Bob Hawke

Australian politician
Died on Thursday May 16th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bob Hawke:

@hugobrown: RT @WillWillAFR: Bob Hawke seen by the @economist 'He opened up the economy, tore down tariff walls, floated the currency, demolished inf… - 6 years ago

@GarryMc000: RT @revponsenby: @ScottMorrisonMP On Bob Hawke in todays Guardian “His time was before John Howard’s time, and before Pauline Hanson’s time… - 6 years ago

@TheScorpion: RT @TroyBramston: [new column] Anthony Albanese is no Bob Hawke - his promise to end class-war politics if he becomes Labor leader lacks cr… - 6 years ago

@WillWillAFR: Bob Hawke seen by the @economist 'He opened up the economy, tore down tariff walls, floated the currency, demolis… - 6 years ago


@vingreensill: Margaret Throsby interviews Bob Hawke (2014) - 6 years ago

@NoFibs: RT @margokingston1: Thank you to @Qldaah for his marvellous daily #ausvotes digests for @NoFibs. Today is Bob Hawke’s day. - 6 years ago

@MattDoran91: RT @_JustinStevens_: If you missed @leighsales’ interview on @abc730 with Blanche d'Alpuget re. Bob Hawke, catch up on iView here - 6 years ago

@MattyKaneWriter: RT @_JustinStevens_: Blanche d'Alpuget tells @leighsales on @abc730 that her final year with Bob Hawke was “both difficult and it was also… - 6 years ago

@gld301218: - 6 years ago

@Sandra_Sully: RT @_JustinStevens_: Blanche d'Alpuget tells @leighsales on @abc730 that her final year with Bob Hawke was “both difficult and it was also… - 6 years ago

@danielwaddell17: RT @TroyBramston: #ICYMI: Anthony Albanese is no Bob Hawke - his promise to end class-war politics lacks credibility given his history @aus… - 6 years ago

@10Daily: Former prime minister Bob Hawke didn't get to cast his vote in the election lost by Labor two days after his death,… - 6 years ago

@Sey2S: RT @somuchbullsh: Remember Bob Hawke? That's what he did. - 6 years ago

@RosemaryDiaz13: Ex Australian Labor prime minister Bob Hawke once famously said, "The Australian people rarely get it wrong." 👏🏽👏🏽… - 6 years ago

@somuchbullsh: Remember Bob Hawke? That's what he did. - 6 years ago

@MLoParis: RT @Studio10au: A week after Bob Hawke's death, his widow Blanche d'Alpuget has opened up about their love & caring for him in his final da… - 6 years ago

@RosemaryDiaz13: @JEChalmers Ex Australian Labor prime minister Bob Hawke once famously said,”The Australian people rarely get it wr… - 6 years ago

@FinProfBlank: RT @christinemcdan: “..he was non-ideological and never dogmatic. He was always pragmatic and practical. Economics to him wasn't an end in… - 6 years ago

@AustraliaTweet2: Advance Australia Fair Obituary: Bob Hawke died on May 16th - The Economist - 6 years ago

@ChrisAxtens: Bob Hawke was 'more than prepared' for death, Blanche d'Alpuget says - 6 years ago

@RusseIICrowe_: RT @russellcrowe: Bob Hawke has died. A great man who made this country confident. A great man who never lost his humility. Guinness boo… - 6 years ago

@BinghamtonDaily: The Economist - 6 years ago

@Catlover3567: RT @_Tors: There's so much to stay about Bob Hawke. This piece goes some of the way to saying it - what an incredible life. - 6 years ago

@imogenmargaret: "He shed tears, lost his temper and spoke his mind: one of his rivals was “three sausages short of a barbecue”, ano… - 6 years ago

@5bigred: RT @abc730: "We didn't have the joy of young love ... but we had the joy of mature love," Blanche d'Alpuget in her first interview since th… - 6 years ago

@davidmu25579754: Bob Hawke would be asking one question What has Scott Morrison got to Contribute!to to All Australians Not just Tax… - 6 years ago

@JfmJm: Good effort Bob Hawke #bobhawke - 6 years ago

@CharoRizo: RT @eduint: La Internacional de la Educación rinde homenaje a un líder sindical emblemático: Bob Hawke, antiguo Primer Ministro de Australi… - 6 years ago

@4anoshy: RT @TahirulQadri: I extend my deepest condolences on the passing away of The Hon Bob Hawke. His vision on fostering an environment of under… - 6 years ago

@9NewsAdel: Bob Hawke’s widow, Blanche d’Alpuget, has opened up for the first time since his death to reveal how the former pri… - 6 years ago

@AupolNews: 'He had no fear of death': Blanche d'Alpuget says her late husband Bob Hawke was at peace when he died – and reveal… - 6 years ago

@rstraub46: RT @TheEconomist: On “The Intelligence” today: a look back on the life of Bob Hawke, a hard-living former Australian prime minister who cha… - 6 years ago

@____nikhils_786: RT @TheEconomist: On “The Intelligence” today: a look back on the life of Bob Hawke, a hard-living former Australian prime minister who cha… - 6 years ago

@1stGV: No final election vote for Bob Hawke - 6 years ago

@ABE_TASMAN1642: The Plastic Surgeons did a better job of face-lifting on Hazel, than the BOTOX on Blanche. But what do you expect… - 6 years ago

@robotbum: RT @Patriocon: @jacket1962 How offensive..shows depths of talent LIbs had over the years when first choice is to emulate an ALP leader. #Li… - 6 years ago

@daveyk317: RT @albericie: Remember when Bob Hawke said @tanya_plibersek couldn't run for the Labor leadership cos she had a 3 year old? Remember too t… - 6 years ago

@BobOfAlex: RT @albericie: Remember when Bob Hawke said @tanya_plibersek couldn't run for the Labor leadership cos she had a 3 year old? Remember too t… - 6 years ago

@laurasmithkng: RT @albericie: Remember when Bob Hawke said @tanya_plibersek couldn't run for the Labor leadership cos she had a 3 year old? Remember too t… - 6 years ago

@2vegielasagne: RT @mana_kailani: Murdoch’s so called new ‘Bob Hawke’, Scott Morrison concedes delay to Parliament amid doubts over Coalition tax cut pledg… - 6 years ago

@Emiliano1041919: @OfficeGSBrown I grew up in Australia with Bob Hawke as prime minister and your not even fit to tie his shoelaces.… - 6 years ago

@ZugolJannone: Le journal Le Monde (l'euh Monde ?) semble réserver à la nécrologie de Bob Hawke, premier ministre travailliste aus… - 6 years ago

@JoanneRumford: RT @NicoletteQuez: @JoanneRumford I love when art forms combine like this! I gotta check this movie out. If you're looking for another movi… - 6 years ago

@magic_saf: RT @traceycm74: As a child struggling with my Nan’s death, I wrote to PM Bob Hawke, to help my young mind understand why we die. His letter… - 6 years ago

@NicoletteQuez: @JoanneRumford I love when art forms combine like this! I gotta check this movie out. If you're looking for another… - 6 years ago

@rptteneg: RT @albericie: Remember when Bob Hawke said @tanya_plibersek couldn't run for the Labor leadership cos she had a 3 year old? Remember too t… - 6 years ago

@Carados777: RT @FunnyAlfGarnett: RIP Bob Hawke. The geezer puts all our gutless politically correct pommy politicians to shame. xxx - 6 years ago

@OZMovies: RT @PickeringPost: - 6 years ago

@SueFerg12827101: RT @albericie: Remember when Bob Hawke said @tanya_plibersek couldn't run for the Labor leadership cos she had a 3 year old? Remember too t… - 6 years ago

@mothevarun: RT @danbrettig: Always liked this story of Bob Hawke confronting Sir Donald Bradman over Apartheid. Vale - 6 years ago

@JosuJohn: @albericie there is a bigger issue we don't pay women who are forced to work take the Prime Ministers wife or op le… - 6 years ago

@sahib2010: @jacket1962 Bob Hawke is a legend and unique you cannot clone him. SCUMO is a cheap conman and an accidental PM I h… - 6 years ago

@MichaelRandall5: Bob Hawke, Brutalism and Banana Bread: Melbourne Trip 2019 - 6 years ago

@fedupofpollys: RT @MainStreetAU: Having first become aware of politics in the 1980's when we had true political giants Bob Hawke and Paul Keating leading… - 6 years ago

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