Bill Shaw

American gospel singer (Blackwood Brothers).
Died on Tuesday September 18th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Bill Shaw:

@NRGonzalezNY: @TheWillArvin @texashomeboy1 Bill Kollar if he finally wands a HC job. David Shaw. Matt LaFleur. - 6 years ago

@newbelfast: I gcuideachta na cuideachta. Enjoyed company of Rev Bill Shaw @Billthunderroad & Katy Radford at reception for new… - 6 years ago

@Aethylred: RT @henrycooke: The Waka Jumping bill has finally passed its third reading, with James Shaw saying "we're not comfortable with it, but we w… - 6 years ago

@shaw_perez: RT @ASlavitt: Please be quiet about this. Do not retweet or publicize. GOP Quietly Sends Bill To Gut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid B… - 6 years ago


@northshoreguynz: RT @henrycooke: The Waka Jumping bill has finally passed its third reading, with James Shaw saying "we're not comfortable with it, but we w… - 6 years ago

@henrycooke: The Waka Jumping bill has finally passed its third reading, with James Shaw saying "we're not comfortable with it,… - 6 years ago

@BillShawMining: Professor Iain Stewart is featured at AGCC 2018 - Adelaide in 2 weeks - 6 years ago

@Lesson_17: @Astrozombies76 Bill but I LOVE LIZ SHAW!!! But Bill. BUT I LOVE LIZ SHAW!!! - 6 years ago

@amg134: RT @mpadilla_93: "WAIT A DAMN MINUTE! If Bill Cosby can be held liable for a sexual assault from 35 years ago, don't you think Brett Kavan… - 6 years ago

@CCmamaz415: RT @mpadilla_93: "WAIT A DAMN MINUTE! If Bill Cosby can be held liable for a sexual assault from 35 years ago, don't you think Brett Kavan… - 6 years ago

@Kateyor50351967: @Shawhelp Now I know why shaw clients are waiting on the telephone for hours you are all on twitter. Everytime I h… - 6 years ago

@mpadilla_93: "WAIT A DAMN MINUTE! If Bill Cosby can be held liable for a sexual assault from 35 years ago, don't you think Bret… - 6 years ago

@bill_clintons: @Adivi_Shaw @DeepStateExpose Worse than that, she was an adult 19-20 She let children be gang raped knowing and don… - 6 years ago

@rahim_shaw: RT @DylansRawTake: BY GAWD ITS BILL BELICHICK - 6 years ago

@shaw_amit835: I must say that this is the best deal with the Quality Product MarQ TV by Flipkart just fits the Bill. #MarQByFlipkart - 6 years ago

@nelson040977: @ShawInfo Once again unable to contact shaw, online or by phone. Effective immediately I have changed service prov… - 6 years ago

@pciassembly: RT @PCIModerator: With Bill Shaw, Director of 174 Trust and Patricia McAuley as she unveiled a stunning and sensitive piece of art commemor… - 6 years ago

@PCIModerator: With Bill Shaw, Director of 174 Trust and Patricia McAuley as she unveiled a stunning and sensitive piece of art co… - 6 years ago

@O_Shaw: RT @IamGMJohnson: Let Heathcliff Huxtable go... Let go of that uncle too... Let go of that aunt also... And that cousin, they can go too...… - 6 years ago

@O_Shaw: I should’ve never joined the Facebook discussion of Bill Cosby. I’m disappointed in the men defending and deflectin… - 6 years ago

@loriblue6: RT @Marndin12: Bill Cosby is sentenced to at least 3 years in state prison for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. Ju… - 6 years ago

@TangRoy17: RT @Marndin12: Bill Cosby is sentenced to at least 3 years in state prison for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. Ju… - 6 years ago

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