Benjamin Melniker

American film producer.
Died on Tuesday February 27th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Benjamin Melniker:

@klaatu: RT @WarnerArchive: RIP, Titan and True Bat-fan, Benjamin Melniker. - 7 years ago

@Grumpa: Scary successful - 7 years ago

@BatmanShare: Prolific 'Batman' producer, MGM exec Benjamin Melniker dies in Roslyn Harbor - The Island Now - 7 years ago

@TheIslandNow: Prolific ‘Batman’ producer, MGM exec Benjamin Melniker dies in Roslyn Harbor - 7 years ago


@geribean87: RT @DavidMLatt: Today we lost Benjamin Melniker (104) and Lewis Gilbert (97) - both had long and storied lives - and we wide-eyed fans of c… - 7 years ago

@GreatWhite25: RT @BatmanNewsCom: R.I.P. to Benjamin Melniker, who has been an executive producer on every Batman movie from 1989 to #JusticeLeague (and b… - 7 years ago

@batman23476: RT @BatmanNewsCom: Batman film producer Benjamin Melniker has died - 7 years ago

@PrimePassCinema: Morre Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do ‘Batman’ - 7 years ago

@takeotamausa: Legendary Batman Producer, Benjamin Melniker, Passes Away at 104 - 7 years ago

@katlinakliewer: Legendary Batman Producer, Benjamin Melniker, Passes Away at 104 - 7 years ago

@pianoelectro: Legendary Batman Producer, Benjamin Melniker, Passes Away at 104 - 7 years ago

@GPSgregorysmith: RT @DavidMLatt: Today we lost Benjamin Melniker (104) and Lewis Gilbert (97) - both had long and storied lives - and we wide-eyed fans of c… - 7 years ago

@batmanbeyondpod: Benjamin Melniker, prolific 'Batman' producer, dies at 104 - 7 years ago

@JessicaGaCi21: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Benjamin Melniker, 104; teamed with fellow producer Michael E. Uslan in 1979 to buy movie rights to DC Comics' Batman… - 7 years ago

@limapazm: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@andrewDCholiday: RT @Borys_Kit: Producer Benjamin Melniker dies at 104. He bought the rights to BATMAN in the 1970s when NO ONE wanted them and went through… - 7 years ago

@Ginger7730W: RT @andrewDCholiday: Happy 52nd Birthday to Zack Snyder! R.IP. Benjamin Melniker! more BS from Campea! - 7 years ago

@LMattarMonteiro: RT @BatmanNewsCom: R.I.P. to Benjamin Melniker, who has been an executive producer on every Batman movie from 1989 to #JusticeLeague (and b… - 7 years ago

@batmanonlinecom: Batman producer, the late Benjamin Melniker thought Michael Uslan this: “The only thing you get to take with you... - 7 years ago

@NewsNumberFlash: Batman movies producer Benjamin Melniker dies aged 104 - 7 years ago

@LooMee_TV: „Batman“-Produzent Benjamin Melniker ist tot - 7 years ago

@gizmodo_once: RT @Gizmodo: Benjamin Melniker, one of the men who brought Batman to the big screen, has died - 7 years ago

@andrewDCholiday: RT @andrewDCholiday: @jmmireles93 Happy 52nd Birthday to Zack Snyder! R.IP. Benjamin Melniker! more BS from Campea! - 7 years ago

@andrewDCholiday: @jmmireles93 Happy 52nd Birthday to Zack Snyder! R.IP. Benjamin Melniker! more BS from Campea!… - 7 years ago

@jjrbs: @sintesis_tv @UniversoDC1 @TheTopComics @WarnerBrosSpain @ecartelera Descanse en paz,señor Benjamin Melniker. - 7 years ago

@jjrbs: @TheIndyFilm @IMDb Poor man,was an interesting productor and I also see him like a good person. He lived much time… - 7 years ago

@jjrbs: RT @sintesis_tv: Muere Benjamin Melniker, productor de varios proyectos de #Batman y #JusticeLeague. #EstarInformado #DescanseEnPaz https… - 7 years ago

@jjrbs: RT @TheIndyFilm: Benjamin Melniker, producer of every modern Batman movie, dies - 7 years ago

@jjrbs: @BatmanNewsCom @DCComics @wbpictures Poor man,was an interesting productor and I also see him like a good person. H… - 7 years ago

@jjrbs: RT @BatmanNewsCom: Batman film producer Benjamin Melniker has died - 7 years ago

@LeroyKong1: RT @andrewDCholiday: Happy 52nd Birthday to Zack Snyder! R.IP. Benjamin Melniker! more BS from Campea! - 7 years ago

@I_am_CASEY_bro: @RyanHigginsRyan Legendary Batman and Justice League Producer, Benjamin Melniker, Passes Away at 104 - 7 years ago

@andrewDCholiday: RT @andrewDCholiday: @wbpictures @michelewells Happy 52nd Birthday to Zack Snyder! R.IP. Benjamin Melniker! more BS from Campea! - 7 years ago

@andrewDCholiday: @wbpictures @michelewells Happy 52nd Birthday to Zack Snyder! R.IP. Benjamin Melniker! more BS from Campea!… - 7 years ago

@andrewDCholiday: RT @andrewDCholiday: @dcolympus Happy 52nd Birthday to Zack Snyder! R.IP. Benjamin Melniker! more BS from Campea! - 7 years ago

@andrewDCholiday: @dcolympus Happy 52nd Birthday to Zack Snyder! R.IP. Benjamin Melniker! more BS from Campea! - 7 years ago

@andrewDCholiday: Happy 52nd Birthday to Zack Snyder! R.IP. Benjamin Melniker! more BS from Campea! - 7 years ago

@trecobox: Adeus, Benjamin Melniker | Produtor dos filmes do Batman morre aos 104 anos - 7 years ago

@The_Final_Storm: RT @ComicBookNOW: 'Justice League' And 'Batman' Producer Benjamin Melniker Has Died - 7 years ago

@ebookwebmall: ICYMI: Batman Producer Benjamin Melniker Passes Away - 7 years ago

@bobbyesqueda: RT @BatmanNewsCom: R.I.P. to Benjamin Melniker, who has been an executive producer on every Batman movie from 1989 to #JusticeLeague (and b… - 7 years ago

@liberdade_am: Morre Benjamin Melniker, produtor dos filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@estefano_lopes: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@edparnell: Batman star Benjamin Melniker dead at 104 | Daily Star - 7 years ago

@jornalagape: Morre Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@ZazaS_: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@PortalMakingOf: Morre Benjamin Melniker, produtor dos filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@dispossition: RT @Borys_Kit: Producer Benjamin Melniker dies at 104. He bought the rights to BATMAN in the 1970s when NO ONE wanted them and went through… - 7 years ago

@mileecult: RT @adorocinema: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@blackgrrrl: RT @BatmanNewsCom: R.I.P. to Benjamin Melniker, who has been an executive producer on every Batman movie from 1989 to #JusticeLeague (and b… - 7 years ago

@telephoneOD: RT @faustianovich: Peli (Benjamin Melniker) del día: DISPARA, incómoda metáfora sobre la guerra de Vietnam que adopta el ya conocido y func… - 7 years ago

@de_kinemathek: RT @BatmanNewsCom: R.I.P. to Benjamin Melniker, who has been an executive producer on every Batman movie from 1989 to #JusticeLeague (and b… - 7 years ago

@BatmanShare: Benjamin Melniker, prolific Batman producer, dies at 104 - - 7 years ago

@OnTheBox: RT @TheIndyFilm: Benjamin Melniker, producer of every modern Batman movie, dies - 7 years ago

@Mileniohey: Murió Benjamin Melniker, productor de 'Justice League' - 7 years ago

@Exarkun63: RT @DavidMLatt: Today we lost Benjamin Melniker (104) and Lewis Gilbert (97) - both had long and storied lives - and we wide-eyed fans of c… - 7 years ago

@bongo_tongo: RT @DavidMLatt: Today we lost Benjamin Melniker (104) and Lewis Gilbert (97) - both had long and storied lives - and we wide-eyed fans of c… - 7 years ago

@VoteQueen4Mayor: DCComics News: Famed Batman Producer Benjamin Melniker Dies At Age 104 - 7 years ago

@BatmanShare: Batman producer Benjamin Melniker dies aged 104 - McDuffie Progress - 7 years ago

@Vega_e: RT @eigahiho: マイケル・E・ウスランと共にバットマンの映画化権を取得、『バットマン』から『ジャスティス・リーグ』に至る作品にプロデューサーとして名を連ねてきたベンジャミン・メルニカーが104歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 7 years ago

@cfuchs10: RT @MGM_Studios: We mourn the loss of Benjamin Melniker, legendary former MGM executive, who passed away at age 104. - 7 years ago

@KikeCard2: RT @BatmanNewsCom: R.I.P. to Benjamin Melniker, who has been an executive producer on every Batman movie from 1989 to #JusticeLeague (and b… - 7 years ago

@Mr_Gibblets: R.I.P Benjamin Melniker he was 104.. wow. cheers for bringing Batman to the silver screen 🦇 #Batman - 7 years ago

@_Lacarta_: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@_EatBurpRepeat: Benjamin Melniker Dies: Legendary ?Batman' Producer And MGM Exec Was 104 - 7 years ago

@EPortolan: RT @adorocinema: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@IRISHKNIGHT110: RT @BatmanUniverse: Long-Time Batman Executive Producer Benjamin Melniker has Passed Away>>> - 7 years ago

@JMartinsFilho2: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@rackotm: RT @DavidMLatt: Today we lost Benjamin Melniker (104) and Lewis Gilbert (97) - both had long and storied lives - and we wide-eyed fans of c… - 7 years ago

@rismael: RT @adorocinema: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@leehstark: RT @adorocinema: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@BarrosGil: RT @adorocinema: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@bene_jahu: RT @cinepop: Morre Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do 'Batman' - - 7 years ago

@MarianaBonifac6: RT @adorocinema: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@gaviaumgay: RT @adorocinema: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@jssquinze: RT @adorocinema: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@Mpemor: RT @adorocinema: Morre aos 104 anos Benjamin Melniker, produtor de todos os filmes do Batman - 7 years ago

@andrewDCholiday: RT @THR: Rest in peace: Benjamin Melniker was credited on every big-screen version of the DC superhero since Tim Burton's 1989 film https:/… - 7 years ago

@BoundingComics: Legendary Batman Producer Benjamin Melniker Dies at Age 104 - 7 years ago

@hectorhdz: RT @Borys_Kit: Producer Benjamin Melniker dies at 104. He bought the rights to BATMAN in the 1970s when NO ONE wanted them and went through… - 7 years ago

@Khrous1: RT @TomosyGrapas: El productor de Batman Benjamin Melniker fallece a los 104 años - 7 years ago

@Locandine: Addio a Benjamin Melniker, prolifico produttore di Batman al cinema - 7 years ago

@walker_kleo: RT @omelete: Benjamin Melniker, produtor responsável pela adaptação de Batman para as telas, falece aos 104 anos - 7 years ago

@Marilynkayt: RT @DavidMLatt: Today we lost Benjamin Melniker (104) and Lewis Gilbert (97) - both had long and storied lives - and we wide-eyed fans of c… - 7 years ago

@NewsMoldova: YAMNews: Benjamin Melniker, producătorul filmelor cu Batman, s-a stins la 104 ani - 7 years ago

@DCComicsNews: Famed Batman Producer Benjamin Melniker Dies At Age 104 - 7 years ago

@andes_jr: RT @Borys_Kit: Producer Benjamin Melniker dies at 104. He bought the rights to BATMAN in the 1970s when NO ONE wanted them and went through… - 7 years ago

@ittatto23: RT @Borys_Kit: Producer Benjamin Melniker dies at 104. He bought the rights to BATMAN in the 1970s when NO ONE wanted them and went through… - 7 years ago

@raulbrindis: #NotasDeImpacto Fallece a los 104 años Benjamin Melniker, productor de 'Batman'. Durante su tiempo en MGM, estuvo i… - 7 years ago

@canaloglu: RT @CapaMagSinema: Ünlü yapımcı Benjamin Melniker, 104 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 7 years ago

@EdsonEsandu: RT @Daily_Star: UPDATED: Batman star Benjamin Melniker dies aged 104 - 7 years ago

@AltfelMD: Benjamin Melniker, producătorul filmelor cu Batman, s-a stins la 104 ani - - 7 years ago

@yunuserbir: Ünlü yapımcı Benjamin Melniker, 104 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 7 years ago

@mustafagulerr01: Ünlü yapımcı Benjamin Melniker, 104 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 7 years ago

@kizangiller: Ünlü yapımcı Benjamin Melniker, 104 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 7 years ago

@CapaMagSinema: Ünlü yapımcı Benjamin Melniker, 104 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 7 years ago

@akurazal: RT @Independent: Benjamin Melniker, producer of every modern Batman movie, dies - 7 years ago

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