Bernardita Catalla

Filipino diplomat
Died on Thursday April 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bernardita Catalla:

@cDW3IubY62Zp0J6: RT @saadhariri: Sincere condolences to the Philippines & the Filipino community in Lebanon for the loss of their ambassador in Beirut, Bern… - 5 years ago

@pedroayrout: RT @michelmoawad: Our sincerest condolences to the government and people of the #Philippines for the death of their Ambassador to #Lebanon,… - 5 years ago

@gmanews: The fourteenth death of a Filipino abroad due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) reported by the Department… - 5 years ago

@i3v9y90: RT @DFAPHL: #DFAStatement On the Demise of Honorable Bernardita L. Catalla, Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon: With… - 5 years ago


@stephaniekoury1: RT @UNJanKubis: Facing #coronavirus we are all in the same situation. We will remember our dear colleague, @DFAPHL Amb. Bernardita Catalla - 5 years ago

@surferjoe2020: Ambassador Bernardita Catalla.| loved her Everybody loved her Kindest sweetest wittiest most helpful passionate ha… - 5 years ago

@Hanimadani565: RT @saadhariri: Sincere condolences to the Philippines & the Filipino community in Lebanon for the loss of their ambassador in Beirut, Bern… - 5 years ago

@Fadiakaram5: RT @michelmoawad: Our sincerest condolences to the government and people of the #Philippines for the death of their Ambassador to #Lebanon,… - 5 years ago

@badawi_al: RT @saadhariri: Sincere condolences to the Philippines & the Filipino community in Lebanon for the loss of their ambassador in Beirut, Bern… - 5 years ago

@MommyBearB: RT @dododulay: Today, @DFAPHL lost one of its own. PH Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita “Bernie” Catalla, a frontliner in our repatriation e… - 5 years ago

@RomuloNevesOf: RT @RomuloNevesOf: A Embaixadora das Filipinas no Líbano, Bernardita Catalla, 62 anos, morreu em Beirute, em decorrência da pandemia de cor… - 5 years ago

@RomuloNevesOf: A Embaixadora das Filipinas no Líbano, Bernardita Catalla, 62 anos, morreu em Beirute, em decorrência da pandemia d… - 5 years ago

@1Arabpress: RT @1Arabpress: Bernardita Catalla, former Philippine consul general to Hong Kong, dies of Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@1Arabpress: Bernardita Catalla, former Philippine consul general to Hong Kong, dies of Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@GirlyGarcia1: RT @DFAPHL: #DFAStatement On the Demise of Honorable Bernardita L. Catalla, Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon: With… - 5 years ago

@Ambsanjivarora: Distressed to learn that Philippines 🇵🇭 Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla fell victim to COVID-19! Deepest c… - 5 years ago

@BabasaHastag: RT @ItalyinLebanon: The Italian Embassy in Beirut expresses heartfelt condolences for the loss of Ms. Bernardita Catalla, Ambassador of the… - 5 years ago

@VOAStevenson: Bernardita Catalla, the Philippines' former consul general to Hong Kong, dies of #coronavirus in Beirut - 5 years ago

@pierrebouantou1: RT @KataebIB: We would like to extend our sincere condolences to the people and government of the #Philippines, following the shocking deat… - 5 years ago

@PHinCanada: RT @DFAPHL: #DFAStatement On the Demise of Honorable Bernardita L. Catalla, Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon: With… - 5 years ago

@SnobySnack: RT @394Histoires: #New 2 Avril 2020 (Jeudi dernier): Nous avons appris les disparitions de Aaron Rubashkin Anick Jesdanun Eddie Large Nirm… - 5 years ago

@SayedMoura: RT @michelmoawad: Our sincerest condolences to the government and people of the #Philippines for the death of their Ambassador to #Lebanon,… - 5 years ago

@394NuanceDeSev: RT @394Histoires: #New 2 Avril 2020 (Jeudi dernier): Nous avons appris les disparitions de Aaron Rubashkin Anick Jesdanun Eddie Large Nirm… - 5 years ago

@394Histoires: #New 2 Avril 2020 (Jeudi dernier): Nous avons appris les disparitions de Aaron Rubashkin Anick Jesdanun Eddie Larg… - 5 years ago

@Ghisalim: RT @teddyboylocsin: Amb. Bernardita M. Catalla passed away at 12:30 a.m. in the Beirut hospital where she was confined. I extended her for… - 5 years ago

@PascaleKassis: RT @UNJanKubis: Facing #coronavirus we are all in the same situation. We will remember our dear colleague, @DFAPHL Amb. Bernardita Catalla - 5 years ago

@ArabNewsjp: The #Philippines Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla died on Thursday from complications arising from #COVID-1… - 5 years ago

@ElaineM11584892: RT @adharves: BREAKING: Philippines ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla has died of COVID19. She struck me compassionate and dedicated… - 5 years ago

@oregakitaworld: RT @ArabNewsjp: フィリピン外務省は、レバノン駐在のフィリピン大使Bernardita Catalla氏が木曜日COVID-19合併症により死去したことを公表した。 - 5 years ago

@h66614: RT @ArabNewsjp: フィリピン外務省は、レバノン駐在のフィリピン大使Bernardita Catalla氏が木曜日COVID-19合併症により死去したことを公表した。 - 5 years ago

@ArabNewsjp: フィリピン外務省は、レバノン駐在のフィリピン大使Bernardita Catalla氏が木曜日COVID-19合併症により死去したことを公表した。 - 5 years ago

@0039ahmad: RT @ItalyinLebanon: The Italian Embassy in Beirut expresses heartfelt condolences for the loss of Ms. Bernardita Catalla, Ambassador of the… - 5 years ago

@MabelleMoawad: RT @michelmoawad: Our sincerest condolences to the government and people of the #Philippines for the death of their Ambassador to #Lebanon,… - 5 years ago

@iamcristyahmad: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@maestrok36: RT @UNJanKubis: Facing #coronavirus we are all in the same situation. We will remember our dear colleague, @DFAPHL Amb. Bernardita Catalla - 5 years ago

@RaulDado6: RT @dododulay: Today, @DFAPHL lost one of its own. PH Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita “Bernie” Catalla, a frontliner in our repatriation e… - 5 years ago

@alihyderm: Bernardita Catalla, 62, the Philippine ambassador to Lebanon, died from the ghastly COVID–19 complications. She had… - 5 years ago

@christine22zyk: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@rospamedia: BALOZI WA UFILIPINO NCHINI LEBANON AFARIKI KWA #COVID19 - Bernardita Catalla (62) aliyekuwa Mwanadiplomasia kwa mia… - 5 years ago

@1984_tweeter: RT @1984_tweeter: @ejmalrai @lorenzokamel @MoonofA @OffGuardian0 @ShoebridgeC @ScottsHumor >( - 5 years ago

@never_stronger: RT @TheManilaTimes: PHILIPPINE Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla died on Thursday of complications from the coronavirus disease 2019… - 5 years ago

@mastercarlo1995: RT @TheManilaTimes: PHILIPPINE Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla died on Thursday of complications from the coronavirus disease 2019… - 5 years ago

@usembassybeirut: U.S. Embassy Beirut is saddened by the passing of Ambassador Bernardita Catalla, Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon,… - 5 years ago

@haidee_eugenio: RT @TheManilaTimes: PHILIPPINE Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla died on Thursday of complications from the coronavirus disease 2019… - 5 years ago

@TheManilaTimes: PHILIPPINE Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla died on Thursday of complications from the coronavirus disease… - 5 years ago

@kantipath_com: Bernardita Catalla, 62, Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon dies of coronavirus related complications at a Beirut hosp… - 5 years ago

@moawad_nana: RT @michelmoawad: Our sincerest condolences to the government and people of the #Philippines for the death of their Ambassador to #Lebanon,… - 5 years ago

@mr_stefanosky: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@EstelleSelfie: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@Asyabulten: Filipinler'in Beyrut Büyükelçisi Bernardita Catalla, yeni tip koronavirüse (Kovid-19) yenik düşerek hayatını kaybet… - 5 years ago

@MaldivesOutlook: Bernardita Catalla known as Bernie (62-year old), served for 27 years in multiple capacities before she passed away… - 5 years ago

@MTVEnglishNews: President Michel Aoun extends condolences over the recent death of Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Cata… - 5 years ago

@wileyd80: - 5 years ago

@kantipath_com: कोरोना भाइरसबाट राजदूतको मृत्यु - 5 years ago

@SnobySnack: RT @394Histoires: #New 2 Avril 2020: Nous apprenons à l'instant la disparition de Bernardita Catalla, diplomate Philippine née en 1958 à Ma… - 5 years ago

@bftchie: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@394NuanceDeSev: RT @394Histoires: #New 2 Avril 2020: Nous apprenons à l'instant la disparition de Bernardita Catalla, diplomate Philippine née en 1958 à Ma… - 5 years ago

@BoFrayna: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@FEmilia2017: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@surferjoe2020: Ambassador Bernardita Catalla. I loved her Everybody loved her Kindest sweetest wittiest most helpful accomodating… - 5 years ago

@alrachwania: RT @saadhariri: Sincere condolences to the Philippines & the Filipino community in Lebanon for the loss of their ambassador in Beirut, Bern… - 5 years ago

@OPalanca: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Bernardita Catalla - 5 years ago

@LF_ForeignAff: Yesterday we learned the sad news of the passing away of Ms. Bernardita Catalla the #Philippine ambassador to… - 5 years ago

@ItalyinLebanon: The Italian Embassy in Beirut expresses heartfelt condolences for the loss of Ms. Bernardita Catalla, Ambassador of… - 5 years ago

@FaisalJAbbas: RT @arabnews: She “always lent a helping hand, to her family, friends and colleagues”: Philippine ambassador Bernardita Catalla remembered… - 5 years ago

@Maintenonmadame: RT @adharves: BREAKING: Philippines ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla has died of COVID19. She struck me compassionate and dedicated… - 5 years ago

@tabodevil: RT @LAKAYINFO1: 🇵🇭 FLASH - L'ambassadrice des #Philippines au #Liban, Bernardita #Catalla, est décédée des suites du #COVID19. (ministère d… - 5 years ago

@bayuCivil: RT @tempodotco: Duta Besar Filipina untuk Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, meninggal karena komplikasi akibat virus corona pada Kamis kemarin.… - 5 years ago

@RommelFLopez: RT @PressOnePH: Philippine ambassador to Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, described as a strong defender of the rights of Filipino domestic wor… - 5 years ago

@williamperez973: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@PressOnePH: Philippine ambassador to Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, described as a strong defender of the rights of Filipino dome… - 5 years ago

@l0necrescent: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita “Bernie” Leonido Catalla Death-Dead: Bernardita “Bernie” Leonido Catall… - 5 years ago

@lankamail: RT @arabnews: She “always lent a helping hand, to her family, friends and colleagues”: Philippine ambassador Bernardita Catalla remembered… - 5 years ago

@Red_Raselom: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@nadarabaa: RT @saadhariri: Sincere condolences to the Philippines & the Filipino community in Lebanon for the loss of their ambassador in Beirut, Bern… - 5 years ago

@jorgen0404: My heartfelt condoleances on the passning of Bernardita Catalla, Ambassador of the Philippines to Lebanon, to her f… - 5 years ago

@EULIS61893872: RT @tempodotco: Duta Besar Filipina untuk Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, meninggal karena komplikasi akibat virus corona pada Kamis kemarin.… - 5 years ago

@itsjaniah: RT @dododulay: Today, @DFAPHL lost one of its own. PH Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita “Bernie” Catalla, a frontliner in our repatriation e… - 5 years ago

@tempodotco: Duta Besar Filipina untuk Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, meninggal karena komplikasi akibat virus corona pada Kamis k… - 5 years ago

@JorjLim_95: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@ArfL18_: RT @detikcom: Dubes Filipina untuk Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, meninggal dunia akibat virus Corona. Catalla meninggal akibat komplikasi ya… - 5 years ago

@closetDKfan: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@VictorAkabbouch: RT @AmbaFranceLiban: C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de S.E. Bernardita Catalla, ambassadrice des Philippines au 🇱🇧 des… - 5 years ago

@Kardinodenisah1: RT @detikcom: Dubes Filipina untuk Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, meninggal dunia akibat virus Corona. Catalla meninggal akibat komplikasi ya… - 5 years ago

@nesepes: RT @detikcom: Dubes Filipina untuk Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, meninggal dunia akibat virus Corona. Catalla meninggal akibat komplikasi ya… - 5 years ago

@Nisyangg_: RT @detikcom: Dubes Filipina untuk Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, meninggal dunia akibat virus Corona. Catalla meninggal akibat komplikasi ya… - 5 years ago

@Officialmeii: RT @detikcom: Dubes Filipina untuk Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, meninggal dunia akibat virus Corona. Catalla meninggal akibat komplikasi ya… - 5 years ago

@ISJ5alog: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@detikcom: Dubes Filipina untuk Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, meninggal dunia akibat virus Corona. Catalla meninggal akibat kom… - 5 years ago

@AlterBurner2019: RT @dododulay: Today, @DFAPHL lost one of its own. PH Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita “Bernie” Catalla, a frontliner in our repatriation e… - 5 years ago

@GaranToots: RT @teddyboylocsin: Amb. Bernardita M. Catalla passed away at 12:30 a.m. in the Beirut hospital where she was confined. I extended her for… - 5 years ago

@lrbarrit: PH Ambassador to Lebanon succumbs to COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@Haitianaute: RT @LAKAYINFO1: 🇵🇭 FLASH - L'ambassadrice des #Philippines au #Liban, Bernardita #Catalla, est décédée des suites du #COVID19. (ministère d… - 5 years ago

@Junica830: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@bolero2010: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@wood68: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@2liveis2hope: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@marie47186070: RT @michelmoawad: Our sincerest condolences to the government and people of the #Philippines for the death of their Ambassador to #Lebanon,… - 5 years ago

@misisniwanpaolo: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@p_dt: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@louloudemamina: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇵🇭 FLASH - L'ambassadrice des #Philippines au #Liban, Bernardita #Catalla, est décédée des suites du #COVID19. (ministère… - 5 years ago

@Multijo1: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@arjrbece: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@haynakoanobayan: RT @PunchTheLies: I just saw in Arabic news that the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita "Bernie" Leonido Catalla has died of #COVI… - 5 years ago

@MANGADO1: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇵🇭 FLASH - L'ambassadrice des #Philippines au #Liban, Bernardita #Catalla, est décédée des suites du #COVID19. (ministère… - 5 years ago

@the_nutbox: “Catalla was Manila’s ambassador to Lebanon at the time of her death. In Hong Kong, domestic workers’ union leaders… - 5 years ago

@Linpingne: RT @cnni: The Philippines Ambassador to Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, has died from complications of Covid-19. Months before her death, she… - 5 years ago

@zlatanrene: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇵🇭 FLASH - L'ambassadrice des #Philippines au #Liban, Bernardita #Catalla, est décédée des suites du #COVID19. (ministère… - 5 years ago

@PanahonTV: • PH Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla dies due to complications arising from COVID-19: - 5 years ago

@LRamnarayanIyer: RT @Saudi_Gazette: #Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla, aged 62, died from #coronavirus in a Beirut hospital. - 5 years ago

@mohaknjean: RT @gmanews: Ipinahayag ng DFA nitong Huwebes ang pagpanaw ng embahador ng Pilipinas sa Lebanon na si Bernardita Catalla dahil sa komplikas… - 5 years ago

@nuwasabii: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇵🇭 FLASH - L'ambassadrice des #Philippines au #Liban, Bernardita #Catalla, est décédée des suites du #COVID19. (ministère… - 5 years ago

@ahmadkhoder1234: RT @saadhariri: Sincere condolences to the Philippines & the Filipino community in Lebanon for the loss of their ambassador in Beirut, Bern… - 5 years ago

@haririPM: RT @saadhariri: Sincere condolences to the Philippines & the Filipino community in Lebanon for the loss of their ambassador in Beirut, Bern… - 5 years ago

@antcorruptio: RT @voiceofbongo: #JustIN: Balozi wa Ufilipino nchini Lebanon Bi. Bernardita Catalla, amefariki kwa ugonjwa wa covid-19 akiwa na umri wa mi… - 5 years ago

@Coushari: RT @jhaboush: Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Bernardita Catalla has died in Beirut due to the #coronavirus. She was 62. - 5 years ago

@ninashninash2g1: RT @saadhariri: Sincere condolences to the Philippines & the Filipino community in Lebanon for the loss of their ambassador in Beirut, Bern… - 5 years ago

@HarryBlueBlue2: RT @saadhariri: Sincere condolences to the Philippines & the Filipino community in Lebanon for the loss of their ambassador in Beirut, Bern… - 5 years ago

@ConchaTacoLady: RT @SCMPNews: Bernardita Catalla, the Philippines’ former consul general to Hong Kong, dies of coronavirus in Beirut - 5 years ago

@amjadkhan84bwd: RT @group1crew: 🇵🇭#PHILIPPINES The Ambassador of the Philippines to Lebanon, Bernardita Catalla, has died as a result of #coronavirus. She… - 5 years ago

@DrCapitalP: RT @SCMPNews: Bernardita Catalla, the Philippines’ former consul general to Hong Kong, dies of coronavirus in Beirut - 5 years ago

@oldmantea: RT @SCMPNews: Bernardita Catalla, the Philippines’ former consul general to Hong Kong, dies of coronavirus in Beirut - 5 years ago

@tedlaekhan: RT @SCMPNews: Bernardita Catalla, the Philippines’ former consul general to Hong Kong, dies of coronavirus in Beirut - 5 years ago

@charliechancat: @Shunga111 @Rashtriya2020 @Lord_0f_Avernus @cbkwgl @PrasunNagar @Utkarsh36752309 @madrao99 @colorblind07… - 5 years ago

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