Billy Neville

Irish footballer (West Ham).
Died on Saturday October 6th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Billy Neville:

@manitark: @jimmcgrath81 @Derek51905238 @Calloway1982 @hallyink Think it's Gary Neville no 2. Billy McNeill is the one I would want :) - 6 years ago

@zeegriston: RT @VenuSpeak: At @DoorNo1Bar @MihirBijur Doing #Karaoke Great Energy Gerry, Akshata, Aanchal Gerome, Messy Drummer, Simar Singh & Neville… - 6 years ago

@VenuSpeak: At @DoorNo1Bar @MihirBijur Doing #Karaoke Great Energy Gerry, Akshata, Aanchal Gerome, Messy Drummer, Simar Singh… - 6 years ago

@coxonkeys: Jimmy Smith. Jack McDuff. Groove Holmes. Charles Hodges. Art Neville. Booker T. Billy Preston. Lonnie Smith. Larry… - 6 years ago


@NconsAKAuential: @PaulMayATL I worked in a casino, so I actually hosted singers and athletes. Aaron Neville Frankie Valli Mary Wilso… - 6 years ago

@ManuelRG3_1998: RT @DayofRusev: Now Neville (PAC) is back on the Indies he should use Billy Gunn's entrance theme but change the lyrics to "AND I'M A PAC-M… - 6 years ago

@DayofRusev: Now Neville (PAC) is back on the Indies he should use Billy Gunn's entrance theme but change the lyrics to "AND I'M A PAC-MAN DUH DUH" - 6 years ago

@soappassion: Dans #LesFeuxDeLAmour #FDLA sur #RTBF1 le 11 octobre 2018: Ashley est pressée que le Dr Neville ait des résultats ;… - 6 years ago

@soappassion: Dans #LesFeuxDeLAmour #FDLA sur #RTS1 le 10 octobre 2018: Ashley est pressée que le Dr Neville ait des résultats ;… - 6 years ago

@tripanca: WOW !!! 1st Anniversary Kuppel biergarten bersama REZA ARAP , BILLY TANER , NEVILLE PANCA ,PECAHH!!: - 6 years ago

@soappassion: Dans #LesFeuxDeLAmour #FDLA sur #RTBF1 le 9 octobre 2018: Le projet du Dr Neville recrute plusieurs personnes et a… - 6 years ago

@bolden46: .@bigbangtheory I would like to see an adult Billy Sparks do a Neville Longbottom. - 6 years ago

@soappassion: Dans #LesFeuxDeLAmour #FDLA sur #RTS1 le 8 octobre 2018: Le projet du Dr Neville recrute plusieurs personnes et a d… - 6 years ago

@soappassion: Dans #LesFeuxDeLAmour #FDLA sur #RTBF1 le 8 octobre 2018: C'est l'anniversaire de Summer ; Adam propose son aide à… - 6 years ago

@mcnally_billy: RT @Redbutdred: Gary Neville once bashed AFTV for voicing fan opinions on Arsenal. He’s now using Sky Sports to do the same about his club. - 6 years ago

@billy_mee: RT @PeoplesPerson_: Gary Neville reacting to reports that Jose Mourinho will be sacked after Newcastle. He's absolutely furious with how Un… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Billy Neville is no longer with us - #BillyNeville #Billy #Neville #rip - 6 years ago

@Billy_curnock: Neville was absolutely spot on but if you still think mourinho should stay please give your head a wobble - 6 years ago

@walsh_billy: RT @SkySportsPL: WATCH: NEVILLE'S FURY @GNev2 gives a furious reaction to reports that Jose Mourinho will be sacked this weekend: https:/… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Billy Neville - 6 years ago

@Billy_Turnbull: If SOME players are trying to get him the sack how can any ST holder at Old Trafford support those players in the f… - 6 years ago

@billy_parmar: RT @SkySportsPL: WATCH: NEVILLE'S FURY @GNev2 gives a furious reaction to reports that Jose Mourinho will be sacked this weekend: https:/… - 6 years ago

@Billy_Chisholm: Gary Neville: Reports of Jose Mourinho sacking are a 'disgrace' - 6 years ago

@billy_dennis02: RT @Mark_Jones86: Disagree with Neville when he starts saying it's 'unprofessional' for him to talk like this. Great to see how passionate… - 6 years ago

@billy_dennis02: RT @WillMason94: Gary Neville saying how we have the best front 3 outside the top 6 and we couldn't score against Brighton, a team who hasn… - 6 years ago

@billy_parmar: RT @utdxtra: G Neville: “Jose Mourinho will get the biggest support he’s ever had in his life tomorrow at that ground and I’ll be there to… - 6 years ago

@billy_dennis02: RT @lincoln_hammer: Gary Neville saying he been chatting to loads of hammers outside ground "and they are all bladdered" Great quote Iro… - 6 years ago

@soappassion: Dans #LesFeuxDeLAmour #FDLA sur #RTS1 le 5 octobre 2018: C'est l'anniversaire de Summer ; Adam propose son aide à J… - 6 years ago

@AndyJPhipps: RT @EXHammersMag: Sorry to relay the news that ex Hammer Billy Neville has passed away, aged 83. Billy played three times for #westhamunite… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Billy Neville (footballer) - 6 years ago

@footy90com: Billy #Neville – 1935-2018 #WestHamUtd 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 #Premier_League - 6 years ago

@kiddykix: RT @EXHammersMag: Sorry to relay the news that ex Hammer Billy Neville has passed away, aged 83. Billy played three times for #westhamunite… - 6 years ago


@CaW1895: RT @EXHammersMag: Sorry to relay the news that ex Hammer Billy Neville has passed away, aged 83. Billy played three times for #westhamunite… - 6 years ago

@4_tunes_always: RT @EXHammersMag: Sorry to relay the news that ex Hammer Billy Neville has passed away, aged 83. Billy played three times for #westhamunite… - 6 years ago

@antony_1965: RT @EXHammersMag: Sorry to relay the news that ex Hammer Billy Neville has passed away, aged 83. Billy played three times for #westhamunite… - 6 years ago

@EXHammersMag: Sorry to relay the news that ex Hammer Billy Neville has passed away, aged 83. Billy played three times for… - 6 years ago

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