Bertha Calloway

American historian and museum founder (Great Plains Black History Museum)
Died on Sunday November 26th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bertha Calloway:

@itabuenapinol6: "We cannot direct the .ind, but we can adju.t the sails." Bertha Calloway - 7 years ago

@robgreeneII: RT @GeitnerSimmons: 'Decades ago, Calloway began her remarkable effort to assemble artifacts of African-American life in Omaha and Nebraska… - 7 years ago

@PatrickKerin1: RT @GeitnerSimmons: 'Decades ago, Calloway began her remarkable effort to assemble artifacts of African-American life in Omaha and Nebraska… - 7 years ago

@GeitnerSimmons: 'Decades ago, Calloway began her remarkable effort to assemble artifacts of African-American life in Omaha and Nebr… - 7 years ago


@HistorianCooper: Editorial: Bertha Calloway's enduring local legacy - 7 years ago

@josefasoria138: "W cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sa ls." Bertha Calloway - 7 years ago

@OWHopinion: ICYMI: Our Saturday #editorial remembered an #Omaha institution, Bertha Calloway, a champion of local, regional… - 7 years ago

@piparoura301: "We cannot direct thp wind, but we can adjust the sbils." Bertha Calloway - 7 years ago

@BlkGB: Editorial: Bertha Calloway's enduring local legacy: Last month the Great Plains Black History Museum returned to… - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Bluesman Robert 'Bilbo' Walker; historian Bertha Calloway; film's Alain Jessua; actress Veroniq… - 7 years ago

@100BMO: Bertha L Calloway, July14, 1925 - November 25, 2017: May her community spirit continue to live on... Rest In Peace🌻 - 7 years ago

@DaroldCuba: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 - 7 years ago

@godessfabra888: "We cannot direct the wind, but we canmadjust the sails." Bertha Calloway - 7 years ago

@pilarpardo887: "We cannot direct the wind, butewe can adjust the sails." Bertha Calloway - 7 years ago

@grannyman2013: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

@RestoreOmaha: We were saddened to hear of the loss of Bertha Calloway this week. Bertha was a collector of black history in... - 7 years ago

@Pubhistorian: Bertha's Battle, Bertha Calloway, the Grand Lady of Lake Street, Struggles to Keep the Great Plain… - 7 years ago

@AfWrldNwPrj: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

@_thatisawkari: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

@HBCU_Lifestyle: Bertha Calloway, founder of Omaha's Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 - 7 years ago

@PfreeSpirit: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 - 7 years ago

@SSaltus: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

@Ryanair314: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

@TougalooCollege: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

@JohnnyR48951492: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 - 7 years ago

@jjbeats93: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

@Puspa_DysaShop: "Kita memang tdk bisa mengubah arah angin, tpi jgn khawatir, kita masih bisa menyesuaikan layarnya" ~Bertha Calloway - 7 years ago

@thinkkimthink: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

@ShinyBlackGirl1: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

@madnuhrah: RT @HistoryHeroes: Bertha Calloway, founder of Great Plains Black History Museum, dies at 93 #BlackHistory - 7 years ago

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