Bill Sevesi

Tongan-born New Zealand musician.
Died on Saturday April 23rd 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bill Sevesi:

@ukeist: Pacific music master Bill Sevesi farewelled - 9 years ago

@SugoMusicGroup: Pacific music master Bill Sevesi farewelled - 9 years ago

@SophiaTara88: BILL SEVESI died recently - he was called the Godfather of Pacific Music.. this 45 minute documentary is well... - 9 years ago

@SophiaTara88: BILL SEVESI died recently - he was called the Godfather of Pacific Music.. this 45 minute documentary is well... - 9 years ago


@TheMightyUkesNZ: BILL SEVESI died recently - he was called the Godfather of Pacific Music.. this 45 minute documentary is well... - 9 years ago

@AxlHazarika: #Pacific music master Bill Sevesi farewelled - 9 years ago

@newzealand__ag: Pacific music master Bill Sevesi farewelled - Radio New Zealand #new - 9 years ago

@newzealand__ag: Pacific music master Bill Sevesi farewelled - Radio New Zealand #new - 9 years ago

@MsfitNZ: Pacific music master Bill Sevesi farewelled - 9 years ago

@Jo_Bond: RT @CheckpointRNZ: Well-wishers gathered today in Auckland to celebrate the life of renowned ukelele and steel guitar player Bill Sevesi, w… - 9 years ago

@curiolion: RT @NeilFinn: Heres some beautiful Bill Sevesi to revel in - 9 years ago

@CheckpointRNZ: Well-wishers gathered today in Auckland to celebrate the life of renowned ukelele and steel guitar player Bill Sevesi, who died last month. - 9 years ago

@DreamyJayne: RT @tagpas: Today we farewell the "Godfather of Pacific music" Bill Sevesi... Rest in love x #TagataPasifika - 9 years ago

@DutchCajonist: Pacific music master Bill Sevesi farewelled - Radio New Zealand - 9 years ago

@TeKarereTVNZ: RT @PeataMelbz: Friends and whanau of music pioneer Bill Sevesi bid him farewell at the Holy Trinity Cathedral today @TeKarereTVNZ - 9 years ago

@PeataMelbz: Friends and whanau of music pioneer Bill Sevesi bid him farewell at the Holy Trinity Cathedral today @TeKarereTVNZ - 9 years ago

@rnzbrentedwards: Pacific music master Bill Sevesi farewelled - 9 years ago

@VillageCollect: #VCmakingLemonade because its NZ music month lets celebrate music legend Bill Sevesi who passed away recently...... - 9 years ago

@tagpas: Today we farewell the "Godfather of Pacific music" Bill Sevesi... Rest in love x #TagataPasifika - 9 years ago

@nzmusicmonth: RT @nzonscreen: This morning we farewell a legend. Thanks for the wonderful music Bill Sevesi - 9 years ago

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