Bart Cummings

Australian race horse trainer won the Melbourne Cup twelve times.
Died on Sunday August 30th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Bart Cummings:

@ckckate: RT @garykingTDN: The @AndrewNJHawkins with a fitting tribute to Bart Cummings in today's @theTDN. - 10 years ago

@meta_guide_tj: Racing legend Bart Cummings remembered with state funeral - Herald Sun - 10 years ago

@theTDN: RT @garykingTDN: The @AndrewNJHawkins with a fitting tribute to Bart Cummings in today's @theTDN. - 10 years ago

@richardptodd: R.I.P. Bart - 10 years ago


@richardptodd: Cups King Bart Cummings farewelled after “race of lifetime” - 10 years ago

@racingraphael: @HugeBowman to think Bruce McAvaney on the bench! He should of just read his great article. Moment deserved better - 10 years ago

@AndrewNJHawkins: RT @garykingTDN: The @AndrewNJHawkins with a fitting tribute to Bart Cummings in today's @theTDN. - 10 years ago

@chare889: RT @garykingTDN: The @AndrewNJHawkins with a fitting tribute to Bart Cummings in today's @theTDN. - 10 years ago

@HorsewhispererU: RT @garykingTDN: The @AndrewNJHawkins with a fitting tribute to Bart Cummings in today's @theTDN. - 10 years ago

@garykingTDN: The @AndrewNJHawkins with a fitting tribute to Bart Cummings in today's @theTDN. - 10 years ago

@swainsoph: RT @ArrowfieldStud: Bart Cummings - master trainer, sporting legend & so much more than 12 Melbourne Cups: - 10 years ago

@Summerhill_Stud: “R.I.P Bart” - 10 years ago

@NepeanNews: RT @FionaScottMP: Today we farewell legendary trainer and Lindsay resident Bart Cummings. #RIP - 10 years ago

@RRobertsNews: Tig Notaro, Robin Roberts, Morris Bart, Shepard Smith, Erin ... - 10 years ago

@WeekendKingRace: MONTAGE: Great Bart Cummings Group race wins - 10 years ago

@atthegallops: RT @collingsberry: 'The Melbourne Cup’s ultimate hero turned out not to be a horse but a man.' Les Carlyon on Bart Cummings: - 10 years ago

@ZoueAndres: Bart Cummings: Racehorse trainer who won the Melbourne Cup, Australia\'s most prestigi - 10 years ago

@atthegallops: RT @AnthonyFisherOP: Vale Bart Cummings. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord & let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. htt… - 10 years ago

@IllawarraFlame: RT @ArrowfieldStud: Bart Cummings - master trainer, sporting legend & so much more than 12 Melbourne Cups: - 10 years ago

@nemoaus: RT @AnthonyFisherOP: Vale Bart Cummings. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord & let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. htt… - 10 years ago

@LeaderSportSA: "A winner in a life well run". VALE Bart Cummings, Legend of the KPMG South Australian Sport Hall of Fame. - 10 years ago

@OllyMursAllNews: Horse racing legend Bart Cummings to be farewelled ... - 10 years ago

@DHowardNews: Bart Cummings state funeral: Legendary horse racing ... - 10 years ago

@GyMcknight70: #Fondest of farewells to Bart Cummings, a quiet but complete Australian hero - 10 years ago

@DHowardNews: Bart Cummings state funeral: Legendary horse racing ... - 10 years ago

@tliSchlutr75: #Fondest of farewells to Bart Cummings, a quiet but complete Australian hero - 10 years ago

@blueskybstock: RT @ArrowfieldStud: Bart Cummings - master trainer, sporting legend & so much more than 12 Melbourne Cups: - 10 years ago

@FraserHernande: #Fondest of farewells to Bart Cummings, a quiet but complete Australian hero - 10 years ago

@inkmarksofsu: RT @ArrowfieldStud: Bart Cummings - master trainer, sporting legend & so much more than 12 Melbourne Cups: - 10 years ago

@blanca_mar2004: RT @SydArchdiocese: State Funeral for Bart Cummings, 7 September 2015 - LIVE from St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney at 10am - 10 years ago

@Sunline129: RT @ArrowfieldStud: Bart Cummings - master trainer, sporting legend & so much more than 12 Melbourne Cups: - 10 years ago

@ArrowfieldStud: Bart Cummings - master trainer, sporting legend & so much more than 12 Melbourne Cups: - 10 years ago

@LoniLint986: #Fondest of farewells to Bart Cummings, a quiet but complete Australian hero - 10 years ago

@DeweyWdcck23: #Fondest of farewells to Bart Cummings, a quiet but complete Australian hero - 10 years ago

@JarodShawry5: RT @CaroSearcc: Nice touch @thinkbigstud Bart's last Melbourne Cup wnr Viewed's flag at half mast as we farewell @job_ja_cummings - 10 years ago

@gordonlove10: As it happened: Bart Cummings farewelled at state funeral - 10 years ago

@Rachel4534: #Fondest of farewells to Bart Cummings, a quiet but complete Australian hero - 10 years ago

@value_punter: RT @ellinghausen: The House of Representatives pay their respects to the "Cups King", the late Bart Cummings, ahead of Question Time http:/… - 10 years ago

@SydneyUpdate: Bart Cummings farewelled at state funeral in Sydney - 10 years ago

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