Bill Harris

American politician
Died on Monday November 27th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bill Harris:

@LadyShallot1: RT @shannoncoulter: A group of 33 of Bill Cosby's victims came forward in 2015 w/ Gloria Allred representing them, a year before your lawsu… - 7 years ago

@harris_karish: First bill already breakin a bih 😂😂🤷🏾‍♀️🙄 - 7 years ago

@colonel_dye: RT @TheMarkPantano: When Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, and Chris Murphy are co-sponsoring your gun control bill, you know it's bad! Texas,… - 7 years ago

@vocemlibertatis: But let's not let facts get in the way. It scores more points to paint Republicans as the Monopoly Man. - Kamala Ha… - 7 years ago


@Jenna_Harris: RT @davidallengreen: No deal on "sufficient progress". No impact assessments. Withdrawal Bill in deep trouble. Eighteen months after vot… - 7 years ago

@queenoftheclick: Why didn't Assemblywoman Pam Harris and Senator Golden go further to protect tenant's rights? Golden from #BayRidge… - 7 years ago

@JonathanABailey: Senator Kamala Harris Serves Up A Not-Completely-Terrible Revenge Porn Bill - 7 years ago

@That_AC: @Maggie_McNeill What is the fascination with the nipples of a female being visible? "(B) the naked genitals or post… - 7 years ago

@RMAEgypt: 2020 Year of the Woman? Much changed since women publicly confronted Bill Crosby, Harvey Weinstein etc. Allegations… - 7 years ago

@Artaskmefive: Protesters stage mock town hall on GOP tax bill outside Rep. Harris' Bel Air office - Baltimore Sun - 7 years ago

@ArmyofWomack: RT @shannoncoulter: A group of 33 of Bill Cosby's victims came forward in 2015 w/ Gloria Allred representing them, a year before your lawsu… - 7 years ago

@AdV007: Senator Kamala Harris Serves Up A Not-Completely-Terrible Revenge Porn Bill - 7 years ago

@techbullets: Senator Kamala Harris Serves Up A Not-Completely-Terrible Revenge Porn Bill - @TimCushing / Techdirt… - 7 years ago

@TwkalC: Senators introduce revenge porn bill  Senators Kamala D. Harris (D-CA), Richard Burr (R-NC) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN… - 7 years ago

@sriabh: RT @KamalaHarris: Today I’m introducing the bipartisan ENOUGH Act of 2017, which will make cyber exploitation a federal crime. We must ensu… - 7 years ago

@Geb_nut: RT @TUSK81: Gillibrand joins Harris, Warren, Booker, Sanders, Durbin, and dozens of House Dems in committing to not vote for yr-end spendin… - 7 years ago

@junie_harris: RT @aletweetsnews: It continues. @RepRohrabacher’s office. They’re banging on the door: “kill the bill, don’t kill us!” #KillTheBill https:… - 7 years ago

@Bellalindafox: RT @TUSK81: Gillibrand joins Harris, Warren, Booker, Sanders, Durbin, and dozens of House Dems in committing to not vote for yr-end spendin… - 7 years ago

@RiseUpAbove: RT @TUSK81: Gillibrand joins Harris, Warren, Booker, Sanders, Durbin, and dozens of House Dems in committing to not vote for yr-end spendin… - 7 years ago

@jazz_onair: Gene Harris All Star Big Band - Captain Bill #jazz #OnAir - 7 years ago

@TheMarkPantano: When Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, and Chris Murphy are co-sponsoring your gun control bill, you know it's bad! Te… - 7 years ago

@chris_p_harris: RT @russellberman: But Dems aren’t going for the GOP’s gun gambit. Bill combining expanded concealed-carry with tighter background checks i… - 7 years ago

@frodofied: RT @Blacklitmustest: @ian_in_mtl @Paposaurus @jordansdiamonds @marcushjohnson Easy-both introduced criminal justice reform legislation-earl… - 7 years ago

@JimTuscaloosaAl: RT @SavingAmerica4U: 🔴 Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@VicLovesAnimals: RT @SavingAmerica4U: 🔴 Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@ScottAulde: RT @SavingAmerica4U: 🔴 Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@MarkNapolillo: RT @SavingAmerica4U: 🔴 Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@EndDeportations: RT @EndDeportations: 🚨HAPPENING NOW: Undocumented youth about to risk arrest in San Diego at SenFeinstein's office asking her pledge #NoDre… - 7 years ago

@Melody_Va: RT @thebradfordfile: We know a "nay" from Kamala Harris--the Tax Bill is a win for the American people. - 7 years ago

@penndragonArt: RT @ErikaAndiola: 🚨HAPPENING NOW: Undocumented youth about to risk arrest in San Diego at @SenFeinstein's office asking her pledge #NoDream… - 7 years ago

@KAMP_RadioPlays: Just played: Stablemates - The Bill Harris Quintet - This Time the Dream's On(Pensativa) - 7 years ago

@NWSGSP: Bill Wheeler Deputy EMA Harris County TX discussing the benefits of the #IWT regarding response to #HurricaneHarvey… - 7 years ago

@NWSAtlanta: Bill Wheeler, the Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator in Harris County, TX, will now be speaking via conference… - 7 years ago

@LaraLovesCrows: RT @mkanau: “Under this [tax] bill, 572,000 tax payers making over $1 million a year will get $34 billion in tax cuts per year. If you’re a… - 7 years ago

@alycia_w_harris: RT @WhatsPatUpTo: Team Toomey, led by @sk5395 , wrote to the DelCo Times about the tax bill. They claim that no one will lose health care a… - 7 years ago

@BrentSullivan: RT @ErikaAndiola: 🚨HAPPENING NOW: Undocumented youth about to risk arrest in San Diego at @SenFeinstein's office asking her pledge #NoDream… - 7 years ago

@QuarryStrauz: RT @ErikaAndiola: 🚨HAPPENING NOW: Undocumented youth about to risk arrest in San Diego at @SenFeinstein's office asking her pledge #NoDream… - 7 years ago

@teneg01: RT @MarkYoungTruth: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@charles8142: RT @starknightz: . Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill #TaxCuts… - 7 years ago

@SRMex: RT @ErikaAndiola: 🚨HAPPENING NOW: Undocumented youth about to risk arrest in San Diego at @SenFeinstein's office asking her pledge #NoDream… - 7 years ago

@not_p_harris: RT @NGrossman81: (THREAD) Epic screw-up in the tax bill the Senate just passed. They lowered the corporate rate to 20%, but accidentally pu… - 7 years ago

@bgsd_4332: @KamalaHarris Hi Senator Harris, I'm a disabled Type 1 diabetic (42 yrs) & rely on Social Security & Medicare. If… - 7 years ago

@not_p_harris: RT @SenSchumer: New analysis on #GOPTaxScam - now that everyone has had time to read it - turns out their bill RAISES taxes on 62% of middl… - 7 years ago

@not_p_harris: RT @jessphoenix2018: Hey, CA-25 is our district!!! Help us replace Steve Knight, since we need more than a GOP rubber stamp representing us… - 7 years ago

@RobertBucking20: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@KatDow55: RT @TwitchyTeam: You FIRST! Conservatives fact-CRUSH Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@LarryHa47065048: RT @MarkYoungTruth: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@carysimond: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@ranch_it_up_bro: RT @mashable: Senators take shot at federal 'revenge porn' law, with Facebook's blessing - 7 years ago

@Darylmatla: RT @u2biker: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill... DoG - 7 years ago

@christas_cheryl: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@MyInfoLaura1: RT @u2biker: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill... DoG - 7 years ago

@Ric_FM: @sergiolavos Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Jordan B. Peterson, Dave Rubin, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brigitte Gabriel, Bill M… - 7 years ago

@stevekloscak: RT @PolitiBunny: You FIRST! Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@u2biker: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill... DoG - 7 years ago

@topkubob: RT @TwitchyTeam: You FIRST! Conservatives fact-CRUSH Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@Florida_OG: RT @TwitchyTeam: You FIRST! Conservatives fact-CRUSH Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@WI_Libertarian: RT @TwitchyTeam: You FIRST! Conservatives fact-CRUSH Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@SeldenGADawgs: RT @TwitchyTeam: You FIRST! Conservatives fact-CRUSH Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@Filterlbc: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@biy2c: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@wildroseking: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@DFDlogic: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@GerryPratt9: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@the1rew: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@doward: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@AlVader: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@KrisVanh0use: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@Wayne952: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@Grdguez69: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@KarlMarberger: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@bean9986: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@DanCrawfordMBA: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@joel_treadwell: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@carolepheart: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@IrisArc91599747: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@TheGepstur: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@kellymonegan: RT @chuckwoolery: Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris’s latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - 7 years ago

@JayVanorman: RT @AIIAmericanGirI: You FIRST! Conservatives fact-HAMMER Kamala Harris's latest lies and threats about GOP tax bill - - 7 years ago

@DansRealResults: The New Science of Super Awareness by Bill Harris PDF Download - Holosync® Meditation Technology: Brain Wave Traini… - 7 years ago

@tomefest: RT @scrollsscotland: Bill Lawson - Harris in History and Legend - 7 years ago

@not_p_harris: RT @latimes: "Human rights cannot be compromised." Colin Kaepernick was honored with the Eason Monroe Courageous Advocate Award at the ACLU… - 7 years ago

@charlesbarnwell: @Jon_P_Harris @gordonkent5757 @69mib @K69atie Sometimes you get interesting answers @K69atie kindly points me to t… - 7 years ago

@MarshallYoum: "Revenge porn" bill being introduced to US Senate. - 7 years ago

@junie_harris: RT @rosemaryCNN: CNN Political Analyst @KirstenPowers chats w/me about #Trump #ElizabethWarren tax reform bill & #CFPB - 7 years ago

@not_p_harris: RT @Lucy_Western: Shoutout to @NHSEngland for saving my life this weekend after I had asthma trouble. Admitted overnight, nebulisers, stero… - 7 years ago

@Jcpcond: @chrissussdorf @mspugh01 Cause you are a liberal bit*h of the highest order!!! Where were you when Obasturdcare was… - 7 years ago

@ernestcuadrado: RT @homeofmetaluk: Napalm Death 1989. Shane Embury, Mick Harris, Bill Steer and Lee Dorrian. @officialND #napalmdeath #grindcore - 7 years ago

@md90266: @KamalaHarris We do want corporate tax breaks, Sen Harris. Corporations provide the jobs in this country, not gove… - 7 years ago

@not_p_harris: RT @penndragonArt: @paulkrugman’s truly sickening that they think this is ok! #GOPTaxScam #quote @JohnFugelsang Can't decide if the… - 7 years ago

@Bill_Gutman: RT @WallaceReid_: 1918 Mildred Harris Theda Bara Mabel Normand Ella Hall, many of the posts I put up are from lost films, at least we have… - 7 years ago

@BrandBuilderXp: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 7 years ago

@AfafAAlshawa: RT @NeverLoggingOff: @metaphorical27 Ex-Muslims who learned atheism from Bill Maher and Sam Harris are the most obnoxious type of person, t… - 7 years ago

@hisham_melhem: @khoury_nabeel The Wayfaring Stranger is one of the greatest American songs ever recorded. Practically all major ar… - 7 years ago

@Christo24390648: Rangers fans are a Cross between Bill Crosby an Rolph Harris Fat sweaty weirdo looking peodophiles YNWA Fuck the Rangers aw cousins - 7 years ago

@kaykayeindbq: RT @mashable: Senators take shot at federal 'revenge porn' law, with Facebook's blessing - 7 years ago

@dianna211maddie: @TVPotts @philwittkc @fox4kc @HARRISFAULKNER @WCVB @Chronicle5 @ABC Fabulous as usual Harris. What ever happened to… - 7 years ago

@not_p_harris: RT @kylegriffin1: One of the provisions in the House GOP tax bill would repeal the 1954 law that bans churches and other nonprofits from en… - 7 years ago

@PaulGuidera: RT @1967NHLtweets: North Stars cruised to a 5-1 win over the #stlblues in St. Louis. Wayne Connelly had 2 goals for Minnesota, singles from… - 7 years ago

@AriKennedy3: Coralee Harris, retired risk compliance executive, re 479 page tax bill. 62% of it devoted to corporate tax benefit… - 7 years ago

@AriKennedy3: Coralee Harris, retired risk compliance executive, re 479 page tax bill. 62% of it devoted to corporate tax benefit… - 7 years ago

@AriKennedy3: Coralee Harris, retired risk compliance executive, re 479 page tax bill. 62% of it devoted to corporate tax benefit… - 7 years ago

@AriKennedy3: Coralee Harris, retired risk compliance executive, re 479 page tax bill. 62% of it devoted to corporate tax benefit… - 7 years ago

@AriKennedy3: Coralee Harris, retired risk compliance executive, re 479 page tax bill. 62% of it devoted to corporate tax benefit… - 7 years ago

@IAmKateSteinle: @vlcdearlady @aascott39 Not sure you're confused about. I do not support Harris. She's way more about criminal im… - 7 years ago

@dea4dogs: RT @KamalaHarris: Today I’m introducing the bipartisan ENOUGH Act of 2017, which will make cyber exploitation a federal crime. We must ensu… - 7 years ago

@EnchantraIndeed: RT @homeofmetaluk: Napalm Death 1989. Shane Embury, Mick Harris, Bill Steer and Lee Dorrian. @officialND #napalmdeath #grindcore - 7 years ago

@waxpendrecords: 美盤!! 深溝 MONO オリジナル BILL HARRIS Herd (MG N-1062) ウディ・ハーマン楽団でも活躍したトロンボーン奏者、ビル・ハリスの数少ないリーダー作の一つ。チャーリー・マリアーノらが参加。… - 7 years ago

@Travis__Harris: RT @PrescottRossi: Bill Belichick apologizes to Sean McDermott for the Gronk hit that gave Tre' White a concussion. Called it bull%^&*. htt… - 7 years ago

@IndivisibleBerk: RT @IndivisibleBerk: Feeling bereft over the tax bill? It's not over yet. *Fight the GOP Tax Bill* Over Dec 2-3 Wkend: 1) House may/may not… - 7 years ago

@news_seniors: Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, Rolf Harris, Don Burke - see the connection? They're all from our gener… - 7 years ago

@dlturner78: RT @homeofmetaluk: Napalm Death 1989. Shane Embury, Mick Harris, Bill Steer and Lee Dorrian. @officialND #napalmdeath #grindcore - 7 years ago

@coachster: @KamalaHarris Senator Harris- do Democrats get to sit on the reconciliation committee, or is it done in a back-room… - 7 years ago

@jdouglaslittle: @rabbleca PC leader Patrick Brownnoser is already throwing the Harris Hudak approach under the bus. Bill Davis is the new model. - 7 years ago

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