Bill Walker

Scotish politican
Died on Tuesday June 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bill Walker:

@MarinoToribioR: ➡#LnbRD🏀🇩🇴 ⬇#LEONES 92 ⬆#INDIOS 93 ➡PATRICK MILLER 24Pts|7Ast ➡JONATHAN ARAUJO 17Pts|8Reb ➡BILL WALKER 16Pts|4Reb… - 8 years ago

@misterjpmanahan: This is much like the Bill Walker / Henry Walker thing. - 8 years ago

@Gary_E_Walker: This HC is worse than the House Bill. Senator McConnell has removed the only good parts in the Bill, and is going t… - 8 years ago

@Gary_E_Walker: @FoxNews @KellyannePolls This HC is worse than the House Bill. Senator McConnell has removed the only good parts in… - 8 years ago


@Walker_Maret3: RT @UGAfootballLive: #UGA great and #WWE legend Bill @Goldberg puts this Tech fan where he belongs. Always a Dawg. - 8 years ago

@pacheco_abu: RT @WiStateJournal: Scott Walker signs bill ending work permits for 16- and 17-year-olds - 8 years ago

@JABaloney: RT @SpudLovr: Scott Walker signs bill ending work permits for 16- and 17-year-olds - 8 years ago

@SamuelBJonathan: @ScottWalker "This bill doesn't kill off Wisconsinites fast enough, this isn't cruel enough", screamed Scott Walker. - 8 years ago

@yayayarndiva: RT @SpudLovr: Scott Walker signs bill ending work permits for 16- and 17-year-olds - 8 years ago

@laprofe63: RT @SpudLovr: Scott Walker signs bill ending work permits for 16- and 17-year-olds - 8 years ago

@SpudLovr: Scott Walker signs bill ending work permits for 16- and 17-year-olds - 8 years ago

@Mix_walker: @SenateGOP @SenJoniErnst More snippets but nothing on GOP bill.. they not advocating for their bill at all! - 8 years ago

@Gary_E_Walker: RT @thehill: McConnell looks to GOP centrists to pass ObamaCare repeal bill - 8 years ago

@Beddy63: RT @WisconsinStrong: Shorter: Scott Walker signs bill weakening parental rights - 8 years ago

@SpudLovr: RT @WisconsinStrong: Shorter: Scott Walker signs bill weakening parental rights - 8 years ago

@DWNewsRoundUp: The law turns back a century-old requirement that teenagers obtain a parent's signature and permit in order to... - 8 years ago

@JeffPally: RT @WiStateJournal: Scott Walker signs bill ending work permits for 16- and 17-year-olds - 8 years ago

@WisconsinStrong: Shorter: Scott Walker signs bill weakening parental rights - 8 years ago

@WiStateJournal: Scott Walker signs bill ending work permits for 16- and 17-year-olds - 8 years ago

@UpNorthBidLF: Bill's Bargain Bin in Walker, MN ha a New Auction Open for Bidding - 8 years ago

@Walker_Elec: Are you a #student #landlord? Is your heating bill astronomical? Learn about the correct #heating solutions… - 8 years ago

@Stanley_Walker: RT @razzywoman: We owe them nothing as a DIVORCE BILL and we will not pay you have bled us dry - 8 years ago

@Stanley_Walker: RT @WantEnglandBack: The Appalling Cost Of Immigration London's £36 billion benefits bill is bigger than Britain whole defence budget h… - 8 years ago

@Stanley_Walker: RT @DavidJo52951945: Why did the remain campaign not once mention a brexit bill? because it does not exist it is made up nonsense - 8 years ago

@Stanley_Walker: RT @DavidJo52951945: The Queen's Speech will feature a law to take back control of UK trade from the EU. World trade here we come - 8 years ago

@flexdream: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@ComputingNapier: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@JohnDouglasKemp: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@GalileeBlockade: @Cam_Walker More the headline writers than journo. The article quoted Bill and Ben (yes, we know) in full which is not bad for them. - 8 years ago

@Cam_Walker: Disgraceful bit of work from the Mail. Don't think Bill has his own thoughts, he just there to be 'rolled out' by a… - 8 years ago

@LaBearDod: @gromzly @Rory__Walker @RationalDis @shaun_jen @Because_Feelinz When you have a cult following in a year or so I'll… - 8 years ago

@Gary_E_Walker: RT @thehill: Kamala Harris: Even the president calls GOP health bill "mean" - 8 years ago

@Gary_E_Walker: RT @MSNBC: How can Democrats fight back as the GOP sneaks the health bill in secrecy? Rachel Maddow asks Sen. Jeff Merkley - 8 years ago

@mizzunky: @DaShanneStokes kind of reminds me of Gov Paul Walker's anti-collective bargaining bill in 2011 that led to the mas… - 8 years ago

@walker_zachary: RT @danpfeiffer: The Republicans are going to upend the health care system with no debate, no hearings, and no clue what the effects of the… - 8 years ago

@AK_news_kitten: Walker worried by one-size-fits-all approach to federal health care bill - 8 years ago

@walker__boh: RT @wilw: Americans deserve to know what is in the Senate AHCA bill. That @SenateMajLdr is keeping it hidden from us and our Senators is ty… - 8 years ago

@walker_md: RT @rshawnm: New polling on AHCA Nevada - 31% approval Alaska - 29% approval W. Virginia - 35% approval Summary - people still hate this… - 8 years ago

@walker_md: RT @GeorgeTakei: Hard to imagine a healthcare bill that's even more cruel than the House #Trumpcare bill, but leave it to Republicans https… - 8 years ago

@kommineni_sunil: RT @KITProfs: KIT Sponsors 2017 Bill Walker Golf Tournament 33rd Airport Business Diversity Conference June 16-20 #Transportation #HAS #A… - 8 years ago

@be_r_walker: RT @ifuaskmee: Elizabeth Warren exposed the horrifying truth behind the Republican's secret health care bill #inners - 8 years ago

@Gary_E_Walker: RT @NPR: A group of GOP senators has been working in private for weeks, shielding from public view the bill and negotiations. - 8 years ago

@_Bill_Walker_: Cambridge Bumps is the University's rowing clubs four day boat race. - 8 years ago

@AK_news_kitten: Governor Walker Signs Bill to Help Build a Safer Alaska - 8 years ago

@AnneFurlow: RT @AdventureParkVB: Bill Geroux and Bill Walker. #VABook2017 - 8 years ago

@walker_md: RT @AlexMMTri: The Senate is drafting its health care bill in secret. Tell your Senator we deserve open debate on this vital issue https:/… - 8 years ago

@walker_md: RT @choo_ek: Wasn't the House bill already "too mean"? - 8 years ago

@walker_md: RT @thehill: LIVE COVERAGE: Kamala Harris: Healthcare bill is "so catastrophic" even the president called it mean - 8 years ago

@ProfAndreaNolan: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@sellers737: @kellie__walker you would LOVE this. Bill Burr on Meryl Streep's speech. it had me dying - 8 years ago

@Kreeah: IMDb. June 19th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Kim Walker, Pat Buttram, Michael Maloney, Ken Davitian, Moe Howard, Bill Baretta, Jennifer Siebel Newsom. 🎂 - 8 years ago

@kathyf: @HobbyistBrendan @RockShrimp @PridgeWessea @Rory__Walker @LakeLorene @regwag2003 @neeratanden Byrd voted for the bi… - 8 years ago

@kathyf: @HobbyistBrendan @RockShrimp @PridgeWessea @Rory__Walker @LakeLorene @regwag2003 @neeratanden It was Kennedy's deat… - 8 years ago

@PMillerJudd: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@INSURANCE_NY: Alaska Governor Signs Bill Paving Way for Uber, Lyft in the Frontier State Gov. Bill Walker has signed legislation… - 8 years ago

@Gary_E_Walker: RT @thehill: Senate GOP considers deeper Medicaid cuts than House ObamaCare repeal bill - 8 years ago

@jhitehr: Congratulations to Prof. Bill Buchanan on the OBE and Catherine Walker on the MBE! @EdinburghNapier - 8 years ago

@smkrishqa_edi: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@UpNorthBidLF: Bill's Bargain Bin in Walker, MN ha a New Auction Open for Bidding - 8 years ago

@mmac1105: RT @KITProfs: KIT Sponsors 2017 Bill Walker Golf Tournament 33rd Airport Business Diversity Conference June 16-20 #Transportation #HAS #A… - 8 years ago

@KITProfs: KIT Sponsors 2017 Bill Walker Golf Tournament 33rd Airport Business Diversity Conference June 16-20 #Transportation #HAS #AMAC - 8 years ago

@EPSRC: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@Mix_walker: @realDonaldTrump didnt you call the House bill "mean" while at the same time having a party for the bill in the Rose Garden? - 8 years ago

@BrightRTriangle: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@McAdamTech: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@Cilla_Richards: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@S__M__S: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@InterfaceOnline: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@EdNapierAlumni: RT @EdinburghNapier: Edinburgh Napier stalwarts Prof Bill Buchanan & Catherine Walker receive OBE, MBE. Full story here: - 8 years ago

@jodiquilts: RT @blue_wisconsin: Walker will sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power - 8 years ago

@fancyrectangles: @patbaer @austin_walker my girl back here serving up Kill Bill - 8 years ago

@Bill_J_Walker: Much love and respect to my Brother and Father in Law this Father's… - 8 years ago

@UpNorthBidLF: Bill's Bargain Bin in Walker, MN ha a New Auction Open for Bidding - 8 years ago

@Martyn__Walker: RT @Andrew_Adonis: I'm tabling a private member's bill with @peterkyle MP to lower the voting age to 16. Please message/retweet your suppor… - 8 years ago

@GrahamBranch1: @_Bill_Walker_ That's excellent mate! - 8 years ago

@_Bill_Walker_: The logical next step in specialist imaging. - 8 years ago

@Bill_J_Walker: Me sporting my Bomb Pops and Freedom short sleeve button down from… - 8 years ago

@_Bill_Walker_: Proof at last! Something I "tweaked" a while ago (did I post this already?) Anyhow, Let me know when you see it?… - 8 years ago

@fuk_libtards: @JRAViking @mssueme @GregBoucher93 @mitchellvii Bill Clinton was the most corrupt lying American hating Presidents… - 8 years ago

@UpNorthBidLF: Bill's Bargain Bin in Walker, MN ha a New Auction Open for Bidding - 8 years ago

@blue_wisconsin: Walker will sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power - 8 years ago

@lenarran: @skinskinny . Bill Shelton, Gandy Baugh, Florence Martin, Suzanne Coleman, Paula Grober, Danny Casolaro Paul Wilche… - 8 years ago

@Rory__Walker: RT @RVAwonk: Bill Cosby admitted to drugging women he wanted to have sex with. HE ADMITTED THIS. ...and still, the jury was "hopelessly de… - 8 years ago

@mjk_walker: @philiphammond Why couldn't you be straight about your vote against the bill requiring rented homes to be fit for human habitation? - 8 years ago

@Univarn: I think Spurs should move to sign Ricardo Pereira regardless of a Walker sale. He seems to fit the Poch bill well.… - 8 years ago

@mstsoftweb: CRAJARIE DAVID WALKER Contact information is provided below; Transport company address : 104 BILL BLAKE DR  WIL - 8 years ago

@PacoSystems: Top story: Bill Walker, MPP on Twitter: "57th Annual Sailpast at #GeorgianYacht… - 8 years ago

@Brett_M_Walker: RT @nytimes: GOP senators might not realize it, but not one state supports the replacement health bill - 8 years ago

@MezinisStella: RT @AFPWI: .@govwalker deserves a lot of credit for embracing leading the nation on regulatory reform - 8 years ago

@Gary_E_Walker: RT @thehill: Trump administration pushing House Republicans to weaken Senate Russian sanctions bill: report - 8 years ago

@Bill_J_Walker: 12 years together,10 years of Marriage and still going strong! Truly… - 8 years ago

@Bill_Stearns: RT @realDonaldTrump: Thank you Wisconsin! Tuesday was a great success for #WorkforceWeek at @WCTC w/ @IvankaTrump & @GovWalker. Remarks: h… - 8 years ago

@MckennaRetha: @aaronsayswhat1 @EMauraA Thank U I'm so pissed off about the hung jury! Bill Cosby really pissed me off wen suddenl… - 8 years ago

@pa_walker: On the bus again with his girlfriend feigning ignorance over paying the fare in tokens.Wonder if he pays for his cellphone bill that way. - 8 years ago

@thisIsBoom: @bill_goldthorpe Does this mean they won't go after Kyle Walker? - 8 years ago

@_Max_Walker: @CasHolbyRp *also does and pays bill* we should go collect Noah - 8 years ago

@THE_Vic_Walker: RT @lexi4prez: 60 women: Bill Cosby raped/sexually assaulted me. People: You're all liars. Cosby: I did it People: OK BUT I HAVE THIS THEOR… - 8 years ago

@Adam_Zimmerman: @chris_j_walker 2/You've studied this bill far more than me. What is the problem it's trying to correct? Are there examples of abuse? - 8 years ago

@Adam_Zimmerman: @chris_j_walker 1/Some things in RAA that I agree with--eg, public record requirements & State Farm. But I share Bi… - 8 years ago

@StateHouseRock: #AKGov Bill Walker calls 2nd special session to avert a state government shutdown with July 1 deadline approaching - 8 years ago

@UpNorthBidLF: Bill's Bargain Bin in Walker, MN ha a New Auction Open for Bidding - 8 years ago

@Stanley_Walker: RT @DavidJo52951945: EU's house of cards will COLLAPSE if Brussels punishes UK for Brexit - 8 years ago

@_Andy_Walker_: - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: Bill Cosby leaving court like ... - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: Bill Cosby leaving court like ... - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: I find it strange that Bill Cosby just got off. And you just woke up. - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: "If the pill didn't hit, you must acquit." -- Bill Cosby's attorney, probably. - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: Audio of Bill Cosby on his way home from court ... - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: Mushmouth just made a statement about the Bill Cosby mistrial. No one knows what he said though ... - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: Bill Cosby on his way home from court like ... - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: HEY HEY HEY ... It looks like Bill Cosby ain't going to jail To-DAY! - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: Bill Cosby when he gets home from court ... - 8 years ago

@Steve_R_Walker: Bill Cosby got off again. But at least everyone was awake this time ... - 8 years ago

@Ryan5Duke: @Walker_Justus5 @_LaBarry If rings is all that matters than bill Russell is the G.O.A.T - 8 years ago

@SelifanPakhomov: RT @Trinab1807: To NC Reps V Foxx, M Walker & T Budd The insurance industry says this Healthcare bill is cruel and inhumane. Do u agree wi… - 8 years ago

@SpeakerVos: RT @WIAssemblyGOP: The #REINSAct is on its way to becoming law. Thanks @AdamNeylonPress for your leadership. - 8 years ago

@Badgerlvr: Scott Walker to sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power - 8 years ago

@WIAssemblyGOP: The #REINSAct is on its way to becoming law. Thanks @AdamNeylonPress for your leadership. - 8 years ago

@acebb20: @RepSeanDuffy @AP I'm old enough to remember when liberals laughably said Walker's Budget Repair Bill was going to hurt Wisconsin jobs. - 8 years ago

@harri_walker: RT @whomstami: Reminder that their healthcare bill will kill real people with families who like pizza and make bad jokes and love their dog… - 8 years ago

@Mix_walker: RT @thehill: Warren rips Senate GOP for secretive work on healthcare bill - 8 years ago

@UpNorthBidLF: Bill's Bargain Bin in Walker, MN ha a New Auction Open for Bidding - 8 years ago

@Alaska_Guide: KTOO Uber and Lyft are rolling into Juneau KTOO Alaska Gov. Bill Walker shows off House Bill… - 8 years ago

@kholverson45: RT @WiStateJournal: Scott Walker to sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power - 8 years ago

@MKE_GovAffairs: RT @WheelerReports: Scott Walker to sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power. via @WiStateJournal - 8 years ago

@RightBadger: RT @LizSchmidt3: #TGFSW, #ItsWorking-->Walker to sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power - 8 years ago

@Bill_J_Walker: On this day 10 years ago I became ONE with my best friend. I love… - 8 years ago

@LizSchmidt3: #TGFSW, #ItsWorking-->Walker to sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power - 8 years ago

@WheelerReports: Scott Walker to sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power. via @WiStateJournal - 8 years ago

@WiStateJournal: Scott Walker to sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power - 8 years ago

@kickalert: @adamashby Bill MacKay with Ryley Walker at Mama Roux's (Aug 31, 2017) - 8 years ago

@farnorthhomesak: Governor Walker: Please stand down! You are totally out of control and out of touch with reality! — contacting Alaska Governor Bill Walker - 8 years ago

@pwm4u: RT @seanhannity: Tonight I will be joined live by Congressmen Jeff Duncan, Gary Palmer, Mark Walker, Jack Bergman, Bill Johnson and Roger M… - 8 years ago

@FDNMopinion: RT @Nat_Herz: Gov. Bill Walker on the House adjournment: “They did not get the job done for Alaska.” #AKleg - 8 years ago

@Nat_Herz: Gov. Bill Walker on the House adjournment: “They did not get the job done for Alaska.” #AKleg - 8 years ago

@carrollpb_bill: RT @LaffCon: .@mattkeeley continues his great @tordotcom reviews. Check out his thoughts on Hoban's masterpiece, Riddley Walker: - 8 years ago

@socialcss_gov: - 8 years ago

@Alaska_Guide: KTOO Uber and Lyft are rolling into Juneau KTOO Alaska Gov. Bill Walker shows off House Bill… - 8 years ago

@DGatri310: RT @seanhannity: Tonight I will be joined live by Congressmen Jeff Duncan, Gary Palmer, Mark Walker, Jack Bergman, Bill Johnson and Roger M… - 8 years ago

@foley_bill: RT @realDonaldTrump: Thank you Wisconsin! Tuesday was a great success for #WorkforceWeek at @WCTC w/ @IvankaTrump & @GovWalker. Remarks: h… - 8 years ago

@TWD_Walker: RT @ScottPresler: @realDonaldTrump Loretta Lynch must be investigated for obstructing justice. Her secret meeting with Bill Clinton on the… - 8 years ago

@Cam_Walker: RT @larissawaters: My #StopAdani bill would mean their dodgy history is considered b4 getting any public $. OneNation went nuts: - 8 years ago

@Trishbrockovich: RT @ktva: Gov. Walker signs bill to open door for Uber/Lyft in Alaska - 8 years ago

@WiStateJournal: Scott Walker to sign bill limiting state agency rulemaking power - 8 years ago

@akiceman44: RT @ktva: Gov. Walker signs bill to open door for Uber/Lyft in Alaska - 8 years ago

@AlaskaNewsBit: Gov. Walker signs #Bill open door Uber/Lyft #Alaska: - 8 years ago

@Alaska_Guide: KTOO Uber and Lyft are rolling into Juneau KTOO Alaska Gov. Bill Walker shows off House Bill… - 8 years ago

@AnchorageRR: Gov. Walker signs bill to open door for Uber/Lyft in Alaska - 8 years ago

@russ_walker: RT @DerekMYoung: Herrera Beutler, Kilmer Reintroduce Bill to Fight Ocean Acidification - 8 years ago

@wally_walker: @primes25 @garylawless @MarkSeidel how was it playing for Bill LaForge? - 8 years ago

@RepCodyHenson: @walker_cin Did you read the bill? Still has a pistol purchase permit requirement for those without CCP - 8 years ago

@AlaskanBest: Walker signs ride-hailing bill in time for sponsor’s Uber solstice party - 8 years ago

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