Baard Owe

Norwegian-born Danish actor (The Kingdom)
Died on Monday November 13th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Baard Owe:

@RUSHPRINT: Den dansk-norske skuespilleren Bård Owe er gått bort. Regissørene Bent Hamer og Hilde Heier minnes sine samarbeid m… - 7 years ago

@Nekrologium: Baard Owe, norwegisch-dänischer Schauspieler, am 11.11.2017 im Alter von 81 Jahren - - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Baard Owe (81) Norwegian actor - 7 years ago

@Mikhail_Aldair: RT @CriterionDaily: Baard Owe, who appeared in Dreyer’s GERTRUD (1964) and Lars von Trier’s THE KINGDOM (1994-97), was 81. - 7 years ago


@QuelleLove: RT @CineScandinavia: The Norwegian actor Baard Owe, who has appeared in dozens of Scandinavian films since the sixties, has passed away at… - 7 years ago

@FilmMad: RT @CineScandinavia: The Norwegian actor Baard Owe, who has appeared in dozens of Scandinavian films since the sixties, has passed away at… - 7 years ago

@Haugmoen: RT @CineScandinavia: The Norwegian actor Baard Owe, who has appeared in dozens of Scandinavian films since the sixties, has passed away at… - 7 years ago

@CineScandinavia: The Norwegian actor Baard Owe, who has appeared in dozens of Scandinavian films since the sixties, has passed away… - 7 years ago

@CineScandinavia: The Norwegian actor Baard Owe, who has appeared in dozens of Scandinavian films since the sixties, has passed away… - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Poet and translator Sarah Maguire; historian Momiz Bandeira; actor Baard Owe; activist Edith Sa… - 7 years ago

@CineScandinavia: The Norwegian actor Baard Owe, most famous for his leading role in Bent Hamer's O'HORTEN, has passed away at the ag… - 7 years ago

@mosmoscph: RT @Eugeniaplays: Siden jeg som 9-årig så Baard Owe første gang i Riget, har jeg altid tænkt, at den mand havde noget helt... - 7 years ago

@larryagross: RT @CriterionDaily: Baard Owe, who appeared in Dreyer’s GERTRUD (1964) and Lars von Trier’s THE KINGDOM (1994-97), was 81. - 7 years ago

@CriterionDaily: Baard Owe, who appeared in Dreyer’s GERTRUD (1964) and Lars von Trier’s THE KINGDOM (1994-97), was 81.… - 7 years ago

@ScreenAnarchy: Rest in peace, Baard Owe (1936-2017) - 7 years ago

@Vaskeropp: Ingen kunne si hepatosarcoma som Baard Owe. RIP #riget - 7 years ago

@CineScandinavia: The Norwegian actor Baard Owe has passed away at the age of 81: - 7 years ago

@Nicola_Gregson: RT @scanoircouk: Very sad news: legendary actor Baard Owe has passed away at the age of 81.He was still working the day before he died. Our… - 7 years ago

@madslethjorno: Min kære ven og læremester Baard Owe har forladt det fysiske plan og fundet nye "græsgange " Det… - 7 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Baard Owe. - 7 years ago

@NielsFrid: En af Danmarks mest karismatiske skuespillere er her ikke mere. Vil sent glemme Baard Owe som prof. Bondo i Riget: - 7 years ago

@FilmPosten: Baard Owe arbejdede helt indtil dagen før sin død - 7 years ago

@KulturNyt: Baard Owe arbejdede helt indtil dagen før sin død Baard Owe blev 81 år. - 7 years ago

@madslethjorno: Jeg kunne lide en video på @YouTube - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Baard Owe, you will be missed - #BaardOwe #Baard #Owe #rip - 7 years ago

@pew_dk: Baard Owe var på arbejde dagen før sin død: Kollega vil altid huske helt særlige kendetegn - - 7 years ago

@TurkanBalci1: RT @tv2newsdk: Baard Owe er død - 7 years ago

@GunnarArne: Och mitt i allt detta har Baard Owe - Dr Bondo, gått och dött. RIP - 7 years ago

@btdk: Baard Owe var på arbejde dagen før sin død: Kollega vil altid huske helt særlige kendetegn - 7 years ago

@GanjasmokerCb: RT @News7Danmark: Den danske skuespiller Baard Owe er død som 81-årig - 7 years ago

@GanjasmokerCb: RT @lydrummet: Baard Owe - sikke en fænomenalt karismatisk skuespiller! Havde æren af at lægge lyd på en af hans allersidste optrædener, i… - 7 years ago

@angelathompson5: RT @scanoircouk: Very sad news: legendary actor Baard Owe has passed away at the age of 81.He was still working the day before he died. Our… - 7 years ago

@Rotgrimm: RT @scanoircouk: Very sad news: legendary actor Baard Owe has passed away at the age of 81.He was still working the day before he died. Our… - 7 years ago

@lydrummet: Baard Owe - sikke en fænomenalt karismatisk skuespiller! Havde æren af at lægge lyd på en af hans allersidste optræ… - 7 years ago

@scanoircouk: Very sad news: legendary actor Baard Owe has passed away at the age of 81.He was still working the day before he di… - 7 years ago

@detstuerene: Skuespilleren Baard Owe er død, - 7 years ago

@deviralenyheder: Skuespilleren Baard Owe er død, - 7 years ago

@MortenMalmros: Rip Baard Owe - 7 years ago

@HansGorosch: Jeg sender en tanke til de efterladte,og beder en stille bøn. R.I.P. Baard Owe.... - 7 years ago

@SimonSvalling: Baard Owe er gået bort. Fantastisk skuespiller. #HviliFred #RIP - 7 years ago

@birch_jan: @KatheB1952 Doktor Bondo i Riget - tak Baard Owe - 7 years ago

@KristianWestfal: Baard Owe er død. For snart 20 år siden havde jeg den store oplevelse at træne Todo hos ham på Nørrebro. Han var fa… - 7 years ago

@peterpanik65: RT @tv2newsdk: Baard Owe er død - 7 years ago

@CineScandinavia: The Norwegian actor Baard Owe has passed away at the age of 81. - 7 years ago

@eliaseliot: Baard Owe var på en gang et af de rareste, og mest intense mennesker jeg nogensinde har haft fornøjelsen af at kend… - 7 years ago

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