Bernard Judge

American architect.
Died on Saturday November 27th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bernard Judge:

@lindsaymanthey: RT @JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get this iss… - 3 years ago

@mpotse20: RT @JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get this iss… - 3 years ago

@Nompu90570329: RT @JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get this iss… - 3 years ago

@MphoAL: RT @JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get this iss… - 3 years ago


@BFSF1212: RT @JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get this iss… - 3 years ago

@NtsieniUnaado: RT @JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get this iss… - 3 years ago

@Khadijahhosana: RT @JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get this iss… - 3 years ago

@siyandaqaco1: RT @JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get this iss… - 3 years ago

@Ms_ThabiA: RT @JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get this iss… - 3 years ago

@JoshKing7424: We should introduce death penalty, Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on radio that the reason why the Anc refuses to get th… - 3 years ago

@bernard_karin: RT @johnpavlovitz: The only way Kyle Rittenhouse is different from Ethan Crumbley—is no way. They both decided to be judge, jury, and exec… - 3 years ago

@bernard_karin: RT @tribelaw: MEMO TO ATTORNEY GENERAL GARLAND: If one federal judge after another can conclude that it was former President Trump and hi… - 3 years ago

@MissPolly62: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@jxlawler: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@vegetablesgooff: RT @LilyMulholland: “At the same time as it seeks a high court hearing to redact the judgement, the Commonwealth is also seeking to put new… - 3 years ago

@martinjcowling: RT @LilyMulholland: “At the same time as it seeks a high court hearing to redact the judgement, the Commonwealth is also seeking to put new… - 3 years ago

@LilyMulholland: “At the same time as it seeks a high court hearing to redact the judgement, the Commonwealth is also seeking to put… - 3 years ago

@KatieJ_Bernard: RT @GRicekcstar: The criminal trial for Sgt. Matthew Neal, @kcpolice sergeant, accused of felony assault when he smashed the face of a 15-y… - 3 years ago

@birmingham_live: Ms Prior, for Tustin, and Bernard Richmond, for Hughes, gave full mitigating arguments to Judge Wall in relation to… - 3 years ago

@birmingham_live: Ms Prior, for Tustin, and Bernard Richmond, for Hughes, gave full mitigating arguments to Judge Wall in relation to… - 3 years ago

@RoderickLeod: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@meerpup11: Today - 58th court appearance with AG Cash seeking to introduce “secret evidence” that may not be heard by BC or th… - 3 years ago

@gilchriste76: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@paulbris2010: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@BrontieA: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@leevladf: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@bernard_karin: RT @ReutersLegal: U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan is presiding over the case in Manhattan federal court. Nathan was nominated earlier thi… - 3 years ago

@carmyol: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@tuba2tuba: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@u_hardy: RT @PeterCronau: Government wants secret evidence to be given in secret only to the judge, despite poss causing ‘irreparable prejudice’ in… - 3 years ago

@CIPMAssoc: RT @amanpour: Can a fossil fuel giant like BP be taken seriously that they want to make a green transition? CEO Bernard Looney told me to j… - 3 years ago

@marianarape: RT @coa_LZ: Hoy ha fallecido Bernard Judge, a él y a su casa en Los Ángeles, le dedicamos nuestro #JuevesDeArquitectura. Triponent House.… - 3 years ago

@djp1974: RT @ENOgden: Judge my book by this gorgeous cover, with artwork by Mathieu Bernard-Reymond and design by Lauren Michelle Smith. On Not Kno… - 3 years ago

@RobG11159: RT @jaquix173: @MikeCarlton01 All his own fault. Judge called him "spiteful" when he refused Bernard Collaery request to change barrister… - 3 years ago

@Maire_Elise_: RT @jaquix173: @MikeCarlton01 All his own fault. Judge called him "spiteful" when he refused Bernard Collaery request to change barrister… - 3 years ago

@MischelleCamill: RT @jaquix173: Porter himself's been harsh to those he thought couldn't fight back! Insisted secret trial, refused Bernard Collaery to cha… - 3 years ago

@TessaTessapes: RT @jaquix173: Porter himself's been harsh to those he thought couldn't fight back! Insisted secret trial, refused Bernard Collaery to cha… - 3 years ago

@jaquix173: Porter himself's been harsh to those he thought couldn't fight back! Insisted secret trial, refused Bernard Collae… - 3 years ago

@aligirlheart: RT @jaquix173: @MikeCarlton01 All his own fault. Judge called him "spiteful" when he refused Bernard Collaery request to change barrister… - 3 years ago

@Vikkik88: RT @jaquix173: @MikeCarlton01 All his own fault. Judge called him "spiteful" when he refused Bernard Collaery request to change barrister… - 3 years ago

@Hojpojj: RT @jaquix173: @MikeCarlton01 All his own fault. Judge called him "spiteful" when he refused Bernard Collaery request to change barrister… - 3 years ago

@angelabysouth: RT @jaquix173: @MikeCarlton01 All his own fault. Judge called him "spiteful" when he refused Bernard Collaery request to change barrister… - 3 years ago

@jaquix173: @MikeCarlton01 All his own fault. Judge called him "spiteful" when he refused Bernard Collaery request to change b… - 3 years ago

@cckeck1: (1) A federal ban on performing FGM on minors was implemented in 1996. (2) In 2018, a Michigan judge, Bernard A. F… - 3 years ago

@lamagaax: RT @coa_LZ: Hoy ha fallecido Bernard Judge, a él y a su casa en Los Ángeles, le dedicamos nuestro #JuevesDeArquitectura. Triponent House.… - 3 years ago

@Shaya_in_LA: RT @cmonstah: All weekend I've been thinking about the fact that in the 1970s, Bernard Judge put an ad in the paper searching for a new pla… - 3 years ago

@crgonzalez: RT @cmonstah: All weekend I've been thinking about the fact that in the 1970s, Bernard Judge put an ad in the paper searching for a new pla… - 3 years ago

@cmonstah: All weekend I've been thinking about the fact that in the 1970s, Bernard Judge put an ad in the paper searching for… - 3 years ago

@bernard_britto: RT @Reuters_Health: Jailed "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli, his former company Vyera Pharmaceuticals and others asked a judge Monday to find th… - 3 years ago

@feudalismodigis: RT @coa_LZ: Hoy ha fallecido Bernard Judge, a él y a su casa en Los Ángeles, le dedicamos nuestro #JuevesDeArquitectura. Triponent House.… - 3 years ago

@DeLaage0: RT @METALOCUS: Bernard Judge falleció en su casa de Los Ángeles la semana pasada a la edad de 90 años. Carolina Miranda de LA Times tiene… - 3 years ago

@Godskid_CFC: @Kayslaycode @bernard_parah Bitcoin maxis doing what Bitcoin maxis does… Time will judge - 3 years ago

@NewsCarolyn: Are there any tree lots in St. Bernard Parish? I drove all the way down to Mereaux on Judge Perez and haven’t seen any. - 3 years ago

@MrMupin: @SherbetJibJab @jimmycarr Jimmy will be loving that he's upset a few 'antivaxxers' in the same way Bernard Manning… - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 24 984) #American #Bernard #Judge 90 , #architect #who #turned #Buckminster #Fuller - #style #dome #into… - 3 years ago

@lucia_fasano: RT @lucia_fasano: Top Christmas movie crushes: 1. Young hot Santa 2. Bernard the Elf 3. Judge Reinhold - 3 years ago

@ArqFarall: RT @arquitect_viva: Ha muerto Bernard Judge a los 90 años. Autor de la mítica "Casa Triponent" en Hollywood Hills, el neoyorquino dejó mues… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Bernard Judge has passed away - #BernardJudge #Bernard #Judge #rip - 3 years ago

@Sara05427252: @ThankfulThinker @JackedonMPMA @AnneNC @co_bernard @mariashriver Yes under 18 is a class a misdemeanor but there al… - 3 years ago

@KinaCom: RT @METALOCUS: Judge fue referente de la modernidad en EEUU, pionero con su cúpula geodésica en la casa Triponent y trabajando para restau… - 3 years ago

@KeithofYork1: @Bernard_Lane @RitaPanahi I judge them harshly now. It should never be happening. - 3 years ago

@whinynativeart: Each of my fursona's now have a gun loadout of their own Deacon- c96 mauser,marlin 1885,uzi Sylvester-carcano rif… - 3 years ago

@twitbituaries: Bernard Judge, architect who turned Buckminster Fuller-style dome into Hollywood house, dies - - 3 years ago

@femmehonnete1: @Bernard_Lane *should* judge harshly - 3 years ago

@Bernard_Lane: The surgical removal of healthy breasts from girls who identify as boys is an "experiment" that future generations… - 3 years ago

@FedericoOrtiz12: RT @coa_LZ: Hoy ha fallecido Bernard Judge, a él y a su casa en Los Ángeles, le dedicamos nuestro #JuevesDeArquitectura. Triponent House.… - 3 years ago

@LexJim1: @AnneNC @co_bernard @mariashriver The judge followed the law and in the United States a defendant should receive fa… - 3 years ago

@EspacioabiertoV: RT @coa_LZ: Hoy ha fallecido Bernard Judge, a él y a su casa en Los Ángeles, le dedicamos nuestro #JuevesDeArquitectura. Triponent House.… - 3 years ago

@IzanneMaritz: RT @AbongileDumako: Advocate Phahlane asks the court "where's the report from Judge Bernard Ngoepe who chaired the inquiry into SASSA grant… - 3 years ago

@BTFL4ND: RT @Beatgrrrl: Influential modern icon Bernard Judge has passed away in Los Angeles aged 90 - 3 years ago

@Beatgrrrl: Influential modern icon Bernard Judge has passed away in Los Angeles aged 90 - 3 years ago

@1952suet: RT @AbongileDumako: Advocate Phahlane asks the court "where's the report from Judge Bernard Ngoepe who chaired the inquiry into SASSA grant… - 3 years ago

@ntebomar: RT @AbongileDumako: Advocate Phahlane asks the court "where's the report from Judge Bernard Ngoepe who chaired the inquiry into SASSA grant… - 3 years ago

@SABCNews: RT @AbongileDumako: Advocate Phahlane asks the court "where's the report from Judge Bernard Ngoepe who chaired the inquiry into SASSA grant… - 3 years ago

@AbongileDumako: Advocate Phahlane asks the court "where's the report from Judge Bernard Ngoepe who chaired the inquiry into SASSA g… - 3 years ago

@pablodesouzasan: RT @coa_LZ: Hoy ha fallecido Bernard Judge, a él y a su casa en Los Ángeles, le dedicamos nuestro #JuevesDeArquitectura. Triponent House.… - 3 years ago

@ScratchinPro: RT @coa_LZ: Hoy ha fallecido Bernard Judge, a él y a su casa en Los Ángeles, le dedicamos nuestro #JuevesDeArquitectura. Triponent House.… - 3 years ago

@veredes: RT @coa_LZ: Hoy ha fallecido Bernard Judge, a él y a su casa en Los Ángeles, le dedicamos nuestro #JuevesDeArquitectura. Triponent House.… - 3 years ago

@FIUPM: RT @METALOCUS: Bernard Judge falleció en su casa de Los Ángeles la semana pasada a la edad de 90 años. Carolina Miranda de LA Times tiene… - 3 years ago

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