Bill Hands

American baseball player (Chicago Cubs).
Died on Thursday March 9th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bill Hands:

@PaulDube62: RT @truewildeone: @jamesmcelweejr. It's Ok That The Clinton Foundation Got Tens Of Millions Bill Got Millions Killery Hands Over 20% Of O… - 8 years ago

@yolantaspy2pos: The worst part about my dad having a ponytail is, whenever we go out to eat, the server automatically hands the bill to me. - 8 years ago

@1real_bill: RT @kanyevst: Ex-Boyfriend Stabs Her 32 Times. 3 Years Later, The EMT Who Found Her Dying Hands Her A Note - 8 years ago

@Perrspectives: @artsyTrish @GOP Funny story: In '12, Reince Priebus said Obama has "blood on his hands" because "he stole $700 bil… - 8 years ago


@drfarmertx: RT @baseballhall: The #HOF remembers former @Cubs 20-game winner Bill Hands, who passed away on Thursday. - 8 years ago

@SLGreenberg: RT @baseballhall: The #HOF remembers former @Cubs 20-game winner Bill Hands, who passed away on Thursday. - 8 years ago

@cashira2554: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: "Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill." - Hillary Rodham Clinton htt… - 8 years ago

@NebraskaSower: RT @_JoyCastro: "The bill shifts a ton of money into the hands of the rich…All of the budget savings come by reducing benefits to the poor…… - 8 years ago

@DaniloCLozano: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: "Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill." - Hillary Rodham Clinton htt… - 8 years ago

@ParsonBrown22: @BillKristol gleefully rub my hands together & waiting for the rest pages being sent to David, relax Bill one show,others talk CBO its start - 8 years ago

@ix2harper: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: "Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill." - Hillary Rodham Clinton htt… - 8 years ago

@motorcitychic: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: "Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill." - Hillary Rodham Clinton htt… - 8 years ago

@jisforjolana: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: "Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill." - Hillary Rodham Clinton htt… - 8 years ago

@PhD_SureShot: @NBA2K_MyTEAM got me a sweet Bill Walton!!! But what I wouldn't do to get my hands on a Jay Williams - 8 years ago

@rubinovitz: @TuckerMattR played right into their hands. Will be very sad if this is why the healthcare bill goes through - 8 years ago

@sddphoto: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: "Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill." - Hillary Rodham Clinton htt… - 8 years ago

@nickaluhs: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: "Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill." - Hillary Rodham Clinton htt… - 8 years ago

@christy80: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: "Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill." - Hillary Rodham Clinton htt… - 8 years ago

@truewildeone: @jamesmcelweejr. It's Ok That The Clinton Foundation Got Tens Of Millions Bill Got Millions Killery Hands Over 20% Of Our Uranium Pay2Play - 8 years ago

@wlmorin: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: "Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill." - Hillary Rodham Clinton htt… - 8 years ago

@mypotatosweet: Hobbes originally had pads on his hands and feet but Bill Waterson (the creator) found them too distracting and removed them. - 8 years ago

@CitylinkMusic: Bill Withers ~ 'Grandma's Hands' from the album Bill Withers Greatest HIts [1981] - 8 years ago

@valentslsaal: The worst part about my dad having a ponytail is, whenever we go out to eat, the server automatically hands the bill to me. - 8 years ago

@SE25A: RT @faisalislam: Ah. hands up William III did veto the Scottish Militia Bill, but the last monarch to do so was of course Queen Anne... - 8 years ago

@JawaunLeeMMA: RT @BensonHenderson: If I be a Montague & you be a Capulet, Bill would write of star-cross'd lovers holding hands in distant lands, getting… - 8 years ago

@BensonHenderson: If I be a Montague & you be a Capulet, Bill would write of star-cross'd lovers holding hands in distant lands, getting old by being bold... - 8 years ago

@Bone_Hands: RT @dylanmatt: The best research suggests the GOP bill could lead to ~28,900 more deaths a year - 8 years ago


@vhuynh13: I hope the proposed bill does not pass...take the time to read it because it puts all the power in the hands of the… - 8 years ago

@NatInsec: RT @faisalislam: Ah. hands up William III did veto the Scottish Militia Bill, but the last monarch to do so was of course Queen Anne... - 8 years ago

@troysride: @CNN This bill has @SteveKingIA all up in arms or hands- his reaction 2insult good bigots w/far fetched illusions that deserve suicide watch - 8 years ago

@MichaelBlack777: Brexit Bill Passes UK Parliament. The future of the UK is now in the hands of diplomats and skilled negotiators. - 8 years ago

@saduilow45k: The worst part about my dad having a ponytail is, whenever we go out to eat, the server automatically hands the bill to me. - 8 years ago

@18Lia18: RT @yolok18: I like to think that Bill and Tom held hands while they were hugging that man since nobody was behind them *sighs* - 8 years ago

@ramiz0hcjma: The worst part about my dad having a ponytail is, whenever we go out to eat, the server automatically hands the bill to me. - 8 years ago

@yolok18: I like to think that Bill and Tom held hands while they were hugging that man since nobody was behind them *sighs* - 8 years ago

@ptws1969: RT @SkyNews: "They're ringing the bells in the Tory party, soon they'll be wringing their hands." @AlexSalmond on Brexit bill - 8 years ago

@BuffyHippie: #txlege Keep your hands OFF #Texas #teacher retirement funds! Leave #teacher pension plans alone! - 8 years ago

@saintburns: Small victories of today: gave my friend chocolate. Cried to an NPR piece about the new healthcare bill. Cried to a video abt holding hands - 8 years ago

@marifzhonmxgto: The worst part about my dad having a ponytail is, whenever we go out to eat, the server automatically hands the bill to me. - 8 years ago

@chesterwriter: #Remoaner MPs rebel at their peril - BBC News - David Davis urges MPs 'not to tie PM's hands' over Brexit bill - 8 years ago

@eurobrit35: RT @13sarahmurphy: Being 'appalled' won't make anything change. DO something NOW. Amend the Bill. Don't weakly hand them the blank cheque,… - 8 years ago

@SCISRM: BBC News - David Davis urges MPs 'not to tie PM's hands' over Brexit bill - 8 years ago

@LizBlagrove: RT @13sarahmurphy: Being 'appalled' won't make anything change. DO something NOW. Amend the Bill. Don't weakly hand them the blank cheque,… - 8 years ago

@jiml50: @CNN @SpeakerRyan Do it right or don't do it. Our health is your hands. Trump must wait for a better bill for ALL PEOPLE. - 8 years ago

@fandinogiovanni: David Davis urges MPs 'not to tie PM's hands' over Brexit bill - 8 years ago

@Grace123anne: David Davis urges MPs 'not to tie PM's hands' over Brexit bill - 8 years ago

@jeepeg: David Davis urges MPs ‘not to tie PM’s hands’ over Brexit bill - 8 years ago

@mrmusicman2016: JUST GET US OUT NOW David Davis urges MPs 'not to tie PM's hands' over Brexit bill - - 8 years ago

@MountneyClive: RT @2tweetaboutit: 'Don't tie our hands'Davis sets stage for Brexit Bill showdown with demand that MPs overturn defeats by pro-EU Lords htt… - 8 years ago

@OwenRowsey: David Davis urges MPs 'not to tie PM's hands' over Brexit bill - 8 years ago

@LiveEUDebate: bbc: 'David Davis urges MPs 'not to tie PM's hands' over Brexit bill - BBC News' - 8 years ago

@Diannecrampton: “A #successful #team is a group of many hands and one mind.” Bill Bethel #HR #CEO #Leadership - 8 years ago

@Chariot_Choogle: RT @13sarahmurphy: Being 'appalled' won't make anything change. DO something NOW. Amend the Bill. Don't weakly hand them the blank cheque,… - 8 years ago

@MouldsSylvia: RT @2tweetaboutit: 'Don't tie our hands'Davis sets stage for Brexit Bill showdown with demand that MPs overturn defeats by pro-EU Lords htt… - 8 years ago

@primeNPU: David Davis urges MPs 'not to tie PM's hands' over Brexit bill - 8 years ago

@PeteWillTweet: RT @13sarahmurphy: Being 'appalled' won't make anything change. DO something NOW. Amend the Bill. Don't weakly hand them the blank cheque,… - 8 years ago

@thespian1295: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@JohnMetalSprehe: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@LT38: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@chicago_update: Former Chicago Cubs pitcher Bill Hands dies at 76.. Related Articles: - 8 years ago

@Bman80691982: @BreitbartNews its ok bill .. don has u beat hands down. - 8 years ago

@1real_bill: RT @dominicanraq: “its all in your head” bitch where did you want me to keep my feelings ?? want me to hold them in my hands??? put em in a… - 8 years ago

@OspreyFan2016: Hands, 20-game winner for Cubs in '69, dies - 8 years ago

@zenflava: 🎧💛Listen to Lovely Day - Bill Withers by Wandering Hands #np on #SoundCloud - 8 years ago

@LMWatsonNV: RT @TrueSloanRanger: @TIME most people don't spend enough time in there to care who's next to them. Can we get a mandatory "wash yo damn ha… - 8 years ago

@iluvlux: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@MKlave: RT @zoe_raiter: My heart breaks at the idea of House Bill 610 being passed, and the millions of children that will suffer at the hands of @… - 8 years ago

@ErvinARuiz: Former Cubs pitcher Bill Hands passes away - 8 years ago

@FSims00: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@KimBlair7: RT @vt_stories: "The future of the University was effectively in our hands … And I was just a country boy." - 8 years ago

@blanca10: RT @zoe_raiter: My heart breaks at the idea of House Bill 610 being passed, and the millions of children that will suffer at the hands of @… - 8 years ago

@Conservative_50: Donald Trump is taking matters into his own hands... - 8 years ago

@LordCiph3r: @riskysecond Bill smiled, quickly stealing a kiss before he tended to Zwei's hands. Cleaning and applying some medicine to the cuts- - 8 years ago

@stclark1: RT @vt_stories: "The future of the University was effectively in our hands … And I was just a country boy." - 8 years ago

@dy7764: @only_a_bill Gracie is hands down the best villain on this show; Mark & Juan are amateurs - 8 years ago

@aramiscat: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@justdawn_: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@ally_d92: When @fleetwoodmag tells the bouncer to "play that funky music white boy" and hands him a dollar bill 😂 - 8 years ago

@DunceColin: Foot the bill infeodation hands, bear the expense moral clear the way yet stand the costs projection scullion:… - 8 years ago

@Cayman27: After heated debate and damning letters from attorneys Government has extended hands to the Opposition to reach... - 8 years ago

@terrifore: Former Cubs pitcher Bill Hands passes away - 8 years ago

@JoyceBe85171931: RT @Kendra_U: Catching up w/ @JackWagnerhpk on @HomeandFamilyTV & they're finally going 2 put a guitar in Bill's hands on @WCTH_TV? Yay! 😊#… - 8 years ago

@AudreysPrayers: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@mandii_zunigaa: At the grocery store & it rings up $9.99, I give $10. She then hands me back the same $10 bill I gave her & a penny. Lol happy bday to me🤗 - 8 years ago

@JoeWiederhold: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@catiwfonseca: RT @ChristianLeave: cashier: your total is $9.98 me: *hands over a ten dollar bill* Keep the change *winks and snaps into finger guns* - 8 years ago

@TimWilliamsII: Now the governors of KY and MS are against the bill. Let's make this easy. Will the Rs who like #Trumpcare please raise your hands? - 8 years ago

@weaponsmedia: Well I guess thats one way to take care of it... - 8 years ago

@BreakingLibs: Well I guess thats one way to take care of it... - 8 years ago

@BetsieFl: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@JaredShepp: RT @NFL: .@RichEisen hands the headset over to... @Patriots HC Bill Belichick! This is awesome. #NFLCombine - 8 years ago

@basicbitchap: @HSCAngel @ChicagoCubsHQ My 1st glove was a Bill Hands glove. A gift to me in '71 (I was v little) and believe it or not,I still have it. - 8 years ago

@mypotatosweet: Hobbes originally had pads on his hands and feet but Bill Waterson (the creator) found them too distracting and removed them. - 8 years ago

@mikecallahan_: Bill Belicheck probably in a dark ass room staring out a window rn with his hands in his pockets - 8 years ago

@Bill_DC: Feel bad for Delgado of Seton Hall. Shot looked good. Villanova wins by 2. Villanova players all shook hands with Delgado postgame. Class - 8 years ago

@KendraDrake94: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@almaepreston: Former Chicago Cubs pitcher Bill Hands dies at 76 - 8 years ago

@aries11kat: Former Cubs Righthander Bill Hands Dies At 76 - 8 years ago

@SpunkyRogue24: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@sundene: RT @LeftWingNation: Thus lending more credence that the bill is a sham designed to fail so he can wash his hands of it, - 8 years ago

@jeffray49: @SarahSpain Sad note: Bill Hands died, at age 76. RIP to a pretty good pitcher. 20-14 in 1969, 2.49 ERA. - 8 years ago

@Bill_ennium: RT @Entrepreneur: How These App Creators are Putting the Power of Giving in Everyone's Hands | by @jessicaabo - 8 years ago

@stsebastian312: Former Chicago Cubs pitcher Bill Hands dies at 76 - - 8 years ago

@LeftWingNation: Thus lending more credence that the bill is a sham designed to fail so he can wash his hands of it, - 8 years ago


@MaryTfan: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@CubsNewsApp: Former Chicago #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands dies at 76 - 8 years ago

@LaurieColacchio: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@AbbiJirak: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@ChrisIseman: RT @TheRecordSports: Bill Hands, Rutherford native and former MLB pitcher, dies at 76 - 8 years ago

@sittinonmyhands: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@finhaz51: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@RustaRow: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@nilabjaguha: @realDonaldTrump 7 Reasons ACA Bill Imposes Crushing Costs on Voters, Hurts Trump's Base & Hands Power to Democrats - 8 years ago

@dunnconn: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@labuchanan: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@BrandonShanker: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@slow_hands_kllr: RT @nytimes: Why Trump supporters have the most to lose with the GOP repeal bill - 8 years ago

@LilianaSnchez9: RT @ConoverKourtney: A successful team is a group of many hands but of one mind. -Bill Bethel - 8 years ago

@runpeacelove: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@Roywmsjr: RT @CPPP_TX: Here’s more on why #SB2 is part of a broader scheme of some state lawmakers to interfere in local decisions: - 8 years ago

@fluffycrossover: I want Bill Cipher and Tadashi Hamada to admire yaoi hands. - 8 years ago

@leerushsmith: RT @FOXNashville: Should Tennessee drivers have to use a "hands-free" device or speaker phone when talking on mobile phone & driving? http… - 8 years ago

@Sammie_Davis_Jr: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@Bill_Owen: @johnathamilton @pete_needham Public assets into private hands is a neoliberal thing, Clinton/Trudeau both neoliberals. - 8 years ago

@DeniseBalcarcel: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@cyntyler: RT @SSWorks: Keep your hands off our Medicare Paul Ryan! - 8 years ago

@clare6678: RT @FOXNashville: Should Tennessee drivers have to use a "hands-free" device or speaker phone when talking on mobile phone & driving? http… - 8 years ago

@clare6678: Tennessee lawmakers hoping to pass "Hands Free" bill for motorists - 8 years ago

@allthemagazine: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@ShannaIgo: RT @CPPP_TX: Here’s more on why #SB2 is part of a broader scheme of some state lawmakers to interfere in local decisions: - 8 years ago

@TrueSloanRanger: @TIME most people don't spend enough time in there to care who's next to them. Can we get a mandatory "wash yo damn hands" bill instead? - 8 years ago

@cynmcmanus: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@rpete777: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@bill_art: @Phil_Lewis_ I apologize for having children. Excuse a moment while my wife crawls on her hands and knees to extract them. - 8 years ago

@TanyaKasim: RT @madeniexdan1: - 8 years ago

@amopines: RT @Musica_speaks: The day when a Neta will die at the hands of a Terrorist, then only they will understand the importance of Bill! #Irres… - 8 years ago

@RyanSully23: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@mistermarvel99: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@Knightss_12: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@agrwal_akhil: RT @Musica_speaks: The day when a Neta will die at the hands of a Terrorist, then only they will understand the importance of Bill! #Irres… - 8 years ago

@natfinn: #flytheW : Hands, 20-game winner for Cubs in '69, dies - Former Cubs pitcher Bill Hands, who won 20 games for C... - 8 years ago

@tayloralexis_10: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@FOXNashville: Should Tennessee drivers have to use a "hands-free" device or speaker phone when talking on mobile phone & driving? - 8 years ago

@gatawhat24: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@TexasCounties: RT @CPPP_TX: Here’s more on why #SB2 is part of a broader scheme of some state lawmakers to interfere in local decisions: - 8 years ago

@GIJOE6732: ⚾RIP⚾🙏 - 8 years ago

@chifanpatt1: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@e_man88fan: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@_Sonic23_: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@CecilBrown18: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

@Matias_Rico99: RT @Cubs: RIP to former #Cubs pitcher Bill Hands. "He was a hell of a pitcher. Froggy was a good teammate."- @Ferg… - 8 years ago

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