8 years ago

@twisteven: For those that do not know, My brother Bob's favorite holiday is tomorrow.... - 8 years ago

@Sheindie: RT @MetropolisIL: Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman, Is Dead at 84 | Playbill - 8 years ago

@LeakSaddam: Bob y'all acting like Beyonce being pregnant is a national holiday - 8 years ago

@jamiembrixton: As if the news couldn't get any more depressing, Saga have announced a holiday to Bowie's Berlin & a chance to meet 'Whispering' Bob Harris - 8 years ago

@Bob_Heller: I hope you enjoyed your stay at the Holiday Inn Express. Please enjoy your free bullshit breakfast and get the fuck out. - 8 years ago

@CarRentalDealsI: Bob Dylan releasing yet another collection of non-Dylan son... - 8 years ago

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