Bernard Rollin

American philosopher
Died on Saturday November 20th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bernard Rollin:

@DailyNousEditor: Bernard Rollin, longtime philosopher at Colorado State known for his work on animal ethics, has died. - 3 years ago

@JeremyMarchant5: Obituary: Bernard “Bernie” Elliot Rollin PHD - 3 years ago

@scivia: «Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali è l’ultima frontiera morale, l’ultima prova della nostra umanità, lo specchio… - 3 years ago

@Antilogicalism: Bernard Rollin (1943-2021) by Justin Weinberg, November 29th 2021 - 3 years ago


@MarinaPalmieri5: RT @fenisia55: - 3 years ago

@mensch_hund: RT @CCSAW_UofG: This week, we mourn the loss of Bernard E. Rollin, an animal philosopher whose contributions fundamentally changed the way… - 3 years ago

@SandraCeradini: RT @Emilystellaemi2: Il filosofo che amava gli animali. 👏👏👏👏 - 3 years ago

@100Cleofe: RT @Emilystellaemi2: Il filosofo che amava gli animali. 👏👏👏👏 - 3 years ago

@luposilenzioso2: RT @Emilystellaemi2: Il filosofo che amava gli animali. 👏👏👏👏 - 3 years ago

@fattukk: RT @Emilystellaemi2: Il filosofo che amava gli animali. 👏👏👏👏 - 3 years ago

@RosarioPalmier3: RT @Emilystellaemi2: Il filosofo che amava gli animali. 👏👏👏👏 - 3 years ago

@AGNIESZKADZIU10: RT @Emilystellaemi2: Il filosofo che amava gli animali. 👏👏👏👏 - 3 years ago

@Emilystellaemi2: Il filosofo che amava gli animali. 👏👏👏👏 - 3 years ago

@lerribaldo: «Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali è l’ultima frontiera morale, l’ultima prova della nostra umanità, lo specchio… - 3 years ago

@girasol44247939: RT @fenisia55: - 3 years ago

@gioggsan: «Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali è l’ultima frontiera morale, l’ultima prova della nostra umanità, lo specchio… - 3 years ago

@michi72michela: RT @fenisia55: - 3 years ago

@Rosa_bis90: RT @Emilystellaemi2: GRANDE UOMO. GRAZIE - 3 years ago

@PDarK77: RT @fenisia55: - 3 years ago

@VegAnimalista: RT @fenisia55: - 3 years ago

@Paola52702981: RT @fenisia55: - 3 years ago

@fenisia55: - 3 years ago

@CervigonM: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@a_den2017: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@CervatoEmanuela: RT @CrisciGloria: - 3 years ago

@free_anto1: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@girasol44247939: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@girasol44247939: RT @Emilystellaemi2: GRANDE UOMO. GRAZIE - 3 years ago

@stefaniacorbell: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@IsabellaDonadio: Morto Bernard Elliot Rollin, il filosofo che credeva nei diritti degli animali - 3 years ago

@danielarom12570: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@Ros71Palumbo: RT @CrisciGloria: - 3 years ago

@angyrelly1: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@04Corvin: RT @CrisciGloria: - 3 years ago

@kolemicos: RT @CrisciGloria: - 3 years ago

@Ada32016514Ada: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@CrisciGloria: - 3 years ago

@Emilystellaemi2: RT @Emilystellaemi2: GRANDE UOMO. GRAZIE - 3 years ago

@Emilystellaemi2: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@LPincia: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@resalvicchi: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@massimi31903046: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@castell32082033: RT @Emilystellaemi2: BERNARD ELLIOT ROLLIN Il modo in cui trattiamo gli animali,è l'ultima frontiera morale, l'ultima prova della nostra u… - 3 years ago

@Claireyeddy: I'm a big fan of Bernard Rollin's work and am sad I'll never get to hear him talk. RIP kind sir. - 3 years ago

@CorriereQ: Morto Bernard Elliot Rollin, il filosofo che amava gli animali - 3 years ago

@cultureanimals: CAF mourns the loss of philosopher and animal advocate Bernard Rollin. Mylan Engel, CAF board member and fellow phi… - 3 years ago

@thunder_rollin: - Toc toc - Qui est là ? - Bernard ! - Bernard qui ? - Ben Bernard Minet (Voilà, vous pouvez unfo en silence 🐱) - 3 years ago

@bettimarcello02: Morto Bernard Elliot Rollin, il filosofo che amava gli animali - 3 years ago

@fantaisiesFall1: @thunder_rollin Je crois que nous avons le même âge : Bernard et Bianca… - 3 years ago

@thunder_rollin: 1ère Séance : Bernard et Bianca Dernière : Cry Macho Meilleure : Un poisson nommé Wanda Pire : m'en souvient pas Vu… - 3 years ago

@rollin_kevin: @jcmarie10 @Cyrilhanouna @GraldineMaillet @bernard_montiel @Mdelormeau @TPMP Exactement - 3 years ago

@jcmarie10: @rollin_kevin @Cyrilhanouna @GraldineMaillet @bernard_montiel @Mdelormeau Pour ceux qui regarde #TPMP @tpmp depuis… - 3 years ago

@VetMed_resource: RT @CCSAW_UofG: This week, we mourn the loss of Bernard E. Rollin, an animal philosopher whose contributions fundamentally changed the way… - 3 years ago

@sharonoflondon: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@wh51240850: RT @urbanhorsedoc: “Our treatment of animals is the last moral frontier, the ultimate test of our humanity, the mirror by which we can see… - 3 years ago

@jcmarie10: @rollin_kevin @Cyrilhanouna @GraldineMaillet @bernard_montiel @Mdelormeau #DelphineWespiser n'est pas vacciner non… - 3 years ago

@rollin_kevin: Et le fait que @Cyrilhanouna ne sois pas vacciné.. ça vous gêne pas @GraldineMaillet ? @bernard_montiel ?… - 3 years ago

@noble_heart4: RT @urbanhorsedoc: “Our treatment of animals is the last moral frontier, the ultimate test of our humanity, the mirror by which we can see… - 3 years ago

@CCSAW_UofG: This week, we mourn the loss of Bernard E. Rollin, an animal philosopher whose contributions fundamentally changed… - 3 years ago

@TV7Benevento: Filosofi: è morto Bernard Rollin, il padre dell'etica veterinaria... - 3 years ago

@GINA32451015: RT @RosannaMarani: Bernard Rollin e la nuova etica sociale per gli animali - 3 years ago

@RosannaMarani: Bernard Rollin e la nuova etica sociale per gli animali - 3 years ago

@Sevenan72745370: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@animalsujet: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@CSUSystem: RT @CSUTonyFrank: An enormous loss to @ColoradoStateU and all of us who learned from Bernie about the real meaning of “humane.” I’ll miss y… - 3 years ago

@Eire353: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@hc_prignitz: RT @DogUmwelt: Bernard Rollin, 1943-2021 - 3 years ago

@carlorosebud: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@veganrick: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@mokey69: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@DCRamNetwork: RT @CSUTonyFrank: An enormous loss to @ColoradoStateU and all of us who learned from Bernie about the real meaning of “humane.” I’ll miss y… - 3 years ago

@GOzzello: RT @CSUTonyFrank: An enormous loss to @ColoradoStateU and all of us who learned from Bernie about the real meaning of “humane.” I’ll miss y… - 3 years ago

@ericstreiff: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@LetaUfsc: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@JDjwhite54: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@QuirkyCat3: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@noble_heart4: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@StdPoodleMom: RT @DogUmwelt: Bernard Rollin, 1943-2021 - 3 years ago

@SAFEDAC: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@CSUTonyFrank: An enormous loss to @ColoradoStateU and all of us who learned from Bernie about the real meaning of “humane.” I’ll… - 3 years ago

@RevengeBunny: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@bozzo1931: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@Angelswinning: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@Arturius777444: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@SoniaMaiorano1: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@Calendula2016: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@Yeshua4Animals: RT @NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served as a Scienti… - 3 years ago

@CloeGrf: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@NAVS_US: We are saddened to learn of the passing of NAVS Science Advisor Bernard "Bernie" Rollin, Ph.D. Bernie also served a… - 3 years ago

@Andre_Krebber: RT @grumpyvegan: Saddened to learn of the passing of Bernard Rollin, philosopher & author, & Shirley McGreal, founder of the International… - 3 years ago

@aliharris1: #friend #animalwelfare #heartofgold #philosopher #scholar #author #professor #father #humanitarian - 3 years ago

@Animalearn: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@foodthoughtpod: Bernie Rollin, a philosopher who worked for decades on animal welfare, has passed away. As his obituary says, he co… - 3 years ago

@SisVGoVegan2: RT @vegan: RIP Prof. Bernie Rollin, one of the most important thinkers on farmed animal welfare issues. - 3 years ago

@vegan: RIP Prof. Bernie Rollin, one of the most important thinkers on farmed animal welfare issues. - 3 years ago

@DogUmwelt: Bernard Rollin, 1943-2021 - 3 years ago

@zoophilosophy: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@DianeAshley15: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@havennet: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@ionicquest: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@trinityewen: BERNARD ROLLIN, fallecido el 19 de noviembre. "Nuestro trato a los animales es la última frontera moral, el último… - 3 years ago

@grumpyvegan: Saddened to learn of the passing of Bernard Rollin, philosopher & author, & Shirley McGreal, founder of the Interna… - 3 years ago

@EthoGes: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@AliceMelissaCEO: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@HumaneCanada: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@Rita_Meng_: RIP to ethicist Bernard Rollin. - 3 years ago

@Rita_Meng_: RT @Nuno_H_Franco: We lost Bernard Rollin, my favourite contemporary ethicist. Always in a simple and clear language, he highlighted the im… - 3 years ago

@LifeGeographies: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@KRavisrinivas: RT @EurSafe_Ethics: We are saddened to hear Bernard Rollin has passed away. A great philosopher and human. He will be dearly missed by many… - 3 years ago

@NunoHFranco: Passou despercebida a morte do filósofo eticista Bernard Rollin. Contribuiu de forma marcante para a ética animal e… - 3 years ago

@Afterstorm13: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@LightspeedSteps: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@EurSafe_Ethics: We are saddened to hear Bernard Rollin has passed away. A great philosopher and human. He will be dearly missed by… - 3 years ago

@EurSafe_Ethics: RT @harfeld: Heartbreaking news. My friend and mentor, Bernard E. Rollin, died yesterday. Bernie’s personal and academic generosity shaped… - 3 years ago

@Dragofix: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@Nuno_H_Franco: We lost Bernard Rollin, my favourite contemporary ethicist. Always in a simple and clear language, he highlighted t… - 3 years ago

@aliharris1: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@MartaEtynkowski: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@GoIrish1951: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@PeterSandoee: RT @harfeld: Heartbreaking news. My friend and mentor, Bernard E. Rollin, died yesterday. Bernie’s personal and academic generosity shaped… - 3 years ago

@MacNomadic: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@jmuhj1: Bernard Rollin, 78, addressed the big issues but often fumbled the facts - 3 years ago

@BrianLeiter: In Memoriam: Bernard Rollin (1943-2021) - 3 years ago

@creagh_k: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@Brilliantairess: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@CCAAM_CaCVAM: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@NicoDelon: RT @PhilosophyShep: Bernard Rollin has died. A truly great philosopher, a good person, and a major influence on me (and many others). Here… - 3 years ago

@Anderhardt: RT @urbanhorsedoc: “Our treatment of animals is the last moral frontier, the ultimate test of our humanity, the mirror by which we can see… - 3 years ago

@JoannaBouvard: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@Psissy514Platt: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@SteveMcCVet: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@PetCenterEd: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@MarthaSmithDVM: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@SoininenSinikka: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@Micailic0Mica: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@InsideAnnddOut: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@MsMaui808: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@MsMaui808: RT @urbanhorsedoc: 💔💔💔 Rest In Peace Bernard Rollin gone too soon 🐾 thank you for everything #AnimalEthics #AnimalWelfare - 3 years ago

@maomamicatatom: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@sarahlhellis: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@cienfuegosiempr: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@YngvessonJenny: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@AmandaJ52374952: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@taihoya: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@edgarisca: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@DUROSAROSAMUEL: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@xsuzi00: RT @urbanhorsedoc: 💔💔💔 Rest In Peace Bernard Rollin gone too soon 🐾 thank you for everything #AnimalEthics #AnimalWelfare - 3 years ago

@luciamendola: RT @JamAhlDall: RIP Bernard E. Rollin Reposting here a short commentary that is clearly not his most influential piece of work, but that i… - 3 years ago

@DrGYadav1: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@unimpressedness: RT @PhilosophyShep: Bernard Rollin has died. A truly great philosopher, a good person, and a major influence on me (and many others). Here… - 3 years ago

@DrTeryn: RT @JamAhlDall: RIP Bernard E. Rollin Reposting here a short commentary that is clearly not his most influential piece of work, but that i… - 3 years ago

@Cupkaitie: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@cath_nz: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@bdjd999: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@nbrangenberg: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@youthforanimals: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@AMCELL: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@MoodyCarly: RT @JamAhlDall: RIP Bernard E. Rollin Reposting here a short commentary that is clearly not his most influential piece of work, but that i… - 3 years ago

@Danamy_01: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@caemorar: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@NathanNobis: RT @PhilosophyShep: Bernard Rollin has died. A truly great philosopher, a good person, and a major influence on me (and many others). Here… - 3 years ago

@LingoVet: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@tamara_tadich: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@agholdier: RT @PhilosophyShep: Bernard Rollin has died. A truly great philosopher, a good person, and a major influence on me (and many others). Here… - 3 years ago

@KrisDescovich: RT @JamAhlDall: RIP Bernard E. Rollin Reposting here a short commentary that is clearly not his most influential piece of work, but that i… - 3 years ago

@ShereeBoyd: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@gonzaluisandres: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@AVoiceForField1: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@kathrynpapp: RT @urbanhorsedoc: 💔💔💔 Rest In Peace Bernard Rollin gone too soon 🐾 thank you for everything #AnimalEthics #AnimalWelfare - 3 years ago

@MonosCorte: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@kathrynpapp: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@Kaffe_Takk: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@Kaffe_Takk: RT @urbanhorsedoc: 💔💔💔 Rest In Peace Bernard Rollin gone too soon 🐾 thank you for everything #AnimalEthics #AnimalWelfare - 3 years ago

@LorenaSordo: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@KCompitus: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@ERC_Conscious: RT @PhilosophyShep: Bernard Rollin has died. A truly great philosopher, a good person, and a major influence on me (and many others). Here… - 3 years ago

@vetconsent: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@pixiemona: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@PhilosophyShep: Bernard Rollin has died. A truly great philosopher, a good person, and a major influence on me (and many others). H… - 3 years ago

@scorpiotiger: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@MsElenaToto: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@DogsbodyRVC: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@mikel_maria: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@FEPAnimal: RT @doradodan: "To grant legal rights to animals is to institutionalize their claim to moral concern, [...] to force us to pause and look a… - 3 years ago

@SamLitzinger: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@cinemaofdreams: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@elisaffueyo: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@doradodan: "To grant legal rights to animals is to institutionalize their claim to moral concern, [...] to force us to pause a… - 3 years ago

@AnnaRatuski: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@tirtomrichards: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@birchlse: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@JessMartinLab: RT @JamAhlDall: RIP Bernard E. Rollin Reposting here a short commentary that is clearly not his most influential piece of work, but that i… - 3 years ago

@JamAhlDall: RIP Bernard E. Rollin Reposting here a short commentary that is clearly not his most influential piece of work, bu… - 3 years ago

@HelenaHerrada: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@hillaryrettig: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@JessMartinLab: RT @4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much to ad… - 3 years ago

@4humanescience: We are deeply saddened to hear that American philosopher Bernard. E. Rollin passed away yesterday. He did so much t… - 3 years ago

@DearDolores: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@PhilosophyShep: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@spock4444: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@JosCarreo3: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@bear_tally: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@EAaltola: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@toni_makaroni: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@SharonMottram14: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@TafallaMarta: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@urbanhorsedoc: @MarthaSmithDVM I’m so sad to hear the news about Bernard Rollin. And on BSL, have you seen this? - 3 years ago

@TaniaHopkins3: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@NathanNobis: - 3 years ago

@OweAndrea: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@toria_burton: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@NathanNobis: Philosophy professor Bernard Rollin passed away yesterday. He was instrumental in developing arguments for animal r… - 3 years ago

@hudsonette: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@lucidu75: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@urbanhorsedoc: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@YarosisNancy: RT @urbanhorsedoc: 💔💔💔 Rest In Peace Bernard Rollin gone too soon 🐾 thank you for everything #AnimalEthics #AnimalWelfare - 3 years ago

@hudsonette: RT @urbanhorsedoc: 💔💔💔 Rest In Peace Bernard Rollin gone too soon 🐾 thank you for everything #AnimalEthics #AnimalWelfare - 3 years ago

@urbanhorsedoc: 💔💔💔 Rest In Peace Bernard Rollin gone too soon 🐾 thank you for everything #AnimalEthics #AnimalWelfare - 3 years ago

@jan_dutkiewicz: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@AliceDiConcetto: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@dvnbrennan: RT @jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, including by… - 3 years ago

@jeffrsebo: RIP to animal ethics legend Bernard Rollin. Rollin helped to develop the field of animal ethics in many ways, incl… - 3 years ago

@harfeld: Heartbreaking news. My friend and mentor, Bernard E. Rollin, died yesterday. Bernie’s personal and academic generos… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Bernard Rollin, you will be missed - #BernardRollin #Bernard #Rollin #rip - 3 years ago

@SuneBorkfelt: Sad to learn of the death of Bernard Rollin yesterday. I only met him once (at Minding Animals in Australia, 2009),… - 3 years ago

@K1m8JFa6HBxfMCR: 「」引用は、「獣医倫理入門 理論と実践」白揚社 Bernard E. Rollin (原著), 竹内 和世 (翻訳), 浜名 克己(監訳) - 3 years ago

@rollin__: RT @Senator_Patrick: In Nov 2016 the Govt promised to introduce improved public sector whistleblower legislation to Parliament by Dec 2017.… - 3 years ago

@rollin__: RT @NickMcKim: Disgraceful behaviour from the Attorney-General. This prosecution should be dropped and Collaery and Witness K acknowledged… - 3 years ago

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