Barry Lines

English footballer (Northampton Town).
Died on Friday January 13th 2023

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Barry Lines:

@EvelynSpring8: RT @RMcGreevy1301: In a previous life I studied screenwriting and a good script editor would have dismantled the BoI script. There were too… - 2 years ago

@RMcGreevy1301: In a previous life I studied screenwriting and a good script editor would have dismantled the BoI script. There wer… - 2 years ago

@stephengandel: @ramahluwalia And any commentary on the WSJ article from Tuesday “man who saw it coming” article - that’s the close… - 2 years ago

@barry_darkins: @afneil Along similar lines, how many people have frozen to death, or starved to death? - 2 years ago


@fbwa76: @Jamie_Hampton @Barry_Fulcher And tbh I thought she should have called it on herself at first too, but the more I t… - 2 years ago

@looking_finding: @CrimsonWally It does make sense but given the suit represents his reclamation of his family and main mantle, I get… - 2 years ago

@comicsAmy: @s_cman16 @JWTCosplay Wrong and wrong. Wally modernized Barry's suit to make it his own. The New52 took Wally's sec… - 2 years ago

@s_cman16: @comicsAmy @JWTCosplay The new 52 suit is Barry’s suit with lines my guy. Wally’s 2000s suit is Barry’s suit with or without white eyes. - 2 years ago

@forktown385: RT @ehscho: it’s amazing how well the milner-barry gambit works against the french, such exciting sharp positions within 20 moves (from a d… - 2 years ago

@MAndrewWaugh: @ozbob13 There is a *very* *very* big (895 A4 pages) local history of the Korumburra/Jumbunna/Outtrim mines, railwa… - 2 years ago

@owen_barry_OD: RT @Delvy_17: Can you guys in the replies stop making excuses of "m-muh localization how dare you change the lines!" and just admit you wan… - 2 years ago

@barry_devv: RT @ChrisFCB_: @BarcaUniversal He can give really good passes between the opponent's lines too. - 2 years ago

@crossgatescynic: The Banshees of Inisherin (Disney+). That was brilliant. Some proper laugh out loud lines & moments, mixed with rea… - 2 years ago

@looking_finding: @tuxedosaurus @SpiderKnightART Given Barry was always pretty big on the secret identity thing in a way Wally wasn’t… - 2 years ago

@s_cman16: @JWTCosplay This is why the new52 style suit for Barry was great with the glowing lines - 2 years ago

@looking_finding: @JWTCosplay Better yet, stop putting Barry in his pre-Crisis suit; the electric lines were cool & distinct Wally c… - 2 years ago

@ehscho: it’s amazing how well the milner-barry gambit works against the french, such exciting sharp positions within 20 mov… - 2 years ago

@owen_barry_OD: RT @news_merch: In addition to the various Blind Box product lines, there is a Sonic Prime 2.5 Inch 12 Pack! For updates on more PMI Soni… - 2 years ago

@OireachtasWIRL: @barrymward @FitzgeraldFrncs @mickwallace It really is unfortunate that @barrymward continues to parrot lines in fa… - 2 years ago

@lines_behind: @rebekkarnold Gareth Barry Aston Villa Man City Everton West Brom I’m sure there was one more… - 2 years ago

@barry_tuba: RT @historydefined: A 2000-year-old giant cat geoglyph found amid Peru's famous Nazca Lines. Read more: - 2 years ago

@Carnivore_Art: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@Omb_barry: RT @DVDJXX: Ice Spice got so many quotable lines it’s insane…I might be jumping the gun a little here but she really remind me of Jay-Z Rea… - 2 years ago

@TheBlitz1170: 1.20.23 - Between The Lines - Barry Lewis - Tulsa World - 2 years ago

@JulieCl34921700: RT @UniteWales: Picket lines across Wales are still going strong this afternoon. Thanks to our members in Carmarthen, Colwyn Bay, Wrexham… - 2 years ago

@TB_Rassilon: @DCUWORLD Those spikes I doubt are actually part of the costume, but it looks more like Barry’s costume in a burnt… - 2 years ago

@gingerfox72: RT @UniteWales: Picket lines across Wales are still going strong this afternoon. Thanks to our members in Carmarthen, Colwyn Bay, Wrexham… - 2 years ago

@Deplorable1619: @Ajsoti How is that. Barry was patient with lines and rosters. Lane mixes his lines nightly like they are in a blender - 2 years ago

@barry_huck: RT @VP: Let’s get to work. Today, we broke ground on the Ten West Link transmission line. Transmission lines like this will deliver clean… - 2 years ago

@regularonly: RT @CFBFacilities: District Electrician Phillip Barry showing the interns from @rltcfb METSA Engineering Program how to run new lines durin… - 2 years ago

@WANTEDSPEEDSTER: @lN3RTlA // Real! something he's say to Barry ( along those lines. ) - 2 years ago

@Jodieevz22: RT @UniteWales: Picket lines across Wales are still going strong this afternoon. Thanks to our members in Carmarthen, Colwyn Bay, Wrexham… - 2 years ago


@CymruUnite: RT @UniteWales: Picket lines across Wales are still going strong this afternoon. Thanks to our members in Carmarthen, Colwyn Bay, Wrexham… - 2 years ago

@janet74165976: RT @UniteWales: Picket lines across Wales are still going strong this afternoon. Thanks to our members in Carmarthen, Colwyn Bay, Wrexham… - 2 years ago

@pawleyalison15: RT @UniteWales: Picket lines across Wales are still going strong this afternoon. Thanks to our members in Carmarthen, Colwyn Bay, Wrexham… - 2 years ago

@SamFAHntha: "any interaction with Hog" Is he saying Hog didn't get any of his own lines? Did he have to advocate for himself a… - 2 years ago

@owen_barry_OD: RT @Bulbagarden: It might come as little surprise that the designer of the Tinkaton and Maushold lines, Megumi Mizutani (@megtany), also de… - 2 years ago

@jeffrey_melcer: @AndyGraz_19 Not only is Lane killing confidence of the youngs, he is burning the olds. That’s why they collapse ev… - 2 years ago

@myemail21479: @DSzymborski Barry Bonds 2023 Zips. 300 DH PA 250/450/500 slash lines with 18 HR. Easy - 2 years ago

@motownotaku: RT @RAZ0RFIST: The best of these is the Barry Goldwater line he steals, ("You don't have to be straight. You only have to be able to shoot… - 2 years ago

@ConnorTCleary: But I'm exceptionally proud of the rebrand I pitched, that Zane would be an "Irish jokester" who had been there, do… - 2 years ago

@GeoUmejr: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@SnowdenRacing1: RT @RadioTABAus: We are LIVE from the @GCTurfClub ahead of @mmsnippets Raceday with @AllSawted & Andrew Courtice @USSportLeo @stevejoseph… - 2 years ago

@RadioTABAus: We are LIVE from the @GCTurfClub ahead of @mmsnippets Raceday with @AllSawted & Andrew Courtice @USSportLeo… - 2 years ago

@seanlippel: 2/ After speaking with some entrepreneur friends I respect the most: below says one says: “Firstly, DCG is GMI -… - 2 years ago

@barry_bowditch: RT @RadioTABAus: THURSDAY: We are LIVE from the @tabcomau @GCTurfClub ahead of @mmsnippets Raceday with @AllSawted & Andrew Courtice @US… - 2 years ago

@SnowdenRacing1: RT @RadioTABAus: THURSDAY: We are LIVE from the @tabcomau @GCTurfClub ahead of @mmsnippets Raceday with @AllSawted & Andrew Courtice @US… - 2 years ago

@RadioTABAus: THURSDAY: We are LIVE from the @tabcomau @GCTurfClub ahead of @mmsnippets Raceday with @AllSawted & Andrew Courti… - 2 years ago

@AnneMarieFlynn2: Barry had a lot of lines to deliver that Mills didn’t, no real comparison in what they were asked to do. Mills is g… - 2 years ago

@TC1776: RT @UrbanikMarysel: @DC_Draino @SparklingWhit14 Elites will own everything. They are a handful. Once they are in power all money & property… - 2 years ago

@UrbanikMarysel: @DC_Draino @SparklingWhit14 Elites will own everything. They are a handful. Once they are in power all money & prop… - 2 years ago

@AndysDrawings: @CaptainDecoy @KurtBusiek IME the top-to-bottom, left-to-right thing doesn't work quite like VDU scan lines. The fu… - 2 years ago

@KingLuna174: Atreus I'd Ragnarok saying to Odin "Why'd you have to say that?" Or something along those lines really reminds me o… - 2 years ago

@barry_gabjack: RT @lolwestinghouse: Boris Johnson has reportedly hired top-drawer KC, Lord Pannick to defend him in the #Partygate enquiry. And yes, the t… - 2 years ago

@Watson_SLdn: “Waddle, doesn’t need light for inspiration” as he dances past the Milan defence with the floodlights failing in th… - 2 years ago

@MALGIS31: @thelivingtribu2 @callouswayne False. It’s physically impossible to tend to at that level thousands of people like… - 2 years ago

@milescanada3: @BarryMarkson1 Barry, you've gone round the bend with this one You are disparaging voters who couldn't wait in lon… - 2 years ago

@barry_devv: RT @DKostanjsak: @PremLeaguePanel It's actually quite common. Overload to isolate - left is the build-up heavy side with combination play… - 2 years ago

@dlorio1: @SoCalValleyGal Byedumb mouth running, no clue about reality, just read those lines from Barry Soetoro and DS 🤔 🤥 🙄 - 2 years ago

@BitchWithA_W: me, making myself late for work bc I'm trying to figure out when someone I Barry know got divorced, entered a new r… - 2 years ago

@ashleybeard25: @HMRCcustomers Response will be something along the lines of “sorry, where did you make the call? Barry” - 2 years ago

@HeavyTungsten: @TheTraderStan @zoepancakes_ 0 follows, 0 followers, either no activity before this or all activity has been delete… - 2 years ago

@JonormousB: @nerodsi @RazielTruly It does, followed by a cut scene with the cheesiest lines ever commited to script by the Barry Burton character. - 2 years ago

@RedLReviews: @Vaughanilla_ I feel like it’d be a lot stronger if they just straight up copied the S6 suit as close as possible w… - 2 years ago

@RaidersIHCMN: Raiders lines 🔶🔷 Forwards Connolly - Gomercic - Gulliver Sylvester - Novak - Roberts Ranson - Power - Ayliffe Ande… - 2 years ago

@laborradionet: Miss this week's Lunch With Labor? You can listen to the #podcast at David, Ron, Barry a… - 2 years ago

@laborradionet: Miss this week's Lunch With Labor? You can listen to the #podcast at David, Ron, Barry a… - 2 years ago

@barry_obinna: RT @FS_Yusuf_: One of the areas that Yusuf Datti will prioritize when he becomes the VP, is the project of unifying the country and closely… - 2 years ago

@barry_tuba: RT @fasc1nate: The mystery of the Nazca lines - 2 years ago

@barry_devv: RT @AamirMirS1: @Fotbalfann @eurofootcom @ArsenalAnoop Understand wt he said , read in between lines - 2 years ago

@cottonboy65: RT @NTFCPlayerVault: 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖☀️ ⏪Barry Lines 𝗗.𝗢.𝗕: 16 May 1942 𝗗𝗲𝗯𝘂𝘁: @ntfc v @Wrexham_AFC 25 Oct 1960 295 appearance… - 2 years ago

@goldenfleece72: RT @JeffAstleFdn: We are sad to hear that the @ntfc legend Barry Lines has passed away on 8 January 2023. Barry played between 1960–1970… - 2 years ago

@spin1963: @RHummBooks Could it be Rhoose, Branch lines around Barry? Mr W. - 2 years ago

@RBurns_10: @JeffStelling @SkySportsNews @skysportspaulg @mattletiss7 @PaulMerse Barry Lines made history in the EFL can we pay… - 2 years ago

@ntfc: RT @NTFCPlayerVault: 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖☀️ ⏪Barry Lines 𝗗.𝗢.𝗕: 16 May 1942 𝗗𝗲𝗯𝘂𝘁: @ntfc v @Wrexham_AFC 25 Oct 1960 295 appearance… - 2 years ago

@NTFCPlayerVault: 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖☀️ ⏪Barry Lines 𝗗.𝗢.𝗕: 16 May 1942 𝗗𝗲𝗯𝘂𝘁: @ntfc v @Wrexham_AFC 25 Oct 1960 295 appeara… - 2 years ago

@IRIEbredrenD87: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@RichardShenton9: Sad about Barry Lines, with Graham Felton 2 great wingers. - 2 years ago

@MariaSolOviedo1: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@GeoUmejr: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@BurstangelIn: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@n3on_f0x_Art: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@quinton_womack: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@T0nyTheArtist: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@sukoshi_kaze: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@DeputyRustArt: RT @DeputyRustArt: More on the AMA, some of the voice lines sent in along with some pacing and filter tests Feat. (check them out for sure… - 2 years ago

@ERodBuster1: @ThatRyanMolina Barry Gordon (Donatello & Bebop) is a lawyer in real life. In fact he would study for his Bar exam… - 2 years ago

@tjc1981: RT @ntfc: All of us at Northampton Town Football Club are saddened to learn of the passing of former player Barry Lines. - 2 years ago

@TheBlitz1170: 1.13.23 - Between The Lines - Barry Lewis - Tulsa World - 2 years ago

@RBurns_10: RT @NTFCPlayerVault: 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖☀️ ⏪Barry Lines 𝗗.𝗢.𝗕: 16 May 1942 𝗗𝗲𝗯𝘂𝘁: @ntfc v @Wrexham_AFC 25 Oct 1960 295 appearance… - 2 years ago

@emmascorbett: RT @ntfc: All of us at Northampton Town Football Club are saddened to learn of the passing of former player Barry Lines. - 2 years ago

@RBurns_10: RT @MirrorFootball: We'll have take your word for it. RT @demonskot Barry Lines of Northampton was the first to score in all four divisions… - 2 years ago

@RBurns_10: RT @JeffAstleFdn: We are sad to hear that the @ntfc legend Barry Lines has passed away on 8 January 2023. Barry played between 1960–1970… - 2 years ago

@RBurns_10: RT @ntfc: All of us at Northampton Town Football Club are saddened to learn of the passing of former player Barry Lines. - 2 years ago

@RBurns_10: RT @chronsport: Cobblers have paid tribute to former player Barry Lines who has passed away at the age of 80 - 2 years ago


@RBurns_10: RT @mrdanwalker: By the way, not true about Brett Ormerod being 1st player to score for same club in all 4 divs. Ian Ashbee, Hull & Barry L… - 2 years ago

@NTFCPlayerVault: RT @ntfc: All of us at Northampton Town Football Club are saddened to learn of the passing of former player Barry Lines. - 2 years ago

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