Bill Nieder

American shot putter
Died on Tuesday October 11th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Bill Nieder:

@AlphaRugbyCoach: 'Like a little lost puppet' - 2 years ago

@HuebscherManitu: @knoellchen1901 @bill_scurr @overtime kniet nieder vor lord tyler herro - 2 years ago

@BJAdeparusi: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago



@Kangelman: @DLFNachrichten Das geht ja mal garnicht ich bin empört 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 PS. Corona ist vom Staat es gibt kein Corona!!!!! P… - 2 years ago

@nicolejeffery: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@Dave_Ng: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@Fun77Sports: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@McThrows: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@jideyusuf: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@StadlerRainer: @Karl_Lauterbach Der Heilige Bill hat gesprochen knien sie bitte nieder u küssen seinen Ring - 2 years ago

@gcral: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@AbotaAyza: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@LonsertMichael: @Karl_Lauterbach Karl, du bist unser Held. Schreie sie alle nieder diese Demonstranten, lass sie abführen. Du und B… - 2 years ago

@billjavelin: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@Jayhawktrack: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@wilcoxtrack: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@IdrisAdeyemo31: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@ljbsaun: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@pau_s_f: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@spikesonly: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@DoubleR_2004: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@runbrief: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Alo… - 2 years ago

@Kipyegowillie: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@WorldTrackNews: RT @WorldAthletics: World Athletics is deeply saddened to hear that US shot putter Bill Nieder died on 7 October at the age of 89. Along w… - 2 years ago

@Coach_JaySmith: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@juanmbotella: RT @josep_pelayo: Bill Nieder, el primero en superar los 20 metros en el lanzamiento de peso - 2 years ago

@LuisMontes68: Bill Nieder, junto con Parry O'Brien, Dallas Long y Randy Matson, formó parte de la Edad de Oro del lanzamiento de… - 2 years ago

@LuisMontes68: Acaba de dejarnos Bill Nieder (1933), el campeón olímpico de lanzamiento de peso en 1960. Recomiendo esta semblanza… - 2 years ago

@megapondio_v2: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@hmmrmedia: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@LuisMontes68: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@gethypedllc: University of Kansas shot put phenom/Olympian Bill Nieder dies at age 89 - 2 years ago

@anituarco: RT @josep_pelayo: Ha fallecido Bill Nieder,recupero un articulo que escribí sobre él en la web de @martiperarnau Bill Nieder, el primero e… - 2 years ago

@josep_pelayo: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@LuisMontes68: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@LuisMontes68: RT @josep_pelayo: Bill Nieder, el primero en superar los 20 metros en el lanzamiento de peso - 2 years ago

@josep_pelayo: Bill Nieder, el primero en superar los 20 metros en el lanzamiento de peso - 2 years ago

@josep_pelayo: Ha fallecido Bill Nieder,recupero un articulo que escribí sobre él en la web de @martiperarnau Bill Nieder, el pri… - 2 years ago

@AlJohns14605331: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@DaveDunnigan: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@DaveDunnigan: RT @pjvazel: Bill Nieder was coached by correspondance by hammer throw future Olympic champion and WR holder Harold Connolly for his weight… - 2 years ago

@Fun77Sports: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@Fun77Sports: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@gcral: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@newsrunswim: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@DaveDunnigan: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@PfaffSC: RT @pjvazel: Bill Nieder was coached by correspondance by hammer throw future Olympic champion and WR holder Harold Connolly for his weight… - 2 years ago

@PfaffSC: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@HarriPiironen: Olympiavoittaja ja historian ensimmäinen 20 metrin kuulantyöntäjä Bill Nieder on kuollut. - 2 years ago

@wilcoxtrack: RT @pjvazel: Bill Nieder was coached by correspondance by hammer throw future Olympic champion and WR holder Harold Connolly for his weight… - 2 years ago

@wilcoxtrack: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@McThrows: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@GeneralsXC: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@RockChalkTrack: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@marcventouillac: RT @pjvazel: Bill Nieder was coached by correspondance by hammer throw future Olympic champion and WR holder Harold Connolly for his weight… - 2 years ago

@marcventouillac: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@AngelCruzJ: RT @pjvazel: Bill Nieder was coached by correspondance by hammer throw future Olympic champion and WR holder Harold Connolly for his weight… - 2 years ago

@IdrisAdeyemo31: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@stechitegist: Bill Nieder, Former Kansas legend, died at the age of 89 - 2 years ago

@pjvazel: Bill Nieder was coached by correspondance by hammer throw future Olympic champion and WR holder Harold Connolly for… - 2 years ago

@ShaolinSplit: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.45 - 19.99 -… - 2 years ago

@pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP Bill Nieder (89) 1st man to break 20m barrier 🥇🥈 @Olympics 1960 1956 3️⃣ @WorldAthletics Records 1960 19.4… - 2 years ago

@metrage: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@kansasrunning: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@Richkid4mula: Bill Nieder, Former Kansas legend, died at the age of 89 Dies Angela Lansbury Rudiger… - 2 years ago

@megapondio_v2: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@megapondio_v2: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@KingBygoneLive: Bill Nieder, Former Kansas legend, died at the age of 89 - 2 years ago

@NsemWoKromNews: Bill Nieder, Former Kansas legend, died at the age of 89 - 2 years ago

@NsemWoKrom: Bill Nieder, Former Kansas legend, died at the age of 89 - 2 years ago

@KingBygoneLive: Bill Nieder Wife: Who is Sue? - 2 years ago

@NsemWoKromNews: Bill Nieder Wife: Who is Sue? - 2 years ago

@NsemWoKrom: Bill Nieder Wife: Who is Sue? - 2 years ago

@athleticspodium: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@WichitaEagleSpt: University of Kansas shot put phenom/Olympian Bill Nieder dies at age 89 - 2 years ago

@OlympicStatman: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@EldrickISB: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@KtoZmarl: Bill Nieder (89 l) - amerykański lekkoatleta, czołowy kulomiot świata drugiej połowy lat 50. XX wieku i początku na… - 2 years ago

@TBHSthrowers: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@TrackElks: RT @beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60' Nieder… - 2 years ago

@sirurt: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@zhoodcoach: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@PfaffSC: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@GebMo1: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@Jayhawktrack: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@DoubleR_2004: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@thweav: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@billjavelin: RT @LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his fifth… - 2 years ago

@Hermhorse: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@Paul_Thornton: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@beau_throws: RIP to Shot-put legend Bill Nieder (89)🙏 1960 Olympic🥇 1956 Olympic🥈 First Prep over 60' First Collegian over 60'… - 2 years ago

@JordanGuskey: RT @KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@KUTrack: Former Kansas Legend Bill Nieder Passes Away 📰 #RockChalk | #KUTF - 2 years ago

@LsabreAvenger: Let's cast out minds back on Bill Nieder, who has sadly left us at the age of 89, as he puts an OR of 19.68 at his… - 2 years ago

@coachgambetta: RIP Bill Nieder One of the athletes who inspired me to start weight training in 1962 - 2 years ago

@gethypedllc: Lawrence, KU track legend and Olympic gold medalist Bill Nieder dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@crimsonblu22: RT @mctait: Lawrence & KU track legend Bill Nieder died last week at his home in California at the age of 89. Nieder had a monster career,… - 2 years ago

@gimmethewooby: RT @mctait: Lawrence & KU track legend Bill Nieder died last week at his home in California at the age of 89. Nieder had a monster career,… - 2 years ago

@KUsports: RT @mctait: Lawrence & KU track legend Bill Nieder died last week at his home in California at the age of 89. Nieder had a monster career,… - 2 years ago

@mctait: Lawrence & KU track legend Bill Nieder died last week at his home in California at the age of 89. Nieder had a mons… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Bill Nieder has passed away - #BillNieder #Bill #Nieder #rip - 2 years ago

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