Bart Johnson

American baseball player (Chicago White Sox)
Died on Friday April 24th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bart Johnson:

@courtbowling467: RT @thenamebekate: so my old high school managed to get -Jason Earles -Bart Johnson (coach bolton) -Bonnie Wright (Ginny weasley) -Jerry f… - 5 years ago

@Bart_Jake86: RT @SankofaTravelHr: Happy 100th birthday to Ms. Elizabeth Bernice Barker Johnson. She was part of the SixTripleEight battalion, the only a… - 5 years ago

@lauren_alx: RT @thenamebekate: so my old high school managed to get -Jason Earles -Bart Johnson (coach bolton) -Bonnie Wright (Ginny weasley) -Jerry f… - 5 years ago

@maleja1717: @bart_johnson Awww 😭😊You're just so cute - 5 years ago


@thenamebekate: so my old high school managed to get -Jason Earles -Bart Johnson (coach bolton) -Bonnie Wright (Ginny weasley) -Je… - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: STILL MY FAVOURITE TIKTOK EVER @bart_johnson YOU ARE AMAZING - 5 years ago

@gomzsab: hi i hope you’re having a nice day u legend @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@pretty_lildolan: i just really love bart johnson - 5 years ago

@donnaloveszac87: @medicinejulie @bart_johnson @StrawberyDance He will always be the same in my heart too♥️🥺😭😊🏀🐾 - 5 years ago

@JOSHBlNG: @bart_johnson @ejandcarlos @jujlester king - 5 years ago

@bart_johnson: @jujlester @ejandcarlos Haha love you guys. ❤️👍 - 5 years ago

@jujlester: @bart_johnson @ejandcarlos thank u sir - 5 years ago

@DucieRobyn: @bart_johnson what was your favourite scene from all the HSM ? GO WILDCATS🐾❤️🏀 - 5 years ago

@ejandcarlos: @bart_johnson @jujlester you heard him ellis - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @bart_johnson @bartjohnsonfan so excited !! cant wait for that !! - 5 years ago

@wyliescurls: @bart_johnson @ejandcarlos @jujlester king - 5 years ago

@Shanestokes002: @brimvc @laurenwhite425 @bart_johnson Dm me - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @bart_johnson how are you sir - 5 years ago

@bartjohnsonfan: @bart_johnson Yes. Can't wait! - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @bart_johnson @StrawberyDance coach bolton forever in my heart - 5 years ago

@bart_johnson: @bartjohnsonfan Oh. Haha. Guess that’s why it looked familiar. I haven’t made one since. New goal... 2020 demo reel… - 5 years ago

@clara62775805: @bart_johnson we love u coach bolton wildcats for life ❤️🏀 - 5 years ago

@StrawberyDance: @bart_johnson That's awesome. Hope you're all doing okay in quarantine. - 5 years ago

@Shhhss2161: @brimvc @laurenwhite425 @bart_johnson Dm me - 5 years ago

@bart_johnson: @ejandcarlos @jujlester Tell your friend that there’s no such thing as small roles. Only small actors. 😃👍 - 5 years ago

@arkhmriddles: @bart_johnson hi king ❤️ - 5 years ago

@EmbobEast: Willie Johnson eh! All we need now is for Trump to have his 17th child and name it Bart! 🤦‍♀️ - 5 years ago

@etfoug: RT @eckert_jim: Coaches Spotlight – The Boy’s Youth Coaches we had for the Class of 2020 were terrific. Paul Cernuto, Todd Fought, Bart Joh… - 5 years ago

@clara62775805: @CalhounJ0E @bart_johnson Coach bolton what a ledgend @ZacEfron @corbinbleu - 5 years ago

@mcelderrytruth: Willy Johnson is trending - they should have watched the Simpsons >> Bart Cart Dart E-art - 5 years ago

@eckert_jim: Coaches Spotlight – The Boy’s Youth Coaches we had for the Class of 2020 were terrific. Paul Cernuto, Todd Fought,… - 5 years ago

@ejandcarlos: @jujlester @bart_johnson you in?? - 5 years ago

@nathanieljlaw: @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@liketobeleah: @ryangetsbitches @bart_johnson Get it? Automatic PASS bc like basketball 😂 - 5 years ago

@joshysbing: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson YEA - 5 years ago

@wyliescurls: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson YES - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: the dream is to go to cali one day so i can meet @bart_johnson or for him to come to vancouver either way its my dr… - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @foramomentx @bart_johnson i dont sleep have you not seen me on here at 5am hahahjdjdks - 5 years ago

@foramomentx: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson but how u will u sleep without a goodnight wish - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @foramomentx @bart_johnson he said he was going to sleep an hour ago jsjsjs let the man sleep hehe - 5 years ago

@foramomentx: @bart_johnson sir, tweet @sabrinasbowen so she will have a good sleep - 5 years ago

@joshysbing: @bart_johnson we relate, we all do mister - 5 years ago

@victorialynna: @bart_johnson Are you ok Bart? Take a nap. - 5 years ago

@mattscornett: @bart_johnson NO WE LOVE YOU - 5 years ago

@susie_nerd493: @bart_johnson America's Dad being very Dad-like - 5 years ago

@JaviRegaladoOfi: RT @KayCeeStroh: Wildcat Pep Talk from Coach Bolton! #DisneyFamilySingalong #hsm #WereAllInThisTogether @ABCNetwork @bart_johnson @gimmemot… - 5 years ago

@maleja1717: @bart_johnson This is real,bro. Hahaha💙🤣🤣🌌 good night - 5 years ago

@JessIsAWeirdo: RT @seasonedsos: @wldflwrcal noticed by Bart Johnson who plays coach Bolton in high school musical!! 💃🏾 - 5 years ago

@darawylie: @bart_johnson 🤣🤣🤣🤣😆✨💜 - 5 years ago

@seasonedsos: @wldflwrcal noticed by Bart Johnson who plays coach Bolton in high school musical!! 💃🏾 - 5 years ago

@StrawberyDance: @bart_johnson I mean, I couldn't even spell 'at' right, and that's only two letters. 🤣 - 5 years ago

@DeehRae: @bart_johnson I laughed harder than I should’ve 😂 - 5 years ago

@4h6r4kpf: - 5 years ago

@LiefMarais: @blurrybesson_ bro k kreeg net een like van bart johnson aka coach bolton (high school musical) en 6 yo me is crying - 5 years ago

@NewHopeClubAR: @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @SoullaCostanda @OrchieNatasha… - 5 years ago

@fabinafan: RT @BaileeMadison: ROBYN AND BART. @RobynLively @bart_johnson #WORSEOUTNOW @NewHopeClub - 5 years ago

@LuuliNobre: Coach bolton makes me happier ❤️@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@birickybowenn: @bart__johnson Omg Bart 🥵 how would Zoë feel if she knew about this? - 5 years ago

@bart__johnson: so @birickybowenn how are you doing today :) - 5 years ago

@bart__johnson: vote for megan !! - 5 years ago

@bart_sluis: Musk overschaduwt kwartaalwinst: Tesla-CEO noemt lockdown 'fascistisch' Categorie… - 5 years ago

@allnightteresa: RT @BaileeMadison: ROBYN AND BART. @RobynLively @bart_johnson #WORSEOUTNOW @NewHopeClub - 5 years ago

@sannexxx2003: @BaileeMadison @RobynLively @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub Bailee look at this! - 5 years ago

@BillinghamShane: RT BaileeMadison "ROBYN AND BART. RobynLively bart_johnson #WORSEOUTNOW NewHopeClub - 5 years ago

@camzstewie1: RT @BaileeMadison: ROBYN AND BART. @RobynLively @bart_johnson #WORSEOUTNOW @NewHopeClub - 5 years ago

@dontchangefinn: @BaileeMadison @RobynLively @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub 🥰🥰🥰 - 5 years ago

@Shawnycurlers: @BaileeMadison @RobynLively @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub - 5 years ago

@dontchangefinn: @BaileeMadison @RobynLively @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub ❤️❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@shawnxmutuall: @BaileeMadison @RobynLively @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub love youu - 5 years ago

@shawnxmutuall: @BaileeMadison @RobynLively @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub ❤️❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@LiefMarais: @BaileeMadison @RobynLively @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub bart with the basketball is iconic :) - 5 years ago

@sannexxx2003: @BaileeMadison @RobynLively @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub - 5 years ago

@BaileeMadison: ROBYN AND BART. @RobynLively @bart_johnson #WORSEOUTNOW @NewHopeClub - 5 years ago

@Bart_Newman1: RT @amandadonnell14: 🕋🕌☪️🧕🏿Freshman Muslim Johnson Harrell Dem Lawmaker Charged W/ Robbing More Than $500,000, She Pleaded Guilty in 1999 t… - 5 years ago

@ninasalrobs: am i wrong @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@bartjohnsonfan: daily "i love @bart_johnson " day 62 - 5 years ago

@BenjaminNething: @BartParks if I just write “BART JOHNSON, KS” on an envelope will it get to you? - 5 years ago

@monodramattic: RT @wngjixian: Bart Johnson on TikTok has to be the best thing ever. - 5 years ago

@bloonface: RT @raaleh: Paul Staines is basically Psychic Bart from Treehouse of Horror II, inasmuch as if you’re not always thinking good and happy th… - 5 years ago

@MariaRajoyy: Bart Johnson viejo hermoso de mierdaaaa señor Efron lo amo - 5 years ago

@HenriqueAlfons1: RT @tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su mejor t… - 5 years ago

@NewHopeClubAR: @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @SoullaCostanda @OrchieNatasha… - 5 years ago

@InsiderAlertsIA: $FCF: New Insider Filing on FIRST COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL CORP /PA/'s Director BART E JOHNSON: - 5 years ago

@StrawberyDance: @justinbieber @aplusk @HamillHimself @ArianaGrande @ChrisEvans @brielarson @RobertDowneyJr @bart_johnson @elmo… - 5 years ago

@BubbaShane87: @DisneyStudios please turn @RidleyPearson kingdom keeper's books into a movie trilogy you won't regret it we need… - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @ninasloveclub ok but bart johnson gave us that plus the tik toks 👀 - 5 years ago

@ninasloveclub: stan bart johnson — i won‘t stan bc that‘s zoë‘s brand but i do love him - 5 years ago

@ninasloveclub: who is better bart johnson or coach bolton — coach bolton bc of the iconic WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE TWO DOING IN A T… - 5 years ago

@RanjodhSingh01: @bart_johnson @KayCeeStroh it's my birthday today wildcats 🎂😊 - 5 years ago

@fangirlivinlife: Am I the only one who all of a sudden has the biggest crush on Bart Johnson (Coach Bolton from HSM) because that ma… - 5 years ago

@BRButtons: GTARP? GTARP. Join Dr. James Rogers in Los Santos, as he returns to sessions with the anxious Mr. Johnson. And the… - 5 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @raaleh: Paul Staines is basically Psychic Bart from Treehouse of Horror II, inasmuch as if you’re not always thinking good and happy th… - 5 years ago

@clara62775805: @StrawberyDance @bart_johnson @bart_johnson COACHHHH WE NEED U BACK FOR A HSM 4 - 5 years ago

@jamiemannersRIP: RT @raaleh: Paul Staines is basically Psychic Bart from Treehouse of Horror II, inasmuch as if you’re not always thinking good and happy th… - 5 years ago

@vonkarama: RT @raaleh: Paul Staines is basically Psychic Bart from Treehouse of Horror II, inasmuch as if you’re not always thinking good and happy th… - 5 years ago

@flying_rodent: RT @raaleh: Paul Staines is basically Psychic Bart from Treehouse of Horror II, inasmuch as if you’re not always thinking good and happy th… - 5 years ago

@MarketThatcher: RT @raaleh: Paul Staines is basically Psychic Bart from Treehouse of Horror II, inasmuch as if you’re not always thinking good and happy th… - 5 years ago

@KaylaW6666: Check out bart_johnson's video! #TikTok - 5 years ago

@RanjodhSingh01: @bart_johnson @KayCeeStroh hi team wildcat it's my birthday today 😊🎉 - 5 years ago

@DONS_JOHNSON: "Eat my pants sir!" - Bart, ordered off Wish - 5 years ago

@mascaras73: @TeddiTurnbuckle Pretty sure dressing the Shane Twins up like condom brothers, Richard (Dick) and Rod Johnson. Spri… - 5 years ago

@crispy_bart: Also I have zero interest in being enlisted into Boris Johnson's personal life - 5 years ago

@manicjuj: I missed Bart Johnson liking Sarah’s tweet you’re de*d to me twt - 5 years ago

@BullRdrNM: Where are the forgotten Wildcats? Kelsi @olesyarulin, Zeke (Chris Warren) and Jason (Ryne Sanborn)? @bart_johnson… - 5 years ago

@victorialynna: @CarlaRossIsMe @bart_johnson @ZacEfron Barties for life am i right ladies?? - 5 years ago

@LuisaMunoz14: Check out bart_johnson's video! #TikTok No necesitaba ver ningún otro TikTok en la vida. - 5 years ago

@CarlaRossIsMe: @victorialynna @bart_johnson @ZacEfron At least we can proudly say we’ve been on the Bart Johnson train for years - 5 years ago

@lovxtoagb: RT @KayCeeStroh: Wildcat Pep Talk from Coach Bolton! #DisneyFamilySingalong #hsm #WereAllInThisTogether @ABCNetwork @bart_johnson @gimmemot… - 5 years ago

@berniixleon: ok but why is bart johnson aka troy bolton’s dad makin me feel some typa way 🥴🤤 - 5 years ago

@mariGcast: RT @somosnoticiacol: Murió Bart Johnson, refuerzo de lujo de las Águilas del Zulia en los 70 - - 5 years ago

@somosnoticiacol: Murió Bart Johnson, refuerzo de lujo de las Águilas del Zulia en los 70 - - 5 years ago

@StrawberyDance: Sorry, Coach, I failed you. I quoted Ms. Darbus today. @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@IgnacioSerrano: Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@art__bart: RT @mrjamesob: I wonder whether part of the problem now lies in the fact that people can’t acknowledge Johnson’s incompetence & dishonesty… - 5 years ago

@olivianjoshy: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson where do i sign up to make him my daddy ?? - 5 years ago

@SportsBracken: @Andrew_Rotondi Is Randy Johnson too unforgettable as a Yankee? Lol I remember the Bart days better - 5 years ago

@BraydenJackso12: RT @sabrinasbowen: I WAS ABOUT TO GO DO SOMETHING BUT THIS IS ALL I CAN FOCUS ON NOW @bart_johnson ICONIC - 5 years ago

@murillocasanova: - 5 years ago

@invinciblebowen: stan rini AND bart johnson for clear skin ✨ #rinibreakdown - 5 years ago

@AgosCavallo1: 49, listo tráiganme a Bart Johnson de HSM daddy hermoso - 5 years ago

@AlshehriRahaf: RT @dareen95D: When 65 to 100 mg of caffeine is combined with traditional analgesic (aspirin , acetaminophen, or ibuprofen), it improves th… - 5 years ago

@DJFletchMD: RT @ChiBallMuseum: "Mr. Smoke" Bart Johnson dies at 70 after 30 year @whitesox career as pitcher, scout; beloved teammate @DickAllen_15 @st… - 5 years ago

@EduardoEmiro11: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta la muerte de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las #Aguila… - 5 years ago

@ChiBallMuseum: "Mr. Smoke" Bart Johnson dies at 70 after 30 year @whitesox career as pitcher, scout; beloved teammate… - 5 years ago

@rip_mlb: The late Bart Johnson of the White Sox once cured a nagging back injury with injections of papaya juice into the af… - 5 years ago

@TURN1NGRED: @wroetohrron @bart_johnson how’d you feel about this since it’s not basketball? - 5 years ago

@heaygeorgia: @wroetohrron @bart_johnson are u proud of your son xxx - 5 years ago

@TraciRylands: RT @rip_mlb: RIP to Bart Johnson, a former #WhiteSox pitcher from 1969-77. He died on April 22 at the age of 70. He could have been an NBA… - 5 years ago

@26thYankee: RT @rip_mlb: RIP to Bart Johnson, a former #WhiteSox pitcher from 1969-77. He died on April 22 at the age of 70. He could have been an NBA… - 5 years ago

@rip_mlb: RIP to Bart Johnson, a former #WhiteSox pitcher from 1969-77. He died on April 22 at the age of 70. He could have b… - 5 years ago

@JOHNSON_32123: @bart_top_ 沒有 - 5 years ago

@livbaguette: stan bart johnson — sure zoë - 5 years ago

@raindropbassett: stan bart johnson — stan bob duncan - 5 years ago

@Bennie_Bart: @IsabelOakeshott Go on, Isabel, share the secret, who has told you to throw Boris Johnson in the ditch and who will be his replacement? - 5 years ago

@lauramaccuish: @bart_johnson What a legend ❤️ - 5 years ago

@clara62775805: @Aimeewatxo @bart_johnson @bart_johnson BART WE NEED U BACK WE NEED COACH BOLTON BACK @ZacEfron TROYYYY @VanessaHudgens GABRIELLA - 5 years ago

@agonyaditi: RT @sabrinasbowen: MY FUCKING KING THIS IS AMAZING IM IN TEARS @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@INDICRIMES: RT @sabrinasbowen: MY FUCKING KING THIS IS AMAZING IM IN TEARS @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@zac3frcn: // Bart Johnson replied to me once and I‘ll never not love that man - 5 years ago

@sofiasbassett: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson @sabrinasbowen YESS UNITY I LOVE IT - 5 years ago

@bart_debeer: RT @greetnagels: "In september coronavaccin testen op mensen, begin 2021 weten we of het werkt": farmareus Johnson & Johnson hoopvol | VRT… - 5 years ago

@oliviaspogue: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson @sabrinasbowen THIS IS ICONIC - 5 years ago

@oliviaspogue: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson @sabrinasbowen WE STAN - 5 years ago

@Jerrika_Ashraf: Bart Johnson is an interesting man. - 5 years ago

@AlsipPatch: Bart Johnson, Ex-White Sox Pitcher, Dies At 70 - 5 years ago

@StrawberyDance: @bart_johnson Honestly I can only imagine the reaction someone might give to walking in on this. 😂 thanks for keepi… - 5 years ago

@sunsetwylie: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson @sabrinasbowen THE POWER - 5 years ago

@CarlaRossIsMe: @victorialynna @bart_johnson @ZacEfron We been knew - 5 years ago

@bartjohnsonfan: daily "i love @bart_johnson " day 61 - 5 years ago

@bartjohnsonfan: daily "i love @bart_johnson " day 60 - 5 years ago

@victorialynna: when did @bart_johnson become the best wildcat? Like @ZacEfron who??? Bart has always been the best and we all know it. - 5 years ago

@joshysevergreen: @invinciblebowen @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson he fr living his best life - 5 years ago

@Bart_is_Broken: RT @LacyJohnsonMN: My name is Lacy Johnson. I am running for Congress against Ilhan Omar as a pro-Trump Republican in Minnesota’s 5th dist… - 5 years ago

@smallcoucou: Stan Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@raubel_: Bart Johnson has become one of my favorite people on TikTok - 5 years ago

@DaltonJ_Johnson: Giants fans know all about Bart, Ramos, Luciano and Bishop. The next one up is Luis Matos - 5 years ago

@LillianGenet: RT @BoshuaJassett: .@bart_johnson thank you for this spectacular piece of cinema - 5 years ago

@dareen95D: When 65 to 100 mg of caffeine is combined with traditional analgesic (aspirin , acetaminophen, or ibuprofen), it im… - 5 years ago

@CoachProthro: RT @tommytartar: #TARTARNATION We lost one of the great athletes in our school's history last week. RIP Bart Johnson '67 - 5 years ago

@joshforamomentt: RT @sabrinasbowen: MY FUCKING KING THIS IS AMAZING IM IN TEARS @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@ZEWildcat14: Soo @VancityReynolds is doing Deadpool & @bart_johnson is doing Coach Bolton in real life with a camera rolling.. 🤔… - 5 years ago

@Racha33l: Crikey @bart_johnson ages like wine! Just gets better with age! 😍 - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @rickyxbowen @bart_johnson hehe - 5 years ago

@poguebowen: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson very true thank you bart - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @rickyxbowen your very welcome but it is @bart_johnson that is the legend for giving us this - 5 years ago

@cursvelines: stan bart johnson — no - 5 years ago

@chibi307: RT @bart_johnson: Check out bart_johnson's video! #TikTok - 5 years ago

@donnaloveszac87: RT @bart_johnson: Check out bart_johnson's video! #TikTok - 5 years ago

@OakLawnPatch: Bart Johnson, Ex-White Sox Pitcher, Dies At 70 - 5 years ago

@Gavin_ODowd: I didn't realise that 2020 would have me absolutely require that Bart Johnson of High School Musical fame be protec… - 5 years ago

@_jillmartin: @bart_johnson doing everything for his wildcats on tiktok is the kind of positivity this world needs right now 😂❤️ #iconic - 5 years ago

@tommytartar: #TARTARNATION We lost one of the great athletes in our school's history last week. RIP Bart Johnson '67… - 5 years ago

@TashaMcrobie: @generalspoe @bart_johnson Actual legend! - 5 years ago

@mcnamikaelson: bart johnson seems like the sweetest and purest soul out there xjsbw i feel so bad that the hsm cast doesn’t includ… - 5 years ago

@elpollomarcos: RT @IgnacioSerrano: Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las #Ag… - 5 years ago

@faithwinkley: @bart_johnson’s tiktoks are the only thing keeping me sane right now - 5 years ago

@tigrerosoficial: RT @IgnacioSerrano: Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las #Ag… - 5 years ago

@joshysbing: RT @sabrinasbowen: MY FUCKING KING THIS IS AMAZING IM IN TEARS @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@IgnacioSerrano: Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@donnaloveszac87: @bart_johnson This Wildcat loves it!💙🐯 Keep 'em coming!😉 WE LOVE YOU TOO COACH..FOREVER!!❤😘🏀 - 5 years ago

@donnaloveszac87: @bart_johnson Coach Bolton has got it goin' on!!👍 I love it!!❤ You're so ADORABLE!🥰 You definitely know how to.."ge… - 5 years ago

@sofiasbassett: RT @invinciblebowen: bart johnson is the only man ever - 5 years ago

@BassettFiennes: @bart_johnson killed it, king - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @gomzsab @bart_johnson TRULY - 5 years ago

@gomzsab: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson A KING - 5 years ago

@rebornhadids: @bart_johnson KING - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: maybe im freaking out a bit @bart_johnson ksjsksk - 5 years ago

@rauhlsbaldwin: THIS IS THE CONTENT I SIGNED UP FOR 🥺❤️ @bart_johnson YOU DROPPED THIS 👑 - 5 years ago

@waveslily: - 5 years ago

@adcgordon: RT @BoshuaJassett: .@bart_johnson thank you for this spectacular piece of cinema - 5 years ago

@jobuglorraine13: RT @BoshuaJassett: .@bart_johnson thank you for this spectacular piece of cinema - 5 years ago

@whoisfthlv: omg coach bolton noticed me 😩❤ @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@mqlivore: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson HI - 5 years ago

@heroftblake: @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@clara62775805: @BoshuaJassett @bart_johnson BARRTTTTTT WE NEED U COACH PLZZ HSM 4 - 5 years ago

@bart_johnson: RT @BoshuaJassett: .@bart_johnson thank you for this spectacular piece of cinema - 5 years ago

@Austin19462272: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson @ZacEfron Yeah, absolutely he a better coach, I wonder if he can beat Zac in a 1v1 - 5 years ago

@Tnewton_1988: @alanrog3 @bignorms @1kevincampbell @mattforde @FitzCorry Team vs West Brom: Beasant Bonalair Cooper Chettle Roge… - 5 years ago

@AllDailyRepNews: Mark Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson [Daily News, Los Angeles] - 5 years ago

@Bennie_Bart: @jacklee33799457 @GaryTulie @SebastianFollis @BBCNews Which takes us nicely back to your first comment, which was a… - 5 years ago

@Bennie_Bart: @BBCNews 'Biggest challenge since the war' says Boris Johnson who is also the man who failed to order the necessary… - 5 years ago

@VigarooNews: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@MWhicker03LANG: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@AStieberM: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@oliviaspogue: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson OMG I LOVE HIM - 5 years ago

@oliviaspogue: RT @invinciblebowen: “i wanna say hi to jbm” WE LOVE YOU @bart_johnson ❤️🏀🐾🐾 - 5 years ago

@JJoanenglish: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - OCRegister - 5 years ago

@SGVNSCORES: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@PasStarNews: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@shaneedwardsoc: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@ocvarsity: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@BeachVarsity: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@RedlandsNews: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@WhittierNews: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@ivdailybulletin: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@PEcom_preps: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@breezepreps: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@LAVarsity: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@presstelegram: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@SGVTribune: Whicker: Remembering the sporting adventures of Torrance’s Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @Iivsociety @bart_johnson my rights 💞 - 5 years ago

@Iivsociety: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson 😳😁 - 5 years ago

@Heatherk1103: @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@lefarey: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta la muerte de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las #Aguila… - 5 years ago

@IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta la muerte de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@KennJDodgerBlue: RT @AlexanderRaine7: Game 346 5/10/73 CHW (8-18) @ CAL (7-19) The dregs of the AL West are gonna get together for 4 games in the Big A to s… - 5 years ago

@marie_kn67: Je viens de voir Bart Johnson ( le Coach de High School Musical 🥺🥺) dans All American ❤️🏈 - 5 years ago

@lovelyrdrigo: @sabrinasbowen bart johnson lol. or anyone from dbc - 5 years ago

@MichaelTowery: RT @AlexanderRaine7: Game 346 5/10/73 CHW (8-18) @ CAL (7-19) The dregs of the AL West are gonna get together for 4 games in the Big A to s… - 5 years ago

@paezal13: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @IoveIychica @bart_johnson @herefornini wait those are both such flexes damn - 5 years ago

@IoveIychica: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson but also @herefornini - 5 years ago

@NlNAPORTER: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson wbk 😌😌 - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @NlNAPORTER @bart_johnson BET MY BIGGEST FLEX - 5 years ago

@NlNAPORTER: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@bruhhhalmeida: o bart johnson no tiktok interpretando o pai do troy o tempo todo é tudo pra mim - 5 years ago

@DiamanteR7: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@hugourda: @IgnacioSerrano Pienso que la temporada 70-71 que tuvo Bart Johnson fue la mejor de la historia de la Lvbp de un la… - 5 years ago

@IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con… - 5 years ago

@martymaciaszek: @AlexanderRaine7 Two hard throwers. RIP to Bart Johnson who passed away a few days ago. - 5 years ago

@AlexanderRaine7: Game 346 5/10/73 CHW (8-18) @ CAL (7-19) The dregs of the AL West are gonna get together for 4 games in the Big A t… - 5 years ago

@hsmtmtsfan4life: RT @BoshuaJassett: .@bart_johnson thank you for this spectacular piece of cinema - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Sax great Bootsie Banes; MLB's Bart Johnson, Dan Walters; writer Leonie Kooiker; rapper Fred… - 5 years ago

@matt_bart: Larry Johnson about to go nuts. - 5 years ago

@_ElizabethRUk: RT @KayCeeStroh: Wildcat Pep Talk from Coach Bolton! #DisneyFamilySingalong #hsm #WereAllInThisTogether @ABCNetwork @bart_johnson @gimmemot… - 5 years ago

@gomzsab: this is a bart johnson stan account only zoe watch out - 5 years ago

@gomzsab: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson I LOVE HIM PLS - 5 years ago

@gomzsab: RT @invinciblebowen: “i wanna say hi to jbm” WE LOVE YOU @bart_johnson ❤️🏀🐾🐾 - 5 years ago

@toniasaltxx: @bart_johnson low key became the hottest from HSM - 5 years ago

@sofiasbassett: RT @invinciblebowen: “i wanna say hi to jbm” WE LOVE YOU @bart_johnson ❤️🏀🐾🐾 - 5 years ago

@sofiasbassett: RT @sunsetwylie: "jbm; once a wildcat, always a wildcat" - @bart_johnson JBM LOVES (1) MAN - 5 years ago

@wqnderIst: RT @invinciblebowen: “i wanna say hi to jbm” WE LOVE YOU @bart_johnson ❤️🏀🐾🐾 - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @livbaguette @BoshuaJassett @bart_johnson duh that would be wild if it was kdndj - 5 years ago

@livbaguette: @sabrinasbowen @BoshuaJassett @bart_johnson this is not surprising coming from you - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @livbaguette @BoshuaJassett @bart_johnson pls maëva he himself is the best part about all three movies - 5 years ago

@BoshuaJassett: @livbaguette @bart_johnson THE TASTE - 5 years ago

@livbaguette: @BoshuaJassett @bart_johnson my favorite line of all hsm movies - 5 years ago

@KylerStPhard: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson @ZacEfron it’s just facts! - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @KylerStPhard @bart_johnson @ZacEfron im glad you agree - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @BoshuaJassett @bart_johnson amen !!!! - 5 years ago

@KylerStPhard: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson @ZacEfron after all, who coached Troy Bolton to be a star baller??? Of COURSE he’s the better player - 5 years ago

@BoshuaJassett: .@bart_johnson thank you for this spectacular piece of cinema - 5 years ago

@kourtxlights: RT @sunsetwylie: "jbm; once a wildcat, always a wildcat" - @bart_johnson JBM LOVES (1) MAN - 5 years ago

@kourtxlights: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson OMG - 5 years ago

@kourtxlights: RT @invinciblebowen: “i wanna say hi to jbm” WE LOVE YOU @bart_johnson ❤️🏀🐾🐾 - 5 years ago

@bartjohnsonfan: daily "i love @bart_johnson " day 59 - 5 years ago

@sunsetwylie: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson he's so nice i love :( - 5 years ago

@sunsetwylie: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson UNITY AND PATRI I LOVE U - 5 years ago

@wonderingbrina: RT @invinciblebowen: “i wanna say hi to jbm” WE LOVE YOU @bart_johnson ❤️🏀🐾🐾 - 5 years ago

@invinciblebowen: RT @sunsetwylie: "jbm; once a wildcat, always a wildcat" - @bart_johnson JBM LOVES (1) MAN - 5 years ago

@sunsetwylie: RT @invinciblebowen: bart johnson single handily brought me back to twitter HE IS AN ANGEL - 5 years ago

@saozrse: RT @invinciblebowen: “i wanna say hi to jbm” WE LOVE YOU @bart_johnson ❤️🏀🐾🐾 - 5 years ago

@sunsetwylie: "jbm; once a wildcat, always a wildcat" - @bart_johnson JBM LOVES (1) MAN - 5 years ago

@fakinfilms: @invinciblebowen @bart_johnson IM SCREAMING - 5 years ago

@chikano_kj8: RT @KayCeeStroh: Wildcat Pep Talk from Coach Bolton! #DisneyFamilySingalong #hsm #WereAllInThisTogether @ABCNetwork @bart_johnson @gimmemot… - 5 years ago

@ildejl: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con… - 5 years ago

@estefania_ballV: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@yeli_requena: RT @ACardenas13: @tripleplayha @yeli_requena @CarlosValmore Aunque no lo vi jugar, puedo compartir anécdotas que contó para su libro: cuand… - 5 years ago

@jose_goicochea: RT @ACardenas13: @tripleplayha @yeli_requena @CarlosValmore Aunque no lo vi jugar, puedo compartir anécdotas que contó para su libro: cuand… - 5 years ago

@tripleplayha: RT @ACardenas13: @tripleplayha @yeli_requena @CarlosValmore Aunque no lo vi jugar, puedo compartir anécdotas que contó para su libro: cuand… - 5 years ago

@ACardenas13: @tripleplayha @yeli_requena @CarlosValmore Aunque no lo vi jugar, puedo compartir anécdotas que contó para su libro… - 5 years ago

@mx_nhc: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@JasonConnor612: - 5 years ago

@mountainsrjb: @CHlLLSBESSON @bart_johnson do it for a laugh x - 5 years ago

@waveslily: @bart_johnson teach us basketball - 5 years ago

@Wilfred27934805: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@ildejl: RT @lavozaguilucho: Bart Johnson (+), uno de los mejores pitcher extranjero que ha venido con @aguilasdelzulia en su historia. Vino en 2 op… - 5 years ago

@DouglasBukowsk1: Would it be too much to ask the White Sox to take time away from news of bracket play (?!) and note the passing of… - 5 years ago

@Intrepido221BX: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@Hildemir_38874: RT @tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su mejor t… - 5 years ago

@emma_nhc: RT @heroftblake: @BaileeMadison COACH BOLTON!!!!! @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@lefarey: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@heroftblake: @BaileeMadison COACH BOLTON!!!!! @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@eldingocriollo: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@beisbolporgotas: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@ccusson1122: @dannykanell Or maybe nobody knows until they get opportunity and start playing at the pro level. See: Tom Brady, R… - 5 years ago

@OscarArmao: RT @IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con las… - 5 years ago

@IgnacioSerrano: El Zulia lamenta el fallecimiento de Bart Johnson, ex grandeliga. Ganó la Triple Corona del picheo en la #LVBP con… - 5 years ago

@coachjcsoto: RT @lavozaguilucho: Bart Johnson (+), uno de los mejores pitcher extranjero que ha venido con @aguilasdelzulia en su historia. Vino en 2 op… - 5 years ago

@clara62775805: @bart_johnson @ZacEfron BART WE NEED A HSM 4 @KennyOrtegaBlog @ChuckyKlapow @Disney WE NEED USE TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN WILDCATS❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@lavozaguilucho: Bart Johnson (+), uno de los mejores pitcher extranjero que ha venido con @aguilasdelzulia en su historia. Vino en… - 5 years ago

@alicebell1903: @bart_johnson in @NewHopeClub worse video has made my week🤩😂 - 5 years ago

@TripleTwistGym: @OutrageousBook1 We’re watching it right now too! It’s so weird hearing Bart commentate for Brandy Johnson! I’m use… - 5 years ago

@Nana_MAGA2020: RT @CelebFlatline: Bart Johnson, longtime White Sox pitcher & scout, is dead today. Sox first round pick in 1968, led team with 14 saves in… - 5 years ago

@hallieQheff: @bart_johnson A question came up last night; What was Mrs. Bolton’s line of work, because your house was HUGE (and… - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @mcveyscutie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge dziekuje!!! - 5 years ago

@VeronaL82716746: RT @VeronaL82716746: All out 60's Ready for the red carpet ✨ @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @BaileeMadison… - 5 years ago

@NewHopeBlakeBot: RT @BaileeMadison: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB @bart_johnson HI DAVID we love… - 5 years ago

@Newhopelou_: @D_DELUISE @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB… - 5 years ago

@Bennie_Bart: @Jennyflower It will be 'Johnson's Pledge' - 5 years ago

@waveslily: @bart_johnson what’s the best high school musical? - 5 years ago

@shonamac048: @bart_johnson @xmeganlouiise but whats the best high school musical movie and song - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @NewHopeClub thank you for including @bart_johnson and @RobynLively in your video !! best decision made #NHCOnRadio1 - 5 years ago

@ILove5SOS247: RT @ikwydlsirwin: y'all better be thanking new hope club for having a wizards of waverly place reunion (minus selena and jake) and bart joh… - 5 years ago

@prfct_lmds: RT @RobynLively: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @Maria_CB @bart_johnson Best day w all of… - 5 years ago

@prfct_lmds: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@a_giingeeer: @bart_johnson My dream is to one day play basketball with you😋 - 5 years ago

@RobynLively: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @Maria_CB @bart_johnson Best day w all of you! 🙌🏼🥰 - 5 years ago

@bartjohnsonfan: daily "i love @bart_johnson " day 58 - 5 years ago

@bart_johnson: Haha hey thanks. ❤️🏀🐾 - 5 years ago

@bart_johnson: @shonamac048 @xmeganlouiise I always have chocolate milk. Always. - 5 years ago

@stydiallark: SHUT UP BART JOHNSON LIKED MY TWEET WTF - 5 years ago

@BillinghamShane: RT BaileeMadison "D_DELUISE NewHopeClub jenniferstone DavidHenrie NewHopeBlake RobynLively Maria_CB bart_johnson HI… - 5 years ago

@carolspxrker: RT @CharlieCassford: Am I the only one major fangirling over the fact that coach Bolton is in the music video🤷‍♀️🤣 @bart_johnson @BaileeMa… - 5 years ago

@teamalive9556: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@teamalive9556: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@elliieecampbell: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@DwBostwick: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@CCJSGilles: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@DwBostwick: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@Djjones1283: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@MaikoRoizz: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@RiehmMachine: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@magamsports: RT @BaseballDigest: We remember Bart Johnson - @whitesox 1969-74, 1976-77. Longtime scout for Sox (1980-97) as well as for @RaysBaseball an… - 5 years ago

@lily_bart: @toasterposey Fifth grade! Mrs Johnson, math teacher. I actually was the librarian at her grandson's school all the… - 5 years ago

@robvinopal: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@stydiallark: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson @RobynLively @NewHopeClub Okay bby - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @stydiallark @bart_johnson @RobynLively @NewHopeClub YES but stream the mv bc bart is in it !! - 5 years ago

@stydiallark: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson @RobynLively @NewHopeClub WAIT I HAVE TO GO STREAM. - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @gomzsab @bart_johnson @ZacEfron always !! - 5 years ago

@gomzsab: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson @ZacEfron period he’s superior - 5 years ago

@homesweetcara: @bart_johnson hello you made my childhood happy just wanted you to know that - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: @stydiallark @bart_johnson @RobynLively worse by @NewHopeClub !! mv came out today - 5 years ago

@stydiallark: @sabrinasbowen @bart_johnson @RobynLively WHAT SONG IS THIS - 5 years ago

@mountainsrjb: @CHlLLSBESSON @bart_johnson EM - 5 years ago

@CHlLLSBESSON: @mountainsrjb @bart_johnson LAUREN - 5 years ago

@MeaghanOfEire: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@ojec1234: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: the best part about the music video is @bart_johnson being in it and playing with the basketball - 5 years ago

@shonamac048: @xmeganlouiise @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@mountainsrjb: @CHlLLSBESSON @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@matt_bart: RT @PFF_College: PFF's Top Available Players: 1. Jordan Elliott, Missouri DT 2. Curtis Weaver, Boise State ED 3. Netane Muti, Fresno State… - 5 years ago

@xmeganlouiise: @bart_johnson what was your favourite hsm movie to film? - 5 years ago

@fredericknchgo: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@shonamac048: @bart_johnson gotta getcha getcha head in the game - 5 years ago

@JessicaFastball: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@fabinafan: RT @CharlieCassford: Am I the only one major fangirling over the fact that coach Bolton is in the music video🤷‍♀️🤣 @bart_johnson @BaileeMa… - 5 years ago

@shonamac048: @xmeganlouiise @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@proudofrydel: @bart_johnson me fallaste no le diste mg al tweet ahre - 5 years ago

@whyohwalls: Ya esta gente, voy a abandonar todos los fandoms y voy a ser fan de Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@sabrinasbowen: yes i just watched a six minute music video for this two second clip @bart_johnson @RobynLively - 5 years ago

@_katiebarnes: @xmeganlouiise @NewHopeClub @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson adore u - 5 years ago

@xmeganlouiise: @_katiebarnes @NewHopeClub @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @BaileeMadison… - 5 years ago

@duaxvandijk: @bart_johnson you absolutely killed it!! my 5 years old me is screaming coach bolton!! - 5 years ago

@_katiebarnes: #NHCWorsePremiere #WORSEOutNow #ItCouldBeWorse :)) @NewHopeClub @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake… - 5 years ago

@bart_johnson: RT @CharlieCassford: Am I the only one major fangirling over the fact that coach Bolton is in the music video🤷‍♀️🤣 @bart_johnson @BaileeMa… - 5 years ago

@bart_johnson: RT @RobynLively: It’s landed! @NewHopeClub video directed by uber talented @BaileeMadison! I♥️U girl! I spy some 80’s lookin’ #teenwitch &… - 5 years ago

@lyndonwise1: RT @BaseballDigest: We remember Bart Johnson - @whitesox 1969-74, 1976-77. Longtime scout for Sox (1980-97) as well as for @RaysBaseball an… - 5 years ago

@EnyolTorres: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@lyndonwise1: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@JosephBCioeJr: - 5 years ago

@pjmclaugh: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@shonamac048: @bart_johnson what is the best hsm movie and whats the best hsm somg - 5 years ago

@dennisedit: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@ChiFanDaddy: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@HSTomlinson_28: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@CharlesMcBarron: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@gustavogudino: RT @tripleplayha: Ay, ay. Hoy hemos hablado de Bart Johnson, y sí falleció. Apenas el pasado miércoles a los 70 años de edad. Luego que las… - 5 years ago

@WwWjBorges: RT @tripleplayha: Ay, ay. Hoy hemos hablado de Bart Johnson, y sí falleció. Apenas el pasado miércoles a los 70 años de edad. Luego que las… - 5 years ago

@VictorEspina_: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@tripleplayha: @AntonioCampa10 Si te refieres a Willie Davis, con el Cabimas en la desaparecida Liga Occidental. Si te refieres a… - 5 years ago

@eulaliadelvalle: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@joelrobertperez: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@jeanc1212: RT @tripleplayha: Ay, ay. Hoy hemos hablado de Bart Johnson, y sí falleció. Apenas el pasado miércoles a los 70 años de edad. Luego que las… - 5 years ago

@tripleplayha: Ay, ay. Hoy hemos hablado de Bart Johnson, y sí falleció. Apenas el pasado miércoles a los 70 años de edad. Luego q… - 5 years ago

@AndieMaria: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@GlennCartwright: @Maria_CB @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @DavidHenrie @D_DELUISE @jenniferstone… - 5 years ago

@lamsdmpm: @nestoracosta64 @aguilasdelzulia No recuerdo muy bien apenas era un niño a escuchar al premier Arturo celestino Alv… - 5 years ago

@BaseballDigest: We remember Bart Johnson - @whitesox 1969-74, 1976-77. Longtime scout for Sox (1980-97) as well as for… - 5 years ago

@keansburgirl67: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@ikwydlsirwin: y'all better be thanking new hope club for having a wizards of waverly place reunion (minus selena and jake) and ba… - 5 years ago

@freehan11: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@Jo_castromax: RT @GermnJRivas1: @tripleplayha @jeanc1212 Humberto, saludos, Bart Jonhson aparte de buen lanzador bateaba mucho, era un pitcher del tipo M… - 5 years ago

@vinniemackenzie: RT @sportsdeaths: MLB: Bart Johnson, age 70, played w Chicago White Sox - 5 years ago

@sportsdeaths: MLB: Bart Johnson, age 70, played w Chicago White Sox - 5 years ago

@GermnJRivas1: @tripleplayha @jeanc1212 Humberto, saludos, Bart Jonhson aparte de buen lanzador bateaba mucho, era un pitcher del… - 5 years ago

@jeanc1212: RT @tripleplayha: @jeanc1212 Jean Carlos, hablando de Bart Johnson, vino dos veces con Zulia. En la 70-71, creo que fue triple coronado, ga… - 5 years ago

@naturalsabs: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@ReeceCancho: @Maria_CB @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @DavidHenrie @D_DELUISE @jenniferstone… - 5 years ago

@Chisportsnut: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@shoequeen725: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@freddygmb: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@nikenpuspaar: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@tripleplayha: @jeanc1212 Jean Carlos, hablando de Bart Johnson, vino dos veces con Zulia. En la 70-71, creo que fue triple corona… - 5 years ago

@itsvibby: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB @bart_johnson IT'S AMAZING! ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Q_moneysports: RT @BaileeMadison: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB @bart_johnson HI DAVID we love… - 5 years ago

@emma_nhc: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@emma_nhc: RT @BaileeMadison: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB @bart_johnson HI DAVID we love… - 5 years ago

@newhope_lxj: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@ShayneBisarek: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@BaileeMadison: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB @bart_johnson HI DAVID we… - 5 years ago

@BaileeMadison: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@needyshe: @D_DELUISE @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB… - 5 years ago

@SylviaMuelaH_: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@itsvibby: @RobynLively @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson ❤️❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@yasmini25480014: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@Jack_KRTJ: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@Abbylyons03: @D_DELUISE @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB @bart_johnson ITS SO GOOD - 5 years ago

@Kevicho2408: RT @tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su mejor t… - 5 years ago

@Lantry36: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@BendaBill: RT @KaboomLip: Sorry to hear tonight of the passing of Sox pitcher Bart Johnson. Interviewed him in 2006, met him in 2012. Averaged 28 poin… - 5 years ago

@finelineisha: RT @waveslily: @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@waveslily: @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@Jun02712574: @tripleplayha Mi estimado tripleplayacosta tu viste lanzar a BART JOHNSON - 5 years ago

@BaileeMadison: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@zuricesia: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB @bart_johnson IT'S AMAZING - 5 years ago

@zuricesia: RT @D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria… - 5 years ago

@zuricesia: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake @RobynLively @Maria_CB @bart_johnson SO COOL - 5 years ago

@D_DELUISE: The Video is out! @NewHopeClub directed by @BaileeMadison with @jenniferstone @DavidHenrie @NewHopeBlake… - 5 years ago

@nasamcgarry: @juliaxpawlak @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @maddieziegler @DavidHenrie… - 5 years ago

@jimbigdaddy1: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@southsidehitpen: One more bump for what turns out to be a sweet @KaboomLip tribute to Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Gi… - 5 years ago

@NewHopeCherryy: @bart_johnson @justjaredjr You were amazing in it! - 5 years ago

@HeliTremont: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@DanEvans108: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@jpirelaf: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@UTZAAKE: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@freddygmb: RT @tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su mejor t… - 5 years ago

@1Random_Athlete: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@coachjcsoto: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@GoStros1: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@jcleonavila: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@BaileeCa: @bart_johnson @justjaredjr This video is sooo amazing! @BaileeMadison did a fantastic job directing!You all were fabulous!Bravo!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉🎈🎬🎶 - 5 years ago

@kate_youandI: @bart_johnson @justjaredjr You with the basketball....classic Coach Bolton !! 🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙 - 5 years ago

@clara62775805: @bart_johnson @justjaredjr BART WE NEED A HSM 4 PLEASE CAN U GET KENNY TO DO THIS AND CHUCKY @KennyOrtegaBlog @ChuckyKlapow - 5 years ago

@BubbIyBIake: @bart_johnson @justjaredjr what was you're fave part? - 5 years ago

@BubbIyBIake: @bart_johnson @justjaredjr it looks soo good!! - 5 years ago

@bart_johnson: Bailee Madison Directs New Hope Club’s Star-Studded ‘Worse’ Music Video – Watch Now! - 5 years ago

@el_manels: @RobynLively @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson girl you lookin fine as ever 💕 - 5 years ago

@TommyKomic: @RobynLively @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson @RobynLively Podcast in May? - 5 years ago

@BaileeCa: @RobynLively @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson What a handsome group!Bailee did an AMAZING JO… - 5 years ago

@zuricesia: @RobynLively @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson 😍😍😍❤️ - 5 years ago

@LabarcEnder: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@blemtown: RT @Baseball1727: @DickAllen_15 Bart Johnson threw hard?? White Soxs at one point had him Gossage and Forster. - 5 years ago

@hanneybabeee: @NewHopeClub @bart_johnson SO HAPPY 💗 - 5 years ago

@bradmeyer71: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@DrJauzMD: @cariandes Tienes razón, es ahora que recuerdo a Bart Johnson. Excelente pitcher y creo que fue líder en victorias… - 5 years ago

@jrlugo0: RT @tonosolerp: A Conversation With: Bart Johnson | InsideTheWhite Sox on Sports Illustrated: News, Analysis, and More - 5 years ago

@jrlugo0: RT @tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su mejor t… - 5 years ago

@reaganpaige8: @finelinereggie @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @D_DELUISE @DavidHenrie @jenniferstone… - 5 years ago

@jrlugo0: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@beeinchicago: Former White Sox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson dies - 5 years ago

@finelinereggie: @reaganpaige8 @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @D_DELUISE @DavidHenrie @jenniferstone… - 5 years ago

@reaganpaige8: @eviecoats19 @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @D_DELUISE @DavidHenrie @jenniferstone… - 5 years ago

@eviecoats19: @reaganpaige8 @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @D_DELUISE @DavidHenrie @jenniferstone… - 5 years ago

@BrianHoran2: @stevestone RIP Bart Johnson remember him well ,didn't they call Black Bart as a reliever because of how good he wa… - 5 years ago

@magamsports: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@Okamyg: I’m so obsessed with @NewHopeClub #WorseOutNow music video ♥️🥰😍😱 @BaileeMadison @ImMegDonnelly @maddieziegler… - 5 years ago

@JacobG88: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@bradmeyer71: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@RICHARDROTHSCH4: Bart Johnson former Chicago White Sox passed away at the age of 70 - 5 years ago

@JacobG88: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@JacobG88: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@xmeganlouiise: @worryxbws @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson adore you - 5 years ago

@xmeganlouiise: @recessbws @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson love u bby - 5 years ago

@LabradorMariano: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@worryxbws: @xmeganlouiise @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson wow u are incred - 5 years ago

@recessbws: @xmeganlouiise @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson stunning - 5 years ago

@jcperezccs: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@chicagofishing: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@redbuppy: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@OjedaRaymon: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@Orlandoeho: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@RonBohning: Bart Johnson, a former White Sox pitcher and longtime scout with the organization, dies at 70… - 5 years ago

@bernabeaperezc: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@hrblock_21: RT @scottmerkin: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on April 22. He w… - 5 years ago

@MatthewNichol5: @BleacherNation R.I.P Bart Johnson longtime White Sox scout and player. - 5 years ago

@fodmoviesite: RT @DanEvans108: I first met the late Bart Johnson at age 12 at a @WhiteSox baseball camp & he was a two-way player for their Appleton Foxe… - 5 years ago

@hrblock_21: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@BigHairPlasGras: RT @TimmyB121: @BigHairPlasGras @whitesox My favorite Bart Johnson card. That’s some windup. Rest easy my friend. - 5 years ago

@hugourda: @datobinario Saludos @datobinario hoy falleció Bart Johnson, pienso que tuvo la mejor temporada de un abridor en la… - 5 years ago

@chi73girl: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@TimmyB121: @BigHairPlasGras @whitesox My favorite Bart Johnson card. That’s some windup. Rest easy my friend. - 5 years ago

@rafa_abreu68: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@tonosolerp: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@Jaimebrachom: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@reiortega: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@WSoftbol: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@Salvadorjpaz: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@ildejl: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@GermanBigFan: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@tineo148: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@CharlieCassford: Am I the only one major fangirling over the fact that coach Bolton is in the music video🤷‍♀️🤣 @bart_johnson… - 5 years ago

@joandri8a: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@acr4880: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@mariomax7: RT @tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su mejor t… - 5 years ago

@zeahugo: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@DanCoreTheDemon: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@mariomax7: RT @aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en las t… - 5 years ago

@aguilasdelzulia: La junta directiva del club lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro ex lanzador Bart Johnson, quien jugó en la… - 5 years ago

@LuzinskisBeard: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@tmbracken2: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@chicagofishing: RT @ChicagoSports: Bart Johnson, who played eight seasons with the White Sox and later was a longtime scout for the organization, died Wedn… - 5 years ago

@NormSanders: RT @BigHairPlasGras: A funky farewell to Bart "Toys in the Attic" Johnson, who pitched for the @WhiteSox from 1969 to 1977, and typically s… - 5 years ago

@paperheartsljp: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge legend - 5 years ago

@jfortunabb: RT @ACardenas13: Bart Johnson, figura histórica de Águilas del Zulia, triplecoronado en la LVBP, falleció ayer. QEPD 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@ACardenas13: Bart Johnson, figura histórica de Águilas del Zulia, triplecoronado en la LVBP, falleció ayer. QEPD 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@iridescentnini: RT @bloombassett: wish all men could be as loyal as bart johnson is to the hsm franchise - 5 years ago

@jeanc1212: RT @tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su mejor t… - 5 years ago

@georgewithsel: @proudofrydel @NewHopeClubAR @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson… - 5 years ago

@BarstoolObama: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@AJEarley4: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@jeanc1212: RT @tonosolerp: A Conversation With: Bart Johnson | InsideTheWhite Sox on Sports Illustrated: News, Analysis, and More - 5 years ago

@ManolinOrtega: RT @tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su mejor t… - 5 years ago

@http_mxke: @NewHopeClub @bart_johnson yall genuinely won at life - 5 years ago

@LarryRafferty: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@LarryRafferty: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@tonosolerp: A Conversation With: Bart Johnson | InsideTheWhite Sox on Sports Illustrated: News, Analysis, and More - 5 years ago

@coachjcsoto: RT @tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su mejor t… - 5 years ago

@Baseball1727: @DickAllen_15 Bart Johnson threw hard?? White Soxs at one point had him Gossage and Forster. - 5 years ago

@EWilkowski: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@1st_Julianna: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@ckamka: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@dmiccaela: RT @Maria_CB: April 24th @NewHopeClub #WorseOutFriday @BaileeMadison @DavidHenrie @D_DELUISE @jenniferstone @bart_johnson @RobynLively @New… - 5 years ago

@KennJDodgerBlue: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@kmeehan67: @DickAllen_15 My first baseball glove as a kid was a Bart Johnson model. He is in my prayers today. - 5 years ago

@LiteraryStriver: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@Go_GoSox: RT @DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@DickAllen_15: Thinking about Bart Johnson & his family today. Great #WhiteSox memories - 5 years ago

@georgesvxcals: @proudofrydel @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@tonosolerp: Bart Johnson jugó con @aguilasdelzulia las temporadas 70-71 y 74-75, ganó 15 y perdió 6 con 1.93 de efectividad, su… - 5 years ago

@FamousPixs: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@zuricesia: @proudofrydel @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@prfctidols: @proudofrydel @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@proudofrydel: @bravebibby @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@proudofrydel: @akissbibby @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@whypermission: @nocontrolherron @NewHopeClub @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @DavidHenrie… - 5 years ago

@JimmieAllen57: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@fallingcantwell: @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @JoeManager @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@proudofrydel: @naturalsabs @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@nocontrolherron: @fallingcantwell @NewHopeClub @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @DavidHenrie… - 5 years ago

@fallingcantwell: @nocontrolherron @NewHopeClub @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @DavidHenrie… - 5 years ago

@fallingcantwell: @bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@0liviaravenclaw: @bart_johnson aka coach Bolton liked my comment ngl I was fangirling a bit🙈 - 5 years ago

@ggkulma: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@proudofrydel: @pushingbws @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@BigWindFrank: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@bravebibby: @proudofrydel @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@naturalsabs: @proudofrydel @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@akissbibby: @proudofrydel @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@proudofrydel: @smthbbys91 @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @focusatmendes @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson bozeeeee emi dziekuje!!! 🥺🥺 - 5 years ago

@MMAACoachHoff: A Conversation With: Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@magamsports: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@magamsports: RT @SoxNerd: RIP #BartJohnson Former Chicago #WhiteSox pitcher, scout Bart Johnson dies - Chicago Tribune - 5 years ago

@pushingbws: @proudofrydel @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@smthbbys91: @proudofrydel @NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson @D_DELUISE… - 5 years ago

@focusatmendes: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson julka jestes za piekna i cant... - 5 years ago

@LarryRafferty: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@S_Bart_14: RT @pauldehnerjr: It's pretty wild how Chad Johnson is still the gift that keeps on giving to the #Bengals organization in the often uphill… - 5 years ago

@magamsports: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@xmeganlouiise: @maya_lilyb @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson hahahahaha - 5 years ago

@maya_lilyb: @xmeganlouiise @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson why is this me though - 5 years ago

@Mojostarz: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@worseholland: @merle_kathi @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson oh my god thank you!!! 💛 - 5 years ago

@RockyLum: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@KeithOlbermann: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@itstomyall: R.I.P. Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@itstomyall: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@BoomerLifetime: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball card c… - 5 years ago

@PaxtonGuy1: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers former @WhiteSox pitcher and scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on Wednesday. Baseball… - 5 years ago

@teamalive9556: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@whitesoxglenn1: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@mcveyscutie: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge Ale ślicznie wyglądasz🥺 - 5 years ago

@xmeganlouiise: @worryxbws @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @DavidHenrie @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @D_DELUISE ILY - 5 years ago

@andrewluhan: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@BruceEastman1: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@worryxbws: @xmeganlouiise @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @DavidHenrie @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @D_DELUISE WOW UR GORGEOUS - 5 years ago

@xmeganlouiise: @lovestruckxmia @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @DavidHenrie @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @D_DELUISE thankyou angel! - 5 years ago

@lovestruckxmia: @xmeganlouiise @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @DavidHenrie @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @D_DELUISE stunning! - 5 years ago

@xbibian_: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@merle_kathi: @worseholland @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson @NewHopeClub - 5 years ago

@merle_kathi: @worseholland @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge… - 5 years ago

@merle_kathi: @worseholland @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson Okay wow I just… - 5 years ago

@NickKave: @stevestone @whitesox RIP Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@NickKave: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @merle_kathi @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge thank u sweetie!!! - 5 years ago

@merle_kathi: @medicinejulie @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge Love it, especially the shoes - 5 years ago

@xmeganlouiise: @_katiebarnes @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson LOVE U ANGEL - 5 years ago

@_katiebarnes: @xmeganlouiise @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson CUTIEE - 5 years ago

@xmeganlouiise: @ameliasxo @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson thankyou bby x - 5 years ago

@ameliasxo: @xmeganlouiise @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson E - 5 years ago

@jjs1306: loved watching him pitch and the Sox of the 70's. RIP Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@ameliasxo: @xmeganlouiise @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeClub @DavidHenrie @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson CUT - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @z_parkles @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge THANK YOU ANGEL!!! - 5 years ago

@ameliasxo: @KMTWHOLLAND @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @bart_johnson CUTE - 5 years ago

@LeftDefense_25: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @CelebFlatline: Bart Johnson, longtime White Sox pitcher & scout, is dead today. Sox first round pick in 1968, led team with 14 saves in… - 5 years ago

@z_parkles: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge ok this is v on point!!!!😍 - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @itsvibby @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge AAAAAAAA - 5 years ago

@whitesox: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@itsvibby: @medicinejulie @BaileeMadison @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge JULIA - 5 years ago

@maskedmauler1: RT @CST_soxvan: Bart Johnson, a first-rounder who made his White Sox debut at age 19, posted 14 saves in 1971. He also made 16 starts and s… - 5 years ago

@tnovaksuntimes: RT @CST_soxvan: Bart Johnson, a first-rounder who made his White Sox debut at age 19, posted 14 saves in 1971. He also made 16 starts and s… - 5 years ago

@CST_soxvan: Bart Johnson, a first-rounder who made his White Sox debut at age 19, posted 14 saves in 1971. He also made 16 star… - 5 years ago

@lwtseavey: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge you’re unreal🥺 - 5 years ago

@JoePieters8: @CST_soxvan Rest In Peace, Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@dufr01: RT @clevelandbeyond: 15 60 75 (The Numbers Band) The Agora Cleveland, OH April 8, 1980 FM radio broadcast Robert Kidney Jack Kidney Michae… - 5 years ago

@MyronUncle: RT @clevelandbeyond: 15 60 75 (The Numbers Band) The Agora Cleveland, OH April 8, 1980 FM radio broadcast Robert Kidney Jack Kidney Michae… - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @whypermission @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge I LOVE YOUUUUU - 5 years ago

@whypermission: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge I JUST SAW I LOVE THAT FOR U - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @adoreyousstyles @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge aweeee thank you!!🥺🤍 - 5 years ago

@adoreyousstyles: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge WOW U LOOK SO GOOD - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @whypermission @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge they liked my t… - 5 years ago

@whypermission: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeClub NOTICE HER - 5 years ago

@whypermission: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeClub !!!!!! - 5 years ago

@Ogie86022994: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@clevelandbeyond: 15 60 75 (The Numbers Band) The Agora Cleveland, OH April 8, 1980 FM radio broadcast Robert Kidney Jack Kidney Mic… - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @focusatmendes @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge oh we really do - 5 years ago

@focusatmendes: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeClub - 5 years ago

@focusatmendes: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece - 5 years ago

@focusatmendes: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeGeorge - 5 years ago

@focusatmendes: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeBlake - 5 years ago

@focusatmendes: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson we love u coach bolton - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @focusatmendes @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @bart_johnson @NewHopeGeorge posikam sie hahahaha - 5 years ago

@2Tabletopsports: RT @AlexanderRaine7: Another sad day for 1973. Bart Johnson, RIP. - 5 years ago

@bradmeyer71: RT @scottmerkin: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on April 22. He w… - 5 years ago

@bradmeyer71: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@bradmeyer71: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@MitchRosen670: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @CHlLLSBESSON @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson SAYS YOU WTF - 5 years ago

@CHlLLSBESSON: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson UNREAL - 5 years ago

@medicinejulie: @whypermission @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson I LIVE YOU!!!! - 5 years ago

@jkduszak: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@HotHamWater28: RT @nightowlcards: Too many of these lately. RIP, Bart Johnson. Sorry I didn't like your card when I was a kid. I know better now (His '74… - 5 years ago

@paperheartsljp: @fixedbassett @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson cutest - 5 years ago

@JustHoldOn04: RT @Maria_CB: April 24th @NewHopeClub #WorseOutFriday @BaileeMadison @DavidHenrie @D_DELUISE @jenniferstone @bart_johnson @RobynLively @New… - 5 years ago

@JustHoldOn04: RT @D_DELUISE: I ❤️ @newhopeclub ! New video April 24th #WorseOutFriday Directed the amazing @BaileeMadison: With @Maria_CB @DavidHenrie @j… - 5 years ago

@whypermission: @medicinejulie @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson PRETTIEST!!!! - 5 years ago

@YoungbrandtMark: RIP Bart Johnson! - 5 years ago

@emma_nhc: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@les_sox: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@JadeHubert4: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@sunlightsmithy: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@FranciscoJuly05: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@MWLtraveler: Bart Johnson played for the Appleton Foxes in the late '60s & early '70s. - 5 years ago

@san2388: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@metallic_lilo: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@bartjohnsonfan: daily "i love @bart_johnson " day 57 - 5 years ago

@beisbolporgotas: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@lduikcek: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@plovesreece: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@julietm818: RT @Maria_CB: April 24th @NewHopeClub #WorseOutFriday @BaileeMadison @DavidHenrie @D_DELUISE @jenniferstone @bart_johnson @RobynLively @New… - 5 years ago

@jujsolivia: RT @bloombassett: wish all men could be as loyal as bart johnson is to the hsm franchise - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @bethandoran15 @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson thank you xxx - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @ameliasxo @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson you are!!! - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @Nieuwenkamp_S @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson ❤️ - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @loveontourniall @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson <3! - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @wyrgeorge @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson me @ you! - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @BubbIyBIake @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson U ARE MY ANGEL - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @liannedekker_ @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson <3! - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @elinelrh @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson jij xxx - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @perfctlygeorge @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson YOU ARE - 5 years ago

@fixedbassett: @wyrgeorge @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson 🥺 - 5 years ago

@BART_SOMSEN: - 5 years ago

@wyrgeorge: @fixedbassett @NewHopeClub @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge @NewHopeReece @BaileeMadison @bart_johnson FAVJE - 5 years ago

@RustySilber: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@jocelynhunter11: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@chitownfan7: RT @scottmerkin: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on April 22. He w… - 5 years ago

@Joe_Brand1: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@ShackArtist: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@perfctlygeorge: @fixedbassett @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeReece @NewHopeGeorge @bart_johnson PRETTIEST EVER - 5 years ago

@ToolsyFielder: RT @DanEvans108: RIP to one of the best guys I've ever worked with, a superlative athlete & amazing mentor for me - Bart Johnson, a former… - 5 years ago

@ToolsyFielder: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@ckamka: RT @DanEvans108: I first met the late Bart Johnson at age 12 at a @WhiteSox baseball camp & he was a two-way player for their Appleton Foxe… - 5 years ago

@StevenLeeHolde1: RT @scottmerkin: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on April 22. He w… - 5 years ago

@Sam_Cinaferonte: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@storyofseavey: RT @Maria_CB: April 24th @NewHopeClub #WorseOutFriday @BaileeMadison @DavidHenrie @D_DELUISE @jenniferstone @bart_johnson @RobynLively @New… - 5 years ago

@storyofseavey: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@BIGHURTKNAPP35: RT @scottmerkin: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on April 22. He w… - 5 years ago

@DanEvans108: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@thainamo: RT @DanEvans108: I first met the late Bart Johnson at age 12 at a @WhiteSox baseball camp & he was a two-way player for their Appleton Foxe… - 5 years ago

@Shenandoah58: RT @SoxNerd: RIP #BartJohnson Former Chicago #WhiteSox pitcher, scout Bart Johnson dies - Chicago Tribune - 5 years ago

@thainamo: RT @DanEvans108: Thankfully, Bart Johnson taught me so much about scouting. Plus, he was an elite natural athlete. Coach John Wooden once t… - 5 years ago

@DanEvans108: Thankfully, Bart Johnson taught me so much about scouting. Plus, he was an elite natural athlete. Coach John Wooden… - 5 years ago

@DanEvans108: I first met the late Bart Johnson at age 12 at a @WhiteSox baseball camp & he was a two-way player for their Applet… - 5 years ago

@fredericknchgo: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@nightowlcards: Too many of these lately. RIP, Bart Johnson. Sorry I didn't like your card when I was a kid. I know better now (His… - 5 years ago

@DanEvans108: RIP to one of the best guys I've ever worked with, a superlative athlete & amazing mentor for me - Bart Johnson, a… - 5 years ago

@grrr18n: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@dreamingofliv: RT @bloombassett: wish all men could be as loyal as bart johnson is to the hsm franchise - 5 years ago

@invinciblebowen: RT @bloombassett: wish all men could be as loyal as bart johnson is to the hsm franchise - 5 years ago

@RockyLum: RT @SoxNerd: RIP #BartJohnson Former Chicago #WhiteSox pitcher, scout Bart Johnson dies - Chicago Tribune - 5 years ago

@RobertManolatos: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@RobertManolatos: @stevestone Very sorry for the loss of Bart Johnson for his family, for you, and the White Sox Organization. - 5 years ago

@scottf6f: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@BIGHURTKNAPP35: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@MMAACoachHoff: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@MMAACoachHoff: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@MMAACoachHoff: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@oliviaspogue: RT @bloombassett: wish all men could be as loyal as bart johnson is to the hsm franchise - 5 years ago

@SoxNerd: RIP #BartJohnson Former Chicago #WhiteSox pitcher, scout Bart Johnson dies - Chicago Tribune - 5 years ago

@BIGHURTKNAPP35: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@bloombassett: wish all men could be as loyal as bart johnson is to the hsm franchise - 5 years ago

@TheSouthS1der20: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@SGlochowsky: @GNSportsTV @DRoan @paytonsun @Matt_Fortuna @WGNTV Dan failed to mention on the 9 pm news that former White Sox pit… - 5 years ago

@PSUPOPS: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@soxmachine_josh: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@cherrydebomb: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@DewsSox79: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@tnovaksuntimes: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@phil_rosenthal: RT @ChicagoSports: Bart Johnson, who played eight seasons with the White Sox and later was a longtime scout for the organization, died Wedn… - 5 years ago

@CelebFlatline: Bart Johnson, longtime White Sox pitcher & scout, is dead today. Sox first round pick in 1968, led team with 14 sav… - 5 years ago

@inking46: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@21Showstoppa: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@ChicagoSports: Bart Johnson, who played eight seasons with the White Sox and later was a longtime scout for the organization, died… - 5 years ago

@SGlochowsky: RIP Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@radiojoee: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@RobHartWBBM: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@chi73girl: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@BrettBallantini: RT @stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wonderful… - 5 years ago

@stevestone: Sad day for the White Sox organization. A teammate of mine passed away. Bart Johnson’s journey is over. He was a wo… - 5 years ago

@slyrose1: @whitesox RIP, to my friend Bart Johnson - 5 years ago

@yyeeaaccrr: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@CushingLee: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@thollx: @NewHopeClub @conexaonhc @bart_johnson ooh i can't wait!! - 5 years ago

@amaymaggy: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@salviahexia_: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@Drey_Scorchin: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@georgesands58: @GlobeBobRyan i’m not sure if you saw it but @DickAllen_15 tweeted that Bart Johnson passed away . He was my neighb… - 5 years ago

@CelinaBarajas1: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@dashthebook: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@MDes25: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@WAVESBLAKE: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @Maria_CB @DavidHenrie @jenniferstone @bart_johnson @RobynLively… - 5 years ago

@uplukkuci: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@AndisRobeznieks: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@ChiTownSports: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@Go_GoSox: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@apindara: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@bigEdotcom: RT @MLBBruceLevine: Condolences to the family of Bart Johnson. A great friend and top shelf baseball scout.Came up in White Sox organizatio… - 5 years ago

@FlaShBloGLive: # Bart Johnson, a former White Sox pitcher and longtime scout with the organization, dies at 70 - 5 years ago

@carolinekuzel13: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@bazzixhonestly: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@WinWithMalliard: RT @dailyherald: Former #WhiteSox pitcher, scout Bart Johnson dies at age 70. @scotgregor has the story. #MLB - 5 years ago

@HotHamWater28: RT @AlexanderRaine7: Another sad day for 1973. Bart Johnson, RIP. - 5 years ago

@JimWilliamsCBS2: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@Sut_ESPN: RT @MLBBruceLevine: Condolences to the family of Bart Johnson. A great friend and top shelf baseball scout.Came up in White Sox organizatio… - 5 years ago

@starwart1: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@AlexanderRaine7: Another sad day for 1973. Bart Johnson, RIP. - 5 years ago

@dailyherald: Former #WhiteSox pitcher, scout Bart Johnson dies at age 70. @scotgregor has the story. #MLB - 5 years ago

@chi73girl: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@MLBBruceLevine: Condolences to the family of Bart Johnson. A great friend and top shelf baseball scout.Came up in White Sox organiz… - 5 years ago

@JohnEskraFox32: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@WeekendGabe: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@foxkickoff: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@mkos66: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Bart Johnson (baseball) @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #BartJohnson(baseball) add some flowers to their grave… - 5 years ago

@ksawilchik: @scottmerkin I vaguely remember meeting Bart Johnson. I think he was a coach or instructor of some sort. He never a… - 5 years ago

@Joe_Brand1: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@JWoolfy_12: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@whitesox: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Bart Johnson is no longer with us - #BartJohnson #Bart #Johnson #rip - 5 years ago

@gusbringglass: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@JRFegan: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@CooooooolThe: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@CST_soxvan: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@Chg_11Yrs_PR: RT @scottmerkin: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former scout Bart Johnson, who passed away on April 22. He w… - 5 years ago

@_milliekimber_: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @Maria_CB @DavidHenrie @jenniferstone @bart_johnson @RobynLively… - 5 years ago

@fixed_on_nhc: RT @NewHopeClub: ....... if you know, you know 🐾@bart_johnson - 5 years ago

@CoolJtj: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@_milliekimber_: @D_DELUISE @NewHopeClub @BaileeMadison @Maria_CB @DavidHenrie @jenniferstone @bart_johnson @RobynLively… - 5 years ago

@yourtinypilot89: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@KGertsen: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@pschneids1: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@BezLlama: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@ErikaLDavis9: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@Ogie86022994: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@IAmSueSue2: RT @DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@DickAllen_15: Sad news tonight about one of 1972 Sox teammates... RIP Bart Johnson. - 5 years ago

@WordOfScott: Bart Johnson pitched the first Sox game I ever attended in 1977. - 5 years ago

@teamalive9556: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@playdagger4me2: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@ConnorShipton2: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

@Iamsharknado: RT @whitesox: The White Sox extend condolences to the family and friends of former pitcher Bart Johnson, who passed away yesterday. Johnso… - 5 years ago

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