Bernardo Ribeiro

Brazilian footballer (Skënderbeu
Died on Sunday May 8th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bernardo Ribeiro:

@Luucasbernaardo: E mano Vinicius Ribeiro 4x1 ne 󾌴󾌴❤ enois - 9 years ago

@kester_swift: Welcome to SWIFT ZONE: Another footballer 26 year old Bernardo Ribeiro di... - 9 years ago

@OweSjoblom: Det inleddes med en tyst minut för tidigare #ifk1919 - spelaren Bernardo Ribeiro som avled för en vecka sen - 9 years ago

@joaao_alcantra: RT @Record_Portugal: Bernardo Ribeiro - A Liga que ninguém merece perder - 9 years ago


@__Kolee: RT @lequipe: Décès du joueur brésilien Bernardo Ribeiro d'une crise cardiaque - 9 years ago

@themuniqo_yt: RT @Fishy216: So sad the news out of Brazil tonight Rest in Peace Bernardo Ribeiro a great player & even better person a true gentlemen @Ne… - 9 years ago

@themuniqo_yt: RT @thepfa: Thoughts are with the family and friend’s of FMR @NewcastleJetsFC player Bernardo Ribeiro who tragically passed away - 9 years ago

@themuniqo_yt: RT @NewcastleJetsFC: The thoughts & prayers of everyone at @NewcastleJetsFC are with Bernardo Ribeiro's family & friends. Rest In Peace. ht… - 9 years ago

@Activa_te: A Liga que ninguém merece perder - 9 years ago

@BMRibeiro: RT @Record_Portugal: Bernardo Ribeiro - A Liga que ninguém merece perder - 9 years ago

@Record_Portugal: Bernardo Ribeiro - A Liga que ninguém merece perder - 9 years ago

@tonicasubtonica: @pgabriel83 sim, eu sei - repara que o Bernardo Ribeiro senta-se sempre do lado dos não-benfiquistas e o farinha sempre do lado dos lampiões - 9 years ago

@letys09310206: RT @El_Universal_Mx: #Deportes Muere el futbolista brasileño, Bernardo Ribeiro, tras jugar partido - 9 years ago

@thepfa: RT @FIFPro: Terribly sad weekend in football. RIP Bernardo Ribeiro. Suspected heart attack. He was 26. - 9 years ago

@_lua_ribeiro: RT @xtlinski: Bernardo e Bianca - 9 years ago

@noblelucky40: Another footballer 26 year old Bernardo Ribeiro d - 9 years ago

@GabrielHello: Bernardo Santos Célio Ribeiro - 9 years ago

@emmafernandes29: RT @lequipe: Décès du joueur brésilien Bernardo Ribeiro d'une crise cardiaque - 9 years ago

@Ben_Bernardo: The Accountant *-* Vai muito foda esse filme hein.. Diego Lopes Carlos Bach Junior Ribeiro - 9 years ago

@jaimepresident1: RT @FIFPro: Terribly sad weekend in football. RIP Bernardo Ribeiro. Suspected heart attack. He was 26. - 9 years ago

@news_portugal: #record A Liga que ninguém merece perder: Suspeitas de corrupção mancharam um dia que devia ser de festa para... - 9 years ago

@clara____s2: @hevy_ribeiro tem Alexsandro, Bernardo e agora o Nicolas 😂😂😂😂 - 9 years ago

@XiSport: Just heard of it #Bernardo. We talked some days ago. How could that happen? Why? Save trip! #RIP - 9 years ago

@carol_bernardo: Minha mãe compartilha postagem de Djamila Ribeiro, tá bom ou quer mais? - 9 years ago

@saylors70: RT @niccotestini: Altra tragedia in campo: muore l'ex Catania Bernardo Ribeiro - 9 years ago

@niccotestini: Altra tragedia in campo: muore l'ex Catania Bernardo Ribeiro - 9 years ago

@DeFranceschi5: @BryandeBrito_04 @andre_fma1906 @VeDrIx7 falem mais baixo, é que o Bernardo Ribeiro depois acusa-nos de racismo. - 9 years ago

@cmpmendes: RT @BryandeBrito_04: O Bernardo Ribeiro do Record, das duas uma... ou é um Sportinguista ao nível do Peyroteo Couceiro, ou gosta de engolir… - 9 years ago

@captomente: RT @BryandeBrito_04: O Bernardo Ribeiro do Record, das duas uma... ou é um Sportinguista ao nível do Peyroteo Couceiro, ou gosta de engolir… - 9 years ago

@BryandeBrito_04: O Bernardo Ribeiro do Record, das duas uma... ou é um Sportinguista ao nível do Peyroteo Couceiro, ou gosta de engolir muitos sapos - 9 years ago

@chafoud123: Bernardo Ribeiro Died video new: - 9 years ago

@beaubusch: RT @FIFPro: Terribly sad weekend in football. RIP Bernardo Ribeiro. Suspected heart attack. He was 26. - 9 years ago

@cashpanews: #NewsAlert: Bernardo Ribeiro, 26 A Footballer Dies After Playing Game In Brazil - 9 years ago

@RecordBenfica: Perceber o ódio dedicado a Renato Sanches: Na guerra Benfica-Sporting o capítulo dedicado… - 9 years ago

@Chacha4life11: Mauvaise loi des series.. Décès du joueur brésilien Bernardo Ribeiro d'une crise cardiaque.. Après avoir demandé... - 9 years ago

@news_portugal: #record Perceber o ódio dedicado a Renato Sanches: Na guerra Benfica-Sporting o capítulo dedicado ao médio da... - 9 years ago

@OmoOduaRere: Another footballer 26 year old Bernardo Ribeiro dies after heart attack while playing - 9 years ago

@jack_fielding: Just commented on @thejournal_ie: Brazilian footballer dies aged 26 after suffering heart attack on the pitch - - 9 years ago

@Piyo1414: RT @FootballFact101: Bernardo Ribeiro has died after apparently suffering an heart attack after playing a football match, he was 26. #RIP h… - 9 years ago

@KiaraAndrea_: RT @Hype_judge: Another footballer 26 year old Bernardo Ribeiro dies after heart attack while playing - 9 years ago

@DinamoBabel: RT @hasananileken: Eken'g Rule is a must! Two more sad (death) news; Bernardo Ribeiro and Jeanine Christelle Djomnang. RIP🙏🏼@FIFAcom #ekeng… - 9 years ago

@Daankiv: RT @mnabe_m: Revoir les visés médicales: Un autre #footballeur de 26 ans #BernardoRibeiro meurt d’une #crisecardiaque: - 9 years ago

@WorldCupNewz: Footballer Bernardo Ribeiro, 26, dies after playing game in B - The Guardian - 9 years ago

@TagnyT: RT @mnabe_m: Revoir les visés médicales: Un autre #footballeur de 26 ans #BernardoRibeiro meurt d’une #crisecardiaque: - 9 years ago

@mnabe_m: Revoir les visés médicales: Un autre #footballeur de 26 ans #BernardoRibeiro meurt d’une #crisecardiaque: - 9 years ago

@stoner_irish: Just commented on @thejournal_ie: Brazilian footballer dies aged 26 after suffering heart attack on the pitch - - 9 years ago

@ManciniFoot: またも悲劇…来月結婚だった26歳MF、試合中に倒れ死亡 - 9 years ago

@mid_in: It was sad to hear the passing of, Bernardo Ribeiro. Taken away at such a young age. May he R.I.P - 9 years ago

@AfrikMag: Un autre footballeur de 26 ans Bernardo Ribeiro meurt d’une crise cardiaque - 9 years ago

@arthurholmes73: RT @br_uk: Ex-Newcastle Jets player Bernardo Ribeiro dies after falling ill during a match in Brazil. He was 26. #RIP - 9 years ago

@YouLoveTyler100: RT @NewcastleJetsFC: The thoughts & prayers of everyone at @NewcastleJetsFC are with Bernardo Ribeiro's family & friends. Rest In Peace. ht… - 9 years ago

@ankurpatel62: Footballer Bernardo Ribeiro, 26, dies after playing game in Brazil - 9 years ago

@_JayML: RT @FootballFact101: Bernardo Ribeiro has died after apparently suffering an heart attack after playing a football match, he was 26. #RIP h… - 9 years ago

@Urlady1234: RT @br_uk: Ex-Newcastle Jets player Bernardo Ribeiro dies after falling ill during a match in Brazil. He was 26. #RIP - 9 years ago

@jack_fielding: Just commented on @thejournal_ie: Brazilian footballer dies aged 26 after suffering heart attack on the pitch - - 9 years ago

@nzpfa: RT @thepfa: Thoughts are with the family and friend’s of FMR @NewcastleJetsFC player Bernardo Ribeiro who tragically passed away - 9 years ago

@Cramblicious: RT @MarieS1Felix: Bernardo Ribeiro, Patrick Ekeng et Jeanine Christelle Djomnang.... Triste semaine pour le football 😒😢🙏🙏 - 9 years ago

@Cramblicious: RT @lequipe: Décès du joueur brésilien Bernardo Ribeiro d'une crise cardiaque - 9 years ago

@TrinidadJoshGG: RT @FootballFact101: Bernardo Ribeiro has died after apparently suffering an heart attack after playing a football match, he was 26. #RIP h… - 9 years ago

@Larissouu: RT @ParlonsFoot237: Décès: Un autre footballeur nous quitte de suite d'un malaise cardiaque; Bernardo Ribeiro(26ans). #PF237 - 9 years ago

@dahirou: RT @ParlonsFoot237: Décès: Un autre footballeur nous quitte de suite d'un malaise cardiaque; Bernardo Ribeiro(26ans). #PF237 - 9 years ago

@DAEPagnini: - 9 years ago

@ewanMac1: RT @FootballFact101: Bernardo Ribeiro has died after apparently suffering an heart attack after playing a football match, he was 26. #RIP h… - 9 years ago

@spremljamosport: Zaradi srčnega zastoja umrl še en nogometaš: med tekmo v Braziliji se je nenadoma zgrudil in kasneje umrl 26-letni Bernardo Ribeiro. - 9 years ago

@dawn_kmb: RT @br_uk: Ex-Newcastle Jets player Bernardo Ribeiro dies after falling ill during a match in Brazil. He was 26. #RIP - 9 years ago

@Digo_Presley: I'm at Honda André Ribeiro in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - 9 years ago

@FrancisNemy: RT @ParlonsFoot237: Décès: Un autre footballeur nous quitte de suite d'un malaise cardiaque; Bernardo Ribeiro(26ans). #PF237 - 9 years ago

@RespiriAMO: Altra tragedia in campo: muore l'ex Catania - 9 years ago

@NeoTsipane: RT @wandile32: Former Newcastle Jets player Bernardo Ribeiro has died, aged 26, after falling ill during a match in Brazil. - 9 years ago

@Jadam201: RT @ParlonsFoot237: Décès: Un autre footballeur nous quitte de suite d'un malaise cardiaque; Bernardo Ribeiro(26ans). #PF237 - 9 years ago

@wandile32: Former Newcastle Jets player Bernardo Ribeiro has died, aged 26, after falling ill during a match in Brazil. - 9 years ago

@rukieflamez: RT @FootballFact101: Bernardo Ribeiro has died after apparently suffering an heart attack after playing a football match, he was 26. #RIP h… - 9 years ago

@BartsCirculate: RT @MilanTomic10: @Open_HeartBMJ @pascalmeier74 @LindsayLuvDavis @Heart_BMJ Bernardo Ribeiro also died after cardiac arrest - 9 years ago

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