Billy Goldenberg

American composer (Kojak) and songwriter.
Died on Wednesday August 5th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Billy Goldenberg:

@Theatretrack: #theatretrack Remembering Billy Goldenberg February 10, 1936 – August 3, 2020 This is my first youtube broadcast. H… - 5 years ago

@jpwrites1: RT @RapSheetmag: The Rap Sheet’s latest wrap-up of crime fiction-related news includes notes about Billy Goldenberg's TV music contribution… - 5 years ago

@RapSheetmag: The Rap Sheet’s latest wrap-up of crime fiction-related news includes notes about Billy Goldenberg's TV music contr… - 5 years ago

@LiquidCinema: RT @thePMAmusic: We are saddened to hear of Billy Goldenberg’s passing. He was an incredible composer & songwriter, celebrated for writing… - 5 years ago


@ChefBoyRDebra: RT @mandybarnett: Last week a wonderfully gifted songwriter named Billy Goldenberg passed away.. A friend introduced me to his music & I’ve… - 5 years ago

@AdvocateAngela: RT @mandybarnett: Last week a wonderfully gifted songwriter named Billy Goldenberg passed away.. A friend introduced me to his music & I’ve… - 5 years ago

@thePMAmusic: We are saddened to hear of Billy Goldenberg’s passing. He was an incredible composer & songwriter, celebrated for w… - 5 years ago

@_4094160255471: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@supetroopmusic: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@minoco19860125: RT @Rusher_415: 『刑事コロンボ』の音楽を担当したことで知られるビリー・ゴールデンバーグが亡くなったそうだよ。 ★Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 彼は必殺技ジャックハマーを武器にしてリング… - 5 years ago

@ProtestMusica: RT @mandybarnett: Last week a wonderfully gifted songwriter named Billy Goldenberg passed away.. A friend introduced me to his music & I’ve… - 5 years ago

@mandybarnett: Last week a wonderfully gifted songwriter named Billy Goldenberg passed away.. A friend introduced me to his music… - 5 years ago

@LPaisie: RT @Elvis_News: "Billy was responsible for the amazing comeback of Elvis and without his arrangements and score on the 1968 NBC Elvis Speci… - 5 years ago

@Davidii91265677: Exactly one week ago, Billy Goldenberg, the composer of the soundtracks from Columbo, Our House and especially, Due… - 5 years ago

@BeatriceLacy: Billy Goldenberg - Ransom for a Dead Man (1971) - 5 years ago

@AugustoDorado: RT @serrggio: @circulorojo899 @RossoFer @rompe_teclas @Malena_Cig @AugustoDorado @PabloAnino @sac_diego La serie Kojak, con el inmenso Tell… - 5 years ago

@serrggio: @circulorojo899 @RossoFer @rompe_teclas @Malena_Cig @AugustoDorado @PabloAnino @sac_diego La serie Kojak, con el in… - 5 years ago

@ArtPedd: RT @filmfreaks4ever: #BillyGoldenberg Billy Goldenberg Harry O First Season Title Music - 5 years ago

@ArtPedd: RT @James_A_Conrad: RIP Billy Goldenberg (1936–2020), 84, prolific TV music composer. Paranormal & sci-fi credits include Night Gallery (19… - 5 years ago

@ArtPedd: RT @marc_bessant: Thank you Billy Goldenberg. Your music was the best and most terrifying character we never saw. #rip #billygoldenberg #du… - 5 years ago

@bufocalvin: Composer/Musical Director Billy Goldenberg (The UFO Incident, Frankenstein...) has been added to our 2020 Geeky Goo… - 5 years ago

@PhoenixLeigh78: Billy Goldenberg, Composer on 'Duel' and 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@Whitestar111: Billy Goldenberg, Composer on 'Duel' and 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: ICYMI: Billy Goldenberg, composer for famous TV shows, dies - 5 years ago

@tomyamaguchi: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@LilianaDiablo: RT @elvisdaybyday: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-winning composer and musical director of #Elvis Presley's 'Comeback Special', died. He was 84. R.… - 5 years ago

@PaulDua53194901: RT @alisonmartino: - 5 years ago

@btw_notes: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@the_hoyk: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Billy Goldenberg, US-amerikanischer Komponist, am 03.08.2020 im Alter von 84 Jahren - - 5 years ago

@Jacob13867464: RT @alisonmartino: - 5 years ago

@StevePe51559304: BILLY GOLDENBERG RIP.🙏 - 5 years ago

@todaysBWAYyday: Thank you for your scores and arrangements, Maestro Billy Goldenberg. #RIP - 5 years ago

@Luis_Endera: RT @CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielberg Mu… - 5 years ago

@SusanAngeletti: Rest in peace Billy Goldenberg a musical life well lived ❤...🎹🎶 - 5 years ago

@IngaDR: @KeithJDR and Nigel enjoying 'Michael Jordans favourite cigar' - a Partagas Lusitania at the American Bar at the St… - 5 years ago

@alllivone: RT @bmi: BMI Mourns the Loss of Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter Billy Goldenberg - 5 years ago

@filmelodie: 🌹 Billy Goldenberg (1936-2020) Directeur musical de NBC dans les années 60, il a composé des dizaines de thèmes pou… - 5 years ago

@filmelodie: 🌹 Billy Goldenberg (1936-2020) - 5 years ago

@Angelito121087D: RT @CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielberg Mu… - 5 years ago

@CrazyMovieJoker: RT @CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielberg Mu… - 5 years ago

@CanuckleheadMC: The music for tonight's episode was courtesy of the recently deceased Billy Goldenberg. A stellar job as always. #ColumboS3 - 5 years ago

@RACCAR: RT @CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielberg Mu… - 5 years ago

@HawkMcFly: RT @CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielberg Mu… - 5 years ago

@MrDutch78: RT @CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielberg Mu… - 5 years ago

@mdmmdm1234: RT @CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielberg Mu… - 5 years ago

@oatrapado: RT @CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielberg Mu… - 5 years ago

@Fro2301: RT @CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielberg Mu… - 5 years ago

@CINEMAVISION2: Duel (1971) /El diablo sobre ruedas (1971) Country 🇺🇸 Cinematography by Jack A. Marta Directed by Steven Spielbe… - 5 years ago

@ProtestMusica: RT @thelastdrivein: Prolific Composer/Songwriter Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 years old--August 3rd, 2020 - 5 years ago

@ventsmagazine: Let’s Talk About Billy Goldenberg: Remembering the Composer of Steven Spielberg’s ‘Duel’ - - 5 years ago

@thelastdrivein: Prolific Composer/Songwriter Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 years old--August 3rd, 2020 - 5 years ago

@OlivierB2211: RT @Cine_Heroes: ⚫ Décès de Billy Goldenberg, compositeur notamment du film Duel de Steven Spielbeg ou encore des séries Columbo, Kojak, Fa… - 5 years ago

@phoefsutton: RIP Billy Goldenberg Billy Goldenberg Harry O First Season Title Music - 5 years ago

@filmfreaks4ever: #BillyGoldenberg Billy Goldenberg Harry O First Season Title Music - 5 years ago

@phoefsutton: #RipbilllyGoldenberg Billy Goldenberg Harry O First Season Title Music - 5 years ago

@Dene71: I thought he was terrific. His work for US television in the 1970s was exemplary. RIP. Billy Goldenberg, Composer o… - 5 years ago

@BeaAstralDame: Tributes paid to two-time Emmy winner Billy Goldenberg - 5 years ago

@BeaAstralDame: RT @dancindanw: @BettyBuckley @BebeNeuwirth @Daryl_Roth @Rosie @CallMeAdamNYC @BroadwayWorld - We lost the amazing BILLY GOLDENBERG yesterd… - 5 years ago

@InvestInDXB: RT @James_A_Conrad: RIP Billy Goldenberg (1936–2020), 84, prolific TV music composer. Paranormal & sci-fi credits include Night Gallery (19… - 5 years ago

@James_A_Conrad: RIP Billy Goldenberg (1936–2020), 84, prolific TV music composer. Paranormal & sci-fi credits include Night Gallery… - 5 years ago

@CampPaDrew: - 5 years ago

@kasewada: RT @Rusher_415: 『刑事コロンボ』の音楽を担当したことで知られるビリー・ゴールデンバーグが亡くなったそうだよ。 ★Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 彼は必殺技ジャックハマーを武器にしてリング… - 5 years ago

@ninny0410: Duel Music Video (Billy Goldenberg) Billy Goldenberg (composer) - February 10… - 5 years ago

@vivienvillani: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@douraku_m: RT @LeonardSlatkin: My dear friend Billy Goldenberg passed away this morning. His name might not be familiar, but his music is, whether the… - 5 years ago

@cpsouthon: RIP Billy Goldenberg, premier TV composer from the last 50 years, especially prolific in the 70s (Kojak, Columbo, S… - 5 years ago

@lahdiva: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@sstephen1201: Billy Goldenberg Dead: Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter Was 84 – Variety - 5 years ago

@BruceKlayman: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@matthewkgray: RIP Billy Goldenberg! - 5 years ago

@AIMPorg: BMI Mourns the Loss of Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter Billy Goldenberg | via @bmi - 5 years ago

@LaLaLandRecords: RT @jonburlingame: Favorite Billy Goldenberg themes (not in order, well, sorta): Night Gallery pilot / Columbo pilot / Harry O / Rhoda / S… - 5 years ago

@Cinekim2016: Muere Billy Goldenberg, compositor que colaboró ​​con Elvis - 5 years ago

@BlackeDress: RT @bmi: BMI Mourns the Loss of Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter Billy Goldenberg - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Feminist and lawyer Gisele Halimi; geriatrician Archie Young; superfan Betty Hoover; singer P… - 5 years ago

@BettinaDevin: Variety’s Tribute/ Obit to my dear friend, Billy Goldenberg. This chronicles his prolific and varied career in tv,… - 5 years ago

@usasong: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@joanellison: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@perrinerhlle: RT @Lt_Columbo_Off: J'ai le regret de vous annoncer le décès à 84 ans de Billy Goldenberg qui avait composé plusieurs musiques de films don… - 5 years ago

@ericyvesgarcia: 2 days ago, a treasure trove of stories and exquisite, ever-vital songs left us. I lost a dear friend. Billy Golden… - 5 years ago

@manzi28: RT @MundoBSO: Ha fallecido el compositor del filme de Steven Spielberg "Duel" (El Diablo sobre ruedas), y ganador de premios Emmy. Goldenbe… - 5 years ago

@ProtestMusica: RT @bmi: BMI Mourns the Loss of Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter Billy Goldenberg - 5 years ago

@FranziniAffonso: RT @elvisdaybyday: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-winning composer and musical director of #Elvis Presley's 'Comeback Special', died. He was 84. R.… - 5 years ago

@les_mels: RT @Lt_Columbo_Off: J'ai le regret de vous annoncer le décès à 84 ans de Billy Goldenberg qui avait composé plusieurs musiques de films don… - 5 years ago

@FarndonDavid: RT @pressjournal: Tributes paid to two-time Emmy winner Billy Goldenberg - 5 years ago

@Goldsmithpod: We regretfully failed to acknowledge it at the time, but before Billy Goldenberg and Ennio Morricone, the first of… - 5 years ago

@pressjournal: Tributes paid to two-time Emmy winner Billy Goldenberg - 5 years ago

@Goldsmithpod: Why do these things often happen in threes? We were saddened to learn of the passing of the great film and TV compo… - 5 years ago

@IFMCA: RT @musicmavin: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@Mickey_Elvis: - 5 years ago

@JNC_1982: RT @dcconfidential: Composer Billy Goldenberg, Who Helped Create #YR Music, Dies at 84. @YandR_CBS @YRInsider - 5 years ago

@Dialektik1961: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@SkyLizzels: RT @dcconfidential: Composer Billy Goldenberg, Who Helped Create #YR Music, Dies at 84. @YandR_CBS @YRInsider - 5 years ago

@Moneymac101: RT @dcconfidential: Composer Billy Goldenberg, Who Helped Create #YR Music, Dies at 84. @YandR_CBS @YRInsider - 5 years ago

@AssezDeuxParis: RT @Lt_Columbo_Off: J'ai le regret de vous annoncer le décès à 84 ans de Billy Goldenberg qui avait composé plusieurs musiques de films don… - 5 years ago

@Lynnstreeter: RT @dcconfidential: Composer Billy Goldenberg, Who Helped Create #YR Music, Dies at 84. @YandR_CBS @YRInsider - 5 years ago

@dcconfidential: Composer Billy Goldenberg, Who Helped Create #YR Music, Dies at 84. @YandR_CBS @YRInsider - 5 years ago

@Tuckerpete: RT @dialmformovies: Didn't realise how much composer Billy Goldenberg had been a part of my formative years of film/tv watching. Duel Colu… - 5 years ago

@txerrac: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al gran Billy Goldenberg, músico y compositor que nos acompañó durante décadas a través de decenas y decenas de tr… - 5 years ago

@Alain_Marche: Billy Goldenberg, Composer on 'Duel' and 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@VinylElvis: RT @elvisdaybyday: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-winning composer and musical director of #Elvis Presley's 'Comeback Special', died. He was 84. R.… - 5 years ago

@Mike_G1981: RT @Elvis_News: "Billy was responsible for the amazing comeback of Elvis and without his arrangements and score on the 1968 NBC Elvis Speci… - 5 years ago

@GrimmClaus: Den Namen des jüngst verstorbenen Komponisten Billy Goldenberg habe ich wohl erstmals 1974 im Abspann von „Einsatz… - 5 years ago

@GHERARDIMAURO1: - 5 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. Billy Goldenberg. - 5 years ago

@sirban3: RT @Rusher_415: 『刑事コロンボ』の音楽を担当したことで知られるビリー・ゴールデンバーグが亡くなったそうだよ。 ★Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 彼は必殺技ジャックハマーを武器にしてリング… - 5 years ago

@rivimey: RT @PaulHoward5: Farewell, Billy Goldenberg. This is my favourite work of his, from one of the pilot episodes of Columbo - so rich, dramati… - 5 years ago

@TonySteveAnim: RT @Lt_Columbo_Off: J'ai le regret de vous annoncer le décès à 84 ans de Billy Goldenberg qui avait composé plusieurs musiques de films don… - 5 years ago

@MelchiorBonnet: Rip Billy Goldenberg étrangement méconnu 🙏🙏🙏 - 5 years ago

@Naskinen: Movie composer Billy Goldenberg dead at 84. - 5 years ago

@Jordipicver: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al gran Billy Goldenberg, músico y compositor que nos acompañó durante décadas a través de decenas y decenas de tr… - 5 years ago

@dialmformovies: Didn't realise how much composer Billy Goldenberg had been a part of my formative years of film/tv watching. Duel… - 5 years ago

@sazankaQ: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@RogNudityBadger: I just posted "A Celebration Of Billy Goldenberg: Main Theme [from BANACEK]" on Reddit - 5 years ago

@violivermell: RT @MundoBSO: Ha fallecido el compositor del filme de Steven Spielberg "Duel" (El Diablo sobre ruedas), y ganador de premios Emmy. Goldenbe… - 5 years ago

@couttetlovera: RT @Lt_Columbo_Off: J'ai le regret de vous annoncer le décès à 84 ans de Billy Goldenberg qui avait composé plusieurs musiques de films don… - 5 years ago

@captain_tanzawa: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@KurtLaffreuxped: RT @Lt_Columbo_Off: J'ai le regret de vous annoncer le décès à 84 ans de Billy Goldenberg qui avait composé plusieurs musiques de films don… - 5 years ago

@patrick_bertaux: RT @Lt_Columbo_Off: J'ai le regret de vous annoncer le décès à 84 ans de Billy Goldenberg qui avait composé plusieurs musiques de films don… - 5 years ago

@uorya_0hashi: RT @Rusher_415: 『刑事コロンボ』の音楽を担当したことで知られるビリー・ゴールデンバーグが亡くなったそうだよ。 ★Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 彼は必殺技ジャックハマーを武器にしてリング… - 5 years ago

@sa82543: RT @Rusher_415: 『刑事コロンボ』の音楽を担当したことで知られるビリー・ゴールデンバーグが亡くなったそうだよ。 ★Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 彼は必殺技ジャックハマーを武器にしてリング… - 5 years ago

@kostisbitsios: #BillyGoldenberg Dies at 84 #BarbraStreisand's #UptheSandbox (1972), The Last of Sheila… - 5 years ago

@geminicollision: RT @phoefsutton: R.I.P. Billy Goldenberg #RIPBillyGoldenberg One of the great TV composers. - 5 years ago

@Lt_Columbo_Off: J'ai le regret de vous annoncer le décès à 84 ans de Billy Goldenberg qui avait composé plusieurs musiques de films… - 5 years ago

@EthanSVG: RT @alisonmartino: - 5 years ago

@GrimmClaus: RT @Variety: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@bertiegizmo69: RT @DEADLINE: Billy Goldenberg Dies: Emmy-Winning Composer And ‘Elvis Comeback Special’ Musical Director Was 84 - 5 years ago

@YANGSANGSUN: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@smatsuinote2: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@okazakiya: RT @Rusher_415: 『刑事コロンボ』の音楽を担当したことで知られるビリー・ゴールデンバーグが亡くなったそうだよ。 ★Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 彼は必殺技ジャックハマーを武器にしてリング… - 5 years ago

@elvisdaybyday: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-winning composer and musical director of #Elvis Presley's 'Comeback Special', died. He was 8… - 5 years ago

@BuffyJoss: RT @DEADLINE: Billy Goldenberg Dies: Emmy-Winning Composer And ‘Elvis Comeback Special’ Musical Director Was 84 - 5 years ago

@kiikun123: RT @Rusher_415: 『刑事コロンボ』の音楽を担当したことで知られるビリー・ゴールデンバーグが亡くなったそうだよ。 ★Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 彼は必殺技ジャックハマーを武器にしてリング… - 5 years ago

@GrazieElvis: RT @ElvisRadio19: ‘68 Comeback musical director Billy Goldenberg Dead: Was 84 | Hollywood Reporter - 5 years ago

@AmySD37: RT @DEADLINE: Billy Goldenberg Dies: Emmy-Winning Composer And ‘Elvis Comeback Special’ Musical Director Was 84 - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Billy Goldenberg (February 10, 1936 – August 3, 2020) - 5 years ago

@246810ru1: RT @Elvis_News: "Billy was responsible for the amazing comeback of Elvis and without his arrangements and score on the 1968 NBC Elvis Speci… - 5 years ago

@aki_born: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @SpielbergChron: RIP Billy Goldenberg - he wrote the scores for Steven Spielberg's 'Duel' and his TV episodes 'LA 2017' and 'Columbo - M… - 5 years ago

@cinemix: RT @filmmusicrep: 'Kojak', 'Columbo' & 'Duel' composer Billy Goldenberg passes away at age 84. - 5 years ago

@SpielbergChron: RIP Billy Goldenberg - he wrote the scores for Steven Spielberg's 'Duel' and his TV episodes 'LA 2017' and 'Columbo… - 5 years ago

@Loffz: RT @Moonspinner55: RIP Billy Goldenberg (1936–2020), music composer for countless TV series such as "Kojak" & "Rhoda", also TV movies like… - 5 years ago

@246810ru1: RT @ElvisPresleynew: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-winning composer and musical director of Elvis Presley's 'Comeback Special', dies at 84 - MEAWW… - 5 years ago

@stefbauza: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@Moonspinner55: RT @Moonspinner55: RIP Billy Goldenberg (1936–2020), music composer for countless TV series such as "Kojak" & "Rhoda", also TV movies like… - 5 years ago

@TADASYTADASY: RT @Rusher_415: 『刑事コロンボ』の音楽を担当したことで知られるビリー・ゴールデンバーグが亡くなったそうだよ。 ★Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 彼は必殺技ジャックハマーを武器にしてリング… - 5 years ago

@AaronDGoldstei1: My obit for film & TV composer Billy Goldenberg, R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@myrtleleaf: RT @pasadenafrank: RiP Billy Goldenberg. Boy, do his scores enhance the 70s Columbo Experience! This LP is a bit of a rosetta stone of mine… - 5 years ago

@pasadenafrank: RiP Billy Goldenberg. Boy, do his scores enhance the 70s Columbo Experience! This LP is a bit of a rosetta stone of… - 5 years ago

@Nexus1O1: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al gran Billy Goldenberg, músico y compositor que nos acompañó durante décadas a través de decenas y decenas de tr… - 5 years ago

@noyorin: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@mikejquigley: RT @smilingcobra: Billy Goldenberg was a huge talent, arguably the best and/or the most important composer working in TV during the early '… - 5 years ago

@matt0258: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Ritchie1945: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@RolandoPujol: So sad to learn that the great Billy Goldenberg has died. He was my favorite TV composer. Columbo. Duel. Kojak. Nig… - 5 years ago

@mysteript: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Zombie_Shop: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@charlestrotter: Billy Goldenberg, a four-time Emmy-winning composer whose vast body of work includes the themes for KOJAK and RHODA… - 5 years ago

@charlestrotter: R.I.P. BILLY GOLDENBERG February 10, 1936 – August 3, 2020 - 5 years ago

@hkg5Kf4cw6fPYpQ: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@rybergadams: RT @LeonardSlatkin: My dear friend Billy Goldenberg passed away this morning. His name might not be familiar, but his music is, whether the… - 5 years ago

@sususu10no: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@pisces1235: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@LilianaDiablo: RT @ElvisRadio19: ‘68 Comeback musical director Billy Goldenberg Dead: Was 84 | Hollywood Reporter - 5 years ago

@LilianaDiablo: RT @Elvis_News: "Billy was responsible for the amazing comeback of Elvis and without his arrangements and score on the 1968 NBC Elvis Speci… - 5 years ago

@nekomeyawa: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@fishcurry1963: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@EFuckingPresley: RT @THR: Billy Goldenberg, the Emmy-winning composer who collaborated with Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross, has died https:/… - 5 years ago

@HariKumarOffl: RT @THR: Billy Goldenberg, the Emmy-winning composer who collaborated with Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross, has died https:/… - 5 years ago

@rtake3: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@papaminsky: RT @Rusher_415: 『刑事コロンボ』の音楽を担当したことで知られるビリー・ゴールデンバーグが亡くなったそうだよ。 ★Billy Goldenberg dies at 84 彼は必殺技ジャックハマーを武器にしてリング… - 5 years ago

@DOYAYANS: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@yenyataiDD: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@timgray_variety: RT @jonburlingame: Favorite Billy Goldenberg themes (not in order, well, sorta): Night Gallery pilot / Columbo pilot / Harry O / Rhoda / S… - 5 years ago

@acbatesy: His work on the first season of Columbo and the film Duel is at the top of my list of favorite and memorable film m… - 5 years ago

@1ive1ove1earn: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@thechangeiscast: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Elvis_News: "Billy was responsible for the amazing comeback of Elvis and without his arrangements and score on the 1968 NBC Elv… - 5 years ago

@VamosaCineHoy: RT @MundoBSO: Ha fallecido el compositor del filme de Steven Spielberg "Duel" (El Diablo sobre ruedas), y ganador de premios Emmy. Goldenbe… - 5 years ago

@defshepard: RT @Variety: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@DorothyiAdamsu: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@makunosuke: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@REDDRAGONRISIN1: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: RT @jonburlingame: Favorite Billy Goldenberg themes (not in order, well, sorta): Night Gallery pilot / Columbo pilot / Harry O / Rhoda / S… - 5 years ago

@coldpoop4263: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@musikamia: RT @MundoBSO: Ha fallecido el compositor del filme de Steven Spielberg "Duel" (El Diablo sobre ruedas), y ganador de premios Emmy. Goldenbe… - 5 years ago

@yoshitada_n: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@guest23desu: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@DavidPoland: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@toshiyukisakai: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@tsukitada: RT @eigahiho: 『刑事コロンボ』『激突!』『ボギー!俺も男だ』『シーラ号の謎』『破壊!』『刑事コジャック』『スターダストの女王』『ドミノ・ターゲット』等の作品で音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグが84歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@explodingwalrus: Billy Goldenberg, Composer on 'Duel' and 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@Limecello: RT @DEADLINE: Billy Goldenberg Dies: Emmy-Winning Composer And ‘Elvis Comeback Special’ Musical Director Was 84 - 5 years ago

@EthioFiddler: RT @LeonardSlatkin: My dear friend Billy Goldenberg passed away this morning. His name might not be familiar, but his music is, whether the… - 5 years ago

@chrisj_oreilly: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@gyohm: RT @moviewalker_bce: 数々の映画やミュージカル音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグ氏が亡くなりました。享年84歳でした。謹んで哀悼の意を表します - 5 years ago

@TheaterPizzazz: Billy Goldenberg Passes On - 5 years ago

@moviewalker_bce: 数々の映画やミュージカル音楽を手がけたビリー・ゴールデンバーグ氏が亡くなりました。享年84歳でした。謹んで哀悼の意を表します - 5 years ago

@johnnydollar01: RT @jonburlingame: Favorite Billy Goldenberg themes (not in order, well, sorta): Night Gallery pilot / Columbo pilot / Harry O / Rhoda / S… - 5 years ago

@jonburlingame: Favorite Billy Goldenberg themes (not in order, well, sorta): Night Gallery pilot / Columbo pilot / Harry O / Rhod… - 5 years ago

@HWDiversity: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@CortPeterson1: RIP to the late great Billy Goldenberg who wrote so much incredible music for stage and screen. His kind and genero… - 5 years ago

@donjuanmusic: Another loss. Billy Goldenberg RIP. I loved his work on Columbo and Duel. - 5 years ago

@ricklertzman: Composer Billy Goldenberg dies at 84. Wrote the themes for Rhoda, Kojak, films such as Duel, Queen of the Stardust… - 5 years ago

@ProtestMusica: RT @MusicREDEF: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 (@jonburlingame - @Variety) - 5 years ago

@ProtestMusica: RT @The_News_DIVA: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@Kalbertocunha: RT @ElvisPresleynew: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-winning composer and musical director of Elvis Presley's 'Comeback Special', dies at 84 - MEAWW… - 5 years ago

@randalldlarson: Composer Billy Goldenberg Has Died: - 5 years ago

@VeraPar88750449: RT @THR: Billy Goldenberg, the Emmy-winning composer who collaborated with Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross, has died https:/… - 5 years ago

@ElvisPresleynew: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-winning composer and musical director of Elvis Presley's 'Comeback Special', dies at 84 - ME… - 5 years ago

@ElvisPresley360: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-winning composer and musical director of Elvis Presley's 'Comeback Special', dies at 84 - ME… - 5 years ago

@ZuckWithADuck: RT @THR: Billy Goldenberg, the Emmy-winning composer who collaborated with Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross, has died https:/… - 5 years ago

@GrimmClaus: RT @TheSpyCommand: Billy Goldenberg, composer for famous TV shows, dies - 5 years ago

@ikeraton: RT @ConCeDeCultura: Ha fallecido Billy Goldenberg - 5 years ago

@ConCeDeCultura: Ha fallecido Billy Goldenberg - 5 years ago

@KingCreole_Zoso: RT @ElvisRadio19: ‘68 Comeback musical director Billy Goldenberg Dead: Was 84 | Hollywood Reporter - 5 years ago

@Diego_MA_A_L: RT @MundoBSO: Ha fallecido el compositor del filme de Steven Spielberg "Duel" (El Diablo sobre ruedas), y ganador de premios Emmy. Goldenbe… - 5 years ago

@psybrspcsuprstr: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@wholetruthy: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @thebeardedtrio: Duel and Columbo Composer, Billy Goldenberg Dies Age 84 - 5 years ago

@USElves: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@thebeardedtrio: Duel and Columbo Composer, Billy Goldenberg Dies Age 84 - 5 years ago

@MilesWattsFilm: Duel, oh man... such a grinding, roaring, menacing score. RIP Billy Goldenberg. - 5 years ago

@H50Europe: RT @DEADLINE: Billy Goldenberg Dies: Emmy-Winning Composer And ‘Elvis Comeback Special’ Musical Director Was 84 - 5 years ago

@MarkZajac: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@TepidSharkTake2: RT @DEADLINE: Billy Goldenberg Dies: Emmy-Winning Composer And ‘Elvis Comeback Special’ Musical Director Was 84 - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Billy Goldenberg Dies: Emmy-Winning Composer And ‘Elvis Comeback Special’ Musical Director Was 84… - 5 years ago

@YigaFahad10: RT @DEADLINE: Billy Goldenberg Dies: Emmy-Winning Composer And ‘Elvis Comeback Special’ Musical Director Was 84 - 5 years ago

@AmblinRoad: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@periodistaserna: Ha muerto a los 84 años Billy Goldenberg, creador de una de mis sintonías favoritas de TV: la miniserie LA VUELTA A… - 5 years ago

@lightscameraatx: RT @DEADLINE: Billy Goldenberg Dies: Emmy-Winning Composer And ‘Elvis Comeback Special’ Musical Director Was 84 - 5 years ago

@ItsNotAStar: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@ebravomex: RT @amblin: Saddened with the news composer Billy Goldenberg has passed away. Billy wrote scores for Steven Spielberg’s earliest profession… - 5 years ago

@dancindanw: @BettyBuckley @BebeNeuwirth @Daryl_Roth @Rosie @CallMeAdamNYC @BroadwayWorld - We lost the amazing BILLY GOLDENBERG… - 5 years ago

@Lomnipotentt: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Tristesse Billy Goldenberg, compositeur que j’appréciais tout particulièrement pour bon nombre de musiques pour des série… - 5 years ago

@WR_PatriaAmada: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@dmellieon: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@phoefsutton: R.I.P. Billy Goldenberg #RIPBillyGoldenberg One of the great TV composers. - 5 years ago

@filmfreaks4ever: R.I.P. Billy Goldenberg #RIPBillyGoldenberg One of the great TV composers. - 5 years ago

@AndyMc______: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@Dravych: RT @Cine_Heroes: ⚫ Décès de Billy Goldenberg, compositeur notamment du film Duel de Steven Spielbeg ou encore des séries Columbo, Kojak, Fa… - 5 years ago

@dduane: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@ProtestMusica: RT @njr_music: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@JasenV19: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al gran Billy Goldenberg, músico y compositor que nos acompañó durante décadas a través de decenas y decenas de tr… - 5 years ago

@ProtestMusica: RT @BetaSeries_News: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@MundoBSO: Ha fallecido el compositor del filme de Steven Spielberg "Duel" (El Diablo sobre ruedas), y ganador de premios Emmy… - 5 years ago

@Barbiewithatude: RT @LeonardSlatkin: My dear friend Billy Goldenberg passed away this morning. His name might not be familiar, but his music is, whether the… - 5 years ago

@Barbiewithatude: RT @madefortvmayhem: I had the good fortune to see Billy Goldenberg perform live three times, and I met him once. Lovely man. He made TV mo… - 5 years ago

@Barbiewithatude: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@Hyongbu: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@Barbiewithatude: RT @THR: Billy Goldenberg, the Emmy-winning composer who collaborated with Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross, has died https:/… - 5 years ago

@Soulkraven: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@LilleV1985: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@THR: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP famed film, TV & Broadway composer Billy Goldenberg. How's this for credits: 'Queen of the Stardust Ballroom,' 'Duel,… - 5 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: A 2017 video about Murder by the Book. Billy Goldenberg's music is prominent - 5 years ago

@MunarSebastia: RT @THR: Billy Goldenberg, the Emmy-winning composer who collaborated with Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross, has died https:/… - 5 years ago

@LaraAbdallah: RT @PeterAPeel: Billy Goldenberg wrote the theme for RHODA! RHODA!!! Films he scored include THE GRASSHOPPER, PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM, THE LAST… - 5 years ago

@ivovynckier: Just learned that film composer Billy Goldenberg died. His experimental soundtrack for Steven Spielberg's TV movie… - 5 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: Billy Goldenberg, composer for famous TV shows, dies - 5 years ago

@ElvisRadio19: ‘68 Comeback musical director Billy Goldenberg Dead: Was 84 | Hollywood Reporter - 5 years ago

@tvconfidential: Via @THR: Film and television composer Billy Goldenberg dies at age 84 - 5 years ago

@joesview: RT @PeterAPeel: Billy Goldenberg wrote the theme for RHODA! RHODA!!! Films he scored include THE GRASSHOPPER, PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM, THE LAST… - 5 years ago

@Squiddly1964: RT @PeterAPeel: Billy Goldenberg wrote the theme for RHODA! RHODA!!! Films he scored include THE GRASSHOPPER, PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM, THE LAST… - 5 years ago

@PeterAPeel: Billy Goldenberg wrote the theme for RHODA! RHODA!!! Films he scored include THE GRASSHOPPER, PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM, T… - 5 years ago

@HugoObjoie: RT @Cine_Heroes: ⚫ Décès de Billy Goldenberg, compositeur notamment du film Duel de Steven Spielbeg ou encore des séries Columbo, Kojak, Fa… - 5 years ago

@crane4306: RT @sound_trax: RIP Billy Goldenberg. TV에서 활약하던 영화음악가인 그가 84세 나이로 타계했다. 스필버그와도 인연이 깊은데 영화계로 진출하기 전 연출했던 [Night Gallery]와 [The Name of the G… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Billy Goldenberg - #BillyGoldenberg #Billy #Goldenberg #rip - 5 years ago

@ThatSiamGuy1988: RT @Variety: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@citizenhorton: Billy Goldenberg's music has been going through my mind for decades. RIP to the composer who gave COLUMBO a dose of… - 5 years ago

@santiagorg332: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al gran Billy Goldenberg, músico y compositor que nos acompañó durante décadas a través de decenas y decenas de tr… - 5 years ago

@tibzbo: RT @Variety: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@djuna01: RT @sound_trax: RIP Billy Goldenberg. TV에서 활약하던 영화음악가인 그가 84세 나이로 타계했다. 스필버그와도 인연이 깊은데 영화계로 진출하기 전 연출했던 [Night Gallery]와 [The Name of the G… - 5 years ago

@benstockbiz: RIP Billy Goldenberg composer of BALLROOM amongst others..... pictured here @54Below when he came to see my show an… - 5 years ago

@nievesclaqueta: RT @faustianovich: Pero también compuso Billy Goldenberg para la gran pantalla: SUEÑOS DE SEDUCTOR y EL FIN DE SHEILA, ambas de Herbert Ros… - 5 years ago

@monivb71: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al gran Billy Goldenberg, músico y compositor que nos acompañó durante décadas a través de decenas y decenas de tr… - 5 years ago

@faustianovich: Peli (Billy Goldenberg) del día: CAMBIO DE HÁBITOS, de la larga lista de tonterías que Elvis Presley iba encadenand… - 5 years ago

@NeverDontGiveUp: RT @THR: Billy Goldenberg, the Emmy-winning composer who collaborated with Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross, has died https:/… - 5 years ago

@GIRODPATRICE: Tristesse Billy Goldenberg, compositeur que j’appréciais tout particulièrement pour bon nombre de musiques pour des… - 5 years ago

@StefLeoten: RT @Cine_Heroes: ⚫ Décès de Billy Goldenberg, compositeur notamment du film Duel de Steven Spielbeg ou encore des séries Columbo, Kojak, Fa… - 5 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @alta_fidelidad: Los menos jóvenes recordarán la sintonía de Kojak. Ha muerto su compositor, Billy Goldenberg.También fue director music… - 5 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: Steven Spielberg's DUEL (1971) wouldn't be nearly as thrilling without its score from Billy Goldenberg. - 5 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @Variety_TV: Billy Goldenberg, Emmy-Winning Composer and Songwriter, Dies at 84 - 5 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @madefortvmayhem: I had the good fortune to see Billy Goldenberg perform live three times, and I met him once. Lovely man. He made TV mo… - 5 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @madefortvmayhem: Fear No Evil is Billy Goldenberg's first TV movie credit. That score... THAT SCORE is so discordant and creepy and lus… - 5 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @Film_Music_Love: Now listening to the late Billy Goldenberg's soundtrack to the 89 miniseries of Around The World In 80 Days. - 5 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @THR: Billy Goldenberg, the Emmy-winning composer who collaborated with Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross, has died https:/… - 5 years ago

@GuillemCintas: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al gran Billy Goldenberg, músico y compositor que nos acompañó durante décadas a través de decenas y decenas de tr… - 5 years ago

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