Bert Cooper

American boxer.
Died on Friday May 10th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bert Cooper:

@SamaraXavieSVX: RT @GabrielTigerman: If Bran doesn’t do the Bert Cooper “Best Things in Life are Free” dance, I’m demanding a remake! - 6 years ago

@davesportsgod: The '90's was another great era: Tyson, Holyfield, the Foreman comeback, Lennox Lewis, Riddick Bowe, Razor Ruddock… - 6 years ago

@mimicreature: RT @GabrielTigerman: If Bran doesn’t do the Bert Cooper “Best Things in Life are Free” dance, I’m demanding a remake! - 6 years ago

@ced1694: RT @GabrielTigerman: If Bran doesn’t do the Bert Cooper “Best Things in Life are Free” dance, I’m demanding a remake! - 6 years ago


@GabrielTigerman: If Bran doesn’t do the Bert Cooper “Best Things in Life are Free” dance, I’m demanding a remake! - 6 years ago

@Marty_Fly86: Gladiators 🥊🙏🏽 #Repost @elanimal718 #MartyFlyPromo #FreeBoxerWolfPack ・・・ R.I.P “Smokin” Bert Cooper 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Bert pass… - 6 years ago

@Krazynative: @GoldenCalebT That’s who DB is seeing right now. Don’t mean to sound old homie but RIP Bert Cooper. He would have b… - 6 years ago

@wbslobin: Magnificent as Bert Cooper #madmen - 6 years ago

@jason268365: RT @BoxingInsider: 2015 interview with Smokin' Bert Cooper: "I Wasn't at My Best" - 6 years ago

@NewzBreakerPR: Ringside Report Pays a Final Tribute to “Smokin” Bert Cooper & Harold Lederman - 6 years ago

@Carlklang: RIP Smokin Bert Cooper and Harold Lederman. Boxing fans know who they are. - 6 years ago

@MidWestMet: Bert Cooper, Boxer Who Knocked Down Holyfield, Dies at 53 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@Bittlez24: Just got the message from Hov, the new Tilt shall drop in a matter of hours. Smokin Bert Cooper Freestyle Feat. Man… - 6 years ago

@Glam_Bert_: RT @TomthunkitsMind: Author Brittney Cooper says that white women, the majority of whom voted for Trump, should have learned a valuable les… - 6 years ago

@laurstango: RT @RhiannonCarta: hormonally imbalanced and crying in the break room bc I just thought of don draper’s face when bert cooper sings the bes… - 6 years ago

@RIHomeless: RT @HousingNetwrkRI: Our final awardee, Bert Cooper, is a recipient of the 2019 Friend of the Network Award. Bert is the founder & Preside… - 6 years ago

@FD_Experts_: @bert_cleary6 I actually watched the start. Easy breezy first. Easy 2nd outside of him not being able to field. Reg… - 6 years ago

@LittleLetterL1: RT @ryansongalia: Service details for Bert Cooper, the heavyweight boxer who passed earlier this month. There will be an evening viewing on… - 6 years ago

@jplauche: @GeauxTigers10 Billy Joel is playing The Ball Park in Arlington in Arlington, TX in October. He is awesome. Short… - 6 years ago

@shididdy1215: R.I.P Smokin Bert Cooper January 10, 1966 - May 10, 2019 You will always be missed! - 6 years ago

@xboxingcom: Frank Bruno vs Bert Cooper - 6 years ago

@MarkEOrtega: RT @ryansongalia: Service details for Bert Cooper, the heavyweight boxer who passed earlier this month. There will be an evening viewing on… - 6 years ago

@gerrycooney: RT @ryansongalia: Service details for Bert Cooper, the heavyweight boxer who passed earlier this month. There will be an evening viewing on… - 6 years ago

@SiriusXMBoxing: RT @ryansongalia: Service details for Bert Cooper, the heavyweight boxer who passed earlier this month. There will be an evening viewing on… - 6 years ago

@HousingNetwrkRI: Our final awardee, Bert Cooper, is a recipient of the 2019 Friend of the Network Award. Bert is the founder & Pres… - 6 years ago

@RhiannonCarta: hormonally imbalanced and crying in the break room bc I just thought of don draper’s face when bert cooper sings th… - 6 years ago

@ryansongalia: Service details for Bert Cooper, the heavyweight boxer who passed earlier this month. There will be an evening view… - 6 years ago

@ChrisDa08365892: @Idecboxing Keith thanks for not forgetting about me. I appreciate it. I'll be at the viewing @ 9am then. My hometo… - 6 years ago

@Idecboxing: @ChrisDa08365892 Chris, here's the info I have for a memorial service scheduled for tomorrow for Bert Cooper: Celeb… - 6 years ago

@Vin_omaj: To the entire team of the Big Bang Theory. You will all be missed. Sheldon. Penny Leonard Amy Howard. Raj. Berna… - 6 years ago

@NewzBreakerPR: Vinny’s Views: A Closer Look At What is Going on in Boxing & Ringing the Ten Count for Bert Cooper and Harold Leder… - 6 years ago

@MissMacGuffin: Los seriéfilos la recuerdan de aquella escena con Bert Cooper en 'Mad Men' - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Bert Cooper is best known as the first professional boxer ever to knock down Evander Holyfield, although he lost th… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Bert Cooper, Boxer Who Knocked Down Holyfield, Dies at 53 - 6 years ago

@0pinion8d: LLAP 🖖🏻 #BigBangTheory Goodbye Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter, Penny Hofstadter, Howard Wolowitz, Raj Koothra… - 6 years ago

@USCX1954: Bert Cooper, Boxer Who Knocked Down Holyfield, Dies at 53 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@JackMcCaffery: McCaffery: On Smokin' Bert Cooper, Meghan Markle's brother and boxing royalty - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: “Bert Cooper wasn’t at his best,” he said. “The majority of my career, I wasn’t at my best.” The NYT obit for the b… - 6 years ago

@Thecuriousone01: @Seconds_0ut I'd forgotten about Bert Cooper but see he died just this week aged 53 - 6 years ago

@SmolManSyndrome: Sorry but I’m not having that Bert Cooper hallucination song and dance. Whose idea was that - 6 years ago

@Butchersbill: Españoles... Bert Cooper... ha muerto. - 6 years ago

@LansReporter: McCaffery: On Smokin' Bert Cooper, Meghan Markle's brother and boxing royalty - 6 years ago

@SantosTB08: RT @NYTObits: Bert Cooper, a powerful ring brawler who was the first professional boxer to knock down Evander Holyfield — although he went… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Bert Cooper, a powerful ring brawler who was the first professional boxer to knock down Evander Holyfield — althoug… - 6 years ago

@Glam_Bert_: RT @charmeddimitris: That new @adamlambert song and video are amazing! I got Steven Tyler, Alice Cooper and 'Mechanical-Animals-era' Marily… - 6 years ago

@PhilHeron: RT @delcotimes: McCaffery: On Smokin' Bert Cooper, Meghan Markle's brother and boxing royalty - 6 years ago

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