Bernie McCarthy

Australian rules footballer (North Melbourne)
Died on Monday March 4th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bernie McCarthy:

@RealHunterVoss: AOC and her comrades aren’t much of a threat at the moment, but I’d still recommend the McCarthy treatment for them… - 6 years ago

@Chrisnotmypotus: @fras99 McConnell, Scalise, Kennedy, Paul, Jordan, Rubio, Romney, Scott, McCarthy, King, ugh! A couple pretending t… - 6 years ago

@AM_McCarthy: @Green_Footballs Ditto He won't be running as Obama's likable sidekick, he'll have his own messy past brought up ag… - 6 years ago

@Mabukon: RT @helena_jennie: @YoHi64 sez he’s a “Bernie supporter from way back” MSM isn’t propaganda Rachel Maddow “among the best” Russiagate real… - 6 years ago


@EmmaPeele3: RT @DenbrotS: @riotwomennn @cmcc1975 You throw the term Socialist around like you are the resurrection of Joe McCarthy. America is a mix of… - 6 years ago

@DenbrotS: @riotwomennn @cmcc1975 You throw the term Socialist around like you are the resurrection of Joe McCarthy. America i… - 6 years ago

@AM_McCarthy: RT @Patrickesque: “Jane Sanders hits Clinton for politicizing families of gun victims” Anytime someone says Bernie never went negative, ju… - 6 years ago

@AM_McCarthy: RT @riotwomennn: This is Bernie Sanders' game. Watch for it. We know this time. Bernie claims that he never goes negative. Meanwhile h… - 6 years ago

@AM_McCarthy: @jedshug As @K_JeanPierre pointed out recently, Joe Biden won't be running as Obama's goofy sidekick now...and Joe… - 6 years ago

@AM_McCarthy: RT @JRubinBlogger: Is it "soon" yet? Has Bernie released his taxes? I'll be asking every day until he does. - 6 years ago

@Jenn_Yourface: RT @destroytokyo: @Jenn_Yourface Rory sent me this picture which is clearly Andrew McCarthy from Weekend at Bernie's. - 6 years ago

@destroytokyo: @Jenn_Yourface Rory sent me this picture which is clearly Andrew McCarthy from Weekend at Bernie's. - 6 years ago

@my2trollmonkeys: I never appreciated Andrew McCarthy's style in Weekend at Bernie's. But I do now. So underrated. Such an icon. - 6 years ago

@iCommBot: From a tipsy Kevin McCarthy to a wonderful Bernie Sanders: Money burns a hole in your pocket. - The Silly Hydra - 6 years ago

@SendStephen: @tomwatson Eugene McCarthy in '72 also wanted to invoke the enthusiasm of his '68 campaign (which Bernie participat… - 6 years ago

@AM_McCarthy: RT @riotwomennn: Bernie directed to Academy President Margaret Archer - walks right past, ignoring her for man 239 years we have put men… - 6 years ago

@AM_McCarthy: RT @riotwomennn: There are so many videos of Bernie Sanders being demeaning & belittling toward women Here is a recent one. Why in the he… - 6 years ago

@sophiesmother95: @SykesCharlie @continetti What horse shit. Bernie isn't winning the nomination. Schultz takes republican votes an… - 6 years ago

@Swordofjanak: @MattMcGrath2001 @RepLeeZeldin @HouseForeign The synagogue shooter was not a Trump supporter. He hated Trump. Bern… - 6 years ago

@MattMcGrath2001: @Swordofjanak @RepLeeZeldin @HouseForeign Bernie doesn't encourage violence against people unlike Trump. McCarthy c… - 6 years ago

@AM_McCarthy: @MaddowBlog How about a segment on how closely Bernie's message lines up with Trump's on foreign policy? - 6 years ago

@BcCrabcake: Bernie '16 was McCarthy '68. This time, he's more Kucinich. - 6 years ago

@Emptyset09: @SethAMandel McCarthy, Jordan, even Hannity with a picture of Bernie in a pile of cash get one or two tweets a pop… - 6 years ago

@UltraVerified: @HeerJeet I've been watching Bernie from NH for more than 4 decades speak truth to power. So yes. It is true. It… - 6 years ago

@FomentDiscord: @Sulliview From the paper that loves every war and smears progressive people. The paper that gets off on the new Mc… - 6 years ago

@Jennyjinx: RT @UltraVerified: @Jennyjinx @HtownDood @Clarknt67 @The_Acumen I've been fortunate living on NH to have been watching Bernie since the 198… - 6 years ago

@UltraVerified: @Jennyjinx @HtownDood @Clarknt67 @The_Acumen I've been fortunate living on NH to have been watching Bernie since th… - 6 years ago

@jake0149: @the_bernie_bro Somewhere, McCarthy's corpse is grinning, ear to ear. - 6 years ago

@lilbuddyspd11: @Itsalwayscatur1 @sundaylve @MeghanMcCain @IlhanMN Thought you where one of those who had some problem with Omar bu… - 6 years ago

@LanderClosetFan: Watching Weekend at Bernie’s. Where are you these days Andrew McCarthy? - 6 years ago

@prairielive: RT @PuestoLoco: @RyanDunne87 @KamalaHarris It's about winning elections. An avowed socialist can't win the election when GOP will have us d… - 6 years ago

@RiskyLiberal: RT @PuestoLoco: @RyanDunne87 @KamalaHarris It's about winning elections. An avowed socialist can't win the election when GOP will have us d… - 6 years ago

@elva_morris: RT @PuestoLoco: @RyanDunne87 @KamalaHarris It's about winning elections. An avowed socialist can't win the election when GOP will have us d… - 6 years ago

@bernie_rimajol: RT @realDonaldTrump: Hans Von Spakovsky, “I haven’t seen any evidence of actual violations of the law, which is usually a basis before you… - 6 years ago

@MazinAlEshaiker: @smalltownandrew @pastriesqueen61 Bernie would've been arrested during the McCarthy era in the 50s' ! - 6 years ago

@mcd_bernie: RT @RealJamesWoods: Others who have used “enemies lists” throughout history: Stalin, Idi Amin Dada, Joe McCarthy, Nixon, Hollywood (50’s bl… - 6 years ago

@bffVampsaddict: RT @vinarmani: Party Loyalty Pledge We are just going to let this go? This is insignificant? Short memories. Both Lenin and McCarthy would… - 6 years ago

@vinarmani: Party Loyalty Pledge We are just going to let this go? This is insignificant? Short memories. Both Lenin and McCar… - 6 years ago

@matbo2: RT @RFSchatten: @baobann @MsRock4Ever @matbo2 @JamesFoyt @vividiaz1126 1) Idealist Gene McCarthy took RFK's mantle, didn't try to stop the… - 6 years ago

@RFSchatten: @baobann @MsRock4Ever @matbo2 @JamesFoyt @vividiaz1126 1) Idealist Gene McCarthy took RFK's mantle, didn't try to s… - 6 years ago

@areckoning: @AOC Ms. AOC I'm 76 y.o., feel I've been screwed by both parties 4 decades. I left the Democrats when they said "pu… - 6 years ago

@LOrion: RT @SLObot60: Murry, an adviser for Rep Kevin McCarthy, of neighboring district to #DevinNunes eg same backers, raised doubts. - 6 years ago

@SLObot60: Murry, an adviser for Rep Kevin McCarthy, of neighboring district to #DevinNunes eg same backers, raised doubts.… - 6 years ago

@bernie_ebook: Big congrats to and Representative Mike McCarthy for a wage, decent working conditions an…. - 6 years ago

@spirit_lead: @luv4reagan @patriotic_lib @realDonaldTrump @seanhannity So that makes him a McCarthy fan? If my doctor voted for B… - 6 years ago

@Kristina_Why: @ayers_rhonda @SomeGirlinSoCal @MrDane1982 I mean ... it’s just ridiculous. Hillary Rodham cast her very first vote… - 6 years ago

@pineywoozle: RT @A2Mamman: @AoCgang @rachelvscott @HillaryClinton @CoryBooker You Bernie/AOC folks show the same willingness to pass false or misleading… - 6 years ago

@AM_McCarthy: RT @Patrickesque: The fact Bernie Sanders had the time to register for an election that doesn’t happen for 5 yrs and somehow didn’t have ti… - 6 years ago

@LockeShiny: RT @ThomboyD: @oldmanweldon Do the math: Bernie was born in 41. He ran for mayor in 81, and in his own words this was the first time he vot… - 6 years ago

@ThomboyD: @oldmanweldon Do the math: Bernie was born in 41. He ran for mayor in 81, and in his own words this was the first t… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Bernie McCarthy (75) Australian rules footballer - 6 years ago

@A2Mamman: @AoCgang @rachelvscott @HillaryClinton @CoryBooker You Bernie/AOC folks show the same willingness to pass false or… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Bernie McCarthy - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Bernie McCarthy dies - #BernieMcCarthy #Bernie #McCarthy #rip - 6 years ago

@barackfan1: @SomeGirlinSoCal Bernie did not vote in the 1964 race against Goldwater even though he was 23. Hillary was 17 and c… - 6 years ago

@veggie64_leslie: @MehtaIncredible Oh please if you think I people who care that Bernie complimented youth programs and nice people.… - 6 years ago

@bernie_rimajol: RT @GOPChairwoman: I completely agree with Kevin McCarthy.… - 6 years ago

@RussellsPal: @composedryan @shadyladytreez @Bywatergal @lcsboyz @UnknChalky @ChrisAndersen @Karen_Robz @daveweigel you are about… - 6 years ago

@madandart: @lakehermit2 I live in Georgia now & have gained a different perspective. When in Boston, I was convinced Eugene Mc… - 6 years ago

@CitizenSullivan: @SomeGirlinSoCal People Bernie Refused To Support: JFK RFK Hubert Humphrey Gene McCarthy George McGovern Jimmy Car… - 6 years ago

@lillikusa: @matthewjdowd Bernie isn't "branding" himself as a Democratic Socialist. He''s being authentic, a quality to be muc… - 6 years ago

@Dezarath: @joncoopertweets That corpse has been practically pulling a Weekend at Bernie's with Nationalistic versions of Andr… - 6 years ago

@kateloving: #KnowWhereYouCameFrom I am a red diaper baby, family targeted by the McCarthy era, John Birch Society. Like Bernie,… - 6 years ago

@BcCrabcake: Bernie is, in many ways, Eugene McCarthy 2020. You could argue the closest to RFK is Biden. - 6 years ago

@psomi: @BernieSanders Bernie reminds me of the obnoxious Gene McCarthy. His supporters didn’t think HHH was pure enough i… - 6 years ago

@echeyfitz: "One keeps looking for the moral clarity of Eugene McCarthy, Wayne Morse or Mike Gravel from Bernie Sanders on iss… - 6 years ago

@networkminded: @thomasntexas The Republicans are already launching a Socialism/Communist McCarthy like attack on the Dems - mostly… - 6 years ago

@RichardACormier: RT @DavidVonDrehle: Color me skeptical ... Opinion | Bernie, your moment has come — and gone - 6 years ago

@JeebusTrump: @GeorgeTheAnima4 I'd like to see some actual quotes before we go full Joseph McCarthy on Bernie. - 6 years ago

@MichaelJFell: @Patrici82841064 Bernie Sanders has been a traitor for decades. He's living proof that McCarthy was right. - 6 years ago

@tarynuptx: Just gonna watch a little Weekend At Bernie’s and think about my secret Andrew McCarthy crush. It’s been a long tim… - 6 years ago

@_help_homeless: RT @marcusferrolaw: 🚨SATURDAY SPECIAL!🚨 I’ll be in the studio with Chris McCarthy as he fills in for Ken on The Ken Pittman Show. Saturday… - 6 years ago

@marcusferrolaw: 🚨SATURDAY SPECIAL!🚨 I’ll be in the studio with Chris McCarthy as he fills in for Ken on The Ken Pittman Show. Satur… - 6 years ago

@PatriotSassy: Kinda wishing we could go back to the McCarthy era, when it was considered UNAMERICAN to associate yourself with so… - 6 years ago

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