Batton Lash

American comic book writer and artist
Died on Sunday January 13th 2019

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Batton Lash:

@nfcomics: Batton Lash. Jackie Estrada, Lynn Findlay • Night Flight Comics • 1995 🖋 #battonlash #jackieestrada… - 6 years ago

@iamRucka: RIP Batton Lash - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: Batton Lash greeting folks waiting in line for him to sign their comic loot. 🖋 #battonlash #jackieestrada… - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: Batton Lash, Jackie Estrada, Josh Garner • Night Flight Comics • Cottonwood Mall 1995 ✏️ #battonlash #jackieestrada… - 6 years ago


@nfcomics: Batton Lash, Alan Carroll, Jackie Estrada • Night Flight Comics • Cottonwood Mall 1995 ✏️ #battonlash #alancarroll… - 6 years ago

@comicpro55: Batton Lash Biography - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: Batton Lash, Jackie Estrada, Alan Carroll • Night Flight Comics • Cottonwood Mall • 1995 👩‍🎤 #battonlash… - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: Batton Lash, Jackie Estrada, Alan Carroll • Night Flight Comics • Cottonwood Mall • March 25th… - 6 years ago

@ifdestroyed: RT @housetoastonish: For the evening crowd - House to Astonish Episode 170 is live, and we're talking Batton Lash, Section Zero, Casey/Kowa… - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: Batton Lash taking pictures of Brandon and me after set up & before Comic Con gets started. ♥️ #battonlash… - 6 years ago

@markclapham: RT @housetoastonish: For the evening crowd - House to Astonish Episode 170 is live, and we're talking Batton Lash, Section Zero, Casey/Kowa… - 6 years ago

@BitSocket: RT @housetoastonish: For the evening crowd - House to Astonish Episode 170 is live, and we're talking Batton Lash, Section Zero, Casey/Kowa… - 6 years ago

@settlechaos: RT @housetoastonish: For the evening crowd - House to Astonish Episode 170 is live, and we're talking Batton Lash, Section Zero, Casey/Kowa… - 6 years ago

@NickMB: RT @housetoastonish: For the evening crowd - House to Astonish Episode 170 is live, and we're talking Batton Lash, Section Zero, Casey/Kowa… - 6 years ago

@housetoastonish: For the evening crowd - House to Astonish Episode 170 is live, and we're talking Batton Lash, Section Zero, Casey/K… - 6 years ago

@alexgrecian: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@ifdestroyed: RT @housetoastonish: House to Astonish Episode 170 is now live, with chat about Batton Lash, Definitive Moonshadow, Section Zero, goings-on… - 6 years ago

@JoeSposto: RT @housetoastonish: House to Astonish Episode 170 is now live, with chat about Batton Lash, Definitive Moonshadow, Section Zero, goings-on… - 6 years ago

@CaptainAndyH: RT @housetoastonish: House to Astonish Episode 170 is now live, with chat about Batton Lash, Definitive Moonshadow, Section Zero, goings-on… - 6 years ago

@housetoastonish: House to Astonish Episode 170 is now live, with chat about Batton Lash, Definitive Moonshadow, Section Zero, goings… - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: Batton Lash hamming it up for the camera. 📸 #BattonLash #clydelewis #nightflightcomics @ Salt Lake City, Utah - 6 years ago

@DonnaPCrilly: So glad I had the pleasure of meeting this fine gentleman: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-… - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: Batton Lash • doing an interview for DJ Clyde Lewis, from KBear • Night Flight Comics • #CottonwoodMall • 1995 📚… - 6 years ago

@DarkStitch: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 #RIP #BattonLash #SDCC #Artist #Writer #Gentleman - 6 years ago

@Hans_Karl: RT @nfcomics: I do not have the words to convey how I feel or what a loss Batton Lash's death is to the world, so I am just going to post u… - 6 years ago

@Hans_Karl: RT @coneymedia: The Brooklyn Paper reports Batton Lash's passing. Everyone he touched is better for having known him. - 6 years ago

@Hans_Karl: RT @nfcomics: Batton Lash, as I’ve said before, was generous. He would listen, even if he had never met you. Batton was never shallow or in… - 6 years ago

@jsylvia70: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@boggleabout: @ColleenDoran Sorry to jump on this thread, but did you know Batton Lash? - 6 years ago

@Dpendleton04: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@ZavalaCM: Batton Lash, famed comic book writer and creator of Supernatural Law, dead at 65 - 6 years ago

@JoAnnLaGasse: Saying fond good-bye to a terrifically talented friend - Batton Lash, October 29, 1953 – January 12, 2019 - 6 years ago

@allflooby: RIP Batton Lash, Supernatural Law creator — The Beat - - 6 years ago

@oscarkitowitz: RT @ComicsMNT: Batton Lash: 1953 – 2019 - 6 years ago

@SPPreviews: RT @ComicsMNT: Batton Lash: 1953 – 2019 - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: Batton Lash, as I’ve said before, was generous. He would listen, even if he had never met you. Batton was never sha… - 6 years ago

@n69n: RT @Fotosdecomics: Batton Lash 🙏 - 6 years ago

@EINBrainCancer: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: RT @SyfyWire: #BattonLash, writer of the Archie-Punisher crossover in '94, has died #RIP - 6 years ago

@ChannelOneiTV: RT @Comic_Con: We were heartbroken to hear of the passing of Batton Lash, longtime creator, Comic-Con exhibitor, and dear friend. Our condo… - 6 years ago

@John38917338: RT @Comic_Con: We were heartbroken to hear of the passing of Batton Lash, longtime creator, Comic-Con exhibitor, and dear friend. Our condo… - 6 years ago

@StarCoreOne02: RT @sdut: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@chasrmartin: RT @sdut: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@jtLOL: RT @sdut: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@nfcomics: Jackie Estrada, Batton Lash, Howard Chaykin and me. I don’t know why Howard looks so grumpy, maybe it is because B… - 6 years ago

@DarkStitch: RT @Comic_Con: We were heartbroken to hear of the passing of Batton Lash, longtime creator, Comic-Con exhibitor, and dear friend. Our condo… - 6 years ago

@BeyondTheBantr: RT @sdut: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@sdut: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@CorrectBae_News: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@tweeptwerp: RT @sdut: Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@SDNewsfeed: Union-Tribune ▶ Batton Lash, comics author and Comic-Con mainstay, 1953-2019 - 6 years ago

@ManNcape: RT @Comic_Con: We were heartbroken to hear of the passing of Batton Lash, longtime creator, Comic-Con exhibitor, and dear friend. Our condo… - 6 years ago

@DrZootsuit: RT @FoglioPhil: Just found out that Batton Lash, fellow cartoonist and creator of Wolfe & Byrd/Supernatural Law. passed away over the weeke… - 6 years ago

@scifielements: RT @Comic_Con: We were heartbroken to hear of the passing of Batton Lash, longtime creator, Comic-Con exhibitor, and dear friend. Our condo… - 6 years ago

@seaelkins: RIP Batton Lash and condolences to his family and friends - 6 years ago

@seaelkins: RT @jtLOL: The thing I'm seeing in the remembrances of Batton Lash, which I can attest to, is his good-natured enthusiasm. I only spoke to… - 6 years ago

@BLACKBEARDZ4: RT @Comic_Con: We were heartbroken to hear of the passing of Batton Lash, longtime creator, Comic-Con exhibitor, and dear friend. Our condo… - 6 years ago

@uncleglen64: RT @Comic_Con: We were heartbroken to hear of the passing of Batton Lash, longtime creator, Comic-Con exhibitor, and dear friend. Our condo… - 6 years ago

@smash_pages: Comics Lowdown: Batton Lash, Ron Smith pass away: - 6 years ago

@naithom: Memorial picture of my friend, Batton Lash by Bill Sienkiewicz. - 6 years ago

@SoWhatPress: RT @ComicsMNT: Batton Lash: 1953 – 2019 - 6 years ago

@AudioSorceress: RT @BlackjackAD: Tell The Damn Story-Unplugged #68: Batton Lash and the Road to Indy-pendence - 6 years ago

@dd_nyc: That's what Bat was: First Gentleman of Comics. - 6 years ago

@mattsh_: RT @Hamm_Tips: Cartoonist Batton Lash died a few days ago, age 65. Often cartoonists' eulogies focus mainly on their creations; it's rare t… - 6 years ago

@Bobbitz1944: RT @MimiCruzC: @alex_segura Batton Lash is already missed 💔 - 6 years ago

@Bobbitz1944: RT @Hamm_Tips: Cartoonist Batton Lash died a few days ago, age 65. Often cartoonists' eulogies focus mainly on their creations; it's rare t… - 6 years ago

@ChristyT51: RT @neilhimself: So very sad to hear about Batton Lash’s death. Bat was always so nice to me. He befriended me at early San Diego cons when… - 6 years ago

@owenmp: RT @boomstudios: BOOM! Studios is saddened to learn of Batton Lash's passing and offers condolences to his family and friends. Batton was a… - 6 years ago

@hankstv: RT @boomstudios: BOOM! Studios is saddened to learn of Batton Lash's passing and offers condolences to his family and friends. Batton was a… - 6 years ago

@MetaMonstah: RT @CerebusFilm: RIP Batton Lash. Top echelon of Comic Book Self Publishers. Issue 33 featuring middle character inked by Dave Sim. Backgro… - 6 years ago

@ana212007: RT @ArchieComics: We're saddened to learn of the passing of comics creator Batton Lash, best known to Archie fans for his work on Archie Me… - 6 years ago

@HeikaGerard: RT @ArchieComics: We're saddened to learn of the passing of comics creator Batton Lash, best known to Archie fans for his work on Archie Me… - 6 years ago

@Vnend: RT @girlgenius: I found out this morning that sometime over the weekend, friend and fellow cartoonist Batton Lash passed away at the age of… - 6 years ago

@cerebralc0dex: RT @MimiCruzC: @alex_segura Batton Lash is already missed 💔 - 6 years ago

@cerebralc0dex: RT @neilhimself: So very sad to hear about Batton Lash’s death. Bat was always so nice to me. He befriended me at early San Diego cons when… - 6 years ago

@cerebralc0dex: RT @Hamm_Tips: Cartoonist Batton Lash died a few days ago, age 65. Often cartoonists' eulogies focus mainly on their creations; it's rare t… - 6 years ago

@Butzengear: RT @neilhimself: So very sad to hear about Batton Lash’s death. Bat was always so nice to me. He befriended me at early San Diego cons when… - 6 years ago

@mcglk: RT @davegibbons90: Very sorry to hear that Batton Lash has passed away. He was a man of kindness, humour and style. Together with Jackie, h… - 6 years ago

@47Ronin100: RT @untitleduser: RIP to the man who put Archie and the Punisher in the same room and made it great. - 6 years ago

@shaenongarrity: RT @davegibbons90: Very sorry to hear that Batton Lash has passed away. He was a man of kindness, humour and style. Together with Jackie, h… - 6 years ago

@scottmarshall: RT @neilhimself: So very sad to hear about Batton Lash’s death. Bat was always so nice to me. He befriended me at early San Diego cons when… - 6 years ago

@Bitters_13: RT @Hamm_Tips: Cartoonist Batton Lash died a few days ago, age 65. Often cartoonists' eulogies focus mainly on their creations; it's rare t… - 6 years ago

@Mayu_Zane: RT @Hamm_Tips: Cartoonist Batton Lash died a few days ago, age 65. Often cartoonists' eulogies focus mainly on their creations; it's rare t… - 6 years ago

@Hamm_Tips: RT @MimiCruzC: @alex_segura Batton Lash is already missed 💔 - 6 years ago

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