Bernard Bragg

American deaf actor.
Died on Tuesday October 30th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bernard Bragg:

@iludibuix: RT @DifuSord: Bernard Bragg en el @TODAYshow “Bernard Bragg, fue el primer actor sordo profesional de los Estados Unidos y cofundador del… - 6 years ago

@ChabeliAc: RT @DifuSord: Bernard Bragg en el @TODAYshow “Bernard Bragg, fue el primer actor sordo profesional de los Estados Unidos y cofundador del… - 6 years ago

@Roseret1970: RT @DifuSord: Bernard Bragg en el @TODAYshow “Bernard Bragg, fue el primer actor sordo profesional de los Estados Unidos y cofundador del… - 6 years ago

@marybethbergen: A life well-lived. We will miss you, #BernardBragg #Deaf - 6 years ago


@evasheroes: RT @DisabilityChall: Bernard Bragg, America’s first deaf professional actor and a co-founder of the National Theater for the Deaf, passed a… - 6 years ago

@GallaudetPress: We were saddened to learn of the recent passing of Bernard Bragg, performer and author of 'Lessons in Laughter.' Ch… - 6 years ago

@beyondwallsTPM: RT @andymckim: "Bernard Bragg, pioneering deaf actor who brought sign language to the stage, dies at 90. Every actor who is deaf and who st… - 6 years ago

@LuluWalcott1: #Theater #Theatre #Deaf #Plays --> Bernard Bragg, Founder of the Theatre of the Deaf, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@DeafBowTie: A letter from President Roberta "Bobbi" Cordano, Gallaudet University, regarding the passing away of Bernard Bragg! - 6 years ago

@SIGNApuntes: RT @DifuSord: Bernard Bragg en el @TODAYshow “Bernard Bragg, fue el primer actor sordo profesional de los Estados Unidos y cofundador del… - 6 years ago

@AM_vanKampen: RT @DeafsaInfo: DeafSA & Deaf Community of South Africa are deeply saddened by lost of our legendary Deaf actor Bernard Bragg, Who Showed t… - 6 years ago

@svtnyhetstecken: Bernard Bragg död - Betraktades som ledande döva skådespelaren i USA #svtnyhetstecken - 6 years ago

@FilmEssaying: RT @KristinSnoddon: Bernard Bragg, a trailblazer who showed the way for deaf actors - The Globe and Mail - 6 years ago

@macgyv13: @KristinSnoddon @catmackinnon RIP, Bernard. Here is a non-paywall version: - 6 years ago

@BrombergMI: Bernard Bragg, a trailblazer for deaf performers who in 1967 became a founder of the National Theater of the Deaf i… - 6 years ago

@alieninwhite: - 6 years ago

@AntonioMA72: RT @DifuSord: Bernard Bragg en el @TODAYshow “Bernard Bragg, fue el primer actor sordo profesional de los Estados Unidos y cofundador del… - 6 years ago

@DifuSord: Bernard Bragg en el @TODAYshow “Bernard Bragg, fue el primer actor sordo profesional de los Estados Unidos y cofun… - 6 years ago

@Leon10Koenders: RT @KristinSnoddon: Bernard Bragg, a trailblazer who showed the way for deaf actors - The Globe and Mail - 6 years ago

@catmackinnon: RT @KristinSnoddon: Bernard Bragg, a trailblazer who showed the way for deaf actors - The Globe and Mail - 6 years ago

@markf_wallace: Bernard Bragg, 90, Pioneering Deaf Actor And Co-Founder Of National Theater For The Deaf - 6 years ago

@earlrmerrill17: Bernard Bragg, 90, Pioneering Deaf Actor And Co-Founder Of National Theater For The Deaf - 6 years ago

@harrisondsmith: "As a mime, he delivered bravura displays in which he portrayed every animal on Noah’s ark and every instrument in… - 6 years ago

@kholwabros: RT @DeafsaInfo: DeafSA & Deaf Community of South Africa are deeply saddened by lost of our legendary Deaf actor Bernard Bragg, Who Showed t… - 6 years ago

@Laneharwell: RIP Bernard Bragg, Who Showed the Way for Deaf Actors, Dies at 90 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@BrunoDruchen: RT @DeafsaInfo: DeafSA & Deaf Community of South Africa are deeply saddened by lost of our legendary Deaf actor Bernard Bragg, Who Showed t… - 6 years ago

@DeafsaInfo: RT @DeafsaInfo: DeafSA & Deaf Community of South Africa are deeply saddened by lost of our legendary Deaf actor Bernard Bragg, Who Showed t… - 6 years ago

@DeafsaInfo: DeafSA & Deaf Community of South Africa are deeply saddened by lost of our legendary Deaf actor Bernard Bragg, Who… - 6 years ago

@sherry5997: 🤟 Bernard Bragg, pioneering deaf actor who brought sign language to the stage, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@AdamCSchembri: RT @convorelay: As a tribute, we would like to share the never-seen clip of a visual vernacular story by the legendary Bernard Bragg, in hi… - 6 years ago

@badjerry_1: RT @midtownNY: Bernard Bragg, Who Showed the Way for Deaf Actors, Dies at 90-- His achievements included helping to found the National Thea… - 6 years ago

@midtownNY: Bernard Bragg, Who Showed the Way for Deaf Actors, Dies at 90-- His achievements included helping to found the Nati… - 6 years ago

@ToniBradfield2: RT @MarleeMatlin: Bernard Bragg, Who Showed the Way for Deaf Actors, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@passed_present: RT @EmilyLangerWP: Bernard Bragg, pioneering deaf actor who brought sign language to the stage, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@Rosengeranium: RT @ZVRS: See how Bernard Bragg first discovered his passion. Rest easy, Bernard. - 6 years ago

@stackslip: RT @MarleeMatlin: Bernard Bragg, Who Showed the Way for Deaf Actors, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@JonathanHsy: RT @MarleeMatlin: Bernard Bragg, Who Showed the Way for Deaf Actors, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@JonathanHsy: RT @ZVRS: See how Bernard Bragg first discovered his passion. Rest easy, Bernard. - 6 years ago

@JonathanHsy: RT @postobits: Bernard Bragg, pioneering deaf actor who brought sign language to the stage, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@eventsmasters11: Bernard Bragg, Founder of the Theatre of the Deaf, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@HearingHealthM: RT @HearingTracker: Bernard Bragg, a trailblazer for deaf performers who in 1967 became a founder of the National Theater of the Deaf in Co… - 6 years ago

@CampionMatthew: Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@HearingTracker: Bernard Bragg, a trailblazer for deaf performers who in 1967 became a founder of the National Theater of the Deaf i… - 6 years ago

@ITD_JMT: RT @SUCollegeofLaw: Professor Michael Schwartz contributed to this thorough and thoroughly fascinating obituary in The New York Times for a… - 6 years ago

@twitbituaries: Bernard Bragg, pioneering deaf actor who brought sign language to the stage, dies at 90 - - 6 years ago

@EmilyLangerWP: Bernard Bragg, pioneering deaf actor who brought sign language to the stage, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@postobits: Bernard Bragg, pioneering deaf actor who brought sign language to the stage, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@thorsodnson: RT @playbill: Bernard Bragg, an original founder of the Theatre of the Deaf (@Ntdeaf), dies at age 90: - 6 years ago

@eravelome: Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - 6 years ago

@Iloveraindrops3: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@PatrickMillsaps: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Bernard Bragg, trailblazer and inspiration to deaf people around the world.… - 6 years ago

@anniepeters08: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Bernard Bragg, trailblazer and inspiration to deaf people around the world.… - 6 years ago

@cureCF4myAs: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Bernard Bragg, trailblazer and inspiration to deaf people around the world.… - 6 years ago

@IslStop: RT @convorelay: As a tribute, we would like to share the never-seen clip of a visual vernacular story by the legendary Bernard Bragg, in hi… - 6 years ago

@WillieGeist: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late Bernard Bragg, trailblazer and inspiration to deaf people around the world.… - 6 years ago

@msnomir: Bernard Bragg, Who Showed the Way for Deaf Actors, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@marci_b_reed: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@falsettohno: RT @playbill: Bernard Bragg, an original founder of the Theatre of the Deaf (@Ntdeaf), dies at age 90: - 6 years ago

@SFSU: #SFSU Alumnus Bernard Bragg passed away and was featured by @nytimes for being a pioneer for deaf actors. See the f… - 6 years ago

@SeuAcervo_Music: RT @playbill: Bernard Bragg, an original founder of the Theatre of the Deaf (@Ntdeaf), dies at age 90: - 6 years ago

@EntrustcsYakima: - 6 years ago

@allhandson: RT @ZVRS: In case you missed it, NBC's TODAY paid tribute to Bernard Bragg on TV this morning. Here's the segment to catch up on. - 6 years ago

@faces_screen: Bernard Bragg, a trailblazer for deaf performers who in 1967 became a founder of the National Theater of the Deaf i… - 6 years ago

@EmilyLangerWP: @MarleeMatlin Ms. Matlin, I am a reporter with The Washington Post and am writing about Bernard Bragg. Could you pl… - 6 years ago

@VITAC_Captions: Here is a nice tribute to Bernard Bragg, a trailblazer for deaf performers who in 1967 became a founder of the Nati… - 6 years ago

@IRTTheater: RT @DeafWest: There are actors and then there is the one who breaks all the rules. Bernard Bragg blazed trails, kicked doors open, cracked… - 6 years ago

@NATA77KOSH: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@Sorrydista: Una vita piena fino all'ultimo grazie Bernard Dragg - 6 years ago

@kendrayford: @OwenJones84 Bernard excluded, ironic that billy Bragg and momentum were quiet on the trolling their followers dire… - 6 years ago

@RPBrat: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@BrittanyE_Burke: RT @ZVRS: In case you missed it, NBC's TODAY paid tribute to Bernard Bragg on TV this morning. Here's the segment to catch up on. - 6 years ago

@debdennis01: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@noraraleighB: RT @_LDanza: Such an amazing actor - Mr. Bragg you will be sorely missed. Bernard Bragg, Who Showed the Way for Deaf Actors, Dies at 90 htt… - 6 years ago

@belmedia: RT @macjbby: @AlexisKashar @NYSD1817 You can watch video online shows: TODAY show with Willie Geist Bernard Bragg, America’s first professi… - 6 years ago

@signmation: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@danielaknicks1: RT @purplecomm: There will be a TV segment on Bernard Bragg on Sunday TODAY, Sunday, November 4 at 8am EST. The segment will go online at h… - 6 years ago

@danielaknicks1: RT @ZVRS: There will be a TV segment on Bernard Bragg on Sunday TODAY, Sunday, November 4 at 8am EST. The segment will go online at https:/… - 6 years ago

@danielaknicks1: RT @purplecomm: In case you missed it, NBC's TODAY paid tribute to Bernard Bragg on TV this morning. Here's the segment to catch up on. htt… - 6 years ago

@CAHandsVoices: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@danielaknicks1: RT @ZVRS: In case you missed it, NBC's TODAY paid tribute to Bernard Bragg on TV this morning. Here's the segment to catch up on. - 6 years ago

@1hourpro: Bernard Bragg, America's first #professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - - 6 years ago

@mediiabee: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@SLJediTerpMom: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@ASL_WHS: RT @ZVRS: In case you missed it, NBC's TODAY paid tribute to Bernard Bragg on TV this morning. Here's the segment to catch up on. - 6 years ago

@lextopia: RT @MarleeMatlin: Thank you @WillieGeist and @TODAYshow. Bernard Bragg, America’s first professional deaf actor, dies at 90 - 6 years ago

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