Boaz Vaadia

Israeli-born American sculptor
Died on Friday March 3rd 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Boaz Vaadia:

@zzzzaaaacccchhh: RT @CityofYonkers: Tribute to Boaz Vaadia, who passed away this past weekend at the age of 65. Creator of our two stone sculptures at the P… - 8 years ago

@FourCornersRock: RT @gorockford: We're saddened by the loss of #BoazVaadia, whose works of art are on display downtown. A great artist gone too soon. https:… - 8 years ago

@kimvaad: RT @boazvaadia: NY Times Boaz Vaadia Obiturary & JKFA Solo Show - 8 years ago

@kimvaad: RT @nytimesarts: Boaz Vaadia, a sculptor of human forms in carefully stacked, carved stone, died at 65 - 8 years ago


@kimvaad: RT @boazvaadia: Boaz Vaadia: Prints, Sculpture & New Reliefs Opening next Thursday, Mar 16, 2017 from 6-8 pm @ Jim Kempner Fine... https:… - 8 years ago

@Madison_Gallery: Remembering Sculptor Boaz Vaadia. 1951-2017 Boaz Vaadia, an Israeli-born sculptor who mined the... - 8 years ago

@amanutchannel: Top story: Boaz Vaadia, Sculptor Who Worked in Street Stone, Dies at 65 - 8 years ago

@ErevRavMagazine: Boaz Vaadia, Sculptor Who Worked in Street Stone, Dies at 65 - 8 years ago

@kimvaad: RT @gorockford: We're saddened by the loss of #BoazVaadia, whose works of art are on display downtown. A great artist gone too soon. https:… - 8 years ago

@kimvaad: RT @NYTObits: One of Boaz Vaadia's layered figurative sculptures appears outside of the Time Warner Center - 8 years ago

@kimvaad: RT @NYTObits: NYT obit for Boaz Vaadia, who mined New York City for his sculpture materials - 8 years ago

@boazvaadia: Boaz Vaadia: Prints, Sculpture & New Reliefs Opening next Thursday, Mar 16, 2017 from 6-8 pm @ Jim Kempner Fine... - 8 years ago

@nonodo666: Boaz Vaadia scuptures video - 8 years ago

@enjutheproject: Thanks for DANIEL E. SLOTNIK from New York Time for this wonderful article. Such a loss. RIP - 8 years ago

@DrJenn_NYC: So fortunate to have Boaz's work in our entry garden! Boaz Vaadia, Sculptor Who Worked in Street Stone, Dies at 65 - 8 years ago

@yonkersoem40: RT @CityofYonkers: Tribute to Boaz Vaadia, who passed away this past weekend at the age of 65. Creator of our two stone sculptures at the P… - 8 years ago

@AnnL_Berlin: Boaz Vaadia, Sculptor Who Worked in Street Stone, Dies at 65 - 8 years ago

@QueenRo128: RT @CityofYonkers: Tribute to Boaz Vaadia, who passed away this past weekend at the age of 65. Creator of our two stone sculptures at the P… - 8 years ago

@CityofYonkers: Tribute to Boaz Vaadia, who passed away this past weekend at the age of 65. Creator of our two stone sculptures at… - 8 years ago

@connaughtbrown: RT @nytimesarts: Boaz Vaadia, a sculptor of human forms in carefully stacked, carved stone, died at 65 - 8 years ago

@ACCPubGroup: Very sad to report that renowned sculptor Boaz Vaadia, who is the subject of Boaz Vaadia Sculpture... - 8 years ago

@5thAveOfTheArts: Boaz Vaadia, Sculptor Who Worked in Street Stone, Dies at 65 - 8 years ago

@AviadIvri: היתה זו זכות גדולה להתוודע לבעז וליצירתו, לשמוח בהצלחתו כאן וברחבי העולם, וכעת, להבדיל, להתעצב על לכתו בטרם עת של... - 8 years ago

@gorockford: We're saddened by the loss of #BoazVaadia, whose works of art are on display downtown. A great artist gone too soon… - 8 years ago

@brooklyn11211: Boaz Vaadia, Sculptor Who Worked in Street Stone, Dies at 65 - The New York Times - 8 years ago

@kimvaad: RT @zzzzaaaacccchhh: Rebecca's dad, Boaz Vaadia, died last week. He was a brilliant artist and such a generous person. - 8 years ago

@connaughtbrown: #artforum news| Boaz Vaadia 1951–2017 'I work with nature as an equal partner' - 8 years ago

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