Barnaby Jack

New Zealand computer specialist and security researcher.
Died on Thursday July 25th 2013

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Barnaby Jack:

@celie_ff14: @sabuchasu @Jack_o_anima @Brad_barnaby いいですね‼︎FFの世界さながらに花火と酒をあけてやりましょう‼︎‼︎楽しそう‼︎

@Brad_barnaby: @sabuchasu @celie_ff14 @Jack_o_anima やめろ!!!!!

@celie_ff14: @sabuchasu @Jack_o_anima @Brad_barnaby やったあああ‼︎ばなびー家で暴れまわってやりましょう‼

@celie_ff14: @Jack_o_anima @sabuchasu @Brad_barnaby わーい‼︎さぶちゃすさんの夢に登場しちゃったぜー‼︎チビデブメガネがいたら私です(:3っ)∋


@Jack_o_anima: @Brad_barnaby 結構良い例えだな笑、ますますエオルゼアが学校じみてきたな!

@Jack_o_anima: @sabuchasu @Brad_barnaby さぶちゃすミステリは叙述トリックが深いな!! なおリアルせりちゃんは小柄なので1人はせりちゃんで間違いない模様。

@Brad_barnaby: @Jack_o_anima @sabuchasu よくみてほしい。 たぶんぼくも女の子枠に入ってる。

@Jack_o_anima: @sabuchasu @Brad_barnaby さぶちゃす目線で自分以外に三人いるということかと思ったぜ!

@Jack_o_anima: @Brad_barnaby @sabuchasu その6人とさぶちゃすで7人!解決だ!

@Jack_o_anima: @ssxlsb @Brad_barnaby 待ってまーす(๑´ڡ`๑)

@kb6nzv: RT @chriseng: Ahh @barnaby_jack stories. The one where he told the delivery guy he had bought an ATM because he was tired of ATM fees. @Sec…

@m1matas: RT @chriseng: Ahh @barnaby_jack stories. The one where he told the delivery guy he had bought an ATM because he was tired of ATM fees. @Sec…

@BarnabysRidley: Tonight at Barnaby of Ridley!! Jack and Diana acoustic set from 430-8 along with teacher happy hour &…

@cloud_099: RT @chriseng: Ahh @barnaby_jack stories. The one where he told the delivery guy he had bought an ATM because he was tired of ATM fees. @Sec…

@mischievousdude: The next song is dedicated to Barnaby Jack. "#hacker die lage ist wie immer: alles mist"

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