Bill Robertson

American politician
Died on Thursday June 27th 2013

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bill Robertson:

@dennisschmidt5: RT @TaraVeer: Welcoming Mayors of St. Albert & Okotoks @stalbertmayor & Bill Robertson for @ASHFM1. Congrats 2015 inductees!…

@stalbertmayor: RT @TaraVeer: Welcoming Mayors of St. Albert & Okotoks @stalbertmayor & Bill Robertson for @ASHFM1. Congrats 2015 inductees!…

@Bill_Veeck: David Robertson slams the door for a White Sox Winner!

@AlbertaSport_: RT @TaraVeer: Welcoming Mayors of St. Albert & Okotoks @stalbertmayor & Bill Robertson for @ASHFM1. Congrats 2015 inductees!…


@ASHFM1: RT @TaraVeer: Welcoming Mayors of St. Albert & Okotoks @stalbertmayor & Bill Robertson for @ASHFM1. Congrats 2015 inductees!…

@TaraVeer: Welcoming Mayors of St. Albert & Okotoks @stalbertmayor & Bill Robertson for @ASHFM1. Congrats 2015 inductees!

@TomKattman: That guy by the Bill Nye standard doesn't "believe in science." Funny how he somehow made that scientific find. 😼

@WSRQRadio: Today on Let's Talk Law with Bill Robertson - WSRQ Radio it's time for our monthly Helping Our Heroes show with...

@racingwebcom: Bill Robertson showed everyone the fast way around Dirt's Monster Half Mile!

@al_robertson: RT @prestonjbyrne: Strong crypto stays or strong tech sector goes. Your call @Number10gov .

@Corp_OD: Bill Robertson, Financial Advisor at Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., and I recently connected on LinkedIn

@Briellamaree: @OhioGanja oscar Robertson is backing the bill he is and never has been corrupt but Maurice clarette his record speaks for itself I trust

@davidtidd2: RT @RLitwiller: Honoured to meet Bill Robertson, #RCAF today. #WWII Trip seven decades in the making | The Belleville Intelligencer http://…

@MMageeArt: RT @RLitwiller: Honoured to meet Bill Robertson, #RCAF today. #WWII Trip seven decades in the making | The Belleville Intelligencer http://…

@RLitwiller: Honoured to meet Bill Robertson, #RCAF today. #WWII Trip seven decades in the making | The Belleville Intelligencer

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