Bill English

American computer engineer
Died on Saturday August 1st 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bill English:

@Romeo4k: RT @afcjxmes: Not a coincidence, Liverpool analysts and scouts know exactly what they’re looking for in their full-backs and Tsimikas seems… - 5 years ago

@nigelastrong: RT @LordBrexit: From small acorns grow Oak trees. The English are waking. We are governed by the Bill of rights 1689 not British law. Ta… - 5 years ago

@Martin_Cov70: RT @LordBrexit: From small acorns grow Oak trees. The English are waking. We are governed by the Bill of rights 1689 not British law. Ta… - 5 years ago

@ValerySobolev: RT @HistoryInbooks: made in america: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States by Bill Bryson #LiteraturePosts https… - 5 years ago


@Magman55: @Telegraph @Nigel_Farage @pritipatel @BorisJohnson @johnredwood @PeterBoneUK @OwenPaterson @Jacob_Rees_Mogg… - 5 years ago

@gorlok: RT @arieltorres: .@lntecnologia Adiós a Bill English, el visionario que se salió con la suya - 5 years ago

@_sakalinho: RT @afcjxmes: Not a coincidence, Liverpool analysts and scouts know exactly what they’re looking for in their full-backs and Tsimikas seems… - 5 years ago

@OCunasa: @98_JDK @coburn4brexit @OfVarga @profsked It's literally a political union of four sovereign nations, well three an… - 5 years ago

@EdSB25: RT @afcjxmes: Not a coincidence, Liverpool analysts and scouts know exactly what they’re looking for in their full-backs and Tsimikas seems… - 5 years ago

@Zanz331: RT @LordBrexit: From small acorns grow Oak trees. The English are waking. We are governed by the Bill of rights 1689 not British law. Ta… - 5 years ago

@Richard12590733: RT @LordBrexit: From small acorns grow Oak trees. The English are waking. We are governed by the Bill of rights 1689 not British law. Ta… - 5 years ago

@moutus84: RT @LordBrexit: From small acorns grow Oak trees. The English are waking. We are governed by the Bill of rights 1689 not British law. Ta… - 5 years ago

@Scotiabankfx: RT @ScotiaEconomics: #Latam Daily for August 10: Previews of policy decisions on August 13 by #Mexico’s Banxico and #Peru’s BCRP, update on… - 5 years ago

@kondor_anna: RT @Sombra65810427: @adrianturner01 @Johnthe14th You not getting it these people have infultrated all areas of government, lol They never… - 5 years ago

@CryCrowd: RT @HistoryInbooks: made in america: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States by Bill Bryson #LiteraturePosts https… - 5 years ago

@kondor_anna: RT @Sombra65810427: @adrianturner01 @Johnthe14th Explained here, you still not getting it and also you talk about a written constitution li… - 5 years ago

@W_Angels_Wings: RT @HistoryInbooks: made in america: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States by Bill Bryson #LiteraturePosts https… - 5 years ago

@StopTCensorship: RT @LordBrexit: From small acorns grow Oak trees. The English are waking. We are governed by the Bill of rights 1689 not British law. Ta… - 5 years ago

@priyadarshi1x: RT @afcjxmes: Not a coincidence, Liverpool analysts and scouts know exactly what they’re looking for in their full-backs and Tsimikas seems… - 5 years ago

@ScootaKuH: RT @LordBrexit: Magna Carta 1215 English Bill of Rights 1689 XXXXX 2020. The revolution is here again. - 5 years ago

@fardy_bill: RT @ChrisSurano: @PilonDan1 @Pick_A_Lane @empireloyalists @Rockchip77 @RRidley11 @Danbalkwill1 @grafikalrob @NewImproved9 @Motomom128302 @_… - 5 years ago

@Phil_Sports: @MLS_Buzz I loved English football in high school. As a Mets fan, I felt a connection to being the little brother t… - 5 years ago

@gwynncompton: Sir Bill English - Shockwave There’s many debates as to who Megatron’s most trusted lieutenant was, but Shockwave w… - 5 years ago

@MumGooner: RT @MumGooner: @CllrBSilvester CORRECT..But ENGLAND does. The British signed away Britain but cant England-because of our Constitution. T… - 5 years ago

@MumGooner: @CllrBSilvester CORRECT..But ENGLAND does. The British signed away Britain but cant England-because of our Constit… - 5 years ago

@MumGooner: RT @MumGooner: @tony80554056 @17_4mn @JeSuisDog @AspyBrian @Ara_MaHubbard @PeterBa82304711 @p_beejal @Corky_Brexit @BILDERBERG_GP @carole99… - 5 years ago

@MumGooner: @tony80554056 @17_4mn @JeSuisDog @AspyBrian @Ara_MaHubbard @PeterBa82304711 @p_beejal @Corky_Brexit @BILDERBERG_GP… - 5 years ago

@ashwinrao38: @Throwdinger Nope not necessarily.. Knowing a languages helps you adapt and move quickly. I have struggled in both… - 5 years ago

@CristianVenter: Adiós a Bill English, el visionario que se salió con la suya - 5 years ago

@cambodiadaily: Cambodia speeds up formation of state property management bill Via @VietnamPlus_En - 5 years ago

@english_poet: RT @theR_Man_: Lots of Leftist clowns out there, saying that #TrumpIsADictator, but it’s easy to see why: The Left views anybody who refuse… - 5 years ago

@softer_hair: Nigel Farage investigates: From the English Channel to Anfield Stadium. They… - 5 years ago

@jgmwalsh: Computer mouse co-creator Bill English dies aged 91 // - 5 years ago

@SGamble123: @BrettEverest @madclam1970 I am proud 2 be White English & proud of my Black English country men & women united we… - 5 years ago

@Limonsillo: @jolqueta @TumbaElNuevoDia @pedropierluisi @pnp_pr Bet you a two dollar bill and a biscuit he can't speak English coherently - 5 years ago

@Mod19671: @englishstoic We need our own English parliament and our own constitution and the Bill of Rights 1688, sorry if kee… - 5 years ago

@punkpuffin: RT @SatyagrahAlba: @CrossgateCentre @punkpuffin @Imillar13 I completely agree, we seen how the Scotland Act was pants & the continuity bill… - 5 years ago

@PVentoux: @UKCopHumour @JohnOSullivanNR This woman should be thankful that the right to bare arms in the English Bill of Righ… - 5 years ago

@DebbieSVA: @rmpsteel1 @PeteHegseth @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends Shawn, You might want to work on your Engl… - 5 years ago

@english_poet: RT @obviousreally: #PrinceWilliam (#SERCO) holds 'climate change' and population control talks with #BillGates and Hillary #Clinton https:/… - 5 years ago

@SrAv03: RT @_RealImmigrant_: @ChrisHartline @SenRickScott pushed a frivolous amendment to stall the bill saying need spanish/hakka speaking ppl in… - 5 years ago

@_RealImmigrant_: @ChrisHartline @SenRickScott pushed a frivolous amendment to stall the bill saying need spanish/hakka speaking ppl… - 5 years ago

@netjohn139: RT @mosiestearn: While he's at it, he can take all the 5,000 illegals with him & his Green Squaw and put them up in Scottish hotels. Why-T… - 5 years ago

@mcdee_andy: @WLswampcleaner @JoStGiles @RunByClowns @NellyTells @Benson944 I said I live in NI. We have our own medical advisor… - 5 years ago

@BeauDonThorman: RT @lovinglifeinnz: So ⁦@jacindaardern⁩ how do you explain growing poverty and homelessness under your watch?You have wrecked the economy a… - 5 years ago

@BeauDonThorman: RT @saltyreign: Ardern’s arrogance knows no bounds. But pride comes before a fall. NZ Election 2020: Jacinda Ardern fires at John Key,… - 5 years ago

@susielconklin: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Lebanon’s PM says #Beirut explosion happened due to “corruption and mismanagement,” adding that he will propose a draft… - 5 years ago

@free_man789: RT @PlanDemicCorony: Bill Gates Ibm in English Gematria equals: 666: - 5 years ago

@wanwan_english: RT @Englishpandaa: 【お金を表す名詞】 ・bill:「紙幣」 ・cash:「現金」 ・check:「小切手」 ・change:「つり銭、小銭」 ・interest:「利子」 ・commission:「手数料」 ・fine:「罰金」 ・rent:「家賃」 ・t… - 5 years ago

@hvLiao: RT @dorsey_cliff: There’s more homelessness and people sleeping in cars than there’s ever been under this Labour led Government. #nzpol NZ… - 5 years ago

@mosiestearn: While he's at it, he can take all the 5,000 illegals with him & his Green Squaw and put them up in Scottish hotels.… - 5 years ago

@Cucumberman: RT @GerardBattenUK: @BorisJohnson A ‘free people’ under house arrest for the last 4 months while the economy is crashing around our ears on… - 5 years ago

@PlanDemicCorony: Bill Gates Ibm in English Gematria equals: 666: - 5 years ago

@CuttanceDick: RT @lovinglifeinnz: So ⁦@jacindaardern⁩ how do you explain growing poverty and homelessness under your watch?You have wrecked the economy a… - 5 years ago

@Ivanam_Diaz: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Lebanon’s PM says #Beirut explosion happened due to “corruption and mismanagement,” adding that he will propose a draft… - 5 years ago

@zozo_v: RT @lovinglifeinnz: So ⁦@jacindaardern⁩ how do you explain growing poverty and homelessness under your watch?You have wrecked the economy a… - 5 years ago

@IRideAlone2: RT @lovinglifeinnz: So ⁦@jacindaardern⁩ how do you explain growing poverty and homelessness under your watch?You have wrecked the economy a… - 5 years ago

@mcrowl: RT @lovinglifeinnz: So ⁦@jacindaardern⁩ how do you explain growing poverty and homelessness under your watch?You have wrecked the economy a… - 5 years ago

@I_R_Bill: @english_musings @ginacarano The good people will support her, you will continue to be a shyt person and make every… - 5 years ago

@alisonstones: @JemimaNL @ManiReturn @RoodGridance why come here when they get housing and money in France. As for them working 🤔… - 5 years ago

@Peterfielding5: RT @GerardBattenUK: @BorisJohnson A ‘free people’ under house arrest for the last 4 months while the economy is crashing around our ears on… - 5 years ago

@SoanMaria: RT @Sombra65810427: @RichardJarret20 @MaraphotoMara DISSOLVE ACTS OF UNION 1707, AND HAVE A ENGLISH PARLIAMENT. STOP INFRINGING ON ARE RIGH… - 5 years ago

@flopez1728: RT @arieltorres: .@lntecnologia Adiós a Bill English, el visionario que se salió con la suya - 5 years ago

@Bartlettl_Luke: RT @aawsat_eng: #Lebanon PM to Introduce Bill Proposing Early Elections - 5 years ago

@empowerwomen123: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@ISIS_Slay3r: William « Bill » English, l’inventeur de la souris informatique est décédé. Ses inventions, elles, continuent d’exi… - 5 years ago

@Mariscal_Santo: RT @arieltorres: .@lntecnologia Adiós a Bill English, el visionario que se salió con la suya - 5 years ago

@aawsat_eng: #Lebanon PM to Introduce Bill Proposing Early Elections - 5 years ago

@wazmou: RT @GerardBattenUK: @BorisJohnson A ‘free people’ under house arrest for the last 4 months while the economy is crashing around our ears on… - 5 years ago

@shissouflame: it's technically already national day so I was reading this article which is like how you'd say something in standa… - 5 years ago

@stodhkdemokrati: RT @jessssschiu: Today, HKSAR government labelled for the 1st time the anti-extradition bill movement in HK since June 2019 as an ‘anti-gov… - 5 years ago

@uptheworkers1: RT @Sombra65810427: @RichardJarret20 @MaraphotoMara DISSOLVE ACTS OF UNION 1707, AND HAVE A ENGLISH PARLIAMENT. STOP INFRINGING ON ARE RIGH… - 5 years ago

@melsom62: RT @jessssschiu: Today, HKSAR government labelled for the 1st time the anti-extradition bill movement in HK since June 2019 as an ‘anti-gov… - 5 years ago

@mrburton39: RT @Sombra65810427: @RichardJarret20 @MaraphotoMara DISSOLVE ACTS OF UNION 1707, AND HAVE A ENGLISH PARLIAMENT. STOP INFRINGING ON ARE RIGH… - 5 years ago

@combatrepublic: @terrencefromse DAZN needs more of a hook. Canelo doesnt fight enough. RIZIN alone wont turn things around but the… - 5 years ago

@Sombra65810427: @RichardJarret20 @MaraphotoMara DISSOLVE ACTS OF UNION 1707, AND HAVE A ENGLISH PARLIAMENT. STOP INFRINGING ON ARE… - 5 years ago

@westham_pete: RT @GerardBattenUK: @BorisJohnson A ‘free people’ under house arrest for the last 4 months while the economy is crashing around our ears on… - 5 years ago

@hasanbadat: @beryl1946 The Green Paper which went on to become “ The Halal Water and associated soft drinks Bill, 2020” is expe… - 5 years ago

@Angelakooyman: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Lebanon’s PM Diab says the deadly #Beirutexplosion happened due to corruption and mismanagement, adding that he will pu… - 5 years ago

@GlobalCitizenI4: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@Eurocentrique: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Lebanon’s PM Diab says the deadly #Beirutexplosion happened due to corruption and mismanagement, adding that he will pu… - 5 years ago

@Mobaj8888: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Lebanon’s PM Diab says the deadly #Beirutexplosion happened due to corruption and mismanagement, adding that he will pu… - 5 years ago

@AlArabiya_Eng: #Lebanon’s PM Diab says the deadly #Beirutexplosion happened due to corruption and mismanagement, adding that he wi… - 5 years ago

@apbfridge: RT @GerardBattenUK: @BorisJohnson A ‘free people’ under house arrest for the last 4 months while the economy is crashing around our ears on… - 5 years ago

@HZlatko: RT @zdravoslovenija: @o_rips #ExposeBillGates - 5 years ago

@KelvinCutler58: RT @GerardBattenUK: @BorisJohnson A ‘free people’ under house arrest for the last 4 months while the economy is crashing around our ears on… - 5 years ago

@nwolovick: RT @arieltorres: .@lntecnologia Adiós a Bill English, el visionario que se salió con la suya - 5 years ago

@Bill_Cameron: @Full_English79 Yes, it is, although a highish proportion of the UK population of the UK live within 30-40 miles of… - 5 years ago

@jimashore: RT @GerardBattenUK: @BorisJohnson A ‘free people’ under house arrest for the last 4 months while the economy is crashing around our ears on… - 5 years ago

@davealexbrexit: RT @GerardBattenUK: @BorisJohnson A ‘free people’ under house arrest for the last 4 months while the economy is crashing around our ears on… - 5 years ago

@Barba_1977: RT @arieltorres: .@lntecnologia Adiós a Bill English, el visionario que se salió con la suya - 5 years ago

@osmartinos: RT @arieltorres: .@lntecnologia Adiós a Bill English, el visionario que se salió con la suya - 5 years ago

@ZephirinHermile: @sregoczei Prior to Bill 101, nearly all immigrants in Quebec integrated in the English-language community only and… - 5 years ago

@mcrisever: RT @arieltorres: .@lntecnologia Adiós a Bill English, el visionario que se salió con la suya - 5 years ago

@robgarde: @nuggetsmum @CallanGranny @seumasabheinn @ADDoyle710 England has not got a government as you well know , we was rul… - 5 years ago

@phoenix19712: RT @SGunjah: How a re-election campaign should be. @nzlabour So proud of #jacindaardern #nzpol #SecondTermLabour - 5 years ago

@Remr56351353: RT @SGunjah: How a re-election campaign should be. @nzlabour So proud of #jacindaardern #nzpol #SecondTermLabour - 5 years ago

@CharliePhill22: RT @aawsat_eng: #Bale’s Long Goodbye Leaves Real With a Big Bill and Only Themselves to Blame - 5 years ago

@lynjstark: RT @SGunjah: How a re-election campaign should be. @nzlabour So proud of #jacindaardern #nzpol #SecondTermLabour - 5 years ago

@aawsat_eng: #Bale’s Long Goodbye Leaves Real With a Big Bill and Only Themselves to Blame - 5 years ago

@Monkeemagic: RT @NewshubPolitics: 'It is failure': Ardern's scathing broadside at Key, English's records in power - 5 years ago

@KoolwindK: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@Monkeemagic: RT @hcirePT: NZ Election 2020: Jacinda Ardern fires at John Key, Bill English's records at Labour campaign launch - 5 years ago

@marciasgreen: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Two of six #US-connected former executives of the oil company #Citgo who were imprisoned in #Venezuela have been release… - 5 years ago

@Laurelhall58: Ardern heaps pressure on herself as the saviour of New Zealand. Everything solved at the end of the next three year… - 5 years ago

@MrMCos: @tauhenare When Bill English was leader & the Nats party vote was an excruciating 20% odd they still had six list s… - 5 years ago

@77_buff: RT @QScribblerNZ: Really? Still going on about the Nine Years? The labour Party has done nothing good in the last 3. - 5 years ago

@Mathew_Timaloa: RT @NewshubPolitics: 'It is failure': Ardern's scathing broadside at Key, English's records in power - 5 years ago

@Pahtrisha: Sorry, @jacindaardern you are wrong. Key manipulated the market which did much harm to the economic mechanisms so… - 5 years ago

@toad001: RT @NewshubPolitics: 'It is failure': Ardern's scathing broadside at Key, English's records in power - 5 years ago

@AhsanKMirza: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@Jasontripletdad: RT @SGunjah: How a re-election campaign should be. @nzlabour So proud of #jacindaardern #nzpol #SecondTermLabour - 5 years ago

@essigna: RT @NewshubPolitics: 'It is failure': Ardern's scathing broadside at Key, English's records in power - 5 years ago

@LouieTheRed1: RT @NewshubPolitics: 'It is failure': Ardern's scathing broadside at Key, English's records in power - 5 years ago

@jamshellcal: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@NewshubNationNZ: RT @NewshubPolitics: 'It is failure': Ardern's scathing broadside at Key, English's records in power - 5 years ago

@QueenOliviaStR: RT @NewshubPolitics: 'It is failure': Ardern's scathing broadside at Key, English's records in power - 5 years ago

@NewshubNZ: RT @NewshubPolitics: 'It is failure': Ardern's scathing broadside at Key, English's records in power - 5 years ago

@NewshubPolitics: 'It is failure': Ardern's scathing broadside at Key, English's records in power - 5 years ago

@BeauDonThorman: RT @QScribblerNZ: Really? Still going on about the Nine Years? The labour Party has done nothing good in the last 3. - 5 years ago

@Euphoguy: RT @QScribblerNZ: Really? Still going on about the Nine Years? The labour Party has done nothing good in the last 3. - 5 years ago

@FTungua: RT @QScribblerNZ: Really? Still going on about the Nine Years? The labour Party has done nothing good in the last 3. - 5 years ago

@Thibyaulv: RT @QScribblerNZ: Really? Still going on about the Nine Years? The labour Party has done nothing good in the last 3. - 5 years ago

@Suzyiam: RT @SGunjah: How a re-election campaign should be. @nzlabour So proud of #jacindaardern #nzpol #SecondTermLabour - 5 years ago

@Aggiecat2: RT @QScribblerNZ: Really? Still going on about the Nine Years? The labour Party has done nothing good in the last 3. - 5 years ago

@ChrissieSmall: @MariaSherwood2 Paula Benefit to no one but herself-ishness. Double dipper like the Dipton Dipstick aka Bill Englis… - 5 years ago

@ezback9: @dad1337 @Uber_Support I had the Eats Pass and cancelled it after one month. They have continued to bill me. I made… - 5 years ago

@Loveofthegame19: Unless I’m missing something (and I might well be!)this could be big news for clubs like Hearts, Hibs & Aberdeen. T… - 5 years ago

@BillCasselman: Wordlore from my book of playful English etymology: Larder was a storage room off the kitchen for meat like bacon.… - 5 years ago

@kamalakar_r: .@SenRickScott My son who is in high school knows Spanish, English, Telugu and Hindi languages . Is this enough for… - 5 years ago

@Bill_Bickers: RT @Me_Shamoon89: "This is what #Israel faces in the next 25 years". —Tony Judt, Deceased English-American historian, 2006. - 5 years ago

@English_word0: bill [名] 請求書 - 5 years ago

@YAHWEH63196246: RT @YAHWEH63196246: @DrBillWinston @BEENCOURAGE Praise YAHWEH (YHWH) Bless You king Bill Winston Sir. And Family! N-The (World English Bib… - 5 years ago

@YAHWEH63196246: @DrBillWinston @BEENCOURAGE Praise YAHWEH (YHWH) Bless You king Bill Winston Sir. And Family! N-The (World English… - 5 years ago

@tintinologist: @chaletfan The dark mushroomy place under the shed B&B were afraid to go to was analogous to "the forest" as a plac… - 5 years ago

@tintinologist: @chaletfan It's a talk that would probably sit well with the completely off the cuff presentation my Middle English… - 5 years ago

@wonderi39063030: RT @themainichi: Bill the Shoebill, believed to be world's oldest, dies at central Japan zoo - 5 years ago

@afghan_banan: @BelfastYid1977 @Tax_Dodge_Hodge @ConorMc05020196 But don't take my word for it Bill, how about this upstanding Eng… - 5 years ago

@MarlonD35175794: @interaksyon Ano kamo robin? Naiintindihan mo ba ang mga pinagsasabi mo? Nasan ang utak mo? Alam mo ba ang loop hol… - 5 years ago

@bill_dobell: RT @Turdface70: So here’s what happen with Big Ears with the hotel fiasco,he was offered ADF help did not happen because his union mates sa… - 5 years ago

@LiamHog1973: @Mcevoy7777 @Afw154 @warringtonnews I blocked him Bill based on poor grasp of English grammar - 5 years ago

@PublicationsPro: RT @AndrewRiddell1: Some gems from The Hollow Men. From a Bill English email - “Brownlee who looks after his own interests not [caucusing].… - 5 years ago

@AhmadFarazKhosa: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@fukushimaexpos2: Bill the Shoebill, believed to be world's oldest, dies at central Japan zoo. - 5 years ago

@kane_tingle10: So Sunderland have to reduce their wage bill by £19m before start of the season ???? Hierarchy in English football is a complete sham - 5 years ago

@brofromsmallto1: When I was very young, they nicknamed me Happy Boy.「幼い頃のあだ名はハッピーボーイだった。」by Bill Gates #有名人のフレーズから英語を学ぶ #英語 #海外留学… - 5 years ago

@kenkmaki2: Bill Gates says U.S. data from TikTok safe with Microsoft - 5 years ago

@goranvz: RT @XeroxDACH: Bill English war ein echter Innovator, der die Computermaus mit erfunden und die ersten PCs in Xerox PARC entwickelt hat. We… - 5 years ago

@BarkyMalarkey1: RT @hooksbaited: Name your favourite English Comedy's of all time! Are you being served? Love Thy Neighbour? The Good Life ? George and Mil… - 5 years ago

@evereeze: RT @themainichi: Bill the Shoebill, believed to be world's oldest, dies at central Japan zoo - 5 years ago

@rajivs65: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@jenkspl64: @rajfortyseven The abbreviation of 'Ambo' is normally used in english to describe an Ambulance Paramedic. Maybe Chi… - 5 years ago

@devonprof: I like the Torygraph's quirky obits. Here is the inventor of the mouse. Bill English - 5 years ago

@Joe53112759: @AdamBaldwin @JoeBiden If they didn't care when he raped Tara reid. Didn't care he authored the crime bill, or said… - 5 years ago

@DanFern49144784: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@ShakingStick: Last time around one of the wildest things in Nationals campaign was Bill English posting his spaghetti pizza - 5 years ago

@essigna: RT @LouieTheRed1: Intriguing and Bill English never noticed? "Although John Key did leave his little shorthand of phone numbers taped int… - 5 years ago

@ok_english_ok: bill [名]請求書、議案、紙幣、くちばし - 5 years ago

@REasther: @JackyNinjakitty @David_Cormack Sure the answer IS Bill English. - 5 years ago

@YOIinanimateBot: bill nye as english dub yuuri - 5 years ago

@CaringHeartSoul: @Bill_TPA @DineshDSouza - 5 years ago

@MorningstarDesi: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@kalpanadivith: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@LouieTheRed1: RT @AndrewRiddell1: Some gems from The Hollow Men. From a Bill English email - “Brownlee who looks after his own interests not [caucusing].… - 5 years ago

@AndrewRiddell1: Some gems from The Hollow Men. From a Bill English email - “Brownlee who looks after his own interests not [caucusi… - 5 years ago

@janetleexo: guys what’s that movie about buffalo bill in old English font - 5 years ago

@afbruins: @AprilBites2 @NRA >”Liberty and justice for all” >Wants to have you killed for exercising a civil liberty recognize… - 5 years ago

@LouieTheRed1: Intriguing and Bill English never noticed? "Although John Key did leave his little shorthand of phone numbers tap… - 5 years ago

@bill_yuhk: RT @themainichi: Britain and Japan stand together on Hong Kong, pandemic: Raab - 5 years ago

@JamesAlex585: #arsenal would be dumb to sell #lacazette when he's a constant flow of goals like #Aubameyang While Ainsley Maitlan… - 5 years ago

@gwynncompton: RT @David_Cormack: I will not stand for this Bill English erasure - 5 years ago

@gdhareshwar: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@nealejones: @barryebert57 No longer the party of John Key and Bill English, as they say. - 5 years ago

@Bill_TPA: @DineshDSouza @inannaannani4 @realDonaldTrump so like how the English pronounce Juan "JOO-an"? I'm not sure you know what "correct" means - 5 years ago

@prasanto: Yuan attended a program in Japan for four months: inspired by a talk there by Bill Gates in 1994, he moved to Silic… - 5 years ago

@DangJay1: This mf tryna teach us English. I bet u sound like them bill collectors when u call Comcast - 5 years ago

@YourMuthukumar: @ThePreityEffect @Shaantidut @AsYouNotWish @desimojito @English_bahen @DrAmbardar @netaji3210 @MycoJonathan… - 5 years ago

@bhavyasharma: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@rafibsa: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@omega3825: RT @brooklyn3r: @DollyMariaMadi1 @NRA It isn’t God given. It’s roots are in the 1689 English Bill of Rights which gave Protestants the rig… - 5 years ago

@planthollywood: RT @brooklyn3r: @DollyMariaMadi1 @NRA It isn’t God given. It’s roots are in the 1689 English Bill of Rights which gave Protestants the rig… - 5 years ago

@Habakuk0: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@RCQCloud: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@MARKETINGONE: RT @ComputerHistory: American Engineer and Inventor Bill English passed away Sunday. With Douglas Engelbart, he invented the computer mouse… - 5 years ago

@MMR_s386: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@tuxsaveus: RT @Drakspartan: William English, responsable de la creación del primer mouse para computadora, falleció a los 91 años. El mouse original c… - 5 years ago

@HappiHours: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@NZSouthIslander: Remember, John Key quit so he could make Bill English take the loss. Intestinal fortitude indeed. - 5 years ago

@Thekirby59: RT @Drakspartan: William English, responsable de la creación del primer mouse para computadora, falleció a los 91 años. El mouse original c… - 5 years ago

@Sarah_E_English: RT @SenSanders: Today, with @SenMarkey and @SenGillibrand, I am introducing a 60% tax on the obscene wealth gains of 467 billionaires durin… - 5 years ago

@brooklyn3r: @DollyMariaMadi1 @NRA It isn’t God given. It’s roots are in the 1689 English Bill of Rights which gave Protestants… - 5 years ago

@ItsHem1212: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@forovvya: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@SabeenaShiju: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@aadilziakhan: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@RizamUmer: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@niks_1985: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@RaviNandur: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@GreenCardEqual2: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@tariquekahlon99: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@Sarah_E_English: RT @GunnelsWarren: Top Billionaire Wealth Gains Since 3-18: ⬆️$71 Billion: Jeff Bezos ⬆️$46 billion: Elon Musk ⬆️$38 billion: Mark Zuckerb… - 5 years ago

@subrat_1111: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@peaceNloveNlive: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@soliloquy987: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@LamdawRam: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@reed650: RT @WCVB: Bill English, co-inventor of the computer mouse, dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@abdulha22059266: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@7second: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@fainavezha: @kotovche @WitalWw @tutby The bill outlined specific constitutional and civil rights and ultimately gave Parliament… - 5 years ago

@bill_hadd50: RT @LeaveEUOfficial: . @Michael_Heaver is not relenting on reporting the truth of what is happening on the English Channel. These illegal… - 5 years ago

@aligilani4725: RT @odysseuslahori: I just couldn't hold this any longer. Mori Darwaza is one of 12 gates of Lahore old quarter. Now mori is a hole. Also a… - 5 years ago

@duncan_stuart: @therealgregjack I cannot fathom why Key or Bill English didn't do this. It represented a great moral failure. Pike… - 5 years ago

@var_nogood: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@Bill_koz: @CNN That's only because he gave it in English. - 5 years ago

@LanaSmi85498070: RT @WLWT: Bill English, co-inventor of the computer mouse, dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@estherlevine14: RT @ZDNet: Computer mouse co-creator Bill English dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@AndrewPerryNZ: @sambgrover Finally they are all investing in the productive economy, just like Bill English and TOP said they woul… - 5 years ago

@huckleview: It’s been a really tough year for the Mouse; Mickey is outed as a Pedo and Bill English drops Body:… - 5 years ago

@bhumipraveen: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @themainichi: Editorial: Ruling parties' bill to amend Japan's Juvenile Act too tough on minors - The Mainichi - 5 years ago

@tmcgregorchina: RT @CCTV: Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates said the software giant, which is in talks to acquire the U.S. business of TikTok, is caref… - 5 years ago

@CCTV: Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates said the software giant, which is in talks to acquire the U.S. business of Ti… - 5 years ago

@Aglaia000: RIP Bill English. #mouse #innovation - 5 years ago

@ryolandafit: RT @detikcom: William 'Bill' English meninggal pada 26 Juli di California di usia 91 tahun. Dia merupakan insinyur yang membantu menciptaka… - 5 years ago

@wahiedsan: RT @detikcom: William 'Bill' English meninggal pada 26 Juli di California di usia 91 tahun. Dia merupakan insinyur yang membantu menciptaka… - 5 years ago

@detikcom: William 'Bill' English meninggal pada 26 Juli di California di usia 91 tahun. Dia merupakan insinyur yang membantu… - 5 years ago

@pshil16: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@AnimeCwboy: I can't stress enough, the resources needed to translated a full game with 6 expansions into at least 14 languages.… - 5 years ago

@binaraks: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@GreenDzyn: RT @tiffanybaldwin1: @ckuck Yes, because the party that bitches about "pressing 1 for English", is for giving preference to Spanish speaker… - 5 years ago

@detikfinance: William 'Bill' English meninggal pada 26 Juli di California di usia 91 tahun. Dia merupakan insinyur yang membantu… - 5 years ago

@bill_climton: RT @Black_SheepPH: English subtitles should be up now on Youtube #HelloStrangerEP7 - 5 years ago

@musucjust: Close to the Edge is the fifth studio album by English progressive rock band Yes, released on 13 September 1972 by… - 5 years ago

@Tapas80972806: Muslim mahilao ke liye azadi late tintalaq se Muslim ka modi ne bura Kiya Avi har Muslim mahilao ke liye nischi ro… - 5 years ago

@HandsOffLondon: @cqrh0 @FinancialTimes Yes, and that's not a coincidence. This is one big pile of hypocrisy from an English Governm… - 5 years ago

@Feisty_Ginger_6: @JMokely @IamVRising @NoToRiOuSJT_48 @LuLu822013 @DJcookie777 @ItIsMsJillyBean @Babyfloaties24 @justamom819… - 5 years ago

@english_schs: @RespectfullyO @Tomorkhan @SydneyLWatson Bullshit. They should fear being lashed with a log-chain. If that were st… - 5 years ago

@JackieMackay17: RT @mikegalsworthy: Ironically, Scotland would have more of a say over its standards & trade relations as one of 28 member of the EU... tha… - 5 years ago

@Col77263880: YOUR a Racist Bitch towards The English and your a fking LIAR. (DOVER) Our new Immigration Bill ends freedom of m… - 5 years ago

@kakos273met: RT @eprotothema: #Turkey’s #AKP “to submit bill to curb widespread use of #English” - 5 years ago

@17Freespirit: RT @HousatonicITS: Why does the maiden name of Bill Gates' great grandmother flip-flop between Eppenhausen (German) and Philipson (English)… - 5 years ago

@gracealan: RT @mikegalsworthy: Ironically, Scotland would have more of a say over its standards & trade relations as one of 28 member of the EU... tha… - 5 years ago

@NCommenter: @sloaneandpuffy @KSPrior I have options from Bill Shakespeare: “Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more… - 5 years ago

@icymihn: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@VTRVTRVTRVTR7: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadgetjp - 5 years ago

@beckbot_2000: Its really good, the surfer an english bill gates are like and outside wow so basically. - 5 years ago

@AHEPABergen285: RT @dailyhellascom: Turkey’s AKP “to submit bill to curb widespread use of English” #dailyhellas - 5 years ago

@guilaREVOLUCIO1: RT @pasquicurcio: Agradezco a @resumenus la traducción al inglés y publicación de mi artículo ¿Quién paga la cuenta? Who Pays the Bill? ht… - 5 years ago

@Whitehead4Jeff: RT @ZDNet: Computer mouse co-creator Bill English dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@beckbot_2000: EVEN REAL??!?!?" and i have anyone get released circle of you do homework the spider you but i need mooooooooo english bill - 5 years ago

@AntiPoisonHuman: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadget日本版 - 5 years ago

@jaybee9367: RT @BillFelt: @dorsey_cliff And you can not convince me that Ardern is kinder than Bill English. Jacinda may say she is kind, but she has n… - 5 years ago

@wizard_bill: RT @siemprees1959: Fidel speaking English to an American reporter “You the reporters are wonderful people... but you are not the owners. T… - 5 years ago

@aartvz08: RT @BillFelt: @dorsey_cliff And you can not convince me that Ardern is kinder than Bill English. Jacinda may say she is kind, but she has n… - 5 years ago

@jlj060453: RT @RogerHelmerMEP: DT: “8am and if you’re not already in a Spoons ordering your full English with coffee for £2.24 and sending 50% of the… - 5 years ago

@mediaformasi: Segenap #MedForSquad mengucapkan turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya Bill English (William "Bill" English) diumur… - 5 years ago

@MillionYs: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadget日本版 - 5 years ago

@grandmundi: @tereoputake @ArbyHyde @nzlabour What made you make the assumption that Bill English would screw this up? And he's… - 5 years ago

@okajimania: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadget日本版 - 5 years ago

@nstowtph_daiki: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadget日本版 - 5 years ago

@HigherKingdom: Boy these "potential" family relations this past week have been fascinating! Barbara Bush & Aleister Crowley (Engli… - 5 years ago

@kermydfrawg: RT @ceehax: @FPL_NZ @NZNationalParty I find that revisionist. I think Bill English would have listened to experts and followed the pandemic… - 5 years ago

@gitis: RT @JoeIngeno: Computer mouse co-creator Bill English dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@Casquette_: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadgetjp - 5 years ago

@pocoresolutions: RT @BillFelt: @dorsey_cliff And you can not convince me that Ardern is kinder than Bill English. Jacinda may say she is kind, but she has n… - 5 years ago

@verdeverne: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadget日本版 - 5 years ago

@ArleneAndrews_1: RT @JoeIngeno: Computer mouse co-creator Bill English dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@fly15f: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadget日本版 - 5 years ago

@curioshiki: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadget日本版 - 5 years ago

@itachin: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #engadget日本版 - 5 years ago

@jubrunk: RT @computermuseum: Bill English, co-creator of the computer mouse alongside Douglas Engelbart, has died at 91. - 5 years ago

@xgold1x: RT @Kronykal: Bill English, co-creator of the computer mouse, dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@LekeZogaj: RT @ZDNet: Computer mouse co-creator Bill English dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@MOMBARDDUQUE: RT @ZDNet: Computer mouse co-creator Bill English dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@Castroltk: RT @gfrias: Murió Bill English, el creador del mouse de la computadora. Tenía 91 años y falleció por un problema respiratorio - 5 years ago

@tonopach321: RT @gfrias: Murió Bill English, el creador del mouse de la computadora. Tenía 91 años y falleció por un problema respiratorio - 5 years ago

@Nfiftyseven: @delboy1978uk English and anti-SNP. A good read though. Humza's totally out of his depth with this Bill. 🤔 - 5 years ago

@alter_machina: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@arakamoni: RT @pasquicurcio: Agradezco a @resumenus la traducción al inglés y publicación de mi artículo ¿Quién paga la cuenta? Who Pays the Bill? ht… - 5 years ago

@dgregoire: RT @paulhayton: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@jdbuIla: RT @ZDNet: Computer mouse co-creator Bill English dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@LaurenDownSouth: @Debra4USA @EricKey21778398 @JudgeJeaninefan @JennaEllisEsq You don't even understand why that is incorrect English… - 5 years ago

@syouta2: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 - 5 years ago

@AideCrdenas3: RT @gfrias: Murió Bill English, el creador del mouse de la computadora. Tenía 91 años y falleció por un problema respiratorio - 5 years ago

@najinclass: - 5 years ago

@atatabitata: RT @paulhayton: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@shunito: “最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 - Engadget 日本版” - 5 years ago

@paulhayton: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@vinnyr81: @francesca_2010_ @GMB @SwainITV Yes its so sad we are footing the bill of millions of pounds for all of these!! Th… - 5 years ago

@estrella_gus: RT @gfrias: Murió Bill English, el creador del mouse de la computadora. Tenía 91 años y falleció por un problema respiratorio - 5 years ago

@jonathanperozo2: RT @pasquicurcio: Agradezco a @resumenus la traducción al inglés y publicación de mi artículo ¿Quién paga la cuenta? Who Pays the Bill? ht… - 5 years ago

@whitecrow1130a: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #エンガジェット - 5 years ago

@hdk_2: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 #エンガジェット - 5 years ago

@taonf: RT @hackaday: William English, Computer Mouse Co-Creator, Has Passed We are saddened to report that William English, co-inventor of the co… - 5 years ago

@atiliojt: RT @pasquicurcio: Agradezco a @resumenus la traducción al inglés y publicación de mi artículo ¿Quién paga la cuenta? Who Pays the Bill? ht… - 5 years ago

@OperandiLimited: Let’s celebrate Bill English, the inventor of the first Mouse in 1963, who sadly died at 91. Chunky. Love the varni… - 5 years ago

@Sheetal13444279: RT @Paurassinh: RIP Bill English, co-creator of the computer mouse, a #visionary beyond compare. U have brought ease of computing for sever… - 5 years ago

@koumorimori: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #エンガジェット - 5 years ago

@sensor15: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #エンガジェット - 5 years ago

@Paimaamu: @IAayushPandey Arre what do you know? You might be a lawyer. But I have read the NRC bill. It was in English and I know words. - 5 years ago

@supercake53: RT @BigStepInc: Bill English built his first mouse prototype in the early 1960s, and he told the Computer History Museum in 1999 that "the… - 5 years ago

@BigStepInc: Bill English built his first mouse prototype in the early 1960s, and he told the Computer History Museum in 1999 th… - 5 years ago

@gavincostello: - 5 years ago

@gonjinn_0w0: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #エンガジェット - 5 years ago

@salazyvonne: RT @pasquicurcio: Agradezco a @resumenus la traducción al inglés y publicación de mi artículo ¿Quién paga la cuenta? Who Pays the Bill? ht… - 5 years ago

@Fukudakogyo: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 #エンガジェット - 5 years ago

@joelcacooney: RT @aquigley: BBC News - Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 The first decent article on Bill’s pas… - 5 years ago

@Ohgochi: RT @aquigley: BBC News - Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 The first decent article on Bill’s pas… - 5 years ago

@GNXEL: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #エンガジェット - 5 years ago

@iyuusuke: RT @engadgetjp: 最初の「マウス」を作った技術者、ビル・イングリッシュ氏死去。91歳 / 08月04日 04:40 PM #エンガジェット - 5 years ago

@oyapiro: RT @aquigley: BBC News - Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 The first decent article on Bill’s pas… - 5 years ago

@BasuAshis: BBC News - Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@BigbooteJohn: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@CptZane: RT @BBCTech: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@Wigster289: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@iaincranston: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@IngvarrAscetic: BBC News - Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@KeithPDX: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@josueestanga: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91: Bill English was the first person to use a computer mouse, buil… - 5 years ago

@bumfferoffers: I've just posted a new blog: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@boodacat2020: @dawndawn762yah1 @catlady111310 @Klee34036780 @shrekthepunk @Aunt__Tifa @Thumper5465 @Apritions @gigibuddapdx… - 5 years ago

@bigdanman: BBC News - Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@M_Henderson98: Oh man...Bill Walton Blazers , The Alex English -these are sweeeet!! This is fun. - 5 years ago

@Neilos31: RT @NHS_Martin: It's 8am and if you're not already in a Spoons ordering your full English with coffee for £2.24 and sending the 50% bill to… - 5 years ago

@geoffpilkington: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@OzoneVibe: RT @BBCTech: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@epredator: RT @BBCTech: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@krishnakiron: @PanickarS @mathrubhuminews Already we r having public and private schools where medium of instruction is mostly Ma… - 5 years ago

@estefano_lopes: William "Bill" English (27 de janeiro de 1929 – 26 de julho de 2020) foi um engenheiro da computação estadunidense,… - 5 years ago

@DrJoeMcCarthy: BBC News - Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 A Big Thank You ! #usa… - 5 years ago

@computingdawn: RT @EdtechMag: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@portaltaxi: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91: Bill English was the first person to… - 5 years ago

@itcontactltd: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@Nick_Boro1: @andrewmelodeon @SeanEll26478725 @FlaviusFX @Nigel_Farage Existed? When was the English bill of rights repealed or… - 5 years ago

@Sindisil: RT @CodeWisdom: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91 — - 5 years ago

@Karkouch3: 9William "Bill" English, l'inventeur de la souris informatique est décédé. Ses inventions, elles, continuent d'exis… - 5 years ago

@spark_radio_net: RT @Dzzo9: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - For more information : - don't forget to share and… - 5 years ago

@Spaggie: RIP Bill English. Very underappreciated The tech guy behind the 'Mother of all Demos' - 5 years ago

@Sarah_E_English: RT @donwinslow: Dear @SpeakerPelosi & @SenSchumer I'm only 1 voter. But I beg you, please DO NOT pass another Relief Bill without clear+… - 5 years ago

@safoian: RT @lak_gcp: Bill English, creator of the "mother of all demos" died today. Engelbert presented this demo of a mouse but it was English's d… - 5 years ago

@reik_kaps: RT @CodeWisdom: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91 — - 5 years ago

@GRComputers: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - Bill English was the first person to use a computer mouse, bui… - 5 years ago

@topsy851: @drumpf76 @QuestforOrion @BBCWorld Vague. You mean the one based on the 1689 English Bill of Rights? And what does… - 5 years ago

@arrowsmith: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91: - 5 years ago

@gma_1968: BBC News - Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@Dzzo9: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - For more information : - don't forget… - 5 years ago

@akamasensei: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@publicidaddevia: RT @PaolaHolguin: Senadores presentaron proyecto de ley Cut Profits to the Cuban Regime Act, el cual le requerirá al Departamento de Estado… - 5 years ago

@localitsupport: #TechnologyNews: Bill English was the first person to use a computer mouse, building the first prototype in 1963. - 5 years ago

@hushwoofwoof: i'm so shook that "Gui" Weasley's actual name is Bill Weasley in the english version- - 5 years ago

@mebrianandries: Bill English: Computer mouse co-creator dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@DawsonMdhoust: RT @mcfargey: @CTVNews @DawsonMdhoust Okay so just like the legislation in Bill 178 they’ll make the signage half the size of the English o… - 5 years ago

@stacy_tennsy: @CJAD800 It’s an American League and majority of the teams with player and coaches who speak English. That’s like a… - 5 years ago

@Sarah_E_English: RT @donwinslow: Fact. One of the most under reported stories... The day before Bill Barr became the Attorney General he his daughter "acc… - 5 years ago

@mihaimaruseac: RT @uhoelzle: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91. If you've never seen the "Mother of All… - 5 years ago

@josalofilms: RT @SRI_Intl: Bill English worked alongside Douglas Engelbart to create a tool that would forever change the way we interact with computers… - 5 years ago

@jjj5819: RT @ComputerHistory: American Engineer and Inventor Bill English passed away Sunday. With Douglas Engelbart, he invented the computer mouse… - 5 years ago

@NkosiEcosse: Chris Greyling got a bill passed in Westminster that MP's cannot be identified if they break the law. Since this is… - 5 years ago

@Bill_Tasselli: @meh1771 @Otto_English @carne_sean @WestminsterWAG The nasty old witch has actually blocked @Otto_English . She is beyond vile. - 5 years ago

@xennygrimmato_: RT @uhoelzle: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91. If you've never seen the "Mother of All… - 5 years ago

@DoingJack: @doxie53 @AMPMTALK @cris_n3wy @Claudiababyg @Idliva @Peatches66 @leahbake @maryellen622 @JamiJm @irkenz @KingRezizt… - 5 years ago

@WMSaj13: RT @lak_gcp: Bill English, creator of the "mother of all demos" died today. Engelbert presented this demo of a mouse but it was English's d… - 5 years ago

@english_poet: RT @intheMatrixxx: Remember when Bill Maher interviewed @GenFlynn? - 5 years ago

@GregoriRinconR: RT @PaolaHolguin: Senadores presentaron proyecto de ley Cut Profits to the Cuban Regime Act, el cual le requerirá al Departamento de Estado… - 5 years ago

@mcfargey: @CTVNews @DawsonMdhoust Okay so just like the legislation in Bill 178 they’ll make the signage half the size of the… - 5 years ago

@memenow: RT @uhoelzle: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91. If you've never seen the "Mother of All… - 5 years ago

@ayirpelle: RT @uhoelzle: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91. If you've never seen the "Mother of All… - 5 years ago

@Sarah_E_English: RT @MeidasTouch: EXCLUSIVE: Bill that closes legal loophole that allows cops to rape detainees has sat idle in Congress for over a year ht… - 5 years ago

@mdfast1: RT @uhoelzle: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91. If you've never seen the "Mother of All… - 5 years ago

@lak_gcp: Bill English, creator of the "mother of all demos" died today. Engelbert presented this demo of a mouse but it was… - 5 years ago

@grep: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@DavidQ97115119: RT @Sombra65810427: The problem stems from 1776 when the British attacked the English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh emigres to the Americas. T… - 5 years ago

@styagi318: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Bee42681881: RT @Sombra65810427: @MagnaCarta_1LAW Western civilisation wouldn't be anywhere without English common law constitution. Or the magna Carte… - 5 years ago

@DEShellenberger: William English, who helped build computer mouse, dies in San Rafael "English, known to everyone as Bill, was one… - 5 years ago

@Sombra65810427: RT @Sombra65810427: The problem stems from 1776 when the British attacked the English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh emigres to the Americas. T… - 5 years ago

@Bee42681881: RT @Sombra65810427: The problem stems from 1776 when the British attacked the English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh emigres to the Americas. T… - 5 years ago

@mecozzi_alfredo: RT @mecozzi_alfredo: Midnight Blue (Remastered) - 5 years ago

@sophieleigh65: RT @Sombra65810427: "Every Communist revolution has been shipwrecked on the rock of England" He did not say the Rock of Britain. BTW Scotla… - 5 years ago

@sophieleigh65: RT @Sombra65810427: (based on the English Bill of Rights 1688). The British realized they had to destroy England and it's Constitution. O… - 5 years ago

@sophieleigh65: RT @Sombra65810427: The problem stems from 1776 when the British attacked the English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh emigres to the Americas. T… - 5 years ago

@TonyStuart55: @liamvincent26 @Lesleycubawelly The issue of age of eligibility for superannuation needs to be addressed sooner rat… - 5 years ago

@cy_choi: @steveportigal Rest in peace Bill English. - 5 years ago

@manishsmishra: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@CunningSmi1e: No, I’m English. Taxes (and usually tip) are already included in the bill - 5 years ago

@vangoghfkurself: RT @mitskifan42: every single high school english class debate is just “sco pa tu manaa: the bill of rights” - 5 years ago

@AtulVle: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Adeadphoenix: @blacklmatt @nittaemi85 Nice Bill Clinton logic there mate, neutrality and Passive support exist, and also, if you… - 5 years ago

@rohit86_boora: @2001Bijarnia @JATsWorld_ @d98xyxhQkoG0N4T @boxervijender @du_jat @BJP4Haryana @HaryanaTweets @cmohry @INCIndia… - 5 years ago

@beatroute66: Pretend you're a #FourInABed contestant by the next time you visit your friend's house, dismantle their shower in a… - 5 years ago

@english_poet: Hey Nineteen, You are Dancing with Bill Gates - 5 years ago

@bill_stammers: @LisaaaOx Oh Lisa, I long for some English or NZ lamb!! I live in the Wild West of Canada, lamb is a mortgage job,… - 5 years ago

@Pandey_G_Rahul: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@31pankaj92: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Gentle_Kamina: @baigammar66 @672rahul @fawadchaudhry Hahehe... He mean that your govt. Should bring bill which give pak citizenshi… - 5 years ago

@mayank1999s: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Ravicha37354195: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@CrosswordBot: Q262:    Valedictory international bill on English stage (7) - 5 years ago

@Sid00385238: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@shashank_bjp: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Bill_Owen: RT @jstweedie: More context on this remembrance day for Roma, travellers, gypsy. Why I know: my grade 8 English teacher. Teaching matter… - 5 years ago

@Ktulu4cat: @printsandbooks @llurbs @UncluGarrot Bill, please. My English may not be as good as yours :) but at least I use it… - 5 years ago

@zhigangsuo: I had returned many times to the little book, "The Character of Physical Law". Then Bill Gates put the videos onlin… - 5 years ago

@Ktulu4cat: @llurbs @printsandbooks @UncluGarrot Bill you should talk a walk through Benalmádena's promenade and just wait long… - 5 years ago

@Openyou63464770: @colonelmuppet @Clem205 @zarahsultana Please ignore the song at the beginning 😂😂 also have… - 5 years ago

@evmoregirl: RT @CafeOnTheCop: 🍴EAT OUT TO HELP OUT 🍴 Come and enjoy 50% off your bill with us at Cafe on the Cop! (Maximum saving of £10 per person). T… - 5 years ago

@grumpyCoder5: RIP William “Bill” English #mouse #sri #navy #maker - 5 years ago

@crecenteb: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@llurbs: @printsandbooks @Ktulu4cat @UncluGarrot His English is fine, you are the one using terms like "mental illness", "al… - 5 years ago

@tadams0620: TIL Bill English and Douglas Engelbart, while designing the original mouse, were also participating in the 1960s CI… - 5 years ago

@english_poet: RT @BeddoeRoger: Well, those 'treatments' have to be kept up! And is Bill looking a lot older lately? - 5 years ago

@WeirderRieces: @tarisgal42 @_SgurrUaran @HumzaYousaf @ScotNational English racism should be banned under this bill. As a proud Ang… - 5 years ago

@WeirderRieces: @HumzaYousaf @ScotNational Will this bill apply to nats with their anti English slurs, banners protests etc? I've… - 5 years ago

@Rajashekarrr6: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@kumar13bam: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Scubablue15: ..... “quietly composed pictures that hold the sense of an unfinished story. “ @Bill_Shapiro This is a beautifu… - 5 years ago

@sandeepkrrai09: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@foghat_tw: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@vinodkbjp: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@maheshparekhb: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@DavidRo69601374: @JamesMelville Excellent principles James but the Scottish Government's illiberal hate crime bill appears to smash… - 5 years ago

@Wildraar: RT @Franmkelly1987: #otd 1588 A major clash between the #SpanishArmada and English fleet off Portland Bill. An easterly breeze gives the Ar… - 5 years ago

@SandeepkumarT22: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Vinod251995: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@FatimaNikhat3: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@ourfrankie1: Still waiting for you (or any of your New Settler colleagues) to explain in plain English EXACTLY what is wrong wit… - 5 years ago

@numeroquince: RT @Franmkelly1987: #otd 1588 A major clash between the #SpanishArmada and English fleet off Portland Bill. An easterly breeze gives the Ar… - 5 years ago

@Chandan19708145: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Richpal97495019: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@RajeshM69964719: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@2xmForest: Worth listening to. Stanley Bill’s political views, just like anyone else’s, may be controversial in some quarters… - 5 years ago

@Honkytonkgamern: Bill Boogie in DbD, bad English from a Swedish Gamer now! #PS4live (Dead by Daylight) live at - 5 years ago

@YOIinanimateBot: bill nye as english dub yuuri - 5 years ago

@Franmkelly1987: bring the English to close quarters. A separate fight erupts under Portland Bill where Martin Frobisher’s Triumph l… - 5 years ago

@Franmkelly1987: #otd 1588 A major clash between the #SpanishArmada and English fleet off Portland Bill. An easterly breeze gives th… - 5 years ago

@Joscast07729491: RT @Univ_inenglish: This morning, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented a bill to reform #Mexico’s #pension system in a bid to in… - 5 years ago

@english_wabisab: ビルは彼のクラスで一番背が高い。 . . . . . Bill is tallest in his class. - 5 years ago

@jyotsna2964: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@SurajRai0889: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Shym1131: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@TheBloodEagle: @peterash9 @2tweetaboutit Why do you think I am preparing to bug out. Give me my guns and I'll stay. English Bill… - 5 years ago

@rahul08_kumar: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@monkeyboy_74: @HumzaYousaf Hatred should be regarded as hatred, regardless of the recipient. Does the bill cover the gate spewed… - 5 years ago

@ayushjhabjp: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@BjymGmail: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@EnergeticHonor1: RT @psalmvel: @bluegirlolu Cause the educated ones are searching for a guy with Jesus Christ character, bill gates wallet, Chris Okotie's E… - 5 years ago

@Raushan_S_Singh: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@elisa24102: RT @BSJazz: #Happy83thBirthday Guitarist Kenny Burrell born on this day in 1931. #NowPlaying Midnight Blue/from the album “Midnight Blue”… - 5 years ago

@gan_ssb: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@vijjubhau369: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@english_poet: @Pmddcraztrain79 @florence_kitty The Welsh and the Irish come under the English Constitution and Bill of Rights. Sc… - 5 years ago

@PanditKartikSh4: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@english_poet: @Pmddcraztrain79 @florence_kitty Because unless the English Unite and get rid of the British Globalist Corporation,… - 5 years ago

@CafeOnTheCop: 🍴EAT OUT TO HELP OUT 🍴 Come and enjoy 50% off your bill with us at Cafe on the Cop! (Maximum saving of £10 per pers… - 5 years ago

@AniSardanaBL: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@alisonwelch888y: RT @CCTV: China firmly opposes Japan's adoption of a so-called name-changing bill concerning the Diaoyu Islands, and has lodged stern repre… - 5 years ago

@manishupreti9: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@jtk0621: RT @iamstacetheace: The word “bankrupt” comes from the Italian “banca rotta” which means broken bench. Money dealers in the late Middle Age… - 5 years ago

@Kumarrishav1995: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@drsbmantribjp: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@orrdavid: RT @iamstacetheace: The word “bankrupt” comes from the Italian “banca rotta” which means broken bench. Money dealers in the late Middle Age… - 5 years ago

@gsparise: @antonioripa Quindi scopro che hai iniziato gli studi universitari e poi... cioè praticamente sei come Bill Gates e… - 5 years ago

@Kshatriya_____: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@imnanak: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@AjeetPandeybjp: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@kawabezmleka: RT @BSJazz: #Happy83thBirthday Guitarist Kenny Burrell born on this day in 1931. #NowPlaying Midnight Blue/from the album “Midnight Blue”… - 5 years ago

@tom_mcleod: RT @iamstacetheace: The word “bankrupt” comes from the Italian “banca rotta” which means broken bench. Money dealers in the late Middle Age… - 5 years ago

@ApekshaNamo: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@flobamberg: RT @iamstacetheace: The word “bankrupt” comes from the Italian “banca rotta” which means broken bench. Money dealers in the late Middle Age… - 5 years ago

@compliancememe: RT @iamstacetheace: The word “bankrupt” comes from the Italian “banca rotta” which means broken bench. Money dealers in the late Middle Age… - 5 years ago

@NakasheSailee: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@jpdhar13: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@dmarknewman: RT @iamstacetheace: The word “bankrupt” comes from the Italian “banca rotta” which means broken bench. Money dealers in the late Middle Age… - 5 years ago

@jaydalwadi78: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Saiakt1: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Swamivi18760173: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@dachyut: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@DigitalBhaiya: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Subhaka50507712: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@jbrmail14: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@adv_ganjare: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@english_tana: RT @TheRightMelissa: Everyone need to take some time to ask @jaketapper & @Acosta of the "trusted name in news" why they have not made peep… - 5 years ago

@H30051990: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@INDIANISATION: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@dps8004: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Kumar19490829: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Devarajan1984: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@anish1ssdreams: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@murti_nv: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Krishnaanilshe4: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@english_tana: RT @LATiffani1: Bill Clinton’s spokesperson said Clinton “never visited Epstein Island” So Billy got his beef whistle blown on Epstein’s… - 5 years ago

@SatishK25295803: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@iamstacetheace: The word “bankrupt” comes from the Italian “banca rotta” which means broken bench. Money dealers in the late Middle… - 5 years ago

@yogendra_baghel: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@RahulMulnivashi: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@karthickvmts: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@wlvrn_tjs: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@anil_0009: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Indias_Voice: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@NewsKheri: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@KurtGeisel: Bill English, RIP (1929-2020). William English was the co-inventor of the mouse with Doug Engelbart at SRI. Perhaps… - 5 years ago

@banerjee_008: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@MadhaviDivadkar: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@sheo_beria: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@rahul_bjp04: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@ManishNoCaste: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@bns5: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@MIB_India: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@RajaVenati: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@TheRaviOfficial: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@BJP4Karnataka: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@lardychap: @MysteriosoX I'm surprised you didn't start with Bill Nighy. Mostly because he's in everything written or directed… - 5 years ago

@joyshriram2021: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@kranjjeet: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@ibhagwa_n: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@Pragati_Prasar: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@patna4namo: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@shubzjoshi: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@johanjessen: RT @stewartbrand: @friendofdurutti @brianeno @StewartBrandDoc Extra cool in the "Engelbart-mother-of-all-demoes" shots of the rehearsal for… - 5 years ago

@umasankar99999: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@KumbalagodK: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@lakshman010: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@FutureMaha4: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@kemar_n: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@harsh52004: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@OhMadhu: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@hiya_pihu: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@ShaurabhKumarb1: RT @rsprasad: UMANG App is a single platform where citizens can access 1000+ services from central and state governments and various utilit… - 5 years ago

@micgeb: Miterfinder der Computermaus: William English mit 91 Jahren gestorben Zusammen mit Douglas… - 5 years ago

@milou1st: #RT @XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill… - 5 years ago

@miketreen: - 5 years ago

@2day_english: $600 Umemployment Benefit Expires - trump administration and congress at impasse over new virus relief bill #영어 un… - 5 years ago

@kowhaibird: @Lesleycubawelly @LouHou @TVNZ Bill English as PM got slammed by media and the left when he described some unemploy… - 5 years ago

@Frankth45276091: @billpeduto @DenisCoderre @NHL Hey Bill, Denis is pissed off because your team didn't bother to present the Canadia… - 5 years ago

@DenisVengeance: RT @SRI_Intl: Bill English worked alongside Douglas Engelbart to create a tool that would forever change the way we interact with computers… - 5 years ago

@CioccolataDaily: Cioccolata's english VA is called Bill Butts I can't - 5 years ago

@deadbeefa: RT @SRI_Intl: Bill English worked alongside Douglas Engelbart to create a tool that would forever change the way we interact with computers… - 5 years ago

@English_word0: bill [名] 請求書 - 5 years ago

@zellich: William English, Engineer Behind "The Mother of All Demos", Dies at 91. A few years after the legendary demo, Bill… - 5 years ago

@DCunnin28379642: @Saru245Reborn Apparently, Cicciolata is voiced in English by Bill Butts. Is the name familiar? - 5 years ago

@JamesCoriolanus: @StelthCy @sophthepatriot @LorenCulp @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino @parscale @Stepien_Bill Your rambling word salad… - 5 years ago

@joanne_english: RT @realDailyWire: Gretchen Whitmer Blocks GOP Bill That Would Have Kept Coronavirus Patients Out Of Nursing Homes - 5 years ago

@kamla: RT @SRI_Intl: Bill English worked alongside Douglas Engelbart to create a tool that would forever change the way we interact with computers… - 5 years ago

@kareninaotearoa: RT @keith_ng: I stole a cardboard cutout of Bill English from the enemy flat during the Kelburn flat wars of 2002. The head was then sent b… - 5 years ago

@jannejanne: RT @keith_ng: I stole a cardboard cutout of Bill English from the enemy flat during the Kelburn flat wars of 2002. The head was then sent b… - 5 years ago

@juhasaarinen: RT @keith_ng: I stole a cardboard cutout of Bill English from the enemy flat during the Kelburn flat wars of 2002. The head was then sent b… - 5 years ago

@ExoThinker: RT @SRI_Intl: Bill English worked alongside Douglas Engelbart to create a tool that would forever change the way we interact with computers… - 5 years ago

@BerkeleyBrett: RT @SRI_Intl: Bill English worked alongside Douglas Engelbart to create a tool that would forever change the way we interact with computers… - 5 years ago

@SRI_Intl: Bill English worked alongside Douglas Engelbart to create a tool that would forever change the way we interact with… - 5 years ago

@keith_ng: It was a good heist though. One allied flatmate knocked on the front door while I tumbled (loudly) in through an op… - 5 years ago

@keith_ng: I stole a cardboard cutout of Bill English from the enemy flat during the Kelburn flat wars of 2002. The head was t… - 5 years ago

@AJResearchTeam: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@mcaha83596918: RT @HUDgov: .@SecretaryCarson continues his summer reading series this week with special guest Carla Mancha, CEO, Brownsville Housing Autho… - 5 years ago

@LarryBoorstein: RT @XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cautioning that m… - 5 years ago

@clrss_bill: RT @IsskndarAriffin: ENGLISH PROVERBS vs PERIBAHASA MELAYU Credit: Soffea Rahim - 5 years ago

@ultramagnus_tcv: RT @stewartbrand: @friendofdurutti @brianeno @StewartBrandDoc Extra cool in the "Engelbart-mother-of-all-demoes" shots of the rehearsal for… - 5 years ago

@peidran: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@joanne_english: RT @RyanAFournier: Jeffrey Epstein hosted Bill Clinton on his private island multiple times. Why is the media not talking about this? Bil… - 5 years ago

@Gooch_d_drog: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@QPSMuseum: #onthisday 1961 - Senior Constable Bill English takes Road safety lessons to Ashgrove West Pre-School… - 5 years ago

@33newsking: Negotiators report progress in coronavirus relief talks WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lawmakers reported progress on a huge c… - 5 years ago

@FredKiesche: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@PhoozeG: @bswagspeare @Pagodin9 @abcnews So cat only means cat because the english dictionary said so dismissal? Ok lets tr… - 5 years ago

@jparr44mag: RT @SecretaryCarson: My summer reading series continues this week a special guest from the Brownsville Housing Authority, CEO Carla Mancha,… - 5 years ago

@Hauwertsr: RT @SecretaryCarson: My summer reading series continues this week a special guest from the Brownsville Housing Authority, CEO Carla Mancha,… - 5 years ago

@ShamanicNights: RT @Sombra65810427: The problem stems from 1776 when the British attacked the English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh emigres to the Americas. T… - 5 years ago

@ShamanicNights: RT @Sombra65810427: "Every Communist revolution has been shipwrecked on the rock of England" He did not say the Rock of Britain. BTW Scotla… - 5 years ago

@ShamanicNights: RT @Sombra65810427: (based on the English Bill of Rights 1688). The British realized they had to destroy England and it's Constitution. O… - 5 years ago

@SamyAngel4o: RT @XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cautioning that m… - 5 years ago

@tecioricardo: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@kboher: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@femmebot: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@nobi: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@berkun: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@soundclamp: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@LadyJusticeMao1: @1stanwalker I would NEVER USED THAT dirty pakeha worded 'VULNERABLE right now! Thats what melinda&bill gates used… - 5 years ago

@FourthOfOctober: RT @themajorityscot: 'If a government abroad was doing this...all English-speaking, right-thinking people would be up in arms.' Brian Monte… - 5 years ago

@BourdinFred: RT @Sombra65810427: "Every Communist revolution has been shipwrecked on the rock of England" He did not say the Rock of Britain. BTW Scotla… - 5 years ago

@PhilDeCarolis: RT @XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cautioning that m… - 5 years ago

@kondor_anna: RT @Sombra65810427: "Every Communist revolution has been shipwrecked on the rock of England" He did not say the Rock of Britain. BTW Scotla… - 5 years ago

@kondor_anna: RT @Sombra65810427: (based on the English Bill of Rights 1688). The British realized they had to destroy England and it's Constitution. O… - 5 years ago

@kondor_anna: RT @Sombra65810427: The problem stems from 1776 when the British attacked the English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh emigres to the Americas. T… - 5 years ago

@SouzaEluam: RT @XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cautioning that m… - 5 years ago

@CovidUpdatesEA: RT @XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cautioning that m… - 5 years ago

@world_news_eng: RT @XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cautioning that m… - 5 years ago

@lesliegarza1020: RT @SecretaryCarson: My summer reading series continues this week a special guest from the Brownsville Housing Authority, CEO Carla Mancha,… - 5 years ago

@tmcgregorchina: RT @XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cautioning that m… - 5 years ago

@juanparza: RT @XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cautioning that m… - 5 years ago

@XHNews: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cauti… - 5 years ago

@XHNorthAmerica: White House officials and lawmakers say they've made progress during talks on new #COVID19 relief bill, while cauti… - 5 years ago

@dhdqhllc: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@dianne_english: RT @danielsgoldman: Bill Barr’s “lack of candor,” reliance on “common sense” instead of evidence, and repeated misrepresentations would not… - 5 years ago

@rdesai7: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@dianne_english: RT @RonWyden: The Democratic-controlled House passed a bill to renew unemployment benefits months ago. The American people aren’t buying yo… - 5 years ago

@GHofmar: RT @pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for. "Bi… - 5 years ago

@vancitydan: @BaseballBomm @EaSolinas @Lady_Justice26 @pi3832 @santiagomayer_ That you have as bad with the English language, an… - 5 years ago

@Nariuss: @Sabina38699994 @agnieszkawolsk9 Ok, then you must learn english because what Bill Gates said in that video doesn't refer to a new virus - 5 years ago

@LouieTheRed1: @kieranross856 @hmmmjustjennah @yesjust @Reg27821192 @NZClarke The Clark Labour govt left practically zero net debt… - 5 years ago

@kevince: Bill English - mouse engineer pioneer - RIP : - 5 years ago

@susanvella52: @NZedAUS @PouTepou Thinking of Goldsmith vs Robertson, its Robertson looking competent and Cullenesque. Goldsmith n… - 5 years ago

@astrocolombian: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@Muffs: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@ironlionryan: @LynnInChicago1 @delicateflower1 @ACLU Taxation without representation was a distinctly colonial sentiment. The Bil… - 5 years ago

@KumarAGarg: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@ms_duckworth: @robertowardy @WinterfellT @JamesMelville Unfortunately for you the Bill of Rights 1688/9 gives the English (& Wels… - 5 years ago

@ecampo12: RT @pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for. "Bi… - 5 years ago

@here4tehbeer: RT @pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for. "Bi… - 5 years ago

@ChurchieinSD: RT @pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for. "Bi… - 5 years ago

@passed_present: “Along the way he served as a Navy officer in Japan and at California’s Port Hueneme and as a subject in a research… - 5 years ago

@mediaentourage: RT @pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for. "Bi… - 5 years ago

@Edweard: RT @pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for. "Bi… - 5 years ago

@bill_woolard: RT @Bo18951: @Paulreoch3 @SantaSurfing 2/2 the English Crown who resigned etc. However there were many more challenges he went through-NK,… - 5 years ago

@FernandoLeanme: @pgeerkens @IonaItalia My son forced me to memorize Bill and Ted's Adventures' Bill Preston English, without subtitles. Bogus. - 5 years ago

@spkodowell: RT @ComputerHistory: American Engineer and Inventor Bill English passed away Sunday. With Douglas Engelbart, he invented the computer mouse… - 5 years ago

@DBiallas: RT @pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for. "Bi… - 5 years ago

@quick13: RT @pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for. "Bi… - 5 years ago

@nbeaudrot: RT @pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for. "Bi… - 5 years ago

@pourmecoffee: Interesting obit, RIP. Did not know much of this. There's a link to the "Mother of All Demos" which he's famous for… - 5 years ago

@gingofthesouth: @_DanielleTay I’ve been once, 1996 for an Area Schools Leadership Course. Had a great time. I remember doing a BP… - 5 years ago

@spkodowell: RT @BardIonson: The mouse and the mother of all demos. Called a mouse because they called the cursor a CAT when you move the mouse the CAT… - 5 years ago

@WSPupfish: RT @WSPupfish: Has anybody noticed that Bill Gates cannot speak English? - 5 years ago

@WSPupfish: Has anybody noticed that Bill Gates cannot speak English? - 5 years ago

@spkodowell: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@MeaCrisp: Just found something out when watching Bill, when the secret catholic contact shows King Philip the hidout and Phil… - 5 years ago

@DMacgreger: RT @SecretaryCarson: My summer reading series continues this week a special guest from the Brownsville Housing Authority, CEO Carla Mancha,… - 5 years ago

@english_poet: RT @Breaking911: BREAKING: No deal reached today on COVID-19 relief bill, Pelosi says - 5 years ago

@0x2F: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@hanjaco: @WriteJoeWrite @Dan_1884 @MichaelLCrick @henrywinter It's the truth. English media loves him but his record is awfu… - 5 years ago

@hanjaco: @henrywinter 12th highest wage bill in the prem. Huge transfer fees. Much more then Watford. Can't defend. Can't sc… - 5 years ago

@miiheiko: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@english_tana: RT @charliekirk11: The party of "believe all women" is noticeably silent again now that Bill Clinton's is back to being accused 🤔 - 5 years ago

@jarvimom: @JSully8488 @Covfefe2020Eas @mrmanuelmacias @JesseKellyDC @SteveDeaceShow Yes, but it's ongoing. There's a lot more… - 5 years ago

@ViciousFord: The disrespect for the Nupe NBA team on my timeline is appalling. People think The Big O, a healthy Penny, Alex Eng… - 5 years ago

@Bruce03806204: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@JCollinsLondon: @itaintwhiteboy Everybody plays up what suits them. Fact is that London pays the bill for a lot of 'english' types… - 5 years ago

@fanf: RT @ComputerHistory: American Engineer and Inventor Bill English passed away Sunday. With Douglas Engelbart, he invented the computer mouse… - 5 years ago

@TomDrawsThings: @WilliamShatner Please respond to me Bill. Which English football (soccer) team do you support? And, if you don't h… - 5 years ago

@YOIinanimateBot: bill nye as english dub yuuri - 5 years ago

@galer_bill: There’s an ever-increasing amount of scum drifting across the English Channel from the lying cheating shithouses kn… - 5 years ago

@joanne_english: RT @charliekirk11: The party of "believe all women" is noticeably silent again now that Bill Clinton's is back to being accused 🤔 - 5 years ago

@Bill_kennedy23: RT @hamza_azhar: My TOEFL test scores expired. I can no longer speak, write, or understand English. - 5 years ago

@mikemcalpin: The " mother of all demos" had a person behind the curtain. Here is the story & the person. - 5 years ago


@shelley_english: RT @danielsgoldman: Bill Barr’s “lack of candor,” reliance on “common sense” instead of evidence, and repeated misrepresentations would not… - 5 years ago

@KatyMcCallion: RT @latimes: Column: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@TruelovefromGod: RT @SecretaryCarson: My summer reading series continues this week a special guest from the Brownsville Housing Authority, CEO Carla Mancha,… - 5 years ago

@ryonck: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@ilallahmdw: RT @psalmvel: @bluegirlolu Cause the educated ones are searching for a guy with Jesus Christ character, bill gates wallet, Chris Okotie's E… - 5 years ago

@sevanjaniyan: RT @ComputerHistory: American Engineer and Inventor Bill English passed away Sunday. With Douglas Engelbart, he invented the computer mouse… - 5 years ago

@Sombra65810427: @politicalite Deportation of all illegals, the ones that are illegal and shariah, under the english bill of rights its forbidden - 5 years ago

@Kypetzl: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@grimblethumb: @NilAndNull @paul_mckie @Douglas4Moray @RuthDavidsonMSP What a surprise, a Scottish nationalist entirely ignorant o… - 5 years ago

@Sarah_E_English: RT @SenKamalaHarris: Another round of one-time payments simply isn’t enough. We need to provide $2,000 payments every single month to keep… - 5 years ago

@Shebeck23: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@ChristinaDEI: RT @ComputerHistory: American Engineer and Inventor Bill English passed away Sunday. With Douglas Engelbart, he invented the computer mouse… - 5 years ago

@Julieta451: RT @BSJazz: #Happy83thBirthday Guitarist Kenny Burrell born on this day in 1931. #NowPlaying Midnight Blue/from the album “Midnight Blue”… - 5 years ago

@RoryABancroft: @Bill_Maxwell_ Translated into English from the original Manglish: Cut Social Security and Medicare. - 5 years ago

@ReigensDrip: Bill Nighy (English Actor) Favorite Anime: Pokémon - 5 years ago

@briantopping: @Bill_Maxwell_ "SPEAK ENGLISH IN AMERICA!!!" said the maggots... - 5 years ago

@DeeGree68794157: RT @SecretaryCarson: My summer reading series continues this week a special guest from the Brownsville Housing Authority, CEO Carla Mancha,… - 5 years ago

@Skipgin007: The 1st Amendment to the Bill of Rights hasn't many words but is easily understood but often misinterpreted. What i… - 5 years ago

@adamkolson: "Column: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91"… - 5 years ago

@DarrenTrain: @raeparks206 @Bundle_Of_Bill I thoroughly read my grammar books in English class which taught me that they/them ref… - 5 years ago

@bluesman764: RT @BSJazz: #Happy83thBirthday Guitarist Kenny Burrell born on this day in 1931. #NowPlaying Midnight Blue/from the album “Midnight Blue”… - 5 years ago

@grigomcmahon: RT @stewartbrand: @friendofdurutti @brianeno @StewartBrandDoc Extra cool in the "Engelbart-mother-of-all-demoes" shots of the rehearsal for… - 5 years ago

@stewartbrand: RT @stewartbrand: @friendofdurutti @brianeno @StewartBrandDoc Extra cool in the "Engelbart-mother-of-all-demoes" shots of the rehearsal for… - 5 years ago

@kumi_kumiJP: RT @BSJazz: #Happy83thBirthday Guitarist Kenny Burrell born on this day in 1931. #NowPlaying Midnight Blue/from the album “Midnight Blue”… - 5 years ago

@offcampusCal: RT @TheEinarkist: - 5 years ago

@Firal666: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@wonderferret: "Hillary Clinton is really my mother", Insists Bill English. - 5 years ago

@Sombra65810427: @Stuiej73 @5Agenda21 He blocked me lol tell him English common law constitution, english bill of rights, english an… - 5 years ago

@matt_bellis: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@english_hp: @Kintu3 See that's what happens when you misread lol😆 She Vetoed the bill. I can't delete prior tweet lol. But thi… - 5 years ago

@Bill_Eshun: That wasn't a red for me. These English referees have problems #FACupFinal - 5 years ago

@shelley_english: “AstraZeneca is the lead partner w/Oxford scientists, and it has signed gov’t contracts worth more than $1 bill to… - 5 years ago

@45xiatai: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@Elektrojunge: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@AmanAgarwal0310: @NARAYANRAO12 @sagarikaghose @INCIndia The huge positive response to negation of Article 370, introduction of Tripl… - 5 years ago

@KerrBounce: @realDonaldTrump Yeaahhh my phone bill yeah tore it up on Instagram they built university claim hog came at me im n… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Geophysics: It was an excellent demo. RIP: - 5 years ago

@Kkaiserrr: @LordBrexit They cant and if they do its an unlawful arrest but this only applies to a sane Man who knows his right… - 5 years ago

@TychoTithonus: RT @stewartbrand: @friendofdurutti @brianeno @StewartBrandDoc Extra cool in the "Engelbart-mother-of-all-demoes" shots of the rehearsal for… - 5 years ago

@mphuttu: Column: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@reppep: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@fjlopezpellicer: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@SDiggins: RT @ComputerHistory: American Engineer and Inventor Bill English passed away Sunday. With Douglas Engelbart, he invented the computer mouse… - 5 years ago

@alolita: RT @mark_e_davis: ”William English, Who Helped Build the Computer Mouse, Dies at 91“ Sad to hear about this. Bill English was an early supp… - 5 years ago

@_AskAdam: RT @markoff: Bill English was one of my personal heroes. He was the very definition of Silicon Valley's best & brightest.... - 5 years ago

@sjplep: RT @TheEinarkist: - 5 years ago


@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Bill English - #BillEnglish #Bill #English #rip - 5 years ago

@Grimkjell: RT @latimes: Bill English, unsung hero of the dawn of personal computing, has died at 91. Column by @hiltzikm : - 5 years ago

@RahmanMadeleine: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@AsteroidEnergy: RT @TheEinarkist: - 5 years ago

@Reddy53363450: @kotesh0513 Bro English medium bill pass kakunda court lo cases vesaaru inka ela implement chestharu jagan govt, fe… - 5 years ago

@TheEinarkist: - 5 years ago

@VerizonSupport: @simone_molinaro Thank you for confirming that. Yes, there should only be one charge for the movie since you only w… - 5 years ago

@Stone1_0: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@trevarena: RT @HUDgov: .@SecretaryCarson continues his summer reading series this week with special guest Carla Mancha, CEO, Brownsville Housing Autho… - 5 years ago

@orlandomediaco: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@simone_molinaro: @VerizonSupport Yes I did rent the English after I realized so just make sure on my next bill the Spanish charge is removed? - 5 years ago

@frisco0303: RT @rwang0: MyPOV: RIP Bill English the man behind the computer mouse! #SVLife #HIstory - 5 years ago

@rwang0: RT @rwang0: MyPOV: RIP Bill English the man behind the computer mouse! #SVLife #HIstory - 5 years ago

@MillerNCHS: Column: Bill English, wizard behind the scenes of seminal computer technologies, dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@thepru: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@marsman2020: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

@ComputingOviedo: RT @stewartbrand: A bow of fond thanks to the work of Bill English, who died this week. 91. New York Times obit: - 5 years ago

@pdpursell: RT @SecretaryCarson: My summer reading series continues this week a special guest from the Brownsville Housing Authority, CEO Carla Mancha,… - 5 years ago

@brunoespunkt: Zusammen mit Douglas Engelbart erfand er die Computermaus und stellte sie in einer legendären Präsentation 1968 vor… - 5 years ago

@BoazTweet: RT @SecretaryCarson: My summer reading series continues this week a special guest from the Brownsville Housing Authority, CEO Carla Mancha,… - 5 years ago

@larrybobsf: RT @SeamusBlackley: The interface that we take for granted had to be INVENTED, and it took a lot of brilliance. Some of that is now lost, R… - 5 years ago

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