Bernie Madoff

American market maker
Died on Wednesday April 14th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Bernie Madoff:

@barelyMC: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@LouiseBaton: Bernie Madoff kinda the scam king, he should’ve dropped the tutorial when he was in prison - 4 years ago

@thetzmurph: @BryanRobinAR @PalmerReport Bernie Madoff was 72 when he was sent to prison. - 4 years ago

@andersonbaiden: NAM 1 VS Bernie Madoff - Where Is The Justice? #Showbiz360 #LIVNEW #TeamBeno… - 4 years ago


@RealityListen: @JoetheButtttttt @morganfeldon @SenSanders Victims of Bernie Madoff knew how to make money. Ppl that lost jobs bc o… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@RabbiGarbage: @SoccerMomTrades “After whistleblowers contacted authorities, a joint statement from the FBI and SEC states that R… - 4 years ago

@805_in: I miss Bernie Madoff man. - 4 years ago

@SallynJack96: RT @TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample in v… - 4 years ago

@SallynJack96: RT @thegoodgodabove: today at work i got to sentence bernie madoff to hell, it was pretty chill - 4 years ago

@jcarrington: How to spot a "Madoff". By noting the inconsistency between the inherent riskiness of a strategy & the extraordinar… - 4 years ago

@acdavalost: Le preocupa JP Morgan al que trabajó Stanford Group. Allen Stanford fue el responsable de la mayor estafa piramidal… - 4 years ago

@3Bmgeed: Bernie Madoff was a gunies theif. - 4 years ago

@DragonShadowLV: RT @curt_willis: RIP Bernie Madoff. A man that died in prison for doing exactly what Social Security does.... 😂 - 4 years ago

@Ultrascan419: Opinion: Bernie Madoff's scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue: Look for inconsistenc… - 4 years ago

@WhatMoney1: Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue... ( - 4 years ago

@daavaldivia: Y luego no quieren haya otro Bernie Madoff @BBVA_espana. - 4 years ago

@dubvNOW: FA Center: Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue… - 4 years ago

@mrd91969: @SunSentinel Hey senior from South Florida, tRump undid a rule to protect seniors from ano… - 4 years ago

@nunya33369999: @SheNever5 @ToCricklewood @CM48389799 @innercitypress @SubstackInc @JoyCannabis Adnan Kashoggi and Bernie Madoff, too - 4 years ago

@TheSpaceRobot: What could have gone wrong when this greed scheme was being financed by JP Morgan, an investment bank which is tied… - 4 years ago

@AirMailWeekly: "It didn’t take long in my interviews with Ruth Madoff for me to realize she was devoted to Bernie to the extent th… - 4 years ago

@MSN_Money: Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue - 4 years ago

@DeloatchLaw: Madoff's fraud shouldn't have been hard to spot. He had no actual trades #crime #criminal #StockMarket #stocks… - 4 years ago

@kingwjco: They made Bernie Madoff look like Grandpa Munster. - 4 years ago

@DBJnews: What did Michael Milken, Enron, Bernie Madoff and many others have in common when they were front and center on Wal… - 4 years ago

@MSPBJnews: What did Michael Milken, Enron, Bernie Madoff and many others have in common when they were front and center on Wal… - 4 years ago

@Tortmon13: @DogDaytrader @tallman04 @JoePompliano @KingJames I mean that is laughable. One of the most selfish fuckers ever j… - 4 years ago

@NcsVentures: Opinion: Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue | #scams | #scammers - 4 years ago

@GregoryDEvans: Opinion: Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue | #scams | #scammers - 4 years ago

@cashxmny: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JessKubis: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@nelsabbey: Bernie Madoff had people posing like they're hard at work making deals and trading😂 You know who has interesting… - 4 years ago

@MamelloS_M: Why is everyone trying to whitewash Bernie Madoff? This is such unnecessary and weird revisionist history - 4 years ago

@agusnox: @alandail @AmyAlex63 @jdesmondharris Bernie Madoff: best and safest returns in the market - 4 years ago

@Crumpemag: Opinion: L’arnaque de Bernie Madoff était difficile à repérer, mais ce drapeau rouge était – et est toujours – un i… - 4 years ago

@ValenzuelaPost: FA Center: Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue - 4 years ago

@thedextazlab: FA Center: Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue - 4 years ago

@thedextazlab: FA Center: Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue - 4 years ago

@KJMatthewstv: The Bernie Madoff of Hollywood here. A rising actor, fake HBO deals and one of Hollywood’s most audacious Ponzi sc… - 4 years ago

@210EN1: @theycallmegramd @ABC Just like Bernie Madoff helped “ some people “🤨🤨🤨‼️ Nevertheless, when the fruit turns ROTTEN… - 4 years ago

@cengizdiyebirii: @halukiyihaluk Bernie Madoff hayatı boyunca kendisine rakip bulamadı.Kendisine Türk vatandaşı bir rakip çıkmıştı fa… - 4 years ago

@SteveBerlin5: @funder Hope he enjoys the same amount of prison time as Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@Jxxrry_: Arsenal = Tinpot club from London Arteta, biggest fraud since Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@advisorpedia: 7 Lessons Learned from the Bernie Madoff Scam - 4 years ago

@theglobalist: How is everyone is suddenly a millionaire? The old compliment — you look like a million dollars — now sounds almost… - 4 years ago

@MillerKAP: RT @ClassicChiMag: Book by Lake Forest Native Sheds New Light on the Late Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme - Recalling a Historic Fraud I Class… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@thepericulum: @visakanv Lol I feel like the rip bernie madoff tweet is the only tweet you’ve had in years without a single like - 4 years ago

@JourneyTrade: Bernie Madoff and the Fed: American Pyramid Builders - The Globalist: Bernie Madoff and the Fed: American Pyramid B… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@SkipABeat23: They call him Bernie cause he Madoff - 4 years ago

@ClassicChiMag: Book by Lake Forest Native Sheds New Light on the Late Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme - Recalling a Historic Fraud I… - 4 years ago

@apwealth: The announcement that Bernie Madoff has died is both sad and sobering. Please know we truly appreciate your trust i… - 4 years ago

@angels4thechil: "As the financial crisis of 2008 made markets plunge", their dad [Bernie Madoff] was unable to maintain the decepti… - 4 years ago

@fernandoulrich: Bernie Madoff faleceu na semana passada. Recomendo este documentário: - 4 years ago

@jacopogio: @JLMPiraux Petit joueur ! Madoff lui, c'est 65 milliards et en $ - 4 years ago

@BrianPAbrams1: @PennyTrader19 @NSAVTech Bernie madoff and associates - 4 years ago

@krypticrooks: @YDreezus Yo we find the likable black Bernie Madoff? - 4 years ago

@dstairs1: “Democrats Sent 73 Lawyers to AZ – THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!” – BREAKING: President Trump Releases Statement on Fore… - 4 years ago

@MediaNayze: BERNIE MADOFF DIES IN PRISON AT THE AGE OF 80 - 4 years ago

@Anton_DomX: Pirâmide. Me fez lembrar de Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@jamesbregenzer: What did Michael Milken, Enron, Bernie Madoff and many others have in common when they were front and center on Wal… - 4 years ago

@nashvillebiz: What did Michael Milken, Enron, Bernie Madoff and many others have in common when they were front and center on Wal… - 4 years ago

@sualbu: @Habs_Fan_NJ Couldn't he have shot her in the leg? Couldn't he have tasered her? Couldn't he have gotten everyone… - 4 years ago

@LadyLul: RT @ParikPatelCFA: With Bernie Madoff gone, the duty now falls on us to defraud a new generation of investors - 4 years ago

@AlexDeL82048414: I guess I’ve fallen behind on the news of late. I just came to that Bernie Madoff died last week while serving his… - 4 years ago

@CarpeNctom: RT @CryptoCred: $COIN lists, trades to $420, dips, $BTC follows just as hacked Bitfinex coins move. All on the day Bernie Madoff dies. We… - 4 years ago

@frombroke2bags: @acatspit1 @Kriso444 Get yourself a Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@investmentguru: #Ponzi Schemer Bernie #Madoff Dies #trading #money #NASDQ #Fraud - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@africh1941: RT @MoltisantiThots: I dunno Paulie, sending a sympathy card or some fuckin thing like that, sure. But going to Bernie Madoff's funeral? Is… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@_paulTV: go farther - 4 years ago

@EvolutionINK1: #THISISFUNNY #MRCTELLSJOKES #YOUKNOWITSTRUE WTF, Bernie Madoff, & Who Know What Else.... See you tomorrow night @ 8… - 4 years ago

@MKSolicitors: Don’t cry for Ponzi schemer #BernieMadoff, says Martin Kenney in @TorontoStar, on the eve of closing arguments in a… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@AdilsonDeLucen1: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@robert86649176: @doggyonthemoon @jungleincxrp Do a Bernie Madoff mthr fckng - 4 years ago

@EVOVLD: RT @advisorpedia: 7 Lessons Learned from the Bernie Madoff Scam - 4 years ago

@kimvie: RT @svbizjournal: What did Michael Milken, Enron, Bernie Madoff and many others have in common when they were front and center on Wall Stre… - 4 years ago

@LAWriter: @vol_christopher "What makes this generation unique is financial nihilism" @vol_christopher = never heard of Jorda… - 4 years ago

@advisorpedia: 7 Lessons Learned from the Bernie Madoff Scam - 4 years ago

@the_banditlife: Bernie Madoff was a dangerous man - 4 years ago

@JonesMcJones5: @Moss_Eco @markets @bopinion As if a taper debate will ever be a thing. Just like Bernie Madoff couldn’t stop takin… - 4 years ago

@davidgaren: @nypost weird the guy who funded Bernie Madoff would misjudge something lol devil! - 4 years ago

@HighlandSun: Column: Bernie Madoff wanted to beat the Wall Street ‘club.’ So do today’s crypto hotshots - 4 years ago

@TCollin03755417: @Majeh19 Bernie Madoff died in prison. Just saying ! - 4 years ago

@svbizjournal: What did Michael Milken, Enron, Bernie Madoff and many others have in common when they were front and center on Wal… - 4 years ago

@AtlBizChron: What did Michael Milken, Enron, Bernie Madoff and many others have in common when they were front and center on Wal… - 4 years ago

@csalinas956: Bernie Madoff died last week?! Fuck yeah - 4 years ago

@AaqilAnwar: RT @TadAllagash: Favorite Bernie Madoff story (besides him owning 300 pairs of Belgian loafers) is there’s a plaque at Lyford Cay for the m… - 4 years ago

@opps2opps: @UCPCaucus Financial literacy from the UCP, holy shit that’s funny. They should have consulted with Bernie Madoff t… - 4 years ago

@JohnWRich: RT @JohnWRich: Uncle John just got back from his trip to hear the reading of Bernie Madoff's will Bernie bequeathed @Cokedupoptions his be… - 4 years ago

@fakepapertrader: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@vahavb: Our obit: Bernie Madoff could not bear to tell his clients that he was not a magician. So he ruined them instead.… - 4 years ago

@subsalr: IMHO there is no more correlation between cybercurrency and the stock market than there is a correlation between Ga… - 4 years ago

@Yatselenko_00: RT @BsvCommunity: They don't. @coinbase is a scam company and they ALL know it. Bernie Madoff times 1000 Watch and learn. I am NOT the nig… - 4 years ago

@Idclair: @justicedeveraux @RonHall46 Brad Pascale! Since Bernie Madoff was no longer available. @rfrazier_tx @Harleyrds2… - 4 years ago

@SheliaBitt: Bernie Madoff Victim Says Losing Everything Was.... #foodkoma #delicious #foodiefriday - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@pjnjmj: You would have read recently about Bernie Madoff’s death. If you are interested in knowing the aftermath in his lif… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@GermanDadinLA: @maloftis1 @jessefelder Don’t own Bitcoin - but this is a feature of investment and trading ... countless examples… - 4 years ago

@sandypanda: RT @CMerandi: Dr. Andrew Kolodny is the Bernie Madoff of medicine. Protest planned 5/13 at Brandeis University Waltham MA 1 p.m Hold @sup… - 4 years ago

@2tall4u2: RT @Cdn4LFC: @CNBC @JJohnson2u The Ghost of Bernie Madoff watching this? - 4 years ago

@SPrigged7itsof1: @AmandaCerny Looks like Janet Yellen and US treasury futures buying team have taken of this problem. What do you… - 4 years ago

@JayStanaford: @thecryptomonk I didn’t know Bernie Madoff built a University 🤭 - 4 years ago

@SPrigged7itsof1: @SEC_News I bet you Citadel owes this guy as well as they obviously scam all the calls they buy all week long back… - 4 years ago

@TheWeekUK: In focus: the legacy of Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@wintermuteXBT: @nondualrandy @twetchapp how many more people could bernie madoff have fucked over if his ponzi hadn't blown up? - 4 years ago

@StanleyEpstein: Bernie Madoff - "It was inconceivable that he was a crook” - 4 years ago

@gardling: @SimonCohen85 @guardian @guardiantech @ONTIERLLP @ONTIERLaw This is like bragging that you're Bernie Madoff's lawye… - 4 years ago

@var2000: @Shannon96574094 @Submarine_Doc I have more respect for Bernie madoff than Bernie Sanders democrats. At least he ca… - 4 years ago

@Dracaveli: @JesseHolten It's a global Ponzi scheme that Bernie Madoff would admire, sudden dip selloffs lose investors, so mor… - 4 years ago

@ACFER5: RT @AwatchFc: @ACFER01 Bernie Madoff touted himself as a leading Wall St technologist. One of the first pioneers in what became electronic… - 4 years ago

@JorgelysVilla30: RT @robertomalaver: NOTICIA: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. COMENTARIO: Tranquilos, que el gran estafado… - 4 years ago

@21stQuadrillion: @CNBC Resembles? It is Ponzi Ponzi 1000 x Bernie Madoff ☠️💀 - 4 years ago

@OconnorPeggy: RT @CMerandi: Dr. Andrew Kolodny is the Bernie Madoff of medicine. Protest planned 5/13 at Brandeis University Waltham MA 1 p.m Hold @sup… - 4 years ago

@KamsNewspaper: - 4 years ago

@AnmarAbbas3: RT @RampCapitalLLC: Bernie Madoff would have loved Dogecoin - 4 years ago

@KamsNewspaper: - 4 years ago

@lalovestrump: A mini Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@thedavegilloran: Bernie Madoff created a $64 billion dollar Ponzi scheme. He swindled Spielberg and Kevin Bacon. He swindled Elie W… - 4 years ago

@richkook: Bernie Madoff Secretary Claims Wife Ruth Knew About Scheme 'Way Before Everybody Else' - 4 years ago

@o8AlChemist8o: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@LEANDROFBJJ: @alepavanelli A história se repete. Nao têm muitos anos e o "pika" do mercado financeiro - Bernie Madoff ex preside… - 4 years ago

@dewme: @CNBC My tweets after Madoff died were that Bernie was buying Bitcoin in prison but since he was dying and couldnt… - 4 years ago

@angels4thechil: Bernie Madoff - taken down by the 2007-8 Great Recession. “The firm was one of the top market maker businesses on… - 4 years ago

@efebjk2534: The Wizard of Lies (Yalanlar Büyücüsü)... #FilmTavsiyesi Amerika’da kurduğu Saadet zinciri ile milyarlarca dolarl… - 4 years ago

@mcsquared34: @todjohn13523586 😆 😂 Well done! The Bernie Madoff scandal taught us one thing, if you steal money from the ultra w… - 4 years ago

@MoneyGuyPro: RT @WiserWealthMgt: On today's Five in Twenty, Casey and Matthews tackle five topics in less than 20 minutes! Topics include Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@financialducks: Have you heard ‘The unforgettable lasting legacy of Bernie Madoff’ by Money Life with Chuck Jaffe on #SoundCloud?… - 4 years ago

@Vtpostnews: Did Ruth Know The Truth? New Book On Bernie Madoff Scheme Questions When His Wife Knew About The Billion Dollar She… - 4 years ago

@MattForeman1: @dog_shill - 4 years ago

@dixonres: @MariaBartiromo @K11Marc @FoxBusiness Did you know Bernie Madoff died April 14, 2021! I didn’t & Don’t care! - 4 years ago

@WritingFactory: RT @thecurrency: "Bernie Madoff sold safety" - @dionfanning talks to The Wizard of Lies author @dianabhenriques on Bernie Madoff who died l… - 4 years ago

@markrowantree: RT @marionmain3: @1pointdevue yes, perhaps not in the same league as Bernie Madoff though who got 150 years - 4 years ago

@stanthTradingma: RT @MONEYEMPIRE: Bernie Madoff Has Died In A Federal Prison, Believed To Be From Natural Causes - 4 years ago

@ES1670: RT @IntDissidente: Uno dei più grandi truffatori della storia, il finanziere #berniemadoff , si è spento a 82 anni nell’ospedale del carcer… - 4 years ago

@marionmain3: @1pointdevue yes, perhaps not in the same league as Bernie Madoff though who got 150 years - 4 years ago

@effe_neri: RT @IntDissidente: Uno dei più grandi truffatori della storia, il finanziere #berniemadoff , si è spento a 82 anni nell’ospedale del carcer… - 4 years ago

@FilippoGiov: RT @IntDissidente: Uno dei più grandi truffatori della storia, il finanziere #berniemadoff , si è spento a 82 anni nell’ospedale del carcer… - 4 years ago

@21stQuadrillion: @SquawkCNBC @nntaleb Bernie Madoff ^^^^^nnnnnn - 4 years ago

@Annalis80790333: RT @IntDissidente: Uno dei più grandi truffatori della storia, il finanziere #berniemadoff , si è spento a 82 anni nell’ospedale del carcer… - 4 years ago

@IntDissidente: Uno dei più grandi truffatori della storia, il finanziere #berniemadoff , si è spento a 82 anni nell’ospedale del c… - 4 years ago

@StrykerBlasters: @robdelaney "There's nothing funny about crime" - Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Ngbede: and that's on the Spanish Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@WiserWealthMgt: On today's Five in Twenty, Casey and Matthews tackle five topics in less than 20 minutes! Topics include Bernie Ma… - 4 years ago

@rapid4real99: @ibrahim0608 @cenbank @NigeriaGov @yinkanubi @BBoason Do you know how much Bernie Madoff defrauded investors? Hav… - 4 years ago

@adivawoman: RT @CMerandi: Dr. Andrew Kolodny is the Bernie Madoff of medicine. Protest planned 5/13 at Brandeis University Waltham MA 1 p.m Hold @sup… - 4 years ago

@cosmiclibrary: Rob and Akiva tying all the millennial slang to baseball is very funny. I also learned something today from googlin… - 4 years ago

@Paladin634: RT @CMerandi: Dr. Andrew Kolodny is the Bernie Madoff of medicine. Protest planned 5/13 at Brandeis University Waltham MA 1 p.m Hold @sup… - 4 years ago

@dianabhenriques: RT @thecurrency: "Bernie Madoff sold safety" - @dionfanning talks to The Wizard of Lies author @dianabhenriques on Bernie Madoff who died l… - 4 years ago

@dianabhenriques: RT @danbobkoff: Take <15 minutes and listen to this fascinating conversation about Bernie Madoff’s history on ⁦@axios⁩ Re:Cap with ⁦⁦@diana… - 4 years ago

@CanadaPain: RT @CMerandi: Dr. Andrew Kolodny is the Bernie Madoff of medicine. Protest planned 5/13 at Brandeis University Waltham MA 1 p.m Hold @sup… - 4 years ago

@dianabhenriques: RT @MikeorMrMike: Thanks @ChuckJaffe for the great interview with @dianabhenriques on the April 15th podcast about Madoff, his ponzi scheme… - 4 years ago

@CMerandi: Dr. Andrew Kolodny is the Bernie Madoff of medicine. Protest planned 5/13 at Brandeis University Waltham MA 1 p.m… - 4 years ago

@NandoMartin34: @LicMacoco Le cayó la maldición de Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@wo96729803: @therecount Uh oh, Kyrsten and Joe, time to think seriously about your life choices. This is like an endorsement fr… - 4 years ago

@Chunkylafunga5G: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@TheWeekUK: In focus: the legacy of Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@ryardley66: @SenSanders Climate crisis is the Bernie Madoff scheme of 2021. NOT A SINGLE PREDICITON ON CLIMATE CRISIS HAS COME TRUE IN THE LAST 40 YRS! - 4 years ago

@TrendzNewsbd: 20 Years After I First Questioned Bernie Madoff’s Success, the Great Villain of the Financial Crisis Is Dead - 4 years ago

@ore2bo: RT @spectatorindex: JUST IN: Bernie Madoff, convicted of investment fraud, has died in prison at the age of 82. - 4 years ago

@TommyBrain: Intellettuale:Lo schema di Ponzi di Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@IacobellisT: Intellettuale:Lo schema di Ponzi di Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@ParikPatel_: RT @ParikPatelCFA: With Bernie Madoff gone, the duty now falls on us to defraud a new generation of investors - 4 years ago

@Albert65567425: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@WilliamsUduakJr: RT @CryptoCred: $COIN lists, trades to $420, dips, $BTC follows just as hacked Bitfinex coins move. All on the day Bernie Madoff dies. We… - 4 years ago

@Elis_Gj: @byzantinologue I do Arie, but a Ponzi scheme is a Ponzi scheme. If a salary correlated to being sucked by a Ponzi… - 4 years ago

@zav999: @PaulWallace123 @alykhansatchu @BenBartenstein Footnote : She stole 5... billion... Dollars.... from her country...… - 4 years ago

@Krazie_Kanuck: @dukey2k @HeyItsPixel1 I'm trying to push back on all the recent Da Vinci code "unscramble the mystery using Bern… - 4 years ago

@TrussMe96: I can't wait till the IRS and CRA start applying pressure on you fake LLC mfs. Y'all spent a solid 8 months trying… - 4 years ago

@Topsy621: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Bernie Madoff is in hell. The devil will be broke in 18 months. - 4 years ago

@NewMurkCity: I think Ken Griffin is the new Bernie Madoff, the guy is the devil. - 4 years ago

@_paulTV: - 4 years ago

@nelvius: Finanzbetrüger Bernie Madoff im Gefängnis gestorben. Who is the next Ken? @Citadel #GME #HODL #reddit #AMCtothemoon… - 4 years ago

@ChristianRight8: RT @J_Contributions: #240 - Bernie Madoff Former financier and non-executive chairman of NASDAQ who ran the world's largest Ponzi scheme.… - 4 years ago

@Davidfox2403: @tommyr345 For sure no scams have ever occured in other financial products/assets. Do we blame the USD for the Bernie Madoff fraud? - 4 years ago

@BotLyrical: "I'm havin' a pool party, I'm swimmin' and strokin' all on your ho", 'She got me like, "Ooh, shawty"', "Tippy toes,… - 4 years ago

@EllieAsksWhy: Regardless, SEC has been a fail whale agency for a long time, starting with Linda Chatman Thomsen (didn't notice Be… - 4 years ago

@philmal1: RT @Forbes: Here are some of the Madoff investors who were forced to give the most money back to compensate victims of Bernie Madoff’s Ponz… - 4 years ago

@lostlink3: @udiWertheimer Bernie madoff had a legit hedge fund for a few years as well - 4 years ago

@Veaureg: - 4 years ago

@StealthQE4: @HoraceKentII1 @austinfrank Anyone that’s saying they aren’t having a tough time right now is someone you shouldn’t… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@NikkiBeCoolin: Damn I did not know Bernie Madoff died until I was listening to the Bodega Boys. The best scammer to ever scam. - 4 years ago

@Bigcrypt0z: RT @GoLongNotShort: If you created #safemoon #safemars or #cummies 👀. You are, as of this very second, FUCKING GENIUSES. However, so was… - 4 years ago

@Time2Coach: RT @Time2Coach: The complete US banking world and their government fell for Bernie Madoff - biggest Ponzi scheme in history,ran successfull… - 4 years ago

@Time2Coach: The complete US banking world and their government fell for Bernie Madoff - biggest Ponzi scheme in history,ran suc… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Itgirl100: Bernie #Madoff, #mastermind of the nation's biggest #investment #fraud, #dies at 82 - 4 years ago

@UPedrazaL: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@IfebhorC: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@Itgirl100: From last week #BernardMadoff, #Architect of Largest #Ponzi #Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@Veaureg: Running Ponzi schemes like Bernie Madoff was next week's news Ponzi schemes Using virtual… - 4 years ago

@CrytoMan8: RT @CrytoMan8: $DOGE, w/ the help of @elonmusk destroying everything $BTC was designed to be. $DOGE is a pump'n'dump, Bernie Madoff Ponzi S… - 4 years ago

@CrytoMan8: RT @CrytoMan8: $DOGE is the complete opposite of $BTC. $BTC built the whole cryto world! $DOGE is destroying everything that $BTC has built… - 4 years ago

@HazertheFazer: I’m obsessed with the Bernie Madoff scandal I find it to be very interesting 🧐 - 4 years ago

@CrytoMan8: $DOGE, JUSTICE IS COMING FOR U! U can't beat the Monsta of all, $BTC. $DOGE is a scam coin, its a pump'n'dump sche… - 4 years ago

@THORmaximalist: I wonder what’s @Cardano’s marketing budjet. Must be higher then some useful projects. Bernie Madoff is starting to… - 4 years ago

@BrianSOLeary: @RubinoFSSPol Earmarks...Bernie Madoff was a huge fan - 4 years ago

@CrytoMan8: $DOGE is the complete opposite of $BTC. $BTC built the whole cryto world! $DOGE is destroying everything that $BTC… - 4 years ago

@muh_rusa: @txtdrsjw Bernie Madoff? - 4 years ago

@AakashBhardwaz: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@NotoriousTill: Crypto worse than what Bernie madoff was running😂😅 - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@CrytoMan8: $DOGE, w/ the help of @elonmusk destroying everything $BTC was designed to be. $DOGE is a pump'n'dump, Bernie Madof… - 4 years ago

@michaelbradleye: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@littleguyfedup: - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@200pipss: @chamath The new Bernie madoff - 4 years ago

@CryptoOfSouthFL: @furious_wraith @BarrySilbert Nope. He nor that CEO 🍆 @Grayscale will say or do anything but block you. How dare… - 4 years ago

@CrytoMan8: @optionsUN1TED @elonmusk $DOGE, What community? The Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme community, the next ENRON? GO AHEAD!… - 4 years ago


@leanga_matovu: I'm convinced bernie madoff only went to jail cause he stole from the rich - 4 years ago

@johnjcali19: RT @ToroDeArena: Murió Bernie Madoff, en su fondo usaba el dinero que recibía por nuevas inversiones para pagarles a sus clientes anteriore… - 4 years ago

@gated_elon: Bernie Madoff died so he could come back and run Reddit - 4 years ago

@Andronicus: @Toddmasterson @TimJDillon Have some respect he just lost Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@CleoniceDAngelo: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@Kryptopirate420: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@Jeffrey66032603: @CryptoLawUS The SEC set up the biggest Ponzi scheme in history with Bernie Madoff and Bernie Madoff was the only o… - 4 years ago

@Jeffrey66032603: @BankXRP The SEC have lost all their credibility when they set up the biggest Ponzi scheme in history with mastermi… - 4 years ago

@hotcryptowife: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@flattop100: @dhmontgomery @HBCallaway Can we bring this back for the Bernie Madoff's of the world? And other shell company kingpins? - 4 years ago

@TheBlaackLamb2: @transparenc_E All y'all falling for the ole Bernie "Made Off" Madoff triangle. He taught the government how to bec… - 4 years ago

@sossaholicx: RT @mollyxtcy: sai and bernie madoff really the greatest to ever do this scamming shit - 4 years ago

@mollyxtcy: sai and bernie madoff really the greatest to ever do this scamming shit - 4 years ago

@SandeepParekh: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@MCerna5: @brian_armstrong You are the Bernie Madoff of CRYPTO !!!!!!!! - 4 years ago

@josiahdeboer1: Steve Fishman had some excellent longform on Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@FireHorsePhotos: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@raiders_realist: @imthatjess Definitely not the white God that's been peddled like a Bernie Madoff retirement package... - 4 years ago

@dasilvailiana: RT @RadioSarandi690: #HaciendoHistoria describió la mayor estafa de la historia. El responsable fue el inversionista Bernard Madoff. Thri… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@StephenBright: RT @Heidi_Cuda: 20/ SKETCHY: So let’s take a closer look at who Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller co-founder is business partners with in his h… - 4 years ago

@rcpush1: Biden spells out U.S. climate goal, urges other world leaders to go big - 4 years ago

@WillEmerson_: @DipDeity @ohheytommy Going to tell my grandchildren this was Bernie Madoff's cellmate - 4 years ago

@sersilvestri: RT @RadioSarandi690: #HaciendoHistoria describió la mayor estafa de la historia. El responsable fue el inversionista Bernard Madoff. Thri… - 4 years ago

@jmrbux2: RT @Heidi_Cuda: 20/ SKETCHY: So let’s take a closer look at who Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller co-founder is business partners with in his h… - 4 years ago

@DFS_ROE1_ELITE: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@JennieandClair1: @IdentityPlaceh1 @GatSummitt @KnowS0mething @tyorrique So....he has the same skill set Bernie Madoff did. Ok - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@PrestonMcMurry: @JoshMulcahy4 Bernie Madoff appointed head of Federal Reserve. - 4 years ago

@maiermasonsback: @JamiePastore9 Treasury yields gonna come creeping up again. This time they'll wipe 20% off the table. This market… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@DerochesRoudy: @educator_vincfx The greatest scammer of our times. The second coming of Bernie Madoff. Knock it off. All you do is… - 4 years ago

@TheGoldenGod84: RT @getvurbl: A hilarious snippet from @HistoryHyenas podcast, where @chrisdcomedy and @yannispappas break down Bernie Madoff's ponzi schem… - 4 years ago

@dianesbaker1: “I could have been another Bernie Madoff.” - 4 years ago

@Leslieannscott: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@contextual_life: “I’ve come to consider [Henry Kissinger] the Bernie Madoff of the foreign policy establishment” @thomasjoscelyn 🤭… - 4 years ago

@jwowwwknapp: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@czardaswun: @CarmineSabia Well thank God there's a government to stop people like Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@StaciTraids: RT @GoLongNotShort: If you created #safemoon #safemars or #cummies 👀. You are, as of this very second, FUCKING GENIUSES. However, so was… - 4 years ago

@Hernandez_A: RT @ManuCmplx: @THEKIDMERO Buy mad bot followers. What's corporate gonna do? Verify your new followers? 💀💀💀 It's what Bernie Madoff would… - 4 years ago

@wtfjhtagain: @OasisThemepark @BCOOL333 And if they produced nothing, where did the money go. Bernie Madoff may be dead but his g… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@PekgzGltekin: RT @BROS_FX: @sevilayyaziyor Bir farkı da ben ekleyeyim: Bernie Madoff haydi milleti dolandırayım diye yola çıkmadı, krizlerde yaşadığı ka… - 4 years ago

@Austrian_blogs: @schiffgold Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary When Federal Reserve C… - 4 years ago

@BROS_FX: @sevilayyaziyor Bir farkı da ben ekleyeyim: Bernie Madoff haydi milleti dolandırayım diye yola çıkmadı, krizlerde… - 4 years ago

@Swaggsaraus: RT @ManuCmplx: @THEKIDMERO Buy mad bot followers. What's corporate gonna do? Verify your new followers? 💀💀💀 It's what Bernie Madoff would… - 4 years ago

@BoleyGo: @FrankConniff Great and funny movie. I just worry that it was the inspiration for Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@aristelius: @sc107sc @Cokedupoptions John is a way better investor then Warren Buffon. You probably never heard of him which ex… - 4 years ago

@surreywillis: RT @PeterUpsidedown: Bernie Madoff demanded secrecy, hated transparency, going extraordinary lengths to avoid it. His feeder funds insis… - 4 years ago

@ManuCmplx: @THEKIDMERO Buy mad bot followers. What's corporate gonna do? Verify your new followers? 💀💀💀 It's what Bernie Mado… - 4 years ago

@PeterUpsidedown: Bernie Madoff demanded secrecy, hated transparency, going extraordinary lengths to avoid it. His feeder funds in… - 4 years ago

@KaepernickSPAC: @EconomPic @dollarsanddata *Laughs in Bernie Madoff* - 4 years ago

@GoLongNotShort: If you created #safemoon #safemars or #cummies 👀. You are, as of this very second, FUCKING GENIUSES. However, so… - 4 years ago

@BourbonStLawyer: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@yourdjdrops: Bernie Madoff = The Media & Democrat Party. Bernie’s clients he lied to = Liberals. See things a little clearer now? 🤦🏼 - 4 years ago

@conservexx: ‘Henry Kissinger is the Bernie Madoff of the foreign policy establishment.’ 👌🏻 ⁦@thomasjoscelyn⁩ - 4 years ago

@Jamestown502: Watching this CNBC Bernie Madoff doc. - 4 years ago

@AliciaJRose: RT @take7production: ‘A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff’, @AliciaJRose first feature film, will be screening at @ashlandfilm this weekend April 2… - 4 years ago

@JanetBullSPX: @watchoutshorts I think Bernie Madoff passing away recently was a reminder on how this will end. - 4 years ago

@TheCryptoPuggle: @JPI026 @IOHK_Charles Sophisticated people fall for scams too. Look at all the people Bernie Madoff ripped off. And… - 4 years ago

@Applelaw1Sandra: Truly hilarious that @mattgaetz believes nothing makes you look more innocent that retaining the services of Roger… - 4 years ago

@davterra_: In honor of the death of Bernie Madoff...... - 4 years ago

@agusnox: @itscharliemar * Bernie Madoff liked this tweet* - 4 years ago

@jess_memay: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@brucefentonn_: RT @brucefenton: Bernie Madoff was Chairman of the largest securities regulator in the US. Remember that whenever someone pushes for mor… - 4 years ago

@JohnWRich: Uncle John just got back from his trip to hear the reading of Bernie Madoff's will Bernie bequeathed… - 4 years ago

@StopDropandOMG: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@nachoahedo: @genarolozano Generan más confianza Carlo Ponzi, Jordan Belfort y Bernie Madoff que tú, tu gobierno y su líder @lopezobrador_ - 4 years ago

@ttanny: - 4 years ago

@Money_JS2: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@piggylou73: RT @AlamoPong: Re: the Biden tax increases. Will this take a large bite out of the big guy’s 10%? Or sheltered somehow ... say in an offsh… - 4 years ago

@TimWeiskel: Bernie Madoff: His Life and Crimes (CNBC Documentaries – Full Episode) - 4 years ago

@ACFER01: RT @AwatchFc: @ACFER01 Bernie Madoff touted himself as a leading Wall St technologist. One of the first pioneers in what became electronic… - 4 years ago

@Moore12a: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@AlamoPong: Re: the Biden tax increases. Will this take a large bite out of the big guy’s 10%? Or sheltered somehow ... say in… - 4 years ago

@kn__pe: #doge is going to go down as the biggest #scam since bernie madoff. real people believed in this bullshit, and th… - 4 years ago

@DeMedinaMau: Un escucha del podcast me dijo sentirse asustado después de escuchar las historias de: Ep 73. Charles Ponzi Ep 74.… - 4 years ago

@noclassTraitor: @gaywonk Bernie Madoff was a visionary who disrupted the finance space with his multi-layered investment strategies - 4 years ago

@txmade_25: @ProperlyZuri The only non violent offenses that should result in prison time is white collar crimes because that u… - 4 years ago

@WiderSt25675034: @ChrisEbner_FM Das Tragische ist ja nur, dass der Nasenbohrerfall mittlerweile schon 3 Jahre läuft! Zum Vergleich:… - 4 years ago

@Daniel1Mill: RT @BezaireTayen: @dog_shill Not only did u/RatioAtBlessons disappear that day, but he had a countdown through his posts, that ended the da… - 4 years ago

@lucjones18: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@JakeMeuret: RT @BenAnthony961: You’re telling me Bernie Madoff got sent to jail but Joe Biden can still be president after today - 4 years ago

@Daniel1Mill: @christop6721 @dog_shill Also he posted Bernie madoff would die like a week before he actually did wtf - 4 years ago

@BenAnthony961: You’re telling me Bernie Madoff got sent to jail but Joe Biden can still be president after today - 4 years ago

@or_comma: "If investigators had checked with the @The_DTCC it would have been east for them to see." -Bernie Madoff Eyes ope… - 4 years ago

@Evilbroccoli: @lesliona @latercera Que envdia a los gringos en este aspecto.... Ej Bernie Madoff murio en la carcel dsps de inven… - 4 years ago

@jackkcpower: @charoenlaic @MEGASLUSHBOY @dog_shill And me 😂 I was so close but then I don’t want to end up like Bernie Madoff 😩 - 4 years ago

@IsleofKal: RT @hasanthehun: never forget, bernie madoff didn't go to jail because he stole, he went to jail because he stole from rich people - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@czyz93: @Shayn3 @nbatopshot Best part is you don’t earn any interest off that PLUS you get charged a fee to withdrawal... w… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@LoudBoysPod: RT @realonlineboy: @LoudBoysPod Roger Ailes, General Qassem Soleimani, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@IsaLom6: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@noir_scribbler: @Wonder_Writer If only *I* had learned about the stock market when I was fifteen! I would be... jail with Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@TempleLaw: With Bernie Madoff's passing, Prof. Rafael Porrata-Doria discussed his impact on US fraud regulation with… - 4 years ago

@SkinnySenz_77: Shit I didn’t know Bernie Madoff died - 4 years ago

@YungUgly4Prez: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@LindseyJoiner: RT @swoph: rip bernie madoff you would've loved $GME - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@zelnews: RT @webbieguy: @NMSteveC @zelnews @pitox @Zel_Core @RunOnFlux No PoS/MN project can ever be Epic. Zel was epic. I was 1200 Satoshis when I… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@YCTorah: YCT alum Ben Greenfield (‘17) and faculty member Shmuel Hain shared how they believe the Jewish community should vi… - 4 years ago

@rslezcano: RT @camilocondis: Bernie Madoff, la mente maestra tras el mayor esquema piramidal de la historia, falleció hoy a los 82 años de edad, mient… - 4 years ago

@btc_na: RT @AtlasClientes03: 3/3 - Curiosamente, no dia das manifestações das vítimas da Atlas Quantum, morria nos EUA o Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@elpoliticonews: Bernie Madoff falleció en prision a los 82 años: el mayor estafador en la historia de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@webbieguy: @NMSteveC @zelnews @pitox @Zel_Core @RunOnFlux No PoS/MN project can ever be Epic. Zel was epic. I was 1200 Satosh… - 4 years ago

@Dantissimo_: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@868pxpi: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@theChloeGeorge: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@GREAT_EETS: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@TriangleBIZJrnl: What did Michael Milken, Enron, Bernie Madoff and many others have in common when they were front and center on Wal… - 4 years ago

@BezaireTayen: @dog_shill Not only did u/RatioAtBlessons disappear that day, but he had a countdown through his posts, that ended… - 4 years ago

@MikeCovino: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@nswint: RT @RecentDeaths: April 14th, Bernie Madoff, 82, American investment advisor, financier and convicted fraudster (Madoff investment scandal). - 4 years ago

@Chris_09765: RT @Heidi_Cuda: 20/ SKETCHY: So let’s take a closer look at who Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller co-founder is business partners with in his h… - 4 years ago

@LiamByrnes: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@JasonFaulkenber: @ClaudiuBoboi @dog_shill u/RatioAtBlessons posted that to the Citadel sub. He was a pretty active member and stoppe… - 4 years ago

@RLymangrover: Bernie Madoff Secretary Claims Wife Ruth Knew About Scheme ‘Way Before Everybody Else’ - 4 years ago

@brandonlee7022: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@Brandon_Keeeeee: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@LandlordCity: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@Knee_House: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@Three_TK: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@PHD_369: @dog_shill Okay so that's Bernie Madoff's inmate number. If it's in his offices, then it's a reminder, obviously. T… - 4 years ago

@investmentguru: #Ponzi Schemer Bernie #Madoff Dies #trading #money #NASDQ #Fraud - 4 years ago

@joshlegroscon: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@scraper_grow: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@vabey: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@GeorgePJimas: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@DC_Dickel: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JnrHarrison: Bernie Madoff Vs "Nigerian Scammers" who stole more? - 4 years ago

@dubz143: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff INMATE# 61727054 - 4 years ago

@jamesbottomtoo2: RT @ParikPatelCFA: rip bernie madoff you would've loved evading capital gains tax - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Osmotheque78000: RT @Bird5Ca: Wonder if Bernie Madoff was their mentor...🤔 “It consists of 15 parcels of land owned by four different WE organizations – WE… - 4 years ago

@FrankieFlavors: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff inmate # - 4 years ago

@a_arronn: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff? - 4 years ago

@GQrespino: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff Inmate # 61727-054. - 4 years ago

@AbigayilBrown: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff’s inmate number? - 4 years ago

@BrentSchultz14: @dog_shill What’s Weekend at Bernie Madoff’s has to do with this? - 4 years ago

@take7production: ‘A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff’, @AliciaJRose first feature film, will be screening at @ashlandfilm this weekend Apri… - 4 years ago

@Just4Shits: @dog_shill When I google this.. I get Bernie Madoff? 😂😂😂 good doggy - 4 years ago

@Nert73596340: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff? - 4 years ago

@notrob410: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff inmate number. - 4 years ago

@BrniesShwrThots: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff’s inmate number - 4 years ago

@R3volution1987: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff? - 4 years ago

@ElReyGanso: @dog_shill Bernie Madoff inmate number - 4 years ago

@punkdungarees: @Nert73596340 @dog_shill Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@wegalvanize: Don’t miss HighPoint 2021, the world’s leading #GRC event! Harry Markopolos—the man who exposed Bernie Madoff and i… - 4 years ago

@DV_Collection: @cpt_depression_ I would rather give me money to Bernie Madoff Pyramid Scheme and he spend 10 years in jail for fraud and is now dead! - 4 years ago

@herchongyang: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@not_ariel: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Fred75343389: @markybeats @JackNationalist Inflating the numbers- create the narrative and support the narrative. It’s a complete… - 4 years ago

@bullriders1: @Coach_Owen1 @ignoble_monocle @thehill @tedcruz @GOP Maybe one of your kids will be the next Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@bachic2: RT @Heidi_Cuda: 20/ SKETCHY: So let’s take a closer look at who Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller co-founder is business partners with in his h… - 4 years ago

@Landon91265791: @JRNYcrypto Bernie Madoff would have killed to invent a "safe" moon project 🤣🤣 - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@DREVORP1: RT @caciquemoroti: @DREVORP1 La gente se deja llevar por populismo. Los administradores siguen siendo los de siempre. "Ahora van a controla… - 4 years ago

@caciquemoroti: @DREVORP1 La gente se deja llevar por populismo. Los administradores siguen siendo los de siempre. "Ahora van a con… - 4 years ago

@hedgefundguy3: @buraksaltoglu Yerli Bernie Madoff hocam. Millet coin aldığını zannediyor ama ortada coin falan yokmuş:)) - 4 years ago

@Lnewman16Lee: Bernie Madoff Secretary Claims Wife Ruth Knew About Scheme ‘Way Before Everybody Else’ - 4 years ago

@BillyForza: @JosephJFlynn1 That's like saying there will be a mass exodus of financial advisors after Bernie Madoff was found g… - 4 years ago

@GartrellGordan: @Dr_Lisaadkins20 @samjcharles Your also victims of fraud and theft. Bernie Madoff. Far more destructive then any one man of gang with guns - 4 years ago

@blakeybaseball2: RT @LateNightSeth: “My money is on Bernie Madoff's ghost doing a reverse ‘Angels in the Outfield.’” – @HankAzaria is optimistically cautiou… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@LangZyne: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@zazu_sfuchickie: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@AndyJChi: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@AttilaTSoG: RT @CryptoWhale: Since 2019, #Tether has printed over 3,300% of its supply and used it to artificially pump up #Bitcoin. I predict this wi… - 4 years ago

@thefool1: QE Infinity. Thanks, Joe. So now we have Bernie Madoff prodigies at the Fed + Treasury Secretary + General Buck Tu… - 4 years ago

@NixxBlackwood: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@ShananAnthony: Catching up on @WhatCrappens podcasts and I need to know if @BenMandelker and I are the only ones who a) didn’t kno… - 4 years ago

@texan77581: @NorthmanTrader Bernie Madoff would be proud. Creating new fake coins to trade for better coins to trade for U.S dollars - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@AndresMendeztbo: RT @RadioSarandi690: #HaciendoHistoria describió la mayor estafa de la historia. El responsable fue el inversionista Bernard Madoff. Thri… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@braga957: Morreu na cadeia, aos 82 anos, em 14/04/2021, na Carolina do Norte - USA, condenado a 150 anos de prisão, Bernie Ma… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Cheryl46171467: @karenhunter Bernie Madoff...made off with most of their $$$. Michael Milken...milked 'em of the rest of their $$$. 🙃 - 4 years ago

@TadeuHenriqueA4: RT @AtlasClientes03: 3/3 - Curiosamente, no dia das manifestações das vítimas da Atlas Quantum, morria nos EUA o Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@supasaiyankevin: ayo bernie madoff died last week??? - 4 years ago

@PagliariMariano: RT @RadioSarandi690: #HaciendoHistoria describió la mayor estafa de la historia. El responsable fue el inversionista Bernard Madoff. Thri… - 4 years ago

@Lascosas690: RT @RadioSarandi690: #HaciendoHistoria describió la mayor estafa de la historia. El responsable fue el inversionista Bernard Madoff. Thri… - 4 years ago

@RadioSarandi690: #HaciendoHistoria describió la mayor estafa de la historia. El responsable fue el inversionista Bernard Madoff. T… - 4 years ago

@wiltonalves: RT @AtlasClientes03: 3/3 - Curiosamente, no dia das manifestações das vítimas da Atlas Quantum, morria nos EUA o Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos… - 4 years ago

@whoainsanity: RT @Heidi_Cuda: 20/ SKETCHY: So let’s take a closer look at who Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller co-founder is business partners with in his h… - 4 years ago

@Zank47563599: RT @thedailybeast: Journalist Jim Campbell dug into the late banker's family life in a new book about his scheme, “Madoff Talks,” due out A… - 4 years ago

@philmal1: RT @latimes: Column: Bernie Madoff wanted to beat the Wall Street 'club.' So do today's crypto hotshots (via @latimesopinion) - 4 years ago

@whocastillo: RT @thedailybeast: Journalist Jim Campbell dug into the late banker's family life in a new book about his scheme, “Madoff Talks,” due out A… - 4 years ago

@qltqltqltqlt: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@BoreMoney: @GoldTelegraph_ No doubt this is bad - but the story will be spun by most in the mainstream media that it’s ‘becaus… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Vicky76319435: RT @thedailybeast: Journalist Jim Campbell dug into the late banker's family life in a new book about his scheme, “Madoff Talks,” due out A… - 4 years ago

@Badgersbane: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@ArcosKruzpe: RT @UltimatumMx: Bernie Madoff, del barrio obrero de NY al gran timador del mundo. Operaba un esquema piramidal o esquema Ponzi, un fraude… - 4 years ago

@litlgrey: - 4 years ago

@thedailybeast: Journalist Jim Campbell dug into the late banker's family life in a new book about his scheme, “Madoff Talks,” due… - 4 years ago

@sneed_sherry: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@NickShoeStir: RT @MsHoes2001: Well, Bernie Madoff is dead... That may very well be the nicest thing ever said about Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Etuna_San: @mattexotica Bernie Madoff was so proud of me ☺️ - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@EricTailby: @mrhams90 @manhlamza @youneshh So is perez a brilliant business man? Well, everyone thought Bernie Madoff was, unti… - 4 years ago

@rebbietwit: "Don’t forget eventually JPMorgan Chase, Madoff’s primary bank, coughed up a couple billion dollars and admitted th… - 4 years ago

@CrpytoCred: RT @CryptoCred: $COIN lists, trades to $420, dips, $BTC follows just as hacked Bitfinex coins move. All on the day Bernie Madoff dies. We… - 4 years ago

@mrichie10: Bernie madoff died in prison during serving his 150 years sentence after scaming investors out of 17.5 billion thro… - 4 years ago

@SeekerCypto: @jamielucas___ @HOFCombos @safemoon Holder here too, but none of these comments do anything to prove that this is n… - 4 years ago

@Jeff2020Lee: RT @InvResDynamics: IF this is true, it means whatever entity is offering the product is using Ponzi-esque leverage, either outright margin… - 4 years ago

@realcooolcat: @LenosGarage CNBC ran a Bernie Madoff show over your Detroit episode. I would really like to see the Detroit epi… - 4 years ago

@21stQuadrillion: @NetflixAndLamp Hence the pivot to energy with media lapdogs and analysts rosy scenarios about how Tesla 💩solar roo… - 4 years ago

@InvResDynamics: IF this is true, it means whatever entity is offering the product is using Ponzi-esque leverage, either outright ma… - 4 years ago

@InvResDynamics: @WallStCynic A Bernie Madoff scheme on steroids. - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@gardling: @ruthheasman @CobraBitcoin @ruskin147 It's possible to both dislike Bernie Madoff and also acknowledge he's Satoshi… - 4 years ago

@PeterP91506768: @Frank_Giustra They are keeping Bernie Madoff's prison cell open for @michael_saylor when it all comes crashing down. - 4 years ago

@fidlaf: @pastorbmac @JoshCarlin5 @Fame21Moore @HesterPeirce @HesterPeirce she is part of the problem. Wake up from your slu… - 4 years ago

@SammyScottDavis: @BorisJohnson @POTUS #BernieMadoff fraudster "The names of Bernie Madoff and of MSI (Madoff Securities Internationa… - 4 years ago

@fidlaf: @oftenneverwrong @Fame21Moore @BankXRP Dream on. They are in charge. They are not nice people. Remember when Bernie… - 4 years ago

@tingxiao7: @ctpompliano @parabolictrav @Frank_Giustra @michael_saylor It may or may not. I still won’t trust Bernie madoff to… - 4 years ago

@FrenchJeanGuy1: RT @page88: My piece on Bernie Madoff (who went from disgrace to death yesterday) and crypto daytraders (who are flying high this week). #… - 4 years ago

@fidlaf: @Fame21Moore @JoshCarlin5 @NewYork_SEC the world knows you guys. Scam artist BTC, ETH Maxipads, that is your roll.… - 4 years ago

@Swami742: @Bitfinexed @fintechfrank Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme was once valued $65B which inflation adjusted is probably eq… - 4 years ago

@21stQuadrillion: @j_stroik @ARKInvest is a scam and fraud much better than Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@anthonypesec: @thesquaredog @DonutShorts If Elon goes down in history as being ONLY twice as fraudy as Bernie Madoff, I'll be shocked. - 4 years ago

@NicholasWealth: Bernie Madoff carried out fraud the likes of which nobody had ever seen before. Here are some tips you can take to… - 4 years ago

@pau1luvsutd: RT @ohfuukaduck: @pau1luvsutd @SkyKaveh Look for the $0.5b they lost on Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme that nearly bankrupted them and they s… - 4 years ago

@ArcadiaEconomic: @InvResDynamics - can I get a market on the probability that at least one of the @CFTC commissioners has an autogra… - 4 years ago

@lee_myrna: Chew on this for a few seconds? Bernie Madoff is now dead, he died in prison. But, he assisted in a soon to be publ… - 4 years ago

@sagheerosman: RT @ohfuukaduck: @pau1luvsutd @SkyKaveh Look for the $0.5b they lost on Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme that nearly bankrupted them and they s… - 4 years ago

@invest_withtim: Bernie Madoff died last week in prison. I knew he was a Ponzi scheme criminal but I didn't know EXACTLY what he di… - 4 years ago

@ohfuukaduck: @pau1luvsutd @SkyKaveh Look for the $0.5b they lost on Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme that nearly bankrupted them and… - 4 years ago

@JassiaSamayoa: RT @UltimatumMx: Bernie Madoff, del barrio obrero de NY al gran timador del mundo. Operaba un esquema piramidal o esquema Ponzi, un fraude… - 4 years ago

@KaviHarjani: @SanaSecurities Bernie Madoff had 10% consistent returns over a period of time Didn’t work well for him😂 - 4 years ago

@thesquaredog: @DonutShorts If Elon doesn't go down in history as being twice as worst as Bernie Madoff, Ill be shocked. - 4 years ago

@krysilove: Rich white men fail up every time UNLESS, they harmed other rich white men like Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@charlie_mas: @CursedBoomers A good cop would stop a bad cop, but that never happens. Therefore there are no good cops. You woul… - 4 years ago

@CleansweepUSA: - 4 years ago

@FrankAr55210849: @BusbyTalk @Mets Sorry , Bernie Madoff just died. He's how we did it. - 4 years ago

@Ndumo_Dumisani: The things Bernie Madoff would have done to this one... - 4 years ago

@theccryptomonk: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Bernie Madoff is in hell. The devil will be broke in 18 months. - 4 years ago

@kass_over: @BigCheds @DougKass she's shady?? Have you seen @dougkass's past? he's the mini bernie madoff of boca - 4 years ago

@MinimalistPorc1: @JonHeyman That's like saying Bernie Madoff had great money and business instincts. - 4 years ago

@tommymatlock_: RT @CryptoCred: $COIN lists, trades to $420, dips, $BTC follows just as hacked Bitfinex coins move. All on the day Bernie Madoff dies. We… - 4 years ago

@samjone25333545: @investvoyager My crypto transfer is still pending after 10 days. Has not hit my external wallet yet. I got scammed… - 4 years ago

@samjone25333545: @PowerLunch @Ehrls15 @investvoyager My crypto transfer is still pending after 10 days. Has not hit my external wall… - 4 years ago

@samjone25333545: @Ehrls15 @investvoyager My crypto transfer is still pending after 10 days. Has not hit my external wallet yet. I go… - 4 years ago

@rf_johns: Bernie Madoff, Lowlife Ponzi Schemer - 4 years ago

@letnghia21: Mr Derek Chauvin's fate should be like Mr Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@Apm30397706: - 4 years ago

@Fedorov91403625: Bernie Madoff, Indonesia! Why is this criminal a free man!!?? - 4 years ago

@about_scout: @chinchilla1970 There's plenty of crime in every neighborhood. See Prince Andrew and Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@backamoto: @lopp @CoinDesk dont advertise ripple/XRP criminals, SEC investigation for fraud, insider pump and dump scheme, was… - 4 years ago

@fcitra: Terus kepikir: apa ngga nanti malah jadi macam Ponzi scheme? Pas banget belum lama ini Bernie Madoff baru tutup usi… - 4 years ago

@MI_Investments: Bernie Madoff w/ a Chinese accent..... - 4 years ago

@AugustaPhifer: @FinancialTimes He looks like Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Arbazkhan3230: Uncovering what Bernie Madoff’s family knew - 4 years ago

@P_J0NES: If Bernie Madoff was around during this bull run he would have had a couple of bridges to sell y’all. $doge safemoon $dent bitconnect - 4 years ago

@Apm30397706: - 4 years ago

@dailyntes: Bernie Madoff, de multimillonario a 150 años de cárcel: La mayor estafa de la historia, famosos arruinados y suicid… - 4 years ago

@dailyntes: Bernie Madoff, de multimillonario a 150 años de cárcel: La mayor estafa de la historia, famosos arruinados y suicid… - 4 years ago

@Europefx_: Bernie Madoff’s Financial Crimes – The End To His 150-Year Sentence Read the EuropeFX blog here: 👉… - 4 years ago

@MarkHurni: @radster360 @danpfeiffer Be careful of normalizing. That’s how the GOP has descended to its current values. “Compa… - 4 years ago

@miraculous1: Meanwhile thought @johnpodesta had all the answers. Perhaps the law office that had to circle back with prior adhes… - 4 years ago

@scotland_ukip: RT @heraldscotland: Bernie Madoff was sentenced to the maximum 150 years in prison - 4 years ago

@twav1d: Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Running with Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@AmeliaRulez: RT @ParleAvecLeY: Prémonition: Les prochains Bernie Madoff seront en cryptomonnaie. Checkez les "financiers" avec un secondaire 5 qui ont… - 4 years ago

@garcelle_s: @lastsingle4end @QueenNadz6 I read somewhere that’s totally wrong, it was based on company sales revenue not profit… - 4 years ago

@IrishTimes: RT @IrishTimesBiz: New book on late Wall Street fraudster tries to untangle riddle - 4 years ago

@IrishTimesBiz: New book on late Wall Street fraudster tries to untangle riddle - 4 years ago

@netzermo: RT @nealbrennan: Off to the great Ponzi scheme in the sky! - 4 years ago

@worldsafernow: Çiftlikbank, Thodex , Charles Ponzi , Mt.Gox , Banker Kastelli, Sülün Osman, Bernie Madoff , Jet Fadıl, Emin Evim… - 4 years ago

@donttakeafence1: @JackJsherebkin The Bernie Madoff of climate change - 4 years ago

@CookeLeighton: Apparently the @FT is anti-German and #Wirecard is a legit made in Germany company, who were victims of market mani… - 4 years ago

@ThereseTaylor12: RT @NeilChenoweth: One of the great mysteries is whether Rupert Murdoch lost money to Bernie Madoff. Arthur Siskind, who oversaw the Cruden… - 4 years ago

@BitcoinLiotta: #bitcoin is too volatile. #bitcoin is a ponzi scheme Bernie Madoff's fund, 1990-2008 🧐 - 4 years ago

@CryptoJiren: "TIL that Bernie Madoff’s wife was allowed to keep $2.5M of stolen money" - 4 years ago

@CryptoJiren: "TIL that Bernie Madoff’s wife was allowed to keep $2.5M of stolen money" - 4 years ago

@evren_sener: Geçenlerde asrın en büyük dolandırıcısı Bernie Madoff öldü demişlerdi. Asrın en büyük dolandırıcısı olduğuna emin m… - 4 years ago

@magicOnemillion: RT @carl_upsall: Bernie Madoff quote: "If investigators had checked with The Depository Trust Company... it would've been easy for them to… - 4 years ago

@caleb_nwokoloo: @SisiCherie @uchmania @MoeMuna_ @ekesunvictor Simple! People that sat down and drove it hard into Nigerians throats… - 4 years ago

@TrendzNewsbd: Bernie Madoff dies in prison at age 82 – National - 4 years ago

@end_share: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@Robertm42252865: @ArchiPatriot72 @PalmerReport It will be like oh by the way Bernie Madoff died in jail. Too bad. - 4 years ago

@TodayILearnedOf: #TIL that Bernie Madoff’s wife was allowed to keep $2.5M of stolen money - 4 years ago

@SamuelInstone: Bernie Madoff’s infamous story has inspired me to talk about the rapid acquisition of wealth and the emotions that… - 4 years ago

@aesint: The sudden rise and fall of Bernie Madoff has inspired this week's reading on the rapid acquisition of wealth and t… - 4 years ago

@CRozhlas: RT @CRoPlus: Vybíral od lidí peníze, tvářil se, že je zhodnocuje, a místo toho z peněz těch, kteří přišli později, vyplácel ty, kteří přišl… - 4 years ago

@StuffedFantod: RT @SocialistVoice: Madoff Talks: uncovering what the family of the late Wall Street fraudster knew A new book, based on unprecedented acc… - 4 years ago

@SocialistVoice: Madoff Talks: uncovering what the family of the late Wall Street fraudster knew A new book, based on unprecedented… - 4 years ago

@DCBenson4: @ZachG932 @JackPosobiec If you subscribe to the NYT I have a Bernie Madoff deal for you. - 4 years ago

@1gvbriel: RT @BuddhaRascal: @avitale The Bernie Madoff sacrifice. They throw one of their own under the bus every now and then to pretend they are cl… - 4 years ago

@KirkMini: Bernie Madoff's sons were bitches for ratting him out - 4 years ago

@davesswenson: @ArcadiaEconomic @toddoanthony @goldsilver_pros @jpmorgan @InvResDynamics @TFMetals Jamie Madoff ??? Or is it Bernie Diamond ??? Or.... - 4 years ago

@Kuba_Mlejnek: RT @CRoPlus: Vybíral od lidí peníze, tvářil se, že je zhodnocuje, a místo toho z peněz těch, kteří přišli později, vyplácel ty, kteří přišl… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@CRoPlus: Vybíral od lidí peníze, tvářil se, že je zhodnocuje, a místo toho z peněz těch, kteří přišli později, vyplácel ty,… - 4 years ago

@tweeleaks: that Bernie Madoff’s wife was allowed to keep $2.5M of stolen money - 4 years ago

@CrellyN: Bernie Madoff died recently. Major achievement: Pointing up the value of forensic accounting. *Every bean counts* - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@kung_fat: @strassa2 ‘If I had My Time Again’ by Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JimRosenz: RT @TaxpayersUnion: In October, we warned the Finance Minister that he could be remembered as the Minister who signed off on deposit insura… - 4 years ago

@bugzeelix: RT @lixthesixtoy: Me: Bye #safemoon aka the new Bernie Madoff..... INSTAGRAM: LIXTHESIXTOY Music: YouTube: BUGZE… - 4 years ago

@lixthesixtoy: Me: Bye #safemoon aka the new Bernie Madoff..... INSTAGRAM: LIXTHESIXTOY Music: YouTube:… - 4 years ago

@Barbtomko1: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@SalBucks721: Stanton’s the biggest crook to hit NYC since Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@ManyandiMduduzi: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@harrisj: @karenmcgrane I do remember when the WSJ reported the US government had seized Bernie Madoff’s ass - 4 years ago

@TomGartner: Bernie Madoff left behind a lesson for investors: Never trust, always verify - 4 years ago

@PaulMeisel: @business Makes Bernie Madoff's internal controls look robust. - 4 years ago

@Brigitte17: @Kanaka_Maoli208 @Tsar892 @safemoon Bernie Madoff said the same thing! - 4 years ago

@TheMonkeyBiz101: Coinbase and Crypto and Bernie Madoff. Just some of what we touched on in our latest episode - 4 years ago

@GadflyQuebec: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@CourtNewsNet: Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on - 4 years ago

@captainseaview: RT @PeterSchiff: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary @schiffgold - 4 years ago

@JHan1on: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@here_wont: @LivingDoll___ @NoyahKing Things Bernie madoff said - 4 years ago

@AvalonZeta: RT @Wangarian1: In 2008, we had Bernie Madoff. In 2021 we have SafeMoon & Friends - 4 years ago

@dblums: @patrick_oshag Top of mind right now... Bernie Madoff saying no the first time you asked to invest with him, which… - 4 years ago

@CornyWaltham: @RubinReport Dave Rubin talking about other people selling their soul is like hearing Bernie Madoff lambast a Ponzi scheme. - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Ry8Ka8: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@cesarharamillo: RT @Varneyco: What was is like covering the events surrounding Bernie #Madoff's arrest? Following the #Ponzi schemer's death last week, @Sa… - 4 years ago

@kekmost: Dolandırıcıların şahı Bernie Madoff’a bakayım dedim herif ölmüş geçen gün ya ahahajs - 4 years ago

@whitecollarex: Book Excerpt: Madoff Talks, by Jim Campbell. Jim, this certainly sounds strange coming from me, but I was a const… - 4 years ago

@revjeffgrant: Book Excerpt: Madoff Talks, by Jim Campbell. Jim, this certainly sounds strange coming from me, but I was a const… - 4 years ago

@whitecollarex: Book Excerpt: Madoff Talks, by Jim Campbell. Jim, this certainly sounds strange coming from me, but I was a const… - 4 years ago

@Channel6392: RT @darrenrovell: Being auctioned by @Lelandsdotcom: Bernie Madoff’s stock certificate for his investment in Joe Namath’s restaurant. https… - 4 years ago

@MightbeMaria: @David_desJ @RepRoKhanna Do you also bring up shoplifters during conversations about Bernie Madoff? - 4 years ago

@_soueumanu: - 4 years ago

@UnitedWhofans: Who is Bernie Madoff? #Jeopardy #blindguess - 4 years ago

@janattheocean: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@hoseakb: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@IsaLom6: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@emanunpluged: @retroguygaming Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@thepoliticalcat: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@j85658270: @AEserpente @SEC_News They let Bernie Madoff happen. You can’t expect much from the sec - 4 years ago

@TheGoonersPod: Donald Trump, Bernie Madoff’s corpse, Florentino Perez, and Carlos Bolsonero have urged him to move forward. Rudy G… - 4 years ago

@CynicalMsm: RT @DenyThemEssence: @_whitneywebb @cntralbanksfuqu “Attorney Ira Sorkin, a former SEC attorney in the 1980s who later defended Bernie Mado… - 4 years ago

@theithinkgroup: Bernie Madoff 10 Years Later: Ep. 1 | Madoff Behind Bars - 4 years ago

@RBattlestations: spva222 shares "Bernie Madoff and Silicon Graphics" - 4 years ago

@Blendalicious: RT @Harvard2H: Bernie Madoff nutting in his grave. - 4 years ago

@GabbyLacebark: @dan_wickes That's more than what Bernie Madoff was selling. - 4 years ago

@Harvard2H: Bernie Madoff nutting in his grave. - 4 years ago

@Martha123z: RT @thenewsoncnbc: The Madoff letters — revealed. Read excerpts of @ScottCohnTV's correspondence with the fraud mastermind. - 4 years ago

@MIAMISPORTSGOD: Be careful with crypto. People who invested in Bernie madoff also were up big for a long time (so they thought...) - 4 years ago

@3osVyJVKJ0cOtVu: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@notisaaclopez: I don’t know why flags are still being flown at half-staff; Bernie Madoff died over a week ago - 4 years ago

@Daniell43575357: Bernie Madoff: His Life and Crimes (CNBC Documentaries - Full Episode) - 4 years ago

@4Trexroaring: Why can't they send him to the Bernie Madoff suite in General Population? - 4 years ago

@culturalanacion: Bernie Madoff, el autor de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@CitizenRevere: @tedlieu @ZaleskiLuke Also, don't ignore his history of duping people. #DonTheCon It's unkind of you to jeer at t… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@dailyntes: Bernie Madoff, de multimillonario a 150 años de cárcel: La mayor estafa de la historia, famosos arruinados y suicid… - 4 years ago

@kokomokid21: @Jim_Jordan Like Bernie madoff? - 4 years ago

@UBlade1701: @Rayperez88 @CoriBush If Bernie Madoff was lunging at somebody with a knife when he was arrested, he would have been shot too. - 4 years ago

@Sometallwhited1: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: The booms in so-called meme stocks, nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, and cryptocurrencies are, in some s… - 4 years ago

@lms1952: RT @saludhernandezm: A Bernie Madoff, muerto en prisión hoy a los 82 años, lo condenaron a 150 años por la Madre de todos los fraudes. A ot… - 4 years ago

@AcideKobe: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@Kelu777: RT @J_Contributions: #240 - Bernie Madoff Former financier and non-executive chairman of NASDAQ who ran the world's largest Ponzi scheme.… - 4 years ago

@TonyJinManc: So, I'm up to speed on Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi Scheme. I'm doing my own scam based on it. Give me ten grand and… - 4 years ago

@PDelPonte: So true. Always beware of fraudsters. They especially prey on seniors. - 4 years ago

@expectingachg: RT @MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: Madoff's scheme depended on a simple idea: As long as you keep new investors coming in and old ones from… - 4 years ago

@scott_wheeler12: @TreasurerWooden Seems logical that the same legislation that put CT's fiscal well being in the gutter would approv… - 4 years ago

@MsHoes2001: Well, Bernie Madoff is dead... That may very well be the nicest thing ever said about Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@thepoliticalcat: Don't be greedy. If it sounds too good to be true, run away. Greed is what cons you. Perspective | Ponzi king’s d… - 4 years ago

@katslefty: “Although the crimes Bernie was convicted of have come to define who he was – he was also a father and a husband. H… - 4 years ago

@roeiwrites: I guess Ken is just going to ignore all the very religious Jews who do very bad things and pretend that Bernie Mado… - 4 years ago

@Carolzyb: RT @LateNightSeth: “My money is on Bernie Madoff's ghost doing a reverse ‘Angels in the Outfield.’” – @HankAzaria is optimistically cautiou… - 4 years ago

@wirt_dan: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@maduradascom: ¡ENTÉRESE! Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia (estafó 65.000 millone… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@jenconnic: RT @LateNightSeth: “My money is on Bernie Madoff's ghost doing a reverse ‘Angels in the Outfield.’” – @HankAzaria is optimistically cautiou… - 4 years ago

@_allbyseth: RT @LateNightSeth: “My money is on Bernie Madoff's ghost doing a reverse ‘Angels in the Outfield.’” – @HankAzaria is optimistically cautiou… - 4 years ago

@LateNightSeth: “My money is on Bernie Madoff's ghost doing a reverse ‘Angels in the Outfield.’” – @HankAzaria is optimistically ca… - 4 years ago

@Krankier: @mtnscrambler1 @DanielaCambone @michael_saylor @Frank_Giustra So did Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@TheBigGuy198: @Mets Maybe you should also honor Bernie madoff as well ? - 4 years ago

@InvestKing2021: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@plastic_bio: I don't know if Bernie Madoff got his idea from there, but if there's ever a Ponzi scheme, people say Madoff was th… - 4 years ago

@o_budde: "One thing [Madoff] was certain of: They all knew." Yes they did. They always do. Good work Steve Fishman @NYMag. - 4 years ago

@FireIceLord2: @ZoePrecious2020 @MARCOFREE2020 100% fraud The UK government make Bernie Madoff look like a kindergarten child i… - 4 years ago

@DodgerDog55: Joe Biden makes Bernie Madoff look like a Fuller Brush salesman. - 4 years ago

@Dispatchesfrom3: RT @AirMailWeekly: Ruth Madoff "told me at one point over a series of lunches, her first words after Bernie finally admitted to the fraud o… - 4 years ago

@toomuchtd: RT @politicsoflife: The @realmadrid board needs to do a vote of no confidence & remove Pérez from office. Pérez actually went on live tv &… - 4 years ago

@mayfairtomiami: RT @politicsoflife: The @realmadrid board needs to do a vote of no confidence & remove Pérez from office. Pérez actually went on live tv &… - 4 years ago

@politicsoflife: The @realmadrid board needs to do a vote of no confidence & remove Pérez from office. Pérez actually went on live t… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@IsaLom6: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@BeMoreCynical: Foxconn has a track record of pulling this shit. Imagine Bernie Madoff waltzes out of jail and tells you he has a g… - 4 years ago

@RudyHavenstein: RT @RudyHavenstein: Why does everyone ascribe pure motives to Paulson & Bernanke? Both ALWAYS acted in their own best interests. They did n… - 4 years ago

@FrontEdgePub: What Bernie Madoff Has Taught Me - by "30 Days With King David" author Larry Buxton. - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@ronKellermen: @TMKSESPN Why you guys never noticed @DonLagreca hair before. The casual in the front party in the back. 😂😂🤣. The B… - 4 years ago

@michael51740963: RT @2deKamerFVD: Die @markrutte is dé Bernie Madoff van de Nederlandse politiek. - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JimAxelrod: @JimOCampbell @CBSSunday Pleasure was all mine Jim. Tune into @cbssunday for the fascinating take on Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@SBenjaminsCast: How did Bernie Madoff do it? He had a plan and he stuck to it. We'll discuss not only his scam but also touch on cu… - 4 years ago

@TheFienPrint: @klawls They didn't NEED to have Krusty and Bernie Madoff as guest hosts, but they got publicity and that's all that matters! - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@SayhZer: @ads_pb @WARONRUGS Ah the classic they showed their faces so the can't do any wrong.... Carlos matos, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@elpoliticonews: Bernie Madoff falleció en prision a los 82 años: el mayor estafador en la historia de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@SandraInesRami1: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@aafcommish: RIP Bernie Madoff, you would've loved my coworker that tries to pitch me on her "MLM" business every day - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Showboat7: RT @DegenerateLibe2: Another one bites the dust - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@PriveTrader: RT @ParikPatelCFA: With Bernie Madoff gone, the duty now falls on us to defraud a new generation of investors - 4 years ago

@BillyVacant: @seanchaibeag What do they think is unfair about it? The fact it’s a notorious case? Did they say the same about Be… - 4 years ago

@KATnRelease: E2: #StopAsianHate We discuss: - The recent spate of Asian hate crimes and what the root causes may be - Our own i… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Seglegs: RT @BuddhaRascal: @avitale The Bernie Madoff sacrifice. They throw one of their own under the bus every now and then to pretend they are cl… - 4 years ago

@JonkJahnson: RT @BuddhaRascal: @avitale The Bernie Madoff sacrifice. They throw one of their own under the bus every now and then to pretend they are cl… - 4 years ago

@JannyMKK: RT @2deKamerFVD: Die @markrutte is dé Bernie Madoff van de Nederlandse politiek. - 4 years ago

@Dr_Max_Power: @Officialsk1 @xrpchocolate @OliverMitro @Xlador1 @MXC_Exchange @safemoon @WARONRUGS Bernie Madoff had $65 billion i… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@investmentguru: #Ponzi Schemer Bernie #Madoff Dies #trading #money #NASDQ #Fraud - 4 years ago

@heraldscotland: Bernie Madoff was sentenced to the maximum 150 years in prison - 4 years ago

@Cc86204450: RT @Varneyco: What was is like covering the events surrounding Bernie #Madoff's arrest? Following the #Ponzi schemer's death last week, @Sa… - 4 years ago

@DomDiaz13: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@adeptbabe: bernie madoff is dead - 4 years ago

@FredOneonine: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@IchabodGone: Let the Bernie Madoff movie and all the people he defrauded and stole from, let their reactions show you what you l… - 4 years ago

@wimia: The recent death of convicted mega-swindler Bernie Madoff reminds us that Ponzi schemes are still part of the inves… - 4 years ago

@jot07547536: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@dryoungphysio: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@JDWilli444: @JamesHa77433215 There's an interview with the real estate Mogul where she states BLM is not a charity. How do you… - 4 years ago

@robotnr7312: Bernie Madoff Told the Truth About One Thing - 4 years ago

@yarrs: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@_magic_circus: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@Mordrake6: RT @ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the wro… - 4 years ago

@ArcadiaEconomic: What do you think is the most likely explanation for Silver being up 70 cents today? a) Jeff Currie hedged in the… - 4 years ago

@jlee2733: @TsicsafPelosi I have to contend somewhat with that statement as well. Our judicial system is broken from Supreme… - 4 years ago

@Fabiolucv: Bernie Madoff: Inside the life and death of the 'snake oil salesman' - 4 years ago

@brandonpromo: Bernie Madoff: Inside the life and death of the 'snake oil salesman' - 4 years ago

@zachvat: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@zyiteblog: Bernie Madoff: Inside the life and death of the 'snake oil salesman' - 4 years ago

@Arbazkhan3230: Bernie Madoff: Inside the life and death of the ‘snake oil salesman’ - 4 years ago

@ohaliciajo: RT @SHI_America: Bernie Madoff, the archvillain of the American Jewish experience, died in prison last week. @yehudakurtzer talks about his… - 4 years ago

@xoxoLizza: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@akremposts: “Virgil is the Bernie Madoff of fashion” - Desus Nice - 4 years ago

@1Whistleblowers: RT @WhistleblowerHB: #Whistleblower News: SEC Targets Greenwashers to Bring Law & Order to #ESG #Ponzi king’s death a reminder that con-a… - 4 years ago

@akaTedward: Bernie Madoff ran the 2nd biggest Ponzi Scheme in history.... The #1 biggest Ponzi Scheme in history is the Federa… - 4 years ago

@poochie8104: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@MomYing: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@DrJohnB1952: RT @jodiecongirl: i mean, we didn't see any more hedge fund managers after bernie madoff was put in jail so this is definitely a valid conc… - 4 years ago

@Leslieannscott: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@SamObeid: RT @Inman: Madoff stole billions from investors and used some of the money to buy penthouses and mansions on multiple continents. Here's a… - 4 years ago

@leslietuk: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@vinivinidogo: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@PeaceAlwaysWork: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@Inman: Madoff stole billions from investors and used some of the money to buy penthouses and mansions on multiple continen… - 4 years ago

@FToirkens: RT @2deKamerFVD: Die @markrutte is dé Bernie Madoff van de Nederlandse politiek. - 4 years ago

@basketcase55: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@Potus46B: RT @Colorado5280_: Hi all! Check out the latest #UnFilteredidiots weekly recap! 13 year old killed in Chicago, Army Sergeant Pentland, Bern… - 4 years ago

@WildThing4040: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@UFIdiots: Hi all! Check out the latest #UnFilteredidiots weekly recap! 13 year old killed in Chicago, Army Sergeant Pentland,… - 4 years ago

@Potus46B: Hi all! Check out the latest #UnFilteredidiots weekly recap! 13 year old killed in Chicago, Army Sergeant Pentland,… - 4 years ago

@Colorado5280_: Hi all! Check out the latest #UnFilteredidiots weekly recap! 13 year old killed in Chicago, Army Sergeant Pentland,… - 4 years ago

@SarasSydney: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@Cole_Beast: RT @TheLewisBlack: On this week's Rantcast, Lewis discusses everything from Bernie Madoff, to Afghanistan, to most importantly... roundabou… - 4 years ago

@cackjollins: @bazzwalsh @StevieGrainger Good to see the spirit of Bernie Madoff is still kicking, even if he isn’t - 4 years ago

@davebish: The most treasurable thing about Jesus is that he's for the bankrupt - whether Bernie Madoff conned us, or circumst… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@beardedoneof513: @BadIdeasPodcast @wdwdillo I’m the anti Bernie Madoff. I don’t steal peoples $, I just drink their bourbon and pets their dogs. - 4 years ago

@DenyThemEssence: @_whitneywebb @cntralbanksfuqu “Attorney Ira Sorkin, a former SEC attorney in the 1980s who later defended Bernie M… - 4 years ago

@Wheatie20: @elonmusk Think of what a wonderful world this would be if we put scammers like this, who sell billions in governme… - 4 years ago

@JoeKim41358517: @MarketWatch I think coin will break the record of Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@beerpenguin12: @mrjamesob Bernie madoff would not look out of place in your government, mad stuff. - 4 years ago

@C0inMatrix: How an FA would approach Crypto: $SOL = Growth $ETH = Blend (Growth & Value) #BTC Bitcoin = Value #SAFEMOON = Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Robles258: RT @UltimatumMx: Bernie Madoff, del barrio obrero de NY al gran timador del mundo. Operaba un esquema piramidal o esquema Ponzi, un fraude… - 4 years ago

@Uncle_Bleek: RT @TinyTweeter00: He just a symbolic gesture, kinda like Bernie Madoff was. “One of em gotta go down so these people stfu” kinda dudes. Th… - 4 years ago

@Always_Gettin_W: @gerrybhoy007 @BillOReilly Not true. I had a problem with Bernie madoff before all that broke. It looked like a duc… - 4 years ago

@Khnen2: RT @2deKamerFVD: Die @markrutte is dé Bernie Madoff van de Nederlandse politiek. - 4 years ago

@RSalmen: A great reminder of the things to look for in an appropriate fiduciary advice relationship! #ThisIsSeriousFreedom H… - 4 years ago

@jeweinga78: Privilege George Floyd died a violent death for attempting to pass a counterfeit $20 bill Bernie Madoff stole $20… - 4 years ago

@thomante: Bernie Madoff: His Life and Crimes (CNBC Documentaries - Full Episode) - 4 years ago

@AugustEve2012: Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on - 4 years ago

@zhijiamafia: @watchoutshorts Crypto is a fckin scam. Biggest ponzi scheme since Bernie Madoff. Literally just pump and dump. Look at all the charts - 4 years ago

@wiredguerrilla: So if you bought in at $429 and it's now $326. And let's say for giggles you bought 50 shares. Where does that leav… - 4 years ago

@Carol38553: "Bernie Madoff ran the largest ponzi scheme in History" - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@EqualOppCynic: RT @jodiecongirl: i mean, we didn't see any more hedge fund managers after bernie madoff was put in jail so this is definitely a valid conc… - 4 years ago

@MrsOddly: @charmedozarks I know that trickle down economics is supposed to make sense. But when facts on the ground show othe… - 4 years ago

@quitamlawyerdc: And another thing. You see a big securities fraud, you can report it to the SEC. bernie is not the only one. - 4 years ago

@quitamlawyerdc: Mortgage Fraud is out there, so 1 watch out, 2 how about the new Sec of HUD and the New AG taking a hard look at th… - 4 years ago

@rockandrollprof: - 4 years ago

@donesabino: RT @SargentoFAHUR: Morreu na prisão nos EUA. Fosse no Brasil a defesa teria entrado com 465 recursos, embargos infringentes e o carai a qua… - 4 years ago

@Cabar347: @DennisThePerrin Also reminds me of Bernie Madoff, a criminal for sure, but Wall Street rolls on and over us. - 4 years ago

@venividiveech: @rachelmkuntz Oh. Okay. Big Bernie Madoff fan too? - 4 years ago

@CollieTracy: @KateBolduan were victims of Bernie madoff asked if they forgive? Are wronged spouses asked if they forgive? Why… - 4 years ago

@TheNickGreene00: @Rager Bernie Madoff pretty well until he got caught... - 4 years ago

@Coolranch4lyfe: RT @fishmanpet: But not ALL crime is economically motivated. Sexual assault is about power, not poverty. A jealous spouse killing their par… - 4 years ago

@faghih_fariba: @1cheesecakee @Korebi1 the bad always lose in the end. one only has to look at the history books. except it happens… - 4 years ago

@jodiecongirl: i mean, we didn't see any more hedge fund managers after bernie madoff was put in jail so this is definitely a vali… - 4 years ago

@estrellacortaz2: RT @UltimatumMx: Bernie Madoff, del barrio obrero de NY al gran timador del mundo. Operaba un esquema piramidal o esquema Ponzi, un fraude… - 4 years ago

@Saber_S_: تخيلوا لو القاضي يلي حكم بقضية Bernie Madoff نزل شباب من عنده من الحي على بيت Madoff كرمال يسحبوا الداتا وياخذوا كاسات كريستال - 4 years ago

@Lifelon69329482: RT @SingletaryM: Perspective | Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on #BernieMadoff - 4 years ago

@fishmanpet: But not ALL crime is economically motivated. Sexual assault is about power, not poverty. A jealous spouse killing t… - 4 years ago

@lynn180_lynn: when it comes to investing, be skeptical from the start. I don’t care if your mama, papa or pastor recommends a fin… - 4 years ago

@LibertarioCh: RT @L140577: No será que BELOCOPITT no hizo una de Bernie Madoff con OSDE y Swiss Medical y ahora logra que le expropien el quilombo. - 4 years ago

@HolySka1991: Oh yeah. I forgot that Bernie Madoff just died. lol - 4 years ago

@vrf_rotondo: RT @Krosecz: Bernie Madoff's death barely made any waves in the news cycle and tbh it's what he deserves - 4 years ago

@Krosecz: Bernie Madoff's death barely made any waves in the news cycle and tbh it's what he deserves - 4 years ago

@KINGDJTRICKS: $GME everything else I own is green except for this market makers are working like Bernie Madoff lol - 4 years ago

@hemanthk2008: RT @BuddhaRascal: @avitale The Bernie Madoff sacrifice. They throw one of their own under the bus every now and then to pretend they are cl… - 4 years ago

@ger_Kreuz: Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on #BernieMadoff left behind a lesson for investor… - 4 years ago

@ImChrisEdwards: Not allowed to comment on the BLM racist takes #BuyLargeMansions BLM is the biggest fraud since Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@maximccan: I’ve been listening to the American Scandal podcast on Bernie Madoff. There’s nothing new in the podcast but I’m so… - 4 years ago

@vigoreusement: bernie madoff huh more like bernie made off with all their money - 4 years ago

@L140577: No será que BELOCOPITT no hizo una de Bernie Madoff con OSDE y Swiss Medical y ahora logra que le expropien el quilombo. - 4 years ago

@DannyUndying: RT @BuddhaRascal: @avitale The Bernie Madoff sacrifice. They throw one of their own under the bus every now and then to pretend they are cl… - 4 years ago

@guen_tai: Here's how investors can spot the next Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@randr62428: @KrisChandler5 A guy who can’t walk down a ramp & drinks water two handed. The Covfefe guy? The anomynous guy? The… - 4 years ago

@HipHopBulimic: "Virgil (Abloh) is the Bernie Madoff of fashion !" FUEGO TAKE !!! 🔥🔥 - 4 years ago

@siyafrica: Perspective | Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on - 4 years ago

@OliverFochler: Here's how investors can spot the next Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@unecgh: Join us this Monday, April 26 at 6:00 pm for a timely, virtual lecture titled "From Bernie Madoff to Dzhokhar Tsarn… - 4 years ago

@susanlynnestitt: What Bernie Madoff Has Taught Me - by "30 Days With King David" author Larry Buxton. - 4 years ago

@ReadtheSpirit: What Bernie Madoff Has Taught Me - by "30 Days With King David" author Larry Buxton. - 4 years ago

@EdPowdrhnd67: @Stardog97 @radiator9987 Right, because they know at scale it's going to go on a long time & they'll strip their pr… - 4 years ago

@SharronDark: Here's how investors can spot the next Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@salilbijur: RT @def__init__e: Can you believe Indian team jersey sponsor for 2 decades was a ponzi scamster? Imagine if New York Yankees jersey sponsor… - 4 years ago

@_IAmMyTweets_: RT @BuddhaRascal: @avitale The Bernie Madoff sacrifice. They throw one of their own under the bus every now and then to pretend they are cl… - 4 years ago

@grack2bxact: If you’re having a bad day, remember that Rush Limbaugh Paris Hilton Mother Theresa Ronald Regan Jeffrey Epstein… - 4 years ago

@QualityFellow: Any cryptocurrency like bitcoin or virtual medium of exchange gets its value, not from banks or govt with armies, b… - 4 years ago

@notabotpromise1: @snowstormlee @Lauracoco_26 @mxlinari_ Here are just a few more “dope” heads; Bill Clinton, Kary Mullis, Clarence T… - 4 years ago

@RebekahWriter: @jemelehill @bachesonw And they never point to the white on white crime, like the massive financial crimes that fuc… - 4 years ago

@mila_57: RT @elpoliticonews: Bernie Madoff falleció en prision a los 82 años: el mayor estafador en la historia de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@VisserAdriaan: RT @2deKamerFVD: Die @markrutte is dé Bernie Madoff van de Nederlandse politiek. - 4 years ago

@QualityFellow: RT @smdiehl: "Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on." ... in cryptocurrency. - 4 years ago

@junktex: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chairman | The Peter Schiff Show Podcast - 4 years ago

@strghtforward: RT @def__init__e: Can you believe Indian team jersey sponsor for 2 decades was a ponzi scamster? Imagine if New York Yankees jersey sponsor… - 4 years ago

@kirby_cho: @StarLordPQuill @latimes @MrJonCryer @ewarren @CommonCause @CREWcrew @MarshallProj @LWV @Public_Citizen Bernie Mado… - 4 years ago

@def__init__e: Can you believe Indian team jersey sponsor for 2 decades was a ponzi scamster? Imagine if New York Yankees jersey s… - 4 years ago

@DOGGY1959: RT @saludhernandezm: A Bernie Madoff, muerto en prisión hoy a los 82 años, lo condenaron a 150 años por la Madre de todos los fraudes. A ot… - 4 years ago

@LinkseRakkers: RT @2deKamerFVD: Die @markrutte is dé Bernie Madoff van de Nederlandse politiek. - 4 years ago

@2deKamerFVD: Die @markrutte is dé Bernie Madoff van de Nederlandse politiek. - 4 years ago

@MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: Madoff's scheme depended on a simple idea: As long as you keep new investors coming in and old o… - 4 years ago

@NWStuller: Lessons Learned from the Bernie Madoff Scam - 4 years ago

@suwitsinra8: RT @AverageJoeMoney: How did Bernie Madoff do it? He had a plan and he stuck to it. We'll discuss not only his scam but also touch on curre… - 4 years ago

@AlissaFleck: Bernie Madoff may be dead but his legacy of corruption is alive and well among his students - 4 years ago

@Variegationsoul: 136 நாடுகளில் 40 வருடங்களாக 37,000 பேரை மோசடி மேற்கொண்ட பெர்னி மடோஃப் 150 ஆண்டு சிறை, 82 வயதில் இறந்தார். 136 Cou… - 4 years ago

@Otrebor45821794: @MVillanuevaO Un Bernie Madoff derechamente? Una pirámide! Váyanse a la chucha. Con razón hay incentivos de la auto… - 4 years ago

@margreis9: Perspective | Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on - 4 years ago

@pfwebber: Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on - 4 years ago

@duckaroo3: @FBI @RepMoBrooks @RepGosar @RepAndyBiggsAZ @RepMTG @RepLoudermilk @Jim_Jordan @mattgaetz @pastormarkburns @tedcruz… - 4 years ago

@CNKDSSRS4: Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on - 4 years ago

@Enterprising: RT @CFASocietyNC: Three Lessons from the Bernie Madoff Scandal - 4 years ago

@Salvie366: @CEBismuth They should get a sentence like Bernie Madoff.. They gave the wife a couple million and he went to priso… - 4 years ago

@d_s_thakur: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@ShopTendies: RT @smdiehl: "Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on." ... in cryptocurrency. - 4 years ago

@robotnr7312: Bernie Madoff Told the Truth About One Thing - 4 years ago

@rjber15: RT @Phildecynic: Bernie Madoff promised great outcomes. People failed to do their homework and he was found to be a fraud. I know a Prime… - 4 years ago

@bugs_punny: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@sanfrantrader: Folks , the truth is you have Bernie Madoff scamming the most sophisticated of investors. Enron scamming a nation.… - 4 years ago

@Dee45490051: RT @CorpNwo: Mossad and Kosher Nostra money launderer Bernard Madoff is dead .............or has someone pulled another Epstein and pulled… - 4 years ago

@SingletaryM: Perspective | Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on #BernieMadoff - 4 years ago

@InversebrahBOT: RT @GayCryptoDad: @camdengrieh @inversebrah i thought Bernie Madoff died last week? - 4 years ago

@GayCryptoDad: @camdengrieh @inversebrah i thought Bernie Madoff died last week? - 4 years ago

@FlintyMcQwerty: RT @paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank of B… - 4 years ago

@Phildecynic: Bernie Madoff promised great outcomes. People failed to do their homework and he was found to be a fraud. I know a… - 4 years ago

@CFASocietyNC: Three Lessons from the Bernie Madoff Scandal - 4 years ago

@crizzus: RT @LCAgora: Hommage à Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@shikari: RT @smdiehl: "Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on." ... in cryptocurrency. - 4 years ago

@rychardHzt: RT @Wangarian1: In 2008, we had Bernie Madoff. In 2021 we have SafeMoon & Friends - 4 years ago

@fpoellhuber: @PYMcsween Bravo Champion. Digne successeur de Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@inaxusein: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Bernie Madoff is in hell. The devil will be broke in 18 months. - 4 years ago

@DeficitIom: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: The booms in so-called meme stocks, nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, and cryptocurrencies are, in some s… - 4 years ago

@IanKuah: @Dori_TalkNation @Ian_Fraser Well short of the $17.5 billion that Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme cost investors! - 4 years ago

@dfwaaronlayman: "It would seem that the financial institutions did perform some due diligence, mainly on themselves. They never got… - 4 years ago

@WalshonMergers: Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on By Michelle Singletary - 4 years ago

@theinfitate: Cari partner buat bikin hedge fund kalo bangkrut kita nipu aja kek bernie madoff hit me thru dm - 4 years ago

@kaul_vivek: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@yoeight: “Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on...” ...In socialized healthcare - 4 years ago

@NextGenEV: Bitcoin is a Giant Ponzi Scheme by @jaredbrock - 4 years ago

@bshakespeare1: RT @paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank of B… - 4 years ago

@__LoMayne: RT @TinyTweeter00: He just a symbolic gesture, kinda like Bernie Madoff was. “One of em gotta go down so these people stfu” kinda dudes. Th… - 4 years ago

@WestBromEL: RT @paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank of B… - 4 years ago

@MuyFinance: RT @paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank of B… - 4 years ago

@DastardlyDaniel: RT @Wangarian1: In 2008, we had Bernie Madoff. In 2021 we have SafeMoon & Friends - 4 years ago

@LarocheCS: RT @paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank of B… - 4 years ago

@MaxinePatterson: RT @paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank of B… - 4 years ago

@Wangarian1: In 2008, we had Bernie Madoff. In 2021 we have SafeMoon & Friends - 4 years ago

@chasenomics: - also the late Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@John_v925: RT @paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank of B… - 4 years ago

@LCAgora: Hommage à Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@humourme1234: RT @smdiehl: "Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on." ... in cryptocurrency. - 4 years ago

@golwgymor: RT @paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank of B… - 4 years ago

@SouthJersyRich: Bernie Madoff ripped off the Wilpons... Lindor ripped off Steven Cohen. @7BOOMERESIASON @WFANmornings - 4 years ago

@ColinWo35150887: RT @paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank of B… - 4 years ago

@WalletHacks: RT @AverageJoeMoney: How did Bernie Madoff do it? He had a plan and he stuck to it. We'll discuss not only his scam but also touch on curre… - 4 years ago

@charlie_mas: @NikkiMcR "The Left uses Chauvin trial to vilify all cops" Here's the thing: A: A good cop would stop a bad cop. B… - 4 years ago

@paullewismoney: A Cayman Islands investment fund urged London court on Tuesday to revive its breach of contract claim against Bank… - 4 years ago

@smdiehl: "Ponzi king’s death is a reminder that his con-artist tricks live on." ... in cryptocurrency. - 4 years ago

@charlie_mas: Would you continue to employ a financial advisor who told you that what Bernie Madoff did wasn't actually that bad?… - 4 years ago

@BreNda2020BB: @CarLon_2020 Este hombre va Pasar varios años en prisiòn si esto es verdad asi Como Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@bleustreak: @nealbrennan Derek Chauvin’s the new Bernie Madoff: thousands did it and got away with it, but this one was too bla… - 4 years ago

@GiuseppinaScala: @MiyakeEau È un vergognoso abuso di potere! Negli U.S.A. Bernie Madoff, miliardario re delle truffe, dopo la conda… - 4 years ago

@TimeKiller01: RT @ElleSome: Imprisoning Chauvin does as much to fix the institutional problem with policing as imprisoning Bernie Madoff did to fix the p… - 4 years ago

@jasonadonis12: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@valueinvesting: Bernie Madoff Death | InvestED Podcast - - 4 years ago

@YKnot: The Man who discovered Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme - 4 years ago

@MLWIII_: Bernie madoff only got caught because some white nerd was hating. - 4 years ago

@belneitham: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@GalgoCallejero: RT @patrimarly: @GalgoCallejero Buenos días compa Galgo, después de rescatar toda la banca española, nos dan una patada y a la calle, propi… - 4 years ago

@nag_vasireddy: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@patrimarly: @GalgoCallejero Buenos días compa Galgo, después de rescatar toda la banca española, nos dan una patada y a la call… - 4 years ago

@VirgeenaHurts: @BENBALLER if john cusack plays bernie madoff in a film then u can be the korean john cusack again. 🥳💯 - 4 years ago

@VirgeenaHurts: @BENBALLER the korean bernie madoff. - 4 years ago

@AvideLearner: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@orangeorchards: RT @justDavidDD: I don’t give a shit that Bernie Madoff died. This man destroyed the lives of so many people. Just another fraud. - 4 years ago

@RunninArons: Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@shirishag75: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@lochiel77: It has just been revealed that Bernie Madoff's actual last words were " That David Cameron is a cunning and clever man" - 4 years ago

@grapeforest: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@bnmallick: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@afigue001: RT @ArrondoMartin: @harryelsocio Hoy, 30 años después, los señoritos de las togas de la Audiencia Nacional piden que la BANDA PUJOL, sea Ju… - 4 years ago

@NavinsinghIn: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@buford_vernon: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chairman | The Peter Schiff Show Podcast - 4 years ago

@CallerBlue: @HenryLovesYou Come on now he'll end up in the same prison as Bernie Madoff was, prolly be golfin within the week. PC check in - 4 years ago

@aliusmani: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@Pkunk_: RT @learning_pt: - 4 years ago

@kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrenc… - 4 years ago

@learning_pt: - 4 years ago

@HecatediRoma: @RdAuthentic I’m watching the Special on Bernie Madoff. I like to play the stock market. I’ve done it for years. As… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@WeidnerDianna: @contranymic1 @PalmerReport There was Bernie Madoff and Kushner. - 4 years ago

@BuddhaRascal: @avitale The Bernie Madoff sacrifice. They throw one of their own under the bus every now and then to pretend they are clean. - 4 years ago

@Kernel1000: @JustinTrudeau - The Bernie Madoff of 🇨🇦 and creator of the worlds biggest Ponzi Scheme. God help the members of t… - 4 years ago

@_AaronClay_: RT @DrJeffFischer: Bernie Madoff died today🪦🪦 Here's why I didn't invest💰💰 - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Puertorro_y_que: @bigfatmoosepssy @elycancelled Nah, he’d probably go to one of those prisons where the inmates are in separated are… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@spacscam: @chamath is to Jeff Bezos as Bernie Madoff was to Jeff Bezos - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@elpoliticonews: Bernie Madoff falleció en prision a los 82 años: el mayor estafador en la historia de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@bnastythegod: Bernie Madoff wit coarse hair - 4 years ago

@LACGFY: RT @Dean_Winnipeg: #BREAKING: Erin O’Toole says he was saddened to hear of the passing of Bernie Madoff but remains confident he can find… - 4 years ago

@lumiadys: experiencing the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon after reading about the death of ponzischemer Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@BwanaPjotr: RT @MissTerriB: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of C… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@crazzychrisss: RT @ChuckECheeseUSA: Bernie Madoff died in the ball pit and we can’t find him - 4 years ago

@tholness: RT @iveybusiness: “The Madoff scandal certainly wasn’t the first of its kind, and probably won’t be the last. But there are simple steps yo… - 4 years ago

@DanKnorowski: @covie_93 The IRONY: Bernie Madoff stole BILLIONS; convicted and sent to jail. BUT Madoff was allowed to live unt… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@BobMcHugh175: BLM’s money was never going to them or anyone else. You think Bernie Madoff was crooked, BLM takes the cake - 4 years ago

@twittenup: 1/2 Although Bernie Madoff is dead, it almost seems like the IRS is playing the same "Ponzi Scheme" with my tax mon… - 4 years ago

@AlixFox: Hey Twitterers. Hope your day is more intoxicatingly beautiful than dancing with a mysterious & enchanting new love… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@B_AnnieJames: @ProjectLincoln McCarthy works for Putin, allegedly. He‘s only interested in bilking American’s out of their hard e… - 4 years ago

@FreakCountry76: Note re Ted Nugent: something can be real and still a scam. Just ask Bernie Madoff's victims, for example. - 4 years ago

@iveybusiness: “The Madoff scandal certainly wasn’t the first of its kind, and probably won’t be the last. But there are simple st… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@dferris1961: RT @AmConsequences: In the wake of Bernie Madoff's death, @dferris1961 charts the legendary Wall Street grifter's $19 billion Ponzi scheme… - 4 years ago

@JRyckman1970: TIL that Bernie Madoff's office was a hub for cocaine and wild sex parties, dubbed the "North Pole" in honor of the… - 4 years ago

@abhogal: @drsparwaga The Bernie madoff of schemes - 4 years ago

@BigCMG: @LuisMang69 @J_Contributions @stone_toss they kinda jumped the shark with the bernie madoff post and this post - 4 years ago

@aprameyatweets: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@Lou13Em: @UncvrngTheTruth @paulapoundstone I hear there’s an opening at Bernie Madoff’s old place. Sounds like a good fit to me. - 4 years ago

@domtotal: Que a terra seja leve a Bernie Madoff, o maior charlatão história - 4 years ago

@The_Boris7: It’s really nice of the super league clubs to pay tribute to the recently deceased Bernie Madoff, by creating the b… - 4 years ago

@TrehanKailash: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@PaolaSubacchi: Discipline, consistency, esclusivity, ruthlessness ... How was the late Bernie Madoff able to swindle investors so… - 4 years ago

@Mansabd45318452: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@SurajSaraaf: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@Claudia04661880: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@wcorreia: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@AlexSligo: @BondHack Cos Bernie Madoff was otherwise engaged. - 4 years ago

@athena83: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@vidyarthime: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@nprashant86: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@mumbaireadyreck: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@iron_eliza: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@UncleBhageeran: RT @kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrencies, hav… - 4 years ago

@kaul_vivek: Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff Would Have Been Proud of Ponzi Schemes of 2021. Stocks, unicorns and cryptocurrenc… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@mlw975: #PeterSchiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@JLMPiraux: A propos des marchés de Ponzi (cryptos, NFT etc.): "C'est comme Wile E. Coyote qui court vers une falaise. Il peu… - 4 years ago

@JLMPiraux: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@ReaderAdrift: @carriesnotscary He seems pretty happy for someone who was fleeced by Bernie Madoff... - 4 years ago

@japulmah: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@ChilljoyJones: Bernie Sanders is just Bernie Madoff that got elected to the senate - 4 years ago

@Hanslan30794507: Der jüdische Bernie Madoff hat mit einem der größten Wall-Street-Skandale Geschichte geschrieben. Nun ist er im Alt… - 4 years ago

@bananders: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@hijodelaretweet: RT @60Minutes: In 2009, 60 Minutes interviewed Madoff Ponzi scheme whistleblower Harry Markopolos, who said he alerted the Securities and E… - 4 years ago


@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@CalhounDemGOTV: RT @schwarz: People claim there are no consequences in America for rich people who commit crimes. That's completely untrue, both Bernie Mad… - 4 years ago

@CalhounDemGOTV: RT @TheRealHoarse: Not to split hairs but the largest Ponzi scheme in history is trickle-down economics. - 4 years ago

@rhugh4791: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@idiot_robots: @Duongwise @sharmelyss @mementomoderni @NOTGARYPAINMAN @Newegg @BitPay @dogecoin You seem to care an awful lot abou… - 4 years ago

@SallynJack96: RT @TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample in v… - 4 years ago

@Forbysen: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@LargeSonLogic: What Bernie Madoff did is basically fine. - 4 years ago

@akiakbash: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@eskimay: RT @MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: The booms in so-called meme stocks, nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, and cryptocurrencies are, in some sense… - 4 years ago

@no_fkng_way: RT @TheShovel: Right now Bernie Madoff is trying to sign the devil up to the investment opportunity of a lifetime - 4 years ago

@no_fkng_way: RT @TheShovel: A lot of people saying Bernie Madoff was the architect of the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time but totally forgetting trickl… - 4 years ago

@mbarer: @Mitch_Seattle Yes, it was a great peak into the psychology of Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@gh0st_sh: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@barblet30: RT @Dean_Winnipeg: #BREAKING: Erin O’Toole says he was saddened to hear of the passing of Bernie Madoff but remains confident he can find… - 4 years ago

@DanceDeclan29: RT @RealSpikeCohen: “Bernie Madoff was the ultimate fraudster with over 37,000 victims.” Social Security Administration: - 4 years ago

@carlosstelmac: RT @Dean_Winnipeg: #BREAKING: Erin O’Toole says he was saddened to hear of the passing of Bernie Madoff but remains confident he can find… - 4 years ago

@Cat_Marnell: RT @deankissick: This month I went to the beautiful Frick Madison. I wrote this before Bernie Madoff passed away. - 4 years ago

@FacingTrials: @AP What would your reaction be to this? This is not an appropriate response to a possible counterfeit $20 dollar… - 4 years ago

@johnyard2: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Jeffrey66032603: @inu_baby @VincentHondius @CarsAndCryptos @souljaboy Harry M. Markopolos uncovered Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme by… - 4 years ago

@rubendinho: @alizhd @fahdananta Bernie Madoff would do Theranos - 4 years ago

@Jeffrey66032603: @CarsAndCryptos @VincentHondius @inu_baby @souljaboy Harry M. Markopolos uncovered Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme by… - 4 years ago

@wheatthinbrady: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@newrepublic: Bernie Madoff is dead, long live Bernie Madoff! - 4 years ago

@BugJudy: RT @Dean_Winnipeg: #BREAKING: Erin O’Toole says he was saddened to hear of the passing of Bernie Madoff but remains confident he can find… - 4 years ago

@mrivera11191: RT @MissTerriB: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of C… - 4 years ago

@jlojno: @Rowlegendary Mama did you watch the Bernie madoff Robert deniro series? - 4 years ago

@MostLivableCity: RT @MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: The booms in so-called meme stocks, nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, and cryptocurrencies are, in some sense… - 4 years ago

@oscookiemonster: @leith_harmon @jackmurphylive What?! Half of those things are hilarious! RIP Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@tahasen: RT @willmenaker: I remember when they made Bernie Madoff the face of not just the entire 2008 financial crash, but human evil incarnate, so… - 4 years ago

@theObituaries: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of largest Ponzi scheme in history, dies at 82 - NBC News - 4 years ago

@IchabodGone: You're no Bernie Madoff. You're all guilty of far worse and he was in my opinion. And you deserve to lose more than… - 4 years ago

@ScottPalmer61: So I am doing my taxes trying to figure out if I can deduct about 300 bucks on something, then I look up and see a show about Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@TheMartiScott: RT @MissTerriB: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of C… - 4 years ago

@Janet63388900: RT @Dean_Winnipeg: #BREAKING: Erin O’Toole says he was saddened to hear of the passing of Bernie Madoff but remains confident he can find… - 4 years ago

@falonsosalum: @crispollet @armando_gp Bernie Madoff lagunero - 4 years ago

@aleman009: Bernie Madoff era judío? - 4 years ago

@alanames: Making USPS a bankrupt organization a bank is as foolish as the situation with Bernie Madoff's investors that worke… - 4 years ago

@johnhpetroff: I'd like to ask #Hannity who our greatest conman is: Bernie Madoff or Donald Trump? - 4 years ago

@RichHoLilLoLo: RT @L1LDebbie: Rap Game Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@GOTV_Grassroots: The simple idea uniting Madoff's Ponzi scheme and today's hottest stock trends - 4 years ago

@g4ry245: @atrupar Hmmm. I was hoping he’d be Bernie Madoff’s roommate... - 4 years ago

@cristinaabec67: RT @PabloMDP3: EEUU Murió Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa de la historia. Murió preso y no se hizo limpiar las causas. - 4 years ago

@Dean_Winnipeg: #BREAKING: Erin O’Toole says he was saddened to hear of the passing of Bernie Madoff but remains confident he can… - 4 years ago

@DJclicker77: @ikepoker Dude, the CEO Of NASDAQ was Bernie Madoff. Not enough for you? I understand you were like 13 when that h… - 4 years ago

@Clau_claudius8: RT @PabloMDP3: EEUU Murió Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa de la historia. Murió preso y no se hizo limpiar las causas. - 4 years ago

@GoYungDJ: Damn I didn’t even hear about Bernie Madoff dying a couple days ago. RIP to the greatest scammer ever - 4 years ago

@camvinay: RT @MissTerriB: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of C… - 4 years ago

@MissTerriB: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of Congress. - 4 years ago

@therebelpath: RT @BsvCommunity: They don't. @coinbase is a scam company and they ALL know it. Bernie Madoff times 1000 Watch and learn. I am NOT the nig… - 4 years ago

@arvi_NDN: Just throwing it out there that there are memes saying Bernie Madoff is a legend / Titan of finance (Convicted crim… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@boyoboy74818610: "If the people who think they've gotten rich owning Dogecoin try to cash out en masse, the whole thing will come tu… - 4 years ago

@maxmulv: Sucking billions of $’s into a Ponzi scheme is fun? Doge makes a total joke out of Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@artorreani: RT @LaNacionPy: Bernie Madoff, el autor intelectual de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia, falleció en prisión a los 82 años, informó… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@FaWonderer: @ATabarrok does Bernie Madoff before he got arrested count? what about Russian oligarchs? - 4 years ago

@WhoDare20209597: @jimcramer To be honest i just put extra for #gme and #amc i smell blood of your friends. I belive most of them end… - 4 years ago

@nwademgaz: Opinion: Less than two weeks before the NFL Draft, five projected first-round quarterbacks could be taken in the 1s… - 4 years ago

@scholarlymama: @ProjectLincoln Speak on it! 💯 “America First” was always “Trump’s Broke Ass Needs to Steal Money from his Gullible… - 4 years ago

@Franciska323: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@don_hailey: @ProjectLincoln The PT Barnum/Bernie Madoff of the 21st century suckers in another group of supporters. Start sendi… - 4 years ago

@ripperooh: When the covid fear hysteria finally dies down my only question is what public facing person will be the Bernie Mad… - 4 years ago

@laurabrevitz: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@therealnicky_g: @ClueHeywood I thought Bernie madoff died a long time ago... circle of life I guess - 4 years ago

@KingsAmazon: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@uglyduck_ftp: RT @TheShovel: A lot of people saying Bernie Madoff was the architect of the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time but totally forgetting trickl… - 4 years ago

@mahemoff: @ricmac Doge is basically as much or as little a Ponzi as Bcoin from a protocol perspective. You might also argue i… - 4 years ago

@uglyduck_ftp: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@SimchaG: I found out Bernie Madoff died. What's going to happen to the money he "Madoff" with? - 4 years ago

@arpartnersinc: Bernie Madoff, arquitecto del mayor esquema Ponzi de la historia, ha muerto - 4 years ago

@JoseSua59343564: Madoff: three lessons from the world’s greatest Ponzi scheme - 4 years ago

@trapyeezus: it's the fact that the SEC had bernie madoff's dtc account number and never made the phone call that makes it so hysterical - 4 years ago

@ElNash_: - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@webnowcompany: The most enlightening thing ever written about Bernie Madoff, the prodigiously corrupt financier who died in prison… - 4 years ago

@pbmcb: @susie_dent Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@essenceiman: My icon Bernie madoff died? Ima miss that Taurus legend 😭 - 4 years ago

@MisssterF: @carriesnotscary I think they lost a bit to Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@SaintLaurentHen: I ain’t know the God of scamming died Bernie Madoff was a OG - 4 years ago

@uncletoopie: RT @RTroupTCI: My MD says this new appointee is very well seasoned. A crafty veteran of the capital markets. Used to work for Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Oglefarmsllc: It’s the next best Ponzi scheme since Bernie Madoff except no one will go to prison over it as they lack the knowle… - 4 years ago

@amondaca1: RT @cgajardop: Muere en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Si, hay lugares donde un empresario estafador puede terminar en la cárcel y morir en ella. - 4 years ago

@YLu1220: RT @PeterSchiff: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary @schiffgold - 4 years ago

@danceyrselfdean: just got over the sting of Bernie Madoff when the Walter Mondale news hit. rough week - 4 years ago

@Joyosity1: @sharonedge The Money Tree-it’s been so long the name may be wrong-Sacramento like mid 90s? Enron. Bernie Madoff...… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Bernie Madoff, who ran the largest Ponzi scheme in financial history, has died. - 4 years ago

@OldTaris: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@SidJain90883526: @nothing3pecial @ModratM @MooreGovernor @MKGandhi2509 @csmikolajuk @W_T_Han @SenatorDurbin @russes @RodneyR58127664… - 4 years ago

@Darryl_Davis: @micahjay1 First said by Bernie Madoff in the late sixties. - 4 years ago

@EoT_Impulse: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@ccfaille: It hardly even counts as hell. - 4 years ago

@J05275469: @sidekickStudi0s @Joshuajammes Yes they go after personal assets. Literally everything. When Bernie Madoff was arre… - 4 years ago

@RTroupTCI: My MD says this new appointee is very well seasoned. A crafty veteran of the capital markets. Used to work for Bern… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@BIGJESU06263778: The God Pod: #215 - Me And Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff And Pat Robertson on Apple Podcasts - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@PabloDeGrate: RT @dangillmor: When the bottom falls out of NFTs, absurdo-currencies, etc. a small number of people will be rich, and a large number of pe… - 4 years ago

@jimjam790: Ok, watching this Bernie Madoff Frontline documentary and it clarified something for me: The reason we have recurri… - 4 years ago

@J05275469: @Muhamma54909126 @sidekickStudi0s @Joshuajammes Yup. They do not play either. When Bernie Madoff went to jail they… - 4 years ago

@LaalternativaLa: El financiero Bernie Madoff muere en prisión - 4 years ago

@SoulPrisoner: RT @SoulPrisoner: Project Veritas #CNNExposed Cariol Horne Cameo Scalise Blue Bell Bernie Madoff Jerry Carbon Monoxide Seems the ONLY shot… - 4 years ago

@mveal2006: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary ....after all, bill clinton was preside… - 4 years ago

@dangillmor: When the bottom falls out of NFTs, absurdo-currencies, etc. a small number of people will be rich, and a large numb… - 4 years ago


@HankRodin: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@TheLotusYeeter: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@the_patches: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@wordglass: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@ThinkLauren: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@richardlove082: @ConejoCapital @LizSimmie Bernie Madoff also had positive cash flow - 4 years ago

@AmericanCFLFan: Like Bernie Madoff, My Dad Ran a Ponzi Scheme - 4 years ago

@LammaticHama: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@webnowcompany: The most enlightening thing ever written about Bernie Madoff, the prodigiously corrupt financier who died in prison… - 4 years ago

@JanRavensbergen: RT @Curbed: Bernie Madoff was a monster, a Ponzi-schemer, a thief on a grand scale — and also the reason for a dark era in Mets history. A… - 4 years ago

@Bigapple2la: Why would you trust anything coming out of the mouth of Bernie Madoff, oops, cross that, @elonmusk - 4 years ago

@leith_harmon: Where are the Chauvinists? Bernie Madoff with all the money The Trump card failed Larry Fink runs the largest fu… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@manversusbean: @JennieDuke Bernie Madoff, Jordan Belfort & Frank Abignale 🤔 - 4 years ago

@mikesubzero: @ProtagorasTO I don't claim to know the truth - BABA is too hard for me. But Bernie Madoff got big. He lied to get… - 4 years ago

@lisatozzi: RT @Curbed: Bernie Madoff was a monster, a Ponzi-schemer, a thief on a grand scale — and also the reason for a dark era in Mets history. A… - 4 years ago

@BluesChewy2: @DesignationSix First, Mush Limbo and now Bernie Madoff. Who says 2021 isn't off to a good start? - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Hi_Jack_2020: @pietviljoen Yeah, and just in case they get any funnier ideas, remind them, we remember Bernie Madoff - recently deceased. - 4 years ago

@robjacobs59: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@settles_mr: RT @ScottCohnTV: I corresponded with Bernie Madoff for several years, mostly off the record at his insistence. Now that he is dead, his com… - 4 years ago

@javieraborda: Sobre el ídolo de David Murcia Guzmán (DMG) - 4 years ago

@jmpopovich72: Bernie Madoff, ladies and gentlemen. - 4 years ago

@SxkaNordic: Bernie Madoff masterclass - 4 years ago

@MattsMusings1: Even Bernie Madoff found a way to keep his mouth shut... - 4 years ago

@TweeterTmc: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@KyleSGibson: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@readErichFromm: RT @AssalRad: Yeah, Bernie Madoff was famous for his Marxism - 4 years ago

@Cokedupoptions: @TommyThornton Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@evatheexplorer: my grandma might have gone to college/taken classes with bernie madoff's wife. girlboss moment - 4 years ago

@Anthropic: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@MichaelSonsino: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@jade_devereaux: RT @DA__LANDL0RD: I’m crying boy some of u Niggas grandchildren ain’t gone even be eligible for a tax return cuz of y’all asses lmfao they… - 4 years ago

@andhankmarducas: RT @MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: The booms in so-called meme stocks, nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, and cryptocurrencies are, in some sense… - 4 years ago

@saychieeef: RT @ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (now mas… - 4 years ago

@ObsoleteDogma: This is why NFT or bitcoin cultists get so mad at the skeptics—since these things have no real use cases, their (no… - 4 years ago

@zeitgeist8888: To mark the death of Bernie Madoff, here is a 2016 interview with Harry Markopolos, the financial whistleblower who… - 4 years ago

@Garolb1: Florentino Perez makes Bernie Madoff look like a soldier of truth. #SuperLeague #SuperLeagueOut - 4 years ago

@jaay_cool: RT @DA__LANDL0RD: I’m crying boy some of u Niggas grandchildren ain’t gone even be eligible for a tax return cuz of y’all asses lmfao they… - 4 years ago

@neckofdwoods: RT @DA__LANDL0RD: I’m crying boy some of u Niggas grandchildren ain’t gone even be eligible for a tax return cuz of y’all asses lmfao they… - 4 years ago

@FreeDaniePlz: RT @DA__LANDL0RD: I’m crying boy some of u Niggas grandchildren ain’t gone even be eligible for a tax return cuz of y’all asses lmfao they… - 4 years ago

@AquaTeenEddie: RT @DA__LANDL0RD: I’m crying boy some of u Niggas grandchildren ain’t gone even be eligible for a tax return cuz of y’all asses lmfao they… - 4 years ago

@Hoop65_TheGreat: RT @DA__LANDL0RD: I’m crying boy some of u Niggas grandchildren ain’t gone even be eligible for a tax return cuz of y’all asses lmfao they… - 4 years ago

@DA__LANDL0RD: I’m crying boy some of u Niggas grandchildren ain’t gone even be eligible for a tax return cuz of y’all asses lmfao… - 4 years ago

@JamesSurowiecki: RT @MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: The booms in so-called meme stocks, nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, and cryptocurrencies are, in some sense… - 4 years ago

@algorithmictra1: Bernie Madoff's house of cards is gone. But these more legal Ponzi schemes remain. - 4 years ago

@MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: The booms in so-called meme stocks, nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, and cryptocurrencies are, in so… - 4 years ago

@markwesley__: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@MarxDribble: Hey #RaceBaitor - how many people have you gotten killed while getting rich over your lifetime? Can't wait until y… - 4 years ago

@Carmen67clt: RT @acreedoresaba: ASÍ HAN TERMINADO LOS MÁS GRANDES ESTAFADORES DE LA HISTORIA. Muere Bernie Madoff en prisión, el gran defraudador de Wa… - 4 years ago

@EtrangeraSeoul: RT @TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample in v… - 4 years ago

@SimonMichaelPa2: @lowfloatjack @VP Probably a lot better than bitcoin is going to improve your long-term financial situation. Tulipmania Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@theowalker1983: #GaryGensler is making Bernie Madoff’s crimes look like petty larceny with this type of thing! - 4 years ago

@AhlainNews: Bernie Madoff: Disgraced financier dies in prison Bernie Madoff was found to have conned investors out of billions… - 4 years ago

@realKunalAShah: @ProtagorasTO @ml8_ml8 @WallStCynic Some of the best frauds are years in the making. Bernie Madoff.... - 4 years ago

@cr100064: RT @DrivinLuke: And some of "You People" think that Bernie Madoff ran the world's biggest Ponzi scheme. Justin Trudeau be like, "Hold my b… - 4 years ago

@vyxel_: @realDailyWire When I hear others who commit crimes be called "illegal" I might see a reason to support using the w… - 4 years ago

@parokee: - 4 years ago

@Hues0_mp5: RT @caplesultra2002: @gen_zeta Parece bernie madoff - 4 years ago

@YUNGMARC2: The simple idea uniting Madoff's Ponzi scheme and today's hottest stock trends - 4 years ago

@MamurphyMaureen: RT @SandyofCthulhu: Bernie Madoff is dead. Fry in hell, sir. - 4 years ago

@NeilARenwick: @MiguelDelaney Definitely is in the Bernie Madoff sense - 4 years ago

@FraserInfo: RT @NeilChenoweth: Bernie Madoff’s lawyer, who worked in the same law firm as News Corp counsel Arthur Siskind, was instrumental in Murdoch… - 4 years ago

@an3sdejo: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@JAkinWalker: @FabrizioRomano The Bernie Madoff of football. - 4 years ago

@bwlch_y_groes: Bernie Madoff may be dead but his spirit lives on - 4 years ago

@cian2me: @MiguelDelaney Should name the new ESL the "Bernie Madoff Memorial Cup" in honour of the best pyramid scheme yet! - 4 years ago

@AGirlJustKnows: @yoda_nobunaga Bernie Madoff is a kind of hero of mine. - 4 years ago

@chunk_me: “tufts ain’t ready”, yeah I think we can handle Bernie Madoff’s adult nephew who I’ve actually heard is a pretty cool guy - 4 years ago

@jakevass: @thx1138_v2 @deesnider @StJude Bernie Madoff also gave a lot of money to charities - 4 years ago

@SeaCowCo: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Johnni0215: RT @BsvCommunity: They don't. @coinbase is a scam company and they ALL know it. Bernie Madoff times 1000 Watch and learn. I am NOT the nig… - 4 years ago

@DrivinLuke: And some of "You People" think that Bernie Madoff ran the world's biggest Ponzi scheme. Justin Trudeau be like, "H… - 4 years ago

@BsvCommunity: They don't. @coinbase is a scam company and they ALL know it. Bernie Madoff times 1000 Watch and learn. I am NOT t… - 4 years ago

@huigen2: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@Happy_Hiram: @wiz_train @poiThePoi @PeterZeihan Yeah but in crypto you are investing in other people’s failure, much like Bernie Madoff did. - 4 years ago

@strigiler: RT @TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample in v… - 4 years ago

@TLussi: - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@BillHammett1: @capital_sb If you missed giving your money to Bernie Madoff, you still can give it to some Crypto promoter! - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Mikes_Portfolio: With all the fuss going around on #DogeCoin and #Bitcoin, it's important to stay caught up. This article has it all… - 4 years ago

@Nelliejs501: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@FLORENCEINGABI1: RT @TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample in v… - 4 years ago

@thesoyjim: @songadaymann Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff paid for things, too. It all falls apart eventually though. - 4 years ago

@ColotVincent: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@ropedropchris: RT @itsemilllyy: Rip Bernie Madoff you would have loved parks con - 4 years ago

@itsemilllyy: Rip Bernie Madoff you would have loved parks con - 4 years ago

@Les_Cast: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@leith_harmon: @jackmurphylive Where are the Chauvinists? Bernie Madoff with all the money The Trump card failed Larry Fink run… - 4 years ago

@nottut_paul: @TimInHonolulu The notion on mining bitcoins is pathetical, at least you can fill teeth with gold. Bernie Madoff would have been proud. - 4 years ago

@marco24980: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@YCTorah: YCT alumnus Ben Greenfield (‘17) and faculty member Shmuel Hain shared how they believe the Jewish community should… - 4 years ago

@MungoMouthpiece: RT @wellynelly6: “Rather than closing ranks and blasting Sturgeon for an approach to financial probity hardly better than that of the Ponzi… - 4 years ago

@wethepeople205: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@benbarren: RT @ricmac: After the recent stories about Bernie Madoff, it strikes me that Dogecoin is like a Distributed Ponzi Scheme. Who is the fattes… - 4 years ago

@ricmac: After the recent stories about Bernie Madoff, it strikes me that Dogecoin is like a Distributed Ponzi Scheme. Who i… - 4 years ago

@DrMenouskiOfso: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@bestacm: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@BHTBritanico: Where is a financial wizard like Bernie Madoff when you need one? You know, to guide us through this opportunity. - 4 years ago

@LuisMig85717299: RT @SchiffGold: The US government operates two giant Ponzi schemes. One is Social Security and the other is the financing of the #NationalD… - 4 years ago

@pappinworld: - 4 years ago

@JunkieIii: RT @PeterSchiff: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary @schiffgold - 4 years ago

@indypremium: Bernie Madoff was proof that if something is too good to be true, it usually is - 4 years ago

@GilcristQLakeM: RT @TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample in v… - 4 years ago

@Qua_ty1507: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@kcolaizzo: RT @InfoMagzine: Peter Madoff and his daughter Shana are pictured for the first time following Bernie’s death - 4 years ago

@AssalRad: RT @AssalRad: Yeah, Bernie Madoff was famous for his Marxism - 4 years ago

@shmoodough: RT @J_Contributions: #240 - Bernie Madoff Former financier and non-executive chairman of NASDAQ who ran the world's largest Ponzi scheme.… - 4 years ago

@zaspycat: RT @PeterSchiff: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary @schiffgold - 4 years ago

@JvdBBBB: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@DoortjeNl: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@BrookWi76051200: RT @cnnbrk: Bernie Madoff, whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, dies while serving a 150-year sentence in federal prison http… - 4 years ago

@beardtrades: I can always tell what condition the market is in when Twitterers start pumping $SNDL. It’s the Bernie Madoff of penny stocks. - 4 years ago

@therealonebad: “Nigerian Bernie Madoff. First nigga to be a white collar criminal” lmfaooo - 4 years ago

@OffNet4Now: @FriendEden100 @MalteseManatee Money can only protect one for so long. Ask Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@CliffBurns: @HadasThier So...this dolt's saying Marx was the Bernie Madoff of the Left? And yet Marx died broke...something clearly went awry. - 4 years ago

@ElleOrlando: Bernie Madoff is a great lesson of how you should never steal from the rich rookie move Bernie in the US we steal from the poor - 4 years ago

@digino69: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@Brose710017: Bernie Madoff would have loved #dogecoin - 4 years ago

@loppansky: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@KoosSwaab: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@bailes9_wpg: @crypto_bitlord7 Crypto is a ponzi scheme no better secured than Bernie Madoff clients money was. Good Luck. besi… - 4 years ago

@duke_perry: With Bernie Madoff dead, Kevin’s just nothing but good vibes - 4 years ago

@BarbaryBard: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@maryfloor: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@caulpain: @eeberquist Kevon Bacin needed to make that Bernie Madoff scrilla back QUICK. - 4 years ago

@Charles98525018: RT @SchiffGold: The US government operates two giant Ponzi schemes. One is Social Security and the other is the financing of the #NationalD… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@HansvanderValk: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@nico_anker: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@FPL__OG: Everyone so upset with ‘Big Six’ for destroying the Pyramid, yet where were they when Bernie Madoff was advocating… - 4 years ago

@asibs121: Not justifying his actions or anything cause he was a monster, but the only reason Bernie Madoff was canned and vil… - 4 years ago

@fabmora1: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary "You have to have absolutely no unders… - 4 years ago

@barthendrikx: RT @frontlinepbs: Bernie Madoff, who was behind the world’s first truly global Ponzi scheme, has died. In 2009, FRONTLINE examined how the… - 4 years ago

@AlexValois5: RT @SchiffGold: The US government operates two giant Ponzi schemes. One is Social Security and the other is the financing of the #NationalD… - 4 years ago

@verlichting4: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@JacquelineWxxx: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@Hans_Besemans: RT @hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt e… - 4 years ago

@hansvantelling: Fieldlab is als het Ponzi Scheme van Bernie Madoff. Je stopt er een hoop (in dit geval overheids)geld in en je krijgt er niets voor terug. - 4 years ago

@SchiffGold: The US government operates two giant Ponzi schemes. One is Social Security and the other is the financing of the… - 4 years ago

@BrennanKC: @IngrahamAngle Bernie Madoff had arrest warrant, didn't get murdered. Roger Stone had arrest warrant, didn't get murdered. - 4 years ago

@kawkajun: @AshaRangappa_ God knelt on Bernie Madoff's neck the other day. - 4 years ago

@janinedunmyre: The other day my wife was putting Mrs. Madoff on trial with "how could she not have known?" line of questioning so… - 4 years ago

@mariolindolfoal: RT @robertomalaver: NOTICIA: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. COMENTARIO: Tranquilos, que el gran estafado… - 4 years ago

@BrianAhearn: 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆. He manipulated smart, financially savvy people so none of us are immune. Bernie m… - 4 years ago

@JardineKari: - 4 years ago

@WilsonAftab: Here is a terrific article you should definitely read: “Bernie Madoff (1938-2021)”, by Ibrahim Warde (open access,… - 4 years ago

@RamonaR30866579: RT @LionelMedia: Simple, let’s do a forensic accounting. Now. Bernie Madoff’s got nothing on this one. - 4 years ago

@therealsamad_: RT @DaSixFoota6: So Bernie Madoff passed and we ain’t say shit huh? 🤣🤣🤣 - 4 years ago

@josejavierpere4: RT @elpoliticonews: Bernie Madoff falleció en prision a los 82 años: el mayor estafador en la historia de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@AMPFutures: Here’s how investors can spot the next Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@DaSixFoota6: So Bernie Madoff passed and we ain’t say shit huh? 🤣🤣🤣 - 4 years ago

@Qweeniey: RT @yevad_: Bernie Madoff, the architect of a $64.8 billion Ponzi scheme, has died in prison at 82. - 4 years ago

@GreasyMagnet: @FirstHorizonBnk Your banking app is terrible and trying to get any issues resolved through your customer service i… - 4 years ago

@SeriouslyFolks8: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@elpoliticonews: Bernie Madoff falleció en prision a los 82 años: el mayor estafador en la historia de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@CheekyKaffir: RT @MxolisiBob: Bernie Madoff ran an actual company but cooked the books which is entirely different to what SARB is saying - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@bveeto: @catturd2 A Bernie Madoff investment plan, now more so than ever - 4 years ago

@InvResDynamics: Yes Peter @PeterSchiff, as well Madoff could have been the CEO of the @perthmint: - 4 years ago

@KelseyMarie_TV: RT @TheBudinGroup: Don't fall victim to the next Bernie Madoff! @ktnv @kelseymarie_tv @lasvegaslocally @vitalvegas @vegasrevealed @lpl @nfl… - 4 years ago

@tschakey: kid just told me he looked up to bernie madoff 😐 - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@semperfidem2004: RT @PeterSchiff: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary @schiffgold - 4 years ago

@zarawesome: he means bernie madoff - 4 years ago

@caplesultra2002: @gen_zeta Parece bernie madoff - 4 years ago

@Freeman48171576: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@LaloCordova77: RT @SamuelCuervo: #ÚltimaHora Murió Bernie Madoff, el mayor estafador de WallStreet. Cumplía cadena perpetua por defraudar 68,000,000,000… - 4 years ago

@twangtres: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@MehdiKamyab: RT @PeterSchiff: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary @schiffgold - 4 years ago

@JamieCinotto: Opinion | How Bernie Madoff highlights the dark side of the Dogecoin craze #investing #speculating - 4 years ago

@lepusblanca: RT @TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample in v… - 4 years ago

@HugoGiaVill: - 4 years ago

@HugoGiaVill: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@heathrodgirs: RT @USSANews: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@fgarcia111: Bernie Madoff: El Mayor Estafador de la Historia - 4 years ago

@rainbear00: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@antibiohacker: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@bflamel: RT @MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: Madoff's scheme depended on a simple idea: As long as you keep new investors coming in and old ones from… - 4 years ago

@LETICIA777: RT @SamuelCuervo: #ÚltimaHora Murió Bernie Madoff, el mayor estafador de WallStreet. Cumplía cadena perpetua por defraudar 68,000,000,000… - 4 years ago

@ThurstonAvril: Super League - ponzi scheme - Bernie Madoff set up as soon as he arrived in Hell - 4 years ago

@iannarino: How Bernie Madoff with Our Money - 4 years ago

@jemabo2: USA: Anlagebetrüger Bernie Madoff im Gefängnis gestorben - Madoff hatte mit dem größten Schneeballsystem in der US-… - 4 years ago

@_bertgang: This organization is the biggest scam since Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@AssetConductor: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@Bill31886514: RT @TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample in v… - 4 years ago

@junkar28: Y los de San Ignacio y el dinero que robaron? Serán los próximos Bernie Madoff? - 4 years ago

@WallStFraud: RT @PeterSchiff: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary @schiffgold - 4 years ago

@WallStCopywrite: RT @PeterSchiff: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary @schiffgold - 4 years ago

@BengeBlaze: @FatAssSurfer @djbigcoin Bernie Madoff was considered one of the most successful people on the planet. But how wrong was he????? - 4 years ago

@Troy7s: @GerberKawasaki This is the equivalent of Fed Chairman Bernie Madoff printing Dogecoin & Tulips to shake up the eco… - 4 years ago

@ProfSFoerster: Would you have given your money to the recently deceased con artist Bernie Madoff? Take this 30-second test to find… - 4 years ago

@USSANews: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@JulianeZielonka: Sat1 mit #PromisunterPalmen unter Rainer Laux ist eine Art Bernie Madoff: je oller, je doller. Und Moral brauchen w… - 4 years ago

@thegoodgodabove: RT @TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample in v… - 4 years ago

@br_mburu: RT @nytimes: Bernie Madoff’s enormous fraud left behind a devastating human toll and paper losses totaling $64.8 billion. The architect of… - 4 years ago

@tnteacherTim: Bernie #Madoff #rip Mo'fo'.... - 4 years ago

@TheGodPodShow: "Me and Satan Discuss Bernie Madoff and Pat Robertson" Full #podcast episode here! Sample… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@ElisabethCasal1: RT @mmpadellan: Bernie Madoff ruined people's lives when he ripped off thousands of people for many millions of dollars, and now he's dead.… - 4 years ago

@RobbieDerooy: @Stephanie_Link Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@KirklandWalsh: RT @DerekCressman: Marxism is to Ponzi scheme as Bernie Madoff is to Medicare. #Unrelated - 4 years ago

@jay_maybruck: Opinion | How Bernie Madoff highlights the dark side of the Dogecoin craze - 4 years ago

@hrdrckminer: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary | ZeroHedge - 4 years ago

@FishWithTeeth: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@OTMOPTIONTWIT: RT @AssalRad: Yeah, Bernie Madoff was famous for his Marxism - 4 years ago

@OGDannyOcean: “Virgil is the Bernie Madoff of fashion” 😭 - 4 years ago

@kerberos007: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 💯% - 😉 - should be our POTUS? 🤣🍻 - 4 years ago

@SleeveMeAlone: RT @chredwa: @catturd2 Bernie Madoff with my money and Jeffery Epstein with my secrets - 4 years ago

@snwlssknttr: @BabeTruth2 Sounds like she never heard of Bernie Madoff. You know, the guy who “made off” with a buttload of othe… - 4 years ago

@GrtWhiteRaider: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@AuntCole22: RT @CNBCPrimeTV: Take an inside look at Bernie Madoff, one of the most notorious white-collar criminals in history. Don't miss the @cnbc d… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@jupiterdoge: RT @CNBCPrimeTV: Take an inside look at Bernie Madoff, one of the most notorious white-collar criminals in history. Don't miss the @cnbc d… - 4 years ago

@SHollemans: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@PhilDeCarolis: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@sahaldo07: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@RBK17218350: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@straight2crypto: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@knowbeloliv: @zerohedge If not for Bernie Madoff most probably people would still had to call their brokers to put a trade! - 4 years ago

@nderi_j: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@AllMediaLies76: RT @zerohedge: Peter Schiff: Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair Or Treasury Secretary - 4 years ago

@Shwelebathiyane: RT @MxolisiBob: Bernie Madoff ran an actual company but cooked the books which is entirely different to what SARB is saying - 4 years ago

@SinatraMario1: @laurenboebert Bernie Madoff created the best ponzi scheme and he only ripped off the wealthy. That was capitalism. - 4 years ago

@josieO: RT @NYMag: .@karaswisher and @profgalloway talk about the Coinbase IPO, Bernie Madoff’s dark legacy, and why Russia is slowing down Twitter… - 4 years ago

@Tee_Meiscter: RT @SteveHofstetter: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff just died. You can be a pallbearer at his funeral, but only if you recruit 6 more pallbearer… - 4 years ago

@erikwill: High market prices for Dogecoin are not comparable to Bernie Madoff creating fraudulent account statements for clie… - 4 years ago

@erikwill: Misleading article >>>> Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Badger3k: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@WisconsinProg: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@RobA19: @AndyMitten @GNev2 The owners of a club they bought, not with their own money, but by putting the club deeper in de… - 4 years ago

@UrFavDJ: "Virgil is the Bernie Madoff of design" - @desusnice FACTS! Still waiting for any evidence he was ever a DJ in college! - 4 years ago

@MrsDoubtFireSF: @BigImpactHumans Bernie Madoff also said it isn't one... - 4 years ago

@Joe990gpMoyo: RT @MxolisiBob: Bernie Madoff ran an actual company but cooked the books which is entirely different to what SARB is saying - 4 years ago

@carsairs: @Paisan26849860 @XRP_stuart @CryptoLawUS @xrpartisan @XRP_OWL This man blew the cover on Bernie Madoff. He gives… - 4 years ago

@ThalesTrading: Via @iimag: The inside story of how Jim Vos and his team at Aksia helped unspool the mystery of Bernie Madoff.… - 4 years ago

@Staceymoon52: @laurenboebert Since you’re completely uneducated, lemme help you out. If you want to learn about ponzi schemes, go… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@WinterFell_03: Apparantely Bernie Madoff is seriously connected to $DOGE as a "ponzy" scheme?🤦🤦🤦 🤣🤣🤣🤣 @28delayslater - 4 years ago

@LMkula: RT @MxolisiBob: Bernie Madoff ran an actual company but cooked the books which is entirely different to what SARB is saying - 4 years ago

@dsbelchior: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@Ki11er_Se7en: RT @willmenaker: I remember when they made Bernie Madoff the face of not just the entire 2008 financial crash, but human evil incarnate, so… - 4 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @NYMag: Bernie Madoff was a monster, a Ponzi-schemer, a thief on a grand scale — and also the reason for a dark era in Mets history. A c… - 4 years ago

@MiAgorist: Let me simplify this headline: Mental gymnastics and crypto currencies - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@logans_running: Bernie Madoff yelling at Enron - 4 years ago

@mitchjk21: @DragonflyJonez Everybody but me is succeeding at being the next Bernie Madoff 😞 - 4 years ago

@Vassilena1985: 20 Years After I First Questioned Bernie Madoff’s Success, the Great Villain of the Financial Crisis Is Dead… - 4 years ago

@shnookeee: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Bernie Madoff is in hell. The devil will be broke in 18 months. - 4 years ago

@OldCountryRowe: You clearly have designed your website to be deceptive. No one puts mandatory fees in the"about" tab. Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@jetdriverman: 20 Years After I First Questioned Bernie Madoff’s Success, the Great Villain of the Financial Crisis Is Dead… - 4 years ago

@TruedawnFm: Truly tragic that Bernie Madoff had to die right before he could see the golden age of the scammer - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@maduradascom: ¡ENTÉRESE! Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia (estafó 65.000 millone… - 4 years ago

@1103sonia: Bernie Madoff, de multimillonario a 150 años de cárcel: la mayor estafa de la historia, famosos arruinados, suicidi… - 4 years ago

@Oldlady12345: RT @MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: Madoff's scheme depended on a simple idea: As long as you keep new investors coming in and old ones from… - 4 years ago

@LoonAuntie: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@OJTheNigerian: RT @WMsDiary: @TylerIAm Bernie Madoff down there smiling - 4 years ago

@TylerIAm: RT @WMsDiary: @TylerIAm Bernie Madoff down there smiling - 4 years ago

@francesgates54: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@coveragenotes: RT @MSNBCPR: Introducing our newest @MSNBCDaily columnist: @JamesSurowiecki Read his first column connecting the stock market, cryptocurr… - 4 years ago

@WMsDiary: @TylerIAm Bernie Madoff down there smiling - 4 years ago

@MarsainForbes: If Bernie Madoff got caught, what makes you think blk ppl gonna get away with it - 4 years ago

@Muslumogullari: #The Making and Unmaking of Chet Hanks’s “White Boy Summer” #20 Years After I First Questioned Bernie Madoff’s Succ… - 4 years ago

@BikKerry: RT @RaeLipskie: In lieu of Bernie Madoff’s death, @CTVNews Chief Financial Commentator @PattieCTV shares some reminders on how to protect… - 4 years ago

@CryptoKathy: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@Curbed: RT @NYMag: Bernie Madoff was a monster, a Ponzi-schemer, a thief on a grand scale — and also the reason for a dark era in Mets history. A c… - 4 years ago

@RaeLipskie: In lieu of Bernie Madoff’s death, @CTVNews Chief Financial Commentator @PattieCTV shares some reminders on how to… - 4 years ago

@DeansherryS: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@williamdingiv: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@sheepanomics: From the co-creators of the Global Financial Crisis, the Bernie Madoff-scandal, speculative trading. @jpmorgan prou… - 4 years ago

@Skaramine: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@annettea55: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@David19826742: RT @usambovu: Never forget, Bernie Madoff didn't go to jail because he stole, he went to jail because he stole from rich people😁 - 4 years ago

@jwitherspoon: @catturd2 Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@karthiknyc: Hope Chonia ji or Pawar doesn't get covid next and dutifully gets some jail time for all their crimes and sins. The… - 4 years ago

@Papi_B_Dubs: George Floyd was born 11 months after me. We could have been classmates. He should not have been murdered in the… - 4 years ago

@CodyMarley: THIS WEEK IN HEAVEN Bernie Madoff To Jesus "Who sells your Bibles?" - 4 years ago

@Cuprikorn66: RT @MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: Madoff's scheme depended on a simple idea: As long as you keep new investors coming in and old ones from… - 4 years ago

@boggskmb2: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@CoachTPlace: Elie Wiesel lost his life savings & the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his f… - 4 years ago

@Henderburn: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@jwsamuel: So @laurenboebert thinks Bernie Madoff was the world's greatest Marxist. - 4 years ago

@altdogcatcher: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@j3o2h7n3: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@DaveSpanky112: RT @MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: Madoff's scheme depended on a simple idea: As long as you keep new investors coming in and old ones from… - 4 years ago

@mdp4202: So ... now that Bernie Madoff is dead, that leaves Donald Trump as President (of the Marxists for Men Club) - 4 years ago

@jwsamuel: @laurenboebert Do you even know what a Ponzi scheme is? Do you think Bernie Madoff was a communist? - 4 years ago

@MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: Madoff's scheme depended on a simple idea: As long as you keep new investors coming in and old o… - 4 years ago

@maudbryt: @padraiccassidy @nytimes @nytarts @deanbaquet I didn’t realize Madoff was also - 4 years ago

@Pokemonbrdr: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@ereike05: RT @DavideRicci1973: USA, muore in carcere il Re delle truffe Bernie Madoff. Perché se rubi negli Stati Uniti muori in cella, se rubi in It… - 4 years ago

@popeyeotaku: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@cyrusinitaly: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@TempleLaw: With Bernie Madoff's passing, Prof. Rafael Porrata-Doria discussed his impact on US fraud regulation with… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@_Gromflomite_: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@Moe_Szyzlak: #SuperLeague Om det inte vore för att UEFA och FIFA vore så genomkorrumperade skulle det åtminstone varit möjligt… - 4 years ago

@MylandBurke: @muddavugger1 @cspanwj Yea. Bernie Madoff was posting such ROI's. Only fools bought in. We are diversified. Ca… - 4 years ago

@1stAmendUSA: @JackPosobiec Bernie Madoff of level fraud. - 4 years ago

@DaveDillon44: @catturd2 Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JDWilli444: @TMIWITW The founder that bought all the houses says BLM is not a charity. It is a group promoting power. I have… - 4 years ago

@JessieLivermore: “I certainly wouldn’t invest in the stock market. I never believed in it. Most people lose money because of the emo… - 4 years ago

@RuralRustbelt: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@DAngeledes: RT @elviscoal: The Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme is finally over. - 4 years ago

@MylandBurke: I knew a guy in Wilsonville, Oregon. He worked on stuff my dept. designed. He lost his shirt on Bernie Madoff.… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Tele13_Radio: 🎙️#LosColumnistas | @MJNaudon nos recomienda la película "El mago de las mentiras", protagonizada por Robert De Nir… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@EPluribusAnders: This is like Bernie Madoff saying you shouldn't trust Warren Buffett. 🤡🤡🤡 - 4 years ago

@RudyHavenstein: RT @RudyHavenstein: Bernie Madoff was just early. - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@nuruldamiams: RT @crigroup: Who was Bernie Madoff? Revisiting his case after he died in prison #PonziScheme #BernieMadoff - 4 years ago

@notComey: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@TheCyanPost: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@gmamarosa: RT @grantstern: Bernie Madoff was a mainstay of Wall Street. I guess that's Marxism in Boebert world? - 4 years ago

@MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can con… - 4 years ago

@LindaHu71330699: RT @opinion_joe: A few years ago, I met a TSA guard at the Las Vegas airport. After seeing my driver’s license, she told me how much she mi… - 4 years ago

@MylandBurke: @muddavugger1 @cspanwj That's what Bernie Madoff investors said when "old school" financial experts questioned thei… - 4 years ago

@vxel: "We wszystkim trzeba zachować umiar" - Plaut (& Bernie Madoff) - 4 years ago

@yorkboundpub: BERNIE MADOFF DIES IN PRISON AT THE AGE OF 80 - 4 years ago

@MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: Madoff's scheme depended on a simple idea: As long as you keep new investors coming in and old o… - 4 years ago

@boggywood: @rtenews @BryanNewsatOne @WilliamsJon @gougle_lads You would think, wouldn't you that after Enron and the late Bern… - 4 years ago

@royaleight: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@Jscerg: @catturd2 Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@AgiBergman: RT @CookeLeighton: @AgiBergman #Greensill is the Bernie Madoff of supply chain finance, and a canary in the coal mine of the coming financi… - 4 years ago

@connieSuver: RT @chredwa: @catturd2 Bernie Madoff with my money and Jeffery Epstein with my secrets - 4 years ago

@connieSuver: RT @ThePrimaryClone: @catturd2 Everybody including Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@ThePrimaryClone: @catturd2 Everybody including Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@yomama44002760: RT @chredwa: @catturd2 Bernie Madoff with my money and Jeffery Epstein with my secrets - 4 years ago

@JimOCampbell: RT @AirMailWeekly: "It didn’t take long in my interviews with Ruth Madoff for me to realize she was devoted to Bernie to the extent that he… - 4 years ago

@SteveDAntes: RT @the_ironsheik: BERNIE MADOFF GO FUCK YOURSELF - 4 years ago

@Hmesa2C: @GOPLeader @GOP @SenateGOP @LeaderMcConnell The GQP is as pro life as a mass shooters. The GQP is as honest as Be… - 4 years ago

@realworldrj: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Hey everybody look which new con - as in the grifter who was found gu… - 4 years ago

@CrashAgneta: RT @JamesSurowiecki: New column on how Bernie Madoff was, paradoxically, a forerunner of so much of investing today. - 4 years ago

@profmdwhite: RT @JamesSurowiecki: New column on how Bernie Madoff was, paradoxically, a forerunner of so much of investing today. - 4 years ago

@JamesSurowiecki: New column on how Bernie Madoff was, paradoxically, a forerunner of so much of investing today. - 4 years ago

@Fairfis: @laurenboebert Yeah, all hail to the greatest Marxist ever, Comrade Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@dougrleaffan: RT @Wildwilly1000: @FriendEden100 Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Bernie Madoff, had some powerful friends. - 4 years ago

@MURTWITNESSONE: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@TheCyanPost: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@PinkyDonaldson: RT @MSNBC: Opinion | @JamesSurowiecki: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff: The game(s) can continue only as… - 4 years ago

@edwardlaji: A bad as Bernie Madoff was, he is still the best example of what not to do with hedge funds as a portfolio manager. - 4 years ago

@MSNBCDaily: .@JamesSurowiecki: Madoff's scheme depended on a simple idea: As long as you keep new investors coming in and old o… - 4 years ago

@CookeLeighton: @AgiBergman #Greensill is the Bernie Madoff of supply chain finance, and a canary in the coal mine of the coming fi… - 4 years ago

@farabundista_x: These clowns really want us to believe Bernie Madoff got locked up for Marxism. - 4 years ago

@chredwa: @catturd2 Bernie Madoff with my money and Jeffery Epstein with my secrets - 4 years ago

@eeeer71: Insider Convicted Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died at 82, according to the AP - 4 years ago

@StlKms: RT @NewsHour: He swindled major charities, universities and celebrities out of billions, and was serving 150 years in prison. Stephanie Sy… - 4 years ago

@WaltBauer3: @AntwanWilson17 "I’m not a socialist." Yet you point to Socialist countries and say, Like THAT! So what if you are?… - 4 years ago

@nitzad: via @NYTimes I can’t help hoping that trump meets the same fate. #LockHimUp - 4 years ago

@ForesideTweets: After The Flood - Bernie Madoff was arrested on 12/11/08. It is worth taking a moment to reflect on the impact his… - 4 years ago

@adrian31973: @dannykellywords Now that Bernie Madoff is dead I assume we’ll turn to Fred Goodwin, the former boss of RBS?? - 4 years ago

@YasmineArnez: RT @elpais_america: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, responsable de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia. Había sido condenado a 150 año… - 4 years ago

@LunchnotFreeman: @kansascityfish Yup, like Bernie Madoff. Just a mistake. That’s a new standard. And you never quoted the awful, ri… - 4 years ago

@carrybeyond: RT @sisu_sanity: 148/ August 12, 2016 "It's pretty much a given that hosting the Olympics is a poor investment. In Rio, Brazil is throwin… - 4 years ago

@LunaValienteRD: Esta es la historia del recién fallecido Bernie Madoff, el mayor estafador de todos los tiempos - 4 years ago

@Bestraight2020: 'Not diminished by his death': Shamed Bernie Madoff leaves behind long list of victims - 4 years ago

@gmsingh321: @laurenboebert Yes, Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme worked out well for him, he died in prison. - 4 years ago

@rd151: RIP Bernie Madoff, you would have loved the #superleague - 4 years ago

@koen0611: @B100Jason @RaoulGMI Doge took over all customers off Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Mchllecat1: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@higex66: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@webnowcompany: Bernie Madoff, who died Wednesday, will be justly remembered as one of the biggest scam artists in the history of c… - 4 years ago

@KTBBRadio: Bernie Madoff, who ran the world's largest Ponzi scheme, is dead - 4 years ago

@HouseofCards7: Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff - MSNBC - 4 years ago

@cazdobrien: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@QuintenFracois: RT @SJosephBurns: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of the nation’s biggest investment fraud, dies at 82: @AP - 4 years ago

@BiggestOfDAVE5: @Bagholio The more I looked at safemoon the more I felt this feels like some Bernie Madoff shit... so I bought some 🤦🏻‍♂️ - 4 years ago

@johnb313: @talkSPORT Well they missed out on Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@pjpaulose: RT @CryptoCred: $COIN lists, trades to $420, dips, $BTC follows just as hacked Bitfinex coins move. All on the day Bernie Madoff dies. We… - 4 years ago

@thewealthcoach_: How Bernie Madoff Fooled the World - 4 years ago

@Loko09320948: RT @nypost: Bernie Madoff, infamous Ponzi schemer, dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@kak089: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@VilhelmJ472: @fsporsen "Enligt CNBC ska så många som 37 000 personer i 136 länder ha lurats av pengar av Madoff..." - 4 years ago

@igorlied: O halde 2018 yılının Ağustos ayından 2020 yılının Kasım ayına kadar dünyanın en büyük dolandırıcılıklarından biri y… - 4 years ago

@SheRa_Persists: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@wwyllea: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@mattwardio: RT @mattwardio: The crypto-surge, Bernie Madoff's dark legacy, and a question on Russia slowing Twitter @profgalloway #startups #tech #sili… - 4 years ago

@NahidAlaei: Opinion | Connecting the stock market, Dogecoin, Bitcoin — and Bernie Madoff - MSNBC - 4 years ago

@Kris59617393: RT @hardmoneymag: Opinion: Bernie Madoff’s Measly 12% Guaranteed Returns Just Wouldn’t Cut It In This Market - 4 years ago

@JohnnyDee62: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@masterprogram1: RT @VanityFair: Following his death, journalist @erinarvedlund looks back at her time covering Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@ThomasGlasius: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@DrAisha_MD: RT @BusinessInsider: Bernie Madoff, Wall Street financier and Ponzi scheme organizer, has died at age 82 - 4 years ago

@CitiBE: @laurenboebert Ponzi scheme: a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered… - 4 years ago

@jan_godfather: RT @nytimes: Bernie Madoff’s enormous fraud left behind a devastating human toll and paper losses totaling $64.8 billion. The architect of… - 4 years ago

@CookeLeighton: Fauci is the Bernie Madoff of virology. #covid - 4 years ago

@getintoit80: Peter Madoff and his daughter Shana are pictured for the first time following Bernie’s death - 4 years ago

@TRANE_OF_TNER: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@Meteo1970: - 4 years ago

@mjovanc: RT @Coinsmash_: This week in crypto: ▫️ $BTC ATHs before dipping to $51K ▫️ @coinbase goes public ▫️ $600M in @bitfinex hack coins move ▫️… - 4 years ago

@naanders: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@kaul_vivek: RT @kaul_vivek: Why Ponzi schemes never go out of fashion. Or why Bernie Madoff, who recently died in jail, was Charles Ponzi's smartest d… - 4 years ago

@Harryel49369489: @NachoGreiffenst @JEP_Colombia Si les alcanzo hasta para invertir en el "negocio" de Bernie Madoff...imagínese el resto. - 4 years ago

@Charnz: Pity Bernie Madoff died before he could see #europeansuperleague come to life #notsport - 4 years ago

@LisaAmmann: RT @MarthaDeyhle: Not all the news is depressing or sad. Bernie Madoff won't rest in peace. PONZI KING MADOFF DEAD - 4 years ago

@PaulUs49028273: RT @VanityFair: Following his death, journalist @erinarvedlund looks back at her time covering Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@VanityFair: Following his death, journalist @erinarvedlund looks back at her time covering Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@asociacionAECA: Esta es la historia del recién fallecido Bernie Madoff, el mayor estafador de todos los tiempos… - 4 years ago

@LukeDyks: @geoffuptonNZ Bernie Madoff in charge of ethics. - 4 years ago

@LaalternativaLa: El financiero Bernie Madoff muere en prisión - 4 years ago

@BikKerry: RT @JackdFacts1: After stealing $65 BILLION from Wall Street elite, Bernie Madoff went to jail where he became the prison’s hot chocolate k… - 4 years ago

@DailyKosTrends: Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has learned from the death of Bernie Madoff about Ponzi schemes, because QAnon surely couldn’… - 4 years ago

@JackdFacts1: After stealing $65 BILLION from Wall Street elite, Bernie Madoff went to jail where he became the prison’s hot choc… - 4 years ago

@mvrco_vd: Tony Soprano, Franklin Saint, Bernie Madoff, Harvey Spector, and and Michael Scofield ... just a few of my mentors. - 4 years ago

@trashteentrans: @donmoyn bernie madoff ➡️ ponzi scheme ⬇️ ↗️ jewish… - 4 years ago

@KevinLucioni3: @EuroExpert_ You left out JP Morgan. The investment bank responsible for Enron. The investment bank that advised cl… - 4 years ago

@staran1981: RT @latimes: Column: Bernie Madoff wanted to beat the Wall Street 'club.' So do today's crypto hotshots (via @latimesopinion) - 4 years ago

@Slappy_san: @SHODesusAndMero: White Claw Taste Test, Bernie Madoff Dies, Chrissy Teigen Back on Twitte... - 4 years ago

@RockWriter2: RT @ArcEng9154644: So what sounds better? "Bernie Madoff didn't kill himself." Or "Bernie Madoff didn't die of natural causes." #Bernie… - 4 years ago

@JeffSteelflexx: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@KGNSnews: Bernie Madoff, mastermind behind largest Ponzi scheme in history, dies at 82 - 4 years ago

@Sckubba: Damn Bernie Madoff died this year. His sons told on him. And they both died before he did. Bernie had juice and got… - 4 years ago

@DustyNebula: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@illicittraderug: In our last #FridayPill we covered the death of infamous investment manager Bernie Madoff. To understand the extent… - 4 years ago

@Canard_Chroniq: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@manuibarrap: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@KingArthur_11: RT @Mitch_Seattle: EP 138🎙️ tomorrow... all over the place. Aldon Smith, #Seahawks pass rush, my vaccine nurse, picky eaters, Aaron Donald,… - 4 years ago

@csalazargt: Muere Bernie Madoff, el hombre que orquestó el mayor esquema Ponzi de la historia - 4 years ago

@ElElement: @RealWillyBot - 4 years ago

@CryptoJiren: "r/todayilearned - TIL after stealing $65M from Wall Street elite, Bernie Madoff went to jail where he became the p… - 4 years ago

@CryptoJiren: "r/todayilearned - TIL after stealing $65M from Wall Street elite, Bernie Madoff went to jail where he became the p… - 4 years ago

@TashaMahal: @laurenboebert His name was Bernie Madoff, not Marx. At least make an effort - with your recent GED - to read and learn. - 4 years ago

@JJohnson2u: RT @NewsHour: He swindled major charities, universities and celebrities out of billions, and was serving 150 years in prison. Stephanie Sy… - 4 years ago

@diplomattitude: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@susan_borts: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@maskwasez: Bernie Madoff was Wall Street 🥸 - 4 years ago

@wendytorrance: RIP Bernie Madoff 😢 - 4 years ago

@iamkitkat7: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@marigold33333J: RT @NewsHour: He swindled major charities, universities and celebrities out of billions, and was serving 150 years in prison. Stephanie Sy… - 4 years ago

@KatzAngie: Peter Madoff and his daughter Shana are pictured for the first time following Bernie's death - 4 years ago

@MikeBroderickVO: @BCDreyer Was this her attempt to provide a false equivalence epitaph for Bernie Madoff? Defending Madoff seems quintessentially Boebert. - 4 years ago

@KulpaBart: RT @KulpaBart: Bernie Madoff Screwed Everyone He Met. And Plenty of People He Never Met. - 4 years ago

@Hanzi83: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@farmer_student: @AshDancin @Fku75873685 @alifarhat79 Elon Musk is the manipulator. He cheats even NASA. He sells garbage EV cars at… - 4 years ago

@MissButter: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@orlock70: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@5561CL: ¿Quien fue Bernie Madoff? La historia del hombre que escaló el esquema Ponzi a niveles estratosféricos —— Que bu… - 4 years ago

@trifectapapi: @ReyJay101_ @UscPipeDream @omolewaAbraham @RealCandaceO I wonder if you get all up in arms about anyone OTHER than… - 4 years ago

@LaraPolidori: RT @alanfriedmanit: L’ultima fuga di Bernie Madoff, addio al più grande truffatore della Storia - 4 years ago

@TodayILearnedOf: #TIL after stealing $65M from Wall Street elite, Bernie Madoff went to jail where he became the prison's hot chocol… - 4 years ago

@MelHarr29295501: RT @NewsHour: He swindled major charities, universities and celebrities out of billions, and was serving 150 years in prison. Stephanie Sy… - 4 years ago

@FeasterFamine: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@creaturesbynagy: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Ryba_kom: @Polsport @RealMadryt_pl Piramida futbolu? Bernie Madoff byłby dumny. - 4 years ago

@HeartAmity: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@N7IRL: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@B_blackbird2019: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@pitch4kdemocrat: RT @pitch4kdemocrat: Bernie Madoff, Mastermind of the Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Dies in Prison at Age 82 - 4 years ago

@pitch4kdemocrat: Bernie Madoff, Mastermind of the Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Dies in Prison at Age 82 - 4 years ago

@smsg1234: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@CalalilyL85: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@ObjectiveRodeo: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@redbeef: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Ultrascan419: Breaking: Hours after Defence Minister, Service Chiefs visit, Boko Haram attacks Borno: Vanguard News Nigeria. Kind… - 4 years ago

@MereKiarie: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@CritLite: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@TrexPushups: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@eigensinn83: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@KathrynBoland2: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@arthur_affect: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@iridienne: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@reck999: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@crigroup: Who was Bernie Madoff? Revisiting his case after he died in prison #PonziScheme #BernieMadoff - 4 years ago

@Vinsac: RT @kaul_vivek: Why Ponzi schemes never go out of fashion. Or why Bernie Madoff, who recently died in jail, was Charles Ponzi's smartest d… - 4 years ago

@kentsavage: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@jonhwick8898520: RT @kaul_vivek: Why Ponzi schemes never go out of fashion. Or why Bernie Madoff, who recently died in jail, was Charles Ponzi's smartest d… - 4 years ago

@NgigiWW: RT @business: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes (via AP) - 4 years ago

@FUNNAGAN: RT @NewsHour: He swindled major charities, universities and celebrities out of billions, and was serving 150 years in prison. Stephanie Sy… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@susicutillas: RT @J_Cancho: Bernie Madoff fue discípulo de Baldomera. Baldomera Larra, la hija del escritor suicida. Quizá, no nos sorprenda que fuera a… - 4 years ago

@xstr8edgex29: RT @grantstern: Bernie Madoff was a mainstay of Wall Street. I guess that's Marxism in Boebert world? - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@SoulFlyTry: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@milesw530: RT @CryptoCharles__: For anyone saying Bitcoin has proven itself for too long to be a scam, Bernie Madoff ran his Ponzi scheme for 17 years… - 4 years ago

@the_realist369: RT @kaul_vivek: Why Ponzi schemes never go out of fashion. Or why Bernie Madoff, who recently died in jail, was Charles Ponzi's smartest d… - 4 years ago

@CakePentagram: RT @NewsHour: He swindled major charities, universities and celebrities out of billions, and was serving 150 years in prison. Stephanie Sy… - 4 years ago

@ybabblloo: RT @kaul_vivek: Why Ponzi schemes never go out of fashion. Or why Bernie Madoff, who recently died in jail, was Charles Ponzi's smartest d… - 4 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden, Gun Control, COVID/Vaccine Totals, China, Russia, Prince Philip, Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@darrylfreshd: RT @NewsHour: He swindled major charities, universities and celebrities out of billions, and was serving 150 years in prison. Stephanie Sy… - 4 years ago

@JibbeyXD: bit ironic that all this is happening a day after Bernie Madoff died. - 4 years ago

@Nadiasindi4: RT @NewsHour: He swindled major charities, universities and celebrities out of billions, and was serving 150 years in prison. Stephanie Sy… - 4 years ago

@NewsHour: He swindled major charities, universities and celebrities out of billions, and was serving 150 years in prison. Ste… - 4 years ago

@MartyMcMullen: @laurenboebert Who knew Bernie Madoff was a Marxist? 🤣 - 4 years ago

@KimbriannaKnig1: How did Bernie Madoff do it??? - 4 years ago

@Vikas_Thakur: RT @kaul_vivek: Why Ponzi schemes never go out of fashion. Or why Bernie Madoff, who recently died in jail, was Charles Ponzi's smartest d… - 4 years ago

@RashmiSanyal: RT @kaul_vivek: Why Ponzi schemes never go out of fashion. Or why Bernie Madoff, who recently died in jail, was Charles Ponzi's smartest d… - 4 years ago

@kaul_vivek: Why Ponzi schemes never go out of fashion. Or why Bernie Madoff, who recently died in jail, was Charles Ponzi's sm… - 4 years ago

@5drinkMax: RT @Mitch_Seattle: EP 138🎙️ tomorrow... all over the place. Aldon Smith, #Seahawks pass rush, my vaccine nurse, picky eaters, Aaron Donald,… - 4 years ago

@egrishom: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@ju_1916_: RT @bweglarczyk: Oszust, który oczarował Hollywood i Wall Street. Niesamowita historia finansisty Berniego Madoffa - 4 years ago

@matmacko: The drum solo was the best part of the Bernie Madoff movie, no question. - 4 years ago

@jaharri18763940: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Reshaud: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@DJBABYYODA6IX: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@MomsPharmacist: RT @Maya_MGPBWMA: Bernie Madoff to handle my finances - 4 years ago

@team_chao: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@VariousCorndogs: Obviously Bernie Madoff will never be able to steal your property or wealth, if it has already been stolen by the S… - 4 years ago

@Markelpb: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street, a los 82 años. Había sido condenado a 150 añ… - 4 years ago

@Jorge_Reserva: RT @RoosterCogs: Pic A - John Stumpf - business executive & criminal mastermind. Responsible for orchestrating scams as big as Bernie Madof… - 4 years ago

@Varun8Vijay: RT @indy100: 13 times fraudster Bernie Madoff was immortalized in rap songs - 4 years ago

@normavela: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@WriterJCYoung: @laurenboebert No. That was Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Ahorsewithnona4: @laurenboebert A for sure Bernie Madoff alum I assume? - 4 years ago

@Clandestin101: RT @NewYorker: Bernie Madoff’s downfall sparked a cottage industry of journalists trying to fathom his psychopathology. Many assumed that M… - 4 years ago

@EnConexionWeb: Murió el prisión Bernie Madoff, acusado de un fraude que alcanzó los 64.800 millones de dólares, lo que lo convirti… - 4 years ago

@troubledskies: Weird. Surprised that Bernie Madoff popping his clogs wasn't bigger news. Only learned about it because "Ponzi" was… - 4 years ago

@BFMradio: How do we better protect people from scams? #TellBFM @shouningbfm @philipsee - 4 years ago

@branka_jovic: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@MikeOlkin: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@Charlot36266529: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@PeanutBtrToast: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@asapherpes: RT @Slate: This week’s Slate News Quiz is good for what ales you. - 4 years ago

@Mickie_in_HD: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@ThomFromLA: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@SusanVermazen: RT @donmoyn: Guessing that because Bernie Madoff just died, she just discovered the words “ponzi scheme” but has about a sure a grasp on wh… - 4 years ago

@indypremium: Bernie Madoff was proof that if something is too good to be true, it usually is - 4 years ago

@BMorrisonBR549: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@earhog1: RT @Jimmyjude13: There's going to be guys that make Bernie Madoff look small time when this whole thing unwinds. - 4 years ago

@joelleshay1: RT @JLCauvin: No new #SNL tonight so here are some new sketches of mine: Bernie Madoff Eulogy: The Mike Pence Pod… - 4 years ago

@investmentguru: #Ponzi Schemer Bernie #Madoff Dies #trading #money #NASDQ #Fraud - 4 years ago

@anugopala: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Sufiy: RT @CryptoWhale: Since 2019, #Tether has printed over 3,300% of its supply and used it to artificially pump up #Bitcoin. I predict this wi… - 4 years ago

@TheDemocratDrew: @KnowYourObama @MarlaTauscher @matthewamiller @AnushayHossain So was Bernie Madoff. #TrumpIsTrash - 4 years ago

@a63738464: I forgot one A soul to Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@miamivice3564: RT @Jimmyjude13: There's going to be guys that make Bernie Madoff look small time when this whole thing unwinds. - 4 years ago

@catchinawave13: Payment for order flow, the business model used by Robinhood (and Schwab, TD...) was pioneered by Bernie Madoff. (!… - 4 years ago

@amia_guru: RT @Rosa99887120: Blogs & News 🗞, [18 de abr de 2021 a las 09:05] Esta es la historia del recién fallecido Bernie Madoff, el mayor estafado… - 4 years ago

@ProfessorFraud: Yes, Bernie Madoff has died. May he rest in peace. I would like to thank him (probably one of very few), because,… - 4 years ago

@Stoltmann1971: Tune in today to WGN radio in Chicago AM 720 at 3:05 PM central where I’ll be discussing with Karen Conti lessons i… - 4 years ago

@Rosa99887120: Blogs & News 🗞, [18 de abr de 2021 a las 09:05] Esta es la historia del recién fallecido Bernie Madoff, el mayor es… - 4 years ago

@kaleidoscopeT0: RT @20thgrader: Bernie Madoff dead in prison makes me happy - 4 years ago

@kaleidoscopeT0: RT @ChrisFromGA68: Bernie Madoff is dead at 82, and I had avocado toast for breakfast. - 4 years ago

@kaleidoscopeT0: RT @larsen_project: Bernie Madoff is dead. LOLOL. I love when I can use this gif. - 4 years ago

@kaleidoscopeT0: RT @thehill: #BREAKING: Bernie Madoff dead at 82: AP - 4 years ago

@claudiovato: RT @DigitalTrendsEs: Esta es una de esas historias que debes conocer - 4 years ago

@ddanpereira: RT @ddanpereira: Bernie Madoff died as he was serving 150 years in Prison for Fraud! If thats the case, shouldnt Trump be serving a 1500 ye… - 4 years ago

@BadBeatsInc1: I’ll give this to Jake Paul. He’s a great con artist. He put this fight together to celebrate the death of Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@GwailoMD: @SenhorRaposa Bernie Madoff is gone so dunno. - 4 years ago

@AceBearstrom: Bernie Madoff, the man behind the world’s largest Ponzi scheme, has died at 82. Unfortunately for America, the syst… - 4 years ago

@DieselMonkey2: RT @ParikPatelCFA: With Bernie Madoff gone, the duty now falls on us to defraud a new generation of investors - 4 years ago

@jtmarkscpa: Bernie Madoff’s death in prison doesn’t change much for his victims, many of whom are still waiting to be made whole - 4 years ago

@RiccardoValoti: RT @DavideRicci1973: USA, muore in carcere il Re delle truffe Bernie Madoff. Perché se rubi negli Stati Uniti muori in cella, se rubi in It… - 4 years ago

@evanstravers: @patriot_pilot I bet you'd let Bernie Madoff hold your money. If you look up, it says 'gullible' on the ceiling above your head. - 4 years ago

@Kellen_Sherwin0: Askren pulled a Bernie Madoff on everyone who paid for that dumb ass fight lmao - 4 years ago

@StaanVV: @ToroDeArena I love them! They're the best thing since Bernie Madoff. #ButTheDip - 4 years ago

@cristianmitse: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@mfly1971: RT @Miss_Met: 2-0 in the dead Bernie Madoff era, I’M JUST SAYIN. - 4 years ago

@CarieriF: RT @DavideRicci1973: USA, muore in carcere il Re delle truffe Bernie Madoff. Perché se rubi negli Stati Uniti muori in cella, se rubi in It… - 4 years ago

@shybutforceful: Bernie madoff, ghislane, strangers, - 4 years ago

@ahmedbinashiq: RT @HeatherZuma: "Ponzi Schemer Bernie Madoff Dies in Prison" #BernieMadoff @newsmax @JohnFBachman - 4 years ago

@Krellitlikeitis: @Skelementary The only two rich men I know of who were put in their place were Bernie Madoff and Harvey Weinstein,… - 4 years ago

@ossie0022: En de aller eerste dag in de bajes voor mij op 14 april overleed Bernie Madoff de grote oplichter die 150 jaar gevangenisstraf kreeg. - 4 years ago

@donniepumps: Nice to see Jake Paul taking Bernie Madoff’s place. - 4 years ago

@chloe1917: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@abe4313: RT @nealbrennan: Off to the great Ponzi scheme in the sky! - 4 years ago

@scout_arch: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@ToxicAv36338995: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Gloucestergal2: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@V3N0MV7: RT @MauKerjaMY: Beribu orang dah jadi mangsa licik skim cepat kaya klik disini - 4 years ago

@USArmyVet_Alice: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@LadyLeo1908: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@JulieRitter1: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@1novr: RT @NYTObits: Bernie Madoff, who ran the largest Ponzi scheme in financial history, has died. - 4 years ago

@mma4231987: @PeterSchiff Is @PeterSchiff the new bernie madoff? - 4 years ago

@MaddMaddox1: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@LD56789: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Cannabi02960735: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@eliwillard: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Amandahd1212: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Jdavidpalaciosm: RT @ToroDeArena: Murió Bernie Madoff, en su fondo usaba el dinero que recibía por nuevas inversiones para pagarles a sus clientes anteriore… - 4 years ago

@anthonya: RT @MartinCWWalker: There are unconfirmed reports that Elon Musk is to purchase the ashes of Bernie Madoff to create a trillion dollar Non-… - 4 years ago

@arburnside: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@HopOffMyRod: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@maicoln_rich: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@l_coplin: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@BenSemrh: RT @Saadbin6iflah: وفاة مادوف بالسجن (82عاما) معدما بعدما كان أكبر مخادع "بونزي" سرق مليارات أموال المتقاعدين وكبار السن موهما إياهم بالأرب… - 4 years ago

@MpressT: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@raffo1900: RT @DavideRicci1973: USA, muore in carcere il Re delle truffe Bernie Madoff. Perché se rubi negli Stati Uniti muori in cella, se rubi in It… - 4 years ago

@RandallGeoffrey: @StephenStorey @BFranklinPierce If it sounds too good to be true, that’s because it probably is. A good saying to k… - 4 years ago

@JamesRPenningt2: RT @LionelMedia: Simple, let’s do a forensic accounting. Now. Bernie Madoff’s got nothing on this one. - 4 years ago

@zanfagniz: RT @DavideRicci1973: USA, muore in carcere il Re delle truffe Bernie Madoff. Perché se rubi negli Stati Uniti muori in cella, se rubi in It… - 4 years ago

@Im_X1: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@sallyjos: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@RealBabyGeezus: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@internetseccen: Column: Bernie Madoff wanted to beat the Wall Street ‘club.’ So do today’s crypto hotshots - 4 years ago

@alexandercaper1: RT @DavideRicci1973: USA, muore in carcere il Re delle truffe Bernie Madoff. Perché se rubi negli Stati Uniti muori in cella, se rubi in It… - 4 years ago

@necaxista4life: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Bernie Madoff, asesor de inversión y defraudador convicto que fungió como presidente no ejecutiv… - 4 years ago

@blagogirl: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@PilotBarbie1951: RT @LionelMedia: Simple, let’s do a forensic accounting. Now. Bernie Madoff’s got nothing on this one. - 4 years ago

@tranellio: RT @DavideRicci1973: USA, muore in carcere il Re delle truffe Bernie Madoff. Perché se rubi negli Stati Uniti muori in cella, se rubi in It… - 4 years ago

@Jonrada2: Bernie Madoff was a good guy really. He made billionaires look stupid. - 4 years ago

@LynnDrinkard: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@griffbos: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@TitoTorres2: RT @LionelMedia: Simple, let’s do a forensic accounting. Now. Bernie Madoff’s got nothing on this one. - 4 years ago

@CunniAmanda: RT @BBCWorld: Disgraced financier Bernie Madoff, who was convicted for conning investors out of billions of dollars, dies in prison https:/… - 4 years ago

@kannstenicht: Kannste dir nicht ausdenken. - 4 years ago

@jjkam2010: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@ManWithaHat: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@hkanji: “I was upset with the whole idea of not being in the club.” - 4 years ago

@antoine44745495: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@JudyWixted: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@AyachiiLove2612: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@asier_bayon: Bernie Madoff orquestó el mayor esquema Ponzi de la historia. El sistema público de pensiones: - 4 years ago

@Roadches: 13 times fraudster Bernie Madoff was immortalized in rap songs - 4 years ago

@hrpuss: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Thekeytohell1: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@Kacheling: @CauseyCan @chris_notcapn Bernie Madoff died this last weekend. His prison cell is now vacant and awaiting bitcoin occupants. - 4 years ago

@dionfanning: RT @thecurrency: "Bernie Madoff sold safety" - @dionfanning talks to The Wizard of Lies author @dianabhenriques on Bernie Madoff who died l… - 4 years ago

@JosieBrownCA: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@KevinSecular2: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@AlenKarabegovic: Goodnight, Sweet Ponzi Prince - 4 years ago

@thecurrency: "Bernie Madoff sold safety" - @dionfanning talks to The Wizard of Lies author @dianabhenriques on Bernie Madoff who… - 4 years ago

@reubjr07: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@emini_guy: The link: - 4 years ago

@LMcgrael: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@CaballitoCele: RT @CNNEE: Bernie Madoff, cuyo nombre se convirtió en sinónimo de fraude financiero, murió mientras cumplía una sentencia de 150 años en un… - 4 years ago

@edieconstantine: The way of Al Capone!!! See ya Rodger...don't let the door hit you on the way out...I heard that Bernie Madoff's ce… - 4 years ago

@1Republic14Star: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@spooky_october: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Bernie Madoff is in hell. The devil will be broke in 18 months. - 4 years ago

@millswem: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Starfishfisher: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@nm_freddy: RT @nm_freddy: Bernie Madoff, arquitecto del mayor esquema Ponzi de la historia, ha muerto - 4 years ago

@regularjoe65: @WhitStillman @CNN I am happy to overlook any grammatical errors if this ends up in Mr. Stone relocating to the Ber… - 4 years ago

@CharlieLevenson: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Heretic_City: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@thrushwound: @VenusChihuahua The more intelligent the easier the Mark!! Ask Bernie Madoff! No common sense! Blind to real facts and history! Lemmings! - 4 years ago

@ArtemisionGreen: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@AnGaeilgeoir: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Carlos45136404: @CNN Take the Bernie Madoff path already! - 4 years ago

@Gee6Mcgee: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@lydia_petze: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@snowmassdog: RT @JimOCampbell: Last night I joined @RitaCosby on @77WABCradio to talk about all things Bernie Madoff, including what I found in my inves… - 4 years ago

@Oldgringo12: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@KennyProcopio1: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@rawlings_cindy: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@LuqmanRusli: RT @ayshardzn: Bernie Madoff has died in prison. He was serving a 150-year sentence for a Ponzi scheme that defrauded billions of dollars f… - 4 years ago

@Jee_Gypsy_Jae: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@LolaCataln2: RT @cgajardop: Muere en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Si, hay lugares donde un empresario estafador puede terminar en la cárcel y morir en ella. - 4 years ago

@thejoshbanks: RT @dmataconis: Bernie Madoff Assigned To Cushy Circle Of Hell For White-Collar Sinners - - 4 years ago

@elpoliticonews: Falleció en prisión el mayor estafador en la historia de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@weseire: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Katrina5Mm: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@MrsDoubtFireSF: @dollarsanddata Funny, Bernie Madoff's funds showed the same success, until.... - 4 years ago

@dmataconis: Bernie Madoff Assigned To Cushy Circle Of Hell For White-Collar Sinners - - 4 years ago

@serene19741: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@ericsquair: Therapist: “Many people go through life feeling like they are deceiving those around them, especially in a professi… - 4 years ago

@michelle_lueck: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Parente49477761: RT @Independent: Bernie Madoff was proof that if something is too good to be true, it usually is - 4 years ago

@grncab97: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@JessanDunnOtis: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@FASTMOVER1: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@AdhdOwl: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@LeeLuu32: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@garpo3000: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@tinadeerhunted: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@mirtafx: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@spruce_mis: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@JaneBaileysKid: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@johnmarkbrewer: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@John51613563: RT @HeatherZuma: "Ponzi Schemer Bernie Madoff Dies in Prison" #BernieMadoff @newsmax @JohnFBachman - 4 years ago

@HetrickBarry: Bernie Madoff dies - 4 years ago

@JennyWingNelson: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Lardyda44: Bernie Madoff certainly did . With 65 billion dollars. - 4 years ago

@CornyHornDog: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@CharlesDainoff: @yashar "Bernie Madoff: not as bad as the Holocaust" - 4 years ago

@MissAbeeNormal: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@CHEtoGO: Amerika'yı 65 milyar dolar dolandırdığı için dünyanın en büyük dolandırıcısı olarak anılan Bernie Madoff 150 yıl ha… - 4 years ago

@AlMende80474299: RT @HeatherZuma: "Ponzi Schemer Bernie Madoff Dies in Prison" #BernieMadoff @newsmax @JohnFBachman - 4 years ago

@cjnoyes: RT @mattzap: JUST IN: A Bureau of Prisons spokesperson says Bernie Madoff died this morning at FMC Butner in North Carolina. The spokespers… - 4 years ago

@AmericanFaye: A HUGE ROLE. The # of victims of Jamie's ILLEGAL FORECLOSURE MACHINE is unknown but HUGE. BERNIE MADOFF used Jamie.… - 4 years ago

@Valkyrierin: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@TheBaldVegan: @NyraNemesis maybe you already saw it, but 2 words: Bernie Madoff. that meat is freshhhhhhhhhh - 4 years ago

@EckellSparks: Christopher M. Brown, Esq. Eckell Sparks [email protected] 610-565-3701 It was reported recently that Bernie… - 4 years ago

@israramrelia: RT @TrungTPhan: Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme was shockingly un-sophisticated. He essentially kept money in a single Chase checking accoun… - 4 years ago

@Fermann___: RT @ToroDeArena: Murió Bernie Madoff, en su fondo usaba el dinero que recibía por nuevas inversiones para pagarles a sus clientes anteriore… - 4 years ago

@JohannTWayne1: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@AAC0519: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@xolilet01: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@bethwishes32: RT @TakenKobates: @CrippledLiberal @CaslerNoel @titodinzey Not until they get caught hurting other rich old white men. Bernie Madoff was a… - 4 years ago

@nicolek29956727: RT @tompeck: Just seen the news about Bernie Madoff. History will likely remember him more for his mistakes than his many achievements but… - 4 years ago

@CBonkosky: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@gaaayj: RT @ChuckECheeseUSA: Bernie Madoff died in the ball pit and we can’t find him - 4 years ago

@EnigmaDayna: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@askadina617: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@bushy10: @NorthmanTrader Bernie madoff didn't die... He's just running his ponzi scheme from the federal reserve now - 4 years ago

@nadin007nadin: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@Hasampouli: and one more thing... Bernie Madoff Told the Truth About One Thing - He exposed the financial system as only a cro… - 4 years ago

@prinzessinfrau: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@Helen504: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@tizoncoli: RT @wilva72: Si falleció Bernie Madoff, ahora Mauricio es el estafador vivo más grande del mundo ? - 4 years ago

@craigg44: RT @RampCapitalLLC: Bernie Madoff would have loved Dogecoin - 4 years ago

@JuneYourTech: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@SexyGoddessIre: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@SheelaghG: RT @WillardFoxton: I’ve written a fairly personal piece about my father’s suicide and all things #BernieMadoff which has all been dredged u… - 4 years ago

@ChloePolitiCat: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@FranklinLamber9: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@RtRivesresister: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@dadi70_iguru: Bernie Madoff obituary - 4 years ago

@witdafukshitz: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@antiquecutie: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@RadicalBalsam: No way Barbie has that many jobs. She's gotta be running some sort of Bernie Madoff style Ponzi scheme. I'm onto you. - 4 years ago

@sandeelio: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@4SeasonsTL: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@SPNPaulette1: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@TKMikel: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@dianeraucher: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@gehapeters: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@_a_e_s: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@mskristincarney: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@jawba81: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@NanniMagee: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@senadorapacman: Murió Bernie Madoff y me di cuenta hasta hoy... :S - 4 years ago

@future_pun_k: rip bernie madoff you would’ve loved the f9 trailer - 4 years ago

@anakirn: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@Teram323Tere: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@debarino28: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@skrainovich1: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@JFrusci: Bernie Madoff, who died yesterday, invented payment for order flow — the controversial technique that allows broker… - 4 years ago

@mqmurphy: RT @DeaconBlues0: Bernie Madoff died in prison because he stole from the rich. If he stole from the poor he would be a Republican member of… - 4 years ago

@TheRealAudra: @jimiuorio HLN.. the good ole days of Bernie Madoff. (Joke not joke)these days might be scarier - 4 years ago

@IAMCAMAR1: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@lokeshvn7: @go_mohan Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@DianneG: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@aGODta: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@axios: Bernie Madoff, who died yesterday, invented payment for order flow — the controversial technique that allows broker… - 4 years ago

@JamieBollWBTV: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@madhug_inca: RT @madhug_inca: Bernie Madoff, who ran the world's largest Ponzi scheme, is dead Bernie Madoff with tons of money, I wonder who kept it al… - 4 years ago

@BrunoPCORoza: RT @cmjornal: Mundo - Morreu Bernie Madoff. Estava a cumprir pena de prisão nos EUA por criar maior esquema de burla da... - 4 years ago

@suburbangrouse: RT @AceBearstrom: Many of his victims were elderly; many were philanthropists. Their bank accounts crumbled without warning, cheated by a b… - 4 years ago

@hsbanik: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@_benguthrie: RT @RohunJauhar: RIP Bernie Madoff. - 4 years ago

@readinglamey3: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@ehs06702: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@JennieSTaer: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@leebsoutloud: RT @yashar: Elie Wiesel lost his entire life savings and the assets of his foundation to Bernie Madoff. When Oprah asked him what his fir… - 4 years ago

@thisbrokenhill: RT @TheOnion: Bernie Madoff Assigned To Cushy Circle Of Hell For White-Collar Sinners - 4 years ago

@ClinicallyEvil: RT @ClinicallyEvil: Bernie Madoff has nothing on the scam of TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS. - 4 years ago

@mintohstash: I watched a congressional hearing today where a Rep used some subtle wordplay with Bernie Madoff’s name. He said M… - 4 years ago

@Lock_On_KOSMOS: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@AEHarrod: RT @TheMossadIL: We are starting a fundraiser for Bernie Madoff's funeral. You give us money and we promise 16% returns. - 4 years ago

@carisimolider: RT @AntonioGoBe: Ha muerto Bernie Madoff, el filántropo que diseñó un sistema de ahorro y retiro para la jubilación de miles de personas, c… - 4 years ago

@MrPowtrom: @karemja @___Marcos21___ @llfonzzo El que sacó la estructura de costos de las jamburguesitas de Luisito creo que fue Bernie Madoff 😆😆😆 - 4 years ago

@olisbahari: Harry Markopolos found out Bernie Madoff hedge fund was a ponzi scheme. Harry has sent documents to SEC five times… - 4 years ago

@HesterMcQueen: RT @therealmrbenn: Message from Windy Miller: 'Is anybody really surprised that Bernie Madoff with all that money'? - 4 years ago

@richardluddite: RT @MallowNews: Fianna Fáil To Observe Minute’s Silence For Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@HedgeFundRisk: Bernie Madoff's Scam Lives on in Hedge Funds and the Industry That Enabled Him - The New Republic… - 4 years ago

@TelAvivbroker: RT @TheMossadIL: We are starting a fundraiser for Bernie Madoff's funeral. You give us money and we promise 16% returns. - 4 years ago

@AdrianeZane: RT @SallyMayweather: If you think Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme was bad, wait until I tell you about the Federal Reserve. - 4 years ago

@tutocarmar: RT @saludhernandezm: A Bernie Madoff, muerto en prisión hoy a los 82 años, lo condenaron a 150 años por la Madre de todos los fraudes. A ot… - 4 years ago

@finplan: “There are still people suffering vitally from what he did,” Burt Meerow, an 82-year-old Vermont retiree who declin… - 4 years ago

@RioDeJello: RT @911__ICE: Bernie Madoff masterminded the biggest investment fraud in U.S. history, stealing $65B from thousands of people has died at a… - 4 years ago

@rohun_sharman: RT @SimpleJackCap: RIP Bernie Madoff, a true visionary - 4 years ago

@AbdulazizAS160: RT @Saadbin6iflah: وفاة مادوف بالسجن (82عاما) معدما بعدما كان أكبر مخادع "بونزي" سرق مليارات أموال المتقاعدين وكبار السن موهما إياهم بالأرب… - 4 years ago

@Q8Q100: RT @Saadbin6iflah: وفاة مادوف بالسجن (82عاما) معدما بعدما كان أكبر مخادع "بونزي" سرق مليارات أموال المتقاعدين وكبار السن موهما إياهم بالأرب… - 4 years ago

@templeclay: Two days ago, I was watching Woody Allen’s masterpiece Blue Jasmine about a widow of a deceased Bernie Madoff-esque… - 4 years ago

@FiyaSturm: RT @MiriamElder: “He’s the equivalent of a financial serial killer.” @erinarvedlund was on to Bernie Madoff years before he was exposed as… - 4 years ago

@CeciliaGlennon: RT @Anya_jebiga: " Bernie Madoff ran the largest ponzi scheme in history ". - 4 years ago

@JoHoGubb51: RT @BaddCompani: It was a Ponzi Scheme that ended Bernie Madoff Stay Tuned This one is the Biggest of All Time #DonJGotti - 4 years ago

@MiriamElder: “He’s the equivalent of a financial serial killer.” @erinarvedlund was on to Bernie Madoff years before he was expo… - 4 years ago

@Tim36810749: RT @Anya_jebiga: " Bernie Madoff ran the largest ponzi scheme in history ". - 4 years ago

@BonninMike: @hardlynormal Ahh, yes. Bernie Madoff & Harvey Weinstein were terrible public officials. They really messed up LA C… - 4 years ago

@domenec1: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@RogerioCasanova: @annaclaudiadrc ninguém disse que norreu esse senhor de que fala. Quem morreu foi Bernie Madoff, cujo nome está cla… - 4 years ago

@madlymad: ‘An Evil Man Died’: Victims’ Animosity Toward Madoff Outlives Him - 4 years ago

@Alejand68762420: RT @ElNacionalWeb: #14Abr | Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el hombre que realizó una de las mayores estafas financieras de la historia htt… - 4 years ago

@PaapaMurph: RT @TheOnion: Bernie Madoff Assigned To Cushy Circle Of Hell For White-Collar Sinners - 4 years ago

@SylviaZ1913: RT @BaddCompani: It was a Ponzi Scheme that ended Bernie Madoff Stay Tuned This one is the Biggest of All Time #DonJGotti - 4 years ago

@suter_cathi: RT @BaddCompani: It was a Ponzi Scheme that ended Bernie Madoff Stay Tuned This one is the Biggest of All Time #DonJGotti - 4 years ago

@kanani1729: RT @BaddCompani: It was a Ponzi Scheme that ended Bernie Madoff Stay Tuned This one is the Biggest of All Time #DonJGotti - 4 years ago

@bitcoinsfaucet_: Here's how investors can spot the next Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@SexyBritannia: RT @therealmrbenn: Message from Windy Miller: 'Is anybody really surprised that Bernie Madoff with all that money'? - 4 years ago

@eliasso89131629: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@dev___id: RT @Bibliogato: Bernie Madoff scammed Elie Wiesel out of his life savings, and stole millions from the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.… - 4 years ago

@rabah_larabi: RT @Anya_jebiga: " Bernie Madoff ran the largest ponzi scheme in history ". - 4 years ago

@Ragnarok461: RT @RealSpikeCohen: “Bernie Madoff was the ultimate fraudster with over 37,000 victims.” Social Security Administration: - 4 years ago

@CuberoLuis: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@dannyverhoeven: RT @hmblank: Bericht aan haters die denken dat #bitcoin een #piramidespel is. Zó ziet een piramidespel er dus uit. Iemand organiseert het.… - 4 years ago

@aziur50: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@Isabel_amanecer: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@VisionRDN: El intrigante Ponzi Bernie Madoff muere en prisión a los 82 años - 4 years ago

@Dary25621279: RT @holi_matos: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, condenado por la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia - 4 years ago

@SurlyBobbys: RT @BaddCompani: It was a Ponzi Scheme that ended Bernie Madoff Stay Tuned This one is the Biggest of All Time #DonJGotti - 4 years ago

@prv87: RT @thenewsoncnbc: The Madoff letters — revealed. Read excerpts of @ScottCohnTV's correspondence with the fraud mastermind. - 4 years ago

@VctorSolbes: RT @chicadelpiano: @AntonioGoBe Si lo hace Bernie Madoff lo llaman estafa piramidal. Si lo hace el gobierno lo llaman Seguridad Social. - 4 years ago

@El_4to_Mono: RT @Tincho_2015: Murió en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Le dieron 150 años por estafa, no le permitieron salir por covid y nada de prisión domic… - 4 years ago

@VctorSolbes: RT @AntonioGoBe: Ha muerto Bernie Madoff, el filántropo que diseñó un sistema de ahorro y retiro para la jubilación de miles de personas, c… - 4 years ago

@THE_OG_G_MA: RT @BaddCompani: It was a Ponzi Scheme that ended Bernie Madoff Stay Tuned This one is the Biggest of All Time #DonJGotti - 4 years ago

@humourme1234: RT @gurgavin: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@IchiimokuCloud: RT @litcapital: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Ahkar_Phyo: RT @litcapital: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Martha_Vickers: RT @KutsiAkilli: Ponzi'nin efendisi ölmüş - 4 years ago

@FanaletFernando: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@ahawkaluk: RT @litcapital: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@hammerandnigel: RT @93wibc: @hammerandnigel: The infamous architect of a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme that ruined countless lives and earned Madoff a… - 4 years ago

@quingem: RT @LibertarianMama: Bernie Madoff ran the largest Ponzi scheme in history? False. That would be the US Government. - 4 years ago

@xebrew: RT @TheRaDR: I was asked how we should respond to Bernie Madoff’s death. I wondered how his victims were doing. - 4 years ago

@DanielMarcucci: RT @wilva72: Si falleció Bernie Madoff, ahora Mauricio es el estafador vivo más grande del mundo ? - 4 years ago

@MamurphyMaureen: RT @TheRaDR: I was asked how we should respond to Bernie Madoff’s death. I wondered how his victims were doing. - 4 years ago

@SuperEbza: RT @KarlSmithCFA: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@clandersen: RT @CNBC: Here's how investors can spot the next Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@JimOCampbell: RT @MHE_Prof: Madoff Talks is available on Amazon UK here @Mail… - 4 years ago

@TN_Finance: Here's how investors can spot the next Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@rondetta7513: RT @RoArquette: Many people I know lost everything they had to Bernie Madoff . - 4 years ago

@rondetta7513: RT @samstein: Bernie Madoff is reportedly dead. natural causes. I can vividly recall the moment the news broke about his Ponzi scheme. One… - 4 years ago

@SMTuffy: Gonna tell my kids this was Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@PAMauric: RT @KarlSmithCFA: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@hrsuit: RT @kinettehuber: Bernie Madoff erhielt in den USA als Betrüger 150 Jahre Gefängnis und verstarb mit 82 Jahren im Gefängnis. Der vierfache… - 4 years ago

@xavijimenezsans: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@aaandrewwww: RT @TheOnion: Bernie Madoff Assigned To Cushy Circle Of Hell For White-Collar Sinners - 4 years ago

@ampordanes: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@yoURDATAisyours: TeleVangelists are the Bernie Madoff's (dead today) of Christianity See: - 4 years ago

@Texas_Cap: RT @KarlSmithCFA: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@GenevievePool12: RT @TheRaDR: I was asked how we should respond to Bernie Madoff’s death. I wondered how his victims were doing. - 4 years ago

@atomicflush: RT @SklarBrothers: Bernie Madoff has died. Now two people under him have to die and two people under each of them and so on and so on for… - 4 years ago

@CollingsworthSr: RT @EarlOfEnough: 📌Bernie Madoff was simply the warm up act for Donald Trump. - 4 years ago

@LeftToRot: RT @AkireLincho: En un sistema banquero financista como el de EUA, el error de Bernie Madoff no fue robarse 61 mil millones de dólares, sin… - 4 years ago

@kmcdonovgh: Bernie lives! - 4 years ago

@brianleechphd: RT @RadioFreeTom: What a lede: "Bernie Madoff is dead, and it is unlikely that even the people who were once closest to him will shed a tea… - 4 years ago

@tjgatto: RT @MichaelEMann: Australia’s climate ‘smoke and mirrors’ via @RrjParkin for @Guardian/@GuardianAus: - 4 years ago

@CryptocastNL: RT @hmblank: Bericht aan haters die denken dat #bitcoin een #piramidespel is. Zó ziet een piramidespel er dus uit. Iemand organiseert het.… - 4 years ago

@SheWhoRemembrs: RT @TitusNation: Bernie Madoff has died, how am I supposed to get my profits from his prison toilet wine company I invested in? - 4 years ago

@llarisah: RT @WillardFoxton: I’ve written a fairly personal piece about my father’s suicide and all things #BernieMadoff which has all been dredged u… - 4 years ago

@BallsDeepBernie: Bernie power rankings: 1. Bernie Madoff 2. Bernie Sanders - 4 years ago

@hmblank: Bericht aan haters die denken dat #bitcoin een #piramidespel is. Zó ziet een piramidespel er dus uit. Iemand organi… - 4 years ago

@Ajdesasha: I just went down the Libertarian twitter rabbit hole and found out there's an entire group of libertarian white men who love Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@Si__yes: RT @AntonioGoBe: Ha muerto Bernie Madoff, el filántropo que diseñó un sistema de ahorro y retiro para la jubilación de miles de personas, c… - 4 years ago

@IslesNapolitano: RT @ragazzoreport: The #Mets are undefeated since Bernie Madoff died - 4 years ago

@jpb0958: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@PeterVecsey1: Bernie Madoff, Ponzi prankster, died in the slammer at 82...though sources say the Wilpons continue taking his calls. - 4 years ago

@RizzosCookies: RT @thegoodgodabove: today at work i got to sentence bernie madoff to hell, it was pretty chill - 4 years ago

@PorfiriClaudia: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@sunnysky322: RT @RadioFreeTom: What a lede: "Bernie Madoff is dead, and it is unlikely that even the people who were once closest to him will shed a tea… - 4 years ago

@MatteoMuzio: RT @LettereTJ: Bernie Madoff è stato l'erede finanziario di Charles Ponzi, immigrato italiano negli USA che inventò un modo facile per guad… - 4 years ago

@Barbarajdurkin: RT @FriendsOScience: @Narvuntien @d_e_mol @Barrtecforever @Particle96 @BointonGiles @TinTincognito @KCTaz @rogermarksmen @automatrix66_KC @… - 4 years ago

@Enigmalibertada: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@Broncos_Reddit: RT @ragazzoreport: The #Mets are undefeated since Bernie Madoff died - 4 years ago

@thejoshuablog: RT @thejoshuablog: Via @RawStory: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dead in prison - 4 years ago

@ChrisAntonucci: RT @PeterMehlman: Little disappointed Bernie Madoff didn’t serve out his full 150-year sentence. - 4 years ago

@yeremi_oficial: 5 cosas que no sabías sobre la épica estafa de Bernard Madoff - 4 years ago

@CTMay3: RT @natashagural: @MichaelMaiello for @SpliceToday on why #BernieMadoff shouldn’t have died in prison. Compassion, and some honest perspect… - 4 years ago

@PMurphy60440640: RT @MallowNews: Fianna Fáil To Observe Minute’s Silence For Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@LoreMadridistaa: RT @theggplife: Our blog is live! Our founder talks about Bernie Madoff, how he shaped her view on finance. This is an amazing piece of bo… - 4 years ago

@off_theschneids: RT @PineyMcknuckle: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@LopezXose: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@angiebeeb: RT @MallowNews: Fianna Fáil To Observe Minute’s Silence For Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@silenceredux: RT @TheRealHoarse: Not to split hairs but the largest Ponzi scheme in history is trickle-down economics. - 4 years ago

@Beita_hf: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@KimAffirms: @russellc @schwarz Well, Martha got in trouble because she was a strong mature successful woman, after all. (So I… - 4 years ago

@barn_haunted: RT @mr_skilling: If Bernie Madoff was born 20 years later, he’d be hailed as the next Buffett while pumping ShitCoins and SPACs and never s… - 4 years ago

@kovamitch_12: RT @ragazzoreport: The #Mets are undefeated since Bernie Madoff died - 4 years ago

@AmIALightskin: RT @hasanthehun: never forget, bernie madoff didn't go to jail because he stole, he went to jail because he stole from rich people - 4 years ago

@quevienenlosind: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@TeresaCid3: RT @luisgonzaloseg: El País: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. En España los corruptos, torturadores, terr… - 4 years ago

@ElenaCusseNader: RT @saludhernandezm: A Bernie Madoff, muerto en prisión hoy a los 82 años, lo condenaron a 150 años por la Madre de todos los fraudes. A ot… - 4 years ago

@carlos00110001: AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes - 4 years ago

@Dynogram: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Bernie Madoff is in hell. The devil will be broke in 18 months. - 4 years ago

@profaanamr: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@Fleetwing: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of vast Ponzi scheme, dies in federal prison at age 82 - Fox Business - 4 years ago

@JUSTUSnatuhwera: RT @The_Real_Fly: BTW: On the issue of the devil Bernie Madoff -- almost ALL of the principle was recovered. On top of that, the lawyers (P… - 4 years ago

@gaia_surf: RT @samstein: Bernie Madoff is reportedly dead. natural causes. I can vividly recall the moment the news broke about his Ponzi scheme. One… - 4 years ago

@SeerGray: RT @travis_view: The only good thing about Bernie Madoff was that he had a perfect name for someone who ran a massive Ponzi scheme for deca… - 4 years ago

@lapela: RT @AFPespanol: #ULTIMAHORA Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, condenado por la estafa piramidal más grande de la historia (medios) #AFP https… - 4 years ago

@Glennie_P: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@lajaveli_: RT @TheSource: Convicted Fraud Leader #BernieMadoff Dead at 82 #SourceNews #WeGotUs - 4 years ago

@PabloOk47: Democrat Donor and Ponzi Schemer Bernie Madoff Dies in Prison at 82 - 4 years ago

@diaaper: mor, como se murió Bernie Madoff tu pasas a ser oficialmente la persona mas tramadora del mundo. felicitaciones mor. - 4 years ago

@Beaty666: RT @thegoodgodabove: today at work i got to sentence bernie madoff to hell, it was pretty chill - 4 years ago

@fakebougiechick: Smoking the Bernie Madoff pack - 4 years ago

@ocas22: RT @saludhernandezm: A Bernie Madoff, muerto en prisión hoy a los 82 años, lo condenaron a 150 años por la Madre de todos los fraudes. A ot… - 4 years ago

@MichaelSchulder: How Elie Wiesel Would Punish Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@ashleyyyyjj: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@el_vogel: RT @The_Real_Fly: BTW: On the issue of the devil Bernie Madoff -- almost ALL of the principle was recovered. On top of that, the lawyers (P… - 4 years ago

@BrentMcDermott3: @thepressboxpod I’ve been taken aback by how hard all of Twitter has been clowning on Bernie Madoff all day. Have b… - 4 years ago

@VibrantSaki: RT @glanderco: 😢 deeply inspiring to see the digital art community honoring the memory of Bernie Madoff by going all-in on an obvious pyram… - 4 years ago

@jornalistavitor: RT @elmundoes: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia - 4 years ago

@retrojude: RT @thegoodgodabove: today at work i got to sentence bernie madoff to hell, it was pretty chill - 4 years ago

@Johnsovo: NGL I didn't know Bernie Madoff was still alive. - 4 years ago

@eilermc: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@strongman2011: RT @business: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes (via AP) - 4 years ago

@TrepidationLair: RT @willmenaker: I remember when they made Bernie Madoff the face of not just the entire 2008 financial crash, but human evil incarnate, so… - 4 years ago

@Noealsur: RT @Tincho_2015: Murió en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Le dieron 150 años por estafa, no le permitieron salir por covid y nada de prisión domic… - 4 years ago

@JerayIsGod: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@HoursOfFolly: RT @hasanthehun: never forget, bernie madoff didn't go to jail because he stole, he went to jail because he stole from rich people - 4 years ago

@Draytonsales1: RT @barstoolsports: Bernie Madoff Has Reportedly Died In Federal Prison - 4 years ago

@mnovotney25: RT @calebsaysthings: rest in peace, bernie madoff. you taught me it's okay to be weird. - 4 years ago

@jillyillg3: RT @itsJeffTiedrich: @nytimes why was Bernie Madoff the only banker to go to jail? because he stole from the one percent - 4 years ago

@JihJihJi: @TheOnion at the age of 8 my mom bet me $500 i couldnt solve a rubix cube, so i peeled off the stickers of the colo… - 4 years ago

@feedperuano: RT @LimaNoticia: Bernie Madoff: del distrito de Queens a magnate de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@OtvioBondavall1: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@peruenlanoticia: RT @LimaNoticia: Bernie Madoff: del distrito de Queens a magnate de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@NewsAt20: RT @UltrascanMENA: Afghanistan, Bernie Madoff, Spring Gardens: Your Wednesday Evening Briefing: ... ousting Al Qaeda and preventing it from… - 4 years ago

@ChrisDavisCW: I haven’t slept a wink since Bernie Madoff died. - 4 years ago

@Sunyasue: RT @DrDenaGrayson: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the crook who orchestrated the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has DIED in a federal prison.… - 4 years ago

@Joaqui3n: RT @MicaelaLibson: Murió Bernie Madoff. Un minuto de silencio... y si podés llamar a cuatro amigos más para que hagan lo mismo. - 4 years ago

@mat_vut: RT @wilva72: Si falleció Bernie Madoff, ahora Mauricio es el estafador vivo más grande del mundo ? - 4 years ago

@Naybah60dDee: Bernie Madoff died today - 4 years ago

@rvelasquez02: RT @saludhernandezm: A Bernie Madoff, muerto en prisión hoy a los 82 años, lo condenaron a 150 años por la Madre de todos los fraudes. A ot… - 4 years ago

@DetritoFederal1: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@RTaub_: RT @ragazzoreport: The #Mets are undefeated since Bernie Madoff died - 4 years ago

@TravelerGrad: RT @Patbagley: The only reason Bernie Madoff faced justice is because his crimes were against other rich people. If he’d ripped off ordinar… - 4 years ago

@RomiPistacchio: RT @cgajardop: Muere en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Si, hay lugares donde un empresario estafador puede terminar en la cárcel y morir en ella. - 4 years ago

@parsleysodas: RT @limitlessjest: RIP Bernie Madoff. He taught me it was ok to provide returns to earlier investors with money from new investors 😭 - 4 years ago

@Ammhol: RT @johnauthers: Bernie Madoff, history's most notorious financial criminal, has passed away. Here is my "appreciation," for want of a bett… - 4 years ago

@TrungTPhan: RT @TrungTPhan: Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme was shockingly un-sophisticated. He essentially kept money in a single Chase checking accoun… - 4 years ago

@Guillogl: Toda la gente que le ha hecho tanto daño al @isspol y al mercado de valores de Ecuador, reflexionen sobre esto. Ber… - 4 years ago

@DFalsi: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@MrDrewLandry: just heard the news about Bernie Madoff, RIP to the GOAT. rest easy, king. - 4 years ago

@TravelerGrad: RT @usambovu: Never forget, Bernie Madoff didn't go to jail because he stole, he went to jail because he stole from rich people😁 - 4 years ago

@patlks5757: RT @stanfordc: The victims of his fraud, some of whom went overnight from comfortable wealth to frantic desperation, numbered in the thousa… - 4 years ago

@BrentRShelton: RT @DrBabaMoyo: I have learned of my dear friend Bernie Madoff's passing. He taught me everything that I know and practice today. May he… - 4 years ago


@ProDUCKtive1913: They said Bernie Madoff had the right name because he literally “mad-off” with millions of folks dollars. Buying a… - 4 years ago

@VOJay_Pgh: - 4 years ago

@huckleberryginn: Please join me at St Ignatius this Friday at 6:30 AM to celebrate the lives of Prince whatever, DMX, and Bernie Mad… - 4 years ago

@Rana_RSF: RT @MicaelaLibson: Murió Bernie Madoff. Un minuto de silencio... y si podés llamar a cuatro amigos más para que hagan lo mismo. - 4 years ago

@belinda_palmada: RT @australian: Bernie Madoff, the mastermind behind the worst financial scam in history, has died in a US jail, a decade into a 150-year s… - 4 years ago

@RonSupportsYou: RT @paul_lander RIP Bernie Madoff. In lieu of flowers, his family asks you give them money, and they'll give that… - 4 years ago

@LBottomJ: RT @moomoomeadows22: bernie madoff singlehandedly stole a bunch of wall street’s money solidarity with this working class hero ✊🏽 - 4 years ago

@IuriMilder: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@CarlosG39061554: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@fpshello2u: RT @JornalDaCidadeO: Descrito como "afável" e "discreto", o banqueiro tinha “clientes” exclusivos e circulava em grupo de privilegiados. h… - 4 years ago

@TorontoInSix: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Bernie Madoff is in hell. The devil will be broke in 18 months. - 4 years ago

@Renato_CG_MS: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@Penelop19779749: RT @Tincho_2015: Murió en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Le dieron 150 años por estafa, no le permitieron salir por covid y nada de prisión domic… - 4 years ago

@edvcokeboyy: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@Sarahahill: RT @JornalDaCidadeO: Descrito como "afável" e "discreto", o banqueiro tinha “clientes” exclusivos e circulava em grupo de privilegiados. h… - 4 years ago

@CTVNationalNews: Bernard Madoff, the infamous architect of an epic securities swindle that burned thousands of investors, outfoxed r… - 4 years ago

@priscillaputter: RT @MicaelaLibson: Murió Bernie Madoff. Un minuto de silencio... y si podés llamar a cuatro amigos más para que hagan lo mismo. - 4 years ago

@ole_grumpy: RT @littledeekay: I hope Bernie Madoff's soul is transported to the gates of heaven, and God greets him there and tells him that he will be… - 4 years ago

@jemardorkk: RT @fbgMani: RIP Bernie Madoff you would have loved Zarb School of Business - 4 years ago

@ist_weather: ACEIken Golf Umbrella Large 58/62/68 Inch Automatic Open Golf Umbrella Extra Large Oversize Double Canopy Vented Um… - 4 years ago

@wilvalpi: RT @saludhernandezm: A Bernie Madoff, muerto en prisión hoy a los 82 años, lo condenaron a 150 años por la Madre de todos los fraudes. A ot… - 4 years ago

@chubby_candi: RT @Morris_Monye: Bernie Madoff, the founder of the largest ponzi scheme in the history of mankind has died in prison. He was 82yrs old. - 4 years ago

@Thatirishnerd27: RT @SklarBrothers: Bernie Madoff has died. Now two people under him have to die and two people under each of them and so on and so on for… - 4 years ago

@HueyPreeNewton: RT @Frediculous: Bernie Madoff died after spending 10yrs in prison. He lived like 50yrs as a super baller. Scamming pays. The end - 4 years ago

@tonycontreras76: RT @littledeekay: I hope Bernie Madoff's soul is transported to the gates of heaven, and God greets him there and tells him that he will be… - 4 years ago

@JohnPMcGuru: RT @60Minutes: In 2009, 60 Minutes reported on the effort to recover billions of dollars Bernie Madoff bilked from his clients. - 4 years ago

@unclemuley: RT @edburmila: if you want to hear the story of a ponzi scheme bigger than anything Bernie Madoff imagined, check this episode out - 4 years ago

@Leighbra: I thought Bernie Madoff was already dead 🤷‍♀️ - 4 years ago

@drip5g: rip bernie madoff you would’ve loved teejayx6 - 4 years ago

@TouwaP: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the former financier who ran the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died, sources confirmed to @ABC New… - 4 years ago

@5teelersfan: aye yo Bernie Madoff rest in piss my man special place been waitin for u - 4 years ago

@dcass207: RT @hasanthehun: never forget, bernie madoff didn't go to jail because he stole, he went to jail because he stole from rich people - 4 years ago

@sarahc0r3: rip bernie madoff, you would have loved nfts - 4 years ago

@unsangano: RT @robertomalaver: NOTICIA: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el gran estafador de Wall Street. COMENTARIO: Tranquilos, que el gran estafado… - 4 years ago

@milkogonzalez: RT @nytimes: Bernie Madoff, arquitecto del mayor esquema Ponzi de la historia, ha muerto en prisión a los 82 años. Las víctimas de su fraud… - 4 years ago

@premine: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@godiemuriel: RT @saludhernandezm: A Bernie Madoff, muerto en prisión hoy a los 82 años, lo condenaron a 150 años por la Madre de todos los fraudes. A ot… - 4 years ago

@SLoubeh: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@KCCINews: Five things you may not have known about Bernie Madoff's epic scam - 4 years ago

@JulioManques: RT @cgajardop: Muere en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Si, hay lugares donde un empresario estafador puede terminar en la cárcel y morir en ella. - 4 years ago

@mariango59: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@BillJergins: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in prison - 4 years ago

@M_Gardner_2020: RT @BenWeiserNYT: “An old man who was evil died in jail. It’s certainly where he deserved to die.” Bernie Madoff's victims react to his dea… - 4 years ago

@maricarvidalsam: RT @abc_es: #LoMásLeído👉 Muere Bernie Madoff en prisión, el gran defraudador de Wall Street - 4 years ago

@PulpNews: Five things you #may not have known about #Bernie Madoff's epic scam - Apr 14 @ 7:10 PM ET [video onsite] - 4 years ago

@mattsevits: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@maricarvidalsam: RT @elmundoes: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia - 4 years ago

@somondadori: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@CrowellBrian: RT @matthewstoller: Don’t speak ill of the dead. Today focus on Bernie Madoff’s attempts to decimalize stock market trading. - 4 years ago

@Akinyel03583069: @elonmusk Bernie Madoff just took your BTC with him to the Grave. But It will be good for the Tesla loosers. - 4 years ago

@anais05: Bernard Madoff, mastermind of vast Wall Street Ponzi scheme, dies at 82 - The Washington Post - 4 years ago

@estebanduarte4: RT @opinion_joe: A few years ago, I met a TSA guard at the Las Vegas airport. After seeing my driver’s license, she told me how much she mi… - 4 years ago

@KatTompkins: RT @BenWeiserNYT: “An old man who was evil died in jail. It’s certainly where he deserved to die.” Bernie Madoff's victims react to his dea… - 4 years ago

@caroladurocher: RT @cgajardop: Muere en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Si, hay lugares donde un empresario estafador puede terminar en la cárcel y morir en ella. - 4 years ago

@nopiss2019: RT @limitlessjest: RIP Bernie Madoff. He taught me it was ok to provide returns to earlier investors with money from new investors 😭 - 4 years ago

@bimbocommunist: @thucydiplease Wow Bernie Madoff fucked Bernie Sanders.. - 4 years ago

@sdonnan: RT @opinion_joe: A few years ago, I met a TSA guard at the Las Vegas airport. After seeing my driver’s license, she told me how much she mi… - 4 years ago

@3179Arshavin: RT @MallowNews: Fianna Fáil To Observe Minute’s Silence For Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@DriveKMJ: His crimes accounted for $65 billion in theft from others. He died 12 years into a 150-year prison sentence.… - 4 years ago

@mikeyhatesit: RT @Bibliogato: Bernie Madoff scammed Elie Wiesel out of his life savings, and stole millions from the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.… - 4 years ago

@Aniston86911941: RT @JornalDaCidadeO: Descrito como "afável" e "discreto", o banqueiro tinha “clientes” exclusivos e circulava em grupo de privilegiados. h… - 4 years ago

@ElaineCest: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@melminhas: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@42Paulof: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@JuanCar24373747: RT @JoviNomas: Murió Bernie Madoff a los 82 años, condenado a 150 años de cárcel responsable de la mayor estafa Piramidal de la historia. M… - 4 years ago

@wheatthinbrady: Rip to the legend Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@teta54bis: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@wiltonalves: RT @AtlasClientes03: Experiências passadas ensinam. - 4 years ago

@jpvbm: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@especulerospod: RT @nytimes: Bernie Madoff, arquitecto del mayor esquema Ponzi de la historia, ha muerto en prisión a los 82 años. Las víctimas de su fraud… - 4 years ago

@wiltonalves: RT @AtlasClientes03: - 4 years ago

@Mishtiaq: RT @Reuters: Bernie Madoff, convicted of running the largest-known Ponzi scheme in history, died in federal prison where he was serving a 1… - 4 years ago

@rustedbelts: rip bernie madoff yr name sake lives on - 4 years ago

@Stuartfish75: RT @SklarBrothers: Bernie Madoff has died. Now two people under him have to die and two people under each of them and so on and so on for… - 4 years ago

@Raptor2u: RT @hasanthehun: never forget, bernie madoff didn't go to jail because he stole, he went to jail because he stole from rich people - 4 years ago

@inkonspicuo: RT @politvidchannel: OPINION --------- Bernie Madoff is in hell - 4 years ago

@stem_nastics: RT @BW: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, died early Wednesday in a fed… - 4 years ago

@AlberDinamarca: RT @MiguelVelarde: #ÚLTIMAHORA Murió a los 82 años Bernie Madoff, conocido por ser el autor de la mayor estafa financiera de la historia. - 4 years ago

@LeviMarques9: RT @leandroruschel: Morreu na cadeia o criador da maior pirâmide financeira da história, Bernie Madoff, aos 82 anos. Ele produziu um preju… - 4 years ago

@inobrec: Di fatto, come mostra questo modello, la stessa logica che sta alla base delle politiche di compressione artificial… - 4 years ago

@BezaresFernando: RT @Cazatalentos: Fallece en prisión el banquero defraudador Bernie Madoff. Tenía 82 años y estaba condenado a 150 años por hacer lo mismo… - 4 years ago

@MichaelEDrew: Ponzi schemes > “Bernard Madoff, whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, died while serving a 150-year s… - 4 years ago

@News12CT: RT @AnnalisaKlebers: #BREAKING NEWS: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history,… - 4 years ago

@MalayalamFeeds: Bernie Madoff who orchestrated massive Ponzi scheme in US dies in prison - 4 years ago

@AndyDerer: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@MarianoPlanells: Muere Bernie Madoff, el 'cerebro' de la mayor estafa de la historia de EEUU - 4 years ago

@AlejandroSig: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, condenado por la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia Países OCDE @mdaza_abogado - 4 years ago

@aaronoleary: rip Bernie Madoff you would have loved the scam that is the Irish economy - 4 years ago

@brajeshupadhyay: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in American prison; he was 82 - 4 years ago

@pistach01: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@GREGORIOVINUESA: RT @federicamannara: Muere Bernie Madoff y te lo presentan como un estafador financiero. Gran tautologia. Toda finanzas es una estafa. - 4 years ago

@smportillov: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Bernie Madoff, the architect of the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in prison at 82. The victims of h… - 4 years ago

@ecologismo10: RT @elmundoes: #ÚltimaHora 🔴 Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia - 4 years ago

@another_pepe: RT @nytimes: Bernie Madoff, arquitecto del mayor esquema Ponzi de la historia, ha muerto en prisión a los 82 años. Las víctimas de su fraud… - 4 years ago

@ChemaHerzog: RT @nytimes: Bernie Madoff, arquitecto del mayor esquema Ponzi de la historia, ha muerto en prisión a los 82 años. Las víctimas de su fraud… - 4 years ago

@TheWreckingBal5: Bernie Madoff, infamous Ponzi schemer, dies - 4 years ago

@ChikoCarlo: Murio en la carcel Bernie Madoff, condenado a 150 años de prision! Aca los condenados estan en la casa o algunos da… - 4 years ago

@WuzupNigeria: The Federal Bureau of Prisons confirmed that Madoff died on Wednesday, April 14, at the Federal Medical Center in B… - 4 years ago

@pablo_flor: RT @gfrias: Perfil de Bernard Madoff, el hombre del fraude financiero más grande de la historia a través del esquema Ponzi - 4 years ago

@BakerHostetler: - 4 years ago

@Orwell0218: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Bernie Madoff, the architect of the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in prison at 82. The victims of h… - 4 years ago

@EmersonAndrFar1: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@rudolphgl: Bernie Madoff, Fraud Mastermind, Dies at Age 82 - 4 years ago

@zlop820: RT @TimJDillon: A bright light has gone out. And we’re all worse for it. Thank you for showing us that anything is possible. - 4 years ago

@KatGodspell: RT @schwarz: Yes, Social Security has a lower return than Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme. That's one of the things that makes it not a Ponzi… - 4 years ago

@blueliner21: RT @David_Leavitt: We live in a society that cares only when rich people are stolen from by ponzi scammers like Bernie Madoff, but doesn’t… - 4 years ago

@lupe_woolf: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Bernie Madoff, the architect of the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in prison at 82. The victims of h… - 4 years ago

@Sundaughter91: RT @mmpadellan: Bernie Madoff ruined people's lives when he ripped off thousands of people for many millions of dollars, and now he's dead.… - 4 years ago

@Toxiicbear_: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@joylasts: RT @Morris_Monye: Bernie Madoff, the founder of the largest ponzi scheme in the history of mankind has died in prison. He was 82yrs old. - 4 years ago

@KatGodspell: RT @schwarz: Was Michael Bloomberg consciously lying when he said Social Security was like Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, or did he actually… - 4 years ago

@ahmedsas20: Bernie Madoff masterminded the biggest investment fraud in U.S. history, ripping off tens of thousands of people of as much as $65 billion. - 4 years ago

@JeannieBlue99: RT @TheRealHoarse: Not to split hairs but the largest Ponzi scheme in history is trickle-down economics. - 4 years ago

@glossitis: Bernard Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@hodgybeats19: RT @hasanthehun: never forget, bernie madoff didn't go to jail because he stole, he went to jail because he stole from rich people - 4 years ago

@StonkstoMoon: RT @StonkstoMoon: Anybody remember him? Fraudulent Wall Street worker- Legacy of theft 💎🙌🏻💎 $gme #gme #amc $amc Bernie Madoff, infamous P… - 4 years ago

@Jhonpenabranca: RT @rmotta2: Morreu nos EUA o mega fraudador Bernie Madoff, que roubou bilhões de investidores. Pediu liberdade condicional aos 80. Morreu… - 4 years ago

@KatGodspell: RT @schwarz: Bernie Madoff's death is a good time to remember that Mike Bloomberg used to say Social Security was "exactly the same thing"… - 4 years ago

@Roshan_Rinaldi: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has… - 4 years ago

@fkschindler: My agemates, do you remember Bernie Madoff? He dead, dead. - 4 years ago

@annestone: RT @selfstyledsiren: "Want to read the article first?" No, Twitter, I think the information that Bernie Madoff has died is more than suffic… - 4 years ago

@kimsinphoenix: RT @chipfranklin: Bobby, my 92 yr old friend, lost his savings to Madoff. But he never quit on his life or his family. Today, Madoff is dea… - 4 years ago

@dreykheen_: Get the best Shopify Development and Marketing Services Here: #恋はDeepに #aespa #GOING_JEBO #GOSE_IS_BACK Bernie Mado… - 4 years ago

@tomtitleist: RT @CNN: JUST IN: Bernard Madoff, the mastermind behind a $20 billion Ponzi scheme whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, has d… - 4 years ago

@baldjoe: RT @Denlesks: Bernie Madoff laid to rest - 4 years ago

@MarkBoyleTV: RT @CNBCnow: BREAKING: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in federal prison - AP - 4 years ago

@AndrewZelman: RT @RecentDeaths: April 14th, Bernie Madoff, 82, American investment advisor, financier and convicted fraudster (Madoff investment scandal). - 4 years ago

@LuciaBejar5: RT @Tincho_2015: Murió en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Le dieron 150 años por estafa, no le permitieron salir por covid y nada de prisión domic… - 4 years ago

@Ogrehord: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Bernie Madoff is in hell. The devil will be broke in 18 months. - 4 years ago

@uwsgeezer: RT @dianabhenriques: My obit is here: Bernie Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@NoorKiyasseh: RT @Reuters: Ponzi scheme operator Bernie Madoff has died in prison, says the Federal Bureau of Prisons - 4 years ago

@Raja_Sw: RT @kaul_vivek: Bernie Madoff, the man who ran the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time, has died at the age of 82. - 4 years ago

@Beijo11: RT @TheBaxterBean: in 2008 Goldman Sachs profited $20.8 billion directly from “middle class” retirement funds despite being forced to pay… - 4 years ago

@julieklausner: Rest in Whatever Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@EricBuemi: #PonziSchemer Bernie Madoff Dies In Prison At 82 - 4 years ago

@JoEvans58: Bernie Madoff: Disgraced financier dies in prison at the age of 82. - 4 years ago

@ElectronicsWo19: 100 days #1989taylorsversion kevin brady #tokyoolympics #nationaldolphinday #cougsgive coinbase… - 4 years ago

@ghionjournal: Bernie Madoff, a Petty Thief Compared to Wall Street CEOs Like Jamie Dimon, Dies in Prison at 82 -… - 4 years ago

@flajeffreyt: RT @RoArquette: Many people I know lost everything they had to Bernie Madoff . - 4 years ago

@FishyOne5: RT @carlquintanilla: NEW YORK (AP) -- AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural caus… - 4 years ago

@ThatElJefe: RT @travis_view: The only good thing about Bernie Madoff was that he had a perfect name for someone who ran a massive Ponzi scheme for deca… - 4 years ago

@Veronicafornes1: RT @Tincho_2015: Murió en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Le dieron 150 años por estafa, no le permitieron salir por covid y nada de prisión domic… - 4 years ago

@LuccketiMandy: RT @williamhboney1: If Bernie Madoff was Irish, he'd be on #cblive with Bertie Ahern and Denis O'Brien demanding cuts to SW payments. - 4 years ago

@izquierdadiario: A los 82 años de edad, según lo publicado por la agencia AP, falleció Bernie Madoff el creador de la mayor estafa p… - 4 years ago

@Ekhlas: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@balotoldi: RT @APompliano: Bernie Madoff has died in federal prison. - 4 years ago

@GABE777__: Rip Bernie Madoff he woulda got away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling kids - 4 years ago

@Spinchange: RT @AaronNadell: In 2000, Mets ownership deferred Bobby Bonilla’s contract at a whopping 8% interest because they thought they could make m… - 4 years ago

@MaEugeniaVidal3: RT @latinus_us: Murió Bernie Madoff, creador de la mayor estafa Ponzi de la historia, a los 82 años. #Latinus #InformaciónParaTi - 4 years ago

@2oldforob: RT @TheRealHoarse: Not to split hairs but the largest Ponzi scheme in history is trickle-down economics. - 4 years ago

@CaraExBoyfriend: RT @CaraExBoyfriend: Lil Homie was cold bro 🧊 as cold as Ben & Jerry r.i.p #wednesdaythought #WednesdayMotivation #ThisIsUs and he was out… - 4 years ago

@muggsnmanor: #SportsNews Madoff, whose scheme affected Mets, dies at 82: Bernie Madoff, whose Ponzi scheme defrauded thousands a… - 4 years ago

@Slapout4: I remember watching the movie called "Wizard Of Lies" about Bernie Madoff in i thought,WOW, what a douche bag, pret… - 4 years ago

@PainInTheSash: RT @SklarBrothers: Bernie Madoff has died. Now two people under him have to die and two people under each of them and so on and so on for… - 4 years ago

@Oldbutcares: RT @RoArquette: Many people I know lost everything they had to Bernie Madoff . - 4 years ago

@Carolzyb: RT @JohnFugelsang: "But Satan, if you give me half of your damned souls, I can turn that around & create more damned souls for you!" - Be… - 4 years ago

@EW: The fraudulent investor's clients included the likes of Steven Spielberg and Kevin Bacon. Robert De Niro and Richar… - 4 years ago

@MonahMay: Bernie Madoff, the notorious financier who ran the world's largest Ponzi scheme, is dead in prison - 4 years ago

@Ludaca12: RT @Tincho_2015: Murió en la cárcel Bernie Madoff. Le dieron 150 años por estafa, no le permitieron salir por covid y nada de prisión domic… - 4 years ago

@TAG24: Einer der größten Betrüger aller Zeiten: Bernie Madoff (†82) ist im Gefängnis gestorben! - 4 years ago

@alexrugem: RT @estadoisrael: Bernie Madoff muere en una prisión federal - 4 years ago

@RichFeinberg1: @realofficeof45 Reminder to the Family: Sometimes corrupt, wealthy patriarchs actually ARE made to pay for their cr… - 4 years ago

@EdwardChampion: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Bernie Madoff is in hell. The devil will be broke in 18 months. - 4 years ago

@JonHeyman: Bernie Madoff dead at 82. Still had 138 years to go on his sentence. - 4 years ago

@fakepoloboots: RIP Bernie Madoff, swipe legend - 4 years ago

@TovaAsHell: I’m seeing a lot of “Bernie Madoff only went to jail because he took money from rich people” no he robbed and left… - 4 years ago

@thejournal_ie: Bernie Madoff, convicted of running world's largest Ponzi scheme, dies in prison aged 82 - 4 years ago

@salthings: Rip Bernie madoff you would have loved Elon musk - 4 years ago

@fflorespinto: RT @ParikPatelCFA: With Bernie Madoff gone, the duty now falls on us to defraud a new generation of investors - 4 years ago

@JoyceMJeffries1: RT @EarlOfEnough: 📌Bernie Madoff was simply the warm up act for Donald Trump. - 4 years ago

@Lano_Nicee: RT @hasanthehun: never forget, bernie madoff didn't go to jail because he stole, he went to jail because he stole from rich people - 4 years ago

@KevinToberNJ: RT @GPIngersoll: Bernie Madoff, Austere Financial Scholar, Dead - 4 years ago

@AloeTear: RT @ginnyhogan_: I guess Bernie Madoff just didn’t want to live in a world in which we weren’t at war with Afghanistan - 4 years ago

@DaysDeeva09: RT @bensimmoneau: #BREAKING via @AP: Bernie Madoff has died in prison, believed from natural causes, according to an AP source. #WCVB https… - 4 years ago

@MKSolicitors: The world’s worst Ponzi fraudster, Bernie Madoff, has died in prison. Tens of thousands were affected; $65 billion… - 4 years ago

@jesussimonanton: RT @eleconomista: Bernard Madoff, condenado a una pena de 150 años de cárcel, murió este miércoles en prisión. - 4 years ago

@EdsonMonteiroN1: @PabloSpyer @AtlasQuantum Bernie Madoff #ponzi Rodrigo Marques, tu é o próximo. - 4 years ago

@FLReza: RT @yashar: Bernie Madoff has died in federal prison at the age of 82. His memory certainly won’t be a blessing. via @AP - 4 years ago

@Meat0nFossil: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@ShweYiH51332427: RT @CNN: JUST IN: Bernard Madoff, the mastermind behind a $20 billion Ponzi scheme whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, has d… - 4 years ago

@AdrianTwydall: My friend , I earnestly contact you as I have 2 billion of Bernie Madoff money in a Nigerian bank account . For… - 4 years ago

@xxmassielxx: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@MichalKacafirek: RT @LukasKovanda: Zemřel Bernie #Madoff, strůjce největšího "letadla" dějin, jež odhalila finanční krize roku 2008. Dnes by se na jeho rozs… - 4 years ago

@abybest11: RT @BBCWorld: Disgraced financier Bernie Madoff, who was convicted for conning investors out of billions of dollars, dies in prison https:/… - 4 years ago

@trap_sells: RT @JesseRodriguez: AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes - 4 years ago

@moskowitz: RT @bigblackjacobin: @TheSportProhet This morning - 4 years ago

@CASS3743: RT @CNN: JUST IN: Bernard Madoff, the mastermind behind a $20 billion Ponzi scheme whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, has d… - 4 years ago

@davekarpf: @DavidKlion Look, without Bernie Madoff we never would have had #TheGlassHotel, one of the best novels of the past… - 4 years ago

@SmoothD64: RT @ZekeJMiller: NEW YORK (AP) — AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. - 4 years ago

@Pholoba_Online: RT @ParikPatelCFA: With Bernie Madoff gone, the duty now falls on us to defraud a new generation of investors - 4 years ago

@WillSutton78: RT @TimJDillon: A bright light has gone out. And we’re all worse for it. Thank you for showing us that anything is possible. - 4 years ago

@GabriellaMan: RT @guardian: BREAKING Bernie Madoff, financier behind largest Ponzi scheme in history, dies in prison - 4 years ago

@darreldrowland: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, perpetrator of largest Ponzi scheme in history, dies in prison at 82 - 4 years ago

@js07073: RT @suspendedforno1: Bernie Madoff was no worse than Donald Trump and Trump is retired in Florida being protected by your tax money. - 4 years ago

@LoveforUSA17: RT @GretaLWall: #NEW Bernie Madoff has died in federal prison at 82 years old - 4 years ago

@WAMCNews: Bernie Madoff, the financier who orchestrated one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history, has died. He was 82. - 4 years ago

@SanchezMaree: RT @NPR: JUST IN: Bernie Madoff, the financier behind a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme that defrauded thousands of investors, has died in… - 4 years ago

@wcax: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in federal prison - 4 years ago

@hpieritz: RT @zerohedge: *BERNIE MADOFF HAS DIED IN A FEDERAL PRISON, AP SAYS - 4 years ago

@mattstrobelt: RT @TimJDillon: A bright light has gone out. And we’re all worse for it. Thank you for showing us that anything is possible. - 4 years ago

@Bs22051982: RT @cnnbrk: Bernie Madoff, whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, dies while serving a 150-year sentence in federal prison http… - 4 years ago

@Wotan_01: Bernie Madoff, mastermind behind largest Ponzi scheme in history, dies at 82 - 4 years ago

@ad454: RT @CNN: JUST IN: Bernard Madoff, the mastermind behind a $20 billion Ponzi scheme whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, has d… - 4 years ago

@Anamathmask: RT @travis_view: The only good thing about Bernie Madoff was that he had a perfect name for someone who ran a massive Ponzi scheme for deca… - 4 years ago

@re_Claire: My name is Claire and my interests include Cats Bernie Madoff and other such large scale financial fraud, Murder… - 4 years ago

@crgorgolas: RT @elmundoes: #ÚltimaHora 🔴 Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia - 4 years ago

@_OtisJenkins: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@usambovu: Pretty sure Rush Limbaugh is hugging Bernie Madoff in Hell right now. - 4 years ago

@LeVraiMoe: RT @lisang: Bernie Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@aaq62: RT @CNN: JUST IN: Bernard Madoff, the mastermind behind a $20 billion Ponzi scheme whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, has d… - 4 years ago

@PotrzebieSystem: RT @CoreyRForrester: RIP Bernie Madoff. If one person can recruit 2 people and then those 2 people both recruit 2 people each then you’ll h… - 4 years ago

@ferpoba2: RT @expansioncom: Bernie #Madoff, el artífice de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia, ha muerto en prisión a los 82 años. El financier… - 4 years ago

@AlvarodeLiniers: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of the nation's biggest investment fraud, dies at 82 - 4 years ago

@Salvador1053: RT @gfrias: 🚨 #ÚltimaHora Murió Bernie Madoff, el creador del mayor fraude financiero de la historia a través de un esquema Ponzi - 4 years ago

@RayMayNay: RT @yashar: Bernie Madoff has died in federal prison at the age of 82. His memory certainly won’t be a blessing. via @AP - 4 years ago

@maridodecarmen: RT @MarketWatch: Madoff died at the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina, apparently from natural causes - 4 years ago

@shintlove: RT @TimJDillon: A bright light has gone out. And we’re all worse for it. Thank you for showing us that anything is possible. - 4 years ago

@drstefanpark: Bernie Madoff, infamous Ponzi schemer, has died - 4 years ago

@antipandemonium: RT @JonLemire: NEW YORK (AP) — AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. - 4 years ago

@blondponytail: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@DLBruin: RT @brondotcomputer: RIP Bernie Madoff, you taught me it was okay to defraud investors <3 - 4 years ago

@WilliamFFoley1: BREAKING NEWS: Bernie Madoff dies in prison aged 82 - Daily Mail Good Riddance and if there’s a HELL he should fit… - 4 years ago

@zandywithaz: RT @DavidKlion: Bernie Madoff was a complicated and divisive figure, admired by some, criticized by others, but there's something unseemly… - 4 years ago

@jogi_rich: RT @MemberSee: This sounds sketchy to me: - Bitcoin: *All time high* - Coinbase: *IPOing* - Bernie Madoff: *Dead* - 4 years ago

@firedupsenior: This is where the bankers responsible for the 2008 recession should have been all these years ...PRISON! Such an in… - 4 years ago

@DavidMahon: One less scamming ashole in the world. I hope it was a long painful passing! Bernie Madoff: Disgraced financier d… - 4 years ago

@BizSuperstar: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff Dies In Prison At 82 - 4 years ago

@AnthonyDiComo: RT @CNN: JUST IN: Bernard Madoff, the mastermind behind a $20 billion Ponzi scheme whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, has d… - 4 years ago

@floffice: Bernie Madoff, Notorious Ponzi Schemer, Dies At 82 : NPR did a good person die today we should hear about? - 4 years ago

@artologica: RT @extremelysquid: rip bernie madoff, you would have loved NFTs - 4 years ago

@DJColdBreakfast: RT @pixelatedboat: EDITORIAL CARTOON IDEA: Bernie Madoff arrives in Heaven and God says “Where’s my money you son of a bitch??!!” - 4 years ago

@ZebraDontCare: RT @DavidKlion: Bernie Madoff was a complicated and divisive figure, admired by some, criticized by others, but there's something unseemly… - 4 years ago

@LauraSharma07: RT @mmpadellan: Bernie Madoff ruined people's lives when he ripped off thousands of people for many millions of dollars, and now he's dead.… - 4 years ago

@SomRandomOlDude: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@yoFLiP: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@loogoldham: Bernard Madoff, notorious financier pulled off history's biggest swindle, has died - 4 years ago

@PegRodr80033600: RT @ThisIsLaurenY: Bernie Madoff died. Oh well. - 4 years ago

@all_TEMPorary: RT @TheRealHoarse: Not to split hairs but the largest Ponzi scheme in history is trickle-down economics. - 4 years ago

@rockko1234: RT @travis_view: The only good thing about Bernie Madoff was that he had a perfect name for someone who ran a massive Ponzi scheme for deca… - 4 years ago

@laprovence: ⚫ Mort de Bernard #Madoff, auteur de la plus grande escroquerie financière de l'histoire ➡️… - 4 years ago

@netflixndsleep_: RT @mmpadellan: Bernie Madoff ruined people's lives when he ripped off thousands of people for many millions of dollars, and now he's dead.… - 4 years ago

@JustAVerySmith: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@LearnLikeaCPA: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@FurzKathy: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Bernie Madoff, the architect of the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in prison at 82. The victims of h… - 4 years ago

@simonicard: RT @News12: #BREAKING: AP source says Ponzi schemer #BernieMadoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. More I… - 4 years ago

@StownColdStoner: RT @thehill: #BREAKING: Bernie Madoff dead at 82: AP - 4 years ago

@_itsmattman: Bernie Madoff is dead. Who else the scammers and self help book authors going to quote? - 4 years ago

@ponkts: Bernie Madoff がコインベース NASDAQ 上場の日に死去、皮肉だ - 4 years ago

@kat_isha: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@stockexchange: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Bernie Madoff, the architect of the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in prison at 82. The victims of h… - 4 years ago

@asdainius: RT @andrewrsorkin: In 2016, I met with Bernie Madoff in prison, twice, for over six hours. I went to persuade him to be interviewed on tele… - 4 years ago

@_Willuminati93: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@ZTSecure: RT @akbarth3great: Bernie Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@bayaraa_13: RT @GerberKawasaki: Ironic. On this day. The coinbase ipo. The death of the WOAT of the old financial system. Bernie Madoff is dead. $coin - 4 years ago

@TimJDillon: A bright light has gone out. And we’re all worse for it. Thank you for showing us that anything is possible. - 4 years ago

@illl_elements: @EITMonline - 4 years ago

@LamaneNd: RT @CNN: JUST IN: Bernard Madoff, the mastermind behind a $20 billion Ponzi scheme whose name became synonymous with financial fraud, has d… - 4 years ago

@ElHuffPost: "Que se jodan mis víctimas", llegó a decir Bernie Madoff mientras cumplía su condena en la cárcel - 4 years ago

@MalatseMoletse: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Bernie Madoff, the architect of the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in prison at 82. The victims of h… - 4 years ago

@ReginaldALawso1: RT @MarkJacob16: If you steal from rich people, you die in prison. If you steal from poor people, you make a financial settlement while adm… - 4 years ago

@BashorunGha: AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. - 4 years ago

@Terence_da_AMOG: RT @CoreyRForrester: RIP Bernie Madoff. If one person can recruit 2 people and then those 2 people both recruit 2 people each then you’ll h… - 4 years ago

@Anthony: Bernie Madoff, the architect of one of the largest financial frauds in American history, has died at age 82. - 4 years ago

@awfulannouncing: RT @TomKludt: "What this means, Boom, is that Bernie Madoff, the mastermind behind one of the most infamous frauds in this country's histor… - 4 years ago

@Jet_030: RT @erikmouthaanRTL: Een van de grootste oplichters ooit is overleden, volgens Amerika’s grootste persbureau @ap. Het piramidespel van Bern… - 4 years ago

@MarilynShimmie1: RT @SpiroAgnewGhost: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff has died in Federal Prison after serving over 12 years, age 82. - 4 years ago

@amparo_gonzales: RT @AFPespanol: #ULTIMAHORA Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, condenado por la estafa piramidal más grande de la historia (medios) #AFP https… - 4 years ago

@MathewFriedman: RT @ChrisRugaber: AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison (from @AP) - 4 years ago

@GrammyOklahoma: RT @ZekeJMiller: NEW YORK (AP) — AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. - 4 years ago

@Zsoraya6: RT @afpfr: Mort de Bernie Madoff, auteur de la plus grande escroquerie financière de l'histoire (médias américains) #AFP 📷 de 2009 - 4 years ago

@KwitFollowingMe: Bernie Maddoff is dead. Bernie Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@mamarocks54: - 4 years ago

@Amonstersmom1: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison - 4 years ago

@APoppaBear: @AmyAThatcher Just another busy day of not caring about bernie madoff - 4 years ago

@M1852Dolly: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@Jim_B60: RT @AllanMargolin: BREAKING: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison - 4 years ago

@xblaze23: time to list my Bernie Madoff rookie card - 4 years ago

@InlawsOutlaws: Sadly, Bernie Madoff bought into a Ponzi scheme for heaven and will not be making it in until everyone else does... - 4 years ago

@emmillerwrites: If you find yourself wrestling with the spiritual questions raised by Bernie Madoff's life and role in the largest… - 4 years ago

@WKOK1070: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@torchnpitchf0rk: RT @TheRealHoarse: Bernie Madoff dead. Another narcissist dies alone with no legacy but the wreckage they caused. - 4 years ago

@StuySquare: RT @washingtonpost: Notorious Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies at 82 in federal prison medical facility - 4 years ago

@luz_maguita: RT @infobaeamerica: Bernie Madoff, de multimillonario a 150 años de cárcel: la mayor estafa de la historia, famosos arruinados, suicidios y… - 4 years ago

@Lebo_Ink: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@pcook67: RT @JohnKrinjakFOX7: BREAKING: Convicted Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff is dead at 82. - 4 years ago

@dbenderpt: RT @USATODAY: Bernie Madoff dies at age 82. The financier pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history and died in p… - 4 years ago

@MightbeMaria: RT @BigRadMachine: Bernie Madoff died which means at least 15 people under him had to die for that to happen. - 4 years ago

@Misty__Bay: RT @TheStreet: BREAKING: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in federal prison at the age of 82. - 4 years ago

@azcourier: AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison (from @AP) - 4 years ago

@4GoodLove2020: RT @samstein: Bernie Madoff is reportedly dead. natural causes. I can vividly recall the moment the news broke about his Ponzi scheme. One… - 4 years ago

@TORRIEMITCHELL: RT @carlquintanilla: NEW YORK (AP) -- AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural caus… - 4 years ago

@AlassaneLo_: RT @gregorykorte: New York (AP) -- AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. - 4 years ago

@Akilo: Bernie Madoff was set to be released in 2139. He would have been 201 years old - 4 years ago

@Paladin4Justice: RT @MarkJacob16: If you steal from rich people, you die in prison. If you steal from poor people, you make a financial settlement while adm… - 4 years ago

@anarcho: Bernie Madoff, mastermind behind largest Ponzi scheme in history, dies at 82 - what happens when you steal $ from m… - 4 years ago

@Adal_empire_: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Federal Bureau of Prisons has said Bernie Madoff who was imprisoned on offences related to a Ponzi scheme has died in pr… - 4 years ago

@Cognisant2000: RT @DrDenaGrayson: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the crook who orchestrated the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has DIED in a federal prison.… - 4 years ago

@EADIAMONDZ_CEO: RT @Complex: Convicted fraudster Bernie Madoff dead at 82. - 4 years ago

@turmericjames: RT @dylmdav: Bernie Madoff taught me it was okay to defraud a bunch of rich idiots - 4 years ago

@IvanMusaz: RT @Guerraeterna: Bernie Madoff ha muerto en prision, según AP. Llevaba en la cárcel desde 2008. Uno de los mayores estafadores en la histo… - 4 years ago

@ActorAaronBooth: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Bernie Madoff, the architect of the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in prison at 82. The victims of h… - 4 years ago

@MRintouch: RT @JeffreyGuterman: Bernie Madoff is dead. - 4 years ago

@j0secrespo: Bernie Madoff has died but even that might be a scam - 4 years ago

@rodripedrozo: RT @latercera: 📈 @pulso_tw | Bernie Madoff, el responsable de uno de los mayores fraudes de la historia, fallece a los 82 años - 4 years ago

@TonThonhny: RT @EdRoodbeen: Bernie Madoff, who ran the world's largest Ponzi scheme, is dead - ABC News - - 4 years ago

@firstgirl1970: RT @fromMA: Bernie Madoff died in prison today. Who’s next in the Deadpool? Harvey Weinstein? - 4 years ago

@M_Steeples: Bernie Madoff's demise brings with it the end of a period of misery he caused for many. Do not forget the many he c… - 4 years ago

@cntnt_: RT @washingtonpost: Notorious Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies at 82 in federal prison medical facility - 4 years ago

@jimtyler48: RT @bblock29: Bernie Madoff dies the same day Coinbase goes public! Hmmmmmmmm! - 4 years ago

@MARCELOFAVAOK: Murió Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa de la historia - 4 years ago

@Fergusbartfast: Bernie Madoff, financier behind largest Ponzi scheme in history, dies in prison Madoff died aged 82 in Butner, Nor… - 4 years ago

@FluxTheology: Bernie Madoff dead in the same day as the Coin base IPO. One must fall so the other can rise! - 4 years ago

@hugodesch: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, el hombre detrás de la mayor estafa de la historia - 4 years ago

@realaliouniang: RT @W7VOA: Bernard Madoff has died in prison at the age of 82. - 4 years ago

@bancadadeleao: - 4 years ago

@nextlevelpope: RT @lawcrimenews: BREAKING: Ponzi Scheme King Bernie Madoff Dies in Federal Prison - 4 years ago

@peralglo: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in prison - 4 years ago

@PINKYtoe55: Bernie Madoff, trumps future security of Treasury is dead. The only person who stole 1/2 as much as trump has died… - 4 years ago

@josh_wilson53: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@NunodeMatos: Bernie Madoff, morre aos 82 anos numa prisão federal - 4 years ago

@gilbertstudioz: RT @CBCAlerts: Ponzi scheme mastermind Bernie Madoff has died in prison, US Federal Bureau of Prisons says. Madoff, 82, pleaded guilty in 2… - 4 years ago

@BobDurn: RT @LaVanguardia: 🔴 #ÚLTIMAHORA Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia. - 4 years ago

@Steffi_955: RT @evansiegfried: Thinking of Bernie Madoff’s victims today - 4 years ago

@levendaal: RT @ZekeJMiller: NEW YORK (AP) — AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. - 4 years ago

@poppytoes: RT @Independent: Bernie Madoff has died in prison - 4 years ago

@AtlantaWife: RT @JeffreyGuterman: Bernie Madoff is dead. - 4 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Ponzi Schemer Bernie Madoff Dies in US Prison, Report Says - 4 years ago

@CBSNews: BREAKING: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in prison - 4 years ago

@Frankcgp: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA Reportan que Bernie Madoff, responsable de la estafa Ponzi más grande de la historia, murió en prisión http… - 4 years ago

@HereIAm65094900: RT @mattzap: JUST IN: A Bureau of Prisons spokesperson says Bernie Madoff died this morning at FMC Butner in North Carolina. The spokespers… - 4 years ago

@pleasesueme: He only scammed the rich sounds like Bernie Madoff did nothing wrong - 4 years ago

@JC38466948: RT @NYMag: Bernie Madoff has died in prison at 82, according to an AP report. Revisit Steve Fishman's 2011 feature, based on hours of conve… - 4 years ago

@SAMCOOP1919: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@ladailynews: Source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison - 4 years ago

@RodrigoVarasLpe: RT @HombredeNoticia: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison - 4 years ago

@ellerysqueen: RT @petermaer: Bernard Madoff, who masterminded Ponzi scheme that cost billions, dies. - 4 years ago

@SalosMetalStrip: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@thejgoldstein: RT @davidmackau: NEW YORK (AP) — AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. - 4 years ago

@Live5News: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison - 4 years ago

@sforys92: RT @ParikPatelCFA: With Bernie Madoff gone, the duty now falls on us to defraud a new generation of investors - 4 years ago

@themangomago: RIP Bernie Madoff - 4 years ago

@monnyandtheboys: RT @ParikPatelCFA: RIP Bernie Madoff 💔, architect of the biggest ponzi scheme in history and also payment for order flow - 4 years ago

@JokelahomaComic: RT @BigRadMachine: Bernie Madoff died which means at least 15 people under him had to die for that to happen. - 4 years ago

@ash__h0le: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@eusouthiago: RT @andre_serret: Crimes do Bernie Madoff: Fraude bancária, Fraude fiscal, fraude de investimento, Lavagem de dinheiro, formação de Esquem… - 4 years ago

@Acostacurta: RT @eldiarioes: ‼️ Fallece en prisión el defraudador Bernie Madoff, icono de la crisis financiera de 2008 - 4 years ago

@Marcus1967: - 4 years ago

@DominicFracassa: RT @sfchronicle: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died… - 4 years ago

@project_ahab: RT @samstein: Bernie Madoff is reportedly dead. natural causes. I can vividly recall the moment the news broke about his Ponzi scheme. One… - 4 years ago

@okourgiantakis: AP—Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, died in a… - 4 years ago

@michaelchamp: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@schmeiz: Ironic that Bernie Madoff died today. He will be overshadowed by the market news. - 4 years ago

@CYamamma: RT @thehill: #BREAKING: Bernie Madoff dead at 82: AP - 4 years ago

@shinangovani: RT @CBSNewYork: #BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, behind largest Ponzi scheme in history, dies in federal prison, AP reports. - 4 years ago

@DPackowski: Bernie Madoff R.I.P - 4 years ago

@HenryBChafee: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of the nation's biggest investment fraud, dies at 82, AP reports - 4 years ago

@philissa: Sandy Koufax, Elie Wiesel, Yeshiva University, Hadassah — all were victims of Bernie Madoff. Madoff, America's mos… - 4 years ago

@davidlewiss18: RT @spectatorindex: JUST IN: Bernie Madoff, convicted of investment fraud, has died in prison at the age of 82. - 4 years ago

@LeanderTijdhof: RT @locuta: Bernie Madoff overleden (zat nog steeds in de gevangenis, of hij ook daar overleden is, is nog niet helemaal duidelijk uit de b… - 4 years ago

@thomas_144: @APompliano Bernie Madoff = Bitcoin 1.0 - 4 years ago

@spellmancari: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@tumisangmafora: RT @Forbes: Bernie Madoff Dies In Federal Prison At 82 - 4 years ago

@mwhelchel7: RT @Investingcom: *BERNIE MADOFF HAS DIED IN A FEDERAL PRISON, AP SAYS - 4 years ago

@JoseMAguilera7: RT @LaVanguardia: 🔴 #ÚLTIMAHORA Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa piramidal de la historia. - 4 years ago

@realTuckFrumper: Ponzi Schemer Bernie Madoff Dies In Prison At 82 - 4 years ago

@BL_Advisor: The passing of Bernie Madoff is a good reminder for Amazon sellers who are tempted to use black hat tactics and che… - 4 years ago

@codyblurr: Bernie Madoff has died in federal prison at the age of 82..... - 4 years ago

@howardknopf: RT @natnewswatch: AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison | National Newswatch - 4 years ago

@VegasDWP: R.I.P. Bernie Madoff, you thieving lowlife piece of shit. - 4 years ago

@BullionInvestor: RT @breakingmkts: *BERNIE MADOFF HAS DIED IN A FEDERAL PRISON, AP SAYS - 4 years ago

@for_options: RT @seanhannity: BREAKING NOW: Bernie Madoff, Criminal Behind Country’s Biggest Fraud, Dead in Prison at 82 - 4 years ago

@Pamc0405: Bernie Madoff, infamous Ponzi schemer, dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@BigRadMachine: Bernie Madoff died which means at least 15 people under him had to die for that to happen. - 4 years ago

@cbhhughes21: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@nerdosyndical: Bernie Madoff! What a throwback! - 4 years ago

@_FreshAA: RT @spectatorindex: JUST IN: Bernie Madoff, convicted of investment fraud, has died in prison at the age of 82. - 4 years ago

@la_patilla: Muere en prisión Bernie Madoff, responsable de la estafa Ponzi más grande de la historia - 4 years ago

@DreThaJedi: RT @ZekeJMiller: NEW YORK (AP) — AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. - 4 years ago

@mrslonelyhearts: RT @KSL5TV: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in prison. https… - 4 years ago

@CesarMorenoH: Muere a los 82 años Bernie Madoff, el mayor estafador de inversiones de la historia - 4 years ago

@MO_The_General: RT @MarketRebels: Bernie Madoff has died in prison - 4 years ago

@iboudreau: Big congrats to Bernie Madoff today on getting out of prison - 4 years ago

@pedialytpapi: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@Blickch: Er zockte 37'000 Menschen ab: Milliarden-Betrüger Bernie Madoff (†82) tot - 4 years ago

@MamolkcsMamol: RT @seanhannity: BREAKING NOW: Bernie Madoff, Criminal Behind Country’s Biggest Fraud, Dead in Prison at 82 - 4 years ago

@PrAaHe: RT @Still44Tippin: @Breaking911 Wow. Crazy that Bernie Madoff is the first person to die of old age in over a year - 4 years ago

@frankquaranta_: bernie madoff died in prison! hope that bastard epstein is next! - 4 years ago

@Artistwhodreams: AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison - 4 years ago

@Nowisthewinter7: "The paths of glory lead but to the grave."  Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in federal prison: Report - 4 years ago

@maliamum: RT @thedailybeast: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the disgraced Wall Street financier who admitted to carrying out the biggest Ponzi scheme in U.… - 4 years ago

@caroxstorm: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@clockoutwars: RT @clockoutwars: @yashar @AP I hope Bernie Madoff has a tank top and sunscreen where he's going. It gonna be hot as mf. 🔥 - 4 years ago

@keyowen7: Bernie Madoff dead lmao - 4 years ago

@ramonwladimirm1: RT @infobaeamerica: 🔴 REITERAMOS | Murió Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa de la historia - 4 years ago

@CampusTech2011: RT @eldiarioes: ‼️ Fallece en prisión el defraudador Bernie Madoff, icono de la crisis financiera de 2008 - 4 years ago

@vpmoras: RT @MarkJacob16: If you steal from rich people, you die in prison. If you steal from poor people, you make a financial settlement while adm… - 4 years ago

@natashablue22: RT @PortiaMcGonagal: Oh. Bernie Madoff died. Carry on. - 4 years ago

@Anire2020: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA Reportan que Bernie Madoff, responsable de la estafa Ponzi más grande de la historia, murió en prisión http… - 4 years ago

@KCCINews: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has reportedly died in federal prison - 4 years ago

@FlyFishingMich: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@tonimugo: Bernie Madoff dies in prison aged 82 12 years into his 150 year sentence - 4 years ago

@JillianWPXI: #BREAKING Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison, report says - 4 years ago

@Russian_HF: RT @APompliano: Bernie Madoff has died in federal prison. - 4 years ago

@SpectrumNews1OH: Bernie Madoff, who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in prison, accordi… - 4 years ago

@SydneyFox35: RT @fox35orlando: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@RVAwonk: ngl, I really thought Bernie Madoff was already dead. - 4 years ago

@KatelynWGAL: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in federal prison at age 82. - 4 years ago

@Klllmanjaro: RT @russian_market: BERNIE MADOFF HAS DIED IN A FEDERAL PRISON, AP SAYS - 4 years ago

@TheDashedLine: RT @MikeBalsamo1: NEW—> NEW YORK (AP) — AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural ca… - 4 years ago

@KSLcom: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, died early to… - 4 years ago

@FlyFishingMich: Sometimes a person should not walk the earth. Bernie Madoff seems to be one of these people. - 4 years ago

@icaritomaruri: RT @eldiarioes: ‼️ Fallece en prisión el defraudador Bernie Madoff, icono de la crisis financiera de 2008 - 4 years ago

@c_11six: Bernie Madoff? - 4 years ago

@SGVTribune: Source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison - 4 years ago

@EastBayTimes: Source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison - 4 years ago

@ind3fatigable: RT @Reuters: Ponzi scheme operator Bernie Madoff has died in prison, says the Federal Bureau of Prisons - 4 years ago

@lorsini5: “Mets will be wearing a commemorative Bernie Madoff patch on their jerseys for the rest of the season” - 4 years ago

@yukokato1701: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in federal prison at age 82. - 4 years ago

@def0921: AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes - 4 years ago

@britjpncdn: RT @MailOnline: Bernie Madoff dies in prison aged 82: Mastermind behind largest Ponzi scheme in US history passes away - 4 years ago

@IslaValle: RT @infobae: 🔴 AHORA | Murió Bernie Madoff, autor de la mayor estafa de la historia - 4 years ago

@Monfortino1: RT @JacobCanfield: Bernie Madoff died as @coinbase goes IPO. It's time for a new Ponzi king in town. - 4 years ago

@wendydshaffer: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, died early We… - 4 years ago

@billm9: RT @BW: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, died early Wednesda… - 4 years ago

@rojas_altazor: se murió Bernie Madoff. Se acuerdan de ese sujeto, no? El involucrado en un escándalo de proporciones gigantescas c… - 4 years ago


@ChrisWragge: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@Alex76992183: RT @travisakers: Ponzie scheme architect Bernie Madoff, dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@BuddyLove87: Bernie Madoff is dead - 4 years ago

@melissamvega: BREAKING NEWS: Bernie Madoff, mastermind behind largest Ponzi scheme in history, dies at 82 - 4 years ago

@ReserveList: RT @Reuters: Ponzi scheme operator Bernie Madoff has died in prison, says the Federal Bureau of Prisons - 4 years ago

@NDEccleson: RT @RT_com: Bernie Madoff, jailed for largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died aged 82 - 4 years ago

@OtfPkay: RT @zerohedge: Bernie Madoff Has Died - 4 years ago

@Speedbird216: RT @WRAL: Just In: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in NC federal prison - 4 years ago

@OmniEkonomi: Storsvindlaren Bernie Madoff är död – 82 år gammal - 4 years ago

@judeinlondon2: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@Rog___98: RT @FariaLimaElevat: Bernie Madoff (1938-2021): O Faraó está voltando para a tumba. Dia triste para todos do mercado, em especial os pirâmi… - 4 years ago

@PIshibashi: RT @JonLemire: NEW YORK (AP) — AP source: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison, believed to be from natural causes. - 4 years ago

@jennicake: RT @BreakingNews: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in federal prison at age 82. - 4 years ago

@AndrewBernal87: RT @RyanRiess1: RIP Bernie Madoff, who made all other ponzi schemes look like child’s play - 4 years ago

@CyndiW100: RT @travisakers: Ponzie scheme architect Bernie Madoff, dead at 82 - 4 years ago

@jairo_baron: RT @MailOnline: Bernie Madoff dies in prison aged 82: Mastermind behind largest Ponzi scheme in US history passes away - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Bernie Madoff, you will be missed - #BernieMadoff #Bernie #Madoff #rip - 4 years ago

@Omar_always: RT @desusnice: rip bernie madoff. All my scammers throw ya gucci belts in the air to pay respect - 4 years ago

@maliamum: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Federal Bureau of Prisons has said Bernie Madoff who was imprisoned on offences related to a Ponzi scheme has died in pr… - 4 years ago

@DonAbelard0: Supposedly Bernie Madoff died. But I ain’t believing it until #TMZ reports it’s true. - 4 years ago

@jtcpod: RT @BigRadMachine: Bernie Madoff died but luckily the dumbest people from high school are keeping his memory alive with their multi-level m… - 4 years ago

@rlm21450: RT @mattzap: JUST IN: A Bureau of Prisons spokesperson says Bernie Madoff died this morning at FMC Butner in North Carolina. The spokespers… - 4 years ago

@Mystics_Blues: RT @Quicktake: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, died early Wednesday i… - 4 years ago

@mariahish: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

@puff_step_daddy: @desusnice Someone create a T-shirt of Bernie Mac welcomin Bernie Madoff to Heaven - 4 years ago

@husseinshoboksh: - 4 years ago

@ImajicAnne: RT @BreakingNews: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in federal prison at age 82. - 4 years ago

@GlobeKPD: RT @DailyMail: Bernie Madoff dies in federal prison aged 82: Mastermind behind largest Ponzi scheme in US history passes away 'from natural… - 4 years ago

@WRDW_WAGT: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in a federal prison - 4 years ago

@LpcProf: RT @TimOBrien: Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff, 82, dies in prison. - 4 years ago

@abdoabutaleb: RT @BusinessInsider: Bernie Madoff, Wall Street financier and Ponzi scheme organizer, has died at age 82 - 4 years ago

@leighfromcanada: RT @CBCAlerts: Ponzi scheme mastermind Bernie Madoff has died in prison, US Federal Bureau of Prisons says. Madoff, 82, pleaded guilty in 2… - 4 years ago

@WebergKay: RT @yashar: Bernie Madoff has died in federal prison at the age of 82. His memory certainly won’t be a blessing. via @AP - 4 years ago

@Filieo_: RT @BreakingNews: Bernie Madoff, mastermind of largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in federal prison at age 82. - 4 years ago

@KATVMarine: RT @AP: BREAKING: Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a feder… - 4 years ago

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