Bob Calhoun

American politician
Died on Monday August 17th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bob Calhoun:

@snbchf: Monthly Macro Monitor – August 2020 (VIDEO) Monthly macro monitor review of August 2020 with Bob Williams and Joe… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @tomtomorrow - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @jonahowenlamb I’ve so wanted the Dems to ditch they’re “we’re not really that” approach. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @baseballot Ventriloquism? - 5 years ago


@bob_calhoun: I remember how terrible the 2004 GOP Con was. There was a bit by the Bush twins that played like a rejected skit fr… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @zakiscorner - 5 years ago

@crissycalhoun: @bob_calhoun I'm excited to dive in! - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @bossymaggoo @jackiekashian @WSJ And we miss being in the audience. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: cc @rpicado - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @negativsteve Good point. I think we clowned him on the school yard in 1978. #Chachi - 5 years ago

@bob_millard44: RT @DannyVietti: Did...did Kole Calhoun just intentionally use his head to block a throw??? - 5 years ago

@negativsteve: @bob_calhoun We've been making fun of Scott Baio for much longer than 4 years - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @ManohlaDargis: oh my heart - thank you for sharing this news - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Take my money LeBron! - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @NBCNews: A group of athletes led by LeBron James will roll out a multimillion-dollar program in the next few weeks to recruit poll work… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Just a reminder that we all made fun of Scot Baio four years ago and here we are. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @MexicanViking It's too good not to post. - 5 years ago

@MexicanViking: @bob_calhoun Thank you for bringing this article up. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: “This is a brotherhood. It abides no law but its own. It scorns the personhood of all but its own brethren. It deri… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @santiagomayer_: Make it a thing, America. #GuilfoyleChallenge - 5 years ago

@shannonsplanet: @bob_calhoun What a time to be alive, eh? Both then and now. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @shannonsplanet Nobody expected the Soviet Union to up and collapse when it did. It had been a super power for 40 y… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mrdankelly You should them some deep dish pizza or something like the Trailblazers just beat the Bulls in the NBA playoffs. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @cowpalacesf: The Cow Palace continues to house livestock for those affected by the #CZULightningComplexFire and we have plenty of room… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @katiewalshstx: Stop live tweeting the RNC - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @stevensantos Yeah. I’m sorry. The Fallwells have built an empire on kink shaming and then have used their platform… - 5 years ago

@citylifematt: @bob_calhoun Lalo! That’s a good name! - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Man, James Nguyen tried to warn us about climate change with BIRDEMIC. Sure we laughed but the guy tried.… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Lalo rediscovered the cat tree in my office. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @NMamatas Soundrels and Spitballers is great. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Lori Nelson, RIP. She fought AND studied the Gill Man in Revenge of the Creature. She's included in my @ebertvoices… - 5 years ago

@OwenMohler: @TheSportsJD @CapX15 He got lectured like Calhoun did when he started at USJ. Morgan Whootan from DeMatha may be ti… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @floydwebb Willie Brown is only super cool if you don't live in San Francisco kinda like how people out here are wa… - 5 years ago

@floydwebb: @bob_calhoun Ye, variably, he doth be the plague upon us. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @ChazEbert @nickallen_redux The new site looks great. Congrats! - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @ChazEbert: I am pleased to announce our newly redesigned site, which offers more user-friendly features, faster search capabilities and… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Trump wants to give us 12 more years of plague, death and disaster and he expects us to grovel at him for it. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @crissycalhoun Michael told me you're working on the book. I'm so psyched about this and can't wait to see what you think. Thanks! - 5 years ago

@calhoun_eubanks: RT @crocodilethumbs: Bob the Builder: can we fix it? Bob’s Wife’s Attorney: please just sign the papers, Robert. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @JReinerMD: Hahn’s statement that if “100 people were sick, 35 would be saved by plasma” is shockingly wrong. The risk reduction between… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @JeffMacIsHere They aren’t even a party any more. Like not even a fascist party really. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @JeffMacIsHere: Cult of Personality Disorder®️ - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @JeffMacIsHere: Is the fucking country in sweeps week or what’s the story? - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @stewardsfolly @EddieMuller @SonyPictures @tcm @NoirAlley @noirfoundation @VictoriaMature .@rpicado & I watched it… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @TheOnion: Every Member Of Police Department Excitedly Volunteers To Go Undercover In White Supremacist Group - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @ThatWeissGuy The neediness of management will get us all killed. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @peterhartlaub: “Eventually, 2020 will fade away, and we’ll have 2012 and 2014 again. ... Pence’s Giants career won’t be defined by an 0… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @TheBestNuala Not nearly as bad but my AT&T 4G signal in San Leandro is basically nil. It dawned on me the other da… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mrdankelly If only NBC picked up that pilot for that detective show of yours - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @MarshallJulius: Since we have to wait 14 months for #TheBatman, here's something to tide you over. 🦇 🦈 - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @JohnSheaHey It’s not like they have to worry about crowds or anything. They may as well play at midnight if it makes the players safer. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @JohnSheaHey: Giants and A’s should be scheduling morning games these days when air quality in San Francisco and Oakland isn’t as bad as… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @DonCoscarelli: This week marks the birthday of our beloved Tall Man, Angus Scrimm. Post birthday wishes here. If anyone could traverse… - 5 years ago

@JohnChivall: @bob_calhoun @cyclops1101 @PurelyPurgatory He was groomed by Stark - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @SFist: The wildfires raging across the Bay Area haven’t just forced people to flee their abodes in droves — but they've also left thous… - 5 years ago

@VinnyCeglio: @bob_calhoun Will def check it out - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @cyclops1101 @PurelyPurgatory As good as the kid is, I can’t get on board with military industrial complex Spider-Man - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @PurelyPurgatory: y'all done pushed me too far to the left, can't even watch Batman beat down on the lumpenproletariat without my commie… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @jessehawken: Once seen, impossible to unsee - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @shane_bauer: Lots of articles about how we don’t have inmate fire firefighters now because they are locked down or were released early… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @TexanMeg: Unpopular opinion: People without kids are struggling too. I shouldn’t be punished for choosing not to, or not being able… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: I bet Melania sold the trees. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @stripedkramer: @byjoelanderson - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @byjoelanderson: This looks how the Candlestick Park field looked before January playoff games. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @VinnyCeglio Thanks! Here’s my other Bruce Lee story in case you’re interested. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @VinnyCeglio: Dope read - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @JonZilla___: If you’re making Superman movies that kids can’t see, you fucked up. Sorry! 😘 - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @lifeisabanqvet: This pandemic has managed to produce the most surreal Box Office listing ever - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @burritojustice: - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @gilbertjasono: FINALLY a rose garden that looks like a public soccer field that lost funding in 2013 - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @SF_CableCar I bought Thomas Guides there that I’d keep under the front seat of my car. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: If the US went on the metric system in 1979 like we were supposed to, I wouldn’t need to own two different socket wrench sets. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @davidmschmalz There are so many things we’d probably be taking for granted right now if Obama had a third term. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @peterhartlaub So #theGameSF a prequel to Ant Man? - 5 years ago

@citylifematt: @bob_calhoun 💯 - 5 years ago

@rpicado: @mrdankelly @bob_calhoun When we’re out of this, I hope we can hang out again! - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mrdankelly @rpicado You’re better at it than I am. - 5 years ago

@rpicado: @bob_calhoun @mrdankelly How hard is it NOT to say something??? Pretty hard for some people I guess. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mrdankelly I think he may have meant it as dark humor but there are certain things you should not tweet about. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mrdankelly Man, what a monster Chait is. - 5 years ago

@knees_calhoun: but i was there... i walked bob dylan up on stage... i was there! i knew the grateful dead from 1966... i was there… - 5 years ago

@spencerlindsay: @bob_calhoun @davidmschmalz @rpicado We can talk about those guys privately. 🤬 - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @spencerlindsay @davidmschmalz @rpicado oh God. Unilever. - 5 years ago

@rpicado: @spencerlindsay @bob_calhoun @davidmschmalz They’re the worst! - 5 years ago

@spencerlindsay: @bob_calhoun @davidmschmalz @rpicado Or Nestle - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @spencerlindsay @davidmschmalz @rpicado Exactly and neither does anyone related to the C-Suite at Tyson or Pepsi. - 5 years ago

@spencerlindsay: @bob_calhoun @davidmschmalz @rpicado Let’s talk about this off line. We might be able to help. - 5 years ago

@spencerlindsay: @bob_calhoun @davidmschmalz @rpicado DJT’s sistah don’t go to dat school Bob. - 5 years ago

@spencerlindsay: @davidmschmalz @bob_calhoun @rpicado Nope Nope Nope. Totally agreeing that Firefighting should be solidly in the pu… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @spencerlindsay @davidmschmalz @rpicado Well they usually had nieces and nephews who went to those schools so they… - 5 years ago

@spencerlindsay: @bob_calhoun @davidmschmalz @rpicado That was the Kinder Gentler Mob Bob. - 5 years ago

@davidmschmalz: @bob_calhoun @spencerlindsay @rpicado Firefighting should not be privatized imo. Private mercenary firefighters fo… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @davidmschmalz @spencerlindsay @rpicado oh yeah. Rosie was talking about that thing where New Jersey school kids at… - 5 years ago

@spencerlindsay: @bob_calhoun @davidmschmalz @rpicado Blaaaaahhhh. Yes. You’re right. Commerce steps in always. I’m just saying that… - 5 years ago

@davidmschmalz: @spencerlindsay @bob_calhoun @rpicado They're not privatizing fire ops, just visitor-serving aspects (they own some… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @stevensantos This is the best argument I’ve seen for the virtual convention yet. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @SF_CableCar: Cable cars don't like fire. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @sccounty: EVACUATIONS UNDERWAY IN SCOTTS VALLEY. LEAVE NOW. To search for loved ones and report yourself as safe and well, go to https… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @Suzcat2559: @Weather_West University of California, Santa Cruz now evacuated. The arboretum moves their seed collection out and some ra… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @sarahconner I’m a curmudgeon. It takes a lot to get to me. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @davidmschmalz: @bob_calhoun This was a great read, btw - 5 years ago

@davidmschmalz: @bob_calhoun He proved himself, and them some. He is ready to lead us, he left no doubt for anyone on the fence tha… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @davidmschmalz And it was impressive that he lived up to tgat after being <i>told</I> about it over and over again.… - 5 years ago

@sarahconner: @bob_calhoun I disagree. This was exceptional in every way. There were many memorable moments. - 5 years ago

@davidmschmalz: @bob_calhoun This was a great read, btw - 5 years ago

@davidmschmalz: @bob_calhoun For sure. His raw energy and authenticity was intangibly powerful. And they really built up to it beau… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @stevensantos And half of the most populous state is burning down. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @davidmschmalz But really. It’s a win-win-win if three speeches are remembered. What’s good is that the actual nominee wasn’t overshadowed. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @davidmschmalz They’re always pretty good tho—not that Biden hasn’t been—but Joe has never been better. - 5 years ago

@davidmschmalz: @bob_calhoun Michelle and Barack's speeches too, imo. (I read that Meacham helped write Biden's speech—clutch. He'… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: “All of my family got COVID. It's been tough, but they're good. They don't have symptoms. It's part of our life now… - 5 years ago

@SpencerPI: @bob_calhoun I still think of a couple Schiff speeches. Joe nailed it. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Most of this #DNC will be forgotten by November but Biden’s speech tonight will long be remembered. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @McFaul: I have heard many @JoeBiden speeches and even helped write a few of them. That was by far his best speech ever. When the stakes… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @jowrotethis I had to avoid the promo videos but the speech got me. It was everything we needed it to be. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @lilmikesf: Steve Bannon was arrested for #WeBuildTheWall fraud by @USPS police while aboard yacht owned by Chinese billionaire in exile… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @WCProOfficial @OGkevingill Thanks for this. I just gave. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @WCProOfficial: A lot of people in Northern California are being effected by the wildfires. If you can spare a few bucks to donate to th… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @pareene Young voters don't and won't get the warm fuzzies over the Kennedys. This is probably because the best Ken… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @stevensantos Because he is. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @sfchronicle: Hearst has named Emilio Garcia-Ruiz the new editor in chief of the San Francisco Chronicle. Garcia-Ruiz, the Washington P… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @alancinephile Horner: Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan Herrmann: 7th Voyage of Sinbad, Vertigo Schifrin: Bullitt, Enter… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @jimatdeltaco: Worth the wait - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: The state is burning down but I just ran around the house cheering like the Giants and the Warriors just won world… - 5 years ago

@jakhia_calhoun: RT @lovelymee___: I hope my husband got a little bob the builder in him - 5 years ago

@noh8rdi: @STApxp @bob_calhoun @hankschulman @annkillion ❤️@Oski After a long, hard day, does my heart good to see @Oski.… - 5 years ago

@STApxp: @bob_calhoun @hankschulman @annkillion face it, the bear will not quit, the bear will not die 😁🐻 - 5 years ago

@SteveWhoVain: @bob_calhoun I'd would like to see @ItsWubbs up there listing off his family members - 5 years ago

@SteveWhoVain: @bob_calhoun that is one big asterisk - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @annkillion @hankschulman - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @Wolfiesmom: You scared flaccid frail panicked little man #DemocraticConvention - 5 years ago

@davidmschmalz: @bob_calhoun I know, it’s so sad - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @davidmschmalz This is godawful - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Trump won on a technicality. His presidency has a big asterisk next to it. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @GrantBrisbee Please! Inquiring minds want to know... - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: I could never run for office. “Family are a bunch of people I’m not really speaking to right now” wouldn’t really cut it. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: “... the solar supply remained pretty consistent, but the state’s natural gas supply underperformed by 400 megawatt… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @SanLeandroPD: Due to Increased Fire Danger, Chabot Park is Closed Until Further Notice - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @cmarinucci @fionama @KamalaHarris When I saw Ma riding a horse in the Cow Palace rodeo parade, I figured she’d be… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @stevensantos And the banks will still go after your grieving parents for your student loans. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @davidmschmalz: I cannot stress this enough to my fellow Californians: seemingly half the state is on fire, ash rains from the sky and t… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @Evan3Longoria: Not me - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @handitvnetwork: Can you imagine Batman versus… Ol' Blue Eyes? - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @stevensantos: I saw Thelma Schoonmaker at a Q&A say Scorsese felt Frank Sheerhan's carrying out of orders comparable to what the Nazis… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @ChakiFunkWizard He can look outside and see the ash. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @jowrotethis: This article does a great job of articulating some thoughts I’ve had around all this without (I think I hope) letting the… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: cc @Greg_Franklin - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: They taught us the metric system in the 4th grade in the 70s. The school kids were ready to join the rest of the wo… - 5 years ago

@floydwebb: @bob_calhoun Federation or Borg? - 5 years ago

@floydwebb: @bob_calhoun As the death cult it is. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @rhprocter: If you are watching a politics may I instead suggest a basketball? - 5 years ago

@DocZozo17: @bob_calhoun Couldn’t agree more - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: This scene of Diane Keaton playing a bad actor shows how talented she is. #TCMParty #REDS - 5 years ago

@DocZozo17: @bob_calhoun 😂 - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @RedwoodCity: 🔥 Fires in San Mateo County - August 18, 2020 at 5:11 p.m.🔥 There are multiple fires burning in San Mateo County, which ar… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Nice to see Diane Keaton rolling around with someone a little more handsome than Woody Allen. #TCMParty #REDS - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Ian Wolfe Alert! #Reds #TCMParty - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Watching REDS instead of the DNC is my speed right now. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @editaurus Can’t wait for the parade! - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @EvrLvnBluIdThng True but I think this where it’s always been going. You can only wink & nod at the Birchers and ot… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Oakland’s original boogaloos fight to reclaim their name from white supremacists. - 5 years ago

@EvrLvnBluIdThng: @bob_calhoun I mean, I've been alive since 1987 and I don't think it was EVER quite THIS bad. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @EvrLvnBluIdThng 1964. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @ProfessorCrunk: We also have a moral obligation to inveigh against Biden’s long history of fucktastic policy making. But why are folks… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @ProfessorCrunk: To be clear I wanted Warren/Abrams or Warren/Castro. Biden was at the bottom of my list. But here we are. I work every… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @GrantBrisbee Great article. One thing about the errors, it might not be fair but fans are starting to blame Kapler… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mattzollerseitz I hope so too but I also fear even more actors will give their performances in front of green screens. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @Lollardfish: Moderately popular opinion: It is BOTH good to have Republicans speaking at the DNC and for progressives to be furious abo… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @dick_nixon: In a column some months ago I recommended they make a three-part, 90-minute Biden documentary by, say, Ron Howard. The fami… - 5 years ago

@SpencerPI: @bob_calhoun That is a riot! - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @SpencerPI Now there was an athlete! - 5 years ago

@SpencerPI: @bob_calhoun I keep thinking this guy: - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: If Gabe Kapler is going to do curls before an interview to look all ripped, he needs to spray his face with water t… - 5 years ago

@RealMelValentin: @bob_calhoun No clue what your tweet references, but that doesn't stop me from liking it any less. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Guards! Send him to the alternative site. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @sal_castaneda What’s even the point of one drink a day. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @BenMank77: That Rahm Emanuel misquoted “I’m mad as hell - and I’m not going to take this anymore” while unable to recall that the movie… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @SteveWhoVain John Paul Jones. Dour and watchful. - 5 years ago

@SteveWhoVain: @bob_calhoun - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @SteveWhoVain Mostly real but I wouldn’t laugh til Biden wins. - 5 years ago

@RachelEKellogg: @bob_calhoun Same, for sure. But I feel like, if a progressive will let that sway them, were they ever *really* goi… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @RachelEKellogg I hope the ratio of repubs won isn’t offset by disillusioned progressives. I’m not sure it will but… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @joanwalsh On the off-putting side there are no crowds to boo or protest Kaisich et al. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Meg Whitman spent over $100M losing a governor’s race to Jerry Brown. Please tell me he’s speaking. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @_grendan: the first time I marched with the labor movement was against John Kasich's SB5, which gutted collective bargaining rights for… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @rpicado: Shawn Estes: If he hangs it, guys will bang it. #SensualBaseball #SFGiants - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @sfchronicle @joegarofoli It didn’t even want to visit it. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: This sequel to Shattering Conventions really sucks. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @rtraister: I wrote about the DNC lineup, Stacey Abrams, AOC, and how there are as many billionaires speaking as there are Bernies and W… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Jordan Peele’s EYES WIDE SHUT. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mattzollerseitz Fukunaga, now that’s an inspired choice. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mattzollerseitz @nick_field90 Spielberg is too sentimental. Great for Lincoln as it puts hm in John Ford mode but not my pick for Napoleon. - 5 years ago

@mattzollerseitz: @bob_calhoun @nick_field90 Yeah I guess that kind of is his Napoleon in a way - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mattzollerseitz @nick_field90 I still like Mann in Last of the Mohicans mode doing this. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: I could understand if Mitt Romney was speaking at the DNC. He at least said Black Lives Matter once. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @stevensantos He's also been married to her for how long? It's not really going to get much traction at this point… - 5 years ago

@rpicado: @bob_calhoun @nitashatiku I just bought two of these personal A/C units. They're basically mini swamp coolers used… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mattzollerseitz ...On the house. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @nitashatiku @rpicado? - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @saladinahmed Oh man, Arcade. He rocked our world in like 1980. All the comic book geek kids were way into that guy. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @bucky_sinister You'll find the right formula my friend. - 5 years ago

@bucky_sinister: @bob_calhoun So do I. I was about to start the new show when Covid hit. The next show will be a graduated version o… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @theinfophile I'm so tired of sweating. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @bucky_sinister Man, I miss The Business. Just thought I'd tell you. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @mattzollerseitz It should be called Ubers, Lyfts and Doordash. There also needs to be a scene where they're stuck… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @Ruby_Stevens All I want from Disney is to release the original theatrical cuts of the first three Star Wars movies… - 5 years ago

@kevjones30: @bob_calhoun *chef’s kiss* - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @kevjones30 Well at least We'll get Bedtime for Bonzo II: Bonzo Harder out of it. - 5 years ago

@kevjones30: @bob_calhoun They're working on re-animating the corpse of Ronald Reagan. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: They're going to add Dick Cheney any second now. - 5 years ago

@HellOnFriscoBay: @bob_calhoun Exactly. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @AOC: It’s great that Kasich has woken up &realized the importance of supporting a Biden-Harris ticket. I hope he gets through to GOP vo… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @HellOnFriscoBay True but I'm not sure the ratio of conservatives who will cross the line vs. progressives disillus… - 5 years ago

@HellOnFriscoBay: @bob_calhoun Well, they're not trying to reach out to the anti-Furry or anti-Brony crowd. (Nor should they, and nor… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: I've been to Furry conventions and Brony conventions, and one thing they don't do, is add speakers who shit all ove… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Democrats should only let Kasich or any other Repub speak at OUR convention if they renounce conservatism as the scam that it is. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: This is a dream convention for Democrats because when John Kasich speaks, there'll be no one there to boo or protest him. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @nrm1972 Biden is good at the winning after evaporating leads tho. So there's that, but yeah. - 5 years ago

@louis_renault: @bob_calhoun @floydwebb I did not realize Packard made a Woody Wagon. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Bob Calhoun - #BobCalhoun #Bob #Calhoun #rip - 5 years ago

@floydwebb: @bob_calhoun Bob, this is pretty good. #LovecraftCountry - 5 years ago

@floydwebb: @bob_calhoun #LovecraftCountry - 5 years ago

@floydwebb: @bob_calhoun Saltines and Monsters in the woods??? Love it! They shot part of this across the street from my son Dj… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @scottrenshaw The only rehabilitating I want to see these people do is behind bars. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Watching #LovecraftCountryHBO & wondering what @floydwebb thinks of it with all the Chicago in the 50s. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @nitashatiku: New from me. In a letter to Priscilla Chan, Black employees at @ChanZuckerberg said for years their voices have been margi… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @eugeneSrobinson: I’ve been aware of mailboxes since 1965. Never have I ever seen this. Through Vietnam War, terrorist attacks, riots, A… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @KirbyKrackleArt: #fanmade #deviantart #sundayvibes #SundayMorning #SundayMotivation - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: Ack! Left my copy of Scoundrels & Spitballers on the deck last night & it got rained on in the Great San Leandro Th… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @BillMartinKTVU: Whale show in Pacifica yesterday - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: F— the DH! - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @louis_renault The #SFGiants will never have a closer that wields the Power Cosmic ever again. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @louis_renault: @bob_calhoun Yep. - 5 years ago

@louis_renault: @bob_calhoun Yep. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @magiciansbook Totally! Like, “Why didn’t I shut up??” is a common reaction. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @cmkuiper - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @cmkuiper: Gotta respect the Giants' absolute commitment to not have to risk visiting Trump in the White House after seeing Obama 3 time… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @RubenGallego: Oh boy do I have news for you. The Military has never returned a profit either. - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: RT @zinoman: HP Lovecraft, born well-off and died broke, is more popular and influential than ever. And his racism and anti-semitism has al… - 5 years ago

@bob_calhoun: @SenSchumer Stop being so plaintive Chuck. Say will instead of should. - 5 years ago

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