Bernie Juskiewicz

American politician
Died on Sunday April 12th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bernie Juskiewicz:

@WCAX_Joe: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@ebrigm: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@castaliavt: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Bernie Juskiewicz - #BernieJuskiewicz #Bernie #Juskiewicz #rip - 5 years ago


@cherokeesher2: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@PamMackenzie: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@RaychFeldman: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@Dwyer5Carolyn: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@VTCollegeGOP: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@acedc1: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@MDonohue: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@ChittendenGOP: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@MarjorieCook48: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@StevenBright20: RT @EricDavisMiddVT: @GovPhilScott himself lowers the Vermont State Flag in memory of former Rep. Bernie Juskiewicz, who died of COVID-19 l… - 5 years ago

@BRVermont: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@keoughjlynn: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@RossMyNBC5: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@suptmoran: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@oliverolsen: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@ChrisCadieux5: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@VSAC: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@Maggievt: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@EricDavisMiddVT: @GovPhilScott himself lowers the Vermont State Flag in memory of former Rep. Bernie Juskiewicz, who died of COVID-1… - 5 years ago

@CourtMattison: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@JeffreyBartley: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@GoslantKen: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@JasonMaulucci: RT @GovPhilScott: This morning at sunrise, on behalf of all legislators who served with him, and the friends and family who admired him, I… - 5 years ago

@KbchristieVT: Watch "Bernie Juskiewicz - RIP - 1943-2020" on YouTube - 5 years ago

@VermontHRA: RT @GWTatroConst: This week our state lost Bernie Juskiewicz to coronavirus. He not only was the representative of Jeffersonville, where ou… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Bernie Juskiewicz @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #BernieJuskiewicz add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@GWTatroConst: This week our state lost Bernie Juskiewicz to coronavirus. He not only was the representative of Jeffersonville, wh… - 5 years ago

@sawyerloftus18: RT @VermontCynic: A member of UVM’s board of trustees and former state representative died Wednesday from complications relating to COVID-1… - 5 years ago

@Dwyer5Carolyn: RT @GovPhilScott: Bernie Juskiewicz served his constituents with distinction in the House of Representatives. Although this terrible new… - 5 years ago

@schpsych8: Former state rep Bernie Juskiewicz dies of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ltplt3: RT @GovPhilScott: Bernie Juskiewicz served his constituents with distinction in the House of Representatives. Although this terrible new… - 5 years ago

@Tempname77: RT @CarolynEast2: Bernie Juskiewicz, 77, Vermont Former Vermont State Legislator. #Lost2CoronavirusUSA - 5 years ago

@byChrisEvans: RT @VermontCynic: A member of UVM’s board of trustees and former state representative died Wednesday from complications relating to COVID-1… - 5 years ago

@CarolynEast2: Bernie Juskiewicz, 77, Vermont Former Vermont State Legislator. #Lost2CoronavirusUSA - 5 years ago

@jan_carney: RT @GovPhilScott: Bernie Juskiewicz served his constituents with distinction in the House of Representatives. Although this terrible new… - 5 years ago

@a3pCEcbCvlM0kHc: CNN短信 バーモント州知事フィルスコットは本日、Covid-19が陽性だったバーモント州議会議員Bernie Juskiewiczの死去を発表 12を超えるアマゾン施設がパンデミックに見舞われ、多くの労働者が真の数ははるかに… - 5 years ago

@VermontCynic: A member of UVM’s board of trustees and former state representative died Wednesday from complications relating to C… - 5 years ago

@1o1y1: Vermont: 23 people in the state have died from Coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@RutlandCGOP: Press Release: VTGOP Mourns loss of Rep. Bernie Juskiewicz: - 5 years ago

@DombrowskiKirk: RT @GovPhilScott: Bernie Juskiewicz served his constituents with distinction in the House of Representatives. Although this terrible new… - 5 years ago

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