Bernard Bailyn

American historian.
Died on Friday August 7th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Bernard Bailyn:

@Peter_Porsche: Great tribute by ⁦@DanielGullotta⁩ “Thanks to is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the h… - 5 years ago

@DanielGullotta: @goldberg_dan @jbf1755 If I can hijack this thread, here’s my obituary for Bailyn. I would say it’s mostly held but… - 5 years ago

@goldberg_dan: @jbf1755 hey there. Old student here. My mom read Bernard Bailyn’s obit and is curious how his main thesis has held… - 5 years ago

@JudithChristma1: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago


@SumreenTarar: RIP Bernard Bailyn, hard at work well into his 90s. Few other historians combine exacting scholarship with artistic… - 5 years ago

@MovementNj1: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@John_Scotus: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@XaudiobooksCom: Illuminating History By Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@rdanmonroe: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@CivilThoughtful: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@marshmellow775: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago

@RogersWrites: “[The Constitution] did not solve the ancient and persistent problems of power -- nothing could -- but it created a… - 5 years ago

@StevenRogers64: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@DThomist: @a_centrism “Well connected, these adventurers of the upper Gentry and aristocracy were educated and sophisticated.… - 5 years ago

@PJSobkowski: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@tylercurtis42: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago

@lisefalardeau: RT @RBlakeBrown: “Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97” - 5 years ago

@AnneMuntean: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@deathtocrazy: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago

@CorinneAM: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@jeanneenabottle: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@MichaelHugg2591: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@tlloydcline: Great reflection on Bailyn by @DanielGullotta! Captures well the essence of Bailyn’s life project: taking the found… - 5 years ago

@Ramones413: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@WalkerWright86: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago

@TBDculture: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@NiicoleSka: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago

@SykesCharlie: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago

@pobguy: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@historyfrog: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@VernonThomson: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@MichaelWinship: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@cegriff3: Bernard Bailyn remembered. ⁦@BulwarkOnline⁩ - 5 years ago

@Mrneilhistory: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@nbunkerauthor: RT @jbf1755: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@AbeFord92: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@Submarine_Guy: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@obbietylertodd: An excellent summary of the erudition and legacy of Bernard Bailyn by @DanielGullotta. - 5 years ago

@HilalDelhi_INC: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@ThomasSKidd: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@PaulBurgo: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@tonypetersen4: RT @RBrookhiser: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@jaynordlinger: A very interesting appreciation by @DanielGullotta. - 5 years ago

@fmnsthist89: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago

@JohnBick1960: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago

@RBrookhiser: The Revolution of Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@Boston1775: RT @DanielGullotta: My obituary for Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) in @BulwarkOnline and an accompanying thread featuring some of the amazing p… - 5 years ago

@David_Boaz: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@HertogFDN: RT @DanielGullotta: @DavidRArmitage Adding to the numerous obituaries in honor of the late great Bernard Bailyn, here is mine for the @Bulw… - 5 years ago

@robgreeneII: RT @DanielGullotta: @DavidRArmitage Adding to the numerous obituaries in honor of the late great Bernard Bailyn, here is mine for the @Bulw… - 5 years ago

@DanielGullotta: @DavidRArmitage Adding to the numerous obituaries in honor of the late great Bernard Bailyn, here is mine for the… - 5 years ago

@hemmist: RT @DanielGullotta: "Thanks to Bailyn... it is now generally accepted that ideas were indeed at the heart of the American Revolution. The c… - 5 years ago

@maineallyb: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@StillServingDSS: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@RatherReadABook: @DanielGullotta @craigbrucesmith @BulwarkOnline Joyce Chaplin: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds o… - 5 years ago

@JackMillerCtr: RT @BillKristol: “Study of the pamphlets confirmed my rather old-fashioned view that the American Revolution was above all else an ideologi… - 5 years ago

@markusrentsch1: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@gwboudreau: RT @wwnorton: In April, Norton published ILLUMINATING HISTORY, the final and most personal of Bernard Bailyn’s works. It is in part an inte… - 5 years ago

@vievararosel: RT @vievararosel: @CatoInstitute - 5 years ago

@j_a_cornelius33: TJ to JM, December 20, 1787, in The Essential Debate on the Constitution, edited by Robert J. Allison and Bernard B… - 5 years ago

@ShawnEyer: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@pintado_kg: His breakthrough book, “The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution,” published in 1967, was a departure fro… - 5 years ago

@MotolenichR: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@amr1787: @GWBooks @craigbrucesmith @SHEARites @uvapress Mary gave an excellent virtual presentation for Fraunces Tavern Muse… - 5 years ago

@AfepDiaz13: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@surgeonwriter: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 books literature - 5 years ago

@GladstoneMarian: RT @loopdaloop22: Bernard Bailyn, why he was a great historian, and why he gets attacked today by the likes of the New York Times #American… - 5 years ago

@Harvard_History: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@MahyCherieAmour: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@msannbrown1: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@MichaelHevel: @joshshepperd I’m sure it’s a v. small percentage of overall faculty members, but that they are probably v. overrep… - 5 years ago

@gfitzgerald111: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@Prof_Verbeke: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@Jonas62712964: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@SCoppolla: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@marcdehond2: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@mensa2015: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@JasminLucci: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@Scieducation1: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@FouzSiddiqui_: RT @Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed our underst… - 5 years ago

@Harvard: Colleagues and students remember Bernard Bailyn, who has died at 97. The Pulitzer Prize-winning professor reframed… - 5 years ago

@lcia88: RT @craigbrucesmith: My lastest on #BernardBailyn for @SpectatorUSA on his work and legacy and where we go from here. #vastearlyamerica #tw… - 5 years ago

@janineshawuk: “I think every historian has an obligation to reach out to a general public,” Dr. Bailyn said in that 1991 Globe in… - 5 years ago

@loopdaloop22: Bernard Bailyn, why he was a great historian, and why he gets attacked today by the likes of the New York Times… - 5 years ago

@williamsetheri1: Bailyn's 1967 Ideological Origins of the American Revolution] the “Revolution” was about "liberty", inspired by Eng… - 5 years ago

@DoItForMaMa: RT @DoItForMaMa: Bernard Bailyn, historian of American colonial and revolutionary periods, 1922–2020 - 5 years ago

@wewilovercome: RT @DoItForMaMa: Bernard Bailyn, historian of American colonial and revolutionary periods, 1922–2020 - 5 years ago

@DoItForMaMa: Bernard Bailyn, historian of American colonial and revolutionary periods, 1922–2020 - 5 years ago

@KaraDiDomizio: RT @DanielGullotta: More sendoffs for the late great Bernard Bailyn. - 5 years ago

@RBrookhiser: RT @DanielGullotta: More sendoffs for the late great Bernard Bailyn. - 5 years ago

@AlbertWynder: RT @wwnorton: In April, Norton published ILLUMINATING HISTORY, the final and most personal of Bernard Bailyn’s works. It is in part an inte… - 5 years ago

@agordonreed: RT @wwnorton: In April, Norton published ILLUMINATING HISTORY, the final and most personal of Bernard Bailyn’s works. It is in part an inte… - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Bernard Bailyn Death – Dead :Bernard Bailyn Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown. - 5 years ago

@HarvardAlumni: Harvard mourns the loss of Pulitzer Prize-winning professor & historian Bernard Bailyn and reflects on his legacy… - 5 years ago

@kelsapellet: RT @DanielGullotta: More sendoffs for the late great Bernard Bailyn. - 5 years ago

@3PennyMovies: 1776 #DavidHume #ThomasPaine 1809 b.… - 5 years ago

@KinderhookFox: I didn't even know Bernard Bailyn had published a book in April. Life was full of distractions that month. Luckily… - 5 years ago

@craigbrucesmith: RT @DanielGullotta: More sendoffs for the late great Bernard Bailyn. - 5 years ago

@RobinHood1776: RT @wwnorton: In April, Norton published ILLUMINATING HISTORY, the final and most personal of Bernard Bailyn’s works. It is in part an inte… - 5 years ago

@bladtheimpaler: RT @DanielGullotta: More sendoffs for the late great Bernard Bailyn. - 5 years ago

@DanielGullotta: More sendoffs for the late great Bernard Bailyn. - 5 years ago

@ANiklaus4: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@george_actual: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@midonam: Bernard Bailyn, historian of American colonial and revolutionary periods, 1922–2020 - 5 years ago

@LeneFuchs: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@MP91955: RT @MP91955: Bernard Bailyn, historian of American colonial and revolutionary periods, 1922–2020 - 5 years ago

@MP91955: Bernard Bailyn, historian of American colonial and revolutionary periods, 1922–2020 - 5 years ago

@GladstoneMarian: RT @brehm_sheila: A must read!A brilliant summary of Bernard Bailyn's contribution to American history. It's also an answer to the NYTs obi… - 5 years ago

@AdamWoodford: RT @allenmendenhall: Bernard Bailyn’s unfinished revolution - 5 years ago

@ChaseLa74813330: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@dmitrichurch: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@niles_niemuth: RT @brehm_sheila: A must read!A brilliant summary of Bernard Bailyn's contribution to American history. It's also an answer to the NYTs obi… - 5 years ago

@dmitrichurch: RT @brehm_sheila: A must read!A brilliant summary of Bernard Bailyn's contribution to American history. It's also an answer to the NYTs obi… - 5 years ago

@Davy_Acko: RT @brehm_sheila: A must read!A brilliant summary of Bernard Bailyn's contribution to American history. It's also an answer to the NYTs obi… - 5 years ago

@brehm_sheila: A must read!A brilliant summary of Bernard Bailyn's contribution to American history. It's also an answer to the NY… - 5 years ago

@athompson1917: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@SamDaltonWSWS: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@GladstoneMarian: RT @niles_niemuth: This is an essential overview of the significance of American historian Bernard Bailyn and his life's work. #twitterstor… - 5 years ago

@GeoffBowden: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@jonboguth: "one day scholars like Bailyn may emerge again to reclaim America’s inheritance as a republic of liberty" - 5 years ago

@LWLorg: Can There Be Another Bernard Bailyn? - 5 years ago

@lancasterwhims: RT @JayGoonetilleke: Bernard Bailyn, a giant of early American history, dies at 97. - 5 years ago

@JayGoonetilleke: Bernard Bailyn, a giant of early American history, dies at 97. - 5 years ago

@GOP_WM: Bernard Bailyn, a giant of early American history, dies at 97. - 5 years ago

@JG_SBALending: Bernard Bailyn, a giant of early American history, dies at 97. - 5 years ago

@joeross1800: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@raluca3000: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@EureosCriss: RT @marco_gervasoni: Bernard Bailyn, a giant of early American history, dies at 97. - 5 years ago

@CharlieWork__: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@ojdunford: Bernard Bailyn, a giant of early American history, dies at 97. - 5 years ago

@Mark_C_Elliott: Now I think I know where my late colleague Philip Kuhn got the inspiration for *his* famous "So what?" question -… - 5 years ago

@VirginiaYankee1: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@VirginiaYankee1: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@mmrattan: Bernard Bailyn, a giant of early American history, dies at 97. - 5 years ago

@MCreed1990: Bernard Bailyn, a giant of early American history, dies at 97. - 5 years ago

@NealMcCluskey: Just saw Bernard Bailyn died. RIP Bailyn didn't write much about education, but what he di… - 5 years ago

@BobSvik: RIP Bernard Bailyn: his work forever changed how we think about America’s founding. - 5 years ago

@TheSteamboatGuy: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@SpectatorUSA: "The author or editor of nearly 20 books, Bailyn remained a productive trendsetter well into his golden years," wri… - 5 years ago

@SeasideSTAND05: RT @joeljmiller: - 5 years ago

@NiicoleSka: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@mandalorchick: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@Brett_Roach: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@jmadelman: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@CraigGaIIagher: Anyone else have no problem with failing to take the Founders at their word by pointing out they were slaveowners?… - 5 years ago

@kelsapellet: RT @SpectatorUSA: "Against the backdrop of the 1960s counter-cultural revolution, Bailyn thoroughly revolutionized the study of America’s p… - 5 years ago

@s_rewritten: RT @brynstole: Bernard Bailyn, noted historian of Colonial- and Revolutionary-era America and author of landmark 1967 book "The Ideological… - 5 years ago

@brynstole: Bernard Bailyn, noted historian of Colonial- and Revolutionary-era America and author of landmark 1967 book "The Id… - 5 years ago

@vodblu: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@CameronHillmer: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@tdcochrane: RT @joeljmiller: - 5 years ago

@heatherj750: RT @NYTObits: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@RayNothstine: RT @craigbrucesmith: My lastest on #BernardBailyn for @SpectatorUSA on his work and legacy and where we go from here. #vastearlyamerica #tw… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@DanielGullotta: RT @craigbrucesmith: My lastest on #BernardBailyn for @SpectatorUSA on his work and legacy and where we go from here. #vastearlyamerica #tw… - 5 years ago

@DoctorSyntax: RT @MichaelHattem: The National Review’s brief notice of Bailyn’s passing has a few problems worth pointing out about his historiographical… - 5 years ago

@JohnTLowe: RT @SpectatorUSA: "Against the backdrop of the 1960s counter-cultural revolution, Bailyn thoroughly revolutionized the study of America’s p… - 5 years ago

@labrcq: @tlecaque - 5 years ago

@James_F87: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@yone_maca: RT @adamshermanesq: “..frequent critic of..politicized “presentism” — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and val… - 5 years ago

@goodbyegirl1012: Bernard Bailyn RIP | Cato @ Liberty - 5 years ago

@adamshermanesq: “..frequent critic of..politicized “presentism” — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and… - 5 years ago

@adamshermanesq: “He was among the first historians to mine statistics from historical records with a computer.” - 5 years ago

@chist50: @McFaul God bless the USA - 5 years ago

@redhead1012: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@ClementShahn: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@terrypferguson: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 4 - 5 years ago

@DFox40416132: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@tammeke140674: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 4 - 5 years ago

@InfernalZoltan: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 4 - 5 years ago

@HNTweets: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97: - 5 years ago

@JSherw00d: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 3 - 5 years ago

@winsontang: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@hacker_news_hir: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 : - 5 years ago

@hncynic: Title: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 💬: Not everyone is entitled for a job. - 5 years ago

@hncynic: RT @hn_frontpage: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 L: C: - 5 years ago

@hn_frontpage: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 L: C: - 5 years ago

@ARU_AHSS: RT @aru_history: Sorry to hear of the passing of the great US historian Bernard Bailyn (age 97). His Ideological Origins of the American R… - 5 years ago

@FrauWise: RT @wwnorton: In April, Norton published ILLUMINATING HISTORY, the final and most personal of Bernard Bailyn’s works. It is in part an inte… - 5 years ago

@marsha_lindbeck: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@MitchErdel: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@MichelleHillie7: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@AuthorSingh: RT @David_Boaz: Bernard Bailyn revealed the Founding generation's deeply libertarian view of the world. RIP - 5 years ago

@JLoganTomlin: RT @juntocast: Upon the passing of Bernard Bailyn, we are pleased to share episode 12 of “The JuntoCast,” in which @kenneth_owen, @MichaelH… - 5 years ago

@elliptical: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@69GreyJay: RT @wwnorton: In April, Norton published ILLUMINATING HISTORY, the final and most personal of Bernard Bailyn’s works. It is in part an inte… - 5 years ago

@AnimalLoversUn1: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@chrisspangle: Books: The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution by Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@FreeTradeBryan: RT @David_Boaz: Bernard Bailyn revealed the Founding generation's deeply libertarian view of the world. RIP - 5 years ago

@catchastarr: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@RogersWrites: “The establishment, in some significant degree, of a realistic understanding of the past, free of myths, wish fulfi… - 5 years ago

@102415A: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@tommy7764331614: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@scarlett0131: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@heatherclark55: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@totallty: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@morgfair: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@MichaelMakovsky: Prof. Bernard Bailyn, perhaps the greatest historian of his time and a leading authority on colonial America, died… - 5 years ago

@jlauck1941: RT @AgeofRevs: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘥𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 by Bernard Bailyn will remain a classic for quite some time. #RIP. https:… - 5 years ago

@dexterb12: Bummer remix. “The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution” is a great read. Bailyn is one of the great post… - 5 years ago

@QBpapa: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@JRussBriley: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@Pablito_larguis: RT @David_Boaz: Bernard Bailyn revealed the Founding generation's deeply libertarian view of the world. RIP - 5 years ago

@FairmontHistory: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@lmbuzzard: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@carol_bonagura: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@Michael95494331: RT @NRO: Bernard Bailyn, R.I.P. | - 5 years ago

@prof_cohen: RT @NRO: Bernard Bailyn, R.I.P. | - 5 years ago

@ConservativeLA: RT @NRO: Bernard Bailyn, R.I.P. | - 5 years ago

@AbeFord92: RT @NRO: Bernard Bailyn, R.I.P. | - 5 years ago

@NRO: Bernard Bailyn, R.I.P. | - 5 years ago

@AbeFord92: RT @DanielGullotta: "Bailyn’s seminal contribution was The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, which says it all: Men think, an… - 5 years ago

@nealgetz: RT @CatoInstitute: Bernard Bailyn, the historian who revolutionized the study of the American Revolution, has died at the age of 97. Beginn… - 5 years ago

@David_Boaz: RT @CatoInstitute: Bernard Bailyn, the historian who revolutionized the study of the American Revolution, has died at the age of 97. Beginn… - 5 years ago

@CassCookson: RT @DanielGullotta: "Bailyn’s seminal contribution was The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, which says it all: Men think, an… - 5 years ago

@NortonHistory: RT @wwnorton: In April, Norton published ILLUMINATING HISTORY, the final and most personal of Bernard Bailyn’s works. It is in part an inte… - 5 years ago

@hist616: RT @wwnorton: In April, Norton published ILLUMINATING HISTORY, the final and most personal of Bernard Bailyn’s works. It is in part an inte… - 5 years ago

@vievararosel: @CatoInstitute - 5 years ago

@vievararosel: RT @CatoInstitute: Bernard Bailyn, the historian who revolutionized the study of the American Revolution, has died at the age of 97. Beginn… - 5 years ago

@henrymp_: RT @CatoInstitute: Bernard Bailyn, the historian who revolutionized the study of the American Revolution, has died at the age of 97. Beginn… - 5 years ago

@Boston1775: RT @DanielGullotta: "Bailyn’s seminal contribution was The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, which says it all: Men think, an… - 5 years ago

@craigbrucesmith: RT @DanielGullotta: "Bailyn’s seminal contribution was The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, which says it all: Men think, an… - 5 years ago

@DanielGullotta: "Bailyn’s seminal contribution was The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, which says it all: Men think… - 5 years ago

@Fytne: RT @CatoInstitute: Bernard Bailyn, the historian who revolutionized the study of the American Revolution, has died at the age of 97. Beginn… - 5 years ago

@monacharenEPPC: Bernard Bailyn RIP - 5 years ago

@sortanicewithit: RT @CatoInstitute: Bernard Bailyn, the historian who revolutionized the study of the American Revolution, has died at the age of 97. Beginn… - 5 years ago

@epochinAmerica: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@TimothyBigelow5: Bernard Bailyn 97 years old. Reading all his books & other writings should be required by every person in USA. To g… - 5 years ago

@Mgazine2M: Bernard Bailyn, the scholar who overturned our understanding of the American Revolution, is dead at 97… - 5 years ago

@riyan_sumindar: RT @andreasharsono: Bernard Bailyn, eminent historian of early America, dies at 97. On topic after topic he shifted the direction of schola… - 5 years ago

@historianess: RT @Paul_E_Cohen: deeply saddened to learn of Bernard Bailyn's death like many young scholars of my generation, I had the great good fortu… - 5 years ago

@RevengOfThe4th: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@A_Man_in_Full: RT @nfergus: Good to see the @nytimes publish a respectful obituary of the great Bud Bailyn. The Times's history-as-agitprop "1619 Project"… - 5 years ago

@EdHeadington: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@EricDavisMiddVT: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@BarryToiv: RT @HeerJeet: Really good obituary for Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020), a historian of colonial American whose distinguish quality was a restles… - 5 years ago

@antidotecsgo: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@ericsosag: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@andreasharsono: Bernard Bailyn, eminent historian of early America, dies at 97. On topic after topic he shifted the direction of sc… - 5 years ago

@fight4freedom72: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@DrDevissi: RT @NYTObits: On topic after topic, Bernard Bailyn shifted the direction of scholarly inquiry, winning two Pulitzers and a Bancroft Prize f… - 5 years ago

@margaretsfolly: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@adolfopatriciok: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@DrRamser: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@ghouled_merry: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@artdaily: Bernard Bailyn, eminent historian of early America, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@sbg1: RT @ConStelz: RIP Bernard Bailyn, one of America‘s greatest historians. My favorite memory of my 3 years at Harvard in the late 80s is abou… - 5 years ago

@rogecohen: I read The Barbarous Years this past winter, and am still knocked over by his opening chapter on the North American… - 5 years ago

@cmschroed: He enthralled me. And scared the hell out of me. And prepared me. - 5 years ago

@GunneGrankvist: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@WriteAurSimcoe: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 Historian Stephanie McCurry… - 5 years ago

@daglagl: RT @arothmanhistory: RIP Bernard Bailyn, quite a historian. I would like to add one point about his contribution to the historiography of s… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Indigenous leader Aritana Yawalapiti; computer scientist Frances Allen; sculptor Elmer Petersen… - 5 years ago

@alexcassano1: RT @charlesmurray: One of the more monumentally stupid things I have done was not take Bernard Bailyn's course on the American Revolution w… - 5 years ago

@KowalskiRandy: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@Rosamunde99: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@ooscar_88: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@WomensHoopsBlog: RT @seanmmcbride: I remember reading "Ideological Origins of the American Revolution" as undergrad in @jbf1755 's class. Amazing work; rem… - 5 years ago

@jtaylorfussell: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@seanmmcbride: I remember reading "Ideological Origins of the American Revolution" as undergrad in @jbf1755 's class. Amazing wor… - 5 years ago

@WNEMTV5news: He was 97. - 5 years ago

@CongoChronicler: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@SBuidhe: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@ASHLEYH05113697: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@DwightMannsbrdn: RT @robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and value… - 5 years ago

@robkhenderson: "a frequent critic of politicized 'presentism' — that is, interpreting past events in terms of modern thinking and… - 5 years ago

@Pseudoplotinus: RT @nfergus: Good to see the @nytimes publish a respectful obituary of the great Bud Bailyn. The Times's history-as-agitprop "1619 Project"… - 5 years ago

@bjkrugermad13: RT @BillKristol: “Professor Bailyn often spoke against what he called the ‘fashionable’ tendency to excoriate the American founders, whom h… - 5 years ago

@evelthoniacovid: RT @nfergus: Good to see the @nytimes publish a respectful obituary of the great Bud Bailyn. The Times's history-as-agitprop "1619 Project"… - 5 years ago

@sid1812_: RT @nfergus: Good to see the @nytimes publish a respectful obituary of the great Bud Bailyn. The Times's history-as-agitprop "1619 Project"… - 5 years ago

@FrancoisWeil: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@poldark1978: RT @nfergus: Good to see the @nytimes publish a respectful obituary of the great Bud Bailyn. The Times's history-as-agitprop "1619 Project"… - 5 years ago

@judystout1: RT @christs_college: We were sorry to learn of the death of Professor Bernard Bailyn. He was an extremely distinguished scholar, and a wond… - 5 years ago

@EdinburghWatch: RT @stgehistory: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97. A wonderful historian who transformed how the American Rev… - 5 years ago

@stgehistory: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97. A wonderful historian who transformed how the Ameri… - 5 years ago

@TomByr: "The establishment, in some significant degree, of a realistic understanding of the past, free of myths, wish fulfi… - 5 years ago

@gothicsynthetic: RT @HeerJeet: Really good obituary for Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020), a historian of colonial American whose distinguish quality was a restles… - 5 years ago

@gothicsynthetic: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@DFANewHaven: Born and raised in Hartford 👇 - 5 years ago

@DonLankiewicz: "For the essence and drama of history lie precisely in the active and continuous relationship between the underlyin… - 5 years ago

@printculture: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@fannymalegue: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@Nate_ready2go: RT @NYTObits: On topic after topic, Bernard Bailyn shifted the direction of scholarly inquiry, winning two Pulitzers and a Bancroft Prize f… - 5 years ago

@adane_v: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@dirk_alkemade: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@nhloya: RT @historianess: I have one last Bernard Bailyn story for all ye #twitterstorians. This was in 2006, a few months before I left for Texas.… - 5 years ago

@TheSteamboatGuy: RT @historianess: I have one last Bernard Bailyn story for all ye #twitterstorians. This was in 2006, a few months before I left for Texas.… - 5 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @NYTObits: On topic after topic, Bernard Bailyn shifted the direction of scholarly inquiry, winning two Pulitzers and a Bancroft Prize f… - 5 years ago

@DLasAmericas: #Obituario | Fallece el historiador Bernard Bailyn a los 97 años - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: On topic after topic, Bernard Bailyn shifted the direction of scholarly inquiry, winning two Pulitzers and a Bancro… - 5 years ago

@DavidMarkDC: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@leonardbenardo1: RT @jennyschuessler: OMG Bernard Bailyn’s “The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution” is #420 on Amazon, only 418 spots behind Sea… - 5 years ago

@TeviTroy: “A 1971 article in the @NYTimes about Daniel Ellsberg, the leaker of the #PentagonPapers, described him pulling a c… - 5 years ago

@pppduffy: RT @jennyschuessler: OMG Bernard Bailyn’s “The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution” is #420 on Amazon, only 418 spots behind Sea… - 5 years ago

@historianess: I have one last Bernard Bailyn story for all ye #twitterstorians. This was in 2006, a few months before I left for… - 5 years ago

@samuelmoyn: RT @jennyschuessler: OMG Bernard Bailyn’s “The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution” is #420 on Amazon, only 418 spots behind Sea… - 5 years ago

@artcatteries: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@emiliemitran: RT @RBrookhiser: Bernard Bailyn RIP. Dan Oliver, longtime employee/director/friend of NR, took one of his classes. When they came to Andre… - 5 years ago

@emiliemitran: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@nbunkerauthor: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@drjelks: RT @sharirabin: It's been interesting to see the simultaneous tributes to early American historian Bernard Bailyn and Talmudist Adin Steins… - 5 years ago

@cc_colton_novel: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@marcellokurtz: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@HarvardUPLondon: “He has transformed the field of early American history as much as any single person could.” We are saddened to he… - 5 years ago

@PSwayzeFan: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@HistoryOutings: Bernard Bailyn made his mark, and then some, on the historiography of America. - 5 years ago

@greggvt: “The establishment, in some significant degree, of a realistic understanding of the past, free of myths, wish fulfi… - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Bernard BAILYN (1922-2020), American historian, author, and academic specializing in U.S. Colonial and Revol… - 5 years ago

@anadecimononica: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@MarySelaMunoz: RT @AlbertWynder: “... I learned the basic requirement of good teaching: to somehow find the student’s instinctive, natural point of intere… - 5 years ago

@MDRBrown: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@JimGrossmanAHA: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@InstructScholar: Rest in Peace Bernard Bailyn and Thank you for all the great academic work you did for us. Your contributions to th… - 5 years ago

@ovejuelafeliz: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@jesuiscinque: That was rude. Bernard Bailyn was a great scholar. Met him once in college. He was retired then. - 5 years ago

@Samar664: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@RHSBHistory: For A level Students: Historian’s obituaries give excellent overview of interpretations and historiographical debat… - 5 years ago

@JohnNazelrod: Rest in Peace, Professor Bailyn. We’ve lost a giant. - 5 years ago

@mdbarfield48: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@Andrewsalvati: I’ve had the pleasure of reading Origins of American Politics 5 of the past 7 years as part of Dr. R.L. McCormick’… - 5 years ago

@zolov_: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@thelowedown: RT @arothmanhistory: RIP Bernard Bailyn, quite a historian. I would like to add one point about his contribution to the historiography of s… - 5 years ago

@ConMartin: Harvard professor Bernard Bailyn dies at 97; his research changed how scholars view the American Revolution… - 5 years ago

@ASPertierra: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@TroyBramston: Bernard Bailyn was one of those historians who reinterpret, sharpen focus and challenge us in book after book - I l… - 5 years ago

@JohnNorrisBrown: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@Clioinarms: Bernard Bailyn and Mark Ormrod in a single week. Bailyn's "The Peopling of British North America" remains one of th… - 5 years ago

@RLZaki: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@jennyschuessler: OMG Bernard Bailyn’s “The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution” is #420 on Amazon, only 418 spots behind… - 5 years ago

@mrustow: RT @samhaselby: I heard someone once ask him why he stopped writing economic history and he said, "Fogel and Engerman's book came out. I sa… - 5 years ago

@Moe52971613: RT @BillKristol: “Professor Bailyn often spoke against what he called the ‘fashionable’ tendency to excoriate the American founders, whom h… - 5 years ago

@KelleyO4: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@DLasAmericas: #Obituario | Fallece el historiador Bernard Bailyn a los 97 años - 5 years ago

@AmericanStJourn: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@jjkeller44: RT @kenneth_owen: Shocked, and honored, that the five historians quoted in Bernard Bailyn’s NYT obituary are Gordon Wood, Forrest McDonald,… - 5 years ago

@c_s_hackett: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@Xperienced_: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@Red_Quadrant: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@KHNASCAR: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@SuzanneinLGB: RT @BillKristol: “Professor Bailyn often spoke against what he called the ‘fashionable’ tendency to excoriate the American founders, whom h… - 5 years ago

@BookishUranian: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 Scholarly role model and his… - 5 years ago

@kenneth_owen: Shocked, and honored, that the five historians quoted in Bernard Bailyn’s NYT obituary are Gordon Wood, Forrest McD… - 5 years ago

@totallydaft: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@luvs_brad: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@gtvansiclen: - 5 years ago

@THAToneil: RT @sivavaid: RIP Bernard Bailyn. Learning how to do American history still starts with his work. - 5 years ago

@dropoutnation: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@museummarykate: RT @EricLondonSEP: What a life. "The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution" is a devastating pre-rebuttal to the lies of the #16… - 5 years ago

@mdpmulligan: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@kawulf: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@5lawslib: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97: On topic after topic he shifted the direction of sc… - 5 years ago

@RoyKenagy: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97: On topic after topic he shifted the direction of sc… - 5 years ago

@mena_jasper: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@juljaho: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@jeje70: RT @ChopelinP: Le grand historien américain Bernard Bailyn est décédé hier, 7 août 2020, à l'âge de 97 ans. Spécialiste de l'histoire de l'… - 5 years ago

@6079_WSmith: RT @JoyceChaplin1: “Succeeding generations will write different kinds of histories—and should,” Bernard Bailyn said. I now teach the class… - 5 years ago

@bladtheimpaler: Giant... amazing writer too. Rest In Peace - 5 years ago

@rickshenkman: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@AlbertWynder: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@njlightfoot: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@BenHubing: RT @MichaelHattem: Sad news about the passing of Bernard Bailyn, along with Ed Morgan, one of the 2 giants of early American history in the… - 5 years ago

@joshuawjeffery: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@sanbestilleiro: Se fue Bernard Bailyn. Gran historiador norteamericano, esos que cambiaron la forma de estudiar la etapa revolucion… - 5 years ago

@JamesWithers3: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@CapitolClio: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@brainvomit1313: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@KidadaEWilliams: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@DeGolierThomas: RT @bencarp: I haven't seen too much commentary about the fact that Bernard Bailyn was Jewish (and I don't know whether he talks about it i… - 5 years ago

@bdproctor: RT @nataliapetrzela: In his “heady if not intimidating graduate seminar...he wld punctuate wayward discussion w what historian Jack N. Rako… - 5 years ago

@dblight: @JHolmsted You might try both sides of the debate -- "The Antifederalist Papers are available in PDF format. Bernar… - 5 years ago

@henrytatkinson: RT @jaynordlinger: What an interesting, absorbing obit. - 5 years ago

@sivavaid: RT @kawulf: "The fact — the inescapable fact — is that we know how it all came out,” he wrote, “and they did not.” Love this final line fr… - 5 years ago

@SethBlumenthal: RT @nataliapetrzela: In his “heady if not intimidating graduate seminar...he wld punctuate wayward discussion w what historian Jack N. Rako… - 5 years ago

@jmadelman: RT @kawulf: "The fact — the inescapable fact — is that we know how it all came out,” he wrote, “and they did not.” Love this final line fr… - 5 years ago

@KurtNewman8: RT @WillMackintosh: I was introduced to Bernard Bailyn once. A friend brought me to a Harvard Society of Fellows dinner as a guest. We were… - 5 years ago

@mbritton_hist: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@enter_password_: RT @BillKristol: “Professor Bailyn often spoke against what he called the ‘fashionable’ tendency to excoriate the American founders, whom h… - 5 years ago

@samhaselby: The technical resources used to find the ship, and the origin of ammonium nitrate, are impressive. But as Bernard B… - 5 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@CarolynKeener7: RT @charlesmurray: One of the more monumentally stupid things I have done was not take Bernard Bailyn's course on the American Revolution w… - 5 years ago

@PrismOfReality: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@CarolynKeener7: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@blueshirtsfan81: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@BNWE7: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@micmicmic1: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@rvrgraves2001: RT @MattZeitlin: this is just me mouthing off from ignorance but it’s kinda wild to read these obits of Bernard Bailyn that describe his gr… - 5 years ago

@james0802: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@JKlein2468: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@charlesmurray: One of the more monumentally stupid things I have done was not take Bernard Bailyn's course on the American Revolut… - 5 years ago

@KevinLevin: RT @bencarp: I haven't seen too much commentary about the fact that Bernard Bailyn was Jewish (and I don't know whether he talks about it i… - 5 years ago

@tomkeene: “The fact — the inescapable fact — is that we know how it all came out, and they did not.” a giant has died. i have… - 5 years ago

@bencarp: I haven't seen too much commentary about the fact that Bernard Bailyn was Jewish (and I don't know whether he talks… - 5 years ago

@stwajda: Years ago at a Warren Center talk, Bernard Bailyn questioned the speaker. In his question he cited exact population… - 5 years ago

@AGMcKillop: RT @LibraryAmerica: “He has transformed the field of early American history as much as any single person could.” #RIP Bernard Bailyn (1922–… - 5 years ago

@james_aura: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@WPAdmirer: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@RoshniVenkatesh: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@samkuhn74: RT @huret_romain: Un très, très grand historien de l’époque coloniale aux Etats-Unis est décédé. Une triste nouvelle. Bernard Bailyn, Emine… - 5 years ago

@to_121_E: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@wtpickens1: RT @kawulf: "The fact — the inescapable fact — is that we know how it all came out,” he wrote, “and they did not.” Love this final line fr… - 5 years ago

@milleropoulos: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@scott_pactor: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@MimoCT: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@LoRussoTony: Bernard Bailyn dies at 97; his research changed how scholars view the American Revolution - 5 years ago

@JLasaine: RT @joshtpm: Not only was Bailyn’s scholarship immensely influential but he trained a generation of students who’s own work did so to an ev… - 5 years ago

@Boston1775: RT @joshtpm: Not only was Bailyn’s scholarship immensely influential but he trained a generation of students who’s own work did so to an ev… - 5 years ago

@BadAzU: RT @jmeacham: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@marckeepper: RT @jmeacham: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@IoannaTourkocho: ...“a kind of literary imagination” was essential to the historian’s craft. “Like a novelist,” he wrote, the histor… - 5 years ago

@Dotrat22: RT @joshtpm: Not only was Bailyn’s scholarship immensely influential but he trained a generation of students who’s own work did so to an ev… - 5 years ago

@MattZeitlin: this is just me mouthing off from ignorance but it’s kinda wild to read these obits of Bernard Bailyn that describe… - 5 years ago

@Warzone2H: RIP Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020): "Though his name may not ring a bell with the legions of readers who devour best-se… - 5 years ago

@Ahclem53: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@priyastoric: RT @kawulf: "The fact — the inescapable fact — is that we know how it all came out,” he wrote, “and they did not.” Love this final line fr… - 5 years ago

@rascality: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@tominwindsor: RT @jmeacham: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@SlaughterAM: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@SangerNYT: Tough week. We lost Brent Scowcroft, & now Bernard Bailyn, Harvard prof, author of “Ideological Origins if the Amer… - 5 years ago

@jim0305: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@allisonmjohnson: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@nataliapetrzela: In his “heady if not intimidating graduate seminar...he wld punctuate wayward discussion w what historian Jack N. R… - 5 years ago

@FuocoStrepitoso: RT @nbunkerauthor: I was deeply saddened to read this morning in the @NYTimes of the death at 97 of the great @Harvard historian, #BernardB… - 5 years ago

@nbunkerauthor: I was deeply saddened to read this morning in the @NYTimes of the death at 97 of the great @Harvard historian,… - 5 years ago

@iArmiiin: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@andrewsalzberg: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@TimLockley: Sorry to hear of the death of Bernard Bailyn . When I attended the 1996 Atlantic History seminar he taught me the v… - 5 years ago

@donaldnjensen: RT @thorn_john: Really wonderful obituary. @jennyschuessler - 5 years ago

@w758: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@felixmlarkin: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@HDrochon: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@Steven_Strauss: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@aru_history: Sorry to hear of the passing of the great US historian Bernard Bailyn (age 97). His Ideological Origins of the Ame… - 5 years ago

@ronibarro: RT @LignesDeForce: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@Bonjin_21: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@DrHBurstein: I had the joy of taking Bud Bailyn's class on the American Revolution as an undergrad. One of the most brilliant w… - 5 years ago

@LignesDeForce: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@LignesDeForce: RT @ChopelinP: Le grand historien américain Bernard Bailyn est décédé hier, 7 août 2020, à l'âge de 97 ans. Spécialiste de l'histoire de l'… - 5 years ago

@JoshuaLivestro: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@pablodiablo74: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@cambridge_cpt: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@ctmmagazine: | MORE INFO: - 5 years ago

@Randall_Stps: From this past April: Harvard historian Bernard Bailyn takes a long look back in ‘Illuminating History: A Retrospec… - 5 years ago

@BriMcCauley: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@PeteDavidMorgan: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@AntonJaegermm: RT @Diderotesque: RIP Bernard Bailyn. - 5 years ago

@Diderotesque: RIP Bernard Bailyn. - 5 years ago

@APHG_National: RT @ChopelinP: Pour en savoir plus sur son itinéraire et son rayonnement au sein de l'université américaine - et au-delà - le @nytimes lui… - 5 years ago

@APHG_National: RT @ChopelinP: Le grand historien américain Bernard Bailyn est décédé hier, 7 août 2020, à l'âge de 97 ans. Spécialiste de l'histoire de l'… - 5 years ago

@MaryMWalsh: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, whose award-winning books on early American history reshaped th… - 5 years ago

@dennydorko: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@kirbymckinney: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@dsgolemiss: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@mattsteinglass: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@secksaddict: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@MadProfMisal: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@MadProfMisal: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@FrDe2059: Bailyn : going back to the roots of the American revolution and what history means. @WashPost - 5 years ago

@kombizz: RT @PressTVPrograms: "In his writings, Dr. Bailyn was a strong proponent of American exceptionalism, which celebrates New World innovations… - 5 years ago

@PaulBondwsws: RT @EricLondonSEP: What a life. "The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution" is a devastating pre-rebuttal to the lies of the #16… - 5 years ago

@gourmetmetrics: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@PressTVPrograms: "In his writings, Dr. Bailyn was a strong proponent of American exceptionalism, which celebrates New World innovati… - 5 years ago

@MachugaC: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@NanaB_2010: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@cbs46: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@buckweaver: RT @washingtonpost: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@Schmodnick: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@wasserhoevel: RT @LarryGlickman: My first semester of grad school, like many Americanists at Berkeley before me, I took a memorable seminar with Jim Ket… - 5 years ago

@KCTV5: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@GladstoneMarian: RT @EricLondonSEP: What a life. "The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution" is a devastating pre-rebuttal to the lies of the #16… - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Bernard Bailyn, US-amerikanischer Historiker, am 07.08.2020 im Alter von 97 Jahren - - 5 years ago

@odlb: RT @ChopelinP: Le grand historien américain Bernard Bailyn est décédé hier, 7 août 2020, à l'âge de 97 ans. Spécialiste de l'histoire de l'… - 5 years ago

@jslopez: RT @IderanOE: History should be studied because it is an absolutely necessary enlargement of human experience, a way of getting out of the… - 5 years ago

@e_pepys: RT @ChopelinP: Le grand historien américain Bernard Bailyn est décédé hier, 7 août 2020, à l'âge de 97 ans. Spécialiste de l'histoire de l'… - 5 years ago

@ReederAvid: For his part, Professor Bailyn often spoke against what he called the “fashionable” tendency to excoriate the Ameri… - 5 years ago

@canoe21: "Eminent Scholar of Early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, Dies at 97" by The Associated Press via NYT - 5 years ago

@IasaStudies: RT @MichaelHattem: Sad news about the passing of Bernard Bailyn, along with Ed Morgan, one of the 2 giants of early American history in the… - 5 years ago

@DEShellenberger: "Bernard Bailyn, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and educator of lasting influence whose 'The Ideological Origin… - 5 years ago

@mrfw17thc: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@wally_gerard: Impactat per la mort de Bernard Bailyn. Mestre de mestres. Tot just fa dos dies em notificaven que tenia la sort de… - 5 years ago

@Reveal_House: RT @djemal_ua: "Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97" by BY RENWICK MCLEAN AND JENNIFER SCHUESSLER via NYT https:… - 5 years ago

@djemal_ua: "Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97" by BY RENWICK MCLEAN AND JENNIFER SCHUESSLER via N… - 5 years ago

@CyberAnonymous: AP: RT APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer P… - 5 years ago

@thinkingenglish: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@raulrey0: RT @agordonreed: 1) I met Bernard Bailyn at the famous Omohundro Institute Conference on the slave trade in 1998. It was a bit awkward. My… - 5 years ago

@wshap1999: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@WilliamsLibert5: RT @DrewErdmann: Saddened to learn of the death of Bernard Bailyn - a national treasure, one of the greatest historians of America, and @Wi… - 5 years ago

@spidermassalia: RT @ChopelinP: Le grand historien américain Bernard Bailyn est décédé hier, 7 août 2020, à l'âge de 97 ans. Spécialiste de l'histoire de l'… - 5 years ago

@ChopelinP: Pour en savoir plus sur son itinéraire et son rayonnement au sein de l'université américaine - et au-delà - le… - 5 years ago

@ChopelinP: Le grand historien américain Bernard Bailyn est décédé hier, 7 août 2020, à l'âge de 97 ans. Spécialiste de l'histo… - 5 years ago

@NahanSf: RT @FrancoisWeil: Very sad news. I took his famed graduate seminar in the mid-80s. He was curious of this French visiting student, rigorous… - 5 years ago

@Brett_Roach: RT @jbf1755: 1/ Just opened Twitter after many hours & saw this. Sad news indeed. Bernard Bailyn was truly a giant of early American hist… - 5 years ago

@FrancoisWeil: Very sad news. I took his famed graduate seminar in the mid-80s. He was curious of this French visiting student, ri… - 5 years ago

@Brett_Roach: RT @IderanOE: History should be studied because it is an absolutely necessary enlargement of human experience, a way of getting out of the… - 5 years ago

@Brett_Roach: RT @TBDculture: Five years ago, Gordon Wood wrote an appreciation in The Weekly Standard for his teacher, Bernard Bailyn, who died today:… - 5 years ago

@Brett_Roach: RT @juntocast: Upon the passing of Bernard Bailyn, we are pleased to share episode 12 of “The JuntoCast,” in which @kenneth_owen, @MichaelH… - 5 years ago

@Brett_Roach: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@joeura: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@tcoltman: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@alejammontes: RT @MalickGhachem: RIP Bernard Bailyn, from whom I have drawn inspiration over many years. - 5 years ago

@RadioTaskForce: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@E_MusicKamikaze: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@DeansherryS: RT @BillKristol: Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020). As a freshman, I was intimidated by his great class on the ideological origins of the American… - 5 years ago

@Ashley_Walsh: It's very sad to see that Bernard Bailyn has died. An inspiration to historians of seventeenth- and eighteenth-cent… - 5 years ago

@RobRakove: - 5 years ago

@StepinacHistory: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@calebsussman: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@Joe_Cozens: RT @AgeofRevs: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘥𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 by Bernard Bailyn will remain a classic for quite some time. #RIP. https:… - 5 years ago

@EHChalus: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@clarkfolks: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@scoop881: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@paultcarney: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@juliewa43117224: RT @RonCharles: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@Beckalex: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@HistProfDad: RT @timcrimmins: History Dept @ Harvard in the 1980s, at the height of Bernard Bailyn's influence: "There is something perhaps a bit off-pu… - 5 years ago

@Danascene_: RT @jbf1755: And now I'm scrolling through tweets by historians about Bernard Bailyn -- and the impact he had -- and the respect he inspire… - 5 years ago

@Danascene_: RT @MichaelHattem: Sad news about the passing of Bernard Bailyn, along with Ed Morgan, one of the 2 giants of early American history in the… - 5 years ago

@scasburn_life: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@kwenig1: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@timcrimmins: History Dept @ Harvard in the 1980s, at the height of Bernard Bailyn's influence: "There is something perhaps a bit… - 5 years ago

@notnutjob1: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@StevenErlanger: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@AmyArtman3: RT @PippaKoch: I’ll never forget reading Voyagers to the West and the Peopling of North America in college. Probably what started me down t… - 5 years ago

@jeromeward1916: RT @Johnmartinjoy: 1/2 “The political and ideological background of the American Revolution has been studied by more people over a longer p… - 5 years ago

@jeromeward1916: RT @Johnmartinjoy: 2/2 Bailyn was a phenomenal teacher and writer, and our foremost historian of the American Revolution and early republi… - 5 years ago

@JacobFriefeld: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@suhaib_zafar: RT @DanielGullotta: There were five historians who made me want to be an American. Bernard Bailyn was one of them. - 5 years ago

@Boston1775: RT @jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The fact… - 5 years ago

@JeremyTewell: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@msfuckinheather: RT @openculture: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@jefferslennox: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@jennyschuessler: “He he cautioned, as he often did, against imposing our own sense of certainty on the confusion of the past. ‘The f… - 5 years ago

@MarcyMurninghan: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@StuckinQuito: RT @JohnOtis: Here's my obit of the eminent historian Bernard Bailyn. His books about the American revolution were never as popular as thos… - 5 years ago

@bunnybisous: RT @bunnybisous: Amen! So much love for @AlexisCoe in @girlsatlibrary on her nonfiction & history favorites… huzzah for Joan Didion! @drewf… - 5 years ago

@caseycorr: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@WillMackintosh: I was introduced to Bernard Bailyn once. A friend brought me to a Harvard Society of Fellows dinner as a guest. We… - 5 years ago

@martharoldos: RT @JohnOtis: Here's my obit of the eminent historian Bernard Bailyn. His books about the American revolution were never as popular as thos… - 5 years ago

@MichaelBaysa: I never met Bernard Bailyn but both of his books below served as the historiographic pillars for my exams on pre-18… - 5 years ago

@PeterWinship8: Last week I read Bernard Bailyn's *Illuminating History*. It ends with perceptive memorials of his colleagues, Mori… - 5 years ago

@rachelchesser: RT @TBDculture: Five years ago, Gordon Wood wrote an appreciation in The Weekly Standard for his teacher, Bernard Bailyn, who died today:… - 5 years ago

@bunnybisous: 💔 - 5 years ago

@joeross1800: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@DonPJenn: RT @DPietrusza: I well remember reading Bernard Bailyn's "The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution" in graduate school. A great b… - 5 years ago

@jwstewart76: Brilliant man and amazing books. Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, assigned in college, is a book I o… - 5 years ago

@u_educate: RT @JMSilverbrook: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - ABC News - 5 years ago

@bunnybisous: RT @bunnybisous: Gore Vidal on Bernard Bailyn, Elizabeth Hardwick, Aaron Burr, & what Pres. Kennedy thought abt our Constitution & its Angl… - 5 years ago

@bunnybisous: RT @bunnybisous: THE LEGEND. MY INTELLECTUAL HERO. - 5 years ago

@jslogel: Bernard Bailyn on writing history, 2020. - 5 years ago

@Gregrowe28: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@DJTD1983: Historian Bernard Bailyn died today at age 97. Rest in eternal peace. - 5 years ago

@DPietrusza: I well remember reading Bernard Bailyn's "The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution" in graduate school. A… - 5 years ago

@ChoChienFeng: RT @cfminty: I met Bernard #Bailyn at an Adams Papers committee meeting. He’d served on the committee forever. (He was also consulted for a… - 5 years ago

@GraceMallon3: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@crimsonscholar: RT @Boston1775: I got to meet Bernard Bailyn after a lecture. He happily chatted with this writer about who leaked the Hutchinson letters t… - 5 years ago

@DABridge22: RT @rothmanistan: Bernard Bailyn passed away today at 97. Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize and once a Bancroft, authored over a dozen boo… - 5 years ago

@PolyPoliLive: RT @CraftRemembered: The AP @AP obituary by @hitalie on the early American historian Bernard Bailyn is simply brilliant. Thank you for such… - 5 years ago

@Boston1775: RT @rbthisted: Sad to hear of the passing of Bernard Bailyn. One of the greats, and a kind and appreciative consumer of my data back at the… - 5 years ago

@robgreeneII: RT @JohnFea1: Bernard Bailyn, RIP - 5 years ago

@BKayeTS: RT @JohnFea1: Bernard Bailyn, RIP - 5 years ago

@bethicajess: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@WatchOurCity: (AP News) Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@michelle_orihel: Bernard Bailyn’s “Ideological Origins“ is THE work that began my transition from studying early modern English his… - 5 years ago

@nikobowie: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@DWHauthor: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@Dr_Nate_Corzine: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@tomdrabowicz: RT @nils_gilman: R.I.P. Bernard Bailyn. I disagreed with him about almost everything but he he was undoubtedly a titan. - 5 years ago

@BookWorm33333: RT @rothmanistan: Bernard Bailyn passed away today at 97. Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize and once a Bancroft, authored over a dozen boo… - 5 years ago

@npcox: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@Bailey_History: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@JMSilverbrook: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - ABC News - 5 years ago

@Grodzins: Bernard Bailyn has died. He was perhaps the most important and influential historian of the American Colonial and R… - 5 years ago

@JingjianWu: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@txlibrarianbabs: RT @NativeAmText: Never met Bernard #Bailyn but it is amazing how many of us across #VastEarlyAmerica teach and write with an awareness of… - 5 years ago

@lizl_genealogy: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@Ladybecsu: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@Eunacis: RT @badhistorytakes: RIP Bernard Bailyn, an eminent scholar of the Atlantic World and Early America. - 5 years ago

@M_McClellan: Perhaps the most influential historian ever, Dr. Bailyn's The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution won th… - 5 years ago

@PatMccrystal: RT @BillKristol: Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020). As a freshman, I was intimidated by his great class on the ideological origins of the American… - 5 years ago

@lblessman: RT @rothmanistan: Bernard Bailyn passed away today at 97. Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize and once a Bancroft, authored over a dozen boo… - 5 years ago

@evanbernick: RT @JMSilverbrook: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - ABC News - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Bernard Bailyn, historian who reinterpreted the American Revolution, dies at 97 - - 5 years ago

@Johnmartinjoy: 2/2 Bailyn was a phenomenal teacher and writer, and our foremost historian of the American Revolution and early re… - 5 years ago

@jacob_bruggeman: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@KatyTelling: Every time I opened up that Bernard Bailyn book, I knew I wanted to be a historian. Rest In Peace, sir. - 5 years ago

@McanlisRae: RT @TBDculture: Five years ago, Gordon Wood wrote an appreciation in The Weekly Standard for his teacher, Bernard Bailyn, who died today:… - 5 years ago

@igallupd: RT @kawulf: So sorry to learn this news. Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) was a giant in early American history, kind to me and important to the… - 5 years ago

@igallupd: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@HistProfDad: RT @ChoChienFeng: Bernard Bailyn has been an influential historian in early American history, and even more importantly, he has educated gr… - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Bernard Bailyn, Eminent Historian of Early America, Dies at 97 - - 5 years ago

@news10nbc: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@HisProf1974: Wait, Bernard Bailyn was still alive? #RIP - 5 years ago

@Johnmartinjoy: 1/2 “The political and ideological background of the American Revolution has been studied by more people over a lon… - 5 years ago

@ImpressoesRbds: RT @AgeofRevs: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘥𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 by Bernard Bailyn will remain a classic for quite some time. #RIP. https:… - 5 years ago

@historianess: RT @NativeAmText: Never met Bernard #Bailyn but it is amazing how many of us across #VastEarlyAmerica teach and write with an awareness of… - 5 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeMeade13: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@historianess: RT @cfminty: I met Bernard #Bailyn at an Adams Papers committee meeting. He’d served on the committee forever. (He was also consulted for a… - 5 years ago

@historianess: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@daiyami: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@nils_gilman: Bernard Bailyn dying is doing to the #twitterstorian-sphere what Paul Simon dying will do to the normie-sphere. - 5 years ago

@Currying_Favor: RT @rothmanistan: Bernard Bailyn passed away today at 97. Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize and once a Bancroft, authored over a dozen boo… - 5 years ago

@simon_montford: RT @rothmanistan: Bernard Bailyn passed away today at 97. Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize and once a Bancroft, authored over a dozen boo… - 5 years ago

@Prof_Cooper: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@zpmarconi: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@PupsherLive: RT @rothmanistan: Bernard Bailyn passed away today at 97. Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize and once a Bancroft, authored over a dozen boo… - 5 years ago

@KaelynApple: RT @rothmanistan: Bernard Bailyn passed away today at 97. Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize and once a Bancroft, authored over a dozen boo… - 5 years ago

@ZacCunningham: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@freedomlovererh: RT @AgeofRevs: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘥𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 by Bernard Bailyn will remain a classic for quite some time. #RIP. https:… - 5 years ago

@Zola099: RT @BillKristol: Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020). As a freshman, I was intimidated by his great class on the ideological origins of the American… - 5 years ago

@jslogel: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@Andreag1086: RT @AgeofRevs: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘥𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 by Bernard Bailyn will remain a classic for quite some time. #RIP. https:… - 5 years ago

@AgeofRevs: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘥𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 by Bernard Bailyn will remain a classic for quite some time.… - 5 years ago

@colbycosh: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@DrHettie2017: RT @rothmanistan: Bernard Bailyn passed away today at 97. Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize and once a Bancroft, authored over a dozen boo… - 5 years ago

@stevenjmoneill3: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@OUHistDept: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@rothmanistan: Bernard Bailyn passed away today at 97. Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize and once a Bancroft, authored over a doz… - 5 years ago

@LouLachat: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@JonathanBohan: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@jjkeller44: RT @DanielGullotta: There were five historians who made me want to be an American. Bernard Bailyn was one of them. - 5 years ago

@jjkeller44: RIP to one of the all-time greats. - 5 years ago

@Steveos_Space: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@TSkiplark: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@FreedomVToday: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@erezmanela: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@HannahPalsa: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@NativeAmText: Never met Bernard #Bailyn but it is amazing how many of us across #VastEarlyAmerica teach and write with an awarene… - 5 years ago

@badhistorytakes: RIP Bernard Bailyn, an eminent scholar of the Atlantic World and Early America. - 5 years ago

@SouzaEluam: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@dblight: @jbf1755 So sad to hear that Bernard Bailyn is gone -- a great one has passed. - 5 years ago

@CraftRemembered: The AP obituary by @hitalie on the early American historian Bernard Bailyn is simply brilliant. Thank you for such… - 5 years ago

@PhilipMMarshall: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@ZacCunningham: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@smallrevelation: Bernard Bailyn passed away. I just learned that there were shots fired between him and a one-time #PhiladelphiaReds… - 5 years ago

@Wrestlekasten: What a loss for the profession. Bernard Bailyn was an incredible historian of colonial America and the Atlantic Wor… - 5 years ago

@melair1: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@RVolneyRiser: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@ProPatria20: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@MichaeMaher200A: RT @David_Boaz: I had the good fortune to attend Bernard Bailyn's Jefferson Lecture in 1998 on the Founders and their "provincialism," thei… - 5 years ago

@ThomasSKidd: Re: Bernard Bailyn, who passed away today, he was the author of many great books, but for me the greatest is _The I… - 5 years ago

@isaac_schorr: This piece not only explains why we’ll miss Bernard Bailyn, but also why we do miss The Weekly Standard. - 5 years ago

@hanrahanistan: RT @samhaselby: A small bit from Bernard Bailyn's 1951 article, "Braudel's Geohistory--A Reconsideration," in The Journal of Economic Histo… - 5 years ago

@davidrieff: RT @samhaselby: A small bit from Bernard Bailyn's 1951 article, "Braudel's Geohistory--A Reconsideration," in The Journal of Economic Histo… - 5 years ago

@WesleyLeckrone: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@jmadelman: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@ThomasSKidd: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@samhaselby: A small bit from Bernard Bailyn's 1951 article, "Braudel's Geohistory--A Reconsideration," in The Journal of Econom… - 5 years ago

@ryananthsmith1: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@Boston1775: RT @IraStoll: Saddened to learn of the death of my teacher Bernard Bailyn. There will be more to say but for a flavor of the scholar see th… - 5 years ago

@TrentTaylorHist: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@mikayakatnt: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeL34767030: RT @BillKristol: Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020). As a freshman, I was intimidated by his great class on the ideological origins of the American… - 5 years ago

@sean_southard: Bernard Bailyn. When it came to American Revolutionary history, he was the man. RIP. “[Power] acts upon men like… - 5 years ago

@taylor_meehan: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@ConservativeLA: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@DouglasMCharles: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@AntonJaegermm: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@CarolJeanSing: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - Minneapolis Star Tribune - 5 years ago

@kimellis9: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@RestInPeaceBot: RIP Bernard Bailyn #BernardBailyn - 5 years ago

@AP: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@paulcopp: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@JoanRan70734265: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@joke2power: @DavidRArmitage @KevinLevin "Sometimes an Art, Never a Science, Always a Craft: A Conversation with Bernard Bailyn"… - 5 years ago

@amyoatis: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@tonypetersen4: In honor of his passing, my Bernard Bailyn shelfie. - 5 years ago

@MichaelHattem: Sad news about the passing of Bernard Bailyn, along with Ed Morgan, one of the 2 giants of early American history i… - 5 years ago

@GayCae: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@joke2power: @DavidRArmitage @KevinLevin - 5 years ago

@David_Boaz: I had the good fortune to attend Bernard Bailyn's Jefferson Lecture in 1998 on the Founders and their "provincialis… - 5 years ago

@katrinagulliver: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@tlloydcline: Great obit on Bailyn @seattletimes Highlighting the unparalleled influence of “The Ideological Origins of the Ameri… - 5 years ago

@dtsmith_sydney: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@joke2power: @DavidRArmitage @KevinLevin - 5 years ago

@donaldnjensen: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@karstdejong: RT @Jamaicanhist: RIP Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@SmirkandScram: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@auggie2000: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@Elolin2: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Bernard Bailyn, you will be missed - #BernardBailyn #Bernard #Bailyn #rip - 5 years ago

@Jamaicanhist: RIP Bernard Bailyn - 5 years ago

@AndreasOberdorf: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@KAlanSnyder: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@markjohnson0208: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@grantsharratt: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@FoodandRace: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@WICTDCBALT: RT @APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his 19… - 5 years ago

@GeorgKennan: RT @TBDculture: Five years ago, Gordon Wood wrote an appreciation in The Weekly Standard for his teacher, Bernard Bailyn, who died today:… - 5 years ago

@svateboje: RT @TJBreen: Sad news about Bernard Bailyn. Reading this book in college was one of the formative intellectual encounters of my life. It no… - 5 years ago

@KinderhookFox: Bernard Bailyn died today. He would have been 98 next month. I think he's one of the finest historians this nation'… - 5 years ago

@tomaashby: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@APEntertainment: Influential historian and educator Bernard Bailyn has died at age 97. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, the first for his… - 5 years ago

@nhloya: RT @TBDculture: Five years ago, Gordon Wood wrote an appreciation in The Weekly Standard for his teacher, Bernard Bailyn, who died today:… - 5 years ago

@svateboje: RT @TBDculture: Five years ago, Gordon Wood wrote an appreciation in The Weekly Standard for his teacher, Bernard Bailyn, who died today:… - 5 years ago

@svateboje: RT @juntocast: Upon the passing of Bernard Bailyn, we are pleased to share episode 12 of “The JuntoCast,” in which @kenneth_owen, @MichaelH… - 5 years ago

@WFXRnews: Eminent scholar of early U.S., Bernard Bailyn, dies at 97 - 5 years ago

@tizistella: RT @joke2power: @DavidRArmitage @KevinLevin - 5 years ago

@shyhooper: RT @JoyceChaplin1: Extremely sad news: Emeritus Professor Bernard Bailyn passed away earlier today. - 5 years ago

@AvengingGerbil: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

@andrews_cath: RT @DavidRArmitage: It is with deep sorrow that I share news of the death of Bernard Bailyn (1922-2020) earlier today. Truly a giant: a fin… - 5 years ago

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