Big Jay McNeely

American R&B saxophonist
Died on Monday September 17th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Big Jay McNeely:

@MushroomFM: #MushroomFM blog post: Big Jay McNeely this week on The Juke In The Back! - 6 years ago

@NaveenAlexandra: Big Jay McNeely: Saxophonist who revolutionised rhythm and blues as the 'King of the Honkers'… - 6 years ago

@sparkyofAlberta: RT @GrantStovel: He created the original template for the rock'n'roll guitar hero. Except -- he was a sax player. His wild style inspired T… - 6 years ago

@PhunkySaxMan: R.I.P. Big Jay McNeely (April 29, 1927 - September 16, 2018). The legendary R&B saxophonist lost his battle with ca… - 6 years ago


@rayala266: RT @Independent: Big Jay McNeely: Saxophonist who revolutionised rhythm and blues as the ‘King of the Honkers’ - 6 years ago

@mmarintorne: Big Jay McNe... - 6 years ago

@germanclarinet: thejusticethatissocial: Hey y'all remember this photo? The saxophonist is Big Jay McNeely, who...… - 6 years ago

@901SwingBlues: Now on Swing & Blues Radio: Ice Water by Big Jay McNeely at 15:57:31 @901SwingBlues - 6 years ago

@ckua_oz: RT @GrantStovel: He created the original template for the rock'n'roll guitar hero. Except -- he was a sax player. His wild style inspired T… - 6 years ago

@Independent: Big Jay McNeely: Saxophonist who revolutionised rhythm and blues as the ‘King of the Honkers’ - 6 years ago

@BlurbBoard: Big Jay McNeely: Saxophonist who revolutionised rhythm and blues as the 'King of the Honkers' - 6 years ago

@cahulaan: Big Jay McNeely: Saxophonist who revolutionised rhythm and blues as the 'King of the Honkers': Whether bringing tra… - 6 years ago

@ckuaradio: RT @GrantStovel: He created the original template for the rock'n'roll guitar hero. Except -- he was a sax player. His wild style inspired T… - 6 years ago

@GrantStovel: He created the original template for the rock'n'roll guitar hero. Except -- he was a sax player. His wild style ins… - 6 years ago

@BoycottUKLabour: RT @burn_amb: My latest jazz column for @stereogum is up - it includes thoughts on Randy Weston, Big Jay McNeely, premieres from @benwendel… - 6 years ago

@TJSaxophones: Not a great year again :( #badtimes #sadtimes. I know this happened last week, but I didn't have chance to write ab… - 6 years ago

@spanishxcindayy: RT @firmeoldies: There Is Something On Your Mind - Big Jay McNeely RIP 🌹✨ - 6 years ago

@makoto_doing: RT @bsr_mag: #ビッグジェイマクニーリー #RIP - 6 years ago

@CASSGB: RT @nytimesmusic: Big Jay McNeely's many admirers included Clarence Clemons and the young Jimi Hendrix, who after seeing him perform in the… - 6 years ago

@901SwingBlues: Now on Swing & Blues Radio: The Goof by Big Jay McNeely at 02:52:19 @901SwingBlues - 6 years ago

@vylawilson: RT @firmeoldies: There Is Something On Your Mind - Big Jay McNeely RIP 🌹✨ - 6 years ago

@Luis_ots: RT @firmeoldies: There Is Something On Your Mind - Big Jay McNeely RIP 🌹✨ - 6 years ago

@flacko_xlsd10: RT @firmeoldies: There Is Something On Your Mind - Big Jay McNeely RIP 🌹✨ - 6 years ago

@AlexissEspinoza: RT @firmeoldies: There Is Something On Your Mind - Big Jay McNeely RIP 🌹✨ - 6 years ago

@librariesval: RT @nytimesmusic: Big Jay McNeely's many admirers included Clarence Clemons and the young Jimi Hendrix, who after seeing him perform in the… - 6 years ago

@valsadie: RT @nytimesmusic: Big Jay McNeely's many admirers included Clarence Clemons and the young Jimi Hendrix, who after seeing him perform in the… - 6 years ago

@danamo: RT @nytimesmusic: Big Jay McNeely's many admirers included Clarence Clemons and the young Jimi Hendrix, who after seeing him perform in the… - 6 years ago

@MsSuns1ine: RT @Beverleyfmonair: Pure Blues tonight (7pm) with @woodyroy has tributes to recently-departed blues legends Big Jay McNeely and Lazy Leste… - 6 years ago

@aannggeell024: RT @firmeoldies: There Is Something On Your Mind - Big Jay McNeely RIP 🌹✨ - 6 years ago

@Jonphils: RT @nytimesmusic: Big Jay McNeely's many admirers included Clarence Clemons and the young Jimi Hendrix, who after seeing him perform in the… - 6 years ago

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