Awtar Singh

Afghan Sikh politician
Died on Monday July 2nd 2018

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Awtar Singh:

@SunnyBa84752809: @kheripolice @Uppolice Sir I am afraid that Awtar Singh and his uncle Satwant Singh can harm me and my family becau… - 7 years ago

@Naeem121: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@xfr07: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@xfr07: RT @PathanAsmakhan: Awtar Singh while speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in… - 7 years ago


@akdwaaz: RT @hameedshuja: My colleague @ZainabMohamadi1 has put together a beautiful piece on the life, ambitions and the death of Awtar Singh, Afgh… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @ziarmal1992: The last memorial of slain #Awtar Singh "My duty is not to serve only my #Sikh fellows, I want to work for all Afghans. We… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @rahmanrahmanee: We r 12 members in our family. If all of us killed by terrorists we will still remain in Afghanistan. This country is i… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @PathanAsmakhan: Awtar Singh while speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @alibomaye: Awtar #Singh Khalsa at #Kabul's only remaining #gurdwara. At one point, Kabul had eight #Sikh places… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @FrudBezhan: Great video by @DaRadioAzadi on Awtar Singh Khalsa, a member of #Afghanistan's Sikh community running for parliament. https… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @axsharif_s: The only candidate to the parliament from the minority #Afghan Sikh group, #Awtar Singh fell victim to the attack of a suic… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @TheDutchSikh1: Son of deceased Awtar Singh Khalsa speaking to the media at Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar, Jalalabad in Afghanistan. 18+ ht… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @ascheema: #Awtar Singh Khalsa was a candidate for the only minority seat held for #Sikhs and #Hindus in Afghanistan's Parliament. Yest… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @QadirHabib: Awtar Singh after nominating himself for the upcoming Afghan parliamentary election: "I have always put myself at risk to h… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @SalahRabbani: Deeply saddened about the loss of innocent lives in today’s #terrorist attack in Nangarhar, including Awtar Singh Khalsa,… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@bharathkumarkk: RT @shafiqhamdam: Our Rawail Singh & Awtar Singh the most active civil rights and peace activist in Afghanistan, dear friends and patriots… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @shafiqhamdam: Our Rawail Singh & Awtar Singh the most active civil rights and peace activist in Afghanistan, dear friends and patriots… - 7 years ago

@TarotofDeath: RT @NasratSamimi: Awtar Singh Khalsa, the only Sikh candidate for upcoming parliamentary election is among dead in Jalalabad suicide attack… - 7 years ago

@simrann_3: RT @Manmeet96307677: Dozens of sikhs have been killed in a blast at Jalalabad (Afghanistan) Including Sardar Awtar Singh who was nominated… - 7 years ago

@alieviskandar: RT @FarangisN: #Afghanistan Awtar Singh, the only Afghan Sikh candidate running in October parliamentary elections, is among the 19 people… - 7 years ago

@Muhamma90917477: RT @Manmeet96307677: Dozens of sikhs have been killed in a blast at Jalalabad (Afghanistan) Including Sardar Awtar Singh who was nominated… - 7 years ago

@kaushikbanerje5: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: Afghanistan Sikhs are respected due to unrelenting patriotism and residence of S Rawail Singh and S Awtar Singh who… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @sikhsiyasat: Afghanistan Election Aspirant Awtar Singh Khalsa Among Those Killed in Blast; Sikh bodies condemn attack - - 7 years ago

@bremsstrahlunng: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@RabiyaAhmed16: RT @akdwaaz: Most prominent Sikh leaders in Afghanistan were killed in #JalalabadAttack Pics of Sardar Awtar Singh Khalsa and Sardar Rawai… - 7 years ago

@SikhGenocide84: RT @akdwaaz: Most prominent Sikh leaders in Afghanistan were killed in #JalalabadAttack Pics of Sardar Awtar Singh Khalsa and Sardar Rawai… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: Most prominent Sikh leaders in Afghanistan were killed in #JalalabadAttack Pics of Sardar Awtar Singh Khalsa and S… - 7 years ago

@mo_riarty: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@voidcast__: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@SKP_sanjay: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@WilbonF: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@jimmy2goodfor1: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@reddy_kanmu: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@SassiFarouk: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @AfghanEmbassyAu: Amb @WahidWaissi: Among the 19 victims, 17 were #Sikhs and #Hindus. Afghanistan, sadly, lost one of his true sons, Awt… - 7 years ago

@WahidWaissi: RT @AfghanEmbassyAu: Amb @WahidWaissi: Among the 19 victims, 17 were #Sikhs and #Hindus. Afghanistan, sadly, lost one of his true sons, Awt… - 7 years ago

@AfghanEmbassyAu: Amb @WahidWaissi: Among the 19 victims, 17 were #Sikhs and #Hindus. Afghanistan, sadly, lost one of his true sons,… - 7 years ago

@kunzz_sharma: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@Praphul20: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@AurTezHassan: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@Pal_Sag: Afghan President Ashraf Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh… - 7 years ago

@IamNaveenKapoor: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@kambojsush: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@hafiz_rashid: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @youssof_g: Barbaric attack that killed Awtar Singh Khalsa, only #Sikh candidate in up-coming Afg. parliamentary elections, is synonymou… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @NeenaGmep: Saddened to hear of #Sikh casualties in #Jalalabad attack More worryingly the news confirms that Awtar Singh Khalsa the only… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @Faisal_Imran13: Awtar Singh was to run for parliament, but he is no more with us. Sad news! - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @FarangisN: #Afghanistan Awtar Singh, the only Afghan Sikh candidate running in October parliamentary elections, is among the 19 people… - 7 years ago

@AmericanIndeed: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@672rahul: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@sidhant: RT @ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, following… - 7 years ago

@ShakibMah: President Ghani visits Gurdwara in Kart-e-Parwan area of #Kabul, offers condolences to the Afghan Sikh Community, f… - 7 years ago

@sikhs4labour: RT @NeenaGmep: Saddened to hear of #Sikh casualties in #Jalalabad attack More worryingly the news confirms that Awtar Singh Khalsa the only… - 7 years ago

@_Bajwa_: RT @TheDutchSikh1: In a recent interview, Sikh Afghan leader Awtar Singh Khalsa had said that he didn’t want to just serve Hindus and Sikhs… - 7 years ago

@Aadikia: RT @akdwaaz: “We must try to save our people from this chaos. By any means and at any cost we must ask for our rights from the government.… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: “We must try to save our people from this chaos. By any means and at any cost we must ask for our rights from the g… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: He added that after getting elected, his father will raise issues in Afghan Parliament to address the problems face… - 7 years ago

@WilbonF: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @israrWZ: Shaheed awtar singh khalsa, RIP. I am extremely saddened over the heinous attack on our beloved Sikh countrymen. - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: Awtar Singh Khalsa: “They gave the Hindus and Sikhs a place for rubbish disposal as a place to live”… - 7 years ago

@Harghuns: RT @TheDutchSikh1: In a recent interview, Sikh Afghan leader Awtar Singh Khalsa had said that he didn’t want to just serve Hindus and Sikhs… - 7 years ago

@Rockingsardar: RT @TheDutchSikh1: In a recent interview, Sikh Afghan leader Awtar Singh Khalsa had said that he didn’t want to just serve Hindus and Sikhs… - 7 years ago

@NageshraoH: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@jazzyrazberry1: RT @Manmeet96307677: Dozens of sikhs have been killed in a blast at Jalalabad (Afghanistan) Including Sardar Awtar Singh who was nominated… - 7 years ago

@AkramaKhan3: @DrBariHelal1 @KamranShafi46 @hameedshuja @ShaidaAbdali @a_siab @sid_abu @IndianEmbKabul @GMICafghanistan… - 7 years ago

@ManjyotSinghMin: RT @TheDutchSikh1: In a recent interview, Sikh Afghan leader Awtar Singh Khalsa had said that he didn’t want to just serve Hindus and Sikhs… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @TheDutchSikh1: In a recent interview, Sikh Afghan leader Awtar Singh Khalsa had said that he didn’t want to just serve Hindus and Sikhs… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @Drziaurahman: The peaceful Afghan #minority of #Sikh/Hindu tribe is targeted in Jalalabad. The only Sikh candidate of the upcoming Parl… - 7 years ago

@ca_xe: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: Sardar Awtar Singh and Sardar Rawail Singh are present in this group photo. They were killed in Jalalabad bomb blas… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @sanmeeet: Awtar Singh Khalsa, the only Sikh candidate for the upcoming Parliamentary election was amongst those killed - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @wtotakhil: Sikh & hindu community is the only community which has never, never harmed this country rather they have always been the vic… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @SajidArghandaiw: We lost two amazing human beings and true patriots today in a suicide attack in #Jalalabad. Awtar Singh, the only #Afg… - 7 years ago

@akdwaaz: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@moinaksg: RT @Manmeet96307677: Dozens of sikhs have been killed in a blast at Jalalabad (Afghanistan) Including Sardar Awtar Singh who was nominated… - 7 years ago

@moinaksg: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@bandyaOO7: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@asiah_riaz: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@BillionIndian: RT @Manmeet96307677: Dozens of sikhs have been killed in a blast at Jalalabad (Afghanistan) Including Sardar Awtar Singh who was nominated… - 7 years ago

@BillionIndian: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@tajmeet_singh: RT @bashirgwakh: #Jalalabad attack update: 19 killed, 20 injured. Among them 11 Sikhs that include the only candidate for parliamentary ele… - 7 years ago

@Shaveitforl8r: RT @Manmeet96307677: Dozens of sikhs have been killed in a blast at Jalalabad (Afghanistan) Including Sardar Awtar Singh who was nominated… - 7 years ago

@mshirin1: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@n_ambigai: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

@queentahmina: RT @hameedshuja: Awtar Singh whilst speaking to the BBC a week before his death: "This country is my motherland. There are 14 people in my… - 7 years ago

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